xt7kh12v6014_256 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_8/21048/21048.pdf 1935 1935 1935 section false xt7kh12v6014_256 xt7kh12v6014 _, r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Fon Mr. J. Q. Ballard, Auditor, Dfw J nu u a r y
, 4, lQb5.
um-Anrmzm `;.lEC{lllSlL»l €}'jl·]V.lI COllPLllY,  
OR WORKS ,4 1 _. l l
o6`fm£J.z'H , l\C:1lT,LlCLIQj_’ . i
Dear Sir:
At the time you eddreseed me regarding
holdin; your may dey on Saturday, December Lind,
rather than dieburxlng this gat ·,_A roll on the regu-
lar pry roll Gwte, due to the reason: erpleiued,
` you asked if under our peg roll iozurcuce we were
protected vhru Grvlotinj from the retulrr oaf roll
I iumvdiotelf took up this queetion with
Ur. Chriitit of the Trerzury Department, and he bd-
vieed that ho hr? arranged vith the ineur moe cougeuy
thet on whatever date we wry decide to dieburee our .
pay roll ot Ecuhmm we Till be fully protected.
Thle iw for your iuforuetiou rnd future
Your? very truly,
By , l,r
CC: Ir. J. G. Chrietie — l5th floor.

 )* ' T
A Registered Letter V
Fon J. C. B3.].].8.I‘d, A'L1dl'*LOI‘ mvrr: J8.I'l`L1&I‘y 8,  
Wisconsin Steel Company
¤EPAm·MENr BGIlh8.I11, Kentucky
We are returning Certificate No. FC-25441, for 15 Shares of International
Harvester Company Common Stock, registered in the name of Mrs. Malva Barker,
which was sent in for sale, for the reason that her certificate is not prop-
erly signed.
This certificate must be signed by the registered holder of the stock. If
Mrs. Barker cannot write, have her sign by mark, with the following certifi-
cation typed in immediately under the line for signature of the stockholder;
also have the certification signed by two witnesses:
"We hereby certify that the above assign- ~
· ment was read to the assignor in our
presence, that she made her mark in our
presence, and that she signified her in-
tention thereby to transfer the shares
of stock represented by the within
Upon receipt of the above certificate, properly signed, the check will be
sent to you covering the proceeds of the sale.
, 17 _ n
/.     »:,, -4,/ j   _
/ JV {/ / _ ‘
jx > /LVL/t LA/V
S. O. Wahlin *

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(su-·§»b und mxmlivr) ` r-- ‘ >(l‘0st0fllwT¢rEE;l1§lI‘•I;)—N____
Accepting employee will place initials in {pace bH¤w, indicating restricted delivery. — . _
Return receipt fee ......,...,.___ Im mmm Special delivery fee. ____.,......... · I "° ` V
` D ZT we V r. Lricted L a,eIdre.*:·ec -W-H I ·' · ,//'
Ml Ty CS 0 " ]_,,,0,d€,__ _____ Postmasfer, pef _.____ if _...  

