xt7kh12v6014_355 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1937-1938 text 1937-1938 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_32/2008ms006_32_27/26450/26450.pdf 1937-1938 1938 1937-1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_355 xt7kh12v6014     /1 if ,/>‘ / 4
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"`V t BERNARD MIIULVER. Pr0r~,iii~e tile first of tie  eax-
end tqe company has already sent ns a renewal cei:·ti-A
if` iea te .
Since the to nd was made in favor of the eneieiff of
Harlan County wi thont naming the ~l2ei·it`f, we do not
believe tint there will ce any nee M: to execute `:ioni1*e and it seems now phat
we a ·e groiztq to be able to continue tile bond. .
Mr. .Ja;;wr>son can get in Vt}u\1C1l wit li us nnlien tne of;`;‘Cicei*s
are sworn in and we can go witn them to the €£1iei=ifi"s
offic e or you can send tne ofiieexvs by to see us, and
we will ao with tnem to see tne Sm riff.
ODD/.&.I.F Yours very truly
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JMAILRRY '1`;sTi¥;f€z£ 1958, IFl`L%i»3i’ DAY, JAHU;L;iY 5111, 19358.
J`=,;:z‘1rw.x·y ZEJTQY., 1958.. V
Spam mation nf Ei. K;. Samcuxzk, simziff U1?H&I'}.&!l Ciuunty,
it ia =s1;·d.¤;.m`:£.   J. 4;. C;,»x:n,;1;t bc au-A .;:2 iss uumisgr Lz£>_k:L>iX1'C·€»1
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gianici Corzwbt, being yreaeqxxt mzcasptuix amid a,ypcimtx;a&n’£. earn
he   duly Svaorn tu i`ai.i;11fully peusfomg tim duties of his office
and has ~:saqz.1ir<2d by ].zm.

.};¢biUA&iiY T.i3FJ£, 3.9158, B‘I;a;$‘s3 .Z2;J{, JUEQEJARY Std, 1058.
.Ta¤1u:a.ry Lérd, l9£5F5Q
Tfpcm Y"’)tiO`.X of IT. G. 3.·..z.~.·m¤>;’L, `l3iw;·i.fi` nf   Gsxznty,
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' he vena; duly sworn to fazithfully pcysfurzya the duties of mis office
amd sm required by l.e¤.w.

 Jam., 5, 1958
F"?. V. i].`LitEEH ;5;»!':f_:" *1,
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January 26, 1958 6971 Filc—l2l
Plcasc rufcr tc cur circular #6969 dutcd January
l9, cmclcsimg cct·j>i:.;s of Hrvusc Bill 27 cmd #28.
Situc<:· that time ccrtazin minor changes have bccui
mcdc in thcsc bills   cc>i*rcct-sd ccpics arc cuclcscd. hcrcwith.
Thc Gcvcrzicr sigzzad thcsc bills Monday, thc 24th,
rend caxch bill will bccmztic A lair   DAYS after thc dgjcn
;*.l1@.1<;J;;@ S l.¤t.¤.11<>. - .¤$1J;;ur2¤2-
Yours vcry truly
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lUnSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1938.
The following bill was reported from the House, ordered to be printed and re-
ferred to the Com ittee on Kentucky Statutes No. l:
AN ACT relating to peace officers and prohibiting compensation of sheriffs,
deputy sheriffs, constables, deputy constables, patrols and other peace officers
and deputy peace officers by private persons, firms or corporations; providing
for the removal of such officers so privately compensated, and for the removal
of sheriffs, constables and peace officers for neglect of duty in failing to
remove deputies so privately compensated; providing for the appointment and
compensation of special local peace officers; and providing penalties for the
violation of this act.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Section l. No sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, deputy constable,
patrol, or other peace officer or deputy peace officer shall receive any
compensation or remuneration, directly or indirectly, from any person, firm
or corporation, for the performance of any service or duty. Any sheriff,
deputy sheriff, constable, deputy constable, patrol, or other peace officer,
or deputy peace officer who shall receive any compensation or remuneration
directly or indirectly from any person, firm or corporation for the performance
of any service or duty shall be subject to removal from office, under the pro-
visions of this act, insofar as the same may be done in conformity to the
provisions of section two hundred twenty—sevcn of the constitution of this state.
The officers and deputies named in this section shall receive for the
performance of their services and duties only such compensation or remuneration
as may be regularly provided and paid out of the public funds to the amount and
in the manner provided by law. Any donations made by any person, firm or
corporation to any governmental unit or officer thereof shall not constitute
public funds within the meaning of this section.
Section 2. No sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, deputy constable,
patrol or other peace officer, or deputy peace officer, shall, while in office,
act in any private employment as guard or watchman or in any other similar
private employment.
\/” Section 3. No sheriff, constable or other peace officer shall appoint or
dr ./ continue the appointment of any deputy contrary to the provisions of this act.
{ W5Whenever it shall be made to appear by the affidavit of two citizens, taxpayers
M / ,/ of the county, filed with any such sheriff, constable or other peace officer,

