xt7kh12v6014_226 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Fire Inspections and Reports text Fire Inspections and Reports 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_20/2008ms006_20_16/19450/19450.pdf 1937 1937 1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_226 xt7kh12v6014 MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT
¤¤=»~¤rM¤~r Wisconsin Steel Compeny,Inc. r ( Q
::2:;:KS Mmm, Kentucky ¤·*·¤AG¤·  Jdnudfy ~ 1937
WRMR R. E. Gelbreeth, Superintendent
_ Mr. Hmuth of the Viking Sprinkler
Company was et the office this morning end edvised
thet they expect to have men et Benhem to erect the
sprinkler system et the Benhem Hotel either Mondey,
Jenuery lO, or Tuesdey, Jenuery ll.
Copy to:
Mr. Geo.E.Bose, l3th Floor
,=   S _.
mr? ’i   I 
.‘ g s ,;/ ·
T, ~   Zig

 Benham, Ky., Jan. lz, 1937.
Mr. R.E.Galbreath,
Hotel caught fire Friday-January 8. Alarm was given at l:O5Pl.i.
Either caused by over-heated chimney, or by someone throwing lighted
cigarette between chimney and wall. ( ‘? )
Used 17?;" Fire hose on first floor. No damage tc equipment.
Total damage ·{$70¢OO.
Yours truly
I/.»   /2/ /dr')/' TLV/·_
fi %/ Mas r mecha/ic.
Cys: Miss ucchran.  
2.lr. Ballard.

 ..j,._:>_ gw ;-Thy ·‘Ai_n   JJ _
q . /7
x     \ >’     MY V/V  ll
  /1 / z
I` ( r   1.5 '· AY. A; ,· ‘_ / : IL/{  
..\`.. .,'_`j `_ vb `

 Mr. C; F. Biggert Jen. 15, 1937
FmEI`”GMQj;jWT&L§H. '
Deer Nr. Biggertz
- There was e small Fire et the hotel on Friday, Jem. 8. The fire
was in the reer of the buildinr in the heck ccurt between the outeide flue
and the aide of the building,ec0rching the weetherbeurding on the outside
ef the huildiug between the flue un° the buildinr. It was caused either
by nn sverheeted cLimney from the het water heater in the basement er by
some one throwing e lighted cigarette between the chivney and the wall.
L0ce?i n of the kat »atcr beater in tHe bewement Hee been
changed te vrether chimney *%ich fill ¤fV0rd bet er pretectieu. A
Smell fire knee wa? -··- mane in mutting rut the fire. Where wwe me éerewe tc
