xt7kh12v6014_288 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Account Sheets text Account Sheets 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_29/2008ms006_29_4/22972/22972.pdf 1923 1923 1923 section false xt7kh12v6014_288 xt7kh12v6014 WISCONSIN STEEL COMPANY, INCORPORATED,
This Month Last Month Season
101 Salaries, 2059.79 2087.50 2059.79
101a " Chicago, 1468. 33 1 468. 33 1468. 33
102 Printing and Stat ionery, 326.10 313. 96 326.10
103 Postage, 40.00 40.00 40.00
104 Furniture & Fixtures, -· ... ..
105 Office Expense, 133.05 218.16 133.05
106 Telephone Expense, 85.58 97.06 85.58
106a. Telephone & Telegraph, 108.23 74.37 108.23
107 Legal Expense, .. .. ..
108 Traveling Abcpense, 4.65 36.65 4.65
109 Boiler Insurance, 4. 78 4.78
110 Prizes, ... - ..
l llla Burglar Insurance, 1. 75 1.77 1.75
113 Streets, 561.71 358.96 561.71
115 Fire and Watch, 628.59 677.20 628.59
116 Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Salaries, 925.38 1007.98 925.38
117 Filling Payroll Envelopes, 113.45 124.83 113.45
119 Chicago House, - ·- -
120 Miscellaneous, 1091.37 1086.40 1091. 37
7552. 76 7552. 32 7552. 76
_ glsgtvributl on;
Coal Production No. 1 Mine, 5038.22 4941. 70 5038.22
.» u No. 2 Mine, 1290.19 1276.74 1290.19
Coke Manufacturing, 879.35 998.88 879.35
Commissary Operation, 150.00 150. 00 150.00
Market Operation, 75.00 75.00 75.00
White Club Operation, 7.50 7.50 7.50
Colored " *' 2.50 2.50 2.50
Stores 1% 50.00 23.00 50.00
Appropriation; 569la 29.00 29.30 29.00
5692a 9.50 9.50 9.50
4 55938, 7.50 7.50 7.50
5694 4. 00 4. O0 4. 90
5971 10.00 - 10.90
5870 — 10.00 —·
Farm Houses, — 10.00 -·
Farm Lands, ......4;.... ...]£LQ.9.. .....;._.
7552.76 7552.32 7552.76

This Month Last Month Season
101 Salaries, 2142. 50 2059.79 4202. 29
101e. " Chicago, 1468.33 1468.33 2936.66
102 Printing and Stationery, 194.37 326.10 520.47
103 Postage, 20.00 40.00 60.00
104 Furniture 6. Fixtures, .84 - .84
105 Office Bxnense, 232. 37 133.05 365.42
106 Telephone mpense, 102.42 85.58 188.00
106a Telephone Ee Telegraph, 94.08 108.23 202. 31
107 Legal Expense, - - —
108 ’1’rav·»1ing Expense, - 4.·65 4.65
109 Boiler Insurance, 4.78 4. 78 9.56
110 Prizes, - - -
_ 111a Burglar Insurance, 1. 79 1. 75 3.54
113 Streets, 247.21 561.71 808.92
115 Fire and. Watch, 574.30 628.59 1202.89
116 Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Salaries, 846.39 925.38 1771. 77
117 Filling Payroll Enlelones, 127. 96 113.4.5 241.41
119 Chicago House, - - --
120 Miscellaneous, 825.53 1091.37 1916.90
_ - 6882.87 7552. 76 14435. 63
Distrib itiom
Coal Production No. 1 Mine, 4460.14 5038.22 9498.36
" " " 2 " 1206. 89 1290. 19 2497.08
Coke Manufacturing, 870.84 879.35 1750. 19
Corrriesary Operation, 150.00 150.00 300.00
Market , " 75. 00 75. 00 150. 00
White Club " 7.50 7.50 15.00
Colored " " 2.50 2.50 5.00 _
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 100.00
Anpropriation; 5691a. 29.00 29. JO 58.00
5692a 9.50 9.50 19.00
5693a. 7.50 7. 50 15.00
5694 4. .10 4. 00 8. 00
5971 - 10.00 10.00
5870 10.00 — 10.00
6882.87 7552. 76 144354 63

