xt7kh12v6014_260 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_12/21247/21247.pdf 1939 1939 1939 section false xt7kh12v6014_260 xt7kh12v6014 _ - · "**‘ WISCONSIN STEEL COMPANY
§§§’§j§[,"'E"T Wisconsin Steel Company, Inc. CH,CAGO_ H_,___ Jelnuery E, lg]?
°R “'°*“‘S Benhem, Kentucky
FOR ,,,R_ J. C. Ballard, Aucliter
Dem.- Sir:
In line with gr<:·mr telephone ccrxversemtimn this morning; with 2.11*.
Parker, we are *nclc>s:*.r»g revised figures for *__,...(.é_i`- LII.m1,w.IQ.¤.¢\
—;\ x
. fr X
El’]CZ}• '

,_ ~··¢v*
,- -."..R.E.\LI....&D. E §E;EiE..*$ ...... ~ .....
C0aL_St0rage $ 2,52}.8l
§gL_l Mine $,jMj.OQ
Q¢2.&.112L- .B.¤i2&..1.<%.i ¤»z@..§¢. .@u2i~.¤.m.©..‘¤ 2
Locomotives $ 6,¤l8¤Y§_=‘
Mine Cars 1§,QUO.S1 ;;
Power Lines ?§b.P§
" Plsnt ?§Y.Y$
Fira €**en 9.75
¤ .. f ·
F1]trabi0m Plant ;,E90.S§
Supply Houxe 15%.L%
Garage 6}%.62
Pwwier & Cam Maynzipe SN.@O
Rock Grusbav §§§.}¥
Shcp M&nh*nery Qf§l§g ?j,§M7,?®
K · ii,     ;S=.   1. ITU- · E?
Cemtrvl Heating F?a¤t S 1,$§U.lO “
· G0mwi::zvy‘ b,2Yb.]}
. · »~ . _ . ·, -. . ~ ‘ r-, ;
Dcc:0r's Oftxce Eu;Lu;mg l,};M.¤L
Hotel “ }©2.0U~
Mast Market " 2,1QE.l?
Moving Fimtuya TL¤xhre “ ?,lQS*lH
" *’ V Equigmeni 11.}}
OF?ic¤ Euiléigz 6b§.Q5
Fctt Offi:@ Q lvige Hell BwiTéimg l,§;Y.?Q
School for C0l+v¤i Hw;T¤y~s 1,4¤Q.6@
" " White “ $,%lE.€Y
•·• r‘ ..7 C
warehmuza 08;,Pn
Bath House __M§3j:¤Y ” QZLQQQLPS
TOTAL $Q?,jQiL§¤
Taxes — Real Q Personal Property /_?j,".; · . $l€,OOO.GO .
Aiminisnrutivm Expense - ·Q » _~ 50,0G0.0@
Wisconsin Steel Gomwany
J3Tm:a:·*y 5 ,  

January 4, 1939.
Mr. R. E. Galb reath, Supt.
Wisconsin Steel Company,
Eenham, Kentucky.
Dear Mr. Galbrenth:
J. 0. Keller, tie owner and operator of a
servi oe station at Cumberland has asked me to write you in
regard to the matter tkat he wrote you about in the early
part of September, 1938. Will you please refer to his
letter and advise me what your'e and the compw1y's attit-
ude in the matter is'?
Hoping, to hear from you ext an early date,
I am
Youre very tmly,
Sgd. J. B. Wall