*he e;uipment, The t~¤r
in il} scy#~ it iT;uxbr zi 1;u ewe,.0" i? 0"qni¤ P; {jg va¤~gJ flrnr in
czrv c` 2 “i ~ Y· "; ¤wiE"*g. * ··‘’ i €i""L¤d ’ Tcl wegc ` i?} Tecn-
‘i J ;f `*_ fi~ TQ Tat. U. AcTw"c tQ¤ C€1{T*L @·LE’g ¤1·i‘ W: iritallad
iiiv J LIJi _ ;¤ »e»@e& ~y m@¤;¤ ¤f u furu no in the buscmcnt end the rams
flvc *w~ u¤c& ?~r U’v frrnvma N_° C iis fi·e ~lw c if Llc reading FTOK.
Tiiw flue ;:° #·® I T€ii[7QY ¤¤i m ¢w%1l ;¤i 3*tcr “@vii¤g stove Wdv u¢@d
i' ti~ w»¤© w rt’ti»2 xit? ikc fuytuuz. T" ac: zV‘ #f i*¢da mute draft an
Qdai$i`I31 flac ·—· bu li iw L“c uexwwy ;f tlc Uui}?i*g i< iLe buck cmuyt
as i¤Gie»i¤d wv * 0 ¤*m". :¤,t}e time w? the instuilatifn ef tie central
Ecutlyg J; wt i.; .9Lw; ;ti;’iwf ‘1P :ci@· t °~~· ~1*\* EY`? i ;· ==:a~ i n¢+ *·‘i2· i='¤ c1` "L%·¤ *r·:i·“:’u~ , ·,.:· i `;l‘ iq ;· i.?xe }<~ur¤t i»~~
w? tF¤ Tiv~ 7iCF “·W ’;$¥~Y  c©U"¤@ ***" ®v¤vh@>‘iNF G? the h@t ·=t¤r
,Yi¢n Z.: jive ,;u»yr»* zu Sdn. U *Ti% ww€>i‘ fhimney ` . *?¤i
r¢mwve5 nmi 1 J L? i etxy Rpt"? ]r< hewn rv 1 c·¤ %· w &¤t ,»i¤r
]aitaT ¤T w liTj2T oi;a ;*€ lh ` .·..· » K©¢; ~¤ved {M t M lsceii _ s? i. wld
fcrgggc, wri~ ua i;:titi*v p. aww l;iyc exim cv ‘.jc} warvun tie fire
vlncw. gy mawim or L is Envgcr Lot vgtar  ¤2iv? tQtr~ ?¢ Tac` dhmgnr frnm
Five nw accowvt of L wmnllcr fine bcivp rayuirnf in gwez ile n;tcr, 'La
l0cn?i¤n cf tin ¢t inter tink iv 2Rc L r@"cuL ’·x ul ·*_· 0 neaw Q ~·,u& tc
gcwcmwndnic t*m ~e· 1cc+Li0¢ cf tha `¤t vwtvr eetsr ¤~ f::t `rymr¥» Trrm
Tire Twvv Hana r©r¤vcd LM w "@“t yrc*t axtant Fwiy €‘*" N·r“c¤. rh? _
wnrtEti®ur o" tic c*i~icy for use ““ the firm ·L»;c r_E Qmt water ienter
Yrvc huvw i¤¤~®c wi i?¤:¤urYl" by war ivy vw ©l&ctTic li it ;1¤h@ uy 216
*’c;~ s< the c‘:1@¢¥ ‘b an wut zmri +g"©g_.· Trnw
_ bcav ”¤·n@ t“ Vw jr -0d cn¤dit’¤u.
¤v of c~¤r n urn quite fw~i?inr ith t?i: 5uiI§irr. It i"
¤mi*~~1 ~? ~n& c¤~structi¤u vnd iv ¤r¤ nd 24 yanrr ~1d. ”?e sec¤v6 fl¤¤r
#l~; x? the drgwlqr shors thm 1venue“ nf emcvwe fr¤m the :ec»nd f1¤¤r ‘Ligh

