xt7kh12v6014_278 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence with Home Office (Chicago) text General Correspondence with Home Office (Chicago) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_28/2008ms006_28_8/22634/22634.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_278 xt7kh12v6014 , • l
Umm. l, 1938
George E. Rose, President
Dear Mrr A~¤e:
Beginning next veek we will =werate the nine Monday, Tueséay,
Thursday and Friday, having idle days Uednesdny and Saturday.
This ill be on the vnme four ing week besio but will fit into
our operating uluns better with the Stocknile and other job? wud it the
same time will provide for n smaller week end and elimlnrlr nart rf tle
work Gone in rlewniny un slate falls xhich ar~ non accumulating over the
longer meek end. This shvwld not interfere with shiwmentx in ary ay
that vm can foresee down here. If there is any Gieadwmrtege to til:
l vrocedure at the other end, please let us *now.
Xonri very truly,

Wisconsin Steel C0. Inc.,
g§:?~1%1;-{MENT Bgnhfim, Ky, CHICAGO, ILL., J-Q_]']_'I_]_,'1I':f 5.  
Fc>R MR H. E. Galbreeth, Supt.-
vc>uR LETTER 1-ZL-BS sumeor
Referring to your letter of Jenuery lst relative to operation
of the mine on Mondays end Tuesdays, Thursdays and. Fridays, this will
be O.K. at the Steel Works and we hope that it may result in your
being able to make better costs at Benhnm.
  Q   § ;6’S’/2,..
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Hovmto etirorrd ix i ¢¤€€¤g g+?&*¤1¤x ¤*W"t?**
fav :¤Lur1e& ougioyoa, vhich ix o??Eci~Zly in @€Voot viih
thy; uwzzeniq; .33* Jat».:2m¤ry F, .}.J—3?`F3,,
§¢ x vur EL? "milowr t&st 3h£¢T th~ rrr mgoawmiw
  rF_’;;;~-·*j‘>5 in %f_§·;_§_p ;~;_;§_§‘;*5;g;; we ;?#—:·r_;[E   4*21} ¢??&¤f3;’}‘U1}i§1§ {fi mk?
···.·   »~-- 1· to ¤·;Li_sairw·t.o ov»sri’w~— =mz·2·;   :;¢la.ric=§ —·»¤·—T¤y¤w.
Thorn, no doubt, mil? is rmzl cmergwnoy ¤#s;& whcro homo
ov?     to .:··s~=:»·.x!:~a~<¥; &2¤·~=<‘·*w‘r, V~*i"?¤ ¤¤=S<=“·~¤»'¤& ;¤—‘»>¤¥1?-Sip
suck cw~a» own tw h¤Td ts ~ winimum.
I wwiLi cell ywuv wwmrfql ¤ttw¤¥£2n ix 2%% &®H&~
gr·;h &e»Ling »§th w@v}»%€¢»i st tmwvutw, inf renin ack
R*»i ¢*m; hc iu*#i?tc£, it &w:l§c.f», pr=m~t€y following
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city which urea i»i¥¤~nL.E§`i;-·i fir  l,~i¤* .»‘. :3;
l. l·Z1;**J!i?iEmi, lzwii ··:l;r·. }izi=rv- E;··€=@r1
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have exim;-ge lT~¤¤·.;~ do1z1<¤fJ~l   za  lon im s;;al1=.1‘j;; tin p·;¤si*Ci®ns 1‘i}‘;i.cl‘; *10
not vxexrxvcmiz ;wzu·‘ri¤;=ir>:1iiian in ;_;;ma1g_¢=:r.e;1‘c ¤;=Jrvz1~0ns:It2j_0x1 znaay bc: itxcluieed in
payment For envi rl; izuee .
i;§m·ai_;;ji·;i2 ·i.im¤<> will `miz paid for :;.11;; }1·i·u1‘:s 1=m1`l;¤cl in any one day
in oyzceess 05 izhrxrm h0¤.;1··i r‘I·, @2*   of JCEI9 }Ex1gi11ee=1‘im;;j Expt.
Any ctliezr favzwva of couponsaigioxx for O7.'Cl°ilI`Il€· he-rci;¤¤i`cr¤;: iz; pffecir, such as:
@quiva¤,l6>11‘t tirzxc cli`, :s:.1y¤;w©z· moncijy, cia., is; —;elimi;1&i2+ecl by this ruling,
