xt7kh12v6014_274 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham undated text undated 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_28/2008ms006_28_4/22324/22324.pdf undated section false xt7kh12v6014_274 xt7kh12v6014 J. C.Ballzu·d'S letter of Oct. 15, to J. ij. Parker has mf.
to raising psyroll hold up ins. (letter filed under J F Nelson, Oct. file.)

Orocr ovuQgig_;gc_Numbcrs:
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1111;11111;111cus. [ [
$1 TRIP NO. 1 (Thurs., Sept. 29)——C0·au1· d'A11m12 District (Kel- ` '
. .- , 10c,P1,&P` C.lA~
Welcoming Lu11c11ec1n»12:111P.1\1I.M1>11duy, Sept. 213 Mft Jgi H   mpi Ta) 1, I H { . ( H U
.-: -·.1111<;1_1j 1; i1.1\1. 1y .111e; 111- {1- 111{M 11 visi 111 1<‘l` 11-
AHU111U1· O1- 111051. (,u1VS1um1m11 OD_;n1m1.(1_1y u11·Lm-S_ A 111W 1?1111111_-1* 11111 111111 111-S1ll(1}' 1111- £j1Il1§ :11111 1111111 1)1i1I11. :11111 s1-c 1111-
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1;111·1·1·11111~ .#\\'111l1l` 1,1111gim 111 w11s11111g11111, 111111 11c1~111:111 w. s11—111- -‘1‘."‘*-l"°""’“ "l 'l1*‘ ****11 '-1**** lll11¢lll¢l1¤—-¤=» l·`<>ll<-wllwi llmvll.
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1111- 111-111-1*:11 1\`1111|11§{_(111(.1 S11i111111u C11. :11 1*11:11-, 111* 11112 $11111111*,
111g111:11111 S1_11'1Jl'1SL‘, S111111;1111-·111:11111, 1\I;1111111, Sunset. 1\’1i111-1*:11s, 010.
Mining JHmbOr9€__G,0O -P-NL A/IODday’ SCLDL 26   C1-12c1:, R1-1111*11 111 S11111<;111u LIDOLIL 7:1111 11.111. Bus
Y1.111'11 \\'(l111. 111 0111111- 1-111*1y :11111 $1:15* 11110 1`1111 111is 1OD1`1[)1l'11 ,. _ I _ _
13iI1'1§' 1111 S11111<;1111-’s N:1I,;111>1*i11111 P;11-1;— *\\'11I1 C1)(‘1{1i111S, ll 1111X +( rfup NO· 2 {FU-- Sept- 3U)"CO‘*“1` dA1°“€ Dlghlci (Wallace.
:s1111111-1* 11*1::11 s11111111~1111-1111-11 by 11111 1111111, ll 111112 !<1111\\‘, :11111 11:111u1111;’ Burke, and S11v&1* Balt Area)
1111111 1.111; 1-:11*13* 1111111*s. A11 1111- :1111*:11-1i11ns 01 1.11is 1111111u1*11 nn111s1·— ,, ,, — ., _ ¤. 4 , _. _. X   4 _ . A M
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1111- 1\I111*111111; 111- 1111- 1):15*1-111-1~; 111111, 1111-11 1111 111 1111- S1111:111i111· 111111
Tuesday Evening, Sépiélnbcr 27 i111(] s111;I:]1$·1= 1*1111-1*:1111111s. R(‘1l11'I1 111 $11111;:1110 :11111111. 7:1111 11.111. Bus
11:1s 111-1-11 1011. 1111111 x11 \'(>lly1l 11i1\`C* 1111*11111 01 1.11110 M01] v11111*
.1 ·· ‘ ‘ ` if TRIP NO. 3 (Thurs. Sc 1. 29)——Gx·’ 1 C 1 D
1,1,11 . p um. ou ce am
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1:111105-. (11,,,-1 1,11,5 111 151151-s 111111i‘11_·;1v1> S`11111;;1111g :11 7:111} 11.111. 11.11* 111c R1-cvcs M;1cD0n—
g1111\1j1111 111 111*111s11 v$.()11l1111)1i1, 1111- "111·\~,*1-:*1 :11111 most I`1\l1(1A3l'1l 111111
` ~ 4 _ __' ' ·   x · _ 111 11111*111_ A111c1*11t:11 1i:(*1l1l`ll 111 11112 U1111('-11 S1:111·s in 1111- :11101*-
Nom: In 111111-1 111.11. 1111- 1..11111111—1 111.15 $1.111 1J101n1111x 1111 111111-, 11111111 111 111:i1)L‘L'1. 1111: 111111 111111 S|.l1'1!lL'(‘ 1J1;1111s 111 11112 P121111 01*01110
1111- _£.111111111111·1- 1'(*l'|llCS1.S 111111 any }ll`(‘r1)Ll1)(1\1U1 1·111t1c1:111 1\11111-s :11111 1\11·1:11:: (`11., 1l1L’111111l1§; 1111- 11L‘\\' 1111-linc11 $11:111. 1110:1vv
1lillYl1‘*l be Closed at 7 P~M· Sharp- 311111-S 111* 1`l11111L*1`S`\\'111 111- 1`(‘f'111_11`K‘(1 1,15* 11111su wisiiinag 111 visit 1111-
111u11n1·1. (Jost 111 11`l1) —»rr $1.1111, 1nc11111i11g 1111x 11111c11.
