xt7kh12v6014_203 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Service Bulletin, (DuPont) text Service Bulletin, (DuPont) 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_19/2008ms006_19_8/18558/18558.pdf 1924-1931 1931 1924-1931 section false xt7kh12v6014_203 xt7kh12v6014 1
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tt ng th B st R sults th
· . Ge i e e e wi
· e ss bl E plc s
P rmi i e X sive
Some Ways and Means 0f Producing Lump Coal
Technical Representative, E. I. du Pont dc Nemours E? CO7ll[)(l7l}', Inc.
(),\l1 111i11i11g i11 ])I`2l(‘li(‘illl}' every slale ll1al is i11ilial l1l11w. If lliis l)111‘1·e is grealer lllilll IIl‘l‘l‘SS2l]`}` [11
‘ ])l`()(lll('ll]g (‘O2ll llilS ll2l(l il very ll2l1`(l SGI-l)ll(.'l{ ill l)]`illg (l()\\'l] ll1e 1·11al, il <‘2lll ()Ill_\` S])(‘ll(l ils1·ll` l1y l1l`(‘ill{lllg
ll1e last lw11 years 1111 2l(7(J()l1lll 11l` lll(? i111:reasi11g ll1e l1l2lll‘I`l2ll 1111 i11l11 llll(‘ ])iC('(‘S.
`Sll!l(‘ (‘X])lllSl\`(‘S Jlllil 1l11 lllll l{Il()\\' ll()\\'
SCCIII l11 (l(‘SlI'(‘ ll1e largesl size llial il, is 1111ssil1le l11 ])lll lo (‘ll2ll`;;(‘ a ll()l(‘ will1 ]1(‘l`llllS>lllll‘ s11 as l11 l11·i11g (lU\\'Il
i11l11 lll(‘ (‘<)lll l1i11, \\'lllI()lll l,all`l{lllQ ])lil('(‘
ll1e l1al1il (ll. 11si11g. may 1111l have {lily l)&l(l el*l`e1·l 1111 llllj L11 Sll()\\' l1i111 ll1e Ql`&l(ll‘ 11l` 1·11al [>l`(lllll(‘l‘(l l1y ll1e ])l`(l])(‘I`
coal. BlilSllllQ1)()\\`(l(‘l`l)lll`llS will1s111·l1relaliyesl1,1w11ess size (‘llill`§§(? as ('()lIl])2lI`(‘(l \\'llll ll1al ]ll`U(llll'(‘(l l1y ll(‘il\'l(‘l`
llial il is 1)USSil)l(‘ ll()l` ll1e gases ;;(‘ll(‘l`lll(‘ll l1y ll1e l)lll'lllll{§ (‘lllll`{J;(‘S a111l l11 lll`lllQ l1i111 i11 realize ll1e saying lie 1·1111l1l
11l` say l`lll`C(}—([ll2ll`l(‘l'S (ll. llll} ('ll2ll`QC l11 l>l'(‘ill{ 1l11w11 ll1e lll£ll(C l.<)l` l1i111sell' 1111 lll(‘ 1-11sl (ll. l1is (‘X[ll<)Sl\'C l1y l(\2l(lIll§[
, e1_1al l)(‘l`()l'C ll1e l'(‘lll2llll(l(‘l` 11l' ll1e eliarge has lllll`llC(l. ligl1ler (IllZll'Q`CS. 'l`l1e llllllllllly 11l` <‘X[)lUSl\'(‘ l11 llS(‘ i11
'l`l1is l'L‘Il]2lillll|Q1` (1llill`l<‘l' l>lll'llS (1lllCll}' ill()llQ &ll.l(‘l` the C2l('ll sl111l $ll()lll(l l1e 4l(‘l0l'llllll(‘(l l1y ('2ll'(‘l.l|l _lllll(‘ a111l ll1e $£l1lll(‘ Illill{(‘ ll1e llll5lill{(‘ 11l`1lrilli11g lll(‘ lll)ll‘$ 11111 (`lU>(‘ l11 ll1e
iI1S[llIll llll(l exerls iis l`11ll l?l>l`('(¥ 11111111 ll1e 1·11al will1 ll1e 1‘il1. ,l`ll(‘}’ w1111l1l gel ll1e (‘(Hll (lU\\`ll i11 l)(`ll(’l` $ll2l])(‘ il`

V   /     / 'l`o get the greatest etlieiency out of the perrnissibles, "\-——   77777777vvr/  /
  4   tl1e holes should be drilled as nearly level as possible / ]\7/ /   PEIDJEE CARTRIDGE f
/'   witl1 about nine 1l1Cl1G$l clearance at the l1ack, :1s 111 T-A PING PEOPEELY  