1.’}2»>;1 c;>‘·.·c;ri’.;L1m¢ iss ¤.·.#<;»r·l-md   :111 ©2i1g>l¤i·y@<* Inv bring; hi? v—.’©rE~: up io
date dmc 110 his ribaemccz for ;;»wrm3;1:il_ maaswis, such time shall noi be 0011-
sidwrerl   cuvaertimry   will rmt. be paill lmO1` eas such.
Ov·i;ri.irz1© musk bv 1·e2s‘i‘1*icte=d to the arximiznuzta and Si>;z?P::1@·11is i`ur‘21-
ishcd to this ¤i"1"ic© in li0ait:·2 For ciistrlbubicn to tho t}I1*@¤ dmvzirt-
rmrlts mmrrt Q_<>11/xl, S}1=‘¤.vimi the naimc of the s:;r1i;‘»l;»j\,*©ei· w<·1"l-iing; 0vs·1‘%;i;ne:, his
poniticu, l'IO‘.Il"S *,·1<>rl·;¤cI sind %il?lC?l,i}'liZ r+@I1·x‘;0d.
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zvvricci amd to this film z>.c<:umul0;tiv¤\ t;©»t::;l.s for p1··©vi.0us gwriocls siddewi to
slxcwr the total to dewbzz.
ll. C. 23%:i<2<· ;f‘¤1~ mm Frat 
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 ?¤W. 5, 1938
GSO. E. Anne, President
Jen. 25, lCB; COAL Ajdnb LN? TOHNnGE¤ —
"C" LEMM, QC. . hifi
Dear Mr. Rose:
Ye have vonr letter ef fen. BG requesting nn ectirete ef tre amount nf
ceel inet cnn he gvbiwu uni of *¢. l Vine. "C" SG®", f"ew Tfn, l, l@3&, ev uw tc
the time of the exhunehien nf the "T" ienm.
0*:r En; ine~:r¤~7 iiexzxrir-i·i;;;*: '*!7?ix<% ·*r··‘r‘~ cn7, [ j*_e, Tn the cane nf L;e `· Aeim tre eveileble
tennere rem;ini.m in Lne -; e».·, neriy Le ceLc=leLe; .L QYI erewe ee»i Lei;M$— ir the
vari~n¤ eeeiivmé ?hrvn&h»¤n &Ue eine, n in; w» nver»»> ‘T five ewnl `ei A`s fer
every acre ef c,¤l. Vie nrené nre cnlcnlehed neq,rwis_n Mit} ¤ `lenimeter end
checked by e¤~»ri?:—te». * 5 r·rk iw . -e tn a ,ri"t vj »¢r pine me», »®ich ie
en e zeele nf T?0 fi. T, ¥Q4 '·ub. ““i= in S vein Large ap; nni if qiei ne A
··cOI·kiyg; ;i;;g1 j“rs,j·<; ‘·;?1i_ in {HM   ·’`. ‘— :ae··—= \:rji’z·im} YJ]?  ·L<‘·tt of c/nl left nvail; le et
. the present time exelmei e of Merriwr yillnru.
Ze nre else ezelniiw; Lnree nleni- »‘ew1»: sbnte wit; nf ceel nrees
end tenneges, ‘ipn ann len cenl innnnxe, ewG ennl L¤¤· e·_·· ~ r¤r¤L~ing ine available.
These eheete nre nnmner¤d 1, H, end 3 yeswvctivelt »ne www identivwl with Sheets
we. l, B, end 5 eent with ear leiter ef Fen. l0, l?3", *‘b% the exceviieu, ef
course, cnet, inc: sweets fm-  wm. l, 1€?i3EL, r;};c>:¢ T_c—:=»=¤ c¤·=1 ;·+_~;;.
Xen are cerseci Ln the assumption inet there is ¤~nrnx€mnt¤1~ nine vnd
e helf million tene nf "C" Agnm cowl remaining in the nr0¤~rtW in We. l "ine.
By referrinx to eheet Wn. 5 it Mill be noted inet ihe~= ie T,”¤?,537 Le¤· ef “C"
Seem coal remeininq in Te. L Mine as of Tun. l, l§5e, wnerewx nn gheet "¢. 5 mf
Jen. 1, 1D5*, there was 10,311,15* tene of ""“ Jenn coal rem ining, eh0.ing *,1· n
¤r0duct<0n of ennrnximetely 600,000 tens ef “C" Seam cmel and the balance in
"B" Seem ceel. *y referr?n~ egwin te Ghent H0. 5 For Inn. 1, 1D5c. n der twtnl,
it will be noted bunt 4,u}4,b“V Lena of t*ie coal is in barrier pillere, leav ng
4,904,U6O tens available for mining at the preecnt time er in the immediate future.
It will be wnderetood, of course, that es mining proéreseee frnm year to year

