xt7kh12v6014_258 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_10/21111/21111.pdf 1937 1937 1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_258 xt7kh12v6014 I WILLIAM SAMPSON
Pdkurncg $4 QZ¤1x1m2LL¤x ut Mm
J r·I, ;;·i_-ry Z-; , ]-1"Y`.
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 Jan. 4, 197 l
Fir. 2;illj,¤_zm SAZTAIQJEE -:1, I
Attorney   Cm: sellcr mz Law,
Ha1z·l:·m, Kentucky.
Delar Ear. Sampson:
Raf’ea1*r‘i.n;; to y~u1· latter of Jan. 1. asking; for
aa Heu·ves*cm· calendar, {F11?. Mownt adviszemlthnt vmsr mama is rm
cur mszilizzgr list and that four calemduxvn haves baawvmailed to
·<>u, wiziciz gmu 01·¢>bm>l7.· lfuwz ha Hail: time.
» isslwizzgg plwm =z most; Prospczr   and Yfapoy Haw
Ycsvr, I am,
`r€`£1‘Q¤J truly ycurss,

Pxttmrnng & (;UlII`££·'¤k‘]..LU9C ul; Qmm
Jazquiwqy Tt}1, 1957 .
Qin".     GiL]-b”7’Ef].`C§§1',
Benhgn, Ky.
I ixizi to tim-1`-i you T0?   ]A€“CY»f3?` mf Hua f‘;;i;q   fc? Ufuge
Ipgi;C2T?QJ1a..”,,L03;.], Lip}-·, ‘<;A;,i»<;; ¢— c_;li>;1:_i;1;~; " Q`;1   Gu Yzsyfe 50 ?-Ti ;1 TT].y
\X->\>'VV~ ‘ X  

 Dec. 14, 1957  
Sir. iii l`.;ie-1:*1 Bawzmsnm ,
j;€:i;<-vémzy H; CCilTl1?i%ii_;°_()]" sd; Lua,
H?1I'TLE’Tl, E’§m1i,=.1c:¥:}J
Haze? L20., S3m1;‘>F¤·>x:;
A Icy  :i*raw;;·ii11gg you iw t0d&v'¢: `ynrail 2.};*:7; <&0¤“b2i¤i1’1g
meam1:2u1‘·‘}.¢‘b c:<>=.·en~;>   :v‘·2a;>3,21<:e> the ;;¤;<>e:   bcm·c>¢Jad from ou some '
fem 62:;.: ¤;_ ;<>, unc}. xrisriz to t‘;w,i< yam fer 351u;* c<¤u1*’ca;2y. in Sanding —
*.1;; this 1>!`i[)G3"¤ ‘
`£.;>ursa vary *5:1113,
’*£ ISC OIZSS IH S'3.'1¤ii3L C O§,'E’;¥.IY’I
_` T<§iG:C ·

Atkcxxmvg $<.Q>¤lI1‘L§J$.LlUJl nl; mzrxxi
I/@c2;‘.‘1I’;@ia‘· ].5i;E1, LST"?.
__y»_     G<.l“2·<  tif;) gv-t~##·L,1I.< ;; ;<  
K 1¢;IQ1;;;; ._ kg; .
Keg? L;V]_;-
1 T;.;v¤; jeyuzé L*tt~~1‘· of   1¤?L`.1_, qv? 21...v<>   2‘·>>c4;;¤r¤<.€L time ;11:;»m1:;—
c;c‘i#2‘; cov-er;i “I i_¤:?;L gnu 1  ¤; ;e< 2;;;  
[   ggi l;11;<§*’;t aimi: cr;~ .*»2*;- L.;   'X*>:¤1. QIQ liar Ill`; ,.i;1‘·~lG in" ljf 0i`
imiw     L;t   ;L  w j;`U1”;lQf.1 j¤;»11     it`NI..E in     Q‘  
  Tijga. Qfji 1»·¤_j.=¤ 1;, I  
10%;   .»     K,
“,'[$;` bi]? M  