FLT C I? Y§j_,rr pyt " - Frix V? 1'73'7 h
cv ld be uwed in cvwe ~f fircn fha two main avenues 0f c¤ur¢a are the stair-
wwyv 9v ¤%©wv. Ir ad“iti¤H to tiiv t ¤r@ a*¤ two Stenl Fire ascawe ladd&rS
aé s?¤xx. In casa wf n fire at a"* w¤rticw1ar l0cnt4¤w in hFc buildivg it
*~¤1d seem th¤t the avevuev nf awcawc nvw mw?"icin¤tl; scnt?arwd an t0 l0ca~
iiwm FG HT ts yrgwide wdcxuatn c@zu·e y w©r©wn¤ ·}0 Pight he Mn tie Secmhd
Floor at t’e tixm. Cf mw wie there ia ulww7¢ "© poanibilstv nf weowla
¤ecw"*·» fvunklu ZJ onus of C1;,, ]uu©wz~ miwcs thiw ir whlw 1 t¤v~¢i¤r"
bwilG€~· t?QT% ‘  LF V0 ndMlhi~w¤1 »v¤nu¤c of ancnwe LHr¤uwh the Had y~gw¤
‘~·L *A`;¤ és =2¤1; <‘ i=¤·= *,f` * Z ¤¢ E 2Ej.1 1·<:?· I`“`(31? =»:2ri 1J?·a;¢;<:e2 ‘wi·
]_·;d·¤gj[· tg; the g·3·=~···=rL, T}:q2;·@ ‘*~1Z_€! zzliig be m€;?e:‘;F¥ cf ·?!‘C‘w’)€B fT‘O*“° `EYIG CT}i=i@ $0 Tear ‘¤*¢? v¤;? c~€
@k@¤0¤ bf IQGAQT t¤ the qr*:wA. nr iv¤r0~@¤@nt t¤ tmc —r@¤e¤t cvxditicw
"<~· v]<%   t‘»r: it-:*’;z·Qi_]_ni%/in AT >= w21tM=f2m*¤i :‘L=‘ ¢vQ '$_2;?c?,<:v ulfm $:·$»`e; ’; is
¤¤r0* rar? f~¤v *‘c `"v@‘ F"'? ?· i“¢ ¢r* ~ ··· Q f;w+u¤¤& t¤ the "ide 0” the
b¤*1*i*M ·¤ ~" tv WT iife *#T ¤J¢g ¤c¤m¢¤ ?T'M i`¤ »~r0E ?u~? ir ifv l~i—
War. `f ~~”F __g_.   E g ___w__V
Cart Houses
57 Walnut Street
1 Lynch Avenue 250 — — 1 l 2 0. K.
2 Wentz Road — 550 - 1 1 2 0. K.
5 Blair Avenue 250 - — 1 1 2 0. K.
4 No. 1 Tipple 250 » - 1 1 2 0. K.
5 No. 1 Tipple 250 — — 1 1 2 0. K.
6 Church Street 275 - · l 1 2 0. K.
7 Chestnut Street 250 - — 1 1 2 0. K.
8 Creech & Central 200 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
9 Carpenter Shop — 500 - 1 1 2 0. K.
10 Haggard Street 200 - · 1 1 2 0. K.
11 Haggard Street 200 » · 1 1 2 0. K.
12 Haggard Street 250 — - l 1 2 O. K,
15 Scale House - 100 · 1 1 2 O. K.
14 Park Avenue — 200 — 1 1 2 0. K.
15 Central 200 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
16 Main & Highline 200 — · 1 1 2 0. K.
17 Supt's. Residence 200 - — 1 1 2 0. K.
18 Central & Oak 200 - - 1 1 2 0. K.
19 No. 2 Mine 250 · - 1 l 2 0. K.
20 No. 2 Mine ·.,* 150 - · 1 1 2 O. k.
21 No. 2 Mine 500 - — 1 1 2 0. K.
21 No. 2 Mine (Stored) — 650 · — 1 — 0. K.
22 Hemlock Street 250 - — 1 1 2 0. K,
25 Hemlock Street 150 — — 1 1 2 O. K.
24 Cedar Street 200 - — 1 1 2 0. K.
25 Cedar Street 250 - · l 1 2 0. K.
26 Mtn. View Hotel — 150 · 1 1 2 0. K.
27 Maple Street 250 - - 1 1 2 0. K.
28 Chesnut Street 250 — — 1 1 2 0. K.
29 Pine Street 250 ~ - 1 1 2 0. K.
50 Cumberland Avenue 200 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
51 Cumberland Avenue 200 - - 1 1 2 O. K.
52 Railroad Avenue 250 - - 1 l 2 0. K.
55 Kentucky Avenue 250 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
54 Railroad Avenue 200 — — 1 1 2 0. K,
55 Railroad Avenue 200 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
56 Walnut Street 225 - - 1 1 2 0. K.
58 locust Street 250 - - 1 1 2 0. K.
59 Holly Street 200 — - 1 1 2 0. K.
40 Beech Street 150 — — 1 1 2 O. K.
V 41 McKnight Street - 100 - l 1 2 0. K.
42 Hillside Avenue - 150 - l 1 2 0. K.
[   45 Clutts — 330 - 1 l 2 0., K.
QA y( Theatre Building 240 · — 1 1 2 0. K.
` y 1 Machine Shop — 100 — 1 1 2 C. K.

