xt7kh12v6014_296 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1944-1945 text 1944-1945 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_29/2008ms006_29_12/23154/23154.pdf 1944-1945 1945 1944-1945 section false xt7kh12v6014_296 xt7kh12v6014 i?;.~1;~&%1;L ,¤i—;»1K»>.i  1 M 1 ~ 1 1 “   *
--...-—.....-.~-..._.....- .... - - ELOPQLE .  
101 — fenegent Rent, Linhts end Ccel
(fer punt.,n,st.;upt.,nudit0r,  
.1 .1.. ... .._..QQ;L;t J¤1qu1_@_@.c- 1 .1 nw,-     *1   G .....0
102 — c¤;ee©¤ 1c1se Expense 1, ,<, 2
10e — LeOe1 nnpense `
105A- Peygent t0 Jim eemgsen 1 l
_________r_v____________________________i__________________ C r` c` < »
105B- " tc Justice ef Peace C` / [
104 — Currency Snipnent Q gense ',/ /_ _ W
___ ___ Q Q,  
105 — Buxgieyy Insnyence `
·—-——-—·- .,.,; it.?-.-L
106 — Te1ep;0ne & Te1egreph / , I
1 ·Q   [7 {
107 — Peace 0fjicers' Expense c` _ ,,. l
;_ __ 1;‘ TMJM
108 — Tr,ve1in$ Zxpense ;
-—..-.-.»...-.._...~...~ ..........1.....t_.........~ .........1
109 — Assessments ,4s1 uentributicns · ' 1
110 — Lmj10ge enggestien nW,TdS I
111 — F©yemen‘s Qcnference expense ’ A  _ I
; ;> _
11Q — Vecetien Rey Jebe m¤1neys _ r
· +________________________________ ______________________A____v_.____.___'_i__‘•__Y_ __   L:   L Q   J1!
11b — Uneng10yment insnrcnce Tex _ V _ ‘
. Q;. , sn, 1 [11, .1 mw_ 1
11% - renew;]. 011-1 1,;; 13c1;e;C1 t 1¤=.,<; _
A 5 {J   E1 f
11b — Postage wr J
140 — m1sce11ene©us metcriel f ,_w
__________________ _ ________;___;_ _— __ l__" _ I_
» > Q . A

 I n
'Penement Rent, Lights and Coal #l9l.?0
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor,
Credit Union, etc.)
0h1C&1@0 House Expense 35.55
Peyment 10 Jim Sampson 300.00
” " Just ice of Peace 3 62..50
Currency Shipment Expense 157.52
Telephone Ec Telegraph 19.40
Pence O1’1‘1cere' Expense 1,213.55
Fozremen's Conference Expense 8.18
Vacation Psy Wage Egrnere 2,474.49
p Unemployment Imam- ence Tax 2,209.64
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 3,064.37
` Cash Discount Earned
Postage 50.00
Miscelleneous Material ___*_______6.50
$9,636.04 ·

 . I/I I » M
Gs1Cs1mL   G 111;P;j1i5J _/ I ” ` ’ ;» 0
_______________ __ _ _ _ ypgth _ ciiessen
101 — Temegeut Rent, Litiits end 00:11
(EOF ougt. ,11.,sT; .;;ugt . ,A;i¤1it0ié, _ _ _ I
__   Jnigii, egg. I __ __ ____ — >> ’gr   0 I, ,·;_
103 -— Lhieeép Home Expense , 1 , · 1 - 
105 — Leéel Expense  
105A- P;;y2.;e11t to Jim uemysexi 1 I
____ _________ ___ typ we en eas
140511- " t0 Jiistiee of Peace (_ _, I   _- _
.- ..__,_ . ___ ~ `7 ;~ :`· / Q; C13
104 — Gt;i‘i·emcy iiiipment shgense I-I C   _; 2 I
____ 50 TW   e » 1a_
105 — i5ui·g1ei·y Insuizmce I
100 — Te1ep;10me {g i”e1eg1·eph I · ,_ , _ {_ A I
f\ J j_‘/   J )/’l
. ....... ....j..-... ._.__..;_., ,.   ..1......  
I 107 - Peace 0i`i‘iee;*s' Qlzzpense I - , t   I {  
rl \ M ,"»r, . g1 I I
________;_______;_________________________________'__ __I_¤ y 3   7 I c ** ~ ‘
108 — Trsve1iiig; Expense A _ I I
__._.._.__._._.._;._______..__,___ ;_ i ‘i i   
1021 — Assessments 1; Contributions ` I
l"T”*—*‘ii"*"—"__"*‘*‘*"f-*—‘*" i, ‘**·······—·
110 — iimp1.e;1e suggestion 1·.\*/QZTQS _
111 — F0i*emen‘s 00;ifei·e;ice uzqpemse ,1n/ v_ _I
_ _ _ 0% 2> I;  
11.3 ~— Vacation Rey .IeCe Jmimers Q , , ,1/5 4_
4_____*_______M________ 4_»____________ ___~_i£    V _>& ; 4 /,§
115 — UQL©I;;J1.~_/f,H'fl€l’1'I] jiiisuxemce Tex I I _ ,
` _ 1‘1\€$»+ KB  ?>%¤’;:`
11+1 — Ee¤;ie·i·e1_ 0141 ¤_,e Benefit Tax .0   _ .  
/2 » ;» I ·
110 — Postage / I   _
;___________________________________r _____ ~' 0 rr; c I ., €`   e
140 — misce11enesus 1.;et,1¢ie1 ~ I _ _ ,
__________________*___________________________________ }‘ \ 7 -5 C` L;`g./
I/—. { f` ~ ' » r— .\\ I
___§_______;______________ _ C I   I IZ; Q 4 , 2 /_

