xt7kh12v6014_298 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1947-1949 text 1947-1949 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_29/2008ms006_29_14/23202/23202.pdf 1947-1949 1949 1947-1949 section false xt7kh12v6014_298 xt7kh12v6014 C O A L M I N E S
Tenement Rent, Lights and Coal $166.10
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
. Credit Union, etc,)
Chicago House Expense 55.68
Payment to Jim Sampson 300.00
3 " " Justice of Peace 62,50
Currency Shipment Expense 2ll.l5
Telegraph & Telephone ·
Peace Off1cers’ EXPense 2,196.80
i·'oremen'e Conference Expense 15.30
Vacation Pay Wage Eernera 2,1,06.7}
Unemployment Insmrence Tax 319 JJ.
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax l,06b,.79
CashD iscount Earned
Postage ll.0.00
Miscellaneons Material 56.50
Plant He,-gazine 365.85
. Overage & Shortage in Cash ___ 2.16

 &»}A;~.?;a;k -;#;#§5. ;;A;5;»;l®i§ Ai » _ / 1  ·°7  
AA-_--., -__-A_1A_AA__A_c_.AAA___ A ,   . ézvyg
1cl — Tcmc;cuc Rent, Libhts cmd Gcal
(Icy cupt.,AcsC.;upt.,Aud1t0y, AJA _ /
MA .Q.;;~Q;; JM @1.,2jpc · 1 ..1,-- 1___   ’ 1 1 4   ...4 ·· 1
{ 10Q — phiccbc hc1s© Expense ». A, I_,/ {
’Vv__1_i•______ _·_»d_’&- _ —_—-__‘é  cc { .7 J ... T
{ 105 — Legcl Jxpcmsc A {
_____“__w_________________ _1
{ 1031- Pcgmcut uc Jim ocmgscn ;_ A
10bB- " tc Jusuicc Of Pcacc /AA A A
_._~...- ........._.......;.._-- _____,._.___.;,._.  
10é — Currency Snipmcmt phgcncc A 4 {_ / {
105 — Buxglary Insqrcmcc _ A {
.. ' A ‘ /'
106 — Tc1cpg©nc L fclcgreph {
.-· ...;T...-....-—..--.....—..._...-.—.._—....-...,..._.. _...._...._............ ..;.—--;*1
\ - ,. 1
1G? ~ P€fC€ Ofr1c@rs' cxpcnsc - , AAAA A { _
______________________________________ ~ » {
10E — Trlvcligg jxgcnsc {
1 · {
1Q? - Asscssmcmts _A_A Qcmmributjcms {
,.__A_i-_A,_.*--1._A-_A___________ l
110 — 1,mg1cj, c  gggye   t 31011 mx Agn;   -
111 — Fc1cmcu‘c Qccfcrcncc ~;peusc I _ {_ {
/ _, . ’ r` {
11i — V¤ccC1©m icy Jmbc Q¤-H€fS A A A { {
+___‘_€_~_—_¢ij——·__—-_‘—___—_—•_—_4¢—‘* t.·_--__·____——__=_-·_'-—_— Q , V}  
116 — Ugc;g1,ymcnt lnsurcgcc Ecx { A {
114 — Fcd rc1 UJQ nbc Bcncizt Tux {
115 — ¤,5h uisccumt J rmcd
{ 116 — Pcsxxgc 4 {{f _
{ 1¢O — m1scc11¤uc©us matcxicl —{ AA _A
{H " Lcbcy
————-——· ..-....-...-..._:   /Q_.,L______________ _ _.___________ ___ I _
4   Q · .   JQ

 D 0 A L H I N E S
Tenemont Rent, Liéghta and Coal $172.25
(For Supt., Asst. Su t., Auditor,
Credit Union, etc 5
Chicago House Expense l06,6L,
Legal Expense 300.00 V
Payment to Jim Sampson 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 200 .00
Burglary Insurance L.7l.02
Telephone & Telegraph
Peace Officers' Expense 2,27Z4.66
Traveling Expense l,O0l..lb,
Foremen’e Conference Expense 17.36
Vacation Pay Waée Earners 6,629.£»6
Unemployment Insurance Tax 193.80
Federal Uld Age Benefit Tax 6L.6.02
Cash Discount Earned e
Postage 60.00
Miscellaneous Material 26.76
Overage & Shortage in Cash .10
Plant Magazine 60l.§§