 that thcro is rcssonablo causc to believe that any of thoir deputies is, or
arc, receiving compcnsation from a privato sourco or sourcos contrary to tho
provisions of this act, it shall bo tho duty of such sheriff, constablo or
other poacc officor forthwith to invostigato tho chargcs containcd in such affi-
davit, and upon finding such chargcs to bo true, it shall bc thc duty of such
sheriff, constable or othcr poacc officor forthwith to romovo any such dopity
from officc, and failure so to do shall constituto ncglcct of duty on tho part
of such sheriff, constable or othor poaco officor, and such sheriff, constablo
or othor peace officor shall thereupon bo subject to romoval from office under
tho provisions of this act.
Section 4. Circuit Courts shall have jurisdiction to hoar and dotcrmino all
proceedings for tho removal of officers and thoir dcputios under tho provisions
of this act. All such procoodings shall bo in equity, and tho procedure shall
bo as follows: Tho commonwoalth's attorney of tho judicial district, thc county
attorney of tho county in which such shoriff, deputy sheriff, constable, doputy
' constable, patrol or othcr peace officer or deputy peace officer shall bo sorving,
tho attorney gcnoral of tho state, or any throo or moro citizens of said county
may filo a petition in cquity setting up facts constituting a violation of tho
provisions of this act. A copy of such petition shall bo sorvod upon tho person
complainod against who shall havo ton days within which to answcr tho allegations
thcrcof, if ho shall desire to do so. Thereafter such proceedings shall bc hoard
and dotormincd by tho court, oithor in term or in vacation, according to tho
ordinary rulos govcrning prococdings in equity; provided that in every casc tho
court or tho judge thoroof in vacation shall rcndor a final judgment therein
within sixty days from tho date of tho filing of tho petition; provided furthor,
that tho court or judge hoaring tho caso may for good cause shown extend tho
` timo for tho final hoaring thcroof, but in no caso boyond ninety days from tho
date of tho filing of tho potition. Any such procooding may bo instituted and
prosecuted either in thc circuit court of tho county in which such sheriff,
deputy sheriff, constable, deputy constable, patrol or other peace officer or
deputy peace officor is serving, or in tho circuit court of Franklin County.
Such proceedings, if instituted by tho com onwoalth’s attorney, county attorncy
or attorney gonoral of tho stato shall bo in tho namc of tho commonwealth, and if
instituted by thrco or moro citizens of thc crunty, as horoin providod, shall
bo in tho namo of such citizens as plaintiffs. Whonovor it shall appear upon
final hoaring upon any such potition that any such sheriff, ccnstablo or peace
officer, is guilty of nogloct of duty undcr tho provisions of section throc of
this act, tho court, uprn ascertaining such fact, shall enter an order or judg-
msnt forthwith romoving frvm officc such sbiriff, constablo or pcaco officor.
Whoncvor it shall appoor uprn final hoaring upwn any such petition that any
such sheriff, constablo or poaco officer is rocoiving his compensation, or any
part thoroof, from privato sources in violation of tho provisions of section
ono horoof, or is acting in any private omploymcnt as guard or watchman or in
any othor similar privato cmploymont in violation of thc provisions of soction
two horoof, thon insofar as tho samo may bc dono in confomnity to thc provisions
of scction two hundrod twonty—sovon of thc constitution of this stato, tho
court, upon ascortaining such fact, shall ontor an ordor forthwith rcmoving such
shoriff, oonstablo, or othcr pcaco officor from offico. Whonovor it shall appoar
upon final hoaring upon any such potition that any doputy shcriff, doputy con-
stablo, patrol or doputy pcaco officor is rocoiving his componsation or any part
thoroof from private sourcos in violation of tho provisions of scction ono of this
act, or is acting in any privatc omploymont as guard or watchman, or in any othor
similar privato omploymont, in violation of scction two of this act, thc court,
upon ascortaining such fact, shall ontor on ordor forthwith romoving fromioffico
any such doputy sheriff, doputy constablo, patrol or dcputy poacc officor.

