xt7kh12v6014_259 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_11/21177/21177.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_259 xt7kh12v6014 F»~‘ TTQPJTFIC [DEPPJ¥ThAEPWT
§§K§§;;;'E'@¤¤¤i.os€1¤@ Dcpt.Hcads, <>H*¤AG¤· M-· March in, iggs
U. S. Works
F¤¤ MR- U. S. Branches
U} S. Transfcr Houses 5: Incrsascd Ratcs Ex Parts l2}
Both carload and loss carload rail freight ratcs will bc incrcasci within
tho ncxt two or throw wccks. The incrcasc was authorized by thc Intcrstats
Commerce Commission and will amount to about l0 percent with somc exceptions
which are outlined bclow. Every cffort should bc madc to ship as much goods as
possible bcfors these increases go into cffcct.
Agricultural Implements. Tractors, Eindcr Twinc and other farm equipment
have bccn made subject to thc lO percent incr¤asc» cxccpt that no increase can bc
made in ratcs that wsrc incrcascd lO percent on Dpccmbcr EO, lQ§Y. Wo furnished
a statcmcnt of ratcs to all branches and works involved when increases wcrc wade
December EO. _
Ratcs on Trucks, Chassis ani Truck Rcnsirs will bc increased l0 pcrccnt,
The Comnission refused to authorize any increases in thc present rates on
Bituminous Coal, Cokc» Lignits and Iron Orc.
On Iron and Stccl, including Stccl Bars, Billcts» Pig Iron, Scrap Iron
and other related articlcs» lO percent increase will bc npplicd on thc rates that
were in effect as of Nqvcmbor lU¤ l9}Y. To cxplain further this particular
increase, it should bc understood that on Novcmbor l5 rates on these articles
wcrs increased on a pcrccntagc basis subject to certain maxima. Now thc
. Commission has authorized that a furthcr increase can bc wadc so as to bring up
thc total increase to l0 pcrccnt.
Lumbcr and articles generally groupcd therewith will bc incrcascd 5%.
Rates on most of thc other commoditics in which this company is interested
will be increased lO percent cxccpt whcrc incrwascs have Econ nadc effective _
since November lU, lQ§Y, in which casc thc increases will bc bascd on thc
November l¥ rates in tho samc manner as ubovc outlined on iron and stcsl, ctc.
Sivilar increases will bc madc in barge and barge-rail rates throuqhout
thc country, Stcsmships oporatin; in thc intcrcoastal and coastwisc trade R¤v¤
indicated that they will make similar incrcascs. It is also cxpcctci that
rates of thc various trucking companies will bc similarly incrcasod in duo time,
but at this writing wc are unable to furnish any definite information in this
The lO percent incrcasc applies to all othcr charges such as switching
(except switching bctwccn carriers in thc Chicago Switching District), stopoing
in transit, storagc in transit• rcconsigning, ctc.
y All of thcsc incrcascs arc authorized to apnly only on intcrstatc traffic,
@/%a/ but it is gcncrally sxpcctcd thot thc intrastatc rates will bc incrvasci on tho
'{§}/>/% samc basis by anpropriatc action of thc various Statc Railroai Comnissions.
\ U Considcring cvcrytning, it is cstimatcd that the ncw ratcs will avcragc
apnroximatcly 5—l/2% kiihcr than our present ratcs.
CC to Hsrncss and Grig s. T_ J, MALONEY)
ml; c Managcr Traffic Dgpartmsnt


E§iQ2LE"* semi. office ssszcizsses, <¤H·cA¤¤. ·LL.. Marsh ie, is;/as
· U. S. torks
Fon MR. U. S., E>l"8.IlCl’Z€S
’ U, S. Trensfer Houses
5: lncreesed Rates Ex Perte l25
The increased reilroed freight retes
mentioned in our letter of lerch lO will become effective
Qerch 28,
The highwey carriers propose similer
increeses so es to keep retes on present reletive besis; how~
ever, all truckers ere not comnitted to make these increeses
end, no doubt, meny of them will retein their present retes.
The driveewsy retes ere not involved end
no increese is proposed et this time,
Shipments from trrnsfers or brenches under
the storsge in trensit arrangement will be subject to the
retes in effect rs of iete shipment left origin factory end will
continue on the old rates until the storage point hes utilised
all of such tonnage deted prior to March 28, lQ58.
We ere preparing r statement of rntes from
Worhs to Brrnches end Transfers which will be ready in e few
lf there is rny ed iticnel irformetion
desired, pleesc advise,
  J. I~.iALOiCEY,
Zls Ienesrr, Treffic Department
Copy furnished - »i),],.4};·j,3_~;S and ji.? Va p
  l¤€SS» 3/21/38

