xt7kh12v6014_257 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_9/21093/21093.pdf 1936 1936 1936 section false xt7kh12v6014_257 xt7kh12v6014 .··~
4-* - I
’°“ Er. J. C. Ecllerd, Auditor, °”“ L e r c h
EO, l956.
Becker: , Eiemtucl-gr .
Dear Sir:
You received c letter from Hr. Biggcrt at the time
the credit union wes beini formed at your operations, stut-
ix; that the comuuoy ie cillin? to coooerete in this under-
taking by the emoloycw "U; y;©v[linj coece, light, heat, .
etc., permitting oey roll deductions, it so Geoired by the
organization, cul cooperate in ever? other Vey possible."
In a recent rulinw the jcncgemeut has decided that
the comoemy will continue to provioe thc ebove rccommoie-
tioce, — that ic office eocce, heat, and light — without
cherge, and will permit oe? roll deductions. However, any
eipcuse in excess oF thin, euch as clerical exoenee, stationery,
supqlies, etc., ie to be charged monthly to the credit onion.
You will, therefore, iecuc iebit memorandum reyulcrly
each month for cny much exoensc that the crc&it union may incur,
and collections ehomld be mfoe monthly for these charges.
Youre very truly,
yx I V / . _ I
C { Auditor.
CC: Nr. C.EV. oiggert — Office
Vr. R. F. Galbrocth — Bonham, Kentucky
Mr. G. J. Kclday — 5th floor

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11511 m, is $@:,111; ;.n com HCij].(`>I1 ~.s1 l;}‘: the .22;i;1·:.s of 'Us`L.f$ r »;u·{;: 21.:.;:11; mm,
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u].<::vi¤.· 1 0;.3 mss. "
LST Hm ;.b·>‘v.: is nut :. ·1·¤;<·»¤·bl0 *:0 Yfftlv }ii11·&}.}' xx Wise :*9, rnd
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QC — IL1·. Gulbmatix. g I
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 _ ,y.. Fon opsnce use 0nLv
F¤¤ ir. J. C. Ballard, Auditor, pm: Arp r 1 l I
I ·· lZ, lQ56.
¤:r·Am·w:N·r l`.YlSCUNSlI`I STEEL COI*.=’IrP[I.T·}Y,  
OR WORKS 1 . L 1 ‘
Bennem, Keutucey. t
Deer Sir:
Peferrin: to your letter of Amril Sth acknowledging mine
of Merch 50th in vtich l gave you instruction? ee to the proceiure
to be folloved with reference to charqinv the credit union for
exoenees incurred over ene above that which wee authorized, you
etete thwt Hr. Gulbresth end Hr. Eovet are of the oolnlon that the
credit union Should not be charged for the time consumed by
Hr. Sturelllin the oerformance of nie euties ee eecretary—end—
troceurer c? the credit union, due to the fact that Such time ee is
taken from hiv dntiee of the comirnv ie eccountee for by his rorklng
et ul nt.
I hrve Hjecuesed thin metter with Ir. Blggert this morning,
ani it her %een decidee that You will follov the inetructione conteine6
lu my letter of jerch 50th, enG charge the credit union for ani clerical
Servicer furnleheo bv Nr. Sturyill it such services rre ren£ered on
comoeny tive. No excention to this ruling is to be made.
till vou, therefore, uleeee mcknovledqe receint of this letter,
odviejnk me tert theee instructions will be carried out?
leur? very truly,
`iiqv, V ,-' __ ‘ ,
'}~J.»—....-r.. .»..._._4.....  ·
CC: Er. C. F. Eiggert”
Hr. R. K. Gelbreeth - Benhem, Kentucky.

