xt7kh12v6014_250 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham General Correspondence text General Correspondence 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_27/2008ms006_27_2/20899/20899.pdf 1928 1928 1928 section false xt7kh12v6014_250 xt7kh12v6014 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
F¤¤=< Mr. J. S. Burns, Auditor, DATE January 17, 1928.
DEPARTMENT Wisconsin Stsei Company,
Bonham, Kentucky.
Door Sir;
Wili you please furnish us with
the detail of charges to Contingent C.(Do··
nations), wmounting to $1.%,25, and M.
Safety Appliances, amounting to $5,5o5.€Ur'? /
Yours vary trulgg,
O.f’.SsE;·nn, -e;> Auditor}
K   K  

 _ BC~21h;>:;1, il? 4.
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Y0;1;·.Q· $31*1;};,7,
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Labor 6.69
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155,} — 1/2 x 2** .5`2.Z31) lrcza 5.06
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Burden A6
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June 4, Adjustment on 123 P1-. Goggles 6l.5O
Burden on Same 5. 15
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§42e’1?x-·¤w:s,¤   ’
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H. » ¤   .   ` ·
kn- O M/O JO ¤. .1.ULu ,,U*.:·\».;_.4., 9   4 , JL g ’
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€.iE_·;fY}E-L.i{§ 2wc>· ’; 1.::; f   sa 4. rm ELL5-L3 qr--G B      .e.;;;    In 1;:..: oral ill. 1 . i e.
T ` 'i”T"{`i""T     ii T T"""TT`"_ 
**7 "'{i~·'l -·M    
Prop. No.iL;L. Appr. No. ;l.._Date Approved_._;._7 ESTIMATE ACTUAL
- snowu on Arun
_ Q ny, li}, }_&)j 7, rnonosmon ms1·Ar•.A1·¤on
Date Equipment C0mpleted......;L.L-...*;_...
Cost of Equipment, including installation ---- - - - L`j:____;_D Ji' $7;;
_ '7·;5*‘" • J?} l€3,;J·1i°•°?G
Saving per annum —-----—-—·-- ______ ________
Percent saving per annum to cost - - ‘ - . - ‘ - ?i`•*m l·i¤'?$•·{l8
Also state briefly anything occurring to you in connection with equipment that would be
of special interest to the management.
Yours truly,
v——_+ YA"__TTr__'— A A-WHT H 7 7 W WW5UPER|ldTENDEllr1;’_—_l`
NOTE: DETAILED STATEMENT compiled by Works Auditor showing how saving was eilected to accom-
pany this report in all cases, same to be tabulated in such form as will meet individual requirements. .
Forward this report and detailed statement in duplicate. Original to Vdorks Manager——Duplicate to
Auditor of Mzmuiacturing.

 ( 5M—6-3-25 rxxnrzn xx u. s. A. ·
Works Form 263 A- MFG. DEPT. REPT. No..m._....__m
Appropriation Expenditures-Savings Effeoted
___________,_m...WORK$ REPORT No.._mm DATE ....._
DEAR S1R:—In accordance with General Order No. 132, I desire to report that the equipment mentioned
below has been installed and is now in operation and that the results are as indicated.   _ _ (_ p
"  "T;/i""""_"_`;"" ` `""` L `:" " """”T"i"`“`T  
Prop. No.m.~m.. Appr. No.....~m.~Date Approved.;;...,.m__ ESTIMATE ACTUAL
      suown on AFTER
/ · , ~ »‘ ,· — ·“ PROPOSITION ms·rxu.¤.A·noN
Date Equipment Con1p1eted;._..me........;_;_;
Cost of Equipment, including installation ---· - — - ____________  
Saving per annum ---—-~--—-·—   4. l' _____ _______
Percent saving per annum to cost — - ’ - . - ‘ — A   ·
Also state brieiiy anything occurring to you in connection with equipment that would be
of special interest to the management.
Yours truly,
_·_-T- www-_—`—___—`—M rr"` V W   r"`su¤é`n•'vtrznozr»?r;_—
NOTE: DETAILED STATEMENT compiled by Works Auditor showing how saving was effected to accom- _;
pany this report in all cases, same to be tabulated in such form as will meet individual requirements.
Forward this report and detailed statement in duplicate. Original to \Norks Manager—Dup1icate to
Auditor of Manufacturing.

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 April 125, 1928 — Advice that Atlas going out of business
Chicago, Franklin v°e "Iil:·1ine·ton Coal Co. took over business
June 25- July l0, l928 - Szmples sent to steel work for analysis for moisture
Nov. l0,   - Advice of Mr. L. E. Smith's visit

 . e"° `
· ‘~Z I .
Fon Mr. J. S. Burns, Auditor, DME December Y, 1925,
¤¤ RTM¤¤ i¥isoonsin Steel Company,
OR WORKS 1 1 ·
Bennem, Kentuoxy. .
Dear Sir; ,
It hes been customary in the pest to
furnish us e statement of the gross earnings
for the year of those employes engaged in the
coal mining operation et Benham, This informa-
tion is requireo for our Ineurenoe Department,
covering Getaetrophe Insurance.
*oo will, therefore, submit this in·
formation on the Same basis as you did lest
year, using the previous record es your guide.
The wages ieeired should cover the
period from Januar; the let to December the Blet,
 wo embmi t t ing Same , fg.I.e$1Se TGHCLBT ;/OU.}?
statement in tvo oooiee.
Youre very truly, I
  /./' , · /
Bri,. I- ,j._< Z4; ·l2Z._é-;£(~~_ eee ti·i ‘  
e iuxirtorg
"g__ -/ ////

 " ‘v..
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.1 5***

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