 &-2,L—&&¢;Ii ,;<;»Q@i€L 152%  
t. 1---1. ,__-__s________ _ __ _ . L;<>;¤.@g .  
1w1 — Tenegeut Rent Li hts end Geel
) _.
(fer sept.,Acst.;uyt.,Audit0x,   _ V 1
--.~__._.Q.2;;~1;;;JLL<;1;._s>;@.eL>_1____--w,_ · · —....-
102 - phiceQ0 h01se Expense `
M_`~`?`*'_”"__`_""'_`T`_”_"""" 1`
105 — Le©e1 Axpense _ g
' 105A— Peygeut t0 Jim uemgsom : , L
105B— " te Justice ef Peace ,
-s11-..11M,N_.1_11M..._. .,...,1.,... ~ ..4
l 104 — Currency Snipmemt uegemse t l
105 — Buxgiery Iusurence _ 1
 ____,_________ ___,__,__,,_ ,_,_ _, _  
106 — Te1ep10me L Te1egre0h I
_"`_`;-`—”T ""`"""_""""' "`"”“""""""” i
107 — Peace 0f;;ceys' expense l
I _--——___·___·-1•~—-il-”—~‘-_-• 4 , ._j_ !
1OB — Tysveligg jxgcuse !
1OQ — Aseessments 1 Ucmtributiems 4
1"”“""""‘T*“"_i"*“’* ‘"—"‘—*"`·?*‘*‘·—— ··—" {
110 ~ @m;10ye eueéestiem ¤w,res ,
` 1 . ”“‘*`i““"`T“"‘“ n
111 ~ E0;emeu‘s cegieregce ~;peuse
11d — Vecetien Rey Jabe ¤.1¤exe  
+w—.~..~....-—~w“—...~w-m.“m.w»m....n. -m V .
115 — Uge;g1,yment iusurence Tex » 1
114 — Fedcre1 e1d M_e Benefit Tex
115 — Mesh uisceumt A rme&
1 11b — Pestxge _, }
1sO — m1sce11eme©us mete$ie1 1- _
" Leeer I
` "`°_°°*"`°_""""` *'""`_""*""_";*‘ •·*·*·**·;····|    .

 A I"' " .1 Y,. ’!'   T"
H,. A} A L   _.g 2. [J1 S
..;..¤E,.,AL ..'·.>X;.¤.b Eh 1%*..eSE
Y ·.€~ I  `»'¤ ’.‘ ‘z r ` p
<. ,--..»;..14·.<= ..•·-,4_y.;~_‘_.
·;= . -.,.... _,4. » ,». T : .. ~. ., . rr -,‘1 `¤ i‘ ·’. {
J»‘}.;lY;¢=1u:».u., .»= .;L- ,   lbf ;2Y mL:. —.JO.. 4 1.*.- 1 ua;
' ..1 , C`..._-L ._ ,. . , .. 4   ', , ..
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L·r3.a(::,.,O   :Su; 1J.—..··.;... ; Dj  
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  IJXTL ACO 4}.1;;; ai··;:ij·¥>~/.1   .2]:.
*. .  * .:_ .,.4 ‘g`._. ,, , ,., "r  
'.¢.l..':'<.·Z.¢_y   4;*: s—·..¤ -[-¤.~`p¤.?1iFY··1¥ 4j..L¥»‘•¤·'i
`i•EQL>:>p{‘;O..;¤; L.; L'-@1@,..."‘.pE;
_ .··_p-._·__ _ _ ·: A     r'  
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,=._   ‘*     if .. .,.= TF" _ F;}
-. ;_‘ *vCJ _§_ Liga} 1Z£.,;.p·.·}.... .b ·<: I/L •  
i?‘     — ' " ,.».   V-   `Y ` V".
A O. ·_-3.;;-..,, 3 5; (.»O·_,Lc: L . lids 4.;..-2{L;. .c. ...5..Lfr
  . J:   D, · .   VF   . z V
·. ·~i;·.¤1.c.·1; . nr ·:..   .¤·..,....c·..¤ S =._ sl.]; C ,Q’L.
Q `
·..-;.;;· .¤g>}.<>;,·..;e_::i*.   .s;.._,·a.:.c:<¤   1,CLS .C>{.·
~.  .,. ·* · w. * . V ..   W,. .. ·‘ *2 ·“ :*2
1.`*_H_;(fj,`· __L   £   fl 1..,&:.1..£..» ·i·—L:K ,5,,) ,j•),}
‘ · \5 ...,.,4   .,
{J ST}; L'.&.SL1U .4~.e. .L·.—.. . .».. .  
.··u5%... ._,.; ..:.0 Am
:»·.; ..,.··¤ . _ v·· .,.__1¢ ·.  q·
:1 ;.~s;·:.~ ... ..;.-:1-,15 .·n..·» uz}. ;.K L ,...§¤
  .. .. ,, 0; .,:,». 5; ···
xiv :)"e5;i·:; ·. u...O; a.··.;;#'Z _;,L,5
  . ·. M. -..~·‘.» '*· 1 r`
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» .·‘* ·>r , *1 ·}—
.._._g_3 , _; ,’n_; .4.I;

 @1l{.e?21:;£     1 · l
-.1.l11..1.-..--__.0_---11- - 1 . wjalll .  
lol —· femexgeut Rent, Lithia end C0el
(1011 eugm . ,11.,ei; .:5;1pt . ,11;1@1t0;r,  
___ gredlt Julgmg egg.) _____________ - l 1 _________
lO1£ — &,h1.ee;_0 li01ee Expense 1 1  1 _1 M
lO;E — Le_el QJ;»;.L1ense I
_ ......._.-..- _....__....____._____________ ______1
lU5,4— Pe;,z.;e11t E0 Jim ;>;.m_1e011 .. W I
_l--_~,..-.-_----_.._.__.l_._1__._._.__________ Q l ·' V ' 1
lO51E— " *00 Jpxezlee ef Peace 1 1 _ _ 1
ldé —· L/U_lj`I‘<}l'lCf,’ 5L11;;»1.;e11‘u phgemee
1105 — L3;11;1g;le1·y IllS~llTc.llC€ _ 1
lQ6 — Telepg1011e ei.; felegreph I
lO7 — Peace Of1"’iee:ie' jxpense _ 1 1
lOB — I‘1z.vel111le§£ 31¤;jp¤11s1e 1 __ Q
_____________________ _ _ * f }
ll)? — 11seeeS1.1011te 0A_l *J011L1"i`0u;C1_0!1e E
110 » ;m;1.O;€ 0Llgg;€E3'ClO1l ,11.1;,115 _
lll — FO]§’€él'SL€ll’S l.1,y111eni; l11eu1·.;10e ’fEa1.X _ _
llél - 1¤eqe1—¤1. 01.41   Beneyw   _ 1 `
ll.5 — Ulsh ¢JlSCOLlllC ;_E.:.`I‘ll€(Il _
llb — P0et1Cxge _ 1 /1 ‘ , In
l;O — i—111seel.le11e0ue Lleceriel 1 _.
‘* L¤00;·
!1"Q.-§j14g1;Q1__1_ 1/’l‘l 1 1 1 11 1 “ ` ` ‘ 1     ; 1111 i= 
{-.:L;....—L.11--..1·—__41._.._______1A___;___,_____ ________;____ A___4__ _____________ __ ` V jx _ 1 ./ 1/ ~ ‘i/ _' _