GENE!?gg ’;'.’O@ E?Y.`?E'1\TS§ - MARCH - 1923
This Month Lest Month Season
101 Salaries, 2199.83 2142.50 6402.12
101a Salaries, Chicago, 1568.33 1468.33 4504.99
102 Printed Stationery, 182.93 194.37 703.40
103 Postage, 40.00 20.00 100.00
104 Furniture J. Fixtures, - .84 .84.
105 Office Expense, 183.18 232.37 548.60
106 Telephone Expense, 110.51 102.42 298.51
106a Teleohcne 5. Telegraph, 88.36 94.08 290.67
10*7 Le@ Expense, .. - ..
108 Traveling Expense, 53.69 — 58.34
` 109 Boiler Insurance, 4.78 4.78 14.34
110 Prizes, — - -
111 Fire Insurance, - - -
llla Burglary Insurance, 1.77 1.79 5.31
112 Taxes, - ·- -»
113 Streets, 329.05 247.21 1137.97
114 Depreol ation, - -· ~
115 Fire   Watch, 681.13 574. 30 1884.02 A
116 Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Sale. 830.12 846.39 2601.89
117 Fi lling Payroll Envelones, 113. 20 127.96 354.61
118 Patriotic Wr Worllz, ·- ·- -·
119 Chicago House, - - -
120 Miscellaneous, 1257.01 825..53 3173.91
7643.89 6882.87 22079.52
Distrib mtion-,
Coal Production No. 1 Mine, 8178.32 4460.14 15676.68
Coal Production No. 2 Mine, 770.83 1206.89 3267. 91
Coke Manufacturing, 329.74 870.84 2079.93
Gommissary Omerat ion, 150. 'J0 150.00 450.00
Market, 75.00 75.00 225.00
White Club, 7.50 7.50 22.50
Colored. " 2. 50 2. 50 7. 50
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 150.00
Appropriation; 5691s., 29.00 29.00 ·87.00
5692a, 9.50 9.50 28.50
569$&, 7.50 7.50 22.50
5694 4.00 4.00 12.00
5834, - 10.00 - 10. J0
5971 - - 10.00
5870 ·· 10.00 10.00
6032 10.00 - 10.00
6151 10.00 - 10.00
7643.89 6882.87 22079.52

 2715**1111 S’I‘Q·3$—?L f)01.*2’*.NY, INCORP';R1’l‘ED,
This Month Last ljgnth Season
101 ¤H1ar·1es, 2202.50 2199.83 8604.62
101.4 Splairies Chicago, I 1868.33 1568.33 6373.32
102 Printed Stat ionery, 274. 30 182. 33 977. 70
103 Postage, 20.00 40.00 120.00
104 Furniture 3; Fiximres, - ·- .84
105 Office Expense, 236.83 183.18 785,43
106 Tg lenhone " 172.10 110,51 470.61
106A 'Dglenhone ri: 'felegranh, 117.98 88,36 408,65
10*7 Legal Hknense, · - · — -·
103 'Dmv·=1ing Ecpense, 121,89 53.69 180. 23
109 Boiler Inszzrnnce, 4.78 4.78 19,12
110 Prizes, 24. )0 - 24.00
111 Engl Instzrsnce, 3.50 - 3.50
111;. Balrgzlery Insurance, 1. 77 1.77 7,08
112 Taxes, - — ·-
113 Streets, 425.88 329.05 1563.85
1],4 DGp:·e;:iet1ion, , A-. . - ,   1-,
7 115 Fire   Watch, 952,994 681,13 2836.98
116 Ind. Eel. Dew. Inc. Sals. 844.24 830,12 3446.13
117 Filling 3*2;;; 11011 Envelopes, 130421 113.20 M84.82
118 Tlatriotic Work, -· - -
119 Chicago Hquse,   -· _-·,  
120 l*,Tj_sr;91]_gn3¤u3, 843.81 12357,0] 4017,’T’2__
8245.06 7643.89 30324.58
p_;_;;bri3 ution
‘ 00: 1 Production N0. l Ifine, 6292.17 6178,32 21968.85