\ ‘ » Lv

R WORKS V A 4444/\
° W _ Aprii 18,1958
Fon MR. _.v·‘ ’ , /’ ,;.
,—/)_   [)7¢v66`¢z/;{{/  
To\Brand§ Managers
Trans ar Managers
Works Supe§intendents
in the Uni ed States
Referring to Clause on face of Bill of Lading at the right-hand
side reading as follows:
"Subject to Section 7 of conditions, if this
shipment is to be delivered to the consignee
without recourse on the consignor, the consignor
shall sign the following statement:
The Carrier shall not make delivery of this ship-
ment without payment of freight and all other law- ‘
ful charges"
_Signature of Consignor
ln our Circular #177 dated Sept, 11,1922, and instructions
renewed in Circular #187, March 51, 1925, we advised you that the
management had decided that on all shipments forwarded on collect
B L we would take advantage of this Clause by signing same in
space provided for signature, However, it should not be signed
when shipments are billed with step in transit to part unload,
lf signed on stopoff shipments it obligates the carrier t¢—collect
freight charges to and from stopoff points.
The "without recourse" clause above should be executed in the same
way as the Bill of Lading, namely,
"lnternational HarvesterCompany
Per John Doe"
The corporate name may be written •r stamped and the person
executing for the company (John Doe in this example) should write
in the words — — "Per John Doe"
Please see that your employees are instructed accordingly, Also
acknowledge receipt of this letter and advise if same is thorough-
ly understood,
hpw e Manager Traffic Department

£Z£U@“ U. S. Works Auditors _ U
°·*w¤RK== u. s, smmnss e sub-sm¤ens§"'°A°° 'LL J““° 28· l9€"8
%RMR U. S. Transfer Houses
Some years ago we sent out instructions to govern
the billing of the weight of dunnage on bills of lading. The
failure of many of our shipping departments to handle correctly
indicates the necessity for renewing these instructions,
The weight of all dunnage, which includes temporary
blocking, flooring or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes
or similar bracing, dunnage or supports, not constituting a
part of the oar, when required to protect and make carload
freight secure for shipment, should be shown separately on
bills of lading. Even in the case of agreement weights the
agreed weight should not include the weight of the dunnage
but both should be shown separately,
There is an allowance for dunnage in open cars
but none for closed cars, However, due to storage in transit
and other features too detailed to outline, it is highly
essential that these instructions be followed ln all cases
of carload shipments.
Please see to lt that all concerned are fully
informed and kindly acknowledge receipt,
mlg Manager Traffic Department

 J s
h /
f, E

¤¤»=ARTM¤~T U, S, Works AUdlli0I‘S
g?m$K$ U. S. Branches & Sub—branchggmAGQILL` JUHG 28, l958
U. S. Transfer Houses
*°"“““*`* §L""’;E§*,.¤_ Genl. Letter #2265
We call your attention to the reverse side
of Repairs Invoice Form B,H, 779 which shows the proper
bill of lading description to be used on all less than car-
load or less than truckload shipments,
It ls essential that these descriptions be
used in order to enjoy the lowest applicable freight rates;
furthermore, It 1s a legal requirement that shipments be
described according to tariff terms and these are the
descriptions as prescribed in the tariffs,
Changes in employees handling these matters °
have resulted in failure of many shipping departments to
follow these instructions. Many use only the general term
of "Tractor Parts" or "Implement Parts" without the further
modification, whereas both should be shown,
There are a few new items to be added to this
list and we are planning to revise it in the near future. Any
suggestions or questions you may have will be appreciated,
Where particular parts are not shown on the
reverse side of Form B,H. 779 such parts should be billed as
"1mplement" or"tractor parts" (as the case may be)"NOIBN"
(meaning not otherwlse indexed by name) "lron or steefletc.
and show complete information as to how packed, 1,e, bundles,
boxes, crates or loose, and ln case of dlsks,etc. show whether
edges are fully or partially protected,
Will you please instruct all concerned regarding
this important feature as much money is lost due to improper ,
billing of freight shipments,
Manager, Traffic Department