 A _. ` V- L 0 _ V
..*5], ° » ,
Bcn.h:¤m, Ky. `
Apx·i].*3.5, 1956.
M2". O. X`. 505. <:11b0<¤}:c1·, .Lu<§itw;·, '
View 2  
...i;ts}a @0 exCl:§1¢_n11.<:d;`jc3 ;·n;c¤ >1 1; T jjsui· Lei;‘i;<;1= :2: tml ».j;,1·il "
j.;Z7;Q;, » itk f  ;.·i;lg·2 I·u$`c1 ·r:nc:<2 Lu c-: ¤ ~;;i ‘;;; iz u; ¤.=·;;;· wad amcvc %.?,:rZ; whim:}- was f1LIJ5}`:·'1·L"fLYi*.`2€1.
gt .5::: hewn FiIi.*1‘é,.l'L.f`=d 321: t go clc;·i.<;;.3. SGTVi('i§S s` all be .
I’<31lfl’.?1‘¢`2C1 them am <: ;:;j·1z;r time by   c;z2g7¤}c>;r9 vwf {:311:; c·;»m_m1;r. in
  ;1aZA<;zrcc;, ’$i2u‘i;.
Y Hi
QR WORKS ..lrC_-..l-b;J-.llJ CJul!Lx£,
Benhem, nentucky.
uk FILE N0. ‘ `
Deer Sir;
At the time I use at Benhem we reviered the metter
of medical eervicee rendered for the eccount of the Enployee’
Benefit Aeeocietion.
Ae you know, until recent years our membership in
the Employee' Benefit Leeocietion wee rather nominal; however,
et the oreeent time we heve e menberehip in the eesocietion et
Benhem numbering 565 individuals. The proceoure of giving
phyeicel erzminetione and medical ettewcence for the enlarged
grouo of ncmbere et your operation entpile exoenee which is
properly chargeable to the Emoloyee' Benefit Association.
This metter hee been reviewed with Hr. L. U. Christian
and also Doctor Dritton, end it hee been agreed uoon that you
will charge the ¤n¤loyee' Benefit Lcmocietion for account of
Chicago ut the rate of w25C.CO per month retroactive to Jenn-
cry l, l9$@. This cmount ie to be cherged to Chicago end
credited to your Iedicel Expense.
Youre very truly,
/ `· 2 #
(   `   "’ i l .`· ;; H
By ___v_   /   · * ’ V ’ V
/ Auditor. _-~
•• A ' "-/ * C
CC: Doctor J. A. Britton — Tth floor l°' —
Ir. H. Y. Cclbroath — Benhem, Kentucky
Er. A. Y. Christian — 5th floor.
C fl
\—‘ ,?
  T1. (` ”
  , ,,.» 9 V--: E ,
¥ ; _ l' ,.
*“f“*`”¥7**"‘~i»$¤~no  ··o i·~~laa», ~’ ;·; ·-~, ._le¤n,-.·~l»l -. .-l..._ ,.., t_,mu_ ,~u_-i.

 C O F Y
The 1956 General Assembly passed on Act (Chapter TG) which omong
other ttiuge wrovided that “Tbe Stete Tex Commisvion ehell have exclusive
power in the assessment of all mir¤rnls."
It is the general colin? among attorneys who tcve given the oetter
seriwo; consideration tout this Act io unconstitutional, end errengememts
ere being perfected for e suit to teet its validity.
lf the Act ie valid gud ouforcewole the owners of all minerals,
developed or adjacent to deeeloprwmt cr nhich have been severed from
tlm fee by deed or lense, sill bo required to list the were with the Kentucky
Tex Commiszion instead of with the Ccuvty Tex Commissioner es heretofore.
Uection 405Q of Kewtucky statutes mnkoc it the duty of >ersons
owoing new reel or other pro~ortv, mineral righte or cool, oil or gee
privileges other tion in the countv here the owner resides to liet such
property For texetioo in the county ·here situated, or to file e descriptive
list of same with the Covwty Clerk of the county wherein the property is loceted
before the first day of October each yeer. For failure to comoly *~~‘ ith this
crcvieiou, Times »nd ienzltiee are orovided.
This Jecti=¤ in nr>cm.Ev rogenlod by Chapter Sc of the 1956 acts
in cc for es it portwin~ to "minernlo , but if Chapter So should be held
to be invelid tien Jecticu 40bE remains in Full force end effect.
ln view ni the uucerteinty existing in the premises, end in order
to etoid any possible linoility for Yineo or ocoelties, it is recommended
that until the matter is settled in the courts, tho owners of ouch oroocrty
should comply Mite oection 4093, either oy listing their coal, oil, ees or
other wineroln or mineral rixhts or wrivileuco alone sith tteir other oroverty
in ire several counties in the some mewner as heretofore, or else file with tre
County Cl rk the deecrioti·e ·.i· lict¤ above mentioned. Care elcwld he token,
however, to avoid duolicete ewoessment.
o have discueeed the prcnrictr of tliu trocoedinp with Dr. K&2oH
I. Marti , 3ommio;i~nor of Hovownc, and his tiers ecoord *ith our o¢n.
· 'l`;;;{£L:iEit1_1ltei1.t§_
Geo. G. ord
Rec'd 5/2/lF36

 mn osncs use cum
MR Hr. J. C. @2*11:J-c3, féu.
Dec-? E`-tim:
~it.s»1·TL.;11;_;j   jybh ?Y')‘f‘ri;jJ€l` 1, ICFZG, you will
;~b201*`kv in your corte {Cl` ¤.1 * .‘,T ith
Ccjqzrccistion, d9_l)].F?`i.i()1'l, *&c1»·zr;', 0+.0.
  ¤1·m<:»<¤·*w.¤1~e vii.], l"€5]C,E,N?i ih? g>r1·.
CC: TE". Q'.   7”:T1‘·T;t;i=· —— 'DYV'iT<2r>.