 Jam. cj, l€;Li9. __
M1`. `{iymfiqmpsaon, Attorney,
Hez·l·.m, Ky.
De r Sir:
he ere E:l..,T24(2l1j.Il§ Yereto ]_et2 or duted LL;·ptm.ber E3, 1938,
from .1. yee, p»Lyi,z1g them ninety meme on the dollar in cash ox-
feee v:.l.ue in t1¤-.;·s, on ·.1hi.ch th- re wee il   tux <:olLlccted by
ue thx·eu.<_h the }·€.xyl‘Ol.]. et 1, me time tide 1·:cx·ip mus ieexzed to our
The ecrip pLl1“(J}uS£}(l by him e ne; Ended 111 our atom in
payment fdr x~equi.;itioms fdr g;ee<>l1ne, n·»i;j.c11 me paid us e profit
of lo'}? 021. all p11;c?msse:;   j;·;;:>l211e2 tl. t   gage   11121, amd the
ggeeavlirwe being a tm; ezcempt ite m, wad   seems Lieat he is of the
opizzinu that at the *.1::10 this enrip .,>a;; ;>:.;.;<~cl¤;:see.   one wz? our
umzloyee thet the vmount gauid ir1<:l.ded   em Aloyec; ::i..’ht¤,= in  
fE.__le Tex we mel]. ale in the eeyip. The Wlsczcnyzei !— Wheel. Ovwtpeny
has never compelled am employe to dzmw ecrlp in lieu oi mzggea. The
object for deducting; the Sales 'Ihx alt the time the ecrip mus issued
eee to eliminate the tmuble tYz= t would huve been cewugd to EDB
em;loye, und ulsco tm time und triuble gi` our clnezle in ooulectmg
<,k.e tau; on all sales nude.
.·S you. know TAB sacxip im; ed by   U=.»r,;p¤lny is uct 13x··.;;.¤3-·
f=;·1·a¤ble, nd when ileued to employee 011 dszmlni ·<; t-Le Tt thlt this
scrip qill be ueed in rsladcingg g>u;·c:.s;ees mom the Uompelmy. I+ s¤_·ep—.e
th: t Mr. Keber is ur the oyin?i.<.~n   t L9 should be peid 2;:,; emommt
equiv lent to the amount of ter; collected by ue tm that peyti on of
zcavip i;a;z;; d to our em..lo;,·ee end :.old to him, end in turn prlld to
our 00:111 h ary :€`e:;· uun—·te;;:1ble m::*<:h:=ndi>se.
'G are attaching bmw to u letter duttd .J¤nu:1·y 2, 19.,9,
Mem Jehu B. ull, attorney, Ilerlun, :1·efem·i Tic to the ebeve :..entiou¤—d
letter of J. C., }1eL.L<¤• :1:; to tire axttitude tcdcon by the Comp my in
thjg ¤m;1;.;;·, no n yly lhs b. en, wade to <21the1· of he att cubed letlere
ner k.:.ve we taken this matter up 3 ith our Chic 510 ueylce.
..6 would like to 1.;.ve your Opinion on this getter, hd if
any furthe 1* 1n1`:»1~z.eti<.>n le dessirod, do noi heel tute to cull on ue.
Y¢>uTS 1;?.ul;V',
UBL, ____ __,____________________ ________
2: encls. .OI'1CS Auditor. __

 * 6
Pttturncg & Guunscullux at Ham
Junuary lOth, IQFQ.
Hisccnsin oteel Company,
Benhum, Ky.
Gentlemen:— Attention of Hr. J. C. Eellerd, Korks Auditor.
I have your letter of the Sth, ¤ith .v‘.· regard to the claim being mode by
J. O, Keller for u refund on account of Kentucky Sales Tux on scrip
purchased by him for purchese of gosoline.
I note from Aeller’s letter thqt the time curing vhich he claims that
this scrip vos purchwsed end no doubt issued ues ebout three years ego.
I ossume thot the tux deducted vos remitted by you to the State but
whether it was or not I do not think it mehes e muteriel difference in
this matter.
As I underst;nO it when the scriu ras issued you deducted 3% to cover
the tux; Keller bouyht the scrlp from different emoloyees and used it
for the euroose of discountin; the scrip lO$ or probably paying you s
profit of lO% on the gosolioe. Keller bou;ht or acquired $l.OO worth
of ecripg he cli eot wctuire Sl.Oi for esch doller; the scrip celled
for $l.OO umm tus redeened for $l.OO less the lO% discount. Keller has
no complaint to mike. If any body hss any complaint to make it would
be the employes to whom the scrip ne; issued.
Furthermore Keller is in no position to demtnd redemntlon of the scrlp
or the puyment of anything to him for it under the lem. The only vu /
in which o person issuing the scrip can be compelled to redeem it is g}
the person who presents the scrip for redemption, then he mekes Cenen.
for payment, to present o s*orn .’—. stetenent shoving exon; other things
fron whom he purchased the scrip; when he purchosed it; what he puid
for it, vhether cash ut its full value or whether merchandise. This
und other statements must be embruced within on hffiduvit end en
itemiied statement of the scrip furnished, ell of it to be s=orn .*.e to.
Where he peid less then foce velue in cash for the scrin the difference
betveen the umount he peid end the rece vulue is supposed Lo be credited
to the employee to whom the scrip is issued which, of COU]"S·€·, is lill-

