xt7kh12v6014_261 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_13/21355/21355.pdf 1940 1940 1940 section false xt7kh12v6014_261 xt7kh12v6014 “   l * I
  - •
Mr. J. M. Ilulsuu, Audits r.
F arkr. D. M. Lixuxncrman, , - ` " `
Jan. 9/40 — _
_ AS ruqucutud in your letter uf Dccumbcr 18, 19159, we are r
attaching hereto state; nant :sm>vriug the analysis uf labor in costs for
the fiscal year ending October élsst. I
_ Yours truly,
By__________ __ __________________ _h.__m_M__
l cnc],. _ Lloiks Auditor. _

DISTRIBUTION 0l·` LA_j3jQl;_F_LSCAL `Y}y;_I_Q_ -1939
Coal Production $605,474.49
Operaxting {$588, 789 . 70
Gems rel Works Expense __16_,_6_@._._'@_
Tgnement Operstion 25,462.16
Repairs and Lia111tene»nce — Buildings 11,753.24
" " Streets &. Perks 5,389.75
Sanitation 3,573.60
Water Expense 4,691.64
Liiscellzsneous ____ 53.9_;§__
L1.@t ing 167.36
Hapslrs amd Maintenance 167.36
C0mm1ssery Operation $18,939.84
Salaries 16, 406 . 33
Repairs end balntenunce 88.80
Water 131.66
Gene rel Yorks Expense 573..70
Truck Expene e 1,163.28
POWUI‘ &; Llgghte 7.90
Fuel ____@n§_Q,1__'L_
Chusehe s 113.63
Fuel 113.63
Locnl Coe.], iiglrs 1,862.65
Repairs :.111 Maintenance 1.66
Hauling and Hz;11<`11ing Coz:]. 1_,__Q6Q 
M:~rkeet Purchases 786.36
SU;L!1l`1(5S 7,271.44 10,l{>2.71
Repairs and Lwuintenzaxzce 140.17
Water Expense 13.23
General Works Exprnse 2385.98
Truck ijxpens e 581.63
Power und Ligmt 1.58
Fuel 113.63
Refri gerczti On §1_,§95.05 _
· C1ub 6,981.52
Sel uri es 6 , 500 . '76
Repairs uni Qeirntenzxnce 28.85
Truck iixpmse 142.08
Fuel 181.82
Enter Equus e __1_&8.01
Hotel 5,078.75
L5e1zzr1 ee 4, 528 . 2'Z4
Repairs end Maintenance 43.14
Fuel 295.45
Lister Exppnse 210.34
Power and Ligghts _______1;_§`>_Q_
Theatre 1,:53,46
Slxlczfié 8 1,041.01
Repairs ard kuintennnce 48.56
Pewer, Lights and Ebel 206.12
Water 26 .__7_'L_
Pest Office 342.03
e Salaries 144.00
Fuel 159.09
Water Experse 38.94

 mole • Term 1938 ·· 1939 $ Z3,860.18
Salaries 23,498.39
Rgpairs ond Maintenance 105.02
Power on Ligghts 30.32
Water Expowe LL26_._4§_
V Schools - Tezm 1939 — 1940 9,jL¤6,87
Salaries — 8,723.07
Rgpeirs amd Maintenzmce 300.70
P0wer ard Ljrhts o 14.22
Water Expens e ____l218.88
Unloading amd Reloading Sto ck Pile Coal 2,778.15
` Operut ion 2, 572 .82
Repairs and Mairmtcnexnce 205.35
Contingent Fund Expense
Medical Attendance 18,160.39
Salaries 17,313.89 '
Doctors! Core 2306.93
Rgpelrs and ihaintenzmce 250.50
Light and lower ZSL5. 97
Fuel 159 .09
Water Expense 196.01
Special Eixponse 336.231 612.62
First Aid 276.41
YJ. ij. W, X, Cure - Repz2.j.I‘s 15,716.54
Capitol Addi tions · 80.62
Appropriations 16900 56.44
N 171::5 ___;g;_L1_q
Accounts Receivable _______]_L,538.5l
Total - $748,547.94
Wages es reported for Jocied. i§ecu1*ity Taxes: _
Nuveubezr 1938 $43,379.36
December " 56,609.53
Jezxueiry 1939 45,819.14
Fdbruaxry "’ 49,795.18
March " 48, 005 .50
April " 239,978.76
I-my " 2:1 , 2375 . 60
June " 46,901.85
July " 84,909.97
August " 72 , 518. 0 7
September " 95,085.06
October " 96,85.3.29
Total 691,128.11
IASB weekly payroll Oct. {50 tmd 31, 1938, _____E:;,641.l54
V 688,486.77
Weekly payroll Oct. 29, 30 and 31,1939, ____Q,§p_2.95 696,789.72
Chicaag Payroll:
N0venbor 1,958 V 4,1%.34
December " , _ 4,188.54
.Tz1nua¤ry 1,939 4,188.34
February " 4,215.00
Merch " 4 , 5523 . 49
April " 4,377.08
May " 4,377.08
June " 4,377.08
July " 4,zvv.0a
August " 4,187.08
September " 4,385.81
October " ___4_,_;s45.1o 51,*258.22