F0? ihé Ladies 41 TRIP N0. s (Wed., Sept. 2a)—Sp¤1;zm¤ Piams
'1`11(E 1:111i1:e=, 111` c1>111*s1-, 111-1- i11vi11211 111 :111111111 1110 Cl)11V(‘1111U1`\ . I?““Z*;1l"‘1"1‘ S11 113.11 11.111. 1·11l`_ i11S1><‘¤'l1_‘m 1-l`ll1<>'l`l*1‘-llw-<>i1111s, the \\’1211-11111i111{ L11111-111-1111 :11111 1.111- L‘\’C1l1l\L{ 111111-111111s. ';Y1_1.‘m'1 ;'[_ U"i_l$`l'_“**“U“I‘t MUIIUS C“"'§)"l1(‘,U"}‘- lf-ll<1\l*¤11, 11111 $111-1:1111 C1il§'11111(* 1)il1`1.1L‘5 11;1v1- 111-1211 J11`I`1\I\LZ(:(1 1111* }"*§’iJ" (1** ‘"'}’#}"f"]“` 1-’}*_mi‘ 01.1-h° 1“`li‘°1N0l`m“'(`S1· AIIOYS
mom. Mmmm, in-tlwmmn lh(,y·]l bc NIOSH O1 M11 and Mix 31,113 .1l‘l1r(ll`1 11111.11*11.1111-1111-1.I:111111i111_11111 1’L*(l11C11Q1\ 111:1111. i11.1\1lJL1L1.
1%,1111131*1 1’. 1Jil1`1L!1` :11. :1 1`(JC(‘|)1.1(l11 111. 1,11011* 11111111-·» -:11111l’1`110s11:1y *1--lllll t" (·"“mO““ h"1CI> ·ll‘OUl [lim) 1)-l`ll· 13115 l&ll`C—$l.(l0. .
111-1(‘1`11()l)l1 111(‘_\'yH 151-1. 1.0§I,C111(‘l` 1111* :1 {inc 111111·111:1111 :1111 1`;1$;11i1111 _ _
$111111* in 1111- 1C:11*15‘ Birds Club :11 1111- 1):1\‘1·1111111*1. {K TRIP NO· 6 (Th¤i’$·1 SGPL Z9)7SP€€l¤1A11'PlB¤0 Trip
A 1)11'(1’H~(')`(‘ viczw 111` 111c LY111-111· Llv;`\1(*I1(! mininsf I11`Cf1 111cn1-0
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1J111;1:111 111 (11*:11111 LT11111u12 1):1111 :11111 1`L*1Ll1'll t11.S1>111;·111c 121111111 W
1':11·1:r—E;11U.0O. ` ` ` '
{1 ORDER NOW]! ORDER NQW1 $1 $1 TRIP NO. 7 (Thurs., Sep!. 29)—'I`rail. Brilish Columbia
1\i1*111;11112 11*111 111 vi>;i1 1111- (.`1111:s111i11;111-11 1\Ii11111·1` 111111 @111011in1>`
(f11111111111y’s 11111-1*:1I,i1111s* :11 ’1`1*:1i1, 1,111- 1;11*g1-st l101`11·f_"` * ` -1·1` ··;
ENTERTAINMENT AND TRIP TICKETS 1111c1i1111 w1.11*11s in 1111; 11-111111. I’1:111c .1';11*1;—$17.11OUmHb mL J IL
T\r()ll1` c1>111101_*:11i1111 i11 O1`(11‘I`1I]f.f }`(>L11` c111.c1*1ui11111c111 :11111 *1* TRIP NO- 9 (Fri. and Sul., Sept. 30 & Oc!. 1)——Che.·1zm—H01de11 E M  
Tl`l1> Tl€1l`0€lfllGd- A l1111>11111—11 1v(ll` 11111sg with 1111-i1· 11wn 11-:1ns11111*1;11i1111 111 Cllljlllll