 Z!/°).. . -. .~ - 4- 7(`
~~» Jenmiury lOLJi, l9Lha.
It is my opinion thnt Keller is in no position to insist upon the demand
which he is nov muhing und it is my suggestion to you that you so advise
Keller und thut you uuvise his httorney, My. John L. lull of this place
to confer with me about this matter and I will state to him our pozition
as above set forth.
I trust thst this is the information which v·l. you want.
Tours very ttuly,
  gw/e » 6 ’ ’ °‘
2;/be J ”

 Jem. 12, 1939. M
Mr. John B. Hull, AtLoz·n:;y, u o
Harlem, Ky. r
Dqur Sir: .
, imsvzoring your letter of January 4th, a<1d:··az-mod  
to Hx-. R. 1-.. Gulbromzh, mwggurding the mttor mentioned in
J. .;, i~1a1.1_ox·'zs latter of Soptombor Sth, 1938, wish to advi sa .
that this matter has boon ru;‘or1·2d to our Attorney, 551*. `iim.  
Sampson of Harlzm, end he will be glad to confer with you y
as to the possiticm ‘i;::1·:u:r o;>1n;¤.>n 1‘».e;_: ;cd11»;.; the zmtt r uf za 01;..1::: hy J. G.
K@i.J.¤.:;· fur él rahgxxd. on awzcuunt of K+=m:uc:}:y pqjms *1*..;; cm. scrip éssuzgd ·;;0
our <¤m>3.0ya:ss on which ne: ueaductud zz 5% ta;. sat the tzima cnf jmsszzez 7:I=<$ this
g. ;:ri3;> sand to ii!. hea;. 5- by than 0u.;>1<>ye ut 3].0iZ discmmt.
.0 mann; tm: ;.=:.;0 <.>y¤in1:>n ub ui. T;E>.i;= muttur as you A0, -.113 E;lC[1
Keller ;>un·<;h:;sead tins :-.asoJ.ine fur hlm a~c»u[Ld. La.-vte ::*u:·aui:·cd the: sznma if lac hud jmsrizi   cosh,
um.1 by m;< ·e;»t;iug tmc ~=c:1·ip from him vt ;‘T·=ce=s vwlue it Vlso zaqmrg $,0   mat
lm mus, :10 cl ..1:11 tu mwcc.
iieggy ;·c1.i.n;·; thc: rvmnum; 3.0 c1;.¤x..s ti; t 2`?*i¥ ge; vsiice by muy i?’,z·..>.;y;;.>,
I * 5.::11 TO :¤:;;y L., rt L.; ;.;;.>um; a.cc11:‘.;u.a;.t¤d in m  5 of ·;.¤_e :e;..m1·uL uf mx
pwid to 2.1..: §t:;i;g -::.:2 b1‘;>us;ht aémut by sich. i;;*r..zn:2..z<;‘c.12>21 2::; Luis, @11 :2.11
.¤.1.:i‘ci¤:s::.L zmmxm; uccw·.u.;.i1.x.;i.:.; ¤1·y .>n
".1;fLCh ‘ci2:.1·e was ea tan: of 3.35, .· mi <&1¤>n I'-¢7.j.TZT.j.ll·é§ this tmc tc tha t3#‘;::@== it
ams b> seed vn 5% of the tim l cons: ::210*2 ·n t·axr.b;c ;L1;.;m:s,, uhich uuid
xczmiee :.1 mma;}. di1`i`a1?n the zxmmmt of ms; <:0.i.].s¢cted mz the :.·:v;c>u¤t
of tw: mzamtcdo
I z..;s:u 1:;}; to ;;;.y tixtb ast the ·t;ix:.c this Begins Tn;- Lu: ·. us; 1·s—·
pealcd     ci a b¤¤lz1=.<;s»   mm ’c;;.; re<:c:¢..u:;t, {nd umm. :...¤1wric¤2 .:;.J1:; ·.>1.1*
C2laA.cz..·4> Cyficc ‘ch;:s     2...:2 t mm as :1 cmxdit to tm vuri mz; 0y.;y»-.1i:ns
Lézich c:1·, as jxuu ct  ir.<..¤Qi fn gr [U1"
lc*•;‘h.,1· mc: 7.<>1·t1;·0s to Lum the ;;<;r1_p -...¤s isswzd, but J2; L,.i.·;
tiznez tim; .;<;_j1.;.r.1:..1tt¤,..:s 1;.:..0 me ..4.d H0 ;.. ...11:. of dnt ;..inin;; 1.1:0 ’h.e1 e>z...·l0yms
num thm; ...;uJd lssvsz I;>·-een Gxxtitfeacnl to it 1.;: no record xm: .—c:2 1; cf me
;.:<:1·1p ti:..’s goauased thxzmgn thee h..n.is. of it-’i.>·. :;cL..»r.,
G ...1.: att:..:h;§..u; E;. maize) cqpy of ;c1; L.;1· a;rxsm;1"§C.&.g; *321z-t cf ..1-.
John 5.. uQL1.”s of Jamwry éth, ; ‘r·.»m ...1.1c:h you ;.;Li.J. note kpc §.z.¤:.a b»..e.17.
;v..fu;·;¤..d tn you c:m:c:1·n;Lr·g; this ..;;t1:c1‘.
$50uxs =*r.=x·y t m-y,
;'i`..$C·. ' LIFE 'P   C¢I¤iJ‘FI§Y
1*/...-..- -.-.._...._.. __._ --._- - .--_-  
J. uncl. <> r·1-.s f—ud1“c>r