i·;l2CH, 19557
A F "’
2 5/B" I If2" gg   gg Q R EM A R K S
  w¤r•1.h1·¤• 1·éh1¤-wp: saunas- •-•¤•¤ nhl ein  ¤•••;·-n-sun;
Store Ward 2 - 2OO 4 - 4 2 O. K.
Hotel Ward 2 -· 2OO B - 4 6 O. K.
White Club Ward 2 ·- 50 Z; -· 1 I O. K.
White School Ward 2 ~ 225 3 ·» 3 ~» O. K.
Supt's House Ward 2 ·» IOO ·~ - l · O. K.
Filter Plant - 5O l - I - O. K.
All fire plugs and flush *raZ&ves flushed out this month.
"soo     sia   Hose O, K.
GOO ft. I 3,,./2 iz;. Hose O. K.
2   5[8 in., Nozzles (Shut off type) O. K.
2 l §i.,f’2 in. Nozzles O. K.
Ladders O. K.
Extinguishers O. K.
Axe O. K.
Bar O. K.
Spanners O. K.
Hydrant Wrenches O. K.
All Service Gas Masks O. K.
First Aid Kit O. K.
Gasoline Tank Full.
Oil in Engine Full.
Tires (VO pounds pressure) O. K.

 >·’ .
APRIL, 1957 V iq p*Aw
__ §?& Fdw E3 2 R E M A R K S
NO, Locnrion 2 5/e·* 1 1/2·• v> ¤. Fg ,2 $3 __M
Cart Houses
57 Walnut Street
Hose Houses
I Lynch Avenue 250 — - I I 2 0. K.
2 Wentz Road ~ 550 - I I 2 O. K.
5 Blair Avenue 250 — - I I 2 O. K.
4 No. I Tipple 250 · — I I 2 0. K.
5 No. I Tipple 250 — — I I 2 O. K.
6 Church Street 275 — — I I 2 0. K.
7 Chestnut Street 250 — - I I 2 O. K.
S Creech & Central 200 - — I I 2 0. K.
9 Carpenter Shop - 500 - I I 2 O. K.
I0 Haggard Street 20O — — I I 2 O. K.
ll Haggard Street 200 — - I I 2 O. K.
I2 Haggard Street 250 - · I I 2 O. K.
I5 Scale House · I00 — I I 2 O. K.
I4 Park Avenue — 200 — I I 2 0. K.
I5 Central 200 — - I I 2 O. K.
I6 Main & Highline 200 — — l I 2 0. K.
l7 Supt's. Residence 200 — ~ I I 2 0. K.
IS Central & Oak 200 - - I I 2 0. K.
l9 No. 2 Mine 250 - - I I 2 0. K.
20 No. 2 Mine 150 — - I I 2 0. K.
2l No. 2 Nine I·.I 500 - - I I 2 0. K.
2l No. 2 Mine (Stored) · 650 - - I · 0. K.
22 Hemlock Street 250 — — I I 2 O. K.
25 Hemlock Street I50 — — I I 2 O. K.
24 Cedar Street 200 — — I I 2 0. K.
25 Cedar Street 250 · — I I 2 0. K.
26 Mtn. View Hotel - I50 — I I 2 0. K.
27 Maple Street 250 - - I I 2 0. K.
28 Chesnut Street 250 - - I I 2 O. K.
29 Pine Street 250 - — I I 2 0. K.
50 Cumberland Avenue 200 - - I I 2 0. K.
5l Cumberland Avenue 200 — — I I 2 0. K.
52 Railroad Avenue 250 - · I I 2 0. K.
55 Kentucky Avenue 250 — · I I 2 0. K.
54 Railroad Avenue 200 - — I I 2 O. K,
55 Railroad Avenue 200 - - I I 2 O. K.
56 Walnut Street 225 - — I I 2 O, K,
58 Iocust Street 250 ~ · I I 2 C. K.
59 Holly Street 200 · — I I 2 0, K.
40 Beech Street I50 — — I I 2 0. K.
4l McKnight Street ~ I00 — I I 2 0. K.
42 Hillside Avenue — I50 — I I 2 Q. K.
45 Clutts · I50 — I I 2 0. K.
Theatre Building 240 » — I I 2 O. K.
Machine Shop — I00 — I I 2 0. K.

 ." I
APRIL, 19557
5 " ¢' g`: Y N
.................................. .·*...?s’..§.f.‘ .%;...i.£i’Z .& SE 2. ii E....................E M A R *i..................S .. .
Store Ward 2 —· 200 4 - 4 2 0.. K,
Hotel Ward 2 ·— 200 3 ·· 4 6 0. K.
White Club Ward 2 - 50 1 - 1 1 Us Ks.
White School Ward 2 — 225 5 ~ 3 ~ O. K.
Supt's House Ward 2 - 100 Q »·- l - O. K.
Filter Plant ·· 50 1 —» l - 0. K,
All fire plugs and flush valves flushed out this month.,
4600 ft. 2 5/8 in. Hose 0. K,
600 ft. l 1/2 in. Hose 0. K.
2 2 5/8 in. Nozzles (Shut off type) 0. K.
2 l 1/2 in. Nozzles 0. K.
Ladders O. K.
Extinguishers 0. K.
Axe O. K.
Bar 0. K.
Spanners O. K.
Hydrant Wrenches 0, K.
All Service Gas Masks 0. K.
First Aid Kit 0,. K.
Gasoline Tank }§'ul1.
Oil in Engine Full,.
Tires (*70 pounds pressure) 0.. K.