*° " Zio, 2 ’° 685. 13 770,8 3 3953.04
Coke 1§:.nui‘:tc*u1·ing, 897_ 76 329. 74 2977.69 ·
A Comoisszzry O.·yzr:.ation, @0.00 ]_£T 0. 70 600.00
2.1a1"»tet, 75.00 75. 10 303.-50
White Club, 7.50 7.F0 30.00
Colored " 2.50, 2.50 1).00
Stems 107; 50, JO £‘0.;>o 203. 10
Jmpronriotionsz 6691 A 29,0) 29,00 116.00
5632 A $.50 9,50 38.00
5693 A 7.50 7.Y’0 30,10
5694 4.00 4. >0 16, D0
5834 ·· 10,00 10.00
5971 5. DO - 15. 00
5870 ·- - 10.00
6032 10.00 ]_0. J0 20.00
6151 5.-00 10.00 15. 10
5916 10. 00 ·- 10. 90
5831 5.00 ·- 5.00
8245.06 7643.89 30324.58

This month V Last Month §eason
101 - Salaries, 2087.50 2202.50 10692.12
101A- “ Chi czago, 2151. 67 1868. 55 8 524.99
102 ·· Printing Stationery, 50.45 274. 50 1028.15
105 - Postage, ` 40.00 20.00 160.00
104 - Furniture & Fixtures, ·· - .84
105 — Office Expense, 212.22 256.85 997.65
106 -· Telephone, 195.04 172.10 665.65
106A- Telephone & Telegraph, 60.88 117.98 468.55
107 - Legal Expense, ·- - -
108 - Traveling expense, 528. 71 121.89 508.94
109 - Boiler Insurance, 6.56 4.78 25.68
110 ·· Prices, - 24. 00 24.00
111 · Yire Ixxsarance, - 5.50 5. E0
111.4- Burglary Insurance, 1. 77 1. 77 8.85
112 - Taxes, - -· -
115 ·- Streets, 495.50 425.88 2059.15
114 - Depreciation, ·- ·· -
115 - Fire & Watch, 650.50 529.24 5065. 56
116 - Ind,. Rel. Don. Inc. Sales, 869.64 844.24 4515.77
117 -· Filling Pay Roll Envelopes, 125.11 150.21 609.95
118 - Patriotic Work, - - -
119 -· Chicago House, - ·· —
‘ 120 · Miscellaneous, 1258.99 1267.51 _ 5700.41
8554. 12 8245.06 58858. 70
Di strigution;
Coal Production No. 1 Mine, 6058.59 6292.17 28027.44
" " 2 " 1254.01 685. 15 5207.05
` Coke Manufacturing, 851. 52 897. 76 5829.21
00mmi sary Operation, 150. 00 150.00 750. 00
Mamet ·· 75.00 75.00 575.00
Whi te Club, 7.50 7.!i0 57.50
Co1>recl " 2.50 2.50 12.50
Theatre , 5. D0 — _ 5. 00
Stores 10%, U 50.00 50.00 250.00
Appropriations: 5691 A 29.00 29.00 145.00
5692 A 9.50 7. 50 47.50
5695 A ‘ 7. 50 $7.50 57.50
5694 4. 00 4. CX) 20.00
5854 -· - 10.00
5971 — - 10.00
5870 - - 10.00
6052 10.00 10.00 50.00
6151 5.00 5. 00 20.00
5916 10.00 10.00 20.00
5851 5.00 5.00 10.00
A 8 554. 12 8245. 06 58858. 70

GEN'ER*.L -¤0RKS E’J>i?!¥SE—JUN 1925
This 1i<@j_‘1_ T et Month eeson
101 - Salaries, 2121,00 2087. 50 12815.12 V
10 1A-·· W Chi engr o, 19 60. 00 2 151. 67 10484. 99
102 - Printing dtationery, 56.84 50.45 1084.97
115 ··· Postage, 45.00 40.00 2.) 5.00
104 — Furniture 5; Fixitrires, - -= .84
105 - O'1,1CG Exwense, 199.80 212.22 1197.45
106 - Telephone, ·• 174.15 195.04 859. 78
106;*.- Telenhone   Telegram; 49. 05 60.88 518.56
107 -·- Legal Kxnense, .. - -
108 - Traavelnizig knonse, 97.80 528,71 606.74