 \Vork·= Fovn 430A. ¤=¤=»=r¤¤ ·~ ¤-S-¤· 201\r1'—2-14-30.
George A. Ranney, 'l`reasurer, / A V I -
lnternzitional Harvester Company, — _ Date..*_7.-.7,Z.._~£’.;—;;7_7777-~_._
Chicago, illinois. , ' / /
Attention: Henry Engh, Asst. Cashier
We are enclosing stock certifivates for sale as listed below:
r ' Lx   /* 7 V I
77_.74$__sliares International Harvester Company,__PFl)._(lOl\’l. Stock (lertifieate  
__ Sll{ll`0S _______ ________________@_ Certificate No.____, __”_ 
;* { r ‘l
From    E} _..r. f Lg;
—é_.;77e777777_-w7-7h7"7o7o 7 7 7 A _otr o _7   77   7,o777*   7-7.__r7,- _-.7_._Works
L77 —’   l / a
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Plvnso indienle thus xl if l"rcfvrro1· My. S. ae. HU.}:3..j.Il¤ 4 _
ya: . n; .2;; s:c;c¤:;g;·b of yam- wi   div ted 3':·nrzz·ry {Rich, returnirq;
— '1J¤¤;*’b5.té`j.c::·“?:0 E? .. Fi'--§;£·L·~° ~*f* 9 f z· 15 S»hzt·:m:¤ ~·f 3.nt-<;u·= m€.1c>x=.: ·1 Hr¤·ve>st<¢;r· G mpumy
` uomznn Jgtssnck, :;·e_>g;1¤:·¢;»>:.-;vcQ An the mm·2 ·>1‘ ?..~ ¤·¢:. Liaalsm &:z>:·$~:<.—¤r, for the reason
L}.2*i; this <:»;;;·1;i i`:L<:·a:1;c 2*11.2 mi; ;_.1 ·<>;¤_·x·}.j;· Bi mai.
‘  }l‘5`L·`· ..,. we wv:   3xe; 1am:· :2:2   1 v».;Li.d. we j·e ;a·e: r:rec¤;;,;=»·d hear mark,
with me ~·w~0·.·A»¤z= 4! {11122 zi`./z· ssigrmtuxe
cri' t g ;:·i:¤¤:i#.h¤>;L·Z&.=s,  6. we ’:>e—¤ZL1e¤<. c that
yuu 2:1.11 www he   »;>»v7*;iir~n to di.ap».>ae dif this awe}:   Yvs. }%»;»x·k;ur, chic]:  
uc   :·.¢..u1*:r;.i:1;j; .‘ ·. . > :*1 im .
Yams t:—uj{y,
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IL nmol. _ »o;v1»:s sm. ·i*¤<;»1v.

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1 resse Z0 --1-.-;--_.;--Z ..... ;---;;§ .__._ ; _.... .;--; ...... _ ...................... - ~ . A
[ [ A V; , (Addresses) `v· > · · H, ` _`& gugwéxk
..... L.--.-.QQ.-:.·i2;-1 ....__, . ._,........_..___._. L ....._.._...........,._. . _...... ,--.;- ' 4 ??»‘—~. " *
(sum nn.; number) (mst olive mid Sum;) ·` ; *
Accepting employee will place initials in space below, indicating restricted delivery. *  
Return receipt fee ......_.______, [mpmm Special delivery fee   _,_....... 2.. ‘ A
l .'·,· ,.. ' .1   -ml-— W 4
Delzwry rmlrzcter to adrl 05506] Or Order mum Postmaster, ])€],VH"h_;MLJ

EOE Mr. J. C. B3ll3Td. ¤Ms January 2l, 1935.
- _ _'_` _ . •·¤ ~ ’\ .1. E
EEEEETMENT W; soolci L1 ateal C0. (Ban} am)
°R ""°*‘“$ Bennam, Ky.
Reference is made to the several lines of holdup and robbery insurarce
we have in force for your location as follows:
    B€’Tlll€aL’l . . . • Ay_,gU_)’;’(] SE 1  
Private Roll ...... ,D00.00
The policy covering this insurance provides that payroll money is in~
sured from the time Brink’s lncr deliver the unclaimed envelopes to our custo~
dian until such money is paid out except at night after it is placed in the safe.
During the time it is in the locked safe it is covered by Mercantile Safe Robbery
It further rovides that at least one custodian Pavmaster) and at
. J
least four (U) other employes, each of whom is not less than seventeen (17) vears
or more than sixtyefive (65) years of age, must be on duty on the premises whcn—
ever property covered by this policy is exposed to loss within thc premises. Any
employe assigned to the care and custody of the payroll is considered a custodian.
We urge that everything possible be done to keep the number of nnclaim~
ed pay envelopes at a minimum and diligent care be taken to seo that the a@grc~
gate amount of same docs not exceed the amount of insurance we arc carrying for
This policy provides for all loss by burglary of all monies, postage
stamps, ctc., kept in safe when locked described as follows:
Hall Safe & Lock Company, Burglar-proof Safe #5728
It also provides that all burglar proof safes are constructed of not
loss than ono inch steel body and l§" stool door, combination lock operative and
that all firc—proof safes are constructed of not less than §" steel body and %"
[ steel door combination lock operative.
It further provides that watchman service shall be maintained at all
times when the promises are not regularly open for business, said watchman scr-
vicc to be as follows:
Two (2) Watchman registering on watch clock hourly.