11:111115* 111*111-1* 1111111 IS cnc111s1-d. Iylil §11·:l1l11§1l $?13111i·c] i1` (;US11`C(1`1. Nuke ()\\`1`1 1·1-su1·v111,i1111s :11 1110
A :111111 11- ll 1-, Jll'(‘51(C1\1'[L)1L)l_Q1',, 1`11·T1 ·· 1; · `»] _ 11 11
A 1·n11:11·i1y 1-1-1111*11 is cx1>1-1-11111 :11 1.111- \V(‘1(!(ll1'll1`1fI L11111-11- (.‘|11-1:111 8:311 :1.111. F1·111:1)’. il`ilV¤‘llll1§ 1%*1-1} 111-;1s11lil1i11lizilfsiv 3111~h11‘1;1     I  
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(.11l1”11]]} .11111 111111 >1.1111 in §(>Ll1 1.11111.1 11111.15. mg In mm 5umv‘)U§ltV to %,hUlm]` m_‘_i\_lIm about (§:(;8)x1-1-011 *111110 T` ~1· 1·
111-111 11111111 il >1111i1·11·111 111111111111 111 :111v:111co 1*csu1·v;1111111s. W111 111,1 1,1. Wm (.U\.Ul.m,,111i§1I.i · 1, . ‘·’ · ~ -*1-WS
,, ,,_. _ , . _ _ Y Y _ X, __ , I ( , `   . 11, 11111 11 is 11n1>111*1;1111. 1.11:11 1.1111s1-
1111- 11l})S (,\lI]1111111l‘L 11111:11 111l(1\\ 111:11 111.11111 1111- 1l1L3(*1'lll1’f 11i11~1·1·>,11·11 1*1-1111*11 111111* 11*111 111*111-1 1`111*111es 111:111c1·11 :11-1-11·1‘ 1 1 V
. . .. . .. .. . . 11111111. -
111111 111:111) 111~1>1»11>. \\1>11 111 1.11.1: u.11:11 11111 so 111:11. 111-111111-11 ‘ ·*
111:1ns 111:1)* 111- 1·111111111211-11.
A11 (‘l11\*1`11111\111(‘llt :11111 1l`11) 1i1*k1·1s 0l`(1C1`C(1 in :111vr1111·1—     6;
will l>·> #1111 M11 l>>* 1‘<·1$is11~1-1—11 111¤11 s1.·111.1·111111~1· :1. ng;  
1102 R1ng Bl111C11I'lQ • Washin ton G D. C.

8:30 A.M. REGISTRATION—Mezzanine. Davenport 9:30 ILM. THIRD GENERAL SESSION—-—TAXA- . _ / _ ) V _
Co~Chairmen: I·Im:i<¤{i¤¤—- moon Bits at cnmax
D12. Josisrn Zrmmnnivmn, Editor-in-Chief, Daily S°°1a S°°umiY"G°v9Inm°nta1Exp°ndm“°S C. J. ABRAMS, Gen. Supt., Climax Molyb-
Metal Reporter, New York Exploration and Production Incentives denum Co., Climax, Colo.
A.E.P·..,G.C ·»l, l t - - -
sims Oi me siraregic Mens EEE EEIOIEIIS/iAIé§}fJ})G$nCO.,O1g;SfUm(gI?ligtlilgh. & SY,g*‘PS$S;;*,*;3.,,*;,*;, §;;;g;°g?,,¤S; §§,;;,,,. Hm & S H.