 Mr. Geo. E. Rose #2 - Feb. 5, 1958
part cf these barrier billers ure Mined nut und the tcnruwe renaining in barrier
billers becemes snmller, time increasing tie available ccel in the whale preperty
until such time es ell the coal is exhausted. Barrier pillars end chein pillars ef
main haulage reeds ere elweye left in fer the prvtectien cf the  ain heu1ege reads
uwtil the coal seem is cemrletelv exhausted es in the cese of Nc. l Mine for exsmble
which has always been evereted nn the advance. A greet number of the barrier pillars
ere necessary tb be kept stenciug until extremities of the peewerty here been reacted
before the;-J cen he e>:trec*Vi<>d   *E2~~ *:-:3v `awiz}; cut ri? the · ine.
Cereher, ir the 0="¤ st ”¤. 1 zine wtere it is “T3UO99j te develev end
mine the "$” Sear c‘xl Ur rwézt f? vlcwev Trfr *F¤ 'J" Env" drwn inte ‘he "H"
Seem it *ill be nncessar· tr le re t*» w~ir harrier siT‘wrs cv wl? the w~i1 beule~e
reeds it tte “U“ 2c»¤ Tc. 4 n in ’E~ i;' *ca¤ c¤~“ cut i¤ its tivile over the “C"
Seem Yuwla;e reads, jet ir the prccenw et QXhHUFllHT the “C" Ee~w it rust be under-
stood that tre barrier pilIwrv —~ ike vide estries, thv* iw, en whnt we cell face
entries ef? vie nein hrmlwic reads ell heecve sveilrble ?¤r rinirr after the
individual jsxels ,LcM ‘i¤j ·» *> `‘s· rei h·*e i>@¤v ~;*\ eylwpy ed. v have indicgted
this eueileele eral xl 3)+ un`, ,¤** g` v‘;cl is iw x~r*i—r til` rs iv t`w¢~ fwce
Fezct ieszr   ii j·w.;·e;¤ —,=i_ir   ‘;)¤_g·   c· ·r »»·»· i ”t: it f' #·==‘ ·<» is:
ebprexiwwtwlv e hwlf ¤il`3 Z t~<* i the ae»i~ "*ie \»·=~. { referri y tc tFe
mmap it .i1T 7>e ·¤v&‘»? t‘r;¥ ·>»2f, F? if"i:‘ civil ‘*2f E4>e;; c~=ywQ~t=Vlr eax?wri·tew‘ ’~1 the
high ceel ¤re¤. ”h—*~ i" ·Li¤ ¤<¥b~r %l¤·k ~? r Til ¤—{’ in this lease nhich
hes ret bcew is `i·· 1kzW ·1~ :Qis. ;~>v¤~¤»bs [lyk 2·al. ¤ e ··#‘~ 1"» 2 ii r> Hi hi~h
cegl ef @ewr*~ ~= s*~:n ~u Mh¤ ie? id h?ue l’¤~. ~ ’”TQOt de?Ei{*¤l* iell "et
- v ·».* lie rw= ‘t i lgi =€ i ii rei 2;; £_i.;»· > ` 1 L Il"? ·’-e = ·;;; ··»2;»`»v;i€, ~? i *.~ *`·e:Vi ¤ ? fri ··~e lx~¤¤~— ~irwi. :ie~—
veleped th~t p·rt e" the l~·`* 5* t‘i# extent se fer. "He ether bert e? the
lease, which ie p rLl_ deze;e ed in ;e1 eval, i.s·~ ¤~ to "»ks wz are J ire rirtimn
ef the total cc*d_zci$iiu the lense Qic}.“w21;yilu exgect iwvzxlue. This repre—
sents epnreximutely u hui? villihn t»nr ef cnwl. Cir Figures cu sheet I;. 3
indicate tlit there in ejprerimetely £"W,%@· innw m" twel reveimiuq in 1 .i.‘ is
lease, all cf which we *uve views es available cowl u~ here e? ·ue carriers in
t‘is lease #il] we left kw. Ye hure wet seen n~le t, ¤c* r¤~~wc‘1e var Tigure of
three millivi tens remniwinv in the pr nerty Jith enr Tigvr— cf eworcximetely
five milliw~ iwvvzzrvwiluwle gms ef Inn. l, 19ée. ze e.~¢;n=m~¤?i¤ t*»t eu did
net censider barrier pillars in estimetieg Your ?igure. It i¤ else qeesible
that ren did ret cewsider tle amount G? remsininr cesl wit`in the develeeed
areas. fe have marked ull this available ceel en tie New in were l vnd "ish to
assure ·0u that ever? crnsiderwtien has been given to t“e wmcirt of niE`*r heel
left is the various Uenels tit in the developed ares 0* swch ¤~ el end i cluivd
in eur calculations,
I ;¤nlF like te we ever tlis whole rht*er with rcu next week ‘u detail
with cur XU? it. t: the i~:h rsrk mee which I sill bring tc Chic ge ith ne Mud
which siews in detail hcw all these figures ere arrived et. It would be difVi—