g§·;?£LME~T` Wisconsin Steel Company, Inc. CH,CAG¤_ ,,_,___ January 1}, 1939
OR w¤R`»—Y`>”*/ ’
.1 1%/-   { (7

 2 ·· . ;   `‘,· »`   ’’ ‘ `i-¢—’·¤y1—.4:_%%;;=~ii==»;’@-_1;   ¢*?T;   »‘-,·-A          ’   *=·Si¢   » ‘   -·  .4.4:;
  ' ` 7
. •   ` V _ I I ·
` ·' .Tanua1·y 235, 19159.
Mr. J. F. Ncllaon, Auditor. _ V `
For Mx-. U. A. éixmgcrzaun.
As zmqm tad in ymr l@tt .1·/<>f Jammu ry 13th, we are attach-
ing Lk€,I°<»t() Lwviscci st::b·.xwnt sh<:m.·;i.mg Lhuéccoumts agxuixizst which the
dsprucj ation item: f·,>x· the fiasco; ye 1* QLEJLSQ have bun ch¤;·,·;;»d. ,
Your;} Emily,
  BL,-_._,_._»._,_...._.._,.~,..--,..,.L.-,. _
J. uml. worm-; Auditor.
x Iv
l * V ' · -

 A {levi s e“d_“§t_§j;gg&ent
... .--,_l. - -_.l-.`€I.—Bl.L9.€>§....__.,.....l
Coal Storage $2,5215.81 Stockpiling Jsytpcnsre
No. l mine 8,345.09 Coal liroduction
Locomoti Vee 6 , 418. '79 "
Mine Core 15,9%).81 "
Power Lines ;LL56.§.L5 " Indirect
" Plant 857 . 75 " "
Fire 51ren 9.75 “’ "
Filtre tion Plent LJ,29G.89 Tenement Operation
Sup ly House lZ54.l¢l Cool Production Indirect
Gerage 6:J8 .   " "
Powder and Cop Llegezine &)#L.OO Coliuleenry Operation
Rock Cruchcr 955.18 Tenoment Operation
Shop Machinery 9*75.6;; Cool Production Indirect
  Cnr Re;.-cir Shop ni l71;ui.;>x·:>-nt l,l'?4.52J T·i£f}E‘J?i Cer Repairs
Commiezzrry o,8'?5.l£5 Goxmieeery Operation
Esp rehousse QE'? ..26 "
Doctcre' Office Building l,fi»54.;.i·3 Tcncment Operetion
Hotel Building; QBOQMO4 Hotel Operation
Meat Market Building i3,l98.l;3 Market Operation
Moving; ricture 'Hieetre Building; fj‘,l&¢8.l4 Thet-tre "
H vv yo ·HquiT)mUht   ·   u va
Pont Office ord Loqge Hall building 1,657.89 Pont Office Opcrrition
Colored School Building l,4§69.oO Sch »ole
iuhite " " B , 4lo . 8*7 "
Office Building obfj.98 Cool Production Indirect
Barth House 4E3'?.5'/ " "
Control Heating Plant __lJ_£;_5*4_:_lQ_ A5 below
{$68, 829 . 250
Hotel Oporetion ‘;§lob.'/4:
Oomniseury " 475.82%
Theutre " G'? . 98
Foot Oi‘;`i<: e " 135.95
lllur icet " 2302} . 9 2
Club " 65*.98
Tenenont " 21OES . 91%
Coe]. Production indirect ____gVg3.,_._1€{

 hl AD. `
·   F9`DI‘\l:.1I‘y ZZ, 19259.
‘ Mr. J. B. Purker, Assistant Auditor. y y
As reqwsoed in our telephone convorszaltion of yesterday we
are enclosing lierewith statements snowing the total number uf employee
on the payroll as of Jammry Bl, 1939, and total number of men laid ` t.
off that would be rehired if busineus permitted, showing za division y 
_ os to the number of yoaars of service. This dogs not include the Chicago
Offme R°l]" Youre very truly,
V 2 +.—ncls. afozke Audit or.
l \