 _ (DAL ;:1UiES  
. · _ - )QQCXXX.X1£>’.X
. Mr. E. B, P z·}:eax·, Acsssiz. Auditor. _-mn. 1-3, l94O'
· \
Ag z*¤ :iz1@:sts:d in your letter of December pklnd, 195.59, we arc .
a1;tze.c?c·.ing hsmtc stataumt showing astimzte of our cash receipts   dis-
  burseamcmts, by months, for the period Dgcaxrxbczr J., 1959, 1:0 Ogtdnnr I5].,
  _ Yours truly,
. w1:;$C0iis$IH SGELEL Gu.·¤L .JHHES
‘ i¤‘>r..m__.--W~.,..;....-..,,.,_-,__,,v......
. l emul. , iiorm Auditor.

DECFLB QR 1, 19159_,_10___0_Q_'1‘_0_l?g;Iii5j._,__l_,j9_@_O__:______
Hag; Salary working I.H.C0. , Total Cash
Invoi cejLg__ £u_y_xg_yL* QgL1p_1_1___ __lE`;Lg1_d;_____ _L:;@_¢;_$, Disbursements Receigtos
Dccezrbar, 1939, $56,000.00 $41,168.81 $$8,588.67 $22,655.55 2586.79 128,799.80 $$17,794.98
J'emu.iz·y 1940 15,000.00 56,(300.00 10,000.00 17,000.00 500.00 78,500.00 18,500.00
F@b1'U.&1I‘Z/ " 25,000.00 4.2,000.00 9,700.00 16,000.00 500.00 95,200.00 18,100.00
March " L6 ,000.00 557,000.00 9, 700.00 18,000.00 500.00 91,200.00 16, 500.00
April 7 28,000.00 57,000.00 9,700.00 16,000.00 5-C0 .00 91,200.00 16,500.00
May " 30,000.00 50,000.00 9,500.00 17,000.00 500.00 ]_07,000;00 17,200.00
June " 32,000.00 @9 ,.000.00 7,500.00 20,000.00 500.00 109,000.00 18,500.00
July " 35,000.00 49,000.00 7,000.00 19,000.00 500.00 110,500.00 17,000.00
August " 55,000;00 57,000.00 7,000.00 81,000.00 500.00 1ki0,500.00 17,500.00
S€pt&mb¤.r " 152,000.00 49,000.00 9,000.00 19,000.00 500.00 109,500.00 17,000.00
Octob ur ” 40 , 000.00 57 , 000 . 00 9 , %00 . 00 20 , 000 . 00 500 . 00 136 , 900 . 00 20 ,000 . 00
'I’0?.a1 —· 554,000.00 504,168.81 97,088.67 205,655,55 5,386.79 1,].66,299.80 194,594.98
v ’ Q