 li   ‘
" N1'. L1. 3.. liczllcr, Tye SuI*€%I‘,
V _ Dec. lb, 1915 ,,
j F<>I• F 1·. J.G.<}hI*i:®‘i:1C:.
Dc YF 53.1*: `
  nrc I’·'?’}¥;I'}'li.HQ l;=2;*w¤¤1ii;}1 cz/>g=g; of <» 1* lezizb 1* nf E.c>2x< :11“L>ea1*
End, ind ic:··Qi.21g3 'Zi**GsilEEf)U.Il1J pf c·rr@y2>;: e we <~·i.il 1* cguixlc. l1!lC€%]T..i`j`Y’O;}-:1.
i{<>J.d1;;:, I.Ee2;:·c:mi;ii.f‘.e Ex fc iEu1·:A;Z.:   · ud }§ntx· ”U:»_L 1; ss¤ 1=:~¤<:a.
YM @.].1 nerbc zh B .“ir‘* ~:··t;1.l§‘:‘>3.C.1xp I:zs;*¤1·:>:1·::c ssiwmxld c¢>vc>1·
w- .=·2!:.`;gj _>r jg cl: 5 for war i,a,9s,   rzwi--r101z%;Q;].7.# ps   Qi? s for #>a·.1"
Ez"? L . : Mall. Q2] c>%,}-r:1· _=:·¤v1s~si~:sxs 1·<;r:·,in tim zsawc,
in <;z>;"r; :2 My i;L.E.s: wsu; J Ls; L. ermi, _ Aal t;h·.s azazcvu iss f xé   0
¤ ·—;=l;:;r   · ;;;;;a·z» -1*1 g; jj Z·?2I’ j.x!;l1j.]f‘],T. ,
Y-: n ars; i;;r·ul;r ,
y; ;3{;—;· ’;¤.;m · :*14. L {mi IQQDGC
1 umol. urks A7.l(`H..`i3f)1`•

 Ah I
M,. ir c   f i   ’o ’¢~‘
Fgg "‘· "‘i‘T_   ‘ ·‘* **"'*‘ '· 'j DATE " I ’ , 7
    ;,'.A.;, rw   ‘¤ lv: , C,
¤EPAR·rMEm· ···*`—*“"* H " ·'···· -·*‘  
°R ‘"°“Ks Y?:;;1I,r.1", Ky
Reference is made to the several lines of holdup and robbery insurance
we have in force for your location as follows:
PAYROLL HOLDUP e _ _ . .Amount $ · e ·.-
The policy covering this insurance provides for coverage on Bearer
Payroll checks at all times until paid out except at night after they are placed
in the safe. During the time they are in the locked safe they are covered by
Mercantile Safe Robbery Insurance.
It further provides that at least one custodian (Paymaster) and at
least four (N) other employes, each of whom is not less than seventeen (17) years
or more than sixty—five (65) years of age, must be on duty on the premises when-
ever property covered by this policy is exposed to loss within the premises.
Any employe assigned to the care and custody of the payroll is considered a
This policy provides for all loss by burglary of all monies, postage
stamps, etc. kept in locked safe described as follows:
X.! "" fil f‘_ o_ T . _f. D I, .\.'. 171;.- i _ I D ,. 0 G r·__r Ttrfrrvoq
it-als0.provides that all burglar proof safes are to be constructed of
not less than one inch steel body and l§" steel door, combination lock operative
and that all fire~proof safes are constructed of not less than é" steel body and
%“ steel door combination lock operative.
It further provides that watchman service shall be maintained at all
times when the premises are not regularly open for business, said watchman ser—
vice to be as follows:
    `Q.; ‘ a, I ;~, ITV ,; * {pi, ;i.·Q`¤L'l. Q":   Tn  