 V K

 \ · , · _‘»‘ _ V _ .
/"'/rr 4 H > ‘
- July 13, 1958
Mr. J° 5. Parker, ` " 
Ass; '1; imc} {@01*
  i“x;;··ic,Eleez· micremcea tc hc ner.: s;c;;cc¤¤1_c ccvsrihg;
the c>`;>€¤x*e1tiic:#xt i‘c:`rt?;c cern}. rxlxxem, wc Zgrm ;>2?c;m1·cd a mwzviscd
sxtimatcd coax figure of pycdmcipg coal for the balance of %hc °
fixes;}. i.<¢g1.· cndimgg (`·<:‘U. ISF., }.i?€j£5.
'{hs: m~a1e.;ct#a Tam =z0‘i; Ezazvingi f'u:"·i.Shcd vm: ¤.Ji1`$Yrz ihasse _
fig1l_1’cJt~Y gv;-i_£>t· tc ·t;i;i_r» ia: 231::1; wr: ihOI1;;Z}B”L ii Incest to wzaj.‘u znitil
thc  im of ties; ;a;_»c—sx·uti14< zC'<>1·cc ams: made: in crécr thai wc
l wazuid bc Lek ;>:;r‘·.3,q my c,;·¤T..iJ1zr?;c wz; W10 ;>1*cGu:cA€,i.c2; E? 01* tim r.x0;1‘Lh of
July to d€rb·n amd iz! ea eNc1’·a;;@ daily; p1~0d1ac1.im1 1:0 dmc ir: 195:355 tons
and acccxwiirgg te; our O1’€?é.39Il`*».· scchcnizdc   cla} bc ten cpcratizxg days
har mcvzth, and axceccrdingly wee have used ifxiss fipturc amd find that
T0}? the balmmce of this year our cost will run 2.9].56 par ton and »
for the fiscal jncazg Nov. 1, 1937, to Oct. 251, 1958, our cost is
sasti;r;z1tc<1 to bc 53.5500. 1 Y I
`,·'i<> are ?·l{}tklC!ii]1@_§ hm:·ct<> in duplicmzew ez stzatcmcuic shm·»wi:1g
- thc figures covering; this estimate.
Yours; vary truly,
, By
mm. ""' Works A=¤¤m»·- `"`

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mn Mr. J. C. Ballard, Auditor ¤n¤ May 26, l938
¤Er=AR·rMEN·r Wj.SCOI].Sj.Y`l St€€]. COIIQJELHY, Inc •
Benham, Kentucny
Dear Sir:
You no doubt Know by this time that a new schedule has
been prepared covering the operation for tne coal mines, the
schedule having been revised as of May 20, l938.
As the production of coal has been considerably reduced
compared to tne last estimate, as soon as you can go over the
new figures will you please send us a revised estimated cost of
producing coal for the balance of the fiscal year, that is to
October Bl, 1938.
We also ask yon to prepare a new estimate of cash re-
ceipts and disbursements, as the figures we now have will, of
course, be way out of line.
Very truly yours,
It I`?
BY! ..C?;'%;.”¥;’.'2;::·:;:....
'stant Auditor

 ... "
I 'l’ , CT ,r2r~
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$Z£?““· Wisconsin Steel Company,Inc4¤ucAG¤»Ln. July 22, 1938
°“"““S Benham, Kentucky
Foe MR. , V J·• C » B8.].].B.I`d, AU.ClltOI'
Dear Sir:
This is in reply to your letter of July 15 in which
you state you believe the Board of Education will be willing
to pay a reasonable amount of rent on our school buildings
including any improvements but not including any repairs and
maintenance expense, and that if they do pay us rental it .
will be approximately 3% of the present valuation.
This is to advise you that the present valuation for
our school buildings is as follows: ‘
V White School Building ...... $127,500
Colored " “ ...... 22,500
T o t a l ...... $150,000
Of course with the atablishment of a four year High
School in Cumberland, Kentucky, there will be a considerable
reduction in the number of students at Benham. This should _
result in a decided decrease in expenses, and we would like
to have you get together with Mr. Dotson and figure out just
what the reduction in the number of pupils will mean to us
in the way of a saving in expense.
Please let me have this statement as soon as you can.
Very truly yours,
" tant Auditor