109 - Boiler Insurance, 5.67 6.56 51.55
110 - Prizes, ·· — 25.00
111 - Wire Insqrzznee, - .. 5. EO
111;% Burglary Insuram ce, 1. 77 1. 77 1),62
112 - Taxes, - ·- -
115 - Streets, 554.67 4}.5.50 2595.82
114 ·- Depreciation, - - -·
115 - Fire   ;'.’at=2h, 466.66 650.50 5550.22
116 - Ind. Rel. Deo. Inc. iiziles, 949.85 869.64 5265.62
117 A- Filling Pny $*011 imveloioesg 144.55 125.11 754.46
118 — Patriotic `.?o:c·i~:9 - -· -
119 - Ohicqo Liouse, - ·- —
120 · Miscelleneous, 1229.08 1258._9_9;_ 6929.49
8055. 85 85 54. 12 46894. 55
00;:1 Production No. 1 Qfine, 548457 6058.59 55512.01
" " 2 " 1212. 47 1254. 01 6419. 52
Coke Memufactu ri xg, _ 996.29 851. 52 4825.50
_ Com ·5·. i ssery Operation, 150.00 150.00 900.00
Merkei; ** 75. >0 75.00 450.00
White Club, 7.50 7. 50 $45.00
Col red Vlub, 2.50 2.50 15.00
Theatre, 5.00 5.00 10.00
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 500.00
;Lmj>1·opri2 tions ·- 5691 lg, 10.00 29.00 155.00
5692 5., 5.00 9.50 52. 50 4
5695 A, 2.50 7. 50 40. )0
5694 2.50 4.00 22.50
5854 - - 10.00
5971 ·· ·· 15.00
5870 ··= ·· 10.00
6052 5.00 10.00 55.00
6151 -· 5. 00 20.00
A 5916 2.50 10.00 22.50
5851 2.t.·0 5.00 12. 50
6228 10.00 10.00
6281 A 5.00 .. 5.00
6281 B 2.50 ·- 2.50
* 6281 D 5.00 ______.:______ ____5_.00
8055. 85 8554. 12 468 94. 55

Thi s Month [gsi: Month geasm
101 - Salaries, 2179.67 2121.00 14992.79
102A-· Fialarie s, Chicago, 1510.00 1960.00 11794.99
102 - Printed Stationery, 85.25 56.84 1168.20
105 - Postage, 40.00 45.00 245.00
104 - Fhrniture & Fixtures, - - .84
105 - Office Expense, _ 209.57 199.80 1407.02
106 ·- Telephone Expense, 152.58 174.15 972.56
106A- Telephone & Telegraph, 56. 98 49.05 575.54
107 - Legal nlxpense, - - -
108 - Traveling Expense, 55. 72 97.80 640.46
109 ·· Boiler Insurance, 5.67 5.67 57,02
110 - Prizes, - - i‘4.»"°
111 - Fire Insurance, - - 5.50
111A- Burglary Insurance, 1. 77 1. 77 12. 59
112 - Taxes, - - -
115 - Streets, 469.91 554.67 5065.75
114 · Depreciation, ·· - -
115 - Fire & Watch, 479.29 466.66 4009.51
116 - Ini. Rel. Dep. Inc. Sales, 869.82 949.85 6155.44
117 - Filling Payroll Envelooes, 155. 22 144.55 887.68
118 - Patriotic War Work, - ·· -
119 - Chicago House, - - -
120 ·== Miscellaneous, 1272.54 1229.08 8201.85
7277. 77 8055.85 54172.50
Coal T>ro<1uc tion No. 1 Mine, 4841. 55 5484.57 58555.56
M " No. 2 Mine, 1586.28 1212.47 7805.80
Coke Manufacturing, 717.44 996.29 5542. 94
Commissary Opeiuztifxri, 150.00 150. 00 1050.00
Mssket Dperati m, 75. D0 75. 00 525.00
White Ulub ` 7.50 7.50 52.50
Colored Club, 2.50 2.50 17.50
Theatr e, 2. 50 5. 00 12. 50
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 550.00