 I O
C—1·.1*IELL aL ».’u£s:on 1.07.00
" to Justice of Pgracae 02..50
Currency finipnent Exepannee 123....32
Faléyixoxxu &. Te1Bg;I‘u}‘>h 88.32
Pence Offic ers' }5J—:ia>mp10yr;ent lnsuazunce Tax I5, 725.154
Federal Old Age Bene Lit Tgx
Cash Discount Earned »
Postage 90.00
Miscelleneous Meweriul 24.12

 £?;&;~l&:Ji   .li;;ii#Q§.é
r.r..--..,._.-_i_,_..l_ _ @2.*2}; . 3%.5.213
lol — Tenegeuc Rent, Libhte end Goal
(for pupU·,Aeet-$upt.,Auditor, I,
_ gI:e&ii»~Jnigyi,re@g:.I __ _n_ ___ E iox wie J>»e‘ I4;
lOE — bhlC¤®O Holse Expense {2 J; (_` A;
lJ5A— Peygent to Jim oemnsou N
_ ’§@· <°UOO·o·
lOZe— " to Justice of Peace I\ K II/I,4_
Ij_________________________;_____ _______A *5 / Q_ C » ; * qi L1
loé — Currency Snipment Lhgemse ,N f F, _/
I >—__—•_ _ ` Q   6 I _*; L-’ _T 'I >
lo5 — Eurglary%IHeUr€nee
lO6 — Telepnome & felegreoh I NK II r _I
Ip   e> . * .2 —’ I I
—.....•;-.-— .é-......_........1_......i...-i,,____ ._..,;..___    
I lO7 — Peace Ofiioers' Zxpenee I _f_’ _,Ir . II ,_
I________________ ___ I _? Ni I ’?   ##1 Cr I 6 .5 >r
lO8 — Troveligg jxoense _ `_
* ~. rc 1 ~ I F7 /~ F
________________ ___ ______ z_> Q C .· / O `> r' L
" lOQ - Assessments e Uontrieutione I
l"“;T”‘"ii"""‘—_—"""‘_i*T‘**······i— ····;·
llb — gmgloye euggeezien hwiros
lll — Foremen‘s Conference expense M \ I
_ _ ______ I ;   I ¤% b '=/·
ll; — Veeetion Fey lube D¤lH€TS I ,/V._,
r I¤~ A I Se>-»~?@
llb — Ugemgloyment lnsurcmoe Tex II I IA,
_ I ¤¤ew‘t/ QQQG io
llé — Federel old Uwe Benefit Tex \; I { K I
  1%* \`(’ I x J *"  
/ ~ lc ·· ¤\ J * I > `
llo — Postoge {IG!5m .I¢ D’5Q
lxO ~ Miscelleneous Meueriel f \ l A \_I
_______________________________ __ __ I B ~/'/ *17 M ;i- *~7‘
" Lebor
__ 1;; _ , , ; ;_+_ ` -2 r ‘#* “ · » .,L'\J   · *~r\;Ti I _ .___¤ "   ,   ,
` __`*_°__1"'t'j"°'°—"""*'?'*';‘—‘··**‘···*i· ——····-·-———··—-— ·;—-L-·r · ——  .
Ilweé.°‘% . a¤? Y»i
1 I ‘·` —`

 I O
Tenement Rent, Lights amd Cmd $1%.70
(For Supt ., Asst. Bupt ., Sc Auditor)
Gh1c:1_;0 Hevxse Expeznse 35.93
Puynznt to Jim Sampson 500.00
" to Justice 0f Pence 6;:.50
(Jurrency $hi3>:;.ent E;¢;pe.1se 159.91
‘1‘elep110¤e Ez T(318gQ?{;__.”b. 10.35
Peace 0ff1¤:e1·ss' Expense 1,577.95
Traveling; Exprznse I 458.05
F¤r¤:1~1e;1's Cu ference Expense 15.69
H Vgczdtion Pay Wegge Earners 121.7].
Unem.;¤10y1.·.ent Insurzmce Tex 4,962.12
l Fgdaml Old Age Begnefit Tgx 2,5562.91
Cash Discount Earned
P0 stage 90.00
Miscelleneous Materiel 9.62
O`V‘ VH? Q; _, ,·   , _~
llb — Uneggleyment lueuyence Tex ; ,.
/ , I ' ·—
_ _ #/{ */f fj T SJ 7 ’ , I ,
lll — Federal Uli ¤,e Benefit Tax " , -# P 1
/ I/"   _' ' 2 I `1 Q L; __ 1*
llb ~ U,eh uieceumt A rue@
llo — Postage a _ve  ._P_
l&O — miscellaneous materiel T _. ,§ ,_ *
” Leber . ,   Pl
' Q ) ’ Zl»`f\
lb"'  V `- ·’ yM_.A M     yr ` . > I ,3/-| ` \'.`.,
V · ---L.;;.—.....;-.... _;.......;._;___ ;_,__;_____ __; ¥ r · , _
l——~m.“ »—-“l.l- .».Ml.l.l,____Q'l   P   
_/ ·} Ni · ~·_l·.g. /

