xt7kh12v6014_255 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_7/21038/21038.pdf 1934 1934 1934 section false xt7kh12v6014_255 xt7kh12v6014 ]I`<>1'1tl ES 11L}—~1l·:vis¤2d 3-18*33 _ · _ _ ` _ U
State HIQIIWHY Department ,5   J
osmnwst UNISON OFEQUIPMENT these yd .Vtt4..t.»...4t.t.......t.....»4.,t..,....
Frankfort, Kentucky
PURCHASE ORDER   rrrt rr€pne;ry,,,2z, trr_trr, rt
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t>;·,tt-I- tttewltett by .... 4 ,,....,...     .,.,,,. . Date: ......   .,.., . ,...... . .......,,,...,, . ,............., . .,.._.....,_  


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BUYER II   _    ·- f   s~i<¥   .3; =;—;   i;    *33;;*.  FIFLIJ FF-
  agreeswto buy .
QUANTITY It   arr; :;*1;:-vine Ly ,1,:; iu ...::;‘r .‘A. ..5   I 1:.; .:;:;,r·»·&
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Timms   .. ., _   F F FF F FF F  FF F F
  »~· I'_. kg   -.f.~n; ci
I Sellers’ weights and inspection at point of shipment to govern settlement.
.       ·-:·; -     {3;; i;.;_:   E  123
GENEIIAI. 2;   “ ‘    
I ---— -— ——-——-— ——————- — —— —-—--;- 
  This contract is subject to delays caused by strikes, fires or other causes beyond the
  control of either party, and either party shall have the right to cancel any portion of this
¤I . . .
(ZONDI`7I.`I(`)FNS   contract unfilled through no fault of its own at date of expiration hereof as above stated.
  V  ·; J./T   ..
  " ;-;Q__IL .-”7_7777..777-77777.777.—777-7-77 -7—777    
Made and entered into as of date first above written.
APPROVED ...,,5,
'''' 7 7   7 777777777 7777F F 777F 7 7T·Zj;,?F[   7FFF7FF FF     `
Agmgzr Purchasing Department — I F _ _ Y L _` I _:
.... ._ {$3_;;_sj4     \.·»QJijTI`“ fly

In the event that any suit or proceeding alleging infringement 0f any patent
or alleging unfair competition resulting from similarity in the design or appearance
of goods is brought against the buyer hereunder or any of its agents or vendees
on account of any articles or devices furnished to the buyer under this contract,
the seller agrees that it will promptly on notification of the commencement of any
» such suit or proceeding, assume defense thereof, and that it will pay and discharge
all costs and expenses in defense thereof, and will also pay or satisfy all costs,
damages, royalties or profits which may be decreed or awarded against said buyer, 1
its agents or vendees for or on account of any of the articles or devices so purchased
and furnished by the seller to the buyer in any or all suits or proceedings, and will
save and protect said buyer harmless therefrom. If it so desires, the buyer may
V be represented by its own counsel in any such suit or proceeding.

Wj~LLlAM 351-\MPS$¤JN ._
.__ · V. ~` C
Ptttutucg & Qiilltiligi? Limit nt Main
HAsm.Ar~4,K5:N‘rucr<‘w ` ‘ I
November l6th, 1954. C), V- i
Mr. J. C. Ballard, Works Auditor.
Benhan, hy.
Dear $ir:-
Further referring to your letter asking that I obtain the necessary
forms for the Po er—of—Attorney .»,‘ to Dr. Brown in connection with his
siening the necessary naoers for narcotics T have been informed
bv the Collector of Internal Revenue that there is no soecial Form
of Pomer—of—Attornev reouired. I have, therefore, nrepared a
¤ · -: . · L · # ·‘ v` _ _
Power—o1—ntto~ney from the wisconsin vteel Company to Lr. Brown
and this mu t he executed by the President or Vice—President with
the Secretary affiying the seal.
The Uollector slso advises me that in connection with this Power—of—
Attorney to "show Dr. Brown's signature on sane, in order that it
msv be recognized and honored to Yorns oerteininc to the Nercotic
it is mv suggestion that this n oer he executed bv the nroner officers
and that Dr. Brovn's signature he affixed at the head of the neoer.
When properly executed it should be filed vith the Collector of
lnternal Revenue. Narcotic Division and in due form Dr. Brovn will
be in a position to ect as Attornev—in—Bact for the Uonnanv in this
Yours very truly,
, A?
c y/Li,//·(..-J
_r '_ o/’ ~ V > » U · ,:7 V/,.-·—-
ws/be »’ o ,, ¢/[4 /{/°
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 FORM P 96
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' 606 S0u·rH Muc¤—uGAN Avenue _-    ``6 I `
NOVC;3III'.7£,].' ZG, lE‘T<£
    FZ. G.·lb1*·e;,1;l1, Su;>e.;?i;1i..::1cT,eat
I`.Fj.TTCZ·.>L'Lf Ln, fiiebewl Cm Inc.,
Belibe ; sr; , I‘·I@Z1$l1CIiy
  TA1- . G; QLI>rs-th:
I em i;·¢‘b;1rm_i;;g 21..1*;;:ith Corus which
have b»s»;I11 ;;=;‘·I;e1·ly @:;©©11t©d ccvewiinég p©,ne1·—0f—e;¤bi;.nv1"n©y
I;0 Dr. Brown in <:011»1@©l;i:m viii;11 the I1.E~.i1<_I;I_j.@ 0f mzrccizics
Very ‘b;’·u3.y y ·»u;·   ,
*`fI*aT_T7”3T?T "?‘¤‘iT @(}T`.TT'>,,_{·§Y ·
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