Appropriations; 5691 A, 10.00 10.00 165.00
5692 A - 5.00 52.50
5695 A, - 2.50 40.00
5694 - 2.50 22. 50
5854 ·· ·· 10.00
5971 - — 15.00
5870 - - 10.00
6052 -· 5•·00 55.00
6151 2. 50 - 22.50
5916 2.50 2.50 25.00
5851 - 2.50 12.50
6228 5.00 10.00 15.00
6281 A - 5.00 5.00
6281 B 2.50 2. 50 5.00
. » 6281 D 2.50 5.00 7.50
6281 C 10.00 -· 10.00
5692 B 2.50 ·· 2.50
6515 2.50 - 2. 50
Building New Mine Cars, 5.00 ·· ____ 5.00
7277.77 8055.85 54172.50

1 This Mo_zyg_1; Last Mont; Season
101 - Salaries, 2264.17 2179.67 17256.96
101A- Salaries, Chicago, 1955.00 1510.00 15729.99
102 - Printed Stat.1oner,y, 271.97 85.25 1440.17
105 - Postage, 20.00 40.00 265.00
104 - Furniture & Fixtures, ·- - .84
105 - Office Expense, 220.08 209.57 1627.10
106 - Telephone Expense, 162.55 152.58 1154.89
106A- Telephone & Telegraph, 74.65 56.98 650.17
107 - Legal Expense, — - -
108 Traveling Expense, - 55.72 640.46
109 - Boiler Insurance, 5.67 5.67 42.69
110 ·· Prizes, , ' *· 24.00
111 - Fire Insurance, - — 5.50
11lA- Bzxrglary Insurance, 1.77 1.77 14.16
112 - Taxes, — ·- —-
115 - Streets, 569.55 469.91 5655.20
114 — Depreciation, - - -
115 - Fire 6: Watch, 471.42 479.29 4480.95
116 -·= Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Sales, 882.51 869.62 7017.75
117 - Filling Payroll Envelopes, 175.49 155.22 1065.17
118 - Patriotic War Work, -· - -
119 Chicago House, ·- - =·
120 - Miscellaneous, __J._150.8_L_ 1272.54 9553,.64
8205.40 7277.77 62577.70
Qistg bggtj OQE
Coal Production Ho. 1 Mine, 5595.44 4841.55 45947.00
'° " 110. 2 Mine, 1658.81 1586.28 9444.61
Coke 1Ian11i`aot~urin.'§, 725.15 717.44 6266.09
Corzmissary Operation, 100.00 150.00 1150.00
Market " 75.00 75.00 600400
White Club, 7.50 7.50 60.00
Colored Club, 2.50 2.50 20.00
Theatre, 2.50 2.50 15.00
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 400.00
Appr0p1"ia*;i0nS — 5691 13., - 10.00 165.00
5692 A, — - 52.50
5695 A =- - 40.00
5694 · ·‘ 22.50
5854 ·· ·· 10.00
5971 ·· ·· 15.00
5870 ·· ·· 10.00
6052 — ·· 55.00
6151 - 2.50 22.50
5916 2.50 2.50 27.50
5851 ·· ·· 12.50
6228 - 5.00 15.00
6281 A, ·· · 5.00
6281 B - 2.50 5.00
6281 D 2.50 2.50 10.00
6281 C - 10.00 10.00
5692 B ·- 2.50 2.50
6515 2.50 2.50 5.00
Building New Mine Cars, 5.00 5.00 10.00
8205.40 7277.77 62577.70

This Monglg ggst gogth iieeson
101 — Salaries, 2262.51 2264.17 19519.47
10lA-Salaries, Chicago, 1785.00 1955.00 15514.99
102 — Printed Stationery, 512.91 271.97 1955.08
105 - Postage, 40.00 20.00 505.00
104 - Furni ture & Fixtures, -· ·· .84
105 - Office Expense, 247.55 220.08 1874.65
106 - Telephone Expense, 155.52 162.55 1268.41
106.4.- " 6. Telegraph, 52.27 74.65 702.44
107 - Legal Expense, ·- - ..