{ February 2; 1959
Total number of employes on roll (as of Jan. 51, 1959) — 478
Number with lO years or more service - 288
‘" " 5 to 10 years service - 95
" " 2 to 5 years service - 76
1 " " 1 to 2 years service t - 15
" " less than one year service - 6
Total number of men laid off that would be hehired
. if business permitted (as of January 51, 1959) - 254
Number with 1O years or more service - a?
" " 5 to lO years service - 12
" " 2 to 5 years service - 144
" " 1 to 2 years service - 67
" " less than one year service - 11

 C C P Y
_ Chicago, Ill. Februery 7, 1939
R. E. Gelbrenth
° ll. F. Yhr hee
I. F. Nelson
L. B. Robertson
B. A. Stenderline
§EPTEN@£E_l, 19QQ: ______
Herewith copies of the Hen nm coel schedule for the next Veer
ee best we cen dope it out now. This, rou will note, is beeed on e
second blest furnnce going in September l, 1930, and continuing in
blnet on into l040 end thereafter until another depression.
You will note thnt in stock nt Benton and in transit up to
the end of April, we figure there will be n total of 06,000 tone. Some
of t'ie 06,000 tone mn? be ehinned toward Toledo early in Merch end muy
be in boots et Toledo the let of April, end muy be moving nlong toward
the Bouth Chicuao coel dock before May let, but it will not require
the Steel Yorke to tnke in n totnl of were then 54,200 tone prior to
the ond of Nny. Vou will note thnt ·.·.* ith the current production hunt
is to be shioped durinr Nev, und the 4,800 tone to Peabody elong with
25,000 tone from etocknile or in truneit, South Cbicnro will be
tnking in just exectlr 5l,700 tone. The some ;ill obtnin for June
end Juli, except that vv wish to oueh up the nrodnction ehout
l0,000 tons in ful so that it ie not too great an increase into August,
end with the 35,000 tone teken out of stock or in treneit each month,
hey, June and July, the total in stock et Benhem will have been removed
end only about 21,000 tons will be in transit, which we believe is e com-
fortuble quantity to be in transit during the middle of the ehipoing
"he echedule contemblntee keeoing nwout 20,000 to 21,000 tone
in treneit risht no to the end of the eeeeon, end therefore this 20,000
tone will be loaded into storage boots at the end of the eeaeon, ond if
Peabody token all of the lump coal We ore able to vroduco fron the full
tounepe mined ench uonth, then we will he obliged to jump un the mining
et the end of the season so me to uet sufficient cool for the ~hole
40,000 tons to be held in *he bonte; but, we should hnvo e look at this
about the let of September and eee how ouch cowl is in trunoit, und
what may be neceSour¤ to bc done to finish the eennon ·nd provide the
cool for the etornge beets.

 A" Final G.E.R. 2/'7/59
_ A To B8 0880. To be R8c'd. From —M1n8 to From Coal Comoany
Stock on Hand A4; Coke Plant Each Month Mining Rats Mine To Mine to Stock at Stockpile For Sumner For Winter
First of Each A1; Coke At South Coal. Mine to A1; Exchanp Exchange
Month Month Platt Bonham Chicrigo Comgag Sodlhicgo Benham To- Dec. 1 To April 1
1959   A `  
January 25rd 155 ,860 7,920 — 22,557 — 5,054 . · 19,485
February 127 ,940 24, 640 — 22, 500 -- 5,825 - 18, 675
March 105,500 27,500 -· 22,500 - 5,825 — 18,675
April 76,000 26,400 - 22,500 -· 5,825 - 18,675
May 49,600 24,800 54,200 50,000 25,000 5,000 25,000 - 4•200
June 79 ,000 24 ,000 54 ,200 50,000 25 , 000 5 ,000 25 ,000 - 4a 200
July 109 , 200 24 , 800 62 , 400 40 , 000 55, 200 6, 800 25 , 000 - 4; 200
Angus 4 146 , 800 24 , 800 52 , 200 5*2 , 500 48 , 000 9 , 800 - - 4 . 200
Sept ani: 81- 174, 200 48 ,000 52 ,200 57 , 500 48,000 9 , 500 - - 4. 200
October 176,200 49,600 52,200 57,500 48,000 9,500 — — 4•200
Novemb 8r 179, 000 48, 000 52, 200 57 , 500 48 ,000 9 , 500 - —· 4, 200
40,000 Boats 20,000 from in transit, balance possibly from tonnage not taken by Pezabo dy.
Decmxber lst. 225,000 ____ 4 M
TOTAL 550 , 260 419 , 600
December 225,000 49,600 6,500 42,500 6,500 7,200 29,000
January 181, 900 49 , 600 6 ,500 42 ,500 6 , 500 7 , 200 29 ,000
Februa ry 158 , 800 44, 800 6 , 500 42 , 500 6 , 500 7 , 200 29 , 000
Mar ch 100, 500 49 , 600 6 .500 42, 500 6, 500 7,200 29 ,000
,4p¤11 5-2,400 48,000 8.500
M8-Y 1S*•  ---·»·——————————————-——··——————·—·-·r·····—····***"""*"“*”
TOTAL 241 , 600 52 , 500 ·