 C 0 A L M I N E S
Tenement Rent, Lights and Coal $l6L..25
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union, etc.)
Chicago House Expense 195.86
Payment to Jim S.u¤pe0n 500.00
" to Justice of Peace 125.00
Currency Shipment Expense 200.00
Telephone & Telegraph 22.07
Peace 0fficers' Expense 2,372..11
Traveling Expense 615.1,9
F<>remen's Conference Expense 19.01
Vacation Pay Wage Earners 6,000.00
e Unemplogptent Insurance Tex 752.06
Federal Old Age Benefit Tux 2,506.88
· Ceeh Discount, Earned
Postage 70.00
Miscellaneous Material 113.29
Overage & Shortage .1.L.
Plant Magazine lC§.0§

 h @2;eh<>_§;.-;;1¤Q3.   .   1
-».....- *“__. 1 __   .  
U 1111 —· 1?ene;;e11‘c Rent, Ligjhte end Ccel A`
(fer cnet . ,11..ei; .;}up*c . yscxdiizczr,
,-c_..._._.._Ql`.:;;Q1;11l_<212.._£1>.Q;.L,._.---,,..-   ..-
10.2 — phicebc Licese Expense J L
1.02 — Lciel   In __ M 
A l*J5;_g;%.-€E1`C cc Jim ;>em__»e011 W
1055- " tc Jusuice of Peace V  
EY€>Zi“¤w·  " *
105 — rluxgiery Imeuyemce A _
106 — Telcpecme ic; `f®1€g;1“€E.Q11 {
! 107 ·· Peace     _-—
IOB -— 1‘1;ve1.111g;   I
109 — Aeeees;n;c;1te   t}O1EEl§&T1_OHS 1 I  
1.1 O_i_`?111l?].OQ, e   mrziic   ·—.,_
  — E;C;%1T.€1`1‘S Ccgfexggge  
1.1.131- Vecezic-ri_1.;ey 4/’¢;1be1T1;1ei©e ` N
116 — U;1c;;- _v1.elymem; l11eu1·e;1ce Tw: ,
1.14. - Fec;e;;m11   mje Benefit Tex   "
1.15 — meh uieccugtz 13.m·11e01 _
i 1.1,6 —· Pcetciée __" _
1LiO — LJ1isce1.1.emecus 1.;et,c1e1 _-¢—_— I —_ W- ,
e_.11__w,c", _e_____’1T__e__e 1*;____e 2  

 C O A L M I N E S
Tenement Rent, Lights and Coal $172,25
{For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union, etc.)
Chicepo House Expense 56L.O8 l
Legal Expense 2,55
Pavment to Jim Sampson 3OC.CG
" ” Justice of Peace 62.50
Currency Ship ent Expense 185.00
Telephone & Telegraph $..*4
Peace Officers' Expense 2,537.72
Traveling Expense 682.98
Foremen's Conference Expense 8.66
Vacation Pay wage Berners 6,000.CO
nnemploynent Insurance Tex 855.33
Federal Old Age Benefit Tex 2,851.ll
Dash Discount Earned P~*•$
Postage 90.00
Miscellaneous Materiel 156.69
Overage & Shortage A?
Plant Magenine L2L.L8
$13 ,876.00

 GiLI.}};lT;1-.l. WORKS ;;;};PLI~§5E
L·_ .
Month Banach
I lOl Tchremoht R€ht,lli;_jhtS and Coal
(Fer Supt., Asst, Supt., Aurlit or,
. Credit Uhiohptc  
lO2 - Chiozxygo House EJQWQHSB ;
~%—_"w,M—**'—*——_ _M__—;—·.
lu?} — lgytl, LXQGIXYSC j
  ... .—.....-..4.
lO3A-— P;¤3¤t;;er1t tc Jim Sampson
lO3l€— " " Jzlstico of Pence
{ lOl, - Currency Shig.>;;mo11t lLl..]¥C1'lS€
 ____ i..-*-·—
I lC5 - lmrglary Insurance;
' E lUé$ — Telephone & Telegraph
|—— —
' r- . . »
I lt}? — Assossmeéuts (Q; Cohtrllutioius
i — , , . ,
* llO — omplcyo Su /;;€f?`DlOIl m·:z»1·;1s _
l  ...... -
I "‘ w n "
| lll —· l*oro1;1c’er1‘s tohmyohcez Lyzyszhso __ __ __
Il! — Vacation Pay '.*Je1~_@ Emmors _ _
I """" "" “_ "`*"*`_—“”'"__` “"_"”`-`—`  
i ..l3 - Uhcamplonmht lhwszummco lfzsx
j lll; - Federal Old lkégo Demofit Tzxx
n ll5 -— Cash Discount Earned
; llo —- Postaago
Q l,eO — Q“1lSC€ll&}”1€Oti_S hat<;:1·1al
}........—....._.....—..._. ................... _..._ _. .,..,...1% ` —————-;——·-—···-—·-—-L—- r~
l " Laltor  
·rr r ll8  ;V O;»fyrgl_.__o @4 Shortaago _
  — Plant Magazine l