//;;?%;,;iZ;;g;,)/*   f /   ,_ __ . g _   { )_ ·
  /   y / ligine   on the oppos1tep1ge I I  _-    I  
/       / y_ (jlC£lfllIlg.t tl1e lll2lClllIlC cuttings out ot tl1e c11t before {   %
  ' ”// / % blasting is also necessary il` the lull ellieieney Of the V __   ``ll   / % EOLE , 0%
  //   explosive is to l1e obtained. When miners neglect to  z=f*· " :`·"':::ll..A·.: '':`=   6 TO 6 3 /
  // /%   . clean out tl1e cut they practically do away witl1 the   /
  / /   % benefit of cutting tl1e coal, for tl1e object of cutting is %
/   / { · to 1rovide ·1 s 1·1ce for tl1e eo·1l to ive wav in Sniibbinv · /1//
{/,/4// / / l_ _<~l<· ~_ S j.   _1~
  /   / tl1e lace just :1bove tl1e cut w1tl1 the pick, as shown 111 / LINE OF
[_ I H   Jiffy   _ W rm i Jr V W   Ji] l·`igure 3, will supplement the work of tl1e machine and { f]§ACTL{]€E
1¤11;o111; 1. 1>:arz r>os1‘r1os11¢111< 1so111;11o1-1;s is 11 11111112 Room lllwgnsc the (lllqillllcllcgs Ol lhc Shot' /
\\hen il ll1lSllL`t‘ occurs, nnners are apt to blame the · .   ,
they drilled tl1e l1oles l.l`t)lll two to three feet from the caps or tl1e powder. never UIICC asking themselves
rib in wide rooms :111d,i11 ll2ll'l'()\\' rooms or entry work, whether their methods of using these were right or
from twenty inches to twenty-four inches from the 1·il1. wro11g. Klany mistires, however. are directly traceable
It the center l1ole is loznded :1 little lighter tl1:111 tl1e rib to wrong methods. l*`or instance, cutti11g tl1e luse with FACE
ll()lt'S ll11¤t`o1-1·1· ol` tl1e explosion will spread l:2ll`lll(‘l' :1111l tl1e taniping b:1r or with il sharp drill or chisel bit thus /
\VlI('ll tl11·1·1bsl1ots 2Il`<‘ tired later lll(‘_\` will have :1 l(‘ll- scattering some ot tl1e powder :111d leaving a rough,   SNUBBED J
1l1‘l1<‘_\' to throw tl1e coal o11t rather tl1:111 dow11. ragged end instead of :1 clean-1·ut one, or cutting the 1
1 Again it is il common 111ist:1ke for miners to drill the fuse on :1 slant so that when it is pressed down i11 tl1e cap U/VDEECUT 7 l %
holes i11 thick (‘()lll seams :1t too great :111 angle, as tl1e sharpen1l1lo11blesoverandpreventscontactbetween ___,.___,____,.` __________%__,..m_.. _
Sllt)\\'ll in Figure 2. lf the hole is poi11ted so that the the burning powder core and the fulmiiiate, or leaving ‘ __ _ _ _ , _ _ _` _ __ _ _ __
. . . . . . . riooixit .:. l’Rt>PI;R 1>os1T1oN or none 1101.1; w1r11 RLsu1.TAN1 cooo BRl;AlsA(.!;
bottom meets the root, tl1e explosive does not have :1 :111 air gap between theluse :111d the lul111111ate lll tl1e cap
1- l2Ill('(‘ to 1 11 its 1est wo1· ~:. l2I\'(‘ seen 1 aces w ll(,' 1 4:1 o` t 1ese 2lt'C irac i1·es w 1i1· 1 ea: o 111is ires, illl(` . . . . .. . . .
