xt7kh12v6014_267 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1945 March-June text 1945 March-June 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_19/21672/21672.pdf 1945 March-June 1945 1945 March-June section false xt7kh12v6014_267 xt7kh12v6014 Ma; mix Ji€3,1.3<;iL ..
Pet Milk: ae],·;:: corp.,
_,\I"C;i_ifE! YE}! M.;
.>i_, . Rui. ;:, 2.30.
Gse;1 ul l ;;z; _; .1;
Plas   bee m;vi.;j¤;m Maerb wi; .<.4·se :w2,i;:-<;i UW.!
ali: \;¢»4<‘> U; jjj.;-{B 4 c¢Q..;=;! .5* i. ;aLI' ¤:wu<¤¤;;L     ai i·  my ‘¤» of
`.><1.1..b, ;·;~=,[©:·i;».g;; ,: ws. E24 J.,4_ Moz. A?·.:‘2I ;-1.};, 2.i-:.i;   K"1`LL..3z;(i
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April 4
°F ·` ’“ ·" .
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*6;¤v.‘._;_'j_*·,_v,·.....;4.: `.,....> AL. ~. ·—»’ —-r» · ·· ·’ ‘_~‘~’ gi
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.V bf G ·— ~-   *" `
‘ V ¤ s   .¤V...”:.‘-*». ·.-V A-_ · ~~- —» ·V ··x v*·r~v" FY
··   · `~ Avenue,
‘ .215. cuglgu, I 13. 5.1wia .
V nemtl ummm
{Ju our direction cf ;u`m•uuz·;,r 43*.:, }.g%i.;f;,
r=4:»v~asri:zg; ¤.!éJ,D<2¤.> mma uf _i“ ms¤.11·t.&m4, for aéaigzamum;
tm Qathlatzsm ptnsssl eiumpsuxy irnnicuwmrmu rj.»2:;t, plasma
izmrr;r:·s¤g·.. to 2?;5,fEO£? hmm.
i1i,x:cesx·e:}.y yc;u:·1;,
,4/sf G. -3. ohteur,
iéapnrty Solid hmlza <1mi¤5,z:tr>at¤r.
Copy to ···
  nb. ;. Ewzimicxxtauaycrar
i.€x·. pa. #3. hercénesr
    L• *j.b'ESUn
{ir;   ,E'.• ;r€'llb].".9.th
ma J. ‘fT• Ballard ‘
lr. J. J. isromes

mum}; d, 1,:1*5
Your raferamca -
ér. J. #. Rapport, #ri·a gxocutivu
Solid fuels Trice Branch
office uf rriua rdmlniunrutiou
pasuington di, W. L.
scar Ar. huppcrt:
In angwer to ypur inguiry as my way we and an "axuapti¤nul" rise in
our labor cont from $2.hl par ton in 19m @0 qj•¢Z lu lUM&. Wu wish to ¤$&®¢
txat this increase in n rssult of (1) cue n¤wis—I¤ke¤ agruamonn wixroby wa mnus
a contract with our uiunru in January IQAA walling rar p0rtaI—to-portal pay
. with a ccrraspondinq increase in labor coat, (2; u lowar coal production pur
man in IQMM, and fj) ruhrmnnhivs purLnl—to—p¤rtu1 payment in 19L, of wgu.OQ
par man and highwr vuauhicn w¤;¤s•
The not sffact Ol che Lewis·1¤x¤a ugrcamunt witn portal-to·port¤l
pug and our emncrnst afiactiva Jumuury lu, lygh lm ucooruunnu therewith nad
thu uffwct or incrnnaing thu miv¤rn' pay wiuhout A nurruzyunding inumzuae in
coal production as xullowaz
1%; lvseh
askly aaxly
»&rnin;¤ ;urnin;s .¤wx1y r
Gccu ation o r¤= Mack 0 Uu~ weak Iucrauua Zucrvaas
...,........... ....,...~i....,.. ,.-.....,....,... ...*,..... »........
inside lay Ann (41.0; zur ar.) ¤Lu.&1 ;§$.£1 $11.dU Eu;
amwma   :rz¤n{g;1.00 .=<¤.¤· rar.) ms.;0 $0.75 11.2éEB · :2552
Coal Loader (10•1/2 fans §u.¤§ ©e.l§ 5.yu 10Q
For guy)
our average daily force uf mine am,1oy¤us in thu bargaining unit in
19hh was 5jg man of whom um uvarsgn of é7l msn were soul loaders or miners ajaal
bo bbg of cho total. ¤1th this yurcontugc of coal loaders, the nut inurcaso in
labor coat far lymA.ovmr 19h; due ta this factor tharoxora has ld;. 1E; x .,_, d.bU
(labor cout per ton in Uacambcr lyug) = q.L$ pur ton.
»ith rwgurd to thw decrease in tons of coal produced pur mnq, we urn
attaching a stnuc aut showxng t»ut tus avarare tons of coal produced par day
par man doarsunad from L.$§ tons yar dwy pur man in 195) to ;.0) tons in IQAA,
a docruanc of I5? umich further inuruauvd our cost par ton approximately ¤•ml
per ton ( 2.hl + U§%¤ &2.¤A — rQ.nl = ?.h; • 2 · J.¢15).