 | O
C 0 A L M I N E S
Tenmenet Rant, L1, his and Coal $184.70
(For $upt., Asst. Supt., Audltozyetc.)
Cb.ice.jo House Expense 55.62
Peyxtmnt to (Him Sampson 500.00
Currency Shipment Expense 150.00
Burpglery Insprzmce 179.60
Telephone Go Teleg1‘e;1»11 45.87
Peace Off1CGI‘S' Expense 1,251.36
Trevt ling Expense 241.40
Fo1~emen's Conference Expense 13.56
Vacation Psy Huge Esrxzers 2 687.50
Unemployment Insurance Tex 4,400.99
Federal Old Age Benefit Tex 2,095.71
Cash Discount Eurned
Postage 60 .00
Miscelleneous Materiel 50.08
” Labor 4 56.21
Overegge &. Shortegge in Gush __________ .12

 &&i—~.ivJe ,.¤.—;»£i§i 2  
W__--_0-._-____._e0____,,______   I Lzvem .  
I 101 — Tenegeut Rent, L1,hts eni C0el
I (101* nupt . ,;;.,:51; .;;up*G . ,Aud_it0I‘, _
I_._._.__...&1·&;@#:&;2;Q1b._@.©”eJ_-----.---..-   ·v O    
I l0; — ehieebo H00se Expense ie _ M A _' , _ I
I 1005 — Leigel L3.:·;genSe I
______________ __________________ _ 1
· 1025.2;-   {peut 1:0 Jim L>¤D1_)SOI1 l _ _ f, ( I
____ _A___________ __ ____ _ __; [5*. Ji     et 0   gi? 7:- I
lO5B— " @0 Jusmiee 0f Peace /_ ,. _ _ ,,;
______ ___ _ _   »<. Q J? ,· / /» ~ ~‘
3.0; — Gu_r1·<;;1c y 5};j_pI.;ent xagense I I , _
__ _¢____ _     1 " . — / 5 J /
l.»· V`,/_____ .   , ., ;',~ I
, JO? — Peace Oi‘iIi<;e;1e' Ligcpenee /_ _ V, ./_ I _ I I
___ __ _ ,/ `,»· ’ .,` .,2 ~J· Q »’/ J; »" i:
100 — T1uveJ01;1gg _m;jp*‘:11fse M .  - -4
I 100*2 — Assessments   <.)0m©1"i0u‘b 0ns I
MIO -· Ljmp].0ye Lquggesi; 1011 »—.w,1"ds  
1.110 —— F0 ;*eme11‘ S Q0;Lfe1.·e;·;0e Lupeu se , _, . I
    Z.   g» ‘,· ~* "
1.},3 — Vececi 011 Ref .Im;;:: iJ»·-1101"S ( I Ir, _ _   0
.+_-~_-_<~___ —k;-_-—"_ ~;v—___—`“"_—_r> *“A-4--—*¢ —*—-_-·——   Q; _ ,·I ,' ,__‘ ‘· ..' A »
1.15 - U;;e;;;Li>1.,»j,¢1‘s1emi; lnsuxmsxcé {RX I , _ . ,» » -
114 -· federal. Ul Ci MUS: Bcmeiit   _ _ I I_   _ __.. / I Q /
11.5 — Lash L/ISCOLUITS J.Am‘1e& _
1,1.0 - P0 stage A »   I
...___________;_________________________ _____¤ 2 n Q —  
I 1.50 - miseelelmxeezezs i.;ew;,1i¤iel ~ I I/  I T y _ I,  
I ‘* 1,000;*   I , I _  
_ ,, ,\ 1 ‘ I
v' if ;_ ,» Il//__ I··· QA . I L— »   I   KA; TI I I
I-———·——————~————————————————--—-—-——-— —-;.—... -—-.-—-MI 0
M_ I ,_ " ` I _ 0 `.}» K; I I ·   wr

 O O
0 O O A L M I N E S
MARCH -;__];945
Tenenzent Rent, Ligghts uni Coal $184.*70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor, etc.)
Ohicw;0 House Expense 253.25
Payment to Jim Sampson 500.00
" " Justice of Peace 125.00
Cu1·rency Sh1;>K'CI`1.t xixponse 101.27
Telephone &c Telegraph 32.42
Peace Officers‘ Expense 1,2.75.56
B’·;·remen's Conference Exp. me 19.29
Vac;-ation Pay »¥a_:¤ E£iI'¤€I'$ 6,252-45
Yinomployment Ineumxxce Tex 4,770.24
Federal Old Age Benefit Tex 3,271.55
Crash D1 sacount Earned ,
Poetzngge 90.00
_ Mimzefnlunezous Matzriel 10.15
fbermgca Sc, Shortage in Cash .