0 P R E . ' ` Messrs.-- '{
g§R$;$,T;·,M,(,w R. E. Galbreath »/ °"'°*‘G°· "·L·· February 7. 1959
H, F. Hughes
F°R“R· J. F. Nelson
Herewith copies of the Benham coal schedule for the next year as ¤}.ytfi
best we can dope it out now. This, you will note, is based on a Tlwxlfwi
second blast furnace going in September l, l9§9, and continuing in *¢i?;r$i'
blast on into 19UO and thereafter until another depression. F~
You will note that in stock at Benham and in transit up to the
end of April, we figure there will be a total of 96,000 tons. Some
of this 96,000 tons may be shipped toward Toledo early in March and
may be in boats at Toledo the lst of April, and may be moving along
toward the South Chicago coal dock before May lst, but it will not
require the Steel Works to take in a total of more than 5M,200 tons
prior to the end of May. You will note that with the current produchon
that is to be shipped during May, and the U,200 tons to Peabody along
with 25,000 tons from stockpile or in transit, South Chicago will be
taking in just exactly 5U,200 tons. The same will obtain for June
and July, except that we wish to push up the production about 10,000 tons
in July so that it is not too great an increase into August, and with
the 25,000 tons taken out of stock or in transit each month, May, June
and July, the total in stock at Benham will have been removed and only
about 21,000 tons will be in transit, which we believe is a comfortable
quantity to be in transit during the middle of the shipping season.
° The schedule contemplates keeping about 20,000 to 2l,000 tons in
transit right up to the end of the season, and therefore this 20,000 tons
will be loaded into storage boats at the end of the season, and if Peabody
takes all of the lump coal we are able to produce from the full tonnage
mined each month, then we will be obliged to jump up the mining at the
end of the season so as to get sufficient coal for the whole Mo,ooo tons
to be held in the boats; but, we should have a look at this about the
lst of September and see how much coal is in transit, and what may be
necessary to be done to finish the season and provide the coal for the
storage boats.
fs-   y { V
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t` v1

