xt7kh12v6014_359 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1936-1937 text 1936-1937 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_33/2008ms006_33_4/26814/26814.pdf 1936-1937 1937 1936-1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_359 xt7kh12v6014 ;;__l;_;j¢i -101,
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G. R. Luke
F. C. Cola
J. D. Stansburv
C. H. Smiddia
J. C. Ballard
J. G. Byers
G. G. Crowder
J. J. Burns
R. E. Galbreath
G. R. Luke I. J. Greg0r·
T. H. Luke Burris Camnbell
A. J. McCarty J. C. Fawbush
A. D. Mattingly A. L, Murrin
Arthur Lynch D. L. Runner?
J. E. Raines A. E. shepherd
émbrase Jarvis h. W. J tnhblnfield
C. A. Quinn J. n. gldridge
P. L. Cola
C. E. Buchanan (Vacation} J, C. Ballard
L. H. Johnson Dan Vittum
Mariin McCarty C. L. Griggs
Clyde Clark G. G. Crowder
W. R. Rabinette J. i, mvers
A. J. Fawbnsh W. Kusch
J. L. Ivers
J. C. Ballard J. 5, Snrns
Dan Vittum R. F. Galhrenth
C. L. Grigas
G. J. Crowder
J. W. Evers
`Z . Kusch
J. L. Ivers
J . 5 . Burns
R .   . Ga lh reat h

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missaiou appointed by the fkovornor for the gmrposso of roportimc to him
on or bofom ziccamhar l, 1937, as to the aadv1sa%·»1lit;· of amend ing the
Unemployment Act to include port time pogvozxtsa, and the form asks that
you "usa the last available pag; 1—<>ll."
'fhorax coulr! bo szomo danger in 1311111;.3 out Lgies form which emulci work a
lmrdmzip on Home compzmicm. soma of the mines; Loves boon running full
time while: others imvo not worked ovor 4 to 10 days por month. It
would probably be mot to make tho report out from the nosxmvft full time
pay roll but in any avant I believe there ought to be   uniformity
as to the period. In other- words oooh coznnan} ’s 1~¤po1—t. s=};·>1:l~l comr
the soma period of time as xwavly no pos:-Able; otherwise, considorvblo
com°us=1r>n might result when tm Couxzuisslcnn comes to czonsolidutiwx of the
xzumarouss roportea T1 lad.
This is ra vary importvnt muttor mai I would nprwrocioto am oxp:·—m—=i T1
from each imiiviciuol C‘poz·r»t0r uml from that vm may ho able to got to-
gathor on Luc period to bee used.
Yours: vary truly
Geo. ri. .»m·:l

November 52 l957 6957 File 979
As you are doubtless aware, the government proposes to take a census of the
unemployed throughout the Nation at an early date. ‘
The National Coal Association is also undertaking to secure some figures
relative to the unemployment situation in the Bituminous coal industry. We
have promised to help the National in this proposal and I am attaching here-
to a blank form on which to advise the number of unemployed miners or wor-
kers around coal mines. You should not of course report any physically un-
fit, only able bodied men who are capable of being employed.
It has been suggested that you make the report as of November IO.
I do not think we have a great many unemployed around our mines; there may
be a few but the National would like to have whatever there is.
No company names will be used in this report; we just want to show the ac-
tual facts as they exist and I trust you will eo~operate with us to that
Yours very truly
Kg? /{K/fj ,
per week. He says lie foiiiidl
. 1 4
some few that have oeen l.l`}/lhgf
to exceed this limit and to them?
he has given timely wnmizzg. If;
they fail to c»bs<:i‘vc this law, hel
says, prosecutions will folk:-xv. ,
Inspector Hum also clieclcs ont
child labor and the safegiiziixl-3
ing in mills and factories of alli
·li;li·igcx·o1.is and lizizarclous 1:i:i<;li—’
‘iriery; which is commeiialoble
'work, us it has to do vsizli ilir:
Ipresciviiig of the licziltli, limb
and liie of workers.
He stated that his dcpzzrtmmit
lies no jurisdiction over the min-I
im; imlustry, because it has a sep-
zwatc and distinct department
which performs safety inspec-
tions in that industry,
,3 M »
s `~   A
,. l,;"'€'»\° ‘ ‘§·’ , n , 
#? 2 ’ ,· KM  
gy?   . » V!

Please fill out this card if you are totally or partly unemployed
Answer all questions promptly
·It is important that EVERY totally or partly unemployed worker in your household fill out a SEPARATE report card.
§kCl(.lllQ~1()l12Ll Cards (‘2ll1 he S(‘('lll'l‘\1 11*11111 your I>11$1lll21ll or post olliee. You Ct1llgCtl1t*lI)1ll2i.ll5\VCl`1llg these (Ill(*51lt111S,11i}`()L1I1C(’<1
111, at any post olhce or 1l`UIl1 any postal Clll[)lll_\'{‘(‘.