 &»l.L—Q*;<;£ -¤Qé;4Q~li»$.   .3 ’   ’   *
Y__________”____V ______ A gonth _ Seeson
lol — Tenegenc Rent, Lithte and Coal
(Hoy oupt.,Acet.onpt.,nudltor, V
___ Qpedgj Jngon, e@p.) __ ____ l-Y»'{Q L ?`¤»‘,
102 — ohiceuo Holse Expense _ _V ..V2 .1
105;- Peynent to Jim oem>son . .~V
- J Qi i ·;‘J i, u   it   j
10513- " to Justice of Peace 1 ` `/ ; -. .
_____________________;______ L   o o e
104 — Currency Snipment L cense V_ __ V . .,
} _ ' · r ‘* L I _, ..
l05 ~ ecyglery lnsnrence __ ,
1 1 — _ cr. LD
106 — Telepnone & Telegraph Vrw ,_ T E, I
__ _ _ €L'l g UQ 9 yl —_ · ·t` I ,
107 — Peace 0f§icere' Expense ; V V A V., ,
‘ ¤ 1  we “ ’   .’ ~
ld; — T1x.vel.1l;;jg lxpcmse _, _ 1
  _ * L 2 . 5%   T7 .. 1
‘ 109 - Aeeeesmcnzs 1 Oonurlbutlone .
110 — imploye ouggeetlon hwerds
lll — FOl’@lll@l”l° e Uonfevence oxpen se _ __ A _ __ I
_ _ _ V Q is ’<;¥ 2
11Q — Veceulon Rey Jmbe D¤lH€TS ,,____ ., win he
+.-....-.......... ..._,-.. -...._.._...-..-..1..-,.-.._.,_.__,____.,_, _,_..;.:;;. ’ V 3 V ` ` i V:
I lllb — Une11;_>l.·-»gnneniz lneoronce lex , V _   . - 1 .. \ , .
    LJ- ·`·   _V / LA   ‘ \\ T
114 — Federal old Awe Benefit Tax V _ ,VV ` ,,.\¤ —
1* ¤_ V5? 1 \ 5 i M 1
ll.5 — wasn uiscount lj...1·ne<;l _
116 — Po et   Vi »_   V L;   _ » \
140 - Miscelleneous meceriel } _ M. Z`, ,_
___*________________ _ e . .5 1 1 Ll =/   l
I}   _. I I IN , Li ; /  
_V - ` —· —/O L; {_ _’V
'L ·_i  ` \ _(   ’¢ all `, ·   A `-l   »_   l _. Q_  I    
—   .—_;. ......,.______i1_;;____;______ __ ____ \ ‘ ` _
I ’} ___.. -··**— 7,7 .V. » ,.
-.-. _____ w-·   is z " LJ] ?` I 7}/E {

 O O
» Tenement Hgut, Lights and Coal $152.70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditozyetc.)
Chicago House Expo use 34.20
Payment to Jim Sampson 300.00
" " Justlde of Peace 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 173.23
Telephone & Teleggru h 147.44
Ps-ace Off1c:ex*s’ Eygponse 1,211.49
Truvsling Expense 369.95
Fo1·emeu's Confmence Expense 8.87 `
Vacation Psy wage Eamers 5,523.83
Uuemployment Insummce Tax 4,147.35
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 1,974.93
Gush Discount Earned
Postage. 60.00
Miscellaneous Liateriel 623.].6
" Lebor 368.44 7
overuse & Shortuge in Cash  
l $14,354.07

 MM ms ·
&~1g—Q¢:;L 1;e;—1L<§; .;1.»P.i£‘.I$.£
_ _M___ _ _“___ _ _ gopth _ Besson
1o1 — Tenegenb Rent, Lithts end Coal
(for oupt.,nsst.oupt.,Aud1toy, { , I A_I /
___ Q;ed;§_Jniqp, egg.) _“__”__ __ . 1*E I /_;I I,
102 — ohioego lo1se Expense ,, w, ·_’ 1,I-
. _..__________,_,_____,__,____;___;_ _ .g / 1- it / _ _. ,·___
1OE — Le$e1 lnpense I I
———-——------—--.—-...........—.......;.. ....... ..1 ..,4> _...   _.........,I
1Q3A— Peygent no Jim oemjson ; \ I
1..--...1-»H..1-111.1._...1_........._..._.........._._.._. __111Q;L.Z;QI #'Y.§;;1.;.2.I
103&— " to Jusuiee of Peace IF ;\ ,, .‘e,. [
____ ___ e. 1:> #w;’I -j
,· 1. . —, I
104 — Qnyrenoy onxpnent o.oense , I¤\ ~ I·» ,,=
____ __ M_ _ · I_I;· \ II_wI ¤L
1o5 — durgleyy insnrence · ,,, ,
10o — Te1opnone 1 fe1egr:ph I . I_ 1}—- .11
I ;__; r ;  L1 j   ` ;_I I
.._..._... .._._.._.-....._.,___________1_____.-,.r......i—.+?-· —-————————-·—-+——I
107 ~ Peaee Of§icers' jxpense I. s..A_ 1 .1 II
I { ‘ i I j. _     -I V {,7 LT, E 1
108 — fyove11ng jxgense XI`1 QNI I/_j_Irr
._...___._.-..._.-...___., __._.__1_________ »:     “
109 — Assessments p Qoncributions
110 — Qmp1oye ouggestion nw,T&s I I
_________1___________________ I
111. — Pkxien&n1Is &xm;fo1wx1ce .»;g4n1se I I _ 1 » .e
11Q — Veoezion Rey Jobe m~;ners ,, ,1 ·.. I~
+ ?—€l,W % ‘_.·, /_¥44 7 C"
11L> ·· Une; Mogmeniz 1nsn1·¤.:;oe 'lkx , '_ , e » I _ _
` LZ LS   ix i_;\,» _» _, * i`   :~
114 - Feeeye1 o1& Abe Benefit Tex _ _ ,__, ,.
, >ox ¤ I go si b as
115 — ¤,sn uisoount A rne®
11b — Postage , MI
_______________________ I O ·* o C> I I   <` I
15O — m1soe11eneous heceriel A »;’ ,1‘ so
...-..._--_,._,,__,_____ ________________ _________ __ I I I   I W ` -.
II Leoor ‘ I ·   , ./·‘ 1 ,1 ,
_ ` r `   .)»   r" " ;I
... ,,,/1 .. _ , _ _ _ — ‘ , \_ /W_
_ II; I ""P¤Y>; 1 ··I»»· LM ’;I> I H ?‘ ' [ LI