Jour: D. BRADLEY, Vice Pres., Bradley Mining W. C. PAGE, Asst. Gen. Mgr. of Western Opera- 'vah Mining & COng)€H,u,atm, CO Kel? l`
Co., San Francisco tions, U. S. Smelting Refining Sz Mining Co., Idaho E " Ogg
A Free Market fu G°ld r1i§§ii; rIj.HiB(i»Y?goE., Day Mines, mo., Wouoee, R. R. WEIDHMAN, Asst. Gen. Mgr., Silver Dol-
Josrrn Smcc LAWRENCE, Vice Pres., Empire Idaho. lar Mining Co., Spokane
Tlust CO" New York Stockpiling J. S. MCINTOSH, Mine Mgr., Zincton Unit,
The Future of Silver WARD MBCA1;lmDAY, C_onsultcmt, National Muni— gheteph gr§2okb_Gold Mines, Ltd., Zincton,
Ross D. Lmsx, Gen. Mgr., Sunshine Mining Hons Oar » WaS11111g1°n¤ D· C· U 1S O um 13
Co., Kellogg, Idaho Report of Resolutions Committee: Tariffs—Stock- G· L- CRAICL Dil'- of SGZGS & RBSGCWCII, Calu-
Report of 1=ioEo1ono¤s commmooi General poiacy ‘°‘1°S"I“°°“*"'°S iiigt giuligla COnS°h°mGd CODW C°°’ Cm-
—G¤1d-—M¤¤¤i¤¤Y Policy 9:30 A.M. SECOND OPERATING SESSION - ’
12:15 1¤.M.-wsrcommc; Lrmcnzou, Nauomi ING PRACTI? G
Guard Armory Chairman: Bmw . Hixmuson, Vice Pres.,
Ha cI· O· C.,Cl*lcd,Oh` . __
P’§“§§?§;tST1tiEiiiQ· £A€§322.££§i;E§“3‘;“%§§}} ¤iEE;in$ii§i;2E Ei ALEESEY EEE Qi Electric 8‘3'i.£`t$%EZ£$§”N"EEG§£‘%’}{"ELE§E—%%€N PUBLIC
1 Id l · Ch i· n W t — D‘." ‘ Leeemeiive at AIO Chairman: EVAN Jusr, Dir., Strategic Materials ‘
ogg, are, a wma , es ein ivision, , . _ _ _ _ _ _
American Mining Congmss ALFRED T. BARR, Mme Supt., New Cornelia Div., _ECOI10l'1TlC Cooperation Administration,
Branch, Phelps Dodge Corp., A]O,.AT1Z. Washington, D, C,
Welcome to Washington Discussion: H. L. Gmmrry, Supt. of Mmes, Utah _ _ _ _ _
HON ARTHUR B_ LANGLID Copper Div., Kennecott Copper Corp., Bing- P1‘°P°$ed ReV1$1°¤$ 1¤ lhe Mmmg Laws
GOvg·)·7’;Oq· Of the Sfjgvfgrof WgS}Ljq]gtO)] halnl CanyOny Utah M!\RION CLAVVSON, Dt7'€CtO7`, BL11`€E1U of Lond
Greetings from Canada Conveyor Bah Transportation Nlanagement, Washington, D. C,
RUSSELL G. HAWORTH, A t. G . M ., P t l · · . I L,
RALPH W» DIAMONW Vice PMS; & Gm M¤#‘·» Ce 0f America: C¤i·1s*>i?ti€E€ ./SQZEET
gg?Eiga1€,§_§1g1“i31;§ti8g11S1é1§11g£%i§:O· Of Cam Discussion: _C. A. R. LAMBLY, Gen. Supt., Pend Phoenix, Ariz, Y
" " ’ Qfelgle MUIGS & Metals C0·, M€*~€1h¤€ Falls, Homer: M. Arnnxcrrr, Pres., United States Pot-
Responses: Howlxnn I. Younc, Pres., American as · ash C0., New York
Zinc, _Lead & _Smelting C0., St. Louis; Pres., Large Diameter Churn Drills H 1 { R I 1. C .11 _ P bl. L d
American Mining Congress W11.r1AM H. Goomucu, Gen. Mgr., Chino Mines epcgolizy ESO u Ions Omml eg' u lc an
_ VVILLIAIVI J. Couisrrn, Gert. Mgr., Climax   KGHHECOM CCDPGY CO1.p" Hm11€y’ N’ . .