EEAQEEKS smiucsss   ramtsrnas cH,cAGO_ ,LL_ January ima, 1957
X;, — In our General Letter 2l5 of July lOth, and
»_ subsequent supplements to same, of August lGth and November
Af· Uth, we furnished information relative to the Motor Carrier
‘ Act and its effect upon the operations of truckers as well
as handling of shipments by shippers in connection with
truck transportation. We again supplement this information
not only for the purpose of assistance to the various branches
and works in dealing with trucking companies but also to
correct certain conditions now existing that have proven to be
a burden to the transportation costs on our products moved by
motor carriers.
Most of the trucking done for this company is
performed by common carriers but there are numerous branches
who have executed contracts with certain contract carriers.
In several cases that have come to our attention the charges
that are being paid to such contract carriers are in excess
of those available via other common carrier trucking companies
or by rail. It appears to be to the best interest of all
concerned to suggest that you refer all such contracts to
this department before they are finally drafted, thus enabling
us to help you to obtain the best advantage possible from
such arrangements. This is an important matter, because actual
cases have come up involving certain branches, who have referred
the contracts to us before they have been finally executed and
put into practice and in most cases the arrangements and rates
included in the contracts have been such, that the cost to this
company would have been exorbitant es compared to the cost via
common carrier truckers or vie rcil.
There still remains a lot to be determined in the
proper interpretation and application of the Motor Carrier
Act and one of thc more important and most misunderstood
features of the Act is whether or not e shipper can tender a
shipment to a party, such as a former, unless ho has made
proper application for ccrtificete or permit to operate as a
, truckcr and filed tcriffs and rates with the Interstate Commerce
Commission. In this connection there is one point that we
wish to stress. The Motor Carrier Act under Section EO},
Parrgroph Q provides that any perty engaging in casual,
  fr, >, r}
V ly fd A// _ f
` 1/ / , V,
,V { A y ,

 P"§c Two
occasional or reciprocal transportation of property for
compensation but who is not engrged in trrnsportation by
motor vehicle as a regular occupation or business, is not
subject to the Motor Carrier Act. In other words any such
crsual, occasional or reciprocal transportation must be
performed by a party whose business is not that of trans—
pertntion by motor vehicle but who happens to, upon occasions,
provide transportation service for some party either for hire
or not for hire. A common example would be a former who
desires to haul freight for another or a group of farmers but
does not make this a regular practice or business and could
not be looked upon as e regular trueker. We are pointing
this feature out, not as a matter of encouraging the use of
such facilities, but, because the question does arise as to
whether or not n shipper is permitted to give shipments of ,
interstate freight to such parties who call end request that
they be allowed to transport shipments under these conditions.
We also point out the fact that the Motor Carrier Act does
not apply to motor vehicles controlled and operated by
cooperative associations as defined in the Agriculturel
Marketing Act of June l5th, lQ2Q, as amended.
Sometimes a dealer will hand a letter to a trucker
addressed to the International Harvester Company, instructing
our works or branches to give certain freight to the trucker
bearing the letter and in this letter may furnish other
pertinent information relative to the shipment. This is
not a proper practice, because the transportation of d letter
in this manner is a violation of the Postal Laws unless it is
handled as first class mnil. The proper procedure would be
for the dealer, or whoever the consignee may be, to address
instructions to thc trucker himself, edvising him to proceed
to the branch or factory and pick up certain freight. Then,
in this way, the trucker can merely show a copy of the
instructions that have been given to him, which will
accomplish the same purpose as the letter formerly mentioned
would accomplish, but the fact that the instructions are
given to the trucker rather than conveyed to us as a letter
addressed to us, will obviate any danger of violation of this
feature of the law.
At the present time there are numerous shipments
of freight being made from works to branches by trucking
companies who charge considerably in excess of what it would