 Q I
MA__`{__·-· 1945
Tenement Rent, Lights amd Coal $159.95
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor, etc.)
Chicago House Expense 52.57
Payment to Jim Sexngnsoggsf 500.00
" " Justice of»Peace 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 152.81
Telephone &, Telegraph 94.24
Peace 0ff1cers' Expense 1,288.65 '
Traveling Expense A 208.80
For emen's Conference Expense 17.57
Vacation Psy Nails Berners 5,567.555
Unemployment Insurance Tex 4,414.63
. Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 2,102.20
Cash Discount Earned I
Postage 90.00
Miscelleneous Materiel 67.45
" Labor 108.09
Overenre & Shortage 111 Cash 4.88

 .· "'   J; .
4 I A v` `W __ mw ` 1 E » 1 ` Q1 ,`L
@-ggiizzg ,121123. .2;, .1..¢  e ,.~:
_ ________ ____ ____ _ ggegth _   Q se n
1w1 — Teneneut Rent, Libhts an& Coal I
(fer euyt.,Aest.;upt.,Audit0r, V K W],
.--_._;&e2»;Q;§1,~&1@;12.._s¤.@.q1L_1___,_ __.__- 1 ;> ’* "   1 “ *1 ~—;
10E — uhisebe Ie1se Expense 5D f 1Wh_ ,L
1.-_....__._______1____________________1___ »   F 1 . Q;
105 — Lenja;1 Lkapenee ]
1_.._...-._-..._.___-__________,__________________ _ 1
10Z5A—~ P:;;,C.;e11t ‘c0 Jim Lpemneen - A , *
' jo 0 r v—A  ;=»t ·f i 11111
—” ”   "“"”T_"`7"""’ `*__‘“"”‘”""" ”‘ "—"”`”`1
1xJ¤;3- ·’ ce Jusmxce ef Peace {_   5, 5
1: `~ .., cz M T C fj"
104 — Guzwemcy Snipment phgemse ° R; _ I
___ *1:01 · \>·1~_
105 —~ xiuxglery 1msw;1¤.mce I   .
_ s 1 1 .  
106 — Te1.ep;10ne L; `11B1.€QI`Li;)h , ,_ .   »  
_____ _ ” 'r f' > >\ w
107 -· Peace Ofi‘ice:;·e' jixpenee _ W 1 ,_ _
_ _ ;)\§~~ ·`  
108 — 1‘1L.ve1 11117; Qxpemfse   , 1
· _ _~ ~ ~,;§ Q’V`K_w1`
l 109 — Aeeesssmeznts 1,; Uemur1bu1;j_0r1s W
110 — Lfmpleeye 11ug;;geet1©11 1~.WeI`C1S _
111 ~ FO1`€IH€I1¥S Ge;;f1;:1·e;;ce ~;:.;;»ez1 ee _ _ _   _ _ _ _i
.__._..-......  . - A _ I ‘—  3 1 iw we
1115 — Veceuen Bay Jabe 1;}.-`.LH€I`S _1 -. -·\ »   .
1z KT   J ‘. Q 1 5**1; W
—~.·--—.............. -~...—.—....—»...-.- .-...._..... .................» ~—-———•—·———-—’•··-—·
1123 ~ Uf1{iQ.j1.v,{}Wil€I'l1] fLm5ux1em©€ Tex   ___ __ y' . M 1 . _.
.._..._.—.-1.._..--,... Q Ei   + 1 '»   >1 113 1
114; - Fe<1e1*e1» 011 Awe Bement Tax b __ 1   I
D L em L1 : \ `.»— r   \ \ I
11b - Pesiage I {1
______________________________________________;__;_________ ____ · C ·¤ g g " ‘ 3.
1¤JO — 1/11sce1.1¤me0us lgeteriel I     ,. .
_____—_·_¤_fV`__;~____—_;__·’__~·__- —- {J;   l L1 ~ ¤ S
 1-1 :1.; 1/1 MY q  Q   '_ 2 ·`  · .1 °11` Y `.#"
--—L-i—;.».—........é..._;   ` J _____ __ * :3 a ) L_
I I 1 ' = ~ .··~ { ‘ · ·;.
—————-—-—-——~-~—..»—.—-e.._....---....     _