Branch Steel Chicago, Ill., May ll, 1937
or works
For Mr. C._F. Biggert
Your letter \ File No. BENHAM, KENTUCKY
That we may give proper consideration to what is best to do
_ regarding giving a warning signal, or better to give a warning
signal and automatically extinguishing a fire in our hotel at
Benham, which houses about 30 persons during the night for a
greater portion of the year, the writer has secured from vendors
the following data. For convenience will separate the alarm
only, and the alarm plus extinguishment.
Alana only:
The Illinois District Telegraph Company
l: This company will install their Aero Automatic Fire Alarm
system in basement first and second floors, including three
(3) bells, control panel, batteries, charger, and one an-
nunciator for $1,200.
2: Same as # l, but will include attic for $1,351.50.
3: Same as # l, but includes attic and area under first floor
as well as basement — $1,555.40.
They also suggest a semi-annual test by one of their men at a
yearly cost of $90., however, this is optional.
This equipment bears the approval of the Underwriters.
Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company
They propose to install their automatic fire alamn system in
basement, first and second floors and attic for approximately
$1,500. This includes the necessary alarms. This equi ment _
has the approval of the Underwriters.
Purchased Parts -— we install
This proposition covers parts which can be purchased in the
open market, and believe that it will be reliable in giving
an alann in case of fire. The wiring will be in loop system
and voltage about 24; therefore, will not require conduit.
The system will be closed circuit at all times, a d alarm
will be sounded if circuit is broken as in a fire alann or a
break in wiring. The wiring will be about as follows:
` l - loop around basement
l — ” " north section first floor
1. __ V1 H Sou   Iv N *1
l - " " north ” second "
l — " " south " " "
l - " " attic

Mr. G. F. Biggert May ll, 1937
- 2 -
These loops to start and terminate at first floor lobby. The
cost of wiring will have to be estimated by Benham.
Heat actuated switches can be purchased from the Guardian
Electric Manufacturing Company, located at 1621 West walnut
Street, Chicago, for $.54 each. I have had one of these
switches tested for accuracy in operation at our McCormick
Works, and on six tests they operated within 4 degrees or
from l6l" to 165".
In going over the plan of Bonham Hotel believe we should in-
stall; basement 9, first floor 67, second floor 51, and attic
It will require one transformer 110 volt to 24-30 volt which
can be purchased for $15.00.
0ne will be required for each loop. If all parts are wired
it will require five at $22.00 each, or $110.00; if attic is
omitted - $88.00.
There should be four distributed as follows -- 2 on first and
two on second floor. Cost per gong $15.00, or $60.00.
/ The cost for material for complete coverage will be:
193 heat actuated switches @· 3 .54 each $104.22
1 transformer 110 V primary
24-30 V. secondary 15.00
5 annunciators 0 22.00 each 110.00
y y 4 gongs 0 15.00 " 60.00
to which will have to be added the cost of wire and wiring.
If the attic is omitted, the cost of material will be:
127 heat actuated switches 0 $ .54 each $ 68.58
1 transfonner 110 V. primary
24-30 V. secondary 15.00
4 annunoiators 0 22.00 each 88.00
4 gongs e 15.00 " 60.00
. $231.58
to which will have to be added the cost of wire and wiring.
The Viking Automatic sprinkler Company have submitted a bid to
install a sprinkler system known as Class "B" or modified