 Mr. Geo. E. Rose #3 - Feb. 3, 1938
cult te attempt te expiwin all fLis in n letter vhich would be exceptionally
lengthy and prebubly here to understand, but I um sure I cgu convince you 0T the
correctness ef our figures wud will attempt te de se.
iiure very truly,

Iam. 1, 1958.
lar Ear
Hai;-ht Acres cent Tons cent
High co¤1 5.318 1690.43 44.30 15,663,665 57.15
Outcrop 5. 318 79. 67 2. O9 738 , 229 2. 75
Low coal 3.448 1383.< LL 36.25 8,3053,781 30.32
Outcrog 3.448 44.33 1.16 266,326 .96
Very Low Coal 23.235 618.11 16.2C :3,423,238 8.823
T 0 1: a 1 -· 3815.54 1(1U.<.;ii 27,406,339 1£?·O.¢'f·fQ;
"C" 611.111
High Coal 5.76 33.53 54.29 330,<;O9 65.06
[pw Coal 3.92 21.64 35.64 148,24fTi 29.22
· Very Low Goal 2.5 6.59 10.67 29,¤20(`> 5.72
T 0 t a 1 - 61.76 1<.·O.G<» 507,249 1(Q¤O.GC3
T 0 t a 1 3.412 3,815.54 1aZ»O.6() 22,663, 648 1GU.<>n
:511aat N0. 1

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V. » 9 .,·g,, . _,· ,» {_,LJ,·__vL_]-91;. 

Jem. 1, 1938
Remaining Mined Total
High Goal "C" Seam 5,756,965 11,926,7OG 15,665,665
L¤W`C0&l "C" &a&m 5,696,861 2,611,920 8,5C8,78l
High Lease "C" Seam l55,C71 194,958 55G,CC9
Low Lease "C" 59am l4C,64U 7,6GO 148,24Q
T0t¤1 "C" Seam 9,709,557 14,741,158 24,450,695
Low Goal "B" geam 22,565,666 519,982 22,685,648
ibtal "B" and "C" 5amns 52,C75,2U5 15,061,140 47,154,545
High Coal "C" gcam 5,258,285 1,455,717 6,672,0uO
Lpw Coal "B" gaum 5,540,UbU — 5,540,0QC
T0ta1 N0. 2 Mina 1C,578,285 1,455,717 12,012,00L
{sheet N0. 2

Jnmuzary 1, 1958
Remaining; Barriers ȤV81].2lblB
High Coal 5,756,965 LZ,6<>4,5’7'7 1,152,588
[pw Coal 5,696,861 2,2% '?l
Lease — Ipw Goal 14U,E-S45.? - 140,64C
T 0 t a 1 9,'?fQ9,55? 4,804,577 4,904,960
sheet Ito. 5

Coal Mines
§rEi31v'§§:?MKESNT B€nh8m’   CHICAGO, ILL., Janugvry 26,  
F°RMR· R. E. Galbreath, Supt.-
v¤¤¤L¤¤¤¤ gggfglo "B” AND "C" SEAM DEVELOPMENT,
I ' NO. 1 MINE — MAP l-1·j8:
Referring to your letter of January 7th submitting development
map as of January 1, 19§8, showing "B" and "C" seem development, I wish
you would give us an estimate of what you, as Superintendent of our
Gompany's coal mines, feel you can get out of the No. l Mine, "C" seam.
In other words, I would like to get a rough figure in my mind as to how
long we can get No. 1 Mine "C" seem coal at about the proportion we are
now getting it, with which to make our by—product coke at South Chicago.
I recall your report of February 19, 1937, and the sheets
attached thereto, No. l sheet for instance shows a total of U95,91§ tons
of high coal, low coal, and very low coal in the Lewis White lease, for
instance, in other words, about one-half million tons to be gotten out
of the Lewis White lease as shown on this map you sent to us dated
February 1, l9§7.
Now, in looking over the balance of the mapwgnd the development
work shown thereon, it would not look to me as though you had more than
about five times as much on the balance of the map as is shown developed
in the Lewis White lease, and if so, there would only be about 2,500,000 tons
besides what can be gotten out of the Lewis White lease. In other words,
about },000,000 tons of "C" seem coal that can be gotten out of the No. l
Mine, and at the mining rate of say 700,000 tons per year of "C" seam coal,
we would have only about four to five years in the future of "C" seam coal
in No. l Mine at the rate of 700,000 tons mined per year.
However, on the second sheet attached to your letter of February 13
1957, you show a total of 10,000,000 tons "C" seam coal from the No. 1 Mine
that is yet to be mined, In other words, we would have every right to be-
lieve from this statement that there is at least 9,500,000 tons left on
January l, 19jS, and yet it would look to me from the map there is not more
than about },000,000 tons. What do you think of this exposition of the
situation relative to "C" seem coal in No. 1 Mine? Is it all wet? If so,
say so and prove it.
5) I
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9 ,/
7   /  

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