 I I
JUNE ·- 1.945
Tenement Rent, L1 hts and Coal
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Auditor, etc.) $157.70
Chi cage House Expense 253.90
Pammt to Jim Sampson 500.00
" " Justice of Peace 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 1.71.01
Telephone ac. Telegraph 13.57
Peace 0ff1cere' Expense 1,255. 9].
Traveling Expense 222.43 V
Foremen's Conference Expense 11.58
Vacation Psy Wage Earners 9,059.03
Unemployment Insurance Tax 5,133.74
Federal Old Age Benefit Tex - 2,444.63
Cash Discount Earned
Postage 60.00
Miscellaneous Material 38.10
Overage &. Shortage in Cash .26

 L   T_ , , . W r,_ _, _._,,_,1 , r' _ , v·"
$.};éL—2‘.¥;J~; ..rj£*.*K*¥’...;—B..—,j’.)¥—3E’.£ ... . 4 ,`"L""`; Y'! `·  
»-...~.~...--_._.-..0.... 0 .   .  
lwl — Tenegcut Rent, L1 his and G©¤l
(1*0;* pulgt . ,A.,;st mupiz . ,A;1dit01*, { K r   ( ,
Credit 0111011 etc., U ’¥   F? {L L   ~\ >_
.-.._..._...............-..........- 0..x.._-_.. .*-_.... -......- _
10* - ‘h1c0, IOASA “y" se ¤ - r"
`- kun`; U **-5 _)O`_1 U   Ay gg   Qy/,
].03.A— P;;‘n.;©11i; EO Jim ;>a.m>s011
¤y _ . N
_ __r____________ V__   ·"` is?. :1* J? ‘ "E c~ 410 ¤ •
JOSE- " E0 J‘,1s¤;ic& Of P@&ac@ . Q, ,..
’ \ `<»` L 2 `; ¤ .
__________ __;___;r_________________ _ L.) *• .2 _ »
J.04 ·— Gu.1·1;·<2mc:y 5l11ifu;LCHJD 4...g@us& V, },» ,
______ ,;}*,64;, :>;¢»;;¤
1.05 ·— 3u;<·g;lex1·y Qlnsbxxwuce   A.
5 ¢ " . L9 cn
1.06 — T©l.©p;>00n©   fc] egycph _   G   f- N QQ Q
_ __ _ _ M,. Z ` .7 Qii .· =
_ ‘ ~ I
107 - Rctxcc 0ffi;<:©;·s' jzzpense _, ,0 _ ` , , .!
_ __ }~;>¤> •11.M”w.>++z
108 ~ T1? ,.v©]iL1;; ];¤;prmrs@ _   { ,  
' gg;   5   \ ; ; g   5
10*9 — As$©srs1’.1©11·cs 0; Qcncziibuizioms }
•*;"‘_‘j""’—‘_"’*""‘*·*—i—*··—·* ····:·····— ···· I
M0 - 1m11:].0*,‘©  ,u»igg;@&;t 1011 mpxms , _
.4. • C, ,. \ , \ _
___ _ LB 0 L: ¤>` fg ;;:· ,
lll. —- F0;*©1:1©u'S 00;;f@1·@;1c© .»¤;=;;1©11s@ , / __,
` Jr I   '7 r" LL `
' ·b i r · `
UQ -— Vacation Bay JLQJ2 :»`»;n©1‘s / 0 E? L { Eq 2 Sq 62
` ]_]_LB — U;;iiI_._)].·,»],T§lE3H`E X.llSLll"<—ZlC€ TQX 1; -. _ , , ·. ..». » , · """
_ V? “ } bw- J 51/1 ’  >?-1
1.14; — Faciwrul. viii hue Benefit Tux , _   Y V, ____
i~YLTY$.? $·‘@“¥" >· ‘'»’
1.1.5 — kgsh u;Lsc0u11A¥; j».»I‘lU.€(5I —
l` lib —· Pcstcwe I j `
C 1
_______________________________ __ In a ¤   » Fw ck rw :»
140 — mis©©l4l.¤m@©us 1»&‘u,;i·1al A.   _ __ \ ,. I 1;
;_________________ ___________V_______________________1___ ___ ··— ·‘» x  /   · *
" Labor   , ,
  > 7 q.
________________i______ \ . .
‘   ’•!     ._ ‘ —   —*! · · . .#E· . `   ~’ {X v
* az   I 2- z., V   · = *¤ #0 A \ AJ »- »· 1 >. N ~
_ - ‘ v * ‘ ;;____;_r____ __L - ¤ .¤v ·*x,. __.,../».·· • i;;~-#" __~_ · -, `
wi -.. gg; V
'_"'—'_"_`_""" `“—""""_"-"‘;‘ -*···"··;-·····~··—··   ·
 0   A ( 0 0. -,
\__;   ff \**  \\J_/]     ’” ’
\ ?