 ·` -2-
Office of Prine Administration March d, l9h5
The rotrocctivc payment of @hD.OO por man for porta1·tc-portal pay ln-
crcnsad our IQAQ costs $.0h por ton cvcr 19hj and vacation payments increased
Y•Oj per ton. Tha total of the ubovu equals c.7o por ton which accounts principally
for thc diffcrcnca of $.Mh increase in labor cost for 19hL an compared with 1953.
aith rcfcrcncu to our December 1QhA operating report showing u wslghtad
average roallzutlcn of §h.O9 por ton of coal sold ln the cpan market during thm
your, I would say that pwrt of our block coal lc shipycd to Duluth und sold off
the dock, and thc following oro the dock prices;
&crccning¤........ 0.g5
. wnioh prices sftér deducting the freight and handling of cq.90 resulted ln an aver-
age sales vuluc of cu.09 as por the attached snccomsnt.
with regard to tus “rslstivaly hlgh” roto 01 Q.? porcnnt paid our sales
agents on sales in the open mnrkct, wc would ddvlsu that wo hhvc had a contract
for a good many yours with cur aclcs agsnta with a cocmdsslou of 8 and 10 percent,
and our salsa agents ndvisc than this in not an unusually high commission for coal
sold to retail doalcrs due to the small slcc of each sale and the cxycnsc lnvolvod.
Our solos agents mall our prepared alzcs to retail dealers.
no trust thc above will give you sufficient information to cxpodits con-
sideration of our potltlcn.
Yours vory truly,
In?   2`I~:>2~;.L ·: ;‘J¤;;‘I A C·>;l¤#M=tY
hlsoonsin itool Division
Slvisioucl Comptrcllcr ‘

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 l g§T$R§AT10§AL“§gRVE&?ER
§g§§&g_§QAL %INE
19AB 1944
Yana Froduced Tons Prouucad
§g;*ggg“ggg{;_ Qgr mam 5h;ft
January 4.34 3.69
?ebruary 4.6; 3.32
§.s_;.rch JQ,.€>·i3 3.70
h &pr1l 4.56 3.70
§ay 4.28 3.72
Juns 4.0© 3.44
July $.12 3.51
August &.26 3.65
Sapzemaar 4.14 3.59
October A.@S 3.58
Novamber 3.éQ 3.61
December 3.63 3.5é
Average far Year 4.25 3.63