108 - Traveling Ikpense, 8.25 - 648.69
109 - Boiler Insurance, 5.67 5.67 48.56
110 - Prizes, ·· ·· 24.00
111 — Fire Insurance, - ·— 3.50
l11J»·- Burglary Insurance, 1.77 1.77 15.95
  "’ Taxes, ·· ·-= -
115 -· Streets, 554.92 569.55 4188.20
114 - Depreciation, — - -
115 - Fire & Watch, 499.69 471.42 4980.62
116 — Ind. Bel. Dep. Inc. Sales, 869.46 882.51 7887.21
117 — Fillirg Payroll kmvelopes, 166.48 175.49 1229.65 .
118 — Patriotic wer Kona, - — -
119 - Chicago House, — - -
120 - Miscelleneous, 1427.01 1150,_8_1_ 19779.65
8566.99 82.05.40 70944.69
Coal Promotion No. 1 Mine, 5895.59 5593.44 49842.59
" 2 Mine, 1507.55 1658.81 10952.14
Coke Manufe,c:uri;g, 798.87 723.15 7064.96
Commiseary Op ration, 200.00 100.00 1550.00
Maricet, 75.00 75.00 675.00
White Club, 7.50 7.50 67.50
Colored Club, 2.50 2.50 22.50
Theatre. 2.50 2.50 17.50
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 450.00
Appropriations - 5691 A, 2.50 - 167.50
5692 1., - ·- 52.50
5695 A, 2.50 -·· 42.50
5694 2.50 — 25.00
5834 ·· - 10.00
5971 ·· — 15.00
5870 - ·· 10.00
6052 " - 55.00
6151 ` · ·· 22.50
5916 - 2.50 27.50
5851 ·· " 12.50
6226 ·· - 15.00
6281 A 2.50 — 7.50
6281 B ·· ·· 5.00
6281 D 5.00 2.50 15.00
6281 C ·· ·‘ 10.00
5692 B * " 2.50
6315 — 2.50 5.00
Building Blew Mine Care 10.00 5.00 20.00
6409 2,50 — __ ____2_.50
8566.99 8205.40 70944.69

hjg Month Lest lionth Season
101 - Salaries, 2245.00 2262.51 21764.47
101A- Sznilurie s, Chicago, 1785.00 1785.00 17299.99
102 — Printed Stationery, 326.35 512.91 2279.43
103 - Postage, 40.00 40.00 345.00
104 - Furniture & Fixtures, — - .84
105 — Ozfice Expense, 334.86 247.55 2209.51
106 — Telephone Expense, 132.70 133.52 1401.11
106A- " 8; Te legrsph, 12.91 52.27 715.35
107 - Legal Expense, ·- - —
108 — Traveling Expense, 51.00 8.23 699.69
109 - Boiler Insurzmce, 5.67 5.67 54.03
110 - Prizes, · ·· 24.00
111 - Fire Insurence, 3.41 ·· 6.91
11l.A-Burglary Insurance, 1.77 1.77 17.70
112 ·· Taxes, - - -
113 - Streets, I 1202.91 554.92 5391.11
114 — Depreciation, - ·- -
115 -— Fire 6: Watch, 455.40 499.69 5436.02
116 - Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. SO.16S,)( 899.32 869.46 8786.53
117 - Filling Payroll Envelopes, 148.52 166.48 1378.17
118 - Petrio tic Tar `Jork, - - -·
119 - C1iice.,_;o House, — - -
120 - Miscellaneous, _l2§0.5§ L427.01 lg060.§0
8925.37 8566.99 79870.06
Goel Protiuction N0. 1 Mine, 5866.25 5895.59 55708.84 _