Do you live
]_ [’1·111Lt`1_1II11;11111· ______ __ _ _____________ ,_ V __ ______ __, ___________ _ ______________ _ V_____ Qll 11, t`;11·111`? ____________________
]`)1_iutJ full (l·`irs11 1fxl11i1il111 1l,:1>1,1 (\·(!Ft1l’ no)
address ..e_..,.......     eeeeeeeeeeeeee .   ,__,  , , M e     , ______,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,     W ,,,_,,,,,__,___
($11*1*1% :111·l1111111111—ror ll. l·`. 1) 1 1<`i1y_ 1111111, or v1llz1e1·j t(`o11r11y1 1S1111e1
2. Are you; lk~l11‘<`l\1*l1l)"1l1·` I    
, rein I 13. Sex tt`l ··1.1 ee.te.......e..... - ....._..e_.eee l\111lel 1·`e11111leI I
(11) Totally 1l11(‘11lI)10yt‘tl 111111 want work? ,r,,,,_ , ____, _ I M 1 *—
  )) 1
(by) ]);u·lI}· (.mp]Oy(.I1 and “m,I, more \\»I,I.]{-_>_ yyyyyyyy I I T_ llow inany hours 11111 you work last week? _?T liours i
1 1 .I1<11'1e, ·,vr;10"_ om:"
(O “1>1l~1¤¥ At ll I ·`;1 XX ·\1 ( ( ( · (ll 1111111 Lnter total ll|>ll11ll(‘l` of hours worked at .\1.l, ]<)lf>F texeept \\ P.-\,
¢`IU<`l`§l`lN`}' W0i`li1 »rrr . rrrrr..rr., . . V r.A»... . __ NYA, CCC. or other t‘llll‘l`!Il‘lll'}` 1v1·1·k1 1l11ri11u the week from
__ I _ Sllllllil}`, Xoven1l>1·r T, tlirouqh Sil1llI`1l;i}`, Noveiiiber 13.
3, Are you 11l)1e 1.0 \\'O1`li? 1_1`111·1·1<11111~~.1-..\ VF Ir] X11   I \_ Ilow lllitlly weeks 1li1l j`(>ll
I work 111 the last 12 1l1UI111l$? _ weeks
4. A20 211 1:1SlJ l>1I`1l1112l}'. .A....v.......,.A._,_._..,, 7-% years I m""""· ""“‘“ i`N""“H`
V ,,,4__ _, _,__ I 1jlll1t'l`1tl1ill 11un1l>er of weeks worked at .\l.l1 jolws texeept \YP.-*1
5 Color 1 - . 7. ~. 1 - 1
‘ , , I , 1 I Y\\ .1\. LL-C., or other (‘ll1(‘l`tZl‘llt‘}` workl 1111r111e; the 12 inonths
OI` I`z1CC t_(;l\•3(‘l{ one) ,,,..   11110 1 Nl‘§[`l`U E , ()1llt‘l` I {1111111 Noveinlner 1, 193tj, 1lll`UllL[ll k)('1UlJ(‘I` 1937.
9. \Yl111t is your O(TCll[):L11l()11, or kind ol work`? ___________,__,_,,__,_,_,,_,,_,,,,_,,__,_____,__,_____,__,,e,,_v,_,A,,,e,,_,,_________________________
(l·Z1:111:1»l1—~; 'l`1·11l111:1ker.waitress.\»a11·l1111:111.turn:l:1l111rer.ete,1
'1`heo1·e1111atio11 whieh }'1>lI give in i`tllS\\`l‘l`1111l1lS questio11 Ql1lll11l11·I` it`1 1l1·s1·ril1esth1·1v11rkyo111111. '1`he answer to the next 1‘I11estio11 Inuinher
10) loye1l :11111 want inore work`?. ,..... _w.._..wo1‘ke1‘s €0¤11“¤
worker in your family should make out It.) \\*U,,ki,,g HL \\‘I>·\v NYAXV (r1(’1(1, yourself
and return a separate report card. 1 · .,
o1‘ other t‘l11Cl`QCll(‘_Y \\'0l`l{.. ,1_,1 1 .,...   M. -.T..\\‘OI‘1{C1‘S
13. llO\V Illtllly I)()1`SO11S till} Illtllllly t1(‘[)(‘I1t1(‘Il1`1 OI1 }'t)l1 l`0l` S1lI)I)0l'1·? 1l)o11o11·o1111ty1111rself) e _, ,,,,_,..... . .,.,. _..;--... -1(1(‘I1CI1dCI11S
14. \Vl111t was your 1l11t‘1‘ll1`t‘;11~11y 01111,101-(111 :11111 Want, more Wm-1y} _i__r_ii_ ,,1 T. llow 1111111)* liours 11111 you work lust week`? __;_ 111j11_1r5
` ‘ ' 1lf1111111e.wr11e"X1111e"1
· Y   · ` ) ` V ` ‘ ‘ · .· W . . 1.