Molybdenum Co., Denver; Chatrmcm, Pro- ‘ ` H°W Mmes Of the F“1*·“'e W111 Be Fmmd
gram Committee ED%VARD·H. Wrssrn, Cons. Mining Geot., San
_ rancisco ·
JAIEIEFo‘ZiF°é`£1EY§§Z§°’3‘ia2J“éiftE€T%22“fi?4°§E5iZ       ..   .. 
f€1C’Cu1‘€1‘S Division, A.M.C.   ·   Final Report of Resolutions Committee
Address: Labor-Management Relations Today       _‘‘_ .
HERMAN W. Srrrnxnitus, Pres., Bridgeport 1·. _ i. , k 1 "Y  9*30 A-·M· FOURTH OPERATING SESSION —
BRASS C0., Bridgeport, Conn.; Pres., Cham—   »   SAFETY AND HEALTH — NONMETALLIC
ber of Commerce of the United States ji   MINING
  I .=,»   ·‘·, , _ — · »- Chairman: Gnome H. Rupp, Mor., Mining Dept.,
2:30 P.M. SECOND GENERAL SESSION-LABOR     =; ·.p_ _ O Om O 11e1 8* hen C0lP» Puebley C010·
RELATIONS-}/IINING LEGISLATION j A   1*    H8¤dH¤9 ihé U¤d€!9r¤¤¤d Dust Problem
, ·  ’   JACK WARREN Asst. Ventilation Engr. Ann-
_ Chairman: Louis BUCHMAN, Gen. Mgr., Utah ///   ’ · · ’
Copper Div., Kennecott Copper Corp., Salt Ji 3 . . Ccnda COpp€r Mmmg CO" Butt€’ Mmm
Lake City   __,_   Advgnces in Mine Safety in the Lake Superior
-· J ... ti? Z=:"'* .,    ' `
Signiiicant Developments in Mini¤g'S 1949 Wage * 1'*°;¥" ·**°*"**=*?*¥?§   Rongftlrl? WILSON Supervisor of Safety Oli\ er
Negotiations .`»’ "  ~  I @ _ ·. . ¤ A _ » ’
JAMES K. RICHARDSON, Mgr., Utah Mining ,,,5. Bm hon Mmmg CO" Duluth Mum'
Assn., Salt Lake City ·—’= Nonmetallic Mining in the Northwest
The communist Menace an Labor Unions gon; gluayz ie youte COITIIHQ iofsiokanc y¤g!’II   &LGGCgi§>g;Rw§g§>ic;é¤ti§3r§tgigigggmef
L {_   - .. un ou e y want to ta e in some 0 t e entertain- · _ ’ '
  &,.kV"I"N* Am°“°*m Mem M“1‘€`t· mem functions and field ME. no you wait too img ment _¤f Co¤Serv¤¤<>¤ & D<—>v€·1¤pm¤¤t,
to get your tickets, You may be sorely tdisappointedl O1YmP1a» Wash-
Rgpori Of Resolutions Committee: Labor Bela- RIQIIT now IS TIIG Ilmé to Ol’CIGI' your I`ICI(€I’S. GFHIJ _
Hons that pcln, IEII out the enclosed blank and drop it in R¤¤fB¤11m¤
_ _ _ _ _ Ihe ma" *°d¤Y! · E. A. M0RGAN, Mining Engr., U. S. Bureau of
Mining Legislation m the 81st Congress Mines, Denver
Hon. PAT McCARRAN, U. S. Senator from _ _
iSE:.,..{t.,é     of WEEE 2.0%.M. FOURTH GENERAL EEEEIoE-EEoE- 2·3°;t,§,§g,,,§;r;7g,S°;;?;;;g;,°;;,§;€¤¤1 *°*¤*=·*m·
e¤¤ OY MS OF TH — ' .
