xt7kh12v6014_254 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1932-1933 text 1932-1933 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_6/21008/21008.pdf 1932-1933 1933 1932-1933 section false xt7kh12v6014_254 xt7kh12v6014 · FOR DEPARTMENT AND INTER-
FOR Mr. J. C. Ballard, D@f ll/S/$2
c>E»=ARTMsr~rr wiSCOnSj-n Steel Com-pgnys
°"W°m“ Benhsm, Kenrucky.
On November l2, l@52 our new policy year for the above captioned
lines of insurance will commence and we therefore deem it advisable to have
a survey made of the entire situation appertaining thereto. We assume you
have on file previous instructions relating to this matter and suggest you
review them to see if there has been any change in your situation which will
require a change in your coverage for the coming year and whether or not the
instructions given are being carried out at the present time.
If there has been any change in your safes, vaults, alarm and »
watchman service, method of distributing payroll checks, etc., kindlv advise
us. Also please bear in mind that future changes should be reported to us
immediately. S
At present your location is covered by insurance on bearer checks
for $(See belgwbnd applies to each pay day risk regardless of the number of
pay days.
Elgase send to;us_by_getu;n mail the best estimate you are able
to make of the amount of your largest net payroll for any one day during
the year beginning November l2, lQ}2 and ending November I2, lg;}. lf at any
time during the coming year you anticipate that your payroll will exceed this
estimate, this office should be advised immediately. Fill out and return
the attached questionnaire promptly.
As soon as possible after November lEth you must furnish us, as
in former years, with a tvpewritten statement in triplicate, on letter sine
paper, separate from your letter of transmittal, giving the date of each of
your pay days and the net amount of each day's payroll, after giving effect
to deductions made, for the period from November l2, l§§l to November ll,
l$§2, both dates inclusive. This statement should be totaled and the cor-
rectness of same certified to at the bottom over the signature of the Works
Auditor, showing his title.
P/R Money - $lO,YOO.
" Private Money - $5,uoo.

You were informed by letter dated June l, l9§l signed by Messrs.
A. J. Gourlay and E. H. Davisson that under the terms of the amended Payroll
Holdup Policy payroll guards were no longer required but that it was neces-
sary that at least one (I) custodian (paymaster) and at least four (U) other
employes be at work on the premises, each of whom is not less than seventeen
Cl?) nor more than sixty-five (65) years of age, whenever property covered
by payroll insurance is exposed to loss within the said premises. Therefore,
the questions pertaining to guards have been included to ascertain how you
are meeting this situation.
Present coverage for your location 3 §,OOO. .
This insurance covers loss by burglary from safe or vault desig-
nated in policy, while properly closed and locked, provided safe or vault is
entered by actual force or violence. Payroll money, bearer payroll checks,
other monies, stamps, securities, etc., carried over night in the safe are
covered by this insurance. If the above coverage is not in line with your
requirements state amount required. The above insurance covers property
damaged during a burglary.
This is covered by a clause in the payroll hold-up policy and
provides a coverage equal to lO% of the amount of your payroll hold-up cover-
age. Messenger holdup insurance covers money not intended for payroll pur-
poses, such as deposits in transit to bank, money in transit from bank, un-
cancelled postage stamps, securities, etc., in possession of messenger while
outside of the premises.
We assume you have followed.previous instructions and are using
‘the utmost core and diligence at all times so that your location will be
properly safeguarded. If a loss should occur, telephone or wire the Treasury
Department immediately and notif. the police.
- . Y -
Kindly give this matter your immediate attention and favor us
with your reply as soon as possible.
A. B. KELLER, Treasurer,
. / ,(. > ./{’=r
,-4 *4 dl- ,.·,_,# L-#  
By,/it   ·
I J. G. Christie.

FOR Mr. J. C. Ballard, DME ll/H/$2
DEEAEEMENT Riscavvsin Steel ?—¤y.
°“w°m“ Benham, Kenrucky.
°"  Plrnett Honour msummcr
On November l2, l§}2 our new policy year for the above captioned
lines ef insurance will commence and we therefore deem it advisable to have
a survey made of the entire situation appertaining thereto. We assume you
have on file previous instructions relating to this matter and suggest you
review them to see if there has been any ehange in your situation which will
require a change in your coverage for the coming year and whether or not the
instructions given are being carried out at the present time.
If there has been any change in your safes, vaults, alarm and
watchman service, method of distributing payroll checks. etc., kindly advise
us. Also please bear in mind that future changes should be reported to us
At present your location is covered by insurance on bearer checks
forGBee Bclow)and applies to each pay day risk regardless of the number of
pay days.
Please send to us by_;gturn mail the best estimate you are able
to make of the amount of your largest net payroll for any one day during
the year beginning November l2, 1932 and ending November l2, 19}}. If at any
time during the coming year you anticipate that your payroll will exceed this
estimate, this office should be advised immediately. Fill out and return
the attached questionnaire promptly.
As soon as possible after November l2th you must furnish us, as
in former years, with a tvpewritten statement in jgiplicate, on letter size
paper, separate from your letter of transmittal, giving the date of each of
your pay_dgy§ and the net amount of each day's payroll, after giving effect
to deductions made, for the period from November l2, lQ§l to November ll,
1932, both dates inclusive, This statement should be totaled and the eer-
i reetness of same certified to at the bottom over the signature of the Works
Auditor, showing his title.
P/R Money - $10,700.
” Private Money · $5,UOO.

You were informed by letter dated June 1, 1951 signed by Messrs.
A. J. Gourlay and E. H. Davisson that under the terms of the amended Payroll
Holdup Policy payroll guards were no longer required but that it was neces-
sary that at least one (l) custodian (paymaster) and at least four (U) other
employes be at work on the premises, each of whom is not less than seventeen
(l?) nor more than sixty-five (65) years of age, whenever property covered
by payroll insurance is exposed to loss within the said premises. Therefore,
the questions pertaining to guards have been included to ascertain how you
are meeting this situation.
Present coverage for your location $1 Ogg .
This insurance covers loss by burglary from safe or vault desiy—
nated in policy, while properly closed and locked, provided safe or vault is
entered by actual force or violence. Payroll money, bearer payroll checks,
other monies, stamps, securities, etc., carried over nipht in the safe are
covered by this insurance. If the above coverage is not in line with your
requirements state amount required. The above insurance covers property
damaged during a burglary.
This is covered by a clause in the payroll ho1d—up policy and
provides a coverage equal to 10% of the amount of your payroll hold—up cover—
age. Messenger holdup insurance covers money not intended for payroll pur-
poses, such as deposits in transit to bank, money in transit from bank, un~
cancelled postage stamps, securities, etc., in possession of messenger while
outside of the premises.
We assume you have followed previous instructions and are using
the utmost core and diligence at all times so that your location will be
properly safeguarded. If a loss should occur, telephone or wire the Treasury
Department immediately and notify the police.
Kindly give this matter your immediate attention and favor us
with your reply as soon as possible.
A. B. KELLER, Treasurer,
J. G. Christie.

/ .
~ _Super1ntendent.
( it (M _ p Assistant Superintendent
_ _jhiditor
}— ».
“L " ,;_ Assistant Auditor
. Cashier
JQ. . C " u r Chief Timekeeper
( Paymaster
(Custody of checks, preparation of payrolls, checks, etc.)
(l) Who receives blank checks from Express Company? __ —”i
(2) Are checks placed in secure place immediately upon receipt? ·
(3) Who has custody of blank checks and supplies Payroll Department as
requirsd?____ _____________Q__;_________________________________ _______
(U) Where are checks stored? ____ ___ V _
(5) To whom are checks given out? ___ ’”;;v_ _
(6) Are exact numbers required for payroll given out? ’ _
(Y) Is receipt taken showing inclusive numbers?____
(G) If checks are given out in packa es or multiples of lOO, what is done
with blanks left over at close of the day or upon completion of
(9) Is an accurate record of checks used, spoiled and on band kept? rr-
By Whom? ____________;Qj;______________.rr_ _ _______________________________
(l0) Does the custodian verify the agreement of the number of blank checks
’ rcquisitioned with the number of employes to be paid as shown by the
payroll? _____________;;;;_________"__________________________mu_______
(ll) (Payroll Sheets) Does operator remove addressoeraph plates for employes
who heve no pay coming? _;_p;__ n

 ,» ,
, -2-
(12) (Checks) What method is used to prevent printing a check for
employe who has no pay coming? ———»<
(lj) Does operator stamp checks "VOID" which may be spoiled during ad-
drossograph operation? "I
(lh) To whom does operator deliver checks after preparation? c
(15) Does operator keep an accurate account of checks used and
spoiled? _ ~/re“i 5 __
(16) That is done with blank checks, if any, left over? W
(IY) What precaution or safe guard is taken by operator during noon hour
and night, or during absence from room to prevent loss or possible
theft of prepared or blank checks?_
(18) If handed to the Cashier is there any control of the number of checks
handed to him and returned by him? »
(19) Is someone on duty at all times checks are exposed?
Identification Cards:
(20) To whom are cards delivered by operator after completion?
(21) How are gross wages, deductions, and advances entered on payroll
sheet? _
(22) Is amount for net wages column determined by calculation as made on
check stub? __ —-""
(25) If so, is this calculation proved on adding machine before checks
are perforated on F & E Check Writer? ‘ IW
(2U) Are net wage amounts listed on payroll sheet in adding machine from
F & E perforations?
(25) What steps are taken to prove the agreement of the payroll with the
time sheets? to __*_m

 (26) If a check is spoiled is it at once stamped "VOID"?
(27) Is number of replacement check shown on voided check? “” I _
(25) Who is authorized to sign?_ _ ·r‘ I
(29) Where are checks signed? __ ‘
($O) Are required number of guards on duty at this place during time checks
are being signed and until checks have been taken from the office by
paiymaster? __i__.__ _ .______.-_..
($1) How long before hour of paying are cheeks signed? i’‘i ‘W"
Identification Cards:
($2) How long before paying are identification cards delivered to employes?
—~- By whom is distribution made? `“$
($$) Does the person distributing the identification cards know all of the
employes in the department by sight? cr’“ii __
($U) Are cards checked against payroll to preclude delivery of cards to
employes who have no pay coming for pay period? (
($5) What is done with cards belonging to absentees? _
($6) When absentee returns to work and calls for back pay check, what pro-
cedure is followed and what identification is required? —·~s
($7) Does custodian and required number of guards remain on duty at point of
exposure until paymaster and assistants, if any, start with cheeks on
their rounds for pay off? __, l`i”I
($8) How many guards accompany paymaster and his assistants while paying and
until he returns to the office? __ __
  Are guards armed? _________A___________________ _______________________;______
(UO) What type of container, if any, is provided for carrying checks?
(Ul) Do the employes line up for their pay? “ I __
If so, where? _____ V ____

 A p _h,
(U2) Is timekee er or foreman or both present?
P L  
(U5} If identification cards are used is signature of employe required?
(UU) If identification cards are not used who identifies the employes?
(H5)?How and by whom are night men paid? ~~
(U6) Who receives unclaimed checks brought in by the pay off men? __
(M7} Does he sign a receipt for same? __
(H8) Is a list cf all unclaimed checks made for office record?_ r"
(H9) If list is made in duplicate to whom is copy sent?
(50) Are "bearer" unclaimed checks changed te "order" checks? se
(51) What is the procedure of disbursing checks unclaimed at time of regular
Present coverage for your location;__§ 3¤OQQ; ____ _ ___ M___
‘his insurance covers cash, securities, uncancelled postage stamps, etc.
but dqes not include money or bearer checks intended for payroll purposes only
while on the premises and while the office is open for business. At least
two persons must be on duty within the premises wherever.property covered
by insurance is exposed. Is the coverage stated above in line with your re
quirements? If not, state amount required. _A_jm ` I
(l) Amount of insurance required fn _ ,____
(2) Are there at least two persons on duty within the premises wherever
property covered by insurance is exposed? ,r· W
(7) Note fire arms located in cashier‘s ca e and immediate vicini’¢ Y* ~
(Q} Is office equipped with burglar alarm syste~?__Mm_mw_L_____;__wmNwm_m_p p_Mp
If so, indicate on sketch of office, location of controls.
(5) Is alarm tested at frequent intervals to see if in good working order?`
Where is gong located?__ ’· _ "_____ _

(6) Do watchmen or guards respond to alarm? dwwlun
(Test alarm and note response) ..".__...
(Y) Explain night watch system , = r °;;; ' 1
'(S) Are watchman or guards who respond to alarm armed”___;gi;w;j;( ____ N ___r _ ____ __
(9) Aye Qates closed when alarm is given? W U
(10) Note location of cash ; ~—
(11) How long are identification cards held before they are destroyed?
Working Fund Account:
,(12) Who is custodian of blank checks? ___;(
(1}) Where are checks stored? P_;V__ __ W p_;____K @L_m“muw__“m__MMmMhmM_
(lh) Are checks ever signed or countersigned in blank? ,d— /’'" "
(15) What is maximum amount of cash carried?) Q? ~ .t (
(16) How often are deposits made? I t - .(
(17) How long arc unclaimed payroll checks held before thaf are deposited?
(15) Who takes deposits to bank? ____ ________
(19) Is messenger accompanied by armed guard? me/(.» cinch
(20) What means of transportation is used? c, e` www V
(21) Distance of bank from office? //1 ‘i ( ____ ( , p_
(22) Have you any blank checks on hand not now being used on account of
closing of bank account? ___ ' .
If so, they should be burned in presence of Works Auditor and Cashier
and this department advised.

 ai `
Vaults and Safes:
/ { ,
(2}) Where is vault located? A V ‘ “ ’ _
(2U) Is safe located in vault? 4/ ~
(25) Description of vault and safe, also number of safe: {V o i  
, .. ;___’ ·P·· ·: A NV     .
‘·’lv ·   J2" » , n
(26) Amount of insurance required:    Q;   )_V_   _ _
(27) Are vault and safe combinations changed periodically or whenever a
change is made in personnel of those having access? {i' ~ ‘
(28) How many watchmen are on duty in premises? Z ‘ ·   "‘ · ’ = ·‘
(29) Do ages of watchmen come within the limits of lY to G5? *"/ ·  
($0) Do they register on watch clock? _ ` _ _
1 , lr, · 5-L,
If so, at wnat intervals? e ~ r / .- - ·’ · t A _____
($1) Where is signal recorded? e"'
(52) Explain any other protective features in operation ·
  {~e--—· X A
, ~ ’ ’ · , '
¢_.,;.. ,;;C..é__...._.__.L_...¢z ` ...;....1;   —..—._....
Dated: Signed: __
Works Auditor.

 f ·.

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 _ Dec. 13, 19252. l
Mafor E. S. kielwurn, 1 V
Oo loctor of Internal neveuue,
Louisville, Kentucky.
l Dear Sir: Attention Mr. C. A..Mo0re, Chief, Income ck Misc. Tex Div.
Ne wish to ackncwleige yoiir let ner of Dec. 6th together with
copy of Form Ho. 727 for makin; returns on electrical energy, etc.,
` together wi th yioyir expvlwmtion o1` the me mode to be observed in making
these returns. `
A we wrote you xmder date of Kiev. 9 [md attached our application
for registry, Term Ko. 62525, for collecting taxes for reeule of electrical
· energy. Up to the present time we new not received 0.1.r registration 1
certificetc uxic no not knew: our nimuer.   have information from the
}i;m;;n;}~;y Utilitieu Tomgmng thet we will be renpiireal to mnke e. tax return
» on recom electric:-xl enor,-gr one that they mill lrrve to know our nwnber.
Plence foz·»w.rn et your earlieet convenience our registration cert5.I`ica.te
or lot us ·»1i;;w the xixuaocr of snmc mm we will be in e position to make
‘ tex returns from June 21 up to the yresozit time. In order to do mis
properly it will oo neceasery theit we naive six 1`ormu No. 727 to meke
the proper retuxna.
Please let us have mis information at you- very earliest
c onvenisnce .
- K Youre very truly,
,» ··‘’ /
- BY ....... U
` Superintemtent
C'! to Mr. Ballard- .

 Form ES 113—6-1-32 _
State H1ghWay  epartment g I
ORIGINAL DIVISION OF EQUIPMENT DiS[I`iCt NO. .`...... . .....,. , ........ . ............... `
Frankfort, Kentucky `
__ PURCHASE ORDER Dm ______ I;   ____ i],I9__;_4__
Requisition No ......   ....,......... TI O
No..Ia$f:5K..l:B ,...
III, ttt,_tttt_ttr.._t   _r,, S   _V__ QQEIIEAIIIX r_rt_ottttt.ottttttt.tttto . o...r, . .ot.,_ .ttt I Rtt__.tt_tttto.tttEtttE_tttrttttt i??i?I¥1ie°e?1Iz t._. K$?i.?P?€?.¥€X _o._r.o..._t_t..t,..........
Name Arldress
Kindly enter our order for rental on items mentioned below:
Beginning .....,.......   .....     ....i     ............A........................... .. .,...........,,.,.....................,..............................................,..,.......,...............................  
EIIIIIIIg ________,____,..___,   Qi? _..._ L .£GZ§T3.H .,..   ,... E EB.EU.£»HX .».. l $@.;....19.3} ...,,.._.._,,__e,,__.______,__,____e_,__,___,__,__._,_I____..,__.,..,,........................r,..,..................r.r..
NIIIIW _.._...._...,.._..__.,   _, ..... Ii., ,....   ,...,     ‘IiT§$.I;E1?i.I _,t._ ¥?.I.¥§.E.Y.I.?IIeI??..I _V___   ......,.,...<.......,....,...,..,._..r.... Ky.
T1·i.·o].ic:2,t:e . _ _, __ I
servo MONTHLY Invoice IN oveumsmmre TO ...... H; ...,. K., ..... +¤;Q.QQ.B2;;.I.{3Ki _______,___________,__,______._____e,__ at A___. E.I.K.1;..V.I.LL£?., ....,....., Ky.
R?3E—FTAL~~Lea.=.ee on nlot of ground near Gumbe1*lcnnd;
I Kentucky on which to build. Mei nt enence I
I FOI‘@!Il·3.Z1'   G-erzpge . Rental to begin  
Q FeI:1‘=.·.t.1*y lst , EIB}, and end not later I
· than Febrimry lst , 1.95*+. This rental I
from Wisconsin Steel Gr>=·nIj>:.ny, at the rene of SI? l .00 an ,1- ear
’ I
. I
· . I
1 I I
. I I
2 I
....______ I _ . _ ,___..-...__._;____._..I..._...-;..._.....
Requisition ziyiproved hy State Highway Commissi¢II1.;I:."i;I:,I.)T3.5... ......
I1,n;iLi=) Very truly,
· K vV‘1 \ 1 ’ Y ‘ P I Y,
On ull invoices amd correspondence I ORDER YO ES··59.I.···B Sh T · H1(*H“ AX `I~ j$}·wN
"“"°““`“‘“ “° "“” ‘’‘'‘   “`”°“° ’ I ‘I"'i''"IIII'``iIIiIIIIIIIIII I `IDI BI ...... L ....................... . ....................   ...................
Order dmwn by ......,   jhmpf .,_._,_.4..__,__,‘______ L ______ 3 _,_____,_________ L _   kcimiimm
Order checked by .......,.   ...,. T ........ , ...... ,   ....I.I....,.I..4.i Date: ...........4. . .................r................4I 4 .....,....4..4...............................,.,,...A....,,.

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 Form ES 113——R0vise Q.]-18*33 r, _ V
' I
State H1ghvvay Department 8
O|:;|GgNAL DIVISWN OF EQUIPMENT District X0. ....................4..~.,................
Frankfort, Kentucky
,,5, PURCHASE ORDER   n,rrn @@2; nrnr rz _.Wr.,, 19 .r_. nl
]{€([lll;lllll)II No ........4....·.·»».»»---4- ~ -—»-~·-- .1
No. .... $$:4.6:9 ..,..
liimlly enter our order for rmitul on items mentioned below:
'llrggillyliyyg   ____   ____   __,,,_,,,_.....,...... , ..,.......................................... ,. .,..... . ..,.......,......,,......,............,...,............ . .....,..................... A .»----.···-------·---··· · ·--·» · ·--·
,;,,d,,,g _A______ NCT _C__ L£;_TIiER_  ,___ 53., r_rr, 1 .9,3.*% r_._r.r,   .._..,....,,,...,,._..,...,_..,..___,rr_.._r...,,.r,.r,.nn...,...._..r.rr._.....r...........r.....,.,...r..n.. . ._.....r.,......r...,.
Nl,m·,- ___rr_ H, ___n   .,,. MQGQITMIWGK, ..... D1,etr.1c.t .... Eng1.¤.e.er., r........n....r._.,..._..r.._.C...,..r.r...,......r..,,...,,r......,. P,1.ke.m.l.le., ......»........r....r... me
SEND Mowvutv mvorca IN TRIPLICATE TO r.».r44   rr,.. K; .... }¥iC.GQ.I`,Ull.Qk.; .....,...........................r.,_......____ at .Pj.ikE3{j.]..lB.,, r.......,.»... , Ky.
Ql·.xxi·ri·y E r»ms<;·1u1~T1vr: \ rzzwr PRICE mm Amouwr
RENTAL ·-· Storage Garrage site near Cumberland
Kentucky, from the Wisconsin Steel
  Company, Benhem, Kentucky, beginzein
  April 1, 1933, Snnd ending not later
l than March ji, 195*+, at the rate of ,."1E,O ner ear
litquisitimi approved by State Highway Commission ..........  
(Date) Very truly,
Ou ull invoit-es and correspondence r ORDFR v0   V! .»~ / D  
perttniuiug to this order, place ) ’ ‘ ''`°'``''``‘```''‘‘`'`'‘```'' ‘ ''‘`   /
By .   .i..i.............. . .........   i... . ..,.._ . .................,........
Order drawn by .»......·—.   .....i........,.,..........   .......... , .............,. C*‘“*"‘““"  
/»;<.'z { I. W     " _
Order eliecked by .... T   ..,... T ..... ’ ...,.... , ........ A ...... . ,.... Date:.A.R1E..g ..............,r...............................,...................ii.........................

 5** "`—`
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 l”o1·111   113—Rcvised gl-18-’33
{ D
State H1ghW3y Department 8
ORIGINAL DIVISION OI, EQUIPMENT Instyle; NO. ,....................,....,.1..1..........
Frankfort, Kentucky
` W
3158 PURCHASE ORDILR Dm __I_IIN A ppg; NNIN 1; I____I ,,3; ___I_
RelIlii;;ilio11No ........I...........,...,.. . ........   C
NO. ........   .........
To _,   _I_I.....t.1...........1................. Q .............1......1..,..... . ....., . .11........ . . .I...1.1.1,...........1..... 2 ....1..I...........,.............. 2 ...I_.I,.1..............................,.1.........
liimlly enter our order for l`Cll[lll on items lll0llIlOIl€d below:
llpgjilylljyyg _______     _____,   ...1....,. , ............1...4...................,.......1 .. ,.... . ..,.........1................................. . ...,......   ......1.....1,44....,.......................`1.......... . ....
}·:;I4_]iug _____________   ____   ..1.   ....   _,,.   _........ . .......... . .......,._....__.,,,,,,,__,,_____,_______,,,_............,....1.....................................,.....,......
mr,-,· _,___________, H; _____ Ki ,.__ M9QQ.BMI.Q.K. ..1.. DI.$IRI..Q.I.._;¥.N.QI_1NIEEE, I...,._...I...I....._..,.,....._... 2.I1KE.ifILLE, ...11.,..,I.,.,.I1,...1...........111......,...... Ky.
servo mowrmtv INVOICE lN ‘rRlPLlcATE TO .,t..   .....   ....   ..t....t.......t........I......4,.t..__...,_._,,_ at ......   ....1...»».., Ky.
Ql'.\T{'l`l'l`Y   1e»1cs<·—1u1»·1~1vm nxrr 1·1ut:1z vnu Aiiouzw
I RENTAL - Storage garage site, near Cumberla d,
  Kentucky, from the Wisconsin Steel
I Company, Benhztm, Kentucky, beginnicg
I January 1, 1953, and ending not I3 er
I wv-¤ Mwch 31, 1953, er the wwe ¤f..§12.00 Der Y at
` (
lioqiiisitioii approved by State Highway Coxniiiission .......  
(Date) Very truly,
Oll Ll lllVOl('G$ illlt COITQSDOII BHCB I I, ' V I ,   ./""
lJ9l'[LlllllIl§ to this ortler, p1;1(;B I 01*DLR NO ·---·--——--—--- J ---···----- - ~-.· / I// E / /I/»
BY J » .1..................... . .........,..,>............   ..... A .,I...................
Ol`l1(}l'dl`i1\\'ll by ........`.   —--— ty --.... . 1... . ,____   _I_,,,,,...... . .......... Ch“i""“’~"   _
(_)]‘dg]' (;h€(‘l{€d }))'..§TY.] .....   .....   ......   ........·..--.-»   DHKBZ ..1.....   ............   ....   ..... .   ,.1,. . ...,............,............,. I, .,..._,,,,,_,,

 I -
' . ` n
K _ f— _' a

AGREEI\iEN·'I', made this ......   ...... day of ..........   ................................................. , A, D.   .... , by and between
................. I.Qent.u,ck. ...lI`I1;t]..ZI.'Ii.i.9.S..C}QIll;3B.H.§lC ............................,,........ , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of
_____,,_,_,__._,__     ,........._.___,. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and ...r_,.__.__....._......_____,_,_,__________,,,,___________,__,_,,..,___,_...._ _
_______.__ . ____ . ______ . ..V__,_,__,....._..._........._...__,.__..,.....,..,.., lH$.QQ?I§Ei..$.Tl?EEL..9Ql;r‘§¥?;%lF£ ....o....,...................._..___.....__,______.___..__......._,_._,__,_.....
a corporation organized under the laws of the State of ...........................   ..........,...,.,.........,,,,,......_,,,,,,,_,..,,..__.........._._.....
(hereinafter referred to as the "Customer").
WHEREAS, the Customer desires to obtain a supply of electrical energy to be used in the operation of certain of its prop-
erties hereinafter specified:
AND WHEREAS, the Company is willing to provide capacity for and to supply the Customer with electrical energy for the
operation of said properties, as upon the terms hereinafter provided;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considera-
tions, each to the other in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby mutually confessed, and in consideration of the mutual covenants
and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto· agree with each other as ·follows:
SECTION 1. For the term and subject to all the provisions and limitations hereinafter set forth, the Com-
General pany shall provide capacity for and stand ready to supply to said Customer, and the Customer agrees to take from
Agreement and to pay the Company therefor, upon the terms hereinafter provided, all electrical energy used by said Customer
in and about the operation of said properties hereinafter in Section 3 of this Article specified.
T f SECTION 2. The term of this Agreement shall be .........   .......... years, commencing on the ....   ...,......
erm o
. . 58
Agleement day of ........   ...................... , 19...;;, and ending on   ..... day of .....