Tons Par Tug Amount
C0&l Sold ai Duluth, Hina. Dock 1},179 $ 7.50 @102,349
Coal Sold at Superior, kia. Buck 7,LZg 3.Qz §7,§1&
Tczgl Dock &&l@$ 20,353 $ 7.83 @lé5,3é5
Lass — Fraighu ;nd Handling __ 2.QD __§%,i57
Ragliganxmn of Each ¤al@s _
F.G.b. Qing :0,555 Q A.93 %l0l,gG$
5ml&s ts Retail Dealers éO,éAg 3.85 234,150
S&la&~C¤¤sc11d¢t10m Cw;1 C0.
For Export §,Q2§ §.gl 12,126
T0t&l Realization Cuhl Ecld _
Span %nr&a¤ . §§&1OO _§Qg.O§ §ég7,7Qg

§§i¢J2L“‘"* mscoustm swam. COAL mms CWCAGO, ui., March 5, 19}.;.5
°R `”°RKS Benham, Kentucky
Mr. T. K. Garihan of the Purchasing Depart-
ment of Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethlehem,
~ Pennsylvania, called me today and asked if we would
please wire him each day the number of cars of Benham
coal shipped from the mine for the preceding day, as
their track facilities weren’t sufficient to handle
all the coal without being previously advised of its
forwarding. _
Will you please see that Mr. Garihan is ad-
vised daily by wire.
J. B. Parker
cc — Mr. T. K. Garihan
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Mr. George E. Rose

, ,’ 3
. . %¤rch 7, l$45
M-. 1, ». :.1mA, »_»sm%s. Pur. -—;;;'=¢..
s¤:n1@m»m ;t@sl ..‘— Qc. inn.,
Jwthlshqm, fn.
  F :2;* , ,§ $5,34:
—¤ nhva ywqy Leaiwr uf wwrsh 5 r lwtiva
ta &n m¤@1m1@».1 55GU zamw af S" rwsulmwnt cr run-
¤f-m1n¢ ccal frwm aux #@¤h~m mina to aa shxyyzé to
your &cn¤u¤t &uw$n5 H&vch.
A <¤ xwva ¤¤¤¤1v¤¤ th* czractxva from tha
b¤l3$ Juwis ¤&m&n1§zv~t1¤u far &h&$ &d§i@i¤n&1
$&uu¤5$ had ha ueywmt ta DQ wmv¤rn@& w@¤¤rm1ng1y.
¥¤ry truly yours,
.;  ..; 5-;.3. $2..5 ¢-#&&ni
    - -.,...¤`....-.......¤....,.,,i` .......,,..........,.
%r#¤&¤@¤t. J‘  ‘
m, E, &»1br¢&zh
L. 3. nobnrtaon
. 5. Q. 5t&n&er11n¤ _
I!   L•  
; .¤ J. b. Parker
[wk _A ,» J. ,1].  
  & _

 R. B. Griss, Auditor D1:3bi·I'SSKl€1’l'tS, wire; 7, 1945,
For H1'. U. ·“V.D:.1:s0n.
fllhe EL. Nguer Girzss Corrigan;
a sclqw.-»;cd;gc r. ceiiit -.>f your letter of February 2:81:11, advising,
tb;-it the ribcve cvmccrn ms cb_jcct¤ d to cur invoice N0. S-857, dated
Fgbruiiry 5, in the amount cf $55.:52. This concern 1;-is cn all prior ship-
memts a2.l<>wc& the trsnsj»=cz·t tion charges, rind we sssuincd that it ·..0uLd
be in order to deduct these ctx rgcs s cell as the v;LJ.:,:,e of the Lrckcn
glass. -2 did not Link for ;;_u0t¤;ti;,;—.;;clun1S-875, diiiicd Lisnzh 7, ..;.cu;1t $5.62.
'Eie br4.¤k¤..:;§·c in Miss ·;§;i z .nt   nt mount to the Isij.l1iX‘.l2I!l
` slit fur ci;im `:1iI`1?lJE$¤-S, amd t1:>i~e$.”.·rs are mill uct entew clsim against
the t1‘:x2Jsg>I1 ccmgpmy.
L I V _ ;~ g_ J. C. Ballald
`A Works Au<‘it·;:r