Mr. C. F. Biggert May ll, 1957
- 3 -
sprinkler system which will give signal in case of fire plus °
extinguishment for $2,500. for full coverage. If attic is omit-
ted -- $2,000, we to bring a 6" pipe line to above ground inside
of building.
There is no question that the installation of a sprinkler system is
, much better than an alamn, as it extinguishes fire automatically.
The writer does not know how the insurance is placed at Benham,
but if in a regular stock company the installing of automatic
sprinklers may reduce the premium so it will pay for the cost of
installation in a tenn of years.
Alarm only
l: Illinois District Telegraph Co. — basement ) $1,200.00 .
" first and second floors )
2: " basement, first and second floors
and attic 1,551.50
5: " blind space under first floor and
No. 2 1,555.40
Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company
lr Complete installation - basement, first, second
and attic (estimated) 1,500.00
Purchased partg_fIe “.-‘ install)
Material — complete coverage 289.22
" - minus attic 231.58
" - wire and wiring (to be estimated)
Sprinklers and alarm
Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company
Complete coverage 2,500.00
" " — minus attic 2,000,00
Six inch pipe line from existing main to building.
It is the writer's opinion that there is a real hazard in the
hotel at present, and steps should be taken to correct. Aside
from the above there should be recognized fire escapes in-
stalled so fast egress can be made.
(SIGNED) F. B. Merritt
M.I`• GGG. Er 1:2088 ·  
Mr. N. H. Allen — 9

 I') ‘
Branch stool Chicsigqo, Ill., Irlezy ll, 1937 »
or works; ·
For Mr. C. F. Ristqort  
"’<>¤¤¤’ lotta? FUQ *°·   i
That wo may yivo pro_g>or cozmidorrztiou to wheat iss boast to do
regarding; vivizzw   »·.¢z;mi11;i ssirmzzl, or bottor to tivo are vezgrnincr
sisimzl and uutoimiticrilly o><‘bixz.·¤11shi22.ji R Tire in our hotol at
Bonhzazi wlzioh ;'i()l1£`%OS about ESO vzorssozzss clurizw tho mirht for   l’
Q , l
gvroator portion of tho grozzr, tho writer has scoured from voudorrs ,
tho i`ollox~:in_··· data. For convonionoo will s<:p=.ars2to the alarm _
only, mud the =ilz2rm pluspyrtineruirslmozit.
Alazz;1 only: _
'Bio Illinois Di;str_i<:t ';`olo;;rz>:;¤h  
lz 'l"l;i:s <:oxnpz;any will insztrull their Aoro [mtomzatic Fires Alana
ssgrstom in brzssonoxxt First aizzci e_4ooox¤_d floors, iytzoliidinr tlnroo
(ES) holla, control gimxol, heizttorios, chzarjor, md ono :-11;-
mzzioiotor {`or ?l,i§ZCG.
P2: .5aMo   if l, lvut will includes attic for Y1l,Ii~5l.£Ei?.
5: ‘.3=*·o·so Fw: F l, out includes; wttic rm? ¤rozte amdozr ·7‘ir;=t floor
me well sua b:i;;sc:¢2aamt ·· ?l,§55·715.¤i£`r.
They also srzwrszxst z; 4;;o¤ai~ammral text by one of` their ;»·:a~;4 rt ai
yosarly cont of "<€?=.fZ=., houweavor, this   o;;—tio;;:e_]_,
This czguirmont booms tho stgyrvrovzsl or No lindozwritors.
lfikimgt -mtomrti<: ~J]3I;lEQ>i].€>I‘ Corqjzrnix
'flxoy jgvropoezo to install their automatic firo ailzzrm i:;r.2.to;·z in
brersomont, First and soocmd floors rmi ottic *701* a1j>pro:V“. This inoltzdos tho noce#>;a;s=‘:ry wloxms. 'I'i11s €Qlll§·Yl'l8}lt
has tho approval of tho Underwriters.
Purolussod forts _y·-jo _imita¤ll_
Tlzis grogioasitiou covers; parts; whicia oem Ho purchased in tho
opmz market, and holiovo that it will bo rolimblo in oiving
am aalazrm in czzazo on" firo. Too wirir;7 will bo iu loop cysstoru
rind voltage zvlncaut $34.; t}:<>row"orc, will not roquiro conduit.
The syrstem =·ri ll `ho olozsod circuit Rt zill tirnos, and rlaam
will be sounded if circuit ie: broken   in ra firo olwiww or :2
brook in !J`lI’l]'1;`j. The xvirizy; will be obout no i‘ollo¤.·~r:2:
l — loop around b:~:so·we>r1t
l - " " north section first Floor
l - ' " Joutlr " " "
1 -· " " north " oocond "
l - " " south ' " "
l — ‘ " attic

