xt7kh12v6014_344 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1939-1940 text 1939-1940 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_32/2008ms006_32_15/26253/26253.pdf 1939-1940 1940 1939-1940 section false xt7kh12v6014_344 xt7kh12v6014 · Nov. 15, 1939
George E. Rose
FIRE - HOUQ§_QQ;_229
I attach hereto copy of Mr. Gregory's report of Nov. 15
on the burning of house #229, which was loceted on Meggerd'e Branch
just above the mectiue shop and supply house. This house woe burned
completely down about 2:30 A. M. Saturday, Nor. ll, l93Q.
The houee was occupied by-Sem Hobinette, who is e truck driver
for the etore. Trecticelly ull of his household woods were burned end
he did not have any insurance. In talkin; with Sem Robinette he eeid
that the fire started in tho opposite end of the house in which the
femily were sleeping end there wee e bi; fire which had e great deal
Op hguqwgy {hen hg first dieoovered it, he hue a large family of
children und by the time he hed them ull awakened end out of the house
with sufficient clothing to keep them worm the fire had then gained euch
e start he wee not able to save any of his household Eoods.
From investigations made and from what Sam Robinette said
the fire who not caused from on orerheeted stove or defective flue
or chimney nor one it caused fron defective wiring. This was e one-
etory building with nn unfinished attic. Nothing had been stored in
the attic.
Youre very tru*y_
ijbr K ,   4· i 4. V 4 L A ,'   V I   »
R. E. Galhreath, Superintendent
CC to Mr. Ballard -”‘

 Benhom, Ky., Kev. 15, 1930
Ir. l.¥.C&lbro2th,
house To. 229, occupied by Sum Aobimebbo, ies reported on fire about 2;3O Aj.,
Saturday wortizg, Nov. ll, 1TZ9l
Fire had gotten quite a start before being Gisuovored by ienantz. They had to
first ret hhe‘r children out ord then come to teloohoue office to reoort this
o) I L 4.
fire. They coolf not ~et to the toloohooe ni Taonine shop or Guy 17 Rohec es
both were closed at the time. You at  UGiLNU shoy do mom work on Friday nlgou
or Saturday night.
hhem we arrived, fire had gotten too much siart for ue to do avythimo toward
;• · ·· ·¤ ·   rr--; 1 ru _ —_· ¤ mn
putrin~ it out. AE did, howevor,puouze: AJ; nie 451 {Io; ¤ol.y manage;.
There is only 2 two iroh Tire rurwirm from Km~·&ri mtrnoi tc tV~ sro evi ono—
half inch wlug moor house lo. 229, and only eighty younds pressure uh hose House
“o. W? on foKni*l* wtréet.
Cause Q? fire UD¥T@7Th
Wire ranting from pple into house ”o. THQ Gil not ohow any indioarior of Eoin;
Exeraized .
All sQuij~or% { l@U Foot o? l ly@" *ov¤ E Tron *o¢¤ ¥ouro Vc, 17 rms u:o°/ also
IEO feet of hose was used off fire truck.
Mouse No. 229 was completely destroyed. Estiwated cost to replace this building
is ;l50®.OO
Ho dwunje to hose or other equipmont.
Yours broly,
})/$ / J i;  U ‘ V
....,}.4*.-   -.V _ ;...............
.i » Tasterfiecheuio.
  / r ,

17 .» »·   P" ·_¢ ‘\ »·
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-‘*L1r»% wsa U`. isb t.r·»;,* c:.:s1¢a   L; 
rr ¤;?.f2‘· %‘=1·   ·r 1:%   ni.; we L·=    11;-;;; x MF .;x· {zur
  w wrt.;} 1:; EF1 ·.-·—sAL·'J· ww 1a.»s:a·2t·
D are ‘c;w&;;,
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 ` Lgc. .;.. li, A; cn, Inmmunccz Dgyt.,
.i.—;k; 1;:: ¢;;~.¤is;@ 2-*M   sz i" .¤;: t iR>w_:
L`} Hq, ;se:i_¤;;;:,]?:y .,i.;11G.. Tam Ojfiejixx :1;;*4 zz;  »1;‘La3l`?;;}.;;' <’:Ei;Lisr:G, xy   ;__»=? ··;· 2; W; xi
gxvwie.   sw; 1··€;.zd .·.v;u·._.;;i i;`.¤¢a cri1J.;11·:y.
IL -   `bxuil es;;<;i;:.¤tud `Lhni; me da;.z·.(a;g; to $1;:2 bu1;d;n;;, is ~.pp:*0x~·
im ti jay $75.;.;.
You   ·?;:r¤.Q2,y,
wr-     ._    
CC · MI5 J- F. Nelson, Audj_·;O;·,