 0 •
C 0 A L M I N E S
JULY 1945
Teuement R;nt, Ltgeh ts and Coal $149.70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Aud1t01·,etc.)
Chi ceé;0 House Expense 52.25
Psyment to Him Sampson , 300.00
" " Justice of Peace 62. 50
Currency Shipment Expense 191.95
Telephone 84 Telegraph 159.95
Peace 0ff1ce1·s' Expense 1,415.15
Traveling Expense 199.38
Employe Su gestion Awsrds 15.00
F01·em0n's Confereme Exp np-=e 6.95
Vacation Psy Wage Esrners 6,8].3. 61
1 Unsmployme nt Insurance Teac 4,132.54
. Federal Old Age Benefit Tex 1,967.88
Cash Discount Earned
Postage 60.00
Miscellaxmems Material 6.62
Ovcrsge Br. Shortage in Cash .

 Qs2,;~ib;J;;L 1;2&i5_  ” I I ·`‘  °
1. .---_*..1_.__.__.____ 0      
101 — ]ene;ent Rent, Lients ene Ceel
(Key snpt.,nsst°supt.,nud1t0r, V A __ {
___ _Q;ed1t Jnignl_e§c.I __ __ ,£;1 f*# IIYTE fe
103 — Lnjcege leese Expense , ;1VI ;»L
105 — Lebel Expense I
105A- Peygent me Jim.¤emys0n T _ I
' J ’ ` 'I !1 I · ‘ /`¢
105B- " he Jnsuice ef Peece _ ,10 1,/M I
‘ 104 — Currency Snipuent Lhgense V , V lf, :,,4 __I
105 — 5u1g1eyy Insnyence J: I 1
106 — Te1epA0ne L fe1e;rsph / K I
" .r. W I
107 — Pe ce 01:;cets' expense ,T I_ I gl`. m ,fi
108 — Txsve11gg Qxgense   __, x; ,f I
v_ iu "_-· LI I"? \/I T. I ":`     I " I
100 — Assessments , Uenzributiens 1
I 110 · Qmg10ye enggestien 1#». wsrds M I
I   ;Q _
111 — F0memen‘s Uenfeyence expense _ _ , ,_, _
I 4 I I I I   »> ,~  
11& - Vecezien Rey icc; se1ners e_,_ e r __
1_--.__,.._..__-1__,.,._1.,0-____.__________   '1 *‘ - » »` *   ii
· 116 — Uneng1cyment 1HSUF¤HC€ Tsx I __ _ ~ ,, I
> · ‘   .»   I ’; lr I
11Q — Fee rs1 01d Awe Benefit Tax 0__ ,,£ KI __,, -,M
%€w ;»“ rk — —V»
116 — Postage I   , _»_ 
1z0 — misce11sne0us meceriel *I _ ' _, c
” Lebey .»__ _.
` ;`;·1··—·——·—- -———-—·——-———-———-——I—-——;-—-——-—·————-» ··—I .
  V 1   `_ 'A `/ 4  
· »’ I ` \`#`Z~";I¤Z

 I I
GENE 2£& .  
lvl — Tansgcut Rent, Lithis and Goal T*
(for Quyb.,AUst.¤upt‘,hud1t0r, _ n _l,
.___ _Qr¤<1;;©_ J¤iq¤.;.__@_®;;;)__. __-______   P.   ·’  
102 — nhicebc hcqse Expense Q, _,, ,. »`
., z ¤ .. ·‘.» Q - ’ 
' _'—__€ `_1 °`—°`i`°°"`_`t°"_"'°"*"'j ' “”"‘]"
JUS — Lqéel jxzpcnsez i
{ lJ5h— Pgygemt B0 Jim ¤@mys¤n , ,__    |
l lO5B— " to Jusuica cf Peace L_- > _ .Aj
}__-.....-... .._;._.._.............._...,._..._.___,___._,___,,,_._,..._~... " · *2   V
i lO& — Qurrcmcy 5h1ym©Hi ¤h;@¤se _ _ P M,
,.__.-_._._.._____,______,__________________________ { ~ · ‘¤   '   
lu5 — Burglary Ims4y¤¤c© ,_
JOB — T@].€p;10m© Q; `[`G].€§l`Li;]h     _ _,   . _ l
JO'? — Peace Of'1T‘i©<;;·ss' ljzgpsnse .   _   .   .
,4 _Q `_ ` , `J ‘. »‘. ‘ ·'
1053 — Tl"¤.'x7€J.l.lgjQ Ahyzgemss _ . _ __ -, .44» »;
  "  ais;
1.09 — Ass©ssm©;1 bs M \J©n©r1bui:j.0ms l
•—_——‘—`i‘“‘—""‘*""""‘T"**··j·*:··—· ·········
UO —— m1g].0;,·© Qugggestmn hvxmius _  
  1 ~ * .
1.4.]. —· Foremem s Q,<>;1f6:1·©;1c© ·¢2;pQIl se ; _ 2 _ f Ny
I 1.]..3 — Vnaacycion Bay .I;.©c ¤.—.;11@1*s __ __ __ _. (/\ \ W  
n > ‘· ' "> » ¤ ~» ‘ ‘
_+__<_____`—_—_*—1_—__;‘_-~*~_·_,_—___1___v;_r>>-_._‘_>_ ——’T—_t-Q- I-‘ _ _ l, —¤ _ > “ r J
1.].15 -· LL1<:1.;_>1.Jym©mx lxmsxlrggcc fa.}; -     __ E   \ . _
_ __' Qi   ix jr ·,     =_, ,. ¤ ,
1.lLi — Fccmrul. QJ Ci Ame: Bcmciit Tax A _A   _  _ _ . » _
, _`   { :   ·· {_ ,~ ?
1.1.5 — usb uisccumt ;j]<.`l`l'l€(I}Z _
Mb — P0 si;    I .. T _   
1.zO — misc@l.l.¤1w©us 1.ieNc,r;La1l I i,     » __ ,
‘* Labor . _ __ ,
_  e   * _V   ‘ `_;   i » AA»"'     __ I Q? — "‘_
L     » .·\\`J•-   .4 >`-\ X V5"` K"/`~!‘·`   5_r,\ `   ·_ · W · , ll 4} ` ls  [__ M " `   r>` I .'
~-—-—1·—·~·——--·-————-—-—-————»—~..--··-—--·-;......—..   -_._....._{,.;_.______,, . 4 -;‘ -~.~;;._._.._-' _
' i. I ` ` $   Q; { J` ’ (