Er. C. T. Rifécrt May ll, 1967
Those loops U> otart and terminate ot first floor lobby. The
cont of wirin¤·¢ill have to he estimated by Bonham.
Heat actuotod switches com be purchased from the *uordian
Electric Ncnufecturinx Company, located at 1621 ioot Ealnut _ '
Jtrcot, Chicago, Tor 3.54 oooh. I have had one of those
switches tested For accuracy in operation at our McCormick
forks, ond on six tests they operated within 4 docrooo OE
from lol" to lH$“.
In moiuo over thc plum of Vonhom Hotel helicvo we should in-
stall: bosomcut 9, first floor GV, oocond floor Sl, and cttic
It will rewuire orc tronsformor llQ volt to 34~To volt which
con ho purchased for Jl5.0C.
One will be romwirod for each loop. lf all gortc are vircd
it will rocuirc ”ivc it oT2.CU oooh, or *llU.OO; if attic is
onitt l - $¢B.00.
There should ho Four diotributod on iollows ~— Q on Pirot and
two on second floor, Gout yer cong $15.CG, or 35U.&C.
Tho cogt for material For conylcto covorcéc mill bo:
193 kent actuated mwitchoc 1 2 .5% nach 3104.*2
l trcnsforwor llw V primary
B4-$0 V. secondary l5,C6
5 amnuncictors ~ 22.0U ouch llU.CC
A yours » l5.GG " &O.HO
.;p2?Eg, FEB
to which will hcvc to be added the cont of wire :ud wirinc.
If too attic is omitted, the cost of material will bo:
127 heat nctuntod switches p $ ,54 each L @@.5F
1 tronofomner llb V. ;rimury
g4_$O V. Séccndary 15,mC
4 cnnuncictoro 22.00 ouch ?F.OC
4 ii;-Onqg A ]_5,{)(;i " GCJZO
to which will hcvo to bc added thc cout of wire ·rd uirinr.
Jprinklcr Aysten:
Tec Vikiuv dutomutic sprinkler Compdny have submitted a bid to
jp;;‘Q;·j;]_1 ;.; Sp]~j_g;i·;]_;;I· gygtang kmoazn HS Gloss ‘}3" 01* modified

 Mr, C. F, Hirqort May ll, 19E?
sprinkler system which will pive eimnxl in cose of fire plus
extinguiehment For $3,500. for full covercre. If attic is omit-
ted ·— 32,UOG, we to bring e 6" pipe line to above pround inside `
of building.
There is no question that the installation of 2 eyrinkler system is
much better than un alums, as it extiniuishee Fire rvtomaticelly.
The writer does not know how the insurance ie placed ot Henhom,
but if in c regular stock company the instnllinw of automatic
sprinklers may reduce the nremium.oo it will new for the cost of
inetvlletion in u ton; of yours.
Alarm only
l: Illinois District Tclezrcph Co. · bnzcwcut ) 3l,VCO.QO
' first #u6 second floors )
B: ‘ bmscwcnt, first ~nd second floors
and attic l,$5l.bU
3: * blind space under first floor end
K0. 2 l,5$5.4U
Viking iutomutic Qprinkler Ccmceny
1: Complete installation ~ basement, First, soconi
and attic (ostimzted} l,5Q0,00
. Purchased parte (Ee inetcll}
Materiel ~ complete coveruvc 2R9.32
" - minus attic 231.58
” - wire rné wiring (to be estimated;
Sprinklers and wlmxm
Viking lotouetic Qprinhler Company
Complete covercme 8,5OC.0G
" " — minus attic 2,GUO.GO
;ix inch pipe line from cxistinz main to building.
It in the writer'; oyinion that there ic 2 reel hu~nrd in tce
hotel ut uresent, and steps should be token to correct. 4oid¤
from the rnove there should be reconnivcd ”ire cncmpee in-
stalled no feet errocs cen be made.
($IGWED) F. Y. Perritt
Flr. J. Fi. .allen1 — 9

/ Sm,