" •' 2 " 7.955.42 1507.53 12907.56
Coke Maumfeoturing, 788.70 798.87 7853.66
Commissary Operation, 150.00 200.00 1500.00
Market, " 75.00 75.00 750.00
Zihize Club, 7.50 7.50 75.00
Colored " 2.50 2.50 25.00
Theatre, 2.50 2.50 20.00
Stores 10%, 50.00 50.00 500.00
Appropriations ·- 5691 A, 2.50 2.50 170.00
5692 A, - — 52.50
5693 A, 2.50 2.50 45.00
5694 2.50 2.50 27.50
5834 * ·· 10.00
5971 ' ·- 15.00
5870 - — 10.00
6032 ·· ·· 35.00
6151 * " 22.50
5916 — - 27.50
5831, — - 12.50
6228 — -· 15.00
6281 A, 2.50 2.50 10.00
6281 B - — 5.00
6281 D - 5.00 15.00
6281 C - - 10.00
5692 B - — 2.50
6313 2.50 - 7.50
Building New Cure, 5.00 10.00 25.00
6309 2.50 2.50 5.00
Job — 1023, 2.50 — 2.50
Appro. `Qhite Club, 2.50 - 2.50
•' Old Post Office, 2.50 · 2.50
. 8925.37 8566.99 79870.06

Thig Month get Month Sgesozx
101 -Se.le.ries, 2245.00 2245.00 24009.47
10lA-Salaries, Chicago, 1785.00 1785.00 19084.99
102 • Printed Stationery, 260.26 526.55 2559.69
105 — Postage, 40.00 40.00 585.00
104 - Furniture & Fixtures, - - .84
105 - Office Expense, 297.04 554.86 2506.55
106 - Telephone Expense, 97.99 152.70 1499.10
106A- " 6: Telegraph, 79.67 12.91 795.02
107 - Legal Expense, - - -
108 - Traveling Expense, - 51.00 699.69
109 — Boiler Insurance, 5.67 5.67 59.70
110 - Prizes, - - 24.00
111 - Fire Insurance, - 5.41 6.91
11lA- Burglary Insurance, 1.77 1.77 19.47
112 -· Texas, - - -
115 - Streets, 810.87 1202.91 6201.98
114 — Depreciation, ·· — —
115 - Fire & Watch, 598.40 455.40 5854.42
116 - Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Salaries 901.48 899.52 9688.01
117 - Filling Payroll Emuelopes, 146.19 148.52 1524.56
118 - Patriotic War Work, — ·- -
119 - Cbieergo House, - - -
120 - Miscellaneous, 1492.99 1§§0.55 15555.19
8562.55 8925.57 88452.59
Coal Production No. 1 Mine, 6548.58 5866.25 62257.22
" " No. 2 " 668.86 1955.42 15576.42
Coke Mazmfeoturing, 1050.09 788.70 8885·75
Cummissery Operation, 150.00 150.00 1650.00
Market " 75.00 75.00 825.00
White Club, 7.50 7.50 82.50
i   "     27 •5O
Theatre, 2.50 2.50 22.50
Stores 10% 50.00 50.00 550.00
Appropriations - 5691 A - 2.50 170.00
5692 A - - 52.50
5695 A - 2.50 45.00
5694 - 2.50 27.50
5934 - — 10.00
5971 - - 15.00
5870 — — 10.00
6052 — - 55.00
6151 — · 22.50

 Gem. Works Expense · N0v.l‘.?23. -2-
5;.1 MO_1]._§__1Q._ Lgst youth §g_ag_g_;1_
App:·0p1·1at;1011S - 5916 -· ·- 27.50
5831 — — 12.50
6228 2.50 -· 17.50
6281 A - 2.50 10.00
6281 B 2.50 - 7.50