 Section 5. The provisions of this act shall bc applicable to all deputy
sheriffs, deputy constables and deputy peace officers for whatever purpose they
may be appointed, whether regular or special denuties or otherwise.
Section 6. In addition to the proceeding in equity for the removal from
office provided by this act, any sheriff, deouty sheriff, constable, deputy
constable, patrol or other peace officer or deputy peace officer who shall
violate any of the provisions of this ect shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor
more than five thousand dollars, or confined in fail, not to exceed one year,
or both, in the discretion of the jury.
§pction 7. Any person, firm or corporation who shall directly or in-
directly pay or contribute or cause to be paid or contributed any money or other
thing of value to any sheriff, denuty sheriff, constable, deputy constable,
patrol or other peace officer, or deputy pence officer, or to any governmental
. unit or officer thereof, either as a gift or donation or for the performance of
any public duty or for the performance of nrivate employment as guard or watch-
man or other similar private employment, except as provided in the next succeeding
section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall
be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars.
‘ Section 7%»~Nothing in this Act shall prevent the Governor from appointing
a special local peace officer, and he is hereby authorized to appoint such local
peace otficcr to preserve the peace, patrol, protect and preserve the property
of any person or corporation, for such tnnn as the Gevernor deems necessary, from
waste or destruction. Upon the application of the owner of such property for
such services, and upon the recommendation of the owner of the property, the
Governor will appoint immediately the person so reccrmended by the owner of the
property to be protected. Any person so appointed by the Governor shall have
all the qualifications new or hereafter prescribed by law for non—elective peace
' officers and no person shall be eligible fer appointment under this section until
he has established to the satisfaction of the Governor that he possesses such
qualifications. His authorized duties will be confined to the premises of the
ownership of the property te be protected, except while in pursuit of someone
fleeing from such place after committing sore act of violence or destruction of
said property. In that case, he will have the eutkerity to pursue such fugitive
and make arrest anywhere in the confines of the State of Kentucky. When special
services of this kind are requested by any owner, the Governor shall require the
owner to pay into the State treasury an amount to equal such cost of said special
peace officer, and the salary of said officer shall be paid direct out of the
State treasury by order of the Governor. The Governor may remove any person so
employed at will or upon the request of the owner of the property.
§ection_§, In case any part, section, clause, sentence, phrase, word or
application of this act shall be for any reason declared unconstitutional or
invalid by court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the
remaining portion of this act which shall remain in force as if such act had been
passed without the unconstitutional or invalid part, section, clause, sentence,
phrase, word or application having been incorporated herein; it being the legis-
lative intent that this act would have been passed in the language remaining
after the elimination of so much hereof as may be declared unconstitutional or
Sectipn_§, All laws or parts of laws in conflict orinconsistent wdth the pro-
visions of this act are hereby repealed; provided nothing in this Act shall be
construed to amend or repeal sections 5766a-6 te 57€6a—l5, inclusive, sections
779e~l to 779a—8, inclusive, of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, 1956 edition.