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 _ _ Huy QI.'7, ZL94] .
· My. J. b, Prerlccr, Amt. Audi‘b<>r.
in our t:.].c::.1<.>.v<: C·JZ1V&:1‘!éé.`l3§L>I1 ,f ;*.;:st;uxd¢.y ne d5.scus;;aed LE Lett- x·
..5 our amskingg i"u;:d Jxcm.»1x.;‘i: in imc H:·;·].¢¤n I`].- *5 iam:] Ban}; ··1: H2. lam.
For *:.0   fs.; qmzizss tn: ¤.1;10u·2: .11 c1c·0"it .   bun vxewsy ;..;·a¤-],
1.11 i' .01; at une *:1; e ],~s1; < .::1].}; may razcgmzls aim ..:1   bs¤].»...<;a of .§si3&·.<..>Q in
*;.2 bsmlc, and ·-..:1·;.en t Licizyg .2;;*111 }.Q;·. Ue21l¤;=:· L2 r=1:.d ea b.·2]:=.mc0 of
35é»4.?—.O]1I‘.3€5 ?>..L11.g ¤:;.;.a.:Q-;: 2.;:nt s s xs c] 1 eyed nad
;sti.:.l 0.;.1: x“c»:1~1i3L;1g;.
  g. me burn ;.'1g§`;TC`].hg_ anx.? Eu nl: `zc. Laws   i;..·;z and of ear ch  
fm me bs]. use df   »..<>:s;=.:; s<;<:.>1¢ci;zxg; 1,;: stm; :~ntici.> ~t-mc] rccwigts ··;;d
:1j.:sb¤.r...·s;e2maaxm2, e.;;u;x& =   at t. eil and qi 2211:: usaceek G *1].] hsvc
;; su ;ic1.n‘l; br].;11<:sz   mm `u·11l~: to :.1.;.   usr z1.;&cis» but Jn the meek
V. aching Is.; .-.5th   s.:*;i;.::;·: In E our E,=a;].] sca ·.¤;:>u=   bc eaji¤.·1·L>..;j.1..::‘t:·-].y
-.9%3J·»;..LO. Tw prjgci. La   ~;.=z1 fm .»i.·.1· :;;.2.:.;] b1..].4·;1c;;s ;s due   has fmt
;2;;>.’c Q1; z·c.;;uir¤;s, you ·1 ht .;z·y, :::*.2 full   ek; fun? fg e maj.1nbu;.=:.;<:r;-amt to
#3 sch us,   d~1?;·.;.:g *0111:; aziviocl -f ·L;;:.e]:·ea emu s.>r.;&   dj,;jOl;.L‘t.}€i.i·Z]'bS
it ..· ducees mm b··.].·i1<;8 to ,. ; ·:mi’;::lJ.g.r 11;>2.;1i;wg. ]g 9.1] .>=.r 4;;;s;;ic1*’s
1¢;;;<;:ts in the n .>n J   evn blaming/sz ·n;;·ts u.s;uz.;;ZLy 1·a::w<;.n..g; the hwnk on ]”I·jl ‘s cryin nic our mm.}:
b2iLr;x1c@ to be ;;§..»1·0.;-;;‘I.;1e~’:.· ly :.$£3,0i§·.£10.
I tnink, since ’1;:s]}I· d;Lsb¤..;;;sz;:;;;;11T,s i'1x»1t1 ;1;>1];· Olficc. AG
1; ve: t;.}:¤z1 up xith tim C1·<...ch Lu be C .1.;;:1y 1*.].:;.tiw to mg:}. g our ti;;;`z;—e1·
' bi;]. 1`xwm your 0 rice ..16 ..1; was ;~g;r.<2::b.Lu puh tiger.; tc dc #,111s. Dpr tifc sz:
zxcsount 1;]. (2"f<$I'<2gEi·.}.}§].8§}U•C}(J fer ssc]; h:.].f pnonth. .E&egi1m5.¤g nith the list
hs lf   inzey ·0 ni;-] ice mx1li;G fn? our tizgkzsr purchases, 111j.ch
-.1].]. be; fc}?.-.:;:*:}.6d tz·1r¢.>1I£ib 01.11*   ;l9 for 3>>1;;1.;@nt.
6: 21=¢.ve> t:2L;et·11 up tw: xzzziztezr 1.1tb. the; G1*.-d.Lt Union x·<:;;· Z.`dl1].j§ the
,<>ss1b.‘.]-§.ty uf my ..v Ln.; mr ju: 5*;:0.-]. d©d=.1<2’¤i<>: s by `»`()Ll·L7]l€%I‘ {mm your office,
rm:] I..¤—. St1.u?;;1]], S4;cre¢t.a.:c·3x and Tg»:is~mc1·   1.;; Ugikm, r.dV1;$t they
2.5.;]. be ;].¤ed to <”()Oj<3ZC‘€iTJGi, nai if it is j‘·0.:s1l:]c to .+1;:; this c;11¤r1.gw theey
Vczuld like: 1:0  me wwe me n·.>*;i<:e mf ax couple of nuzks. If 2.5;;* cable ·· ith
you ‘ as ssould like to M0 this, ·—nc`1 ti1cz1·e2by ¤;-li1;i;;»t,s2 use _·»<>s4s1bi]i2y of CUBI-
d:*¤s.;ing nm: ;Lc©¤u.·t .1; 1 me bunk.
.2 11.=—·cc:es1d 1.11:.:: ;e1];¤>un‘c by amemt ;5l,uu¢J.OO. .;h¤;n the and of the mozstb.