l l`l Ill yl ll lltl It lllltl l , r_ __ ___'_ _
. . . , . . . _,. . lernnssible explosix es llltlxl haxe proper lanipmg it bre:1k the co:1l dow ll b11t it will 11ot be 111 xerv good
lltul been drilled lll llll$ tasluon where the coal below tl1ey are :1ll too ('()ll1ll10lI 111 tl1e llllll(‘S. Ninety-nine per . _ Y __ . _ __ _ _ _ _. _. Y . _   ‘ r
. . . . . . . . thev are to do their best work. .\tte1 the charge has shape to load a11d will gixe tl1e miner considerably more
tl1c1l1·1ll hole was shot down 111 o11e solid mass and tl1e <‘(‘Ill ot t|1e1111st11·cstl1at now occur co11ld be (‘l|lltlll1ll(’(l " V- _ _- _ _ _- _ - Y _ -_ __ __ `
, . . , . . been loaded, \\llll the ])lll]lCI caitiidge last, put 111 the work than lb necess:11).
X-shaped piece between the drill hole and the rool by greater care and llllll()t'S would be at the s:1n1e t1n1e   . . _ - ._ _ . _ _ -_ · _ __ _ _ . . _
I _ H _ _ _· _ __ _t _ W _t_t ri __t _ I _ t_ _t WH O _ Y 1 _ A first dummv ol l‘llIl])l1)‘t and push 1t tlp hghtlv ‘1g‘l1llst It is pl·11nl\ stated bx tl1e l;tll("ltl ot \lIl]C\ lll‘ll the
was 1111111 ·111·11. 111-1< 11.111, >·1 <1 } 11> 11111 111<1<.< llln ttl 011** tt <‘>· the CXI,],,Sg\-c_ Ijgg gm:} Clay p1-1—tC1·;1l)]y iii-celay, for explosives passed by it as 11er111issil1le explosives are
./$, ···`— tamping material. Bug (ltlSl is neither effective nor sate suitable for use in gaseous :111d d11sty mines on condition
  taniping material. l’11t in tl1e second tltllI1lll}',l2llIl]) it that tl1e charge does not exceed o11e illltl one-lialf pounds
  :1. little and tl1e11 tilllll) the rest ot` tl1e hole solidly 1111t to :1nd that it is lillll])(‘llVtl(2$, "\-—   { ,   / ’
1 ,»   /1;%%// C*4’"§··. ,1 7/ / »» f the lll)l€S should he drilled as nearly leyel as possihle PEZPTEE AE EZD E I
é? TO*      /// / ,//4 2 m3 9 . . . . ' . py ]xi_E·D
/     Vj \\'1lll about ltllltl inches clearance at tI1e hack, as 111 TA PING PEOPEELY PE1
  ' liigure Zi on the opposite page.  __. /  /  /  
      (lleaning the inachine cuttings out of tl1c (flll hcfore % __ VVVVV_V_V_ _.  %
  ///   hlasting is also necessary if the lull etliciency of the VV _‘_4 V ____ V ,_..s».· ·*?·"·""*"‘:"""  / % HOLE jg
        explosive is to he ()l)[tllllC(l. When llllll(¥l`S neglect to  4::. · ·—·1·¥··‘”·"°"°`i"'”°"" ``'` 6 I TO 6’3 '/
  J     cleanlout. the cut they p1·a(:tic;1lly (lt? away with the   / /
        hcneht of Ctlttlllg the coal, tor the ()l)_|C(‘t ot cutting 15 /
  '   » /? to provide a space for the coal to give way i11. Snuhhing I Mm
    K / %   tl1c face just ahove the cut \\'llQll the pick, as shown i11 / { LINE OF
 J gp gagV;"{}»{z»1;·.1»·c1.zvjhg V   i /7 _ V _     l·`ig111·e 3. will supplement the work of the machine and _FBACj`L[]1'§‘_E
|f|(;UR}g 1_ PROPER POISITION FOR BORE HOLES IN .=\ Wlllli ROOM llligwlsii Lhc iliiéicllvcilcss Oi hhc Shoti L I. } 1 tl • . /