CEE-EEE; X SE? i`§1R§`§§?"EE?PrEZ€TT°i—F§$iEi-- <°¤€¤ to all   1¤t€1‘sSmd>
2:30 P.M. FIRST OPERATING SESSION—-MILL- KUHDD Co., Ph1hPSbu1‘g, Mont. Tax Conference
- ING PROGRESS Patxixxel disiarssiort dealing xgith the Iproblefmi of Chéirmgm; I-g;NRY B, FERNALD, Chr., Tax
e sma er l'1'11I’i€S—\VIlC are so imporan 0 `tt , r ·' M` ' I C · s
Cliétlirinaifz Rog A. gmmr, Cons. Engr., Getchell all those concerned with the future develop- S1 I O1?qm1\;_ Ce lugcllian mlm Onglcgs
ine, nc., eno, ev. ment and welfare of the mining industry ra eglc mere S en erenee
. . . . - - Chairman: S. H. W1LL1sTON Chr., Strategic
A Perspective of Milling Operations Me€hamZ¤i1¤¤ _ _ M· , I C ·,Lt_ A __»’ M» - C _
NAEEAEIEE EEE, on. Mmiiurgto, ZHOIIIESIZZIKG ROGER V·P1¤<¤¤i Cl0· discussion of particular subjects, may bc M`-
. _ . Functions of the Mining Engineer ranged 35 desired-
Ngy §¤%*,;_g;;* ggyisjjp?“1é‘(;’;;1$§;;;“’§Ai:$; g FEAFEEE A. gIIOA'ISON, pm., i»EmEE.E. Sami
and Smeumg CO' Of Cimmday Ltd,) Chapman F. O .1 111*% uL1e» Mont- 7:00 P.M. ANNUAL BANOUET, Davenport Hotel
Camo, British Columbia 1‘é"g2i1“%· TRAUERMAN, SCcy._TTeaS., Mining Tg?-izbmasger: Dgyéirgn   C)ALLi\lIAN, \/I°_rcr:.,PC2¤l-
Discussion:   Y. Gnnmm, Milt Supt., Bunker Assn. of Montana, Butte, Mont. [5*111. OI§IQ 1. 3 CC 1 {vest UC" me TCS"
Hill &4Sulliv;m Mining & Concentrating C0., Jmirs NEWTON, Regional Adntinistmtor, and mgucan mmg °“g1°°S
Mlleeei Idehe   &Y·EDl`Ill ol` eo You ca11`tlil`t yourself hy your 111*.*11
ideas and l11.[01‘111:1tio11 which you CLII1 USC lll yfJLl1` C\»'CI‘y- Y} 6 l)11otst1`itp5 but you can give yourself
day work. All you have to do lS be there. 1 a big lift by taking 111 all these fine
. . . discussions at Spokane. Aside {1*0111
ON       From the -lllEl]Ol` CCOllC1llllC, legislative élllfl ta; prob- tho idoae and iiirorinniion you ooi_
• lems otrtliennrlustry t1rithe ltriiest ClCVClO})lllCl}lS in 11r111n 2 inet, r.On1ii iinn inert rnirins nnrr in
111 ‘ 'llll ll 111" 1era ,l”llS, lC 1r0‘·‘r‘1111 1‘Ll11S 10 L1 ? ·n . . . , .· n .
"ililill Ul- llll`l%ll?`SO1ll1l11l11tg? l1i¤l1li¤`ll1ts_5 l33qi1111j11_g with H * line 3-day COilQl€l\1O \\1ll g1\1€ jyOL1
5* _. ,. · __ b _- *’_ “ _ ‘r _ n ». renewed CllllltlSlElSIll and a stronger
lL·\’lC\\’ 01 the CLlllClll, business outlool., theiell be dis- r__nn rr rn ren _ r _ _ . r sr _' res er r rr .1 Y
  V Q   A   cusstons 1111 l,ll(2 prospects lor ll(1llljCl`l`<)LlS metals . . , the " _l . C UC Og }°m_mC   IY ja QOQC _ U le
O status ot strategic llllllCl`kllS . . . a free market for gold W mlm. lmlc (ml to l"m llllll }"m fCll{’\‘~’ mmm? mfm
_ _ _ iiio {ui/ni-o or envoy _ _ _ inooi-_iiiniiiii;oiiiom roiriiioiiii 111 talking out your piohlems and helping p1epa1e tl1e
lll tl1e lllllllllg mdustry . . . taxation of go111g 111111111g Wé\yfO1`lUI'UO1`l'OW.
[)l`<}])Cl`tlCS €lllCl 11ew ventures . . . tarills {`tlld trade agree-
, lllClllS'.i. . explorat_1o11 and production incentives . . Z Re111e111ber that this great meeting is wide open-
Sltwklmlllg · · · lmlmc limd Dt1¤r_¤1·1 Engr O l“ll?‘?}_ *mrC· 111e interest 111 any phase ot llllI"llllg—l`I`Olll top execu-
W;g)§°e‘nri]Leirll[i* (ine lglerglrgng erlinelen;?rrl;i;be"§ni$` tives to the lllOIl L1llClCl`gl`OLlllCl——ll`OIl'l those handling the
£llllS ot` progress a11d trends ,, I,.