 Page Three
cost to ship by rail. In the interest of this comprny,
whose desire it is to reduce their transportation costs
whenever possible, and to avoid prying a premium to haul
freight when it is net necessary to do so, we recommend
that the brrnch house determine beth the cost to ship by
truck and the cost to ship by rail in each particular
instance before they instruct a trucker to proceed to
handle shipments for them. This ppplies particularly to
shipments in excess of lO,COO to l5,000 pounds. In some
cases the truckcr's charges will reflect a considerable
saving under the cost by rail but this is not true on heavy
shipments as a general rule. A great deal of money cnn
be sevcd by comparing the relative costs of the two types
of transportation. In most cases it is possible for you
to obtain quotation of rote from the trucking company and
compare it with the rates vin rail that hnve been furnished
by this department end thus nveil yourselves of the cheapest
form of transportation.
There are cases where a trucking company does not
operate through as a single carrier from origin to final
destination. Usually the charges are much greater when n
two—line haul is necessary beceuse truckers have not
estoblished through rates such as the railroads have. I
‘ Please bring to our attention nny questions in
. connection with the above end they will be given prompt
MLG:RH Manager Traffic Department

EEE h·I1~,T J. C. Ballard DATE January 21, l9§`/
DEPARTMENT Wisconsin Steel Go<:1o;=.ny
°*‘ ‘”°*“‘$ Bonham, Kentucky
Your chan- ea of gEE§0.00 ;ncd.ica¤.l services catch
month to the E,b.z2.. will bc hgmdlcd in ea sllgrjhtly different T
"•.4'· `. .• ... .- T, 1 * Y /
maxmcr in our oxllcc IJ€gflliJJl-;;` ultc Octoocr Bl, l9$o.
It will   _nu;11*y, `olcssc ihcludc sa
clcblt ynsrzzoremoum for the   item for l‘?O‘f€iT1·D£€I` and Dcccm-·
OR WORKS T;};',_g,‘t` ` g;r,.`{..l,_·,_, .
I. ,j__·_ .., 4 {_, ¤_/..H/ •
my ex1<=@nse· incxxrrsd in cmzmacticn with
{`OTGFZQIIIS? CG‘f1f`€<*"i‘E.'IC€S Pt {Gill" 9'f3€?l`E;I`-I-CEI`!   ‘I7¢» be
;¤?w;/imrI·»•¢·r§ bv =_·r~v73·• I$}r·;?z*`§·‘F,
A $1%:05.:21 account- shmzléi he ciwcncd  
;;¤uz* G@r1·<>r= 1 I"·’>rk:· E>’7¢F:Z`IS€’, &z1ti’c”E.42d "Fc¤z·»;>mcn's
Cl'Y2"IfQ`!"f’·¥T\C£E P`xr¤c2n:wc:·nne> incurred so that,
in the evsmt that am :zm.1.y;:i,:s of this account. is
retqzxired at the and of the year, yum zill   sble
to $4z1I;h!::5.'b it.
Y17LE1"‘f' ‘»:’QI‘ff `ILTU Eff,
“T"IZ’i»?T€-T" F7J"Y`Z KJV  
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OR WORKS I-- 1 ( ;· _ _;__ »r _
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fi-inn =’?1€c}1 TRO?]. cim ;;i1vs= us:. Till 7*011, %;11©1·@€:>1·¤ , iulwscz
IG-JC. 11:* 1YV* i"111*‘*iE*-_vT1· @;;"¤1fm.’ 131*31 *511 1·©;i.     {Eli? I'SLCl’%L`lnLCl"?
Youre; vce1éj* JC»1“Ll].}’,
T’YK”»C`¤;·C-VTKYT ti'!} Y  (i{‘vi§”1’j*@Y
  Y. §·C?iCTG1'3.b€CwEiQG]T‘, [1¤d1i·;1*.
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CTC: T'?. T". Y`. TfYc?£*0=i€[Tl — lE‘?{;§1 f`71¤01·
‘T1*. C.   C0;·v<;‘Li — EDU? 1`}.¤01·.