 ` 1*21;, 7 .
5 0  X1 '`  .  
'. R *1* *.1* 2*1.....1 0.1:.2. 2/7/39 .....
BEHHAM 00..1. ron com 1 ~ 1., .r __ .    
no 1.1.102 mmug omuxcm mm S2@m1 1, LQQQ  "ff   %·/&’1· ·#°2&’{i'*"’('°
,   U 0 -  
To Be Used. To be Redd. I  *,*6 From Mine To inn. ggg c9%u
Stock on Hand At Coke Plant Each Month Mining Rate Mine To Mine To Stock at Stcclcpile For Summer For Winter
First of Each At Coke Lt South Goal   Eine to M: Exchange Exchange
....1!20$.h......... ...!22.§.L..... ...!;12¤$..... ....2.m@... Shinn ·   ....§2@. 22.022..3. To 11;;;,;, J,
January 23rd 135.860 7.920 ·- ‘ 7/ 22.557 - 3.05** ·- 19.*183
1101..-..2.-y 127,91.0 21.,61.0 -· , 22,500 ·- 3,825 -· 12,675
March 103.300 27.300 —   22.500 ·- 3.825 -  675 _
4;..-11 76,000 26.*100 ·-   22.500 0 ··· 3.825 -· 18.675 Z_.F50·i5
{XV"; ____ __ __, _,,..-.-.·. ·.?·¤•-•.—;
lsv *+9.600 2*+.800 5*1.200     30.000 25.000 5.000 25.000 - *4,200
.7..... 79,000 2*+,000 5*|.,200   30,000 25,000 5,000 25,000 · 1.,200
.1..1, 109,200 21.,000 62,*100 6;;* 5**, 1.0,000 33,200 6,000 25,000 - ..,200
11¤g¤¤¢ 11*6.000 2*1.800 52.200   J') 57.500 *18.000 9.500 - - 1.,200
s..p.....·¤0.· 17*.,200 1.6,000 52,200 ·\   57,500 1.s,000 9,500 .- .. 1.].,200
October 176,200 1.9,600 52,200   57,500 1.0,000 9,500 - .. 1.,200
November 119 ,000 *18,000 25,200 *\ 57,500 *18,000 9,500 ·-· - h *5200
,000 Boats 20,000 from in transit, balance possibly from tonnage not taken by Peabody. 7
December lst.  
mom. 330,260 1.19,600
Deizmember 225,000 1.9,600 6,500 *+2,500 6,500 7,200 29,000
.10.....0-; 181,900 *.9,600 6,500 *42,500 6,500 7,200 29,000
renmuy 158,800 1.1.,600 6,500 *12,500 * 6,500 7,200 29,000
1....-..1. 100,500 1.9,600 6,500 1.2,500 , 6,500 7,200 29,000
April 57,1.00 1.6,000 6,500 *
Nw 1¤t.  
W » TOTAL 2*41,600 32,500 1
6,   »
fl" y   4**
*/1 yi ` 1 *1*.
.\ i \ r v

 I \
` ¥ ..

 . d W Feb. v, 192:9.
My. J. B. Parker, Assistzmt Auditor.
As requested in yvur letter of January 23rd, we are attaching
_ _ hereto statement showing estimate of our cash receipts and disbursements,
by months, for the balance of the fiscal your 1939, mding October Lilst.
d Yours wry truly,
By___ ______ ___________________,______
l oncl. works Auditor.
. A . /

_ .TANT.Il@_Y 1 1939 T0 OCTOBER 31 1939 -
Wage Salary Working LH. C0. -‘ U Totel Cash 3
Imrc i ces Pgxroll PuE·_0ll Fund Invo 1c as D1 sburs ememts Race ig ts
` .Tanua.ry (Actual) $$535,504.41 13,745.19 7,653.81 11,946.98 E 319.77 59,170.16 $8,418.52
Fgbruairy 20,000.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 10,500.00 0 300.00 53,300.00 8,000.00
March 20,000.00 17,500.00 7, 750 .00 10,500.00 300.00 56,050.00 10,000.00
April E: , 000.00 134,000.00 7,500.00 17,000.00 900.00 74,400.00 10,000.00 -
May 30,000.00 28,000.00 7,000.00 16,000.00 900.00 81,900.00 6,500.00
June 32,000.00 34,500.00 6,000.00 V 17,000.00 600.00 90,100.00 6,500.00
July 30,000.00 28,000.00 5,800.00 16,000.00 400.00 80,200.00 6,500.00
Augmt 30,000.00 34,500.00   5 5,900.00 16,000.00 900.00 87,300.00 7,500.00
September 32,000.00 28,000.00 {I 5 7,600.00 17,000.00 600.00 85,200.00 7,000.00
October 35,000.00 28,000.00 7,800.00 16, 000.00 400.00 87,200.00 8,500.00