¤ANgrENr Coal Mines CPHCAGO.!LL~ February 28, l945
Fonmn. J. C. Ballard, Auditor
*°“"' ""E*‘ $;"i1E§K.¤. me H. mma amiss comemy
‘ [nl ..
. »i Q-;  
We refer to your February 8 invoice No. 3-857 in the amount of
$3.62 which the above concern have returned to this office with this
"The deduction you make for one glass 2B" x 34" broken
when received, we cannot allow. Our glass is sold f.o.b.
Cincinnati, and we do not assume responsibility for
breakages occuring in transit".
We ask that you kindly investigate the above claim and if cor-
rect issue a credit memorandum to adjust your charge taking up the
matter of breakage as a claim against the transportation company. `
// . x7{ 6*i;%I.;4»~;; i·.J #7»_//'
G. F. Dawson


/ ,*
R B Griess Auditor Diebursements _ ;
° ° , _’ ° ’ March B, 1945.
For m`• J“’• I¥i• LUI°i5OI].•
;%;’$'<*.4IiL$.&Ll.z"d O1]. GOIQEJQHY
Ne are in receipt of your letter of Meych 6th having
reference to our debit memo L-857, Juiuery x0, anount $60.00, ‘
against the above, covering the return cf eix empty iron _
011 urums.
Ee are hcluing receipt signed by Mr. H. L. Russell of
the Stebderd Oil Gempeny, deted Jeneery 17, l945. This A
receipt ie not e r-gu1 r Stunderd 011 Company form, and
does met beer eny receipt nuuber. t
3.G. Ballbrd
Jerks Aucitcr

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g§;':1$;T-1MEE°E· Coal Mines CHICAGO, 11.1.., March 6, 1945
Fon MR. J. C. B&ll&1’d, Auditor
Y°°E LETTER . §,§’E§,{'f§TN°_ Standard Oil Company
Reference is made by the above concern to your debit memo
$-837, January 20, amount $560.00, covering the return of six empty
4 iron oil drums. Please inform us their return receipt number as
well as the date shown thereon.
E. M. Larson

 » l · Bonham, Kentucky,
Khrch 10, 1945
g M E x O R A N D U H
r xmrnuc'1EY"u°1?1ii1`ti‘Y"r?“>*wE“n`1··K1was
Monday A vary strong wind started blowing monday night. It continued
$-5-45 * throughout tho night. -
Tuesday — Tho strong wind continued all day Tuesday. At 3:50 P.H. tho high
3-C-@5 tension limo botwoon Liggott and Plnovilla was brokon éorn. The
K. U. Plant at Four Milo was nltogothor inudoquoro to vmot opor-
ating roquiromentn, and tho night shift was shut *own nt 7:00 P.M.
with pumps and vontllating fan romoinlng in operation. Tho E. U.
Office at Harlan said thoy would hnvo tho llnos fixod by H:0O or
9:00 A. F. Wodnosday morning.
Hoénoaday Tho mins won startod up at tho regular time this mornin; with
3—7•45 -Lho oxpootaticn that tho normal power supply would bo rcotorod by
$:00 or 9:00 A.W. It was necessary to cloeo tho nina down st 9:00
A. M. duo to tho fact that tho K. U. was un¤b1o to mnko gooo on
their promise to have power by 8gOO or 9:00 A.M. Thoy tgon sold
thoy would have tho nocossnry repairs node by 5;0O P, F. which
thov did. Nothing except tho nicht shift supply crow workod
Tcdnosény nl~ht. Tho current was qood all night.
Thursday Kino oporatlon started un at 5:30 A. H. Tho power foiled com-
3-8-45 ° plotoly from 5:00 to 10:30 A.M. duo to another brook in tho power
lino just boyond whore it had boon repaired. Tho shift was called
off at 9:00 A. H., and tho workman had to walk to tho outsido one
to tho complete lack of power. The K. U. than said they would
novo tho line in again botwcon 5:30 and 6:00 P.M. Tho current
was rastorod at 5:45 P.H. and has boon all right over since.
H. E. Gnlbroath
Copios to Messrs.:
Goo. H. Rosa, Vico Frosidont
J. B. Parker, Divisional Compt.
  • Lo   SOD., As at • TTHE     •
J. C. Bullard, rorks Auditor —-~——-~~