 P ~
July 25, l958.
Fr. J. B. Parker, Aset.Aud5tor.
This is to aeknowleoge reoelot of Your letter of July
22no in which vou advise the oreeeut valuation for our school
bulldinrs at ?enham For uae in connection with the oroooeeo
olan to be furnished theVarlan County Board of Education re-
§er¢in; the rent on there eohool builoinge, due to the fact
that a four year nigh school has been estabiliehed in Cumber—
lend, I/Cy., encl tlzereby takliogi away from our school e number
of hiih school etuients of which toe county has been reiwburslng
us to the emourt of aporoxlmat ly $6500.00 oer year.
Hlth reawrds to the eioeree in ooeratlry our school for
l9?Q—l950, I will not be able to yive you any fimnree on this
unt~l we rove or eontco our orororatvon to the P‘rl n Co wtj
  L .., =a L .r ··.:el;~   -,4,-   l» sji] .4 bt   9 lll}
Board ot Vimvation and e
A x °.- · l
ACLO alt 'Lhg ·
, . ` Jul)? 20, 1935
  J`. B. Parker, A
fa.s2s:"·l; Auditor
` .k<2é:in0vu‘}.eg>h02;:2i:c2:··d2;;*, 7*:- will
;`§.n·j1 air;  :.*»;: m¢:emc;.rl; :‘?.<>wi.1z, `{3`BB pgmfit zami lows cp? *L? e» ·.¢z_.z··€_e;w1 
    -,e.el;;=;; fu: ihea f“·_x;c· 1 v¤1:w5E.;s’ ;_;rz1**incE amiingj C·ct»—:Y.·cr {El,
QL€,·;3;, zum; ealztcry fm- Vee; £"i,:sccZL jFF¥¥.iI‘, liiiig. He: me also ::?<>x:;;rz_
Hwa €7K`3L“L...ii`C·E:<§ >~azw:w.¤;=b of ~J”m;>1·<>¢‘ z1·tiiw ciaagxgges ;2;;a5;;:.t   vaariozxs _
C»;>€>Tf1‘l;€`—T‘=1;E,¤ 7* ’ im ·fis_=c:;;]_ YSL ` nz;-it *,?`1‘<"Ci_!1?JT7`¥ i`<# :· i,i1s— ·*4‘ rmx:.
`i0¤_;;;·=$¤ vw": \‘»"`\YT’,
`.Fj..%C("'_,TT' I)’I’EE;IL CV`} "F;L.*T-'
qbcnxrksz Auci:L*c01‘
qncl. ‘

J u l y
Fon Mr. J. C. Ballard, Auditor, ¤¤¥ l5,l958.
Benham, Kentucky.
This is to acknowledge receipt of
your letter of July l5th with which you sent
estimate of the cost of production of coal
for the fiscal year l958.
I wish you would also send us, as
soon as you receive this letter, an estimate
of the town operations for the balance of the
year, as we must make an estimate not only of
our profit and loss on coal but the other opera—
v_ I tions as well.
 it ' .I`` _
/._. Will you please forward this to us
f fn"`; ` immediately, as we will have to compile all our
I ~{y[,, ;;= >>=¤ 4 figures next week.
" Yours very truly,
Assistant Auditor.