 P‘ ‘
A nd l ' .
n *2*
INTERIOR HOLQQP Amount $// I ' _
This policy provides for all loss by holdup of money, postage stamps,
etc., (except payroll money) committed inside your premises during the hours
beginning at YSOO o‘clock a. ml and ending at l2¤OO o'clock p. m. (midnight) and
damage to property occasioned by robbery or attempt thereat.
It further provides that there shall be at least two (2) persons on
duty within the premises whenever property covered under this policy is exposed
to or subject_to loss.
Our payroll holdup insurance policy provides for messenger holdup in~
surance to the extent of 10% of the amount of Payroll Holdup Insurance we are
carrying for your location. Please bear this in mind when entrusting valuables
to your messengers and if this coverage is not ample to meet your requirements
kindly advise to what extent this line of insurance should be placed for your
All of these policies provide that the home office of the Insurance
Company must be notified by wire and the city police notified immediately if a
holdup should occur.
lf a holdup or robbery should occur please notify the City Police and
the Treasury Department at Chicago Office immediately by telephone or wire.
Please see to it that all persons having care and/or custody of proper-
ty covered by these lines of insurance are conversant with the provisions of the ‘
policies as outlined above, lf any changes should be made that will affect any
of these provisions or the amount of coverage kindly notify the Treaspry Depart-
ment at once. "
If you have any suggestions of changes that may be made which will give
your premises and employes added protection from holdup or robbery we will be glad
to give such suggestions careful considerationl
As November ll, 1335, is the anniversary date of these policies we are
reviewing the subject at this time so that when the new policies are written you
will be fully covered.
If you are paying your employes by "Order" check you will not require any
insurance coverage for them.
Kindly indicate on the line marked “Amount" the coverage you will require
for each line of insurance and return the enclosed carbon copy of this letter to the
l A
`I J. _· 2 2

 .{`,'“ »
ef;-..» " _
4 Dec. 232, l€2;»6.
T-br. 1}. F. SGll’, _
Far Ur. J". J. .(.°1‘1I1.
Dc 1·..;11·; —
,e; :10}.:11e»w]_ed,{g;;·t nf guur ,Lvi<:11·=0 fm ii 0 1`isc. 1 3; vic __
` Flavor ?>—:>x· fl., 3]*; {3, *:0 Qc w> ~ 2 l, lili'?.
  E1: 0 rn dc Cii>:‘L21·i.* ¤:i;i·>n i` {wr ci.e:**1·;;.<:.La tion, wad we rj?
:¤D;‘i;*GL11;g; ( <;e:c¤¢i;0 aa d·:.:·i.:.il am to x·:iu.,1; cr>:;‘%;:; wc are ch: ;~{ji.r:{·; Z]10 vs 1*1-uu; ·
items. »
Y<_>u ·i 1 ]'1OJ5(`2 ;€‘1·->:=‘2 f'*}·l1.l* dui; :1]. 1.1;     11 do wr; sims: @3:0
nmcumt of O.G,{.>1‘l;(ij.· Linn ::5;: inst 02;;- shoe}; 1.‘i}.i.;;gg i·;:;_u;L;:1<:zai;, rmi  
mis: wo 4im:·i-,5: if fhiss axraxmmi; wm; incflaaclccl in TLCBZYO OT3}2L’:l‘ jjitifl mf the
rlcgwp ciu‘%>i<>x1, mul if su wc would like to inc: -· dvkzud w}10‘bi.¤.1· <>1· mq?.
Lac # 1 ·<: izo z;bs;<>1·b may (G.G_[)1.'(`}i3Q]f. €,;Lm in our . Luck   Lling; <,:<>::t.
Youzvs v-1·y i;.e·u§l.y, ‘
`»l?.[L3(}aJ.i;,»]Il LJLJLL cZe2i:.>Al?{
Hx   _ ,_ - W
1 cncl. . ;=c>1·i;:s .¤»uui’b¤1·.

‘7z\,· . 4
FOR PII`. J. G. BE:].].&iI‘d, I;Lldj.tOI", mw: D 9 C   m b   T
OO il-C¤'Z["
{cu, ./LCM
Benhem, nentucky;
Deer Sir:
Referring to your letter of Decewber iind
wherein you question our cistribution of deorecio—
tion on conl—oiling eouipment, such charges rere
included under "No.l Mine." ‘
till you oleese seperate the amount of
?{,525.8l from the No.l Eine depreciation and charge
it direct to etockpiling equipment?
Youre very truli,
‘:"IE¥CO}TE'·I§~E S Fg;} r`iL°AF`ZY.
O. F. Seirer cj== , Auditor.
    /, lr F ,/
btjr /, _ . 7

 "4 _
>` ` M I
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