 U O
C 0 A L M I N E S
_____j5_I£j_'.;_L4B1ZR-1945 _______
Tenement Rent, Liglts and Coal $165.70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Audltoxgetc.)
Chicago House Expense 32.25
Payment to Jim Sampson i50·;.OO
" " Justice of tie Peace 62.50
Currency iihipment Expense 129.49 l
Telephone Bc Telegraph 49.40
Pence Ofi`1ce¤s' Expense 2,455.12
'I‘_;·en·= ling Expense I 255.11
For en1en*§g;:Expen s e 10 . 96
Vacation Psy Wage Earnmrs 5,076.é&'?
Ifnexxyloyxeniz Insurance Tex 5,985.31
Fedeml Old Age Benefit Tex 1,897.77
1 Cash Discount Earned
Postage 60.00
· Miecellzmemzs Mate; Vlul 145:5.4.8
Gush Overage & Shnrtage .54
Pyovision for Plzlnt k}&£_2.iZj.I1G Expense  

   l;=;—@3.   . it ’ i ¥  ’ ‘  
V.-...-.._.l..-__..._._..,_._____ £l<>.¤1l; .  
lol — Tene;enc Rent, Libhue end Coal
(for snot.,Acsc.bupt.,Auditor, V V l.  
.-_..__.._.Q;;n1L;i~;glls;x;,_;¢.ts>l)__ W _. l ’   ‘
lO3 · onicebo Holse Expense \  `.r- ` _
lO5 — Leéel Expense
lO5A» Peypent co Jim semyecn _ V
__.l___._,,-_,__,_._______,____,________________________~,,___ V ~' ’     '
lO5B- " to Jueuice of Pesce c V _ VT» afl V
7_—`-_Z`?""`T"7`”"__7""“ ` ‘ l " i
V lO4 - uurrency snlement nloense V V __,_ `Y_
loo — iuxgieyy lnsorence VA V_ V
loo — Teleonone & fcleirooh V pv
- e - , __c
..._.i...... .....,-i....,. _,___,;_______,_,__,____  
lO7 - Peace Of§ice?s' Expense __ V_ _ __ 1
loe — TTlV€llJQ expense _ A ,_ _ 1
lOQ — Assessments l Contributions `
“ llO - Qmgloye euggeetlon hwlrds _
.-1 V _, Y   g
lll ~ Foxemen‘s Jonference ~;pense _, ,.iT
' R   T Q » ~-
llQ — Vecetion Bev jose mslneys , .. _ ,»
s. L, V V ` , V . _, ,___ _
ll8 - Une;gloyment lnsurence Tex V __ V_ VV _Q
_ V _ ` ` ' ··‘ ¥ ‘   I | `
lll — Yeo rel old lUe Beneiit Tex _V _e c _ _ V,V __
llfl — Qlsn uisoount 5.1*11ecl _
llo — Postoae __ ,
L.. x l _ _.
l&O — Miscelleneous hezlriel e _ V_
-.1-... VV \   I V L _` VVV" fl V *1 VI
    .__.---;l-g_.   _   l L _   » ·. { --..._;      

 ` " O
0 0 A L M I N E S
GJTOBIBR ·· 1945
Tenement Rent, Lights and Coal 8165.70
(For Supt., Asst. Supt., Aud1tor,etc.)
‘ Chicago House Expense 36.92
Payne nt to Jim Eiampson 500.00
" ” Justice of Peace 62.50
Currency Shipment Expense 147.28
Burglary Insurance —
Telephone & Telegraph 130.57
Peace 0ff1cers' Expense 1,806.78 -
Traveling Expense 548.92
Foremen's Conte rence Expense 10.97 _
Vacation Pay Wage Earners 3,545.53
Unemployment Insurance Tax 5,955.47
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax A 1,875.08 _
Cash Discount Earned
Postage 90.00
‘ Miscellaneous Material 8.41
Cash Overayre &. Shortage
Provision for Plant Magrxzine Expense 206.00
~ $12.,276.45