March 10, 1945
The ombargo started on the morning of March 7.
Thmro wuz an embargo on all northern shipments through Cincinnati l
mol Louisville on account of tho L & N Railroad tracks tain;
4 floodod at those oit1os._ Tha L h H Railroad started accepting
shismcnts tciay, Earch 19, with tho axpootatlom that by the timo
those shiguonts roach Cincinnati and Louisville tho flood tutor
will bo down suffloiantly to lot traffic through—·p0asib1y iunday
or Monday, Norah ll or 12.
R. E. Galbroath
Copios to §osor$.: V
Goo. E. Roco, Vice Frosidont
J. E. Pmrkor, Divisional Gompt.
E. L. Gibson, Asst. Traffic Kgr.
J. C. Ballard, Works *ud1tor MMP,.wo.-M .<·» ~—

I COAL MINES, Benhsm, Ky. Herch 12, 1945
R. E. Gelbreath, Gen. Supt. I,
I am giving you etteched s letter of March 8, 1945,
from the Office of Price Administration.
You know we have made an eppllcntlon to the UPA for
en Increase ln the price of our cosl that is being directed
by the SFA to outsiders such ss other steel companies, etc.
You will note this letter is the second we have had from
them esklng further date ln explenetlon of our high costs.
I heve just told Mr. Parker that I wanted this eppll-
ostlon pushed through to the very limit to the end of our
not leaving e stone unturned until we get en GPA price st
A lesst equel to our cost of Benhem resultant and run-of-m1ne.
I Mr. Parker hes tslked with this Mr. Reppert over the
phone and he suggests th>t this fatter will likely be expe-
dited very much by coming to Washington for s conference.
On this besls, I think there should be some one from your
orgenlzatlon meet Mr. Parker in Washington. I would like
very much if it were possible for you to meet him there but
I am efrsld thet you nerhsps ere needed et henhem et the
present time. At eny rete, we need some one who hes got thls
matter of Benhem costs thoroughly on their chests, that ls,
‘ who believes that senhsm costs are being kept es low ss they
possibly c,n be end thst they hsve been lncreesed by actions
of others end not by the msnegement at Benhem.
You cen see that they of the GPA epperently think thet
we ere dresslng up our mine et the present time with the
idea of being eble to produce coal et e much lower figure
postwar. If there ls snythlng of that kind going on, it is
outside of my knowledge but you cen see thet it 1s going to
tske someone to defend our costs as reel, and ss belng as
good as lt is possible for the best kind of operators to pro-
duce at Benhem under present conditions, regulations, etc.
Please give this matter your thought sud hsve someone
‘ ready to meet Mr. Parker ln Weshlnnton within the next week
or so. We will give you the time end place later on.
Géohet E. mu5E
cc - J. B. Psrker

 ` corr.
WASHINGTON 25, D.G. g p .3¢{g
March 8, 1945
International Harvester Co.,
180 North Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
In reply refer to 6053:JHR
Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of March 2, 1945
and the accompanying statements showing detailed operating
data for the year 1944.
` You lndlcate that the increase in your labor costs in
1944 was due in large measure to the Ickes-Lew1s Agreement and
to the reduction ln the output per man at this mine plus the
additional factors of the retroactive porta1·to-portal wage
settlement and the hlgher vacation payments. Although these
factors account for a substantial part of the increase lt appears
that the labor cost at your mine is considerably higher than
that reported for other operations in the same section. Conse-
quently you are requested to advise this Office if any part
of the increased cost at this mine in 1944 was due to special
projects or to development work beyond the normal requirements.
In this connection, lt is requested that you furnish this Office
with a map of the operations covered by the Benham mine lndl-
eating the extent of your mine operations at the beginning of
1945, 1944 and 1945. Note ln particular the headlngs that
were driven during each year and any special projects that were
Please also furnish an explanation of the increase ln the
expenditure for supplies and power over that reported for 1945.
Uonsideratlon of your petition must be deferred pending
receipt of the data requested above.
Very truly yours,
Price Executive
Solid Fuels Price Branch
Fuel Division