an yr; .· _ _,. *
'·•'-.T:»"`1Lv ·A;'vy ..¥_..:¤ ;_A M ;__ ;_.
YF- ;Z<.§1¤·‘E;;]?>;~¢;·. 3}* _
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·*· #- ·· ~· li <`—*¤ . -¤Sa·r .,¤¤mh¤:A5.—3

 Mzxy 2;, ]_9¢LQ,
Mp. J. F. Jiiqlesoxx Auditozx
, I
F:>1:*I.?1·. D. ii. ·JiLXmn@;*mnn.
MG aca   receipt uf ywuzc lcztmr of   Gtk; in .;..1ch you 4e:~
quant staxtc; unt ;s;v;j_11_g ’c;¤¥e ;·¤;j;g;·<> l of :1 L   l0y;.:3 nt. .H2m1`=m 1 :-0 WSIB
een.s::;;»·@d ;1i;1‘ic’cfL\r 111 1.Aii.1IU" <>`>¤;rr;L1<>;¤. fn: the z»ez:r?1\»d Igkw 1., .lE3J9 to
V D `, 0 I A J I 9
syril ba), -9%% by .\;»11*, 45,   this smiejxzzeznh ,3 zmieuskmd new ic,
'Rmzskz £i§f1lI‘G€3 umrsar the wax;-gag and 3;._]_¤~;;·i_g_·; qi? avmji·l0ye,x% i.nclu5,,d
in the 1’0l1 m;iu,; <1c;=
Wu. 1 iinsa ‘L'j. 7>.L&
Ik. QL   sa and D2r;r<;;t·s
ilu. J.     ly Orem
,:;n:mmn elm E Z·l}d.YL.(i}3.
T‘:;£.p€3I‘S und Ti B :.i_;1@ H€p8il`I+-<.;i3
?!1:,r:,;L1;s }3;;_2e.i.1*m-sx; ~  da
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iinae Un? }Ea—r·.»i1*me2i;
»~L3.?e, P J ~.J:1:‘?.
We:. J .:1.; :2 *—il§j,1'liZ. rs.
Y;:u;·z= tux gf,
.·[.&»3l}<.JYL13;I}` "`TZCZZL (lO-L .I]  
1 nucl. »¤.>J;’};€ AudZL‘6·`11‘.

gg;;q¤;LM¤~T Wisconsin Steel Goa}. Mines CH,CAGO_ .Ll___
¤¤ *~¤R*:·0m·;t.‘· as cmiblzm   :f`§,;:2;r·e¢s are
J 4 1 ·.
uzad for mx)? i.rxs2;>1··mz·:e pcli-cy cowsdzag W0r%;::m;°s
Gsmpansatirm ·z:»:y><2¤·‘=··a¢2 and are nemded pmmptlly,
  ,k`>g—\~,~.\f _ ` sj  

 ·,   ~ in .' / , *
1 _. A ’
1 " J
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 C U A L Eu; I N E S
EE..;&?€Lii§G.s .21* &£fw1..~i;E.€5.»;€·L1;·.%;L.
5*.7..61 , 1525. L5?