4 \
Y ‘

 I N S E N A T E
Regular Session, l95S `
Thursday, January 20, 1958.
The following bill was reported from the House, ordered to be printed and
referred to the Com ittee on Kentucky Statutes No. l.
AN ACT relating to the qualification of non—elective peace officers, re- ‘
moval of persons disqualified, providing penalties for the violation
of this Act and repealing inconsistent Acts,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
l. `Fo person shall be eligible for appointment, or if already
appointed to continue to serve as a deputy sheriff, deputy constable,
patrol or other non-elective peace officer or deputy peace officer--
(a) Who is not a citizen of the United States;
(b) Who is not twenty-one years of age or over;
(c) Who has not resided in the county wherein he is appointed to
serve for a period of at least two years;
(d) Who has ever been convicted of or who is under indictment for
a crime involving moral turpitude under the laws of this Commonwealth, or
of any other state or of the United States;
(e) Who has within a period of two years hired himself out or per-
formed any service as a_privately paid detective, policeman, guard, peace
officer or otherwise as an active participant in any labor dispute, or re-
ceived any fee or compensation whatever from any private source for acting
as a detective, policeman, guard, peace officer or otherwise as an active
participant in any labor dispute, or conducted the business of a private
detective agency or of any agency supplying private detectives, private
policemen or private guards, or advertised or solicited any such business
in connection with any labor dispute.
2. No person shall be permitted to qualify, and no person already
serving shell continue to serve as a deputy sheriff, deputy constable,
patrol or other non—elective peace officer or deputy peace officer unless
and until such person shall file his photograph with the clerk of the `
county court of the county wherein he is appointed to serve together with
an affidavit of such person setting forth the following:
(a) His full name, age and residence address;
(b) That he is a citizen of the United States and twenty—one years of
/ age or over;
E \/at (c) That he has resided in the county for a period of at least two
3 W years immediately preceding the filing of such affidavit;
fJ” /A?b (d) That he has never been convicted of and is not under indictment
Q M , for a crime involving moral turpitude under the laws of this Com onwealth,
“ of of any other state or of the United States;

(e) That he has not for a period of two years im ediately preceding the
filing of such affidavit hired himself out or performed any service as a pri-
vately paid detective, policeman, guard, peace officer or otherwise as an
active participant in any labor dispute, or received any fee or compensation
whatever from any private source for acting as a detective, policeman, guard,
peace officer or otherwise as an active participant in any labor dispute or
conducted the business of a private detective agency or of any agency supply-
ing private detectives, private policemen or private guards, or advertised or
solicited any such business in connection with any labor dispute.
5. Any false statement contained in any such affidavit as is required by
the provisions of Section 2 of this Act shall constitute perjury and shall be
punished as such.
A 4. The photograph of any such person so filed with the clerk of the
county court shall constitute a public record.
5. Any person who shall exercise any of the functions of a non-elective
peace officer or deputy peace officer in violation of the provisions of this
Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than $l00.00 nor more than dsoo.o0, or imprisoned in the county
jail for a term not exceeding six months, or both, in the discretion of the
6. Any person serving as a non—elective peace officer or deputy peace
officer in violation of the provisions of this Act shall be subject to re-
_ moval. The circuit court of the county wherein such person is serving and
the circuit court of Franklin County shall have concurrent jurisdiction to
hear and determine all proceedings for the removal of any such person, which
proceedings shall be in equity, and the procedure shall be as follows: The
Commonwealth's attorney of the judicial district or the county attorney of
the county in which such person shall be serving, the attorney general of the
state, or any three or more citizens of said county wherein such person shall
be serving may file a petition in equity setting up the facts constituting a
violation of the provisions of this Act. A copy of such petition shall be
served upon the person complained against, who shall have ten days in which to
answer the allegations thereof, if he shall desire to do so. Thereafter such
proceedings shall be heard and determined by the court, either in term or in
vacation according to the ordinary rules governing proceedings in equity; pro-
vided, that in every case the court or the judge thereof in vacation shall
render a final judgment therein within sixty days from the date of the filing
of the petition; provided further, that the court or judge hearing the case
may for good cause shown extend the time for the final hearing thereof, but in
no cose beyond ninety days from the date of the filing of the petition. Such
proceedings if instituted by the Commonwealth’s attorney, county attorney or
attorney general of the state shall be in the name of the Commonwealth, and if
instituted by three or more citizens of the county, as herein provided, shall
be in the name of such citizens as plaintiffs. Whenever it shall appear upon
final hearing upon any such petition that any such person serving as a non-
elective peace officer or deputy peace officer is disqualified under the pro-
visions of this Act, the court upon ascertaining such fact shall enter an or-
der or judgment forthwith removing such person from office as such non-elec-
tive peace officer or deputy peace officer.
7. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed;
provided nothing in this Act shall be construed to repeal sections 3766a—6 to
5766a—l3, inclusive, of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, 1936 edition, or any ap-
plication thereof.

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