1 l(}1l a 1n1s1rc occurs, llllll(‘l`S are ap o itllllli 1e ,
· they drilled the holes from two to thrce feet fl`()lll tl1c caps or the powder, never once asking theniselves / ·
rib i11 wide roonis and. i11 IItlI'l`l)\V l't)t)IllS or entry work. whether their methods of 11si11g these were right or
l·l`()lll Iwcnty lll('ll(‘$ to twenty-four inches l.l`()lIl the rih. wrong. Many niistircs, liowever, are directly traceahle
If Ilu· (·(·11lerl1ol1· is loadcd il littl(·Iigl1t(-1·ll11111tlu-1-ih to wrong niethods. For iustancc. cutting the fuse with FACE
holcs, the liorcc of tl1c cyplosion will spread farther and the taniping har or \\'llll a Slltll']) drill or chisel hit, thus PEOPEELY   /
\\'ll(‘lI thc rnhshots are hrcd l;ll<‘1'lll(‘}' will have a tcu- scattering soine ot the powder Ztllll leaving a rough, /
d1-ncy to throw ilu- coal (Jill l`2llll(‘l` lllilll dow11. ragged Clltl lllSlG2l(l ot :1 clcan-cut one, or (‘lllllllQ the
Again it is a (It)llllll()lt mistake for miners to drill tl1c fuse on a Sltlllt so that wl1e11 it is pressed down i11 the cap UNDEECUT 7 I %
holes i11 tl1ick (·oal scams at too great an anglc. as the sharp Cllfl(lUlll)l(‘$U\`(‘l` tllltl[>l`(‘\'(‘ItlS<'0llltlCll)(‘l\\`C(‘tl ..........._,..__..,.-` _,.m_;;..,-%;.· -
shown i11 .l.*`lglll'(¥ 2. lf the l1oIc is pointed so that the lll(t llllflllllg pow(ler core and the l.lllllllll2ll.C, or leaving FIGURE V PROPER POSITION OF BORVV HOLE WITH RESUVTANT GOOD BRE»\V_M_VV
hotloni niects the roof, the explosive does l1()l`, have a an air gap hetween the fuse a11d the fuhninate i11 thecap ' `ii i ' ` 4 A I ` \i ii
(Tll2ll'l('(T to do its hcst work. I have seen places \\'lllClI -all of lll(‘S(‘ are practices \\'lll('ll lead to llllSl'll'(‘H, 2lll(l 1, _ .__.` _ V. _ _____ . _ .. _ _ _ _ . V. . V _
. . . . . V . . .. . CIllllSbl)lC explosixcs lllllsl hay c [)I()])Cl l2tlIl])lIl{; 1t hieali the coal down llllt it will not he 111 xery good
had hcen drilled 111 tl11s tasluou where the coal helow they are all too ('()llllll(>ll_lll the nunes. AlllCl}'—lllllt‘ per V _ ._ V _ _V . _ __ _ _ _ _- _· _ - _ V. V ‘ _
. . . . . . . . they a1e to do then hest woik. ;\fte1 the change l1as shape toload a11d \\1llL§l\C tl1c ]lllIl(‘I ('l)llSl(l€l2ll)l\' llttilti
the d1·1Il hole was shot (l(\\\`ll 111 o11c solid IIIEISS and the cent ol l.ll(Y nushrcs that now occur co11ld he (‘ltlllIll<0(l "   _· _ _ _· _ _ · , , ·_   _T `
, . . . . . heen loaded, \\ll.ll the ])lllllt‘l ('ttllll(lQC last, put 111 the work tha11 IS necessau).
\-shaped puree hetwccn tl1c dr1ll ll()l(Y and the root hy greater care tllltl nuners would he at tl1c Sill]l(‘ tune   V . . _ _ - ._ _ - _ -_ · V _ _ . . _
. . . . . . . fnst dunnny of ltllIl])lll;.{ aud ]}ll>ll 1t up hghtly against It lh plauily stated hy the li\|l(‘Zlll ol Mines that the