 ·cm 21*11.4 ao
J.Z>3fH¤S H'3.L.L3'] HFIOA
`uw HOA
",k>l ‘WVHN3H Hzmvua

 H ` " .,.>` ·
J·.B·•P•   "Zi}"
;€'a.3.ls :-1; tmc lust of the mock, our rcccimzs orc r:.d;11oz· in wry on account of
colic ction for 1;4>*·;i;hl;r ;accmm’cs mlich I).i;t1lI‘1·1.:.].(`f/' i11c1·V..u:sea.·z one amount of cash
on hznd, zjlthough ax good slcc of the amount of (:;;:11 on hand 11].]. be in
1;Q.a2i`<>rx¤ of chucks. `. 8 bolicvo ¤]:1e .1: ‘cil.".s=s c:>v·;:mgaa 4—a*;ould be increased
to H;35,O<>u.0U under our Burglary Ipsumncc.   will cndcavozc to mold the
;:;<>u111; of ceesah on ii€TIlCl to imc m>1·y ;a..i11iz1uu.
Plcrassez lat, wss knoyv 4;; soon as ,cos¤;iblo 1<·a;l;;»;4li_;;g; the gbozree ar;·z;;;(;;-
T:’<>u:‘·s "£,2I`}f trihly,
i'£`5"S<}<;i£i3II·! ESTETITL (EIL i·IC£"5_$
B>;.l..,.l-..,._. ~...l~. .,-.l_..-~...._....
L§c>;;·l;s A.udi‘tox‘.

ggzjgyewf { Wisconsin Steel Coal Mines CPHCAGO_lLL"
WQWORKS Benham, Kentucky
F°“M”· ; J. O. Ballard, Auditor May 21, IQMO
After reading your letter of May 17 with regard to
the Working Fund Account, I took this matter up with
Mr. Ed Bassett of the Treasury Department who stated that
he would increase the Working Fund Account from $17,500.00
to $20,000.00.
He also stated that the Credit Unions at the Harvester
Works are reimbursed from the Chicago Office and if it is
agreeable to Mr. Sturgill, Secretary and Treasurer of your
Credit Union, we will handle the amounts to be paid Benham
Credit Union in the same manner. You will therefore, have
to advise us each week as to the amount of the voucher for
the Credit Union. One thing we want to be sure of is that
you advise us promptly the amount of payroll deductions for
the Credit Union in order that we may have a voucher made
up and sent to you immediately each week.
As you have made arrangements with the Creech Lumber
Company that they will render an invoice and be paid in the
future from this office instead of Benham and if the Credit
Union is also vouchered from this office, with the increase
of your Working Fund to $20,000.00 do you think this will
take care of the situation? Please let me have your advice and
if it is agreeable we will go along on this basis and see
how you make out before we take any other steps. If necessary
we can make an arrangement whereby you wire us the amount needed
for your reimbursement but there is no sense of taking on that
additional expense if it is not necessary.
'   `g fi;
/   al,/’7 4;;; __

EEEQJZLMENT Wisconsin Steel Goal Mines CHICAGQ H_,___,
OR WORKS Benhem, Kentuckiy
FOR MR· J. C. Bellerd, Audit01· JW19 L 19)+0
` We have not ee yet; rece·i,=.red from you 81L}/ figures
shovri.ng>; the labor distribution for the two months ending;
December jl, l§?,9 et the Coe,]. Mines. We did not realize
ourselves that we would need it this soon but we find it
is necessary that we heve your lebor distribution figures -
es soon   it is possible for you to get them to us. You
will therefore, proceed along the seme lines es you did
et the Fiscal Closing; in October l§?§Q and give ue figures
for only the two months November end December l9§€'~3. These
figures should coincide with those used in working up your
two months closing.
We also fiml we will heve need of eight typewrittezz
copies of the detailed cost sheet for   two months ending
December jl, 1%}*5. The labor di.ettz·i.`m1tioz1 is the most
urgexxtly needed item so will you pled to have it in first
and then 4f`c·rward the cost eheete letem
  2 ,
Iv Q i l »   .> .¥ ·
I or