 C O A L M I N E S
Cikii·—».ERAL '.  E}LI’i:3i·JSE
___ APRIL 131.8 ___
Tenement Rent., Lights and Coal $105.50
(For Supt., Asst, Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union,et.c.)
Chicago house Expense MJ/.87
Pegpient to   Seuupeion 300.00
" " Jnsmice of Pee-`ce <52.50
Cu··;·ency Shipment Expense 190.00
Telephone ct Qaleggruph
Pence O_€Jicers' Expense 3,958.02
Traveling Expense L,52,ol
F0r·emen’s Conference Expense 15.86
Vacation Pa`, Wage Eerners tg,000.00
Unemployment. Insurance Tax 10,773.L.9
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 2,7i»‘i.28
Postage 100.00
Miscellaneous Materiel 75.11
Overege & Shortage L.85
Plant I=1egezine l»37.b2

` Month Season
lOl Tenement Rent,LiLhts end Coal
(Fer Supt_’ Asst. Supt,) Auditor,
Credit Union,etc.) ‘ /@»· - [ /» y»· A
lC2 - Chicago House Expense V H C
lO3 ·· lgygnl iixpense ·· j
________________________________________ _ ·· Ci
lOjA- Payment tc Jim Sampson C
me H "   —»f P Géce _ r      
lCL — Currency Shipment Enpense C_ ,y—X C V
ICS — burglary Insnrnnce M
lOo — Telephone & Telegraph
lL>7 - Peace Ol`fi<;·ers' Expense J
I rv . p`
i _ _ _
{ lC>9 —- Assessments ék Qontrilutions
i llO — nmplcye Sujgestion Awerrds
g lll — Foremen's Conference Exnense __
_ ______________;____;__________ __.jL. _.. :—— ·-—·——-——·——-*1** **°"'”*
ll2 — Vacation Psy Hehe Berners ‘
l ll3 — Unemplowment lnsnrence Tex ,_- -i
llh — Federal Old Age Benefit Tex C
¤ ll5 - Cash Discount Earned
I llo - Postage C · »C
lv`—_`_—__—”*——_~—-`-_¢__i_-`—1_——1`———_ "`°`°"°`—`—"-_
E l2C — Hiscelleneoes Materiel
! CC
= C CC C "C   _lCC__l__C_C._-CCC._.._ Ci. CCCCA Hill l.._......._
Qwll3_i“Qvere;e M Shortage i_ »
__yl-T7 — Plbnt hegggine P A ; . VC » I . 4
X ( """* —;*•·—·;-··~—;————--——-—-; ·

 C O A L M I N E S A
Mm` ·=<- 1948
Teueueut Rant, Lights and Coal @ lA8,25
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
Cr dit Union, etc.)
Chlc go Moese Expense 265.Cl
Pa ment to Jbm S&npson
" " Jestice of Peece 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 3L.2O
;elephoe: & T€legreph V
Peace Offieers* Expense 3,0Z8.L8
Trqveling Expense 1,123.75
Feremen*s Conference Ehpense l93.bO
Vacation Pay we;e Earn rs é,OOC.0O
Unemployment Insqrence Tex lO,C7l.88
F€de;· .1 Qld Age B€1¤e1’j.t Tax l3,iJ.‘$.l8
Postn_e eC.OO
Misce;;eneous Magfyial l77.C2
' Cverage 5 gmertege .75
Plant Magazine b77.l6
Emplcye plans 3,8h7,76 7

 GEI·El;1FukL WCJIiI·ZS 1;LLlPl$I¤iSE »
Month Sesson
I lOl Tenement Rent,LiI_·hts and Coal · .,.,
(Fer Supt,) Asst , Supt , , Auditor,
Credit Union,otc.) · 5 “
I lO2 — Chicago house Expense I I
"——··——·————··s—···—·····—··· I
].O3....¤».I.ggt§£il }3;LI - Currency SI~Iip:;xent Li..ponse`  
I ___._....._
I lO5 — bu1rgleryI·I1&sur·ence ,
\ loo — Telephone & Telegraph
{ lO7 — Peace @ffic:ers‘ Expense A _
¤ 1 m . I.
I M9 - Assessments @4 oontr1l~r1t1ons
I — . ~
‘ IIO — umplcye Su;I;est1on Awards
' .1 s, n Q
I lll — roremen’s tonlerencze expense ___ _ _
I ll.2 - Veeetion Pay Y‘Je;I_e Emrners   I ‘ I
I ...._...-...,............j.._....... --- —.-- .--·»-·-—-·-——~-·-·——-»·—·———-—-—-———·———-—· ·———·-—-———-———=—¥1· ,
I ll} — U1`1E?IilI)lO»TELCIlt jtnsnramce Tux _
` llg - Federsl Old Page benefit Tex A
I Ll5 — Cash Discount Earned
I llo - Postage .
IA A——"-`—*44`—_·_-k-—__——_——`-`T—"_*—`—  ` ' "` ’
i lZiO — Eliiscellsneoes Iwstrgezrieml .   A /_
I¤-..._.........-..._....-._—..—.......-o -- o-.....-. _ --—»*~--— A
l M _ "_ Ld or ________'_“ __ __"__ ____ _I___ _ _________
· ___I ll,8 _;-__€-Jl/ere.._;e ee Shortage A AI l
I UV -— APL ‘A». nt }·xe¤ezj_ne A A
,....___ _ C} ~