was lll()\\'lt away. practicing safety hrst 2tll(l ])l`()lt‘('lIll{J; tl1e1r O\\'ll hvcs. V   _ v_ _ _ _ . _ V   V . _ _ V. V _ __ ._ _ V   _ _ _. V _
the esplosiy e. lse good cla). ])l(‘l`Ol21l)l} tnecla). l()l esplosu es passed hy lt as ])Clllll>>ll)lQ explosives aie
fi, ~··m tamping ]]]illCI'lill. Bug (l11st is ll(‘llllGI' effective nor safe suitahle for 11se i11 gaseous 2lIl(l dusty llllllCS on (f(')ll(_lltl()I]
  tainping l1l2l.l,Cl`lill. Put i11 thc second (lL1l1llll}'.lillll[) it that the charge does not exceed o11e illltl one-half pounds
  a little and then tanip the rest of the ll0lC solidly out to and that it is taunped witl1 clay or other 11o11-co111hustihle
  the collar. This lll(‘lll()(l of taniping will give hoth Sl€‘lllllllll§.{. These (‘l)ll(llll()ll$ are also necessary to
  / larger iQ()llll{Lg€ per shot tllltl a hcttcr grade of coal. Just eliiciency of hlasting as well as to safety. lf hore holes
__/ _,_. ·'*":`°. ])ll$lllIl§lllC(ltll]lllllCSIll or not putting enough tainping are properly placed, if they arc not ()\`CI`(3ll2ll`gG(l, and
 '·"°’:" o11 the shot will allow SOIIIC of the gases gCltCl`2llC(l hy ifthey arc properly loaded illlll laniped with care. the
  `'ii   the explosion to escape through tl1c horc hole. which [)(‘l`llll>iSll)lt‘S will 1ll2ll{(‘ as good a gradc of coal as will
  · is the linc of lcast l`(‘SlSl2lll('(‘. Such a sl1ot 111av possihlv black powder,
i;_}§·’·· |*V ¤ •
  ‘·‘`‘ " / . •
.x=°"`:`lii.:i..·i LINES OF
      TFIESE Explosives Service Bulletins will be issued fl‘0I‘¤ time
, / to time by the du Pont Company for the purpose of keeping
  { its customers fully posted on the latest methods of handling
I and using explosives and blasting accessories.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours 82 Co. , Inc.
- I 0 ` BRANCII OFFICES: Birmingham, Ala.; Boston g\”luss§ Bugallci,   x.; ghicugo,   Deréver. Cn·go6Duluthi4l\lin1*1os1’1‘1os 111·‘ 1111121; 11111.12 \\'|'l`tI 1<1as111.1}»w’1‘ eoou 111<1a.x1<,x(;1; ;"_l”T*V`_ V_ _ V
‘1‘111t1·1 111 .>, ,·.

 . /¤`
\ ' - , _}
  V1 · ·/
  EXPLOSIVES SERVICE BULLETIN 4 V   /1-’i·; *‘_ -  v_ _
 ..;,.__..;_._ . 1 ,· “     11.
ly     _ 1  .1 . ~ 1   » .. 1. 0 ._.=_  
. . . - . . . . . . . . —.   ·.     ‘‘‘   .V  - A ~ 3 V - {  1 
Illlglll Sll()\\' 11 velocity of 8001) feet per second llIl(1 sl1ll ot (1(‘lOllilll()ll 1s Il()t 1`CS])()IlSll)1O for llléllilllgf slack nearly .’° g   ly ·&1s.$·¤g   ‘ - 1 “ . - Z   ··-1-*3. -.$?  2
I V- · . . i   i. I. V , , i , { . i v ` i. V , . i " · / l'    \ 2   1 _ i ‘ _ , I /,7;,;; __v-  _ sol ',  
lC\\ll`1Il!l1ll(¥llIIlll><)l [1lC(lllglll2ll sample. 1ll(¥(>])C]`2ll()l` as often as lh o1 Cl'('1l&tlQlllg. Often lll Sll()llg co111 con- ,=L 1 g . ~ ·   . . [ -\   ;_. .    ·_  
. . . . . . . . . ·   j .  -‘ j _ , V, /.{Y‘jJ_ »-—.__ W A    `;-. ·, ¤‘ 3* `\_