 {VJ ` ` . ·
June o, 1940.
Mr. J. F, Nulsson, Auditor, ~
.FC)1`   *U• A~• ¢$j.I?L€I‘Ii1ilI1•
As roquosxtod in your leett-r of June Bord we are attaching it
hereto statement snowing d.j.S1§I'lYJLll}i.OI1 of labor for the momghs of November
and D<2C0mb€:I‘, ]_9;‘39.
Yours $1*111;;,
l oncl. laorks Audi·=.;c>x=.
  ...·.   ~ `   l
Copies of cost sheaeat I‘CI`CI`1`€d to in letter of Juno 5
mzailead with our letter of Juno 7.

 C O A L M I N E S
_ ______p1§C}iI¤B}iR‘ - 1__9_Z_59________________
Coal Produc ti on $172 , 555 . 115
Oporzzt ing $3170 , 22.05. 16
General »»o1·k.s Expons o 2.,  7__
Temomo nt Opoxmti on 4,414. 61
Repairs url 1»1u1ntenunce — Buildings 23,0915.18
" " Streets and Parlcs 887.58
S:sn1t;ést10r1 5238.80
Eiutcr Expense 848.93
isis callumzous 56_;15Zi_
Light ing {57. 92
Rapairs and muixxtonzmca 157.92
Comm:\.ssax;·y Opcruti on I5, 8415. 59
Balearic; s 15,1591.85
Repexi rs and ¥~&int0x1a..no6 15 . 66
Mater 259 . 00
General works Expons 0 64.01
Truck Expom 6 23015.17
Fuel __1_§l 
Churchez s 30 .158
1* ucl 150 . 158
Local Coal Salas 610.65
Repairs md Lkzzintonr me 1*7.15
Hauling mxi Handling Cozzl ___59_15_:__5_0___
Marko 1; Pur chase s 65 . 54
Market Opomxtion 1,568.157
£$a11:;I‘1€S 1,5151.68
- Rem i rs and Maaintcnum 0 5.81
`.i;;i;c:x* Ezcpemso 2). 2.0
Gonorzal ··orks nepeanso 523.00
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 DEPARTMENT ‘~. $- ¤+ T q }
BRANCH Wl¤~2OIlSEYl -4.:99; CBJ]. .='Iin$E CHICAGO, ||_L__
°R ‘”°"**"’ Eeuhmm, Kentucky
Fon MR. -.,= , - M
J. G. Ballard, AuA;t©r June 21, 19wQ
AQ this time we ave pvcparing an estimated profit
ani loss for the fisuE1 ysur 1§%G agi would ask that
you $@:11   sm   suz}.1   ytbii   in pr@z¤i;>;;s y‘·3aT*s.
This will includa an asfimmiei cost of cwal shipma;ts amé
an estimated pysfit and lass on Qmwm operations; Please
be sur: am@ give me thaae figuwws bcfnve addimg depreciation
and QCh?? reserves - thai is, show pvsfii or Lwss bnfcva
resarwcs, &@preciA;i0m and atiav reaérvcs ani mei profit
or lags.
T _/ _— ·___       ·T _

 A * ·
July 5, 1940.
2-.433. J. B. i’€¢:·};*;I*, érwszt. H.u1'*.
,5 1_~:;{iLw;;·t;e:d 121 ;~`¢1·u1° ;;~L·i,.-Ly of {Tuna: 2;l:;t; ma weave: ;;m;pz:1re2d
azz e,s:.1:: ;eri;<>d gvrujit nm §1.0;a:.=s for Mace fiscal ywsr 11}*/A), 1,51 A is grczxa
Jamu ry 3., lx:-g£>• to *)e’c0i>;:x· .55-. ltzii,   ·$1¤;;; ;c; ¤s“l:=:·i;e:r;·—.za"crs are ui;1;:4<:¤Lcd.
he;;:u1;0• `fcu xsiill nut.; `C.i].;1.`;} we A mx :siy.¢><.:x2. Hue <:ss1zi1~:;·%;·;:zi j>::¢0;i`§.t wr Loss;.
` T€<~w;·:z ‘$z·=.» *f,
V. ,_;;;;k; xiii! J; LL <.\;§¤L ii.; is
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