 » · · ai 4* 42**
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COST IN 1944 OVER 1945
Face Bosses (extra) $I5T5II?@?
Fire Bosses (extra) ,5,210.61 A
__ Electric Lamphouse Operators (labor) 9,846.0O,rViA'”Y
Timbering, additional (material) 14,275.69
" " (labor) 14,275.00 \
.0vercasts, 2 constructed (labor and material) 2,550.00
Grading haulage roads (labor) 2,760.00
Driving rock tunnels, haulage (labor) 8,575.00
Sinking shaft, drainage (labor) 450.00
Airlocks, trap doors and brattices, venitlation (labor) 725.00
i Additional manholes and clearance, haulage (labor) 1,650.00
Bulletin Boards--in mine and outside (labor) 600.00
New Flame Safety Lamps (material) 592.45
New Trip Lamps (rental and material) 260.00
Electric Cap Lamphouse Building (labor and material) 5,581.19
Electric Cap Lamps (rental and material) 5,956.25
Barricade, Explosives Magazine (labor) 900.00
Track and Switches, retied (labor) __l§,600j@24
T o t a 1 $105,676.67

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YOURS 11w|.v.
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3;i;¢j;L“E’" wisconsin STEEL com, MINES (melee, ul., March 15, 19h5
°" WORKS Benham, Kentucky
Mr. Rose wrote Mr. Galbreath yesterday with regard
to an application which we have made to the O.P.A. for an
increase in the price of our coal and attached a letter from
O.P.A. in which Mr. J. H. Reppert, Price Executive, asks for
additional information regarding our mine operation. I am
also sending you a copy of Mr. Reppert's letter of Febru-
. ary Ejrd and our answer thereto so that you and Mr. Galbreath
will have a complete file on the correspondence.
You will note that the O.P.A. are asking a lot of
questions about our operation and our costs and Mr. Reppert
states the reason for this is that our costs are so much in
excess of the other mines in the Harlan field. For this
reason Mr. Reppert hesitates to recom end an increase in our
coal prices as he believes we may be doing future work to
place us in a better competitive situation after the end of
the war.
I believe it would be a good idea for you to come to
Washington with Mr. Galbreath in order that we can give Mr.
Reppert the best explanation possible of our costs. we are
planning on being in Washington on Monday morning, March 19th,
and will meet you at the Shoreham Hotel where I have made
reservations for us (plan on staying over until Tuesday night).
Read over all the correspondence with the O.P.A. and
be ready with your answers to the questions which Mr. Reppert
asks as to the costs. _
J. B. Parker
cc - Mr. R. E. Galbreath

.T.B.P&rkox·, Div. Liomyt. March 1_6’]_94G_ » 
bor Mr. J. J. orowe. ‘
, lic; are actzuuhjng nomlto 1;.112 following fI’..¤lgb.`U bills y
covering freight pam by ns on coal shiygod by us for the A
account of Poumody Coal Company: 5
Consl noo Pro. No. Daltezd Amount = 
..........E.-..- ............... ........... ..........
. ° Shearer   Son 5453 {5/lb/45 .,9157.46
" " 54.54 55/l5/45 l5t>.2&'? ;
Tnczsc €LLlOllU.»U$·E1€.xVB been chu rggod po Unlcodo Account. *
3 l-21101:3. works Auoi or ‘

 L fl`
Bonham, Ky.
of the
A froight doduction of __m___
will bo mode by our Cnioago Office as por oxponso bill