llSlIl{Jl` tlns tesl as El l)2l$lS would lie \\`ll1lllg to try tlns ljilllllllg ll2ll`(l bands or Sll1[)lllll' streaks t1l(‘ s1o1v explosive   .   l     1 is   . V 1 /»T,I,.q2 >“‘       ,.. · 11 i >»
explosive i11 11is 111i11e as il lllllll) coal explosive. rl`1l(‘ will not l.l`llll ll1e ril>s and 1`ace as well as tl fast one and ‘  V V      l   __ ,  E 1 ._ - lv.- Z   ‘ .   `* _          "‘3¤.:g’» ‘  q i .:1
next field sample of tl1e SHIIIC explosive 111ig11t l‘llll if tl1e slow UIIG is i11 nse there is ll tendency o11 the part ;_       ·_ Ji,   3 - · V · ' ‘ {     {  -.-.11,;-;r=·;i‘i:_?g  rt v ;f;zf;;  ~ 2   
- · · · · · · · · · · · · ·   ·' ‘   ·v·‘‘ ’     · 1 · 4.1 ’  ·`i¢'r?» i»‘Z;    4 .¢"     L-1* _~¥‘9*** 
11,:100 feet per second and sl11l be 111 tl1e 1IlIlllS of oftl1e111111ertoovercometl11sc0nd1t1onl>yp11tt1ngn1a     vl.=if <~.:·*¥? ;·· ‘i   .¤~*=-ez .. •   2   F      "” j#·sc1;1~;~‘     ’i "
V - · · · - ¤ ·  i 1      ~’    ‘-¤   —·   f -21 . . ——····· ‘   -‘  ws; °/* ·-  
tolerance. \et ll1e same operator. IISIIIQ tlnese hgnres 11lt1e inore explosive Wltll l»ll(` result 111211. 11C pl‘11s1s. would ll()l(1 lll) l11s llilll(1S and say. 1 eonldn l 1111 lll1(‘l`l()l' grade of 1-o11l.     j , M     1***     ‘ Pé- 1...,,.     7; -i,V M' . f`/KMV . /4  .'~'Q;, ‘ 
· . . . ._ - A   Mgr;.  , il=f·1T`y     _,   ; v -_    .'zs_j‘  "T.  Ai-.=-’ f `  ,   {_ _  . _·*"__,.»s~ 
tlnnk ol try1ng tl111t (‘X[)l()Sl\`(‘. It \\'()\l1(1 lmlow llly coal ,. . , . . -  $*1;%  ···-·* »·-—· —·~   - ·   ···1- · ···- ‘ -   1·  =*· ~··’   ’" · / `K
_ . _ _ . . 1110 greatest service of l1l() 1llll‘C2lll of Mines to tl1e
to dnst 2lll(1 l.1l(‘ Lord lxll()\\S I illll gettnig lll()l`(¥ line . . ‘. . . . .
_., ‘ lllllllllLf lll(1llSlQI`_}' (‘()llSlSl$ 111 <1(‘t(‘l`lllllllll;§ \\'llCl1l(?l’ an
coal llllitll 1 \V2lllt ll0\\. 1 . . . , . · .
explosive IS il l)(‘l'lIllSSll)1(‘. \\'ll(¥ll 1l l)lll`N anv explosive
‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' i  
Passing lneyond tl1e 1l11est1on ol l)()SSIll1(‘ \'ill'l2lll(Ill 111 o11 its l)Cl'lIllSSll)1C 11st it QIVCS 2tSSll]`2l1l('C 111111 the explo-
ll1e rate o1` delonalion from lll(‘ ])lll)1lS1l(‘(1 iignres. let sive is safe to 11se provided certain specified ('(>ll(llll()llS E_ l_ DU PQNT DE NE§4()URS & COMPANY, ]N(j_ JULY. 1924
11s see \\`ll2ll. elllect. lll(‘ 2l('lllZ\1 rate o1` detonation 112lS i11 ()l)lillllZ nainely. ll111l ll1e explosive l1e i11 ll()l`lll2l1 condi-
l1111sti11g coal. r1lll(‘l'(‘ is a general i111pression llial ll1e lio11. lllill ll()l over il pound Zlllll Ll llilll l>e nsed lo tl1e
slower ll1e explosive \\'lll<‘ll will lmring ll1e coal down tll(‘ sliot. 111211 ll1e s11ot lie properly taniped \\'l1ll clay or _ I D _ B M,
l)()ll(‘I` il will lie for ll1e l)l'()f1lI(‘ll()ll of lllllll). Now ll1is Ulll(‘l` [1011-('()lIll)llSlllllll lll;ll("l`l2ll, and ll111l it lie lired H [jtefpretatlol I of t C ata In     of Ines