 . ‘ '
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FUD. 9, 1969.
M1`. lim. Lismpson,
Att 0 1* nuy -4 .1; —Luw,
Hamlzm, Ky., `
Ds—‘—r Sir:
This is to z.<:kn0w3.¤dg;c· rezcuipt uf yuur ,auttu1· of Jam .;i·y bth, in
zuich you zeszviae thut Isiy., JG b. ` nil, Mzncyri y ju Hzirlzin hud csiiud un yuu
in ccxiusctiam with nhs claim of J., Oc Kelis? f<>1· Lhs 5% Le gg mhic., hs c_.¢_.ims
he is crmtitlmd to un zeccouut uf his ;>u1*chz.s<2 ,i‘ scrip iss cd by the ?%i:scm.=e.:>,y, und ahich Le ws. d in thc ,uz·ch.::;s uf ;·:.sulinc from this
C grip aa my .
You uskud ·t;1;...t you be iuiiy uaivis d reg; rciingg the hsmli E sf me
sc‘·ip   ahc time-» the ··isc<>n;si¤ Signal Cum zuny mas c0i§.¤.~cti:.g; the   tax
W13 ncyip hem ;i_s;:;u;d¤ This t,:.:;q wss; ci:,;1·g;e;d, zimi Cmilcc ed under mis dross
Tux   Iris 1}; t ‘·I=.:H‘1Z i to sf sci: sab ut July l, l.»>4, and rcpeasalced ubwut
July lip, lfiumi. iz zi mi;4, one of
thu slucércd. n.;>x·<: »;;m·· *.;iv·.;s .;u2c;x,.ss,tsd the €}0m;·>s1my {LO arming,. for the :.·<>llcct·»
ing of the 5% tm; *;h;.·:.»u[;h the wiymll t ms time the sscrip wss 1 sud
for L e, COIN/i niemcc of Li e um lsyns, ihich pus   sd to by < hs rrxmziggsmsm,
phd un ..u;;uv:t lc.}, LSJLM, <:ifL.. iwr e4_:.;1;~ls, if wn um iuys dmv: who d0ll:.-x·
in rmrip, he   sx jsssswazi E1 bww}: u0;.1;; ipiqg <:.iuj.=·.ms E0 Mee v·¤l..s uf Ons
cloliyir, G;·C),d 1`=.».w ‘L1·:»·l@ ni; amy ,1; our <‘>;>a2r:d;i ¤.,11s in B»h;.a.¤m, nut ln ¢1ddj.tiun
to cha 7;·~;i;1g; this an §;<>j1cz 2 ith i.ii0 was dc>l.€:xx• .11 scpip, hs tus <:i;;;·g<,d an
ud;r.l thrss czsms 1;:1 in ks crm: ·>‘ the :;···..`u~s  2; um th¥s rv.·.i·1;j_cuL:aZ°
bsulz, and of cm me ·.ix·en :4:}:1; gg pure sses sat nur com 1  airy BO :`u:r1.h<:1i
sales 1; ; wis ch: _ré;<>d un the ·;··i·., of mw sch udis:0. No him; s ivun the
imjziuyg; ut the tinwa mm: :;<;t·ip pus ur;. I1 1:0 his ws ii. 1; the tu.-; .. ii buum ginid.
Ei<>x.<2v r, .t rhs -.r.d of aa;. h muy gu ind ih; t, ;; :11 thi. but l zimouht uf s:c;1·ip
dz'.   du1‘i1.;; ‘§,;iaUc lm incl z1‘;»¤2   un the cm l0_’*e:'s sir term 111:.7
X hm J:x:r.ii1;*Lj.;.;; this * ; te the Stzutc. it was cwzid cm the busiss uf
the total urmxs 1:·<:<:<:1;:t:: fr..=;· all 0,»:;···t£ ins ml; Bpnuuni, sw. sj csurss by
paying; in bh   ...am1 ;r;· “ci.»1·0 pus am :¤c:cumu.....t§ on of wzhich Hx rmourmt   s
nut ·¤¤iC. into the f.$ta;t».a ;‘;¤1· -..4: rea- sun 1,:. t *.4; ;.z~d r rniL..;.¤i the l`O_;,O1`
2;r;..»uz;t br sed an our gqzmxsss smiczs. Tua Qilihilllxt aio;-u;,.ui:¤tcd in this Jfund
2uzi.>z.11>.tcd to e»5,l‘7@.. L3., Tins: azccmuhiuiutdd :a:m>un1; msmzi had aibovs 1. 1; L: kun
inisw ir pi:·<.>..‘1t excl Lows account in Oc‘%iuba,i·,,   ti, :..s ai credit to tha
Cum]. 1..1.;<:S c>g>e¤1·ut;<»n.
  s<1ditic:n tr; phee h::1LJ.i¤g mf :;·.c;·ip for my-. };€;;_u;—, pg =,,U;=s si;
ti. ¤.. 1; time uc<:e;,1;‘EJi;g szazyip in paxy cnt for {j suljmc 1`:;~;zm the ..$'[}`..IICi'·I`d mil
Cmi1p:.».ny’s sstzztiun in (Zu1l·i:i·l¤hd, #:11 rom the Benh m 2·§q_»’c 1* C•<»;u;>a:.:sy in
puypeint of i·¤zi.1;ul ·.>m 1:1.6: buil<2J; gg ·.:hi.ch thuy occupiid. It =s ¤;sLim»».te¤d

 {ms. 2-9-:59; -2- l
by us thm; the amount of sorlp handled for My. Keller durmg the p¤i·1¤¤1 August
16, 1904, to January 15, 193