6281 D 2.50 - 17.50
6281 0 -· — 10.00
5692 B — -· 2.50
6515 2.50 2.50 10.00
Building New Hina Cars, 2.50 5.00 27.50
Appro. 6509 - 2.50 5.00
Job 1023 ·- 2.50 2.50
H   Club, · "   2•5O
" Old Post Office, 5.00 2.50 7.50
" 8195 5.00 - 5.00
" 6508 2.50 — 2.50
" Color -.—= d Club 2.50 _-;_____ §2.50__
8562.35 8925.37 88452.59

  WORKS EXPENSE — DEC?<2MB§@-19.2.*5
mis Month mst Month Segsm
101 - Salaries, 2255.00 224.5.00 26252,47
101A- Salaries, Gm cage, 1785.00 1785.00 2(B69,99
112 ·· Prlnted. Startionery, 467.57 2,50,35 5007,2,5
105 -· Pnsiuge, 20.00 40.00 405.00
1-34 - Fu.r¤1 ture & Fixtures, 3,29 .. 4,1;;,
105 - Office Expense, 24.8.55 297.04 2755.10
196 -· wlenhone Expense, 145.95 97.99 1645. 03
106A '° & Telegraph, 54.01 79.67 84.9.03
107 -· Legal Frzpen se, - - ..
108 - ’1"ravnl1ng Expen se, 78. 50 -· 777.99
109 - B01 ler Insurance. 5.67 5.67 65. 57
110 - Prizes, ·· - 24.00
111 - Fire Irxsumnce, .. .. 6. 91
111.4.- Burglary Insurance, 1.77 1. 77 21. 24
112 - Taxes, - - -
115 - Streets, · 596.17 810.87 6598.15
114 - Depreciation, - - -·
115 - hre & watch, 455.25 598.40 6289.65
116 ·· Ind. Rel. Dep. Inc. Su1.n1‘1ee, 1015.10 901.4.8 1070.11
117 - Filling Pnymll Enve lepe s, 175.72 14.6.19 1628.06
118 ·- Patriotic War we rk, - - -
119 ·- Chicago House, - ·- ··
120 - Miscelkmeoue, - 1251.25 14.92.99 14.784.4.1
‘ 8262. 56 0562. 53 96 694. 95
Coal Produ cation N0. 1 Mine, 4996.17 6548. 38 67253. 59
" " 2 " 1941. 00 668 . 86 155 17. 42
Coke Memifactumng, 1007.89 1030.09 9891.64
Comniseary Operation, 150.00 150.00 1800.10
Market Operation, 75. 00 75.00 900.00
White Club Operation, 7.50 7. 50 90.00
Colored Club Operat 10:1, 2.50 2.50 50.-10
Th.B8tI`G• 2•E>0    
Stoves 10% 50.00 50.00 600.00
Apprepriat iam - 5691 A, -· — 170.00
5692 A, — - 52.50
[ 5695 A, -· - 45.00
5694 - ·· 27.50
I 5854 - ·- 10.00
5971 ·· -· 15.00
` 5870 - ·- 35.00
6151 ·· - 22.50
5916 .. .. 27.50

 Gan. works Expense - Dao. 1923. -2-
This Month Lgst Month Boaason
Appropriatiozm 5851, - - 12.50
6228 2.50 2.50 20.00
6281}.. 5. )O ·- 15.00
6281 B 2.50 2.50 10.00
6261 D, 2. 50 2.50 20.00
6281 C - - - 10.00
5692 B -· ·- 2.50
6513 —- 2.50 10.00
Bui ldlrvg New Mine Cures, .. 2.50 27.50
6309 - ·· 5. 00
Job - 1023 - .. 2.50
AUTFG. Whito Club, 5.00 - 5.00
'° Od P0 st Offioo, 2.50 5.00 10.00
6193 - 5.00 5.00
6506 2. 50 2.50 5.00
Colored Glubo 2.50 2.50 5.00
6558 5.0) ·· 5.00 ___
8262. 56 8562. 55 966 94. S35