Iauwmaut Qaut, ii;hts and Uoal £ 132.25
(For Qupt., Asst, Supt., Auditor,
Qrcdit Kuiox, ctc,)
bhicaéo House Expense 66L.A2
Payment to Justice c! Peace 62.50
Uurremcy Shipment nxpqns& 2GO.C€
» Yelwyhuue 3 Q2Ja;rapn :
P&&c@ Qf1ic$rs• bxpznsa 2Q3;_Lg
Traveling Expensé 1939,71
F0r@$an•s Comfayence ;$pans& 2Q_Qg
V&cmti0m “ay *a;@ gucnegs UQO0_@Q
Unemployment Ins4ran¤a &€&. 107Ql,A3
Federal Qld Age hcn0fiL Bax 2gQ3_1§
_ Tcstagc QO•QQ
Eiauslleneous Eupcrial 762,89
(jvcarages fl Sh01*i,:;.;;e; Z
Plant Nagazine 516.3L
Pjxxployee “LJks jg()5_52
1?2$<33$ .27

Month Season
I lOl Tenement Rent,ldghts and Coal __
` (Fer Supt,} Asst, Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union,etc.> - _
lO2 - Chicago House Expense
l@3 · Iejxl Expense _
lO3A— Payment tc Jim Sampson .
lO3E— " " Justice nf Peece
. IOL, — Currency Shipment Enpense - l ‘* V
g__________________________ ---———-———
1 lO5 - xurélery Ineurunce
I l©e — Telephone & Telegraph
J lu? - Pence Offieers' Expense ,
, M -     _  
i lu? — Assessments u bontricutions
I llO — Lmplcye SuJ;eetien Awards
I *1 1 * '\ -¤ T"
{ lil — Poremen's tonierence expense _ _e A _..__._.l_.
‘ ll2 — Veeetien Puy Wepe Eerners _
i `*"""` "W "_ "_”_iY""—"”_*—4_— __-W-- i
I il} - Unemploiment Insurance Lux
t lln — Federal Old Age Benefit Tex
y ll5 — Ceeh Discount Earned _
i llé — Postage
‘ l2O — Miscelleneous Materiel
t___._..T;.; i..;.. -. .... -..t...;... _.t_ ...
i " Let or _ _________ V_______ _________
ipll8 — OvereQe u Shortage __
l ll? — Plsnt Magazine
I ` "’;"*' ·•·*·•——*·—··—-··--1 ——~—~—·-— ·--—-··-• • - -—·-—·—··—·—·—-~——-*  
5 < . “
» —— - -——.. --...._ ...-. -. ...~--..-_...V4.-.-_.._...,,r.... l......_.-..._...T_._......i,.u.,.., _... ...- ........ .4.-;..,-

 C O A L M I N E S
'lkgllement Erznt, LiLghL:; amd Coal $132,25
"(Fop Supt , ,As5t,,Supt , ,Audit0P,CT.UniO¤,€t·C •)
Chicago ¥-Muse Expense 162.5].
?;;j'l§2Ch'1t to Justice ef Peace 62.50
Cux·z·e11cy Shipment ET.p<;x*.se 2lE.Q8
'felephone 5; ”i‘ele;_·;:·eph 81., gc
Peace Oi`i‘Ecex·s* Expense !;,l8L;.26
Treveling Expense ?30.€3l
Foy<:men ' S Couferezxcc klepense 1C .],2,
Vacation Pay  Je Ehrners cL,C>£`f .CO
Unemploymem; Ifimxremce   9,5l5./+5
· Federal Old Age Benefiiz Tex 2_,62L.L,l
Postage $O.CC>
Mjecellameous Material
° _c * E Overalge gn Shortage 2,88
Plant M;;g82.j.I1B 506.CL,
Employee Dlens 3 ,853 A3

Month Season
lOl Tenement Rent Lilxts end Coal
· ' dw y ’ LV ·¤ ‘ ·
(rex- Supt,) Asst, cnupt., Auoitor,
Credit Union,etc .) '
lO2 — Chiqgngo house Expense   _ _ {
103A- Pggmcznt tc Jim Sempson _
lO3B- " " Jnstice of Peece
`—; i'L""- r` ·».`{.‘
, 1OL, - Llurweney Shipggient sipense I
lC*5 - lznrglziry Insurance
11;*6 — Telephone & Yelegreph
14.*7 ·— Pence C‘f`1`iq·<;rs' iltapense _
¤ I . t
t ’]’\ w *1 i . .
i uf} —— Assessments é; Lontril ntions
A 1 . . I
Q 110 — employe Sueggestion Mwa.1·ds
‘ i   .
‘ g lll —— ¤o1·e:.aen's COIi1f<'·3I"©I'1C€2·J·LI“>€1lS€ _ V _
  — Veceitiuin Psy E··ieg,e Eswners
l ‘——··—--·· """ """” ""”’*_"‘*"_"“"" """"—""""" "’“"i_"`_
‘   ll} — Unemplojanent lnsursxnce Tax
I lll; ·- Fe   , ,
'   `\\` /
\ x
. ‘\ {
I ' l'