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 _ A _ Feb. 25, l€225’?.
lx NL?. L., E, L3c1;lse;b¤;ec1;z>r, nuc11’c01·.
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Délzxr J1?}
· Jia bye in 1·eac¤i_;·>1; of ;_·0ux· let·Le1· EL ted Jann ry 126th,
anivising Limb any ¤.p§>11:aa incurred in c¤11necL1·.»n with fOI‘GL'1GI1'S
conf rcnca ( 4; this cpuraxbi n Ls 1:0 be ubsux·b·b»d by this '.'i.01.·1:s.
4 0 heeva: opened a spe cial auuount on our GSH-I'£’l `..01;·ks
Expense, @1111121..:} ¢*G`.J3L 125 ~ FOI‘GI*'1€3I1’S C0ni'01=<:.»<;c .;>;pcn;2:@, and
MB will kc __: Um m:¤ce2:as:z.¤;;·_y d<2t#—il of thc cxpaanuec iu01u*:re>d S0
bbw, wc will ba; An 0asj.e,i¤>11 so subrit an a1m—Lys1s of this eccnuaiz,
if . .<;3, ·..·h·.>n it S rcquir il.
` Your: V ry t1·uLy,
  ;¤a><;.i,;JIH Y? QL J Y
~·¤,.-_,__ ,_-. _ ___4 .   n, -_- _.-__
 {0;*ks A1adii2;01*.

 - A 1   _4 _ _} · Fab. Q, K25'?.
M1-. 1;. 1, .41131.120 4:01;:; rn,  wr,
F0:c· Yr. T. B. jZiI'?i:>I‘• _
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Di;;‘i;1·ict , said. was av v01·?:·]. ‘.{§IC"G€21E€}'1“L`b p0;;1;i?.,13; beat. an wc: .1.-up  in ZZ,C}€2I“l1J
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z nd uns cw s.L11:%:;;11<1 ji; 1*1:;:: to 1‘*“.;,IfLbllI‘i§€
the: z;:.;;i PLZLUIVCO i'   fezms thi 2·101·1 1 1;*5 hir lzilm dave; {DO €;}·e> Glirrei = ticm
0f c $:0:, ;¤;=:>i11g; in his 011-1; th; {3 were mm; 41,ad 1mt.·:11ig .»f c:>u;·1; and
11 ndlcd by Lhc 00;;;-1;;;: 1111 1*0 an ez1;_;>gL<>_;·0 wu.; 1; mllvczd. »
· $1201* I .z·. iiui`;:` left 0i`;fic<2 311:1*0   1:10 oizhezr 2..1 ;*;i:·L1ra11;0s
in offices th: iz :10 c=.>11:;1dw;~· my wed Lhaa j;,'1'J.C}1 `:;;;x;11y. l?0n·s;_a 01*, ‘i;h:>1*s2 is amtlxing
un 1*=0·c ,·1·d E0 $*.1;;:1; ~1¤ Lyme. :1:: this .i.ni`01;· · $,..1 -11 xmas 1;i.v»11 :20 by ¥ 1*. Lk»lE.;1·e zh.
if e.: c *:.1.*1: 1:<¤".11z·: 1 crucs   *1;, 111 :-141 j>1·0  ii, 11*011].6 7:.*0
{30110 h fore him 00 xvi; iz? 1*.);;: cm; 1. 1;* in ci 2101: hxifilced Liprr. it.::i;:~>d1
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br>»k ti NIO CE`?} ¤;€‘ 0 We ;;0~: h, · U1 clams xvi; sw 0 1· 011 ~;LT1101¤ 011;-   be
gr _· rofl 01* ;··r. yr ]_ V>;.jrr¤s_1_.
Ynm-¤.· Ly li,
· .‘.; j£:$11~l’ .111 an 1,1, 1.·l.i1 -1—.Y
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/ · " E I .\ ‘
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· FOR __  J. I;. m11;.¤:·d,     if     · ME ’ '   ’ *‘   A
I I l   ,·   Q lj., I. LII/•
nzpmm-Mem `.YYSC@“T€IY` ST `TTI C3·T"`f TTY, II I; - ` _ {if
OR w°RKs I¥§`7iIli" , Ti" Q1IQ”I.C;.". ` wk ;}UF$--   )f` A T
YOUR LETTER ;   I/,’·"? I,.
NZM If'} `* {/
4 /q"·—-   \·. ,·"·'
SUBJECT /’ ’,‘ { I IQ;  
· on mus N0.   ***5 ` ~ ,_,.,.}~‘
  ii}   I ¢?I ;`.’I=.     —.*S`jf{j' I
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    T?       I IF ya »:I‘·‘ L. c jg, 1   T;¢ ii:. of
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**  " ir/ST; ` I~II ;< r»F1:a;L' 341517 t ;;   3 . 1`T1  CIT.,  ;i¢-
"·~-.¤» `V    ··` P-rf +`-A .7 ·`,—w.'   I1
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aff`. V1.   G¤2·*r@—‘i3i3 —   1'T`,·»;t·.