((1 “ Ulldllg J1 11 I     ·\1 1-11 · U1 (llllil 1 ]Q111l1‘l` 1111:11 l11ll1ll)(‘l`11l-l11)1ll`S worked :1t .-*11,1. ]<)l.lS 1exee11t \\ l’.\,
l‘iU¢`i`§CL“l1<.'§' WUI'11l· ..V~rrr~r - ......» . . .... . ..1...»...   1 NY.\, CCC, or 111111·r 1‘l11(‘1`!i<‘1l<'}`\\'<1I`l<1 1l11ri11,q tl1(‘ week fr1.1111
VT ____   511111111}*, N1,1\'1‘l11l11‘1’ T, tlirouuli Silillftlit}', N1)\'L‘111l}L‘T 13.
3. ;\]`C X1/lll ill)lC to \\`OI`li? 1_(.`l1eek11111· _--..dvL‘S e1 No       3.   11,“· I11;111)· \\·L1111{$ (1111 you
1 work 111 11111 111st. 12 1111.1111l1s? ;;—_;_ weeks
4. Age at lust l)1I'il11l21}’. ..____......., . ............ e-._-_ }'(‘;ll`$ 1 1*111·11r- 11111r">··1·1"
5 C 1)_   _ ____ K1111·r1111:11 11lllI1l>t‘I`11f weeks worketl ast .»\l1l1 jolis ('exeept \Yl".~\,
· O ( I _ _ 1 _ NYA, CCC, or other L‘lI1t‘l`!\‘ll<‘}` \\.1>l`l{l ll1ll’lllL[ the 12 1111;·111l1s
O1` l'z1(‘O 1<`11e1·ko11e).....\\ ll1l£‘ ,____ XVQFO 1 (11111.1 vA__ l·1'111l1 N1)\'L'llll)1‘l` 1, 1936, tlirougli O1·tol1er 1937.
9. 11*11111] is your oee11p11tio11, or ki111l of work`? .__..v..v...._. . ee...e_..e....ee_eee...e..............e._....ee..e..............e..__..______......,..
11Zx:1:1.1·!1~s: 'l`11»1111:;1k1r.11;1i1r1-ss,w1111·l11111111.f;1r111l:1l»1»r1·r,e1e.1
r,[`l1t‘(1t‘(‘1l1)lLlll)ll \\`lll('l1}`<11l give 111 1LllS\\`1'l' to tl1is (11lL‘S1l<\ll 1/l11l111l1t‘l` 111 1l1·s1·1‘i111·~1l11·w111‘ky1111 1111. 'l`l11· §11lS\\'k‘l` to t11e IIUX1 1111esti1111 (111111111er
11.11 ll(“F(‘l`llJ(‘S 11111 ki111l 111 l111s111ess11r i111l11s1 ry 111 \\'l1l1‘ll 11111 work is 11111111. l·.1111·r UX\‘\V\\'11l`l{t‘1`n lll 1111111 (11l(‘Sll1111S 11 :11111 10 if you have
neverl1:11'li?.. .... . _?,Aw0rl$ of lubnr |l]'(l(‘IllllL’Q nr mbsf l'11(‘llY1EQ llll(‘Y`NlI1l`(‘ uml
forvigrl cum1m·r<·l·, in cr¤·ut»· u Nuliuuul l.ub·;r llrlutilmu l& l‘<»I.I(r`Y
SI·Z("[`I(»N 1. 'l`lu_~ llvuiul by l‘IlI]>l¤>}`l'l`.$ ¢»l` tbu rigbl nl` (’lNl>l<1}'(‘(’S lo
orgguuizc uml tbv I`(*l`l152ll by 4‘IIll>l<>_\ll*l`S in u····¤·pL tbl- Ill`(H'\‘\llll'l‘ bf
c0ll¢·<·1ivo lHlI`;j&lllllllg' b—u·l to >l1·1l;<~s uml ()llll‘l` l`¤>rms bl lIlS2lI'}' vllwt bf
blll'(l{‘lllll;_f or ¢>bsl1·11<·ll11g ('l!1lIlll\‘I`l’l? by (:1) llllllillflllg ilu; <·lll¤:u·1u;y,
sul`l·ly, or <»pa·1‘:1li<¤n <»l` tbw i1n>l1·111m·11Iulitiws of <·n1n1m~1·<·¤·; (bl) <»¤·¤·u1·-
ring in llu~ <·¤11·1·l·nl of C(lllllIll’['i'<’Z lv) mut¤—1·iullyutl'¤·¤·tiug`.1w·sl1·ui11ibg_
gJ<10111 or l11t¤»tlu· l'llLllllll'lS ¢»l° l-¤»|n1111¤·1·<·l·.¢»1· ilu- ])l`ll'(‘S nl sm·l1
1112lll‘l'llllH or gnmls in ¢·1· (nl) 1‘2lllSlllQ` lllllllllllllilll Gl"
0mpl<»y1m·r1luml wugws in smb x·¤»bmu· us s11b»tu11liully li1ll`(>1`
Llisrupt llu; 1x1u1·lu~L l.lr)l` gmuls {lowing l.l`UlIl or intl; ilu; <·bumu·ls
of (‘l)lIllll\‘I'<'<‘.
ll,`b<> lllvllllilllly of l»2ll'Q:llIllll_‘;` lu»m·1‘ l»¤·lwm·11 <·111pl<»yl~<~s