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 ,irr·. zurgr - l`{
° J. Q. Jhrietis Amy Fl, 1§%O
Sith r¤gwr& to tue insurance coverage {mr cash on hand
~t ?cn¤¤m, I am wuotinj uhcvrpts of n latter received mhis
wevk from Lin ;~·;.ll:u·l, 0;;,y  f.·¤:·L::a "m.z*?.i,t¤r:
"Ja nav; »; gui: Llxw pn iu=ur¤uc& c¤v@r;gs of $V,wJW.UJ
{uy ;·;» r` hrn; nu; z;;¢;i>nrLly, as sci Ely at Lhc
eu; of LLQ xcgih, our c»s; wm hqni =ilL exceed this
wmounu Ty ~b¤uL jl,i¤h.QG. ~hum Lhé axd mj the
ayuzxbk; 1--].2; at Lis: last of me vacrég cur rc:c·vi;>L: ara
-‘¤;LL&2I° E;¢;.vy‘ OD ;—;C»Z:OUJ1L of collection {OT mOI1T.l1].y
Hcccumts ‘uimh n iurwily iucrewuas the amount sf
cash mzxumd,;JLh0uia» Jmm~¤i;s<#`Lhe·tmunt
of c;;& on hand wiil bv iu eng form of snacks. im
?=f%].}.¥`·`·f(‘ that anis ¤iruv@x·:·~_;[-gc; ,;;.;:11].1 be ixxcrcnsaéd E0
Q@,WJ0.0Q unuer cur burjl¤rJ Iuuurnncs. ~& will
&n&o»vor Lu goli the &mounL of argh on hand to the
very ;ini¤um."
If you &2sm it ··-A évisable for uni; inzgrgnca c»vmr5;a to
~ · ‘ ··     A · ~~···~ rx     sx . ..
me ;u:r@ and from ,»,x.u.eu _A,~ uO ,§,1q¤.¤C, w¢ fuuld be pl©;;ad
E0 l1*¤.fe= :‘!(`·`F2 {LUKE cure   thu? u¤¤.`L\;GI‘ 1`OT uS•
1,:0 lib V   `E   .;-,
-2 ·}. . .%·_2l-2*, Leuuem

 May C?, 1940
Stew¤rt—Kcator~Kossborgor & L dorer, Inc.,
175 W. Jac ooo Uoulovard,
Chicago, Illinois.
We have been odvigod by the ¥orxs Auditor of our Bonham, Ky.,
Mines that the amount oi casa they now have on hand at Limos roaches
$5,GuJ ond we, thoroforc, ask you to iucrerso covorogo under Mercantile
{xfs burglary Rolicy NS 64748 from EAGJJ to SQQ J.
Kill you kindly sono us endorsement covering this change, also
on endorsement choosing Eno nemo of that locrziom from Tiocousin Stool
Com»au Cozl Vines to International Harvester Gcooanr Cool Vines.
L3 ay. 4. J
  8150 &5i£ you 750 Seemgi   @:‘;c10TS@;n¤¤b covfsring tim challgrz of
name of 1noL location on Toymvstor Robbery Folicy No. BR 17735.
we also ask you no increase Borcontile Safe burglary Insurance
and Parroll Hcldo Inourrnco for our Canton Qorks from $1 O0? to $3 300
) I
  from $#2,000 to ‘§v5,0·J<1`> rc>s;;·oct1vo1y.
Very aruly yours,
J, Q. Curistie
CC: Mr J C Ballard, {ud. Coal Ninos, Bonham, Ky

 · a t _ Mly L4, QLWLO.
Ly. J. 14. I*r:rz;<:1·, A st:. Aucutcm.
. . , . 1 I
we rraa 1.11 x·a·<::.J.;=t of ¤>1n;;r fm Lr¢er,I1zc., Chtcnqqo, in cixich
..6 amzed frm un inert ism ca>t<.r¤¤»;c ulnlcr I4e.:rc¤·nt1la   Buriglcry Policy
NS 54748 JY?  Y;4;_;(>t;.t>() ts ._?;5<.2t,‘v;,x~ xyz .1..1 Le; surjziui nt {fl} tpggs cr rl; yi? any cyan mnt
lll aint ynrli gn ir 11:3. tp C ‘<;aw.d   c¤¤v·;ra:cl ery mlis 1z1sl.r<1;ea, and tc
c;:=»;·t   limlcl tm:  ,<>w;t; ;i” c:=;i.a 3112}. nd to rss gte; 1* ‘34,&;U¤Q.·ty.;   ye
pu sibly gym. lm sz sz i;.;;t.z1cez:2 Lt i ht czgceszd .;f;@,()1J,;.·,U, z.; t
t;_ qulci alt rr wxh jEi,;2_>a;.t;;).
Y0u2.‘&; tra; gf,
A jTS‘C;»,f TIN SQ"' QL (A.; L l L.`fi`fj§
  Audit Jr.


§§i?.‘ZL“E"* BENHAM, KENTUCKY CWCAGO. mt., september 25, 1940
Fon MR, J. C. B&].].51`d, A`L1dj.`t»OI`
voun L.z=:rrr-:n sumecr AU.`tLOID.Obl].€ Public Lj.&bl.lj.t·y and
°°` mg "°` Property Damage Insurance
Please furnish promptly e complete list
of motor vehicles that were operated on the public
highways between October l, 1939 amd September 30,
Ins ce Division

 ` -.. __ __ / _ ,__ _ _, \ _   if? .·;».>
...1.. . n. A.; M., L1;;<1;· A mx Lg ND., J *~•   v -~~ ·-·•
1 im ;g·=. J. A .. ¤·O]'1i.S
..e_L» ··ty D ;~_ m 1}.:;..*. GS.
  xx. g¤.4j-t.ci Ja; _.<.1;1r 7..   $° ..1;- c LL tc ,..rZ/ih, az r. ;;..i....¤:..1z~.{g;
 Kiztw K:. LI‘ ¤‘¤:11j.<;.1.I ST` L wu L .1;. .s
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I.iw'}.\.1{ Y L}£I<,L-S iii L$1.R‘JICL}i ix   1;.*1 OCTOE R l,l..·J%J,
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SEZZELMENT mY?i‘¤~· Ki'- eH¤eAGO, ILL.,
FORMR_ RJE.Galbreath, Sunt. October Zlst, l9M0
Y°“RLE"E“ §§2f§Qm American Re-Insurance Oomnang,
Treaty Ho.l27l
For the past seven years the above comtany has been
insuring any Kentucky Workmen's Gomnensation Liability we might
1 » . H . .
nave in excess of $25,000 un to b}00,000. This same type of
coverage was carried by another insurance comnany for some years
prior to l9B3.
Mr.Eallard and Mr.Burns know that the nayroll figures
that we have submitted in the past have been based on only those
employes actually engaged in mining operations. We thought the
insurance company understood this situation. Whether or not the
insurance comoany has just found this out we cannot be sure, but
the fact remains that they are now asking us to accent for attach-
ment to their oolicy an endorsement setting forth certain classes
of labor that are to be insured. This endorsement refers to
the following:
All underground labor, including Foreman ~/
Sand dryers`Tl` i‘i’“ “i A `
Sunnly crews, inside
Slate dumners
Wiremen and Bonders
Punpers and oioemen
Mine car renairmen
Wire foreman
Inside Machine Reualrmen
We would like to have you consider this matter carefully
and then let us know whether there are other occupations that should
be included In other words, do emoloves occosiorellv ‘ + l
-- .._, ,. .__. t J,. .. ... om; L, — -ch.o.;· .:Lc.`. ..L,‘ QO IH`./O T/.19
mine to uerform work in capacities other than the ones enumerated
For our own private information we would like to have Mr.
Ballard recheck the nayroll figures from May lst, l0Z@ to Anril $0th,
l0U0 taking into consideration the classes of labor snecifically celled
for in this endorsement. No doubt this fiémre will be reasonably A
close to the $731,000 that we retorted last May. However, if there
are any differences we would like to know at this time what they are.
Also, as a senarate figure, we would like to have the
remaining amount of oayroll for all other classes of labor at Bonham
* ~-—·~» .. · · ~ · r » V-. · · ··- g- -·¤ M .2..... .I`€—·
for this same neriod Naturally we do not wish to oav arv more n
mium in the future than we have oaid in the nest for this Excess Workmen’s
Compensation Coverage. Perhens we can forestall an increase in rate
if we are willing to accent the endorsement the insurance comnany is
now proposing.
nsur .ce Division

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