 N. {
4 ig,
This policy provides for all loss by holdup of money, postage stamps,
etc., (except payroll money} committed inside your premises during the hours
beginning at 7:00 o‘clock a.m. and ending at 12:00 o‘clock p.mt (midnight) and
damage to property occasioned by robbery or attempt thereatr
N¤%` It further provides that there shall be at least two (2) persons on
duty within the premises whenever property covered under this policy is exposed
to or subject to loss.
Our payroll holdup insurance policy provides for messenger holdup in-
surance to the extent of 10% of the amount of Payroll Holdup Insurance we are
carrying for your location. Please bear this in mind when entrusting valuables
to your messengers and if this coverage is not ample to meet your requirements
kindly advise to what extent this line of insurance should be placed for you.
All of these policies provide that the home office of the Insurance
Company must be notified by wire and tts city police notified immediately if a
holdup should occur.
If a holdup or robbery shodld occur please notify the City Police and
the Treasury Department at Chicago Office immediately by telephone or wires
Please see to it that all persons having care and/or custody of proper- .
ty covered by these lines of insurance are conversant with the provisions of the
policies as outlined above. If any changes should be madethat will affect any
of these provisions or the amount of coverage kindly notify the Treasury Depart-
ment at once.
If you have any suggestions of changes that may be made which will give
your premises and employes added protection from holdup or robbery we will be glad
to give such suggestions careful consideration. W
l/. vf k*»"// A .
  _ {2
-..`   ·’"' L"' PL if `C
j J. Gr Christie

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Please acknowledge receipt of tne enclosed letter advising the
number of envelopes/or checks an; the aggregate amount of same that have
been left over on each payday for the past five weeks and what efforts are
being made to keep the amount of unclaimed wages at a minimum.
We also ask you to advise us of your oroceoure in the handling
and final oistribution of the left over envelopes/or checks.
J. G. Christie.

 Fon osmcs us: ¤m.v
mn ··-In J'. C. D;ll;;x· Q, i>;?.1_¢f?`U]iI", mvp J     U. P F T7
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nnunrmmn YIWCOWSIN SETVE ‘A'` GUEYLHY> (PiCR. Jowumrj LO).
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6oi·il¢d si ?*m?n§ uhoaino · vo LT . A · Lion bei ",*. sou xrtorial
axd labor chmvpci ani such thier itane of ~;p@ns@ that go
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EEEEETMEN., 7’i.sc012si11 Steel Cominamy, ‘   F
°“ “'°*“‘S Bsnmam, Ky.   '   `
"-‘efer·zv1c© i¤ made to vow? l@1>t.<—=1· of Jrezxurérv QG, which was
in ’[‘Q‘ij]_;V ir) 0311* ]_gii;5;Z_‘ of J;%D_U,¤i"j! Q]. 1"€2}Q‘&*`L"€j.?1.£;‘ several TLZITEES of $0].iUD
i_r;;;1_1r;¤v1(;g» wich we are c.;—y-w—rzi,m· im r,-Ou. The hpve chezagred the 7>mvi.si¤n
1-- *1 f' t 1 qw"? *11 I rv pohqf *` T r- " Ov 1 Wt *»’c;·*x n cm
¤¤ me   1*:;:221 5 G Er; .-  1*;. P _ ",‘   SGS Z. K-: ?i`.?h    
éutv w·eg·i¤t<;rim.;¤ rm clock c>v@1”V H) minutees."
In 00:1 ;;c5;i.cm with in¤11“¢1vce c0v<:‘·;¤»i‘<; cm wpnjzvcll znozzissz, while
your cewsiwior is is-2:5.n:s it fxwyn tue ¤0s*b0:1‘§.cv¤2r<" dm`-
in.; that tim; 1'zw thr; 1¢~=¤rm tint the p0s’00f:Z`ice is: c0nsi.de=r=-d v‘ii
M [A LE M-- <* `/Ck
.7 '~·. ‘/'  
I V J. G.  

 ., C
., ‘ °
59 E. Van Burcn St.
Chicago, Ill.
Fab. 28, l9§5.
Filc Ho.GOT-?~}~B
wisconsin Stool Co.
li ` U
t y. T. Bradford, T.M.
606 S. Kichigan Lvc.
Chicago, Ill.
To All Car Donors;
In accordance rith tho terms of lottor Ballot Circular No.DV-819
dated September 10, l9$h, tho result of which was ¤DHOHGOGd in Dirculcr No.
DV·822 dated November 20, 195H, Interchange Rolo j, Boction (a), rcragraph
(U), has boon nodifiod in thc roles isauod January l, 1955, to provide that
on and after Janu¤¢; l, l9¥5, al. freight cars in intcrchcnge service must
be equipped with cir brnxos mootiné thc rcquiromcnto of tho A.R.A.Spociricn»
tions for Air Brokoz odoptod in l9j§. This rule Further orovidcs that each
car OWRSF shall gggo c rouort guartgrly to thc Association of Am rican Soil-
roads, showing by months tho number ogwgrcicht cars_&ccuircd and the numhg;
of froight cars on which orare oouiamant is convavtod, which information will
bo filod guartorly with the Intcrstrtc Coco rcc Commiopion and the Federal
Gogrdinator of Tr»nsoort»tion.
This information for tho §ir»t quwrtcr of l9§5, cnding Mnrch }l, l9}§,
is respectfully raquostod.
Ploaso uoc tho Attached form in maxim; this rcoort, mailing ono copy
so as to roach this office not lntor than April 15, l9}§, and retaining tho
duplicate for your filo.
Your coopor tion in tho prompt handling of this matter will bo appro-
V.Q. Ekvwthorno,

. r 13
L o
Mr. O. F. Seidenbecker, And. Merch 13, 19}5.
Wisconsin Steel Go.
12th floor.
File Y}:
I attach copy of letter and questionnaire received from
V. H. Hawthorne, Lecretnry, Association of inericen Railroads cen-
cerning rule in regnru to uir brakes which I quote:
(M) “Air brekee meeting requirements of A.E.A.
Specifications for Air Brake: Adopted in 19}},
recuirel on all cere built new on or efter
$ert.l, 19}}. From Owners. Air brakes meeting
requirements of A.H.A.$pe¤ificatione for air
brehve adopted in 19}} or A.R.A. standard triple
valvee, required on all core built new between
Jnn.l, 1919, and Sept. l, 19}}, and on ell cere
rebuilt on or erter July l, 1928. In Interchange.
On en; after Jen. 1, l9U5, ell lreight care in
interchange service must be equippeo with air
brexee meeting the requirements of the A.R.A.$neci-
ficetion for iir Branew ndopted in 19}}. Eech cnr
owner shell make e report quarterly to the Aee'n. of
Anericnn His. showing hy months the number of freight
care acquirel und the number of freight care on which
brake equipment is converted, which information will
be filed quarterly with the Interstate Commerce Commis-
eion and the Coordinator.
Note: The deci n of air brnxe equipment deeignatec ns
“tB" meete all of the requirements of the A.?.A. %neci—
ficetione for air brakes ndoptei in 19}}. Carl built
prior to 5eot.l, 193} and equipped with ”AB“ brakes
should be so stencilcd; for cure built nrter 3opt.l,
19}} the date built will ;overn."
rleuee have questionnaire filled out returning same to the writer
and oblige.
H.F.H¤ghee, Cer Accountant

 r   F.    
J ·4 _,   ?-' `
I | _ m
hir. Ei. Z~. GE‘k2!.`b}`£&Bth, €~*11;i»·$&T‘§..*zi.=z2‘1ds*;r.1*b,  ·`» i r 1* c b
"`I§QG§¤3·fEI?i E5'i`?·.;EL LZO§€E‘¢’%2$.Y,
i¤cr.E1:.m, E;>;v ·=i* Yi.c+,t=x· 1·u¤ce&5,vc;c5 £‘1‘·'¤Z¥2
[er. Ei, 2~. l*`1·a;n¤;;i:a cf ‘L}:1•s- €l`1‘&f.£‘5.c De¤g:s2.rt:smnL arm, :; irc,
mac: §`r» >vr. Fir, V. 2. ?§¤1>%“¤ wz:·ne,, L2¢·cr· wT.11r;s   {hex 1ms<>ci.a.-
Lic;-za of iwcszzican E~»>; l.rc€ ¤i:_: i111i`mz·z¤z~%;.i.nn, it.?w:~s:=5°c;•z=·· , ir: ;··ez;uivaed  
img: ¢~.:>:;s;<;·5e:L§.<:r1 sm :»uz· €’§fE?i“7}l c.:= 1* , N11 ?, ZUZZ`;}"T`%if.i';;.;y',
,_¤‘0»u   §i?}.@¢,f·Z’: m—*2¤we Mw {Ea  ·‘=:*<·¤J21‘·+=a.`».T§ki`;?l”Z,
kv i ’   "·~’ c*·s;»;* ;2?~
r' ·•»....................-..-.·.....T-••.»-•·•·»-~···~~.. · 
"`vr; € J ,\ ...  
: ,\· , Jl I ;
Elm': 1.0 2 lu; V 92   .    
Li.: iii?. Q. P`. bi»;,;=m~t -— =3i‘fé.cra
lii:4 E?. 2. iiuanhegz -· Llth Floor ‘
F,-Tr. J. C. Ballard — §·i¥:mhz. ¤, !£e of Larch Y1, 1935 --.~-.. -
élgnel —---~--~
Titb —-—-·——-
xuilrord — - — ~ · - ·
Dato —-——·—————
NOTE.- The ”AB" breke manufactured by thc Kev Yor; Air Broke $ompeny, the
Jestinghouec Air Broke Comoany and the Cenniian Westinghouse Company,
gimitod, is tho only`brake which to date has been approved as meeting
tho specifications ndontod by latter ballot in l9$}.

’ \

...· ' mn orrncz uss c>m.v
fl `\ rf';} ll _
i .~·. I
,.. Kr A- V .
» é' q¤.*f . _?_ ' .
F`., g w   .
if/`*~:l l `   »·..j;_;   `
  ‘ ""-~ V.
FOR IJ?. J. C. Bell: rc, Mxfittryr,   V [mtv :2 aa. jr
( *",, . r l  .   -
ji.? r _ _ ;;» ,   2, loo};.
¤—· Y ·. ·~·* · ·· .1* .-·#·» "! y _ J `
¤¤-¤rM¤~T ,.ISCOr~YSIN SL? L CO »P!.~2;»’, - ,_ ·.., M11. gy, ‘--V ; 3 l  
OR WORKS __ J 1 ·_ - ,([__" ·~· .· .
Beml1e.11;, i€€I'l¤.,LlC;L;y“. . 44:3,4;,; _/ gr ,
mmm naman V      
sumzcr V _ cl   l
uR PHJ nu.
_ _ L‘ • _
Deer ~1r.
Every month you veit until "nur clovioj reports are complete
I 1 · _ __ `\ • _ D V
to :em& tnew tm to bh1¤¤go.
To comyleto our 1‘·;o~‘·‘¤tl1l.j2 j_.>roi`iit ana} lo:=r—r the only tivo sta te——
ments we need are the Gcncr l Account recap. un? the detwil of the
Kiscelleneoue ?roflt uno 10:;. In eddition,we voulo neco the touoage
to apply against the coet of shigmante, ihlch you co lc out on the
General Account receg.
lf to coulL receive these tac stetemcute any earlier in the
month by not ·r*tjng .·v, for the bel;uce of yzur monthly etetawemts includ-
ing the coat Sheet, we zieh *ou fomli eeuG them on imnediately efter
making then up; or, i? there is any {eciricm to be mace as to vhich
stetewent: to pr¤g;rc First, we should like to Aeve there two sewt to
us without yeiting for the others.
A Pill rou plea;2 elvis; us iT me could receive these reports
earlier in the mouth if ve dit not neec the balance until letcr? lf
eo, pleese scoot this havin for the mort yonth‘e clo img.
Yo rp very truly,
' .,*_L.»‘.;,». . ..,r,·;,-.i —4` ·.! .·~•
W. F. Ve?Jenbecker, iuoltzr. .·‘c

( F
Fon »E·. J. C. L$&lif£f¤, l.»iLL.a· °“*E ,,¢§;¢.k, l€?J5.
  )/“" »
  ~.,T A A
DEPARTMENT ¤,v_r_'..y'_| ,, ,-..-5 I V.; F,_ ._ !<·#` ‘ '_ ·» · V , r·
OR WORKS 7* ·"" "‘ J· ·‘· · " ’ w _`   2 .` ·\' ‘»_  
yy"!   V. U'} x\ ‘
YOUR LETTER 5     ` ET li
·£Ls 2
Q-.-»: ~ __  
E ,..5 . .», Th rr:]
SUBJECT y g_£ L ·· ·~   v¤·» »\» g· ·_ ·j ’r· ~ ?"l, "Iv/Q} pq { .
¤¤ Fm: ~<>- ;l..:.;--;-...:i.-E ;;.;..Ei.L.’:.;,.. ix`-;   E.} gf; I w ~ —. ' ' "=!-’·=¤'< =' ·— .‘
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IU Jxr v. r· * -;;9L a jvi “.: u ¤ui-}c¤1; €Lv..c; xxcaivaz
Tru» y·:s ’¤e lyyil l?tL Yu {Ez ·.;Jri -? ?;p.{w. ,2 reccigi ;Y the
. . . . ‘ . ` V __ .- ` . —   ‘ · (
*jL'Q’ ERI.; L;.‘/ ` I? _'_,J,j' .L1;`!`il.L ML)Q,·;¤, T.: 2.;*.9 `Q: ri   U iiFi'-INIT I;.   `LZ`>,;LiEi .
dl 0.1mt. Ae*i*· t}; ¤~i gm;»vi ~w r·?e; u. ij ·gu vn ‘ly..u mw. by ·
ua‘l‘~ii;w 2; 7h-r ,··. L`Z5 ir .n ‘l;.;»nL _; ii. ·; lic Lk ?av.T;a ya, -$ .
in if ·l , i     ir;   ‘¤ ‘?` <- =1;1<:.;-asti ‘;= LF-.7 c;:-··€.<¢z;t -i` ‘l.;£L, f
It i}w “»iuJe :R». ,~11j.. in liu·iq ilv.i;a; lu t. i is
;jT pc ;; ‘ Lck ~ L;{NiLl jiv·;w¤i ‘¤ 1; he ua gcigu we zur; wu; Nge
ie it, yl©·mu, t?~i t"s fw u®1i.; is Si;.» .n L~e cl lic·tz xg ¤ll
lj tL¤ :rl"E~·l ;¤¢ at ik» ‘x.e *1-e SL wlQ y;u 21 maj {i4; CQUQ w0r.ns
C1 C11ZI€   l; lm: ;:i.`Q,‘f·; ~2.::*.'z.= 'z.n> ..:€i».».,lf;€.l.J.L 2.‘.¤.j 13-**. ¤.~Z}Q.;. 13:; z ·-li
fig. g l{c·ie l .1eyQ .f payaly lu ;l· {Fc Qc wuiign Trg; ihm Face gf
ipe srl * al ‘rvv‘;¤ He Wgnlg inn} -re" =·»’· r tlmt V,q €=iuc z drh’i ;q;-.;m- ·.·’
C¤n, ihis .;QJ ‘U cages ikgrm y.u we loci tp nike the daUuuLi;r by ikn
duilicute. In t;i5 ibyticulww inwzuxua, in gs er to s*r2i»K:cl wut our
recgr 5, it ?s necessary tkwl 20 c.ar‘e this cg earn la the um.umt cf
.l.;A.» SY? <.?I"*:(.!.l`{L tbfé UMA;. JRE ;a·(ZCL)LilTt LJY. ;;L\l CQJKL liz v.;Y·.4rT`   YL {UG
tF&nsrcti.m may clown put xreymrly. Jill jeu k*u*l Z‘“+VUC1 all
gariiég intcralled sp that tliw gzvilcmluv Fewiwva U11l me taken care
of in the fuiu*@.
.1. .,.• $.*1 Rrjyil
MP , V .
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ac .0*:L%; 5.1]. be ;=:2ur= loam} >C‘wx· ¤;j :.t?‘b¤, ::0* .. ..L¤ C,   atb aJ.Z!.. This
i'¤O?.T.P’)T» wz:. V;::=;:xrA.z.:d u··ti<;:·· Liao fl.c::.»n ibn 4 sz   szrb .c;isi~E1;L..{g, mgwf if iii;
m<.>r:‘b1is zxiiyh   n_ xvavel we arm:.   L1}:0 to 2..   ;\.v1.·;··i¤=;:34:·;n .0 Ja:.-.z··¢·c
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bins; .; 2e>1zni; $0 *r·:»c· *21; ” =">¤¤.—-nw;.
Z. A1·:?.i.(; imc   ri; fcw z;a.a¤.i;:a, x·. 1zi3.© };.°.;;.·i.n;_: gixczw mzzx, ic gave
gra is Q ¤;,l.<:1’2 s·~ . 1 QL ua ‘·»* *13 1`nv isn $$9 im?. csi. lvi; isi? Lim :50 1'1¤.1'l eeiilr 1·
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