Coal ”in©s
Ustivatcf Profit Ani Ions for four mmwtlx
02*11 Oct. 1, 1TST uni Tiscaléycav l??T.
` Inclmi iw; j-:0l‘TTLEl
§;¤1¢22@ ME   §f.¤,2i;2;§’§;';_-     ·    
Tar; Tense: Y Lani: Y BOC. O T 5CQ.C© - —
Cctnincary Vpcyatiwn l,OQU.5Q 2,430.®O f $,i@n.5i ?7,2Q2.il
Club ”Q©?atL¤m £DC.£O "`,= T70.Q, 50.CO C7.C@
Churches PG.OC *T3.2O — ~
"otcl &LQ.OQ 57Q.CO. 120.00 1*5.74
L;ihtlni Q®i.QQ l,lCU.OG - -
Tcdt Tuyket GQQ.QQ 3C9.C? l,7b%.S; 2,i0Q.G& ·
Fort *ffic0 iO.Cn * U.3Q l,$OC.®G 1,773.*4
Solon}? l"5V-1*QV 1, UO.O4 2C,T2®.OG » 7,2j5.G3 C,T Q,£7
$®¤cmcnts l,T@M.G§ l@S.0@ é,3Ge..O L,“/TESC
Qiegtgg ViQ.JO 3,73U.QQ 9,Q?G.?G Q,l?fi“*
~,;i.r·@012:¤ in S-f.~;w§_c se   . Lf {fl, @{3 34;;., ’ .g) - ..  
Tnlcadin; F V0l0¤Ci*_
=t0ck Jllc ?m;l 1,iU,.Q} lQ,£U».G; l,8é0.00 2,525. l
Scrap % “i;c. itorar Sal 2 T2 .QQ Q,Q‘L.GS — —
Coal Salccz _ _
Salma ’ l§,?T§.®G
Cnet 0T Ualcs ';;;QQ§{tQQ
Croc: ?r0‘it 1,@€GQ?O
’”*·= #‘··~ r· A 'U? Y` ATE i":_"·
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.2, "` 'W `,..”:7>>,_ '\ 1\".:'.Z. -—,-.
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§*,§"§,§,*,;Ks U. Sc al Canadian Works cH¤cAG0. u.u..,
August ll, l9j8
‘°"M“· General Line & Motor Truck
Branches & Transfers
Y°U“LE"‘R as follows: ggifgma l2—Pickup & Delivery of LCL Freight
Albany Ft, Tayne Parkersburg
Aurora Grand Rapids Peoria
Baltimore Harrisburg Philadelphia
Boston Indianapolis Pittsburgh
Buffalo Jackson,Mich, Richmcnd,Ind,
Chicago Kankakee Saginaw
Cincinnati Louisville St, Louis
Cleveland Milwaukee South Bend
Columbus Minnesota Transfer Springfield,Ill,
Detroit Moline Transfer Syracuse
Elmira New York Terre Haute
Evansville Cgdensburg Toledo
* * * * * * * x * * * » * * * * *
1 Some of the railroads are cancelling free pickups and
delivery on less than cnrload freight and this will serve to notify you
of this important change which is now scheduled to become effective on
August 15,
Effective on the same date, provision is made in the new '
tariffs for thegzerformance of the pickup or delivery service on basis of
the present station—to—station rates, olus additional amounts ranging from
U cents to lO cents per lOO pounds, and the minimum charges for pickup and
delivery service will be the pickup and delivery rate for lOO Lbs,
At Chicago, St, Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Pitts·
burgh, New York, Boston and certain of the other larger centers the charge
for either pickup or delivery service is lO cents per lOC Lbs., while at the
smaller communities the charges range as low as U cents per lOO Lbs,
Only a few railroads are cancelling the present arrangement,
but among them are some important lines and we are listing them all for your
convenience, as follows:
Aroostook Valley Railroad Company
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company
Belfast and Moosenead Lake Railroad Company
I Boston and Albany Railroad
Boston and Maine Railroad
Canadian Pacific Railway Company (New England Lines)
Central Vermont Ry, (except New London, Norwich & Willimantic, Conn,)
Chicago Junction Railway
Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw Railway Company
Cincinnati Northern Railroad Company, The
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St, Louis Railway Co,The
Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railroai Company, The

 _ P
Delaware and Eidson Railroad Corporation, The
Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Company
Louisville & Jeffersonville Bridge and Railroad Company
Maine Central Railroad Company
Michigan Central Railroad Company, The
Montpelier and Wells River Railroad
New York Central Railroad Company, The
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company, The
Rutland Railroad Company
Springfield Trrminal Railway Company (Vermont)
St, Johnsbury & Lake Champlain Railroad Company, The
» Suncook Valley Railroad
West Shore Railroad
This has the effect of restoring the old situation of
delivering LCL freight to the carrier's freight station in so far as
NIB &`OOVe roads are concerned; however, you have the option of allowing
these carriers to perform this service if the charge therefor is cheaper
p than any other arrangement you can make, You should route via carriers
other than those above shown if the point is served by a competitive
carrier and thus obtain benefit of free pickup and delivery,
Because of the lack of uniformity in these charges, we
ask that you take up with the agents of the above roads wherever you are
affected and Fetermine the charge in your particular case,
There are two possible developments that may take place:
(a) the Interstate Commerce Commission may svspend this tariff`before it
goes into effrct and (b) other railroads may take similar action and
cancel these iree services. In either event we will advise you further,
Manager Traffic Department

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