gRA\l;\JI<(g*-RKS TO ALL cHncAe0, u_¤...
TD W * TT "*
oRAdCHnnODSnS; March 29, 1937
FOR MR. ~ _
if "f? ’ `{fT1§j· FT`! Y'l"" SUBJECT ‘ , I A TWA -
Certain changes in the demurrage rules have been
made so as to afford shippers and receivers of carlead freight relief from
demurrage charges which accrued from recent flood conditions of the Ohio River.
Changes in rules will be as fellows:
Add (new) Paragraph H to Rule G, Section A to read:
"Qhen, becauseMoQ_;loods, earthquakes, hprricanes or tornadoes,
;nd_conditions in“the_devastated area resulting therefrom, it is
impossible for_g;Qpnsiencr or Consienee te wet to or to lead or
ppload a car, the detention directly_charzeable thereto will be
elipinated in_connuting demurrnee.“ (
Change Rule S, Section B, Bunching, Paragraph 2, to read:
”Cars for unloading or recensigning. When, as the result of the
act or neglect of eny carrier, or begruse of floods, earthouakes,
hurricanes or tornadoes nnd_g;;ditiens in the devastated aren
resulting therefrom, cars originating at the same point,' “etc."
Change Rule Q, Section E, to read:
"A party who enters into this average agreement shall not be en—
titled to include therein cars subject to rule 2, Sections B and C,
page U}, nor Rule C, Sections B and C, page MS, nor shall he be
entitled to cancellation or refund ef demurrage charges under
Section A, Paragraph l, of Rule S, page UQ, nor under Section B of
Rule S, page @9, except when bunching has been caused by floods,
earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes, and conditions in the
devastated area resulting therefrom, strike of carrier’s emplo ecs,
._......,;_______,,_,_,____,_. _._;.;;_...,...,...k__ ..
or when shipments of coal, withheld by the carrier to protect its
fuel supply, are subsequently delivered to consignec in accumulated
We also understand that a statement will be
prepared and filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission, requesting that
body to authorize the railroad to waive dcmurroge charges which accrued sub- ·
sequent to January §l, lQjY on account of recent flood conditions.
Any information which we may receive later on
on this subject will bc brought to your attention,
, Yours very truly,
Copy t0:
C L Gri is _ _
r . P_g‘ T. J. MALONEK
¤.c Herness on r _
4/1/47_ Manager Traffic Department

B,t,k¤J:1*c21_g 3; Q;¤uxv:¢cILL¤¢c at @12;).11
HARLAN,KENTUCKY gvlqni *+‘—~ 1*27*7
L..____ ____ ·_,L,.;, -·.. Ia
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