Soon? C<1ll\'Cllll0Il ot tl1e AlllCl`l(T&lll Mining in niining a11d lllllllllg.' Included lillllflflg the subjects THE BY`WORD IS ON TO SPOKANEL
 E Cryiqgrggg in S)()i{{]]]C (1]) SQ jtpypljgr tt) l.>(‘ [)l’t.‘SOlllt‘(l by Iillllllllg lllCl1 \\'lClCly l`CCOgI`llZl‘Cl lOl`
  9 D `V 2(i_g;i_ This is ihc Uimim] mooring their {lCL`(Jlll})llSllIllCl`llS are: diesel power llllClCl`gl`OLlllCl — ·
 *1*   nr the inoini rind nnninoiniiic mining r . . ('<>l`lrVL‘}1'(>l` belt transp<>rrtat1o11 . . . new developmeiits
__,_   · i .r_· __ , Q i, r C is r· ,_ii 111 ore tl`CLll,]llCllt . . . large diameter cl1ur11 drills . . .
_ ,_ .4  inrus lltb, a .-ray Oll\£ll1(Jll 111c er _ rr _. rr. I rrr _r_   n be, rr nn M __ _
 4;; _. Venn me time nr snvene ennenen sia sin ring me 1111s . . . lL§L1 so '.1111*— · ,·-Zaéuewee Eeqwmozwie *
'l`here`ll. be a lot ot plain talk at Spokane about llllll-·
ing matters of real ll1l])(1`I`l,£lIl('C _to yougand plenty_ot Everyone niisnding ins Msini Mining COnvGn_
opportunity, during tl1e C/Oll\’Cllll()ll sessions £lll(l 111 111- r. . k d r . r rh r Cem ierr errnn
l`(1l’I`tl1ll get-togethers with others, t0 discuss all the pros mn IS H5 Q O regis er SO a a P O `_
and cons of each particular problem. This open clinic el _ A / dance record may be secured and each person V/lll.
on lllllllllQ.\\`lll cover tl1e e11t1re scope of the industry, * }'€{1‘}C0(’f*t¢%0ci@p£0&Z¢ CM S;&0.€<2éz1C *5 have an identification badge. For your conveni-
trorn] "purtrngerock rn tl1e hire" on up l.-lF1l`?LlQgl CC(TlOlT1lC ence arrnngsrnenis have been meds for advance
aut e·>1s r 11* cu1s 1 >llS. . 1 e IllCll 1v1 e·1c eac 1 ar- 1· · . . . . . .
tieul·11iTclisc11ssiol1 L and everyone is invited (to t‘1ke lpiirt wxh the large crowd expected for mls Ccnvcm regxstrahori, thus avmdmg delays and standing in
. . * = . 1 . ton, " okanes bousir f c1l t es ll d bt l - - - - - ·
111 developing lllC best lllllllilllg of the day on each lssue. bl n bp.] r e Hig a` 1 In W} un Ou _€d Y 11119 Bi SP0}·~&¤€· A ¤¤mb1¤¤¤¤¤ Ieglsimtmn Cmd
. . . . G Bally axe ' °W9V“I' I 9 CKY has qultc 3 and badge insert-—hand printed in large letters and
Right. 111111; 1S the lllllC t11 lll1lliO your plans to be lll numbor of good hoioisl iogoihoi. Wiih inany iino earn readable er _ dr_renee__Wnr be Sem our in
Spokane. Get your travel Lll`l`illlQCIllOIllS COllli)lCl.C(l, rneieie fer these irevenne by een end eeenrenee Y ° ° r
11111111 111 l`111‘ your aceoininodations, order your entertain- n e . _ _ _ _ _ advance ¤f ih€ ¤‘1€€i1¤9 i¤ BU C¤mm¤i€C m*?m¤€T$·
ment and trip tickets. and then get sct tor one of tl1e *5 · °_°n given mat HOPG Of Ib'? C¤¤v¤¤i{¤¤ Y1_S1‘ to all those whose names are on l1l@W1lll the Hou$—
11111st \\'()I`lll 1vl1ilea11d ctnoyable lllllllllg meetings you’1·e tors w1ll have to sleep 1H Spokands beautiful city ing Cnrnniiiien end in nii oiiiors who roqnosi
ever attended. Talk to your friends a11d associates in parks! . _ . .