is nol. Il(‘('(‘SS2lI'l1}' ll'll(‘. for ('<)lll])2ll`lS(1II of ])(‘l`llllSSll)1(‘S \\'l11l a (ll‘1()ll2ll()l' of prescrilmed slrenglli. |)I'(Tl<‘I'1ll)1_\' an
i11 use 11218 Sll<>\\`ll ll1al 1111 explosive \\`l1ll relatively l1igl1 electric lwlasling cap. rl`ll(‘ 1;lll'(‘&lll does ll(ll advise ll1e l   Of   E  
velocity ln1l low (1(‘llSll}` and lo1v Stl’(‘llQ1ll()1·1(‘ll gives 11 operator lo try to pick ll1e proper explosive lo ll¥<‘ 1·I`Ulll
larger ])(‘l`('(‘Il12l;J_`(‘ ol` llllllll coal lllilll a slower explosive any o11e ol) ils lesls, and (‘\'(‘ll \\'1l(‘ll 1ll(‘ l'(‘SllllS ol ll1e
lliI\'llIQlll;[lll‘l'SlI'(‘llt!_ll1 EIII41l\l;,['ll(‘l`(l(‘lISll}'. il`ll(‘Sll2l11(‘I`- several lllllsl. llIl])()l`1Gllll lesls are (‘()IlSl(1(‘l`(‘(1 i11 riglit   hat These Data MCBH and HOW   Are Useful to
in··‘ efl`c<·l 11r.*ocialel \\'l11l 1 |1l('l`(‘l' (ll`l1>ll2lll ll is I`(‘(1ll(‘(‘(1 rel·1lion to e·1cl1 ()l1l(‘l` as lor lIl.'l‘lll('(‘. 1111il delleclive ’
~ . " ‘ ' X . " ` . . ‘ 2 1 . " . . the Consumer of EXplOS1V€S
11y l.ll(‘1EI('l ll1al a Slllil11(‘l' \\'(‘lQlll ol ll1e explosive IS clxarge. de11s1ly and rale ol (l(‘1l)ll2ll1Illl, 1l lllllsl lne
lIH(‘<1 per cliargc and llnal ll1e explosive force is weaker. ren1e1nl1eredll1al l'll(‘ lines ('tlll 11ol l>e drawn loo closely.
l... .  ..   ...l 1... l,l.i l·.l,ll,... .,.. ,.·l,  
(ln 1 1111111 l11o _|1< li lo.1ons11lt1.1l>l< 1 lll llllilll i\\·lll( .1ll(¤( 11..111 Technical Reprcscntatwci E. I- (lu Pont (le Nemours Cog C0-, Inc.
coal \\'lll(‘l1 lliey will l)l'(1\\'l‘<‘Slll1SlHl(1(‘l`1ll(‘1‘11Il(1IllUl\SUl ll1e
I l)(‘l'llllSSll}1(‘ 1`or 11se i11 g£\S(‘()llS illlll dnsly coal lesl conipare will1 l`l‘SllllS i11 ll1e llllll(‘. 1.el 11s l1ll‘l`(‘1.1ll'\‘
Illlll(‘S lolals soinelliing over 100 explosives 11nd discnss 1ll(‘ llll])Ul`1&\ll(‘(‘ ol. 11l(‘ \`2\l'l0IlS cliaraclerislics 111.
ol lliis llllllll)(‘l' 25 are lllillllll.&l(‘llll`(‘(1 liy 1ll(‘ dn llonl perniissilile explosives as listed l1y lll(‘ 1l\ll'(‘2lllU1i\llIl(‘$.
i (`()llll)2lll}'. livery six lllUl]lllS or ol`lencr. lll(‘ llnrean l)(ll1l separately and i11 relalion lo cacl1 ()lll(‘l`.
THESE E’lPlO$l‘·’€$ Service BUll€€ll'l$ will be l$$u€d from time issnes an lll)-10-(12llC lisl \\'1ll(‘1l lll(‘lll(l(‘S i11 11ddilio11 lo i f _ G
to time by the du Pont C¤m1>=-my for the purpose Of kecplng ll1e l>rand ll&lIll(‘ ol (‘2l('ll perinissilwlc. (ll1l(‘l‘ slala 2ll)(1ll1 VO·UmC O POISOUOU5 ases
ICS customersfullyposted on the latest mctlxoclsof hundlmg __ _i _ _i _ _ i _ _ {_ _i ___ ii _ i Y _ i. __ i _~ __ N ) _ _ _ _ _ _
and using Cxljlosives and blasting acccssol-i€s_ *il* li fm _l ·l* l l* lll·lllll_·l*· llil*l~_ 1* }l’* " **l’ *l’*“*i ll1e l)lll`(‘:l\l ol Xlnies l1sls 111 ( lass .\ ll1ose pernnse
lhlllitiomil Cciiics Ol this Bu1lCti¤n1a)·hC Oljmingcl by Scml_ * ·l>*lll*·lll*’_ll _·> l**’l**‘ll*’ll” ¥·lf* ” 11*1*** 0*;* