xt7kh12v6014_251 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_3/20927/20927.pdf 1929 1929 1929 section false xt7kh12v6014_251 xt7kh12v6014 n
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3, ` HSB:FL
January lo, 1929.
Tisconsin Steel ioooony, Inc.,
Zhicogo, Illinois.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is, os in the winter of
l§?o-Y, collecting figures covering wages eni hours of labor of
wage eorners in bitnminovs cowl Aiming in the United Stetes,
We ore inclosinr s co¤i of our Eulletin Ho. M5+ so that
you moy see one knot tk: manner in which re exnect to nnblish the
results of the oresent stuiy of the cool industry, You will
observe that the fi urea ·;e so publish Q as not to revewl the
identity of any comwarw or mine.
In our l§?o-Y stnoy of th coal industry tle local
officials of your Line Ho.l et Benoom, Harlan ionnty, Kentucky,
after authorization by you firnlsh d tlc; ofiice, throayh our
Ur. Harry L. Enith, ·,~.’ nge onto for the e ployees of the mine for
the nolf monthly psy perioi enfinj Jann·ry El, l§?Y,
Qur representatives are new collecting rare dete from
coal fillililf CO1;.`i.»‘;1‘1l*»·$‘ in Elia? V-riL011· stiites in xiii-7l*~ the j_134b_15:i;;·y
is of materiel iwgortwnoe. whey do oracticsllj all or the clerical
vork et the g;~2t uojoyity of the mines from which we obtain figures.
Se ore vritin· to nek yox to authorize your local ofiiciels at the
gilwove mine, as yon 

·* . e ` Q
FOR lmr, Ja E, Burns, Auditor, ONE February 12, l§2Q.
Bennem, Kentucky. '»,»
YOUR LETTER '[lif; I ,.1-,
SUBJECT ` V. I ' V .
OR FILE NO. _ > -_
Deer Sir:
I EJ enclosini copies of letters receiveu from ,
the United States Department of Labor, which are self-
Qulletin Eo.M5U, referred to in these letters,
has not been received in this office, neither hes their
letter of January lhth. Eviéently they were sent to Fen-
hem or have gone estrny.
However, in eng event, it has been customer; for
us in the jest to allow the Department of Labor renresent;—
tive to secure such date as is mentioned in the enclosed
communications. You will, therefore, please bring to lr.
O'C0nnell's attention the request which ie being made from
the Bureau ani, at the ewie time, trite them e letter nevis- ,
ing when yon will be in position to tarnish the iniornvtion
for which they have asked.
Years very truly, ,
¢?'T);E} N7 ff
·‘ .·' /»' _ . ,/
K / /, "/l 4// j 4 I 1T. a
  .4/__  Z%/#>’·C<;Z/"-·{/Z    M
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///®/////Aen Ati.
copies of letters.
/ , E. T L,-V! -   l·—» T ’
  Nj lt; ._ z.· y { ’
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V A',. A} V. ` It , lr / vi`] ¤ ir ¤, . »· _,·
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 (9,2..3.1) A
February Y, l§2Q,
Yisconsin Steel Comwany, Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois.
On Junuarv lo we mailed von a letter a cozy of which is
u. •, 9 _-
inclosco, in which wo asked for information covering wages ono
hours of labor for the bituminous cool vorkors in your ming at
Bonham, Harlan Qounty, Kentucky.
Ao we Eava not as yet rooeivod 9 reply, and thinking that
tlc letter may not novo roncbso yon, vs are again askin; you
to authorize yonr loo l officials wt Bonham to furnish our
roprosentstizs, Nr. Frvncis G. Wregory, wogcs and hours of
labor of the employoos of your mine for 2 half monthly pay
p@rio£ in Fotrugrv or Moron, lQE?, and inform no that you hwve
taken such action.
TQ .[`£.T'?E StjiI).L\l.j.ll ' _i,~"')1 ",ll](l_9§" ifc?]7 1**  CQVQY Sfiilgllgf C(')I’j·i_* Qf
, Bulletin U§¥.
‘!¤ r·· igiozljr ;’OllI`$,
“T*VL?7¥T SWE ``.`. ii? (Sicned)
?thel%¤rt Stewart,
Commissioner of Labor Statistics.

F¤R Mr. J. S. Burns, Auditor, ¤M¤ May l, 1929.
g§Pv’;g'éE§NT vI1SFQI’IS1I1· Oteal COH'1p8.1'1y,
Bennam, Kentucky.
Deer Sir:
We would like you to submit e statement,
by months, from July lst, l928 to April jOtb,l92Q,
_ · showing the adjustments made et the eno of each
month at No.l Mine on your Coal Inventory account,
as between tipple weight and railroad weight. '
Please let this information come forward
to US l]TC)IHplGly.
YOIKTS V&3I‘y l`»I"L'Ll;J ,
. I Y"'?  rr .
// / // *’ / ,
- ‘ to 4 ,I » // .Auoiig;x,:=-··""
, fr /,z"/
\\_ V      /
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   ·J()LT.,, IN   . JL 050;.2- ANY, IHJO.; 0.. ';,‘»;}D,
Tip  Ami lroad , ___,__ _,,i_;f_@c;_;g_;cg____,____
  1;;m;*=_ _,_;1;2§.. giny.
Jzmua ry - 19;:8 522,925 55,080 157 —
F0¤1max·y " 46 ,222 46 ,522 100 -
  sch. " 57,,2/17 57,247 - -
· {april " 70,009 70,7238 '/19 -
May " 05 ,628 :36 ,42.8 800 ·
Juaxa ”' 74,750 76,151 1,38] —
` 386,779 589,936 5.157 -

   002%;) IN JT ..114 ·.>OM,.’A1TY, INCOAPO :12 TWLD,
JOA L .,II L 00H.d .0RKS
Ti;>p1pi;0mb,;x· " 67,880 67,189 —· 691
October " 71,995 71,798 —· 197
N »vu:Li¤01· *' 55,805 53,945 142 -
icuaznbay " 29,702 29,610 ~ 92
Jamzmvy 19239  ,575 55,993 - 580
Fabmxargz ‘* :50,862 50,502 ·- 160
March '° 165,2503 53,614 511 —
‘ Appil " 52 ,517 52,751 454
556,096 534 ,351 1,216 2,961

 .,.‘ 4 ,
,• 4-


 .   » 1
At g   Y l
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MPa Oo Fo L.i$Ji·'éO1}uG2'1....¢ja‘, :'2`\]i»§.t·.).£’, I / { I `
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..6 :1 sca @1:.;:2 ¤E¤i2;g h·.>;.·¤w .l0 ‘ .‘.  01. Shi; amd .;·zai1...*0;;<2  ..ui;V ;l;t, mm yum asiil please units fhvam the
s·‘a.;¤t.¤2m.;t fw 2;   cm mwah:} r; at yan have a.:;&;ud for news- went thc?
.;.·;ai1.·¤¤.,§ xmi_.·ix·t,;. w:.¢.·0 1.,7.5 .,02zs .42;,;, 1;:1.11   tip lea wc>i._4-1-·1;.,,_x»ut
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mozgiixias of 19;.8 5.11 hizich 0..1* ;·a1ii;.‘0,].i>7 zcozzs m0.·O than
‘ 0 .1r t;i.h.2;_·lc wui_;.2xi;:;. ‘Q.‘h.i;z  :»1L:0:·s a diff nrcnuzc of ,412 ‘;O1.;S for
uu pmt ¢:.i;:a;<.r<:»n mo me in   .1r of 0..ar  i1:¢u·;m   its against
‘ _ 0...2 t1;_>;>1u ·;;1>ig_;}yi::;. b‘;1:,c2 ~.·n ·s.~.;.£¤:11 .4.0 gut an cmimawcl vmight,   xw sho csv1mt@d
um i2 zv.:11*;0 y at :.10 ond of tz-.0 l.10w€3}1, it ~.·-ill cna.-la us to imap a
cxlowr mb on 1; 0 uifr n cc? bum: ...· .·n milna-.2 .¤.;— ..1 u =¤.=0i.;—·.=:s ss wa
” mgizs pm:·.1<2»LEi.¤:;a1 <; u;..ts d ring M 0 1T10.i’{lh, wxvi we should Y1 t la vc: amy
.15; if.?1.\»;·c2n.2@s 3.;L;u we had d .·zri11g 11.0 mi-..£dL@ of 1:.1.1: ;.>.·.r•
Yom;. ruupuctfully,  
1;;.é=;¤ ' IN . ..L -‘§>Oi.ZPJ.1·IY
/   ..-........- ....;..........*............ ......
` Dznis Au:i.tn>1·¤

~l_ ·\
Fon Mr. J. S. Burns, Auditor, Omg May 6, 1929.
g? gEy~TWisconsin Steel Company,
S Benham, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
I was very much surprised to receive the information submitted with
your letter of may the ¤th,_covering your coal adjustments for the period of
January 1928 up to and including April 30th, 1929.
I had not presumed that any adjustments of the size which are indi-
cated by these reports were taking place; particularly referring to those
running over 500 tons per month. I regret very much that I have not been in-
formed in regard to these adjustments beforehand, as certainly there must be
something radically wrong when an adjustment is made such as in June 1928,
amounting to 1,381 tons, and in August, of 1,2Ul tons. I do not recall during
my time at Benham that any adjustments approximating these figures ever existed.
It seems to me,when we had an adjustment over 100 or 150 tons, every effort was
made to determine the cause.
I would, therefore, ask that a complete statement be sent for the period
. from January the lst, 1923, by months, showing the adjustments from that date up
to and including December jlst, 1927.
The fact that we weigh from lE&¢m-1700 mine cars per day does not warrant
a condition to exist as reflected by your statements; neither does the fact that the
net overweight of railway weights against tipple weights, amounting to l,Ul2 tons,
as shown by your two statements, relieve us of the importance in determining the
individual monthly over and short when it runs into such tonnage as in the specific
months above referred to.
It would seem that there is something radically wrong with either the
tipple scale or the railroad scale. If this is not the case, then carelessness is
practiced in weighing the coal, and I wish you would get into this from every phase,
with the object in view of preventing a continuance of the condition that has
existed as reflected by your statements. ‘
It is requested that the other information asked for be forwarded to me
promptly, and I wish to be kept advised what steps are being taken to check up to
determine the exact cause for these discrepancies.
In this connection, I might mention to you that some of these conditions,
no doubt, are caused by variance in tare weights of W.S,W.X.cars and foreign cars.
I have referred to a file which we have in the office covering the reweighing of
W.S.W.X. cars during 1928, and the total weight lost during the time of the previous
stencil averaged BM9 pounds per car. This is a condition that should also be watched