 C O A L M I N E S
· Auzusir was
Tenemé t Rent, Lishts and Coal $109.50
(F0£`Supt., Asst. Supt., Audimor
credit Union, etc.)
Chicabo Mouse Ehpemse 596.96
CO;m·ency Sy;ip1neni Exprcflse l6(/.Z4O
Telepkone & Telegraph
` Peace ()L1ioers• Elipohsé 3,073.10
Traveling Expense l,O93,95
Foremen'S Conference Expense 15.21
Vacation Pay wage Egrncrs 10,000.00
Unemploypont Insurance Tax 9,lL2.5O
. Federal Old Age Pgn·fit Tax 2,hb8.8l
P0stege 90.00
· MisLe_leueous Material 32.82
Cash OV-rage & Siortege .ol
U Plum; MiLg~;2l1'1€ 191.82
Employee Plans L!L85.99

_ I·l0r‘1th Seziscn
{ lOl Tcnszmznt, R€mt,’Li`·_htS and COP;]. V K/__' _
` (Fer Suptu Asesb, Supt,.} Aurjjtwrj A IV V ’·¢  
Credit Uni©n,¤;‘;c   V  { V=  " Q ._; ’  _  
. ( / VV I
ICQ — Chicago House bbqwcusez _ V _' _ __ . _‘   —. 1
ll?} — L;, ;A1Al L1;·;p©r 1s€ V j
 --__;; -tit _ tv·_~__—___- A -4
lO}A~ P;+;m¤z1t tc Jim Sgzmpson _A r i A ·  
10}}- " " Jusnicze of Pcgce _ _ ` l
lC‘L, — L)u;·2·<—21 u;·y S}yip;mV>z1t xgpcrxse ;
’ lC15 - Luriglary Imsunmca  
E 14363 — l`@l¢:ph0.1e @4 Tsleéyugiwh
{ ll"? — Peace Cf1`ic:c:rs' iitcpense   · 1     .Y ?
a A   A / `     -AV.  
1 1.1.18 — lrA;;vVA·_L;m;; ¤»;·cr;@nr@<2 V Q " 5 Z ‘  ‘V;
5 ________________ ________;_____;___ _______i_____ · ‘ ...;.4....._+.
{ IW — A$:;©ssme2mZs fz CC71]LI”'j_7L*ltj.O2lS
i — , A .
  AFlO — Lmplcjrc SL1r`e;Gf*`Ll H · ,4 n A ` .
; ill — l`O1"€1.1i`?IlIS C©1;,E<21·azmt@ Lxycnse ·  _‘ _ _ V V ‘
_ lp? — Vacan 1011 Pgy ’.*Je1V_© Eygymrs * _ A _ `
A ? "i""_"”"`_*`"” '**"4»”"`——"———`A'°"*’.—-"'*`-— _____—__ _A
{ A13 — Um2:11p]_c>1@m 1L Lxszuzfauce lax Q _. _' · ' 4 ~V4. ·V _A
' AHL; — Fcdezmal Old ikgce BVm€fi’© TAX · Y '/V   (T _] _V '
y jLl5 — Cash Disc©¤,m1;`E;u*n@d A
; llé — Posizezgzc V V   ~ , A
_AA-..__..-.._;.__.._..__________________________________ ______A_ » A |
Q 120 — lliscellgmezokzs I·1atA:r:;‘·ie1l __ ·,V A
•     "  L;1lV,q,;;·;1er1t to Justice of Peace 62.50
Currency Shjrkent Expense 555.96
l Telephone & Telegraph h9C.l8
Peace Officers! Expense 2,376.57
Traveling Expense 1,220.29
Huxvesn y School for Furemen (Trgvgljgg Expchsg) l,3AL.56
Assessments 5 Contributions 50.00
Foremen*s Conference Expense 17.90
Vaceeuion Pay wage Eamers lE2»,oL3.ll
Uuemploy ent Insurance Tex é,Ll2.63
· Federal ole Age Lenefit Tex 652,AO
Postage 60.00
Miscelleneous Eeboriel 302.38
V Overago g Shortage ,23
Plant. MI}__i£5.Zj.Il€ 78l.2ll
Employee Plone h,202·O5

attfp L
Ga;neimL UCAKS :¤n1Pb,I\l£>E {A A 1 *.,7/ 
Month Season
101 Tenement Rent,Li;;hts and Coel
(F•r Supt,) Asst, Supt., Auditor,
_ Credit Unionptc.) JV%t x 1 is   /‘_/» J Q
102 - Chice,;• House Expense Ap A AA _ _ ,
//; U A , I
103 · Iegel Expense 1
103A- Payment to Jim Sampson _ A
10jE- " " Justice of Pearce » or/‘ .   ·
10/.,, — Currency Shipment blnpense ~ - ~ ‘ - _A , A
 -———————-———-~————~——-——-——-—   ···—f
106 — Telephone & Te1egreph   '
107 — Peace 0fficers’ Expense “` ’~ l · r l · `
; 109 - Traveling Ezqoenee A A   ‘ A
I ,1. ._- ._.,-............ ···*·*/‘t"‘*"* """* '  
{ 109 — Assessments & Contritutions ·
1 110 - Lmp1cye Su {gestion m·1zia1";1s
111 - Forez.1en’s Conference Egpense _____ —?   I
A 112 — Vecetion Fey Tfege Berners · , · _ `
I 113 — Unemp1ojn’:;ent Jhsurence Tex   ; { -· 1 5 —  
1111 — Federal O1d Age Benefit Tex _` ‘ V A 0 1
y 115 - Cash Discount Earned
| 116 — Postage V `
IU_`._———t____—1_——-—1—i_-_-  _;__` _;-
F 120 · P°iisce11aneons 1~1etcria1   A, I 7 " An
{_,_______..__.__..___,__,..,__,,;___ __ _,,____,___,.____._ ,__,_.___; _ --——-—-•—-———- Le -—--—-—-··
* ..
‘ A _A   "V Lel or _______________________ __________ ___
  —_0vere;;e cr Shortage _; A___` A
1 LYL- P1:i·nt_I`1eg;1zine ' . A ` ”,· _   