lllll industry and "sell" them on coming along. The them' when pl-Gseméd ¤¤¤<>_1¤¤15¤¤¤¤¤ desk m
bigger and more relpreseiitative tl1e crowd, the greater To insure the fullest use of all available accom- SP°kEm€· the badge Insert will be detached and
the benefits that will be reahzcd by tl1e 1ndustry £lllCl rnndniinns Eiii rennssrs fer reservations are being returned to you with a regular badge holder, whxle
bv e·1cl1 l]l(ll\*lClLl'll who attends This is a time for joint ' in - · · ·
    ‘ a . ‘ . . — · _ e recvistratmn card w1l1 be retained for the Con-
tl1111k111g a11d closer cooperation to boost 111111111g. h¤¤d1·§d*h1¤¤¤h a ccmral hfmsmg bumauj H YOU i. " d
_ _ _ _ _ havent made your reservatmns yet, get m touch Ven mn I°°°I 5*
llining lllOll ol§ianaCla'a1e coiedilally invited, and a vviin ins Housing Cnmrnirreel 1949 Merei Mining To reeisrer in ndvenee__if Yen eIen.r er Cen?
11111111 11elc11111e .111111ts those who attend tl1e meeting. e . / r, _ _
I CO1'lV..I‘\.l1OI'1, C,1O Davenport Hotel, 0pC‘l{Bl'lE, WBSh- mijjgg member gy arg not Surg Your name 1S gy]
A little study of the COll\’CI`tl,lOll·})l`('>l§l`£`tlll should be ington. A handy reservation form is enclosed tor mo with me Hough; Committee, send in the on-
1·1111v1111·1111; proof lll'll vou 1··1n “9ll`ll{C 1t l`lCllli 111 Qpo - g
» _ I -   . _- your convemence. _
kane Septeinher .26-.28. A llEll`Cl-\\'(>l`lilllQ Program (,11111- Closed Card mday
inittee l1as Cl()Il(} all lllc prospecting 211lCl developinent.

  YELOCK in G¥;}¥ZA'1`
                ·   ·
Jan. 8 lO,2l4.5 7,5AG 1.,111 1£¢,99i4» 2,537 —- 13,531 3,blb
“ 15 9,h$6 9,191 1,Lbé 1©,805 2,A93 — 13,29$ 3,356
7* 22 10,].53 8,335 1,L,iJ2 10,8724 2,509 ·— 13,383 3,3SU
" 29 1.2,287 lU,296 1,6% 1©,0?$8 2,L,9G 70]. 13,279 3,3% ‘
Feb. 5 12,35SQ 1*3,530 l,5<.28 8,L,O!, 2, 522 2,522 13;,1,,8 3,396
12 12,190 3.L»,‘911, 1,1£>'? 8,553 2,566 2,506 13,685 3,;,56
19 11,065 9,L,3U 1,271 8;,29 2, 528 2,528 13,1,85 3 ,1,u7
26 1.1,995 l<1,él,8 1,210 £,L,39 2,531 2,531 13,501 3,Z,¤9
Mar. 5 11,095 9,68k 1,17h B,L73 2,5hZ 2,5hZ 13,557 3,A25
Mar. L2 11,061 1‘J,3‘32_ 'il,5 __§‘_,_;Z_€,___Q_____ 2,659 2,186 13,551 ;§,°222
Totals - 111,957 96,96U 12,729 93,765 25,377 15,576 134,YlQ 33,923

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 NOTICE NOM. ._.. ...--.-_-.. X
Notice Of An Assessment of Unlisted Property hy The County Board of
_ ____o   ______ UM __________, A __________________ HARLAN, KENTUCKY
—_`""`*A”-CA—" " "’_"_ (AAQZQQSS _`_“_”"__—_—_—_`____ (Date)
-_—`_`_”_”_ "` _   *»"__ ZBEQMCES —`»_——_____`_______”
Notice is hereby given you in accordance with Section No. 133.120 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes that the
Harlan County Board of Supervisors has assessed the following property owned by you upon the assessment date of
July 1, 194 .... , at the valuation indicated.
REAL ESTATE ....._.._..1...r...................... valued at $ ............................................