 MH. J. S. BURNS. --#2-- MAY 6, 1929.
closely and periodical tests made to see that the stencil ters weights of the
cars ere correct in order that our reilroed weights for coal shipped are com-
puted correctly.
Yours V€1°y truly,
  7/4%/S r*;:_;>»>t"
U Auditor.

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April 24, 1929
Mynheer Hertogenbosch Rich Holland Farmer Bud Fawbusch
Vrouw Hen gerl sch His wife Hazel White
Wilhelmina ) Their daughters Reba Boggs
Hilda ) Naomi Stanifer
Bob Yankee American salesman Curtis Howard
Hans Student of music; in love with Wilhelmina James Jacobs
Franz Rich farmer's son, in love with Hilda James Chadwick
Katrina Rich farmer's daughter Carmen Aldridge
Chorus of farmers' daughters
Chorus of workhands
1. Overture
2. Opening Chorus
5. "Vot is it" ...............,.. . . Hertogenbosch
4. "Mother Mine" . ....,..i......... . Wilhelmina
5. "The Spider and the Fly" . . . . .i..... . . Vrouw Hertogenbosch
6. "There are others" Duet ............ . . Hilda and Franz
7a! A   I I ¤ I • ¤ I I I I I D I I I I I I I I I I
7b. "Looking For a Girl" . . .... . .... . .... Franz and Chorus
8. "Fishing" Duet . . . ................ Wilhelmina and Bob
9. "In Dream1and" ........... . ..¤.... Hans
10. "Wooden Shces" and Finale ............. Chorus
Dance (Ballet) ) . . . . . .......... . . Madge Galbreath
Dance (Doll Lance)
ll. Drum Song, Trio .............. . . . Wilhelmina, Bob and
Hertogenbosch I
I2. "I'll Never Speak to You Again" . . . . . . . . .. Wilhelmina and Hilda
"Shame on You" Trio ........ . .... . .. Nhlhelmina, Hilda and
Vrouw Hertogenbosch
15. "A Common Game" Trio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wilhelmina, Hilda and
Vrouw Hertogenbosch
14. "Poppies, Red and White" . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chorus
15. "A Man in Business" ............... . Bob Yankee
16. "Uhen I was Young Like You" . . . . ....... . Hertogenbosch
P 17. "Nothing to do" Bust ............... Bob and Hertogenbosch
. 18I   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II  

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,_ _ ' Ng. 1 MIH6
~ 1925 Tippl.6 ·t· Railroad nt. ___;g_g_;@};,£1g_q______
` ............. ................ 1’.LL=;.-  
January 55,144 55,144 — —
F0bm1aZ’Y 40,506 40,506 - —
March 74,786 - 74,786 ·· -
April 58,576 58,576 — -
May 65 ,447 65 ,447 · —
June 64 ,093 64 , 093 - -
_ July 67,278 67,278 — ··
9 august 77,840 77,840 - ·-
September 69,408 69,408 — ·
Octamar 74,172 74,172 - -
4 1 November 55,863 55,863 — -
Z9COZf1001° ,43,296 43,296 ___;____ __;__
» 746,409 746,409 - ··
7 January - 1924 59,829 59,829 — -
4 Fcbrm ry " 45 ,480 45 ,480 · —
· Liarch 55 ,323 55 ,323 — ·
April 59,398 59,398 — —
May 62,514 62,514 - —
w June 53,677 53,677 - -
July 35,290 34,229 ‘ 1,061
9 Au,__u1>t 36,438 37,259 821 —
bcptamber 50,316 52,636 2,320 ~
October 54,391 56,757 2,356 —
Novczmer 63,938 64,698 760 ·
, Docembur 6l,€$§_l_ E1]-.•§§]·.. ... .; _. ..._-*.__.
' 638,445 643,641 6,257 1,061
January - 1925 56,925 56,925 — ·
Fabrua ry 53 ,449 53 ,449 — -
A March 41,964 41,964 -· ··
April 42,899 42,899 ·- -
May 62 , 124 62 , 124 — -
Juice 62 ,233 62 ,233 — ` ·
July 57,011 57,011 — —
Au,;a:.st 53,216 54,088 872 —
September 56,079 56,979 900 -
October 65,772 66,272 500 -
Ncvumcc r 54 ,925 55 ,325 400 —
uccember 55,875 _§__Q,28_Q_ ____4_1,Q __ -
V 7 662,472 665,554 3,082 —
January - 1926 48 ,562 48,912 350 -
, Feb rua 1y 44 ,02