xt7kh12v6014_346 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Insurance text Insurance 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_32/2008ms006_32_17/26285/26285.pdf 1943 1943 1943 section false xt7kh12v6014_346 xt7kh12v6014 __V~ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT
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g+;\C¤v;»F:_KS Bgnhghm c 1<;A<;0 ILL C I _> L, 94)
WRMR J. C. Bullard, Auditor
We ere sendiny you n copy of e letter therein we
reported your inventory figuree to the Insurance
The manner in which you.have estimsted the inventory
values in the nest has proven perfectly satisfactory
with the execution that whenever ae ‘».‘ huve en ectuel
physical inventory tehen, we should use the figures
obteined in this munner instead of an eetinete, even
though it may take slightly longer to reoort the
figures. till you see that you do this in the future
then you take your phyeicul inventoriee.
\ V \i/XVIJ H , .,LL,' '
D. A. Ziwmermen
oc: Mr. H. L. Hyers
Insurance Department

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Bonham, Ky., may 10, 1945
Mr. R. E. Galbreath:
A slight fire occured in the White High School Gymnasium Friday
evening, Hay 7, l945.
Fire alarm was given about 4:55 PI,
The gymnasium was decorated for a banquet, A light on an eytension
cord mas fastened to the basket ball goal in the rear of the gymnasdum.
The cord extened from the rear door "EXIT" light, and was trapped
several times around the metal frane which suspends the basket ball goal.
The light was inside a card board box which served as a shade, and the
opening of the box vas covered with colored paper. Fire caught around
this light. The box around the light burned. The extension cord burned
in two near the light socket, The socket and globe fell to the floor.
The socket was oherred and ode side of the globe was melted. The goal
"baok stop" and the floor beneath the goal caught fire.
‘ Hr. W. C. Toore, who was in the builiing at the time, discovered
the fire. All doors leading to the gymnasium were locked. It was
necessary for him to break out a glass in the door leading from the
Home Economies room to the gymnasium in order to get to the fire.
The fire was extinguished with one fire extinguisher.
Approximately $25,00.
Extension cords should not be fastened to or wrapped around metal.
Colored light globes should be used to produce light effects. Paper
should not be used for this purpose, nor to shade lights. We keep on
hand a variety of colors with which we will be glad to color globes when
globes of the desired colors are not available.
n 'vry /\  
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,2// Maste3@€;§hanio*
CGPY: Hr. Dotson. V

ggwvgzxs mgm, Kamen °”"°"G°‘   May 1**** 19**3
FORMR. J. C. Ballard, Works Auditor
voun Larvae gsgfszol Fire LOSS *    
White School Building Gymnasium
Thank you for your letter of May llth informing
us of a slight fire which occurred in the Gymnasium of
the White School Building on May Yth, and resulted in
damage estimated at $25.00.
As you are probably aware, a considerable part of
the property at Benham is carried at our own risk insofar
as loss or damage by fire is concerned. However, a few
items of property at Benham have been insured with outside
companies, and the White School Building is one of them.
In the case of a very small loss on insured property,
it is not really practical to file a claim, as the clerical
work required of both the Insured and the Insurance Com-
panies is hardly warranted by the amount involved. If
the present loss is to be only $25.00 or less, we feel
it is too small to be presented to our Insurance Companies
as a claim.
We do, however, very much appreciate your prompt
notice of loss and would, of course, file claim against
our Insurance Companies if the amount of damage were not
so small.
JC .7 L 0 I?}
\_ MV   .
/ /
Insurance Byvision

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g§;?¤Fg4MENT BE,NHA,1,£, KY, CHICAGO, 11.1...
OR WORKS June l5th, IQU3
Fon MR. J.C.,Ballard, Auditor
mw LETTER gsgffslc Contents of Commissagg
We note the estimated value of contents
of the commissary on your May report is $50,000, a drop
from $}-$6,000 on your March report.
On the basis of the later report we are
over—1nsured. However, before we cancel off insurance
we would like you to verify, if you can, the present low
value, and also let us know if it is likely to continue
for some months.
Insurance Dyéision

 It Treasury
Sept. 27,1943.
R. P. Cardwell,
Insurance Division
Motor Vehicle Liability Ga
Tregerty Damage Insurance.
As requested 121 your letter of September 23rd we   attaching
herzte a complete list of motor vehicles used at this operation from
October 1, 1942, to Sgptenber BO, 1943, incl.
Yours truly,
1 enc}., Asst. Auditor.

F°RMR· J.3.Bellard September 23,l9U$
Y¤¤R LETTER SUBJECT Meter Vehicle Liability &
Property Damage Insurance
For the purpose of estimating the Company's liability,
please orovloe us with a list of vehicles owned by I,H,Company
and Operated from your premises on the public highways, from
October l, lQU2 through Seotember KO, l9U3, The following will
assist us in compiling the necessary date —
Total number of units operated and kind of vehicle,
such as truck, tractor, semi-trailer, passenger cer, station
wagon or bus. (Number of passengers)
Indicate on list which trucks or buses are used to
transport groups of employes ou regular schedules. Trucks
used exclusively on Company property. should be set out
An early response will be greatly eenreclated.
/ to
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ln.urance Dlvision
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l‘5BYl})3»m, ny., cJ81T£1ELI°’j 14, 1i%4?>
mr. &. E. iézzibraath
House #78 caught fire baomlsy accnwgq, January 11, 1943.
Eire alarm wma given auouc $:50 yu.
Gauss: Fira starxsaca in cictnss closet a<2j·;¤1::1ng chimney:. were  
no break in chinmay, 2101* ware were amy wires naar the closst
to start the fire.
Damage; émproximataly ;a5£»0.00.
V 100 fast of ncsa from hose muse #6 amd. all the 2 1/2’° hose off the
fire ‘cruc1»c was usanz.
No damage to aquipusxzt.
/ Y
J_ »/’[*’__w /,      
`—,»__     {fz ,; " V
ff? Messier asgganic
Copy: mr. Jsallard { V

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