 C O A L M I N E S
N<.·‘fEMLER 19%.8
Tenemant Rent., Lj_(gk.ts and Coal $16/4,70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
(jrdit Union, cbc,)
(jhic; Le E{;·us~ L),-.p-zrzm 225.28
;;‘>5';Zl’.fI'}.+L;» to Jv|_Si·j.C€¢ of PQ?.J.C€  
Gurrerxcy ggsripncnt E.>;pe;.s =f¤;··m<;c };Xff2I`3S€ 183.62
\_i;q_c··<.t,j.0n Pay `Jggi? Ea:¢:.¤:1~s C,CC·O.CO
¥__En@1f¤{»ZCy..1&%1’:L I;qS:¤1‘-%:27C@ Tax 939.27
}*‘gdm·¤T. Old Aye Benefit. TQX AL7.27
A Pgstage ‘PO,(`O
*.i5scek.]a,r1;ems gyxteerieal 28.32
Ovc;rz;;.;<2 gt 3h0z·T,a,t;·a
Plant- MlO merit Iieursmce {fax
{ llg — Federal Old Age benefit Tux
; ll5 — Cash Discount Earned
y llo - Postage
{P-_—-`_é——~-`—`t__"—_;_"°t‘*` ` "' “
} l2O - Miscellaneous hatmyial
|._,; ._..._,_,._....l____.____,__,________,_____________ __ A_______,_____ _____ —-—·-—--——-——-——·--
5 e
{ > A >"‘ Lal or ___ __ *_ W _____K___ _
· _»_    _;_O_Y;.;rs,4e u Shortage
  P]-·'.XllL he,ga;;;i1ie { I
'—-—~—-..-..-..--- ...---...------......-i- ....--. -. .."

 C O A L M I N E S
TQmem;nt Q;nt, Li_hLs anu Coal $13C.L5
(F0r Snpi., Asst. Supt., Aueitcr,
Qr=d;t union, etc.}
Chjc¤;0 {muse Exgense 9F.A5
PFy ent @0 J¤s;iee ef Peeee 62.50
Currenuy 5Lip.¤mL Expense _ 100,00
U Telephme   'falegpqph
Peace OIficers• mxpengc 1,93L.C8
Traveling Ygpemse 81C.é5
Harvester gchecl for F reman 788,93
F0remen¤s Conference Exp; ae 12.57
Vacation Pay E·.’as.¢_e }£21·r:m·s  ,000.00
Unemployment Insuy1nce Tax 2,97
> Feueral Qld Age Eeuefit Tex 1.Ml
Postege 90.CO
Miscelleneeus Material 1C5.L2
** Lebvr 77.bO
Overege & Shortage 10.22
Plant Magazine Bhh.38
Employee Plans 2.277tZQ

Month Season
i lOl Tenemcnt Rent,Li;jhts and Coal
E (Fer Suptw Asst, Supt,} Auditor)
l— Credit Unionjctc , )  
{ l -— Telephone LL: Telegrexph
§ lb? -— Peace C‘ffie·m‘s' Expense .
» 1 . -
  lCJ8 —- 'll"¢;V*;:lll`xt_; mgvenne A A V .
F   V . _ , tt.t . "
3 Lew;) - Assessments {ul L,©nt1’·1lut1c;‘1S
* llO — nmplcjre Su Vy¢_;e:stiL.»n Mxvzytis
| lll — FOTQLGQFHIS Cenfe1·enee&Z;l_<>Vment. lkxeursmce Tux L
ll/L — Federal Old Ekfge bFéI`1€l`j.lJ Tax V .,   , ‘
, LL5 — Cash Dilsceunt }?];11*ned
L Llé — Postage V V
A f-\ *‘l`USZ» H1, nh 1'LC1·¤Ql`·c ‘ ,/~ e.
· L20 Ll cell ree =’ t 111 [
L _____ __ __ ____ _ __ _ __ ._._•_ ,.......--.-......- -
‘ , (
L " Leler V_ A ` L
· Ll.8 -— Ov;r;1,_e ec Shertzlge L ‘
Q — ,e L V . , ,
  — Pltnt l18gLiZlIlG V .v »
I 'l _ ~

 C 0 A L M I N E S
Tenewent Rent, Li;hts and Coal $151.95
(For Supt., Asst, Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union, etc.)
Ch`ca;o House Expense 96.81
Payment to Jusiice of Peece 62.50
Currency Shipuent Expense 150.00
Teiephoie & Ieleirwph .
Peace 0ffioers' Expense 2,003.65
Traveling Ekpense 8Lh.3O
Harvester Sch 01 for Foreman 90;.69
Eoremen's Conference Expense 15,21
Vacation Pay Wage Earners 6,000.00
Unemployment Insurance Tax 6,055.52
Federal Old Age Benefit Tex 2,833.58
Postage 90.00
Misce;1ane0us Material h69.9h
Overege & Shortage .66
Plant Magazine 216.hS
Employee Plans 1,615.33
Education & Training __ 201.27
$$21,673 .85

I l3E— " " Jusi,ico of Pemcea I
I   — IIllj‘}`€I'lC:y’ SIqj.I>Ej`I*·)IIIJ }LI._pCI'1S€
I ~
I ""` "‘**""'—°“  ’;"°‘; "“"
I LCS -— burglary Imsuxunce
I l.{j=i5 — Tolopluone 8.: Tealograph
(; ......-i.-— --—;-.·.-.-;-T
I K I .  
  M8 ` im" ‘i ’ lm? *“"?"©““"’ _
I lv) — Asscsszzaomts {I (,»OT1I,I‘lI.IIElOilS
I --,-__, ____,__ —._—..........-..-...—
I   - L»IT.I]lCfy’C Su :rgGF`I_»lOH HI,·Jé?I`(l5
I I I I ..
I lll —- I‘Ol"€§H<‘I'Z‘S t<>1‘1fre1·orIce; mmeazxso ___ A _ _ ’
I ll2 — Vacation IM); E‘Jez;_© E£ll‘ll‘E‘I"S
I ·~——-——-— ————-———-————·—-·—·· ··—·· ·····— ·*····~Y····W·*···· ·—··—···—··—** ‘ ·`**"’*"‘
I   -- LIfl•??}IlI}l<`)'T;I€3IlIZ IXlS`Ill"€IIlC€ li?X -
I ll/I — Federal Old Ago l3e11©1`;It Tux I
I ., _ ..I
I J»l5 — Cash D1s·?ou1¤t Ibazmwd
I llo — Postage I
I l;YiO — Ztiiscallanooqs I~I;It<;;·i£1l
I-»...-~.—.--.·-—.....»—......._......_._...é............. __-... . __.,..._ ___ -.-·-—..—_.,A
I II ,
I I W __ LI;:I or _
    j_I_Ol/1*e;IIp u SIlOT‘t·FLgG -
I_I_§_2; Plum hagazimo ‘
l <
I~. ...» _._,., ,,__, ___ __ ______ +__ __ __ _ ___ _   ____ -

 C O A L M I N E S
-...*Z`£i§L°é’;EL`&}.$;L+9 . -- ...
Tenement Rent, Li ,hts and Coal $ l62.l45
(For Supt., Assn, S.;pL-,_, Au;QiLor,
Crxzdit Umor., etc,}
Ch;Lc1;i;o House Expense 314.22
Faye-ent to Jumbice of Peace £2.5(?
Currexxoy Sk·.:Lp:n,0zx;· me 'LeLe;;z*aph
I‘n·;·.ce O;`:7i;;e;·s' J;;»;;¤:nee 2,2l/4.27
Traveling Expense Bi`2,35
I·ie.rvesLe1" School for F;»re,:;1ar1 @6.52
FU1'E}iU.€I`L'S Co;;fe1·ence Expense 7.5C*
‘Jaac.=1tioz1 Vey E·.';z;g·: Ear_.·r1·s 6=,0€`T."C
7Jro1enxpl<>g.r·zeztL EI1S`.lE`?lHC€ Tex L;,666.3O
Federal Old Aj: Benefit Tex 2,891.29
E1~ss',niy 90.00
T·iiSCCr,iiLU.TiCiJLLS Iei.nL·2;·i2]. 5.C"7
Plamt ;1&Q£1‘ZjI1€‘ 1/@,97
[Employee Plans l,L23,L9
Education & Trainlixxg _____2}C,2L
§l‘j ,109 J,8

 GE.?-5l·lE`mL E·IU§iKS .w1}LP1$I~3SE
Month Seesen
I lOl Tenemcnt Rent,Li;hts and Ceel
(Fer Supt., Asst, Supt., Auditor,
Credit Uni0n,etc.) " ’ "
I lO2 — Chicago house Expense A _ I
I lCX3 —· l€;y.l hhaperlse I
I lO3A— Payment tc Jim Sampson
l lOjB— " " Jnstiee of Pearce
l0; — Currene Shinnent Elwense
Y y A
| .........——;.-Q-——·—
I LCE — kurglery Insurdnee
I lO6 ~ Telephone & Telegraph
I lU7 — Pence Cffieers' Expense
  ·"—*······—‘*·**’"‘"*"—’—’”"__‘”‘“' —"_ I
I lOg _ Assessments d Centrilntiens
i llO — employe Su gestion Awards
I lll — F0remen's Cenferenee Eggense __ _ A________
_ lll — Vecetien Psy We;e Burners _ l·
V"" I -*4%wi—`—QT"__*`“—"_-—`— m”*_—
I ll} — tnemple ment Insurance Lex
{ llg — Federal Old Age benefit Tux ‘
I ll5 — Cash Discount Earned
I llé — Pestege
I> `·;'_`-—t__`·_- t—~ —°°`;°_—`_` •;` I
* l2O — Miscellnneees hetvriel · ~ ~
t-.....w—.——m-¤~.--.».........—.--.."..» ---
l .
I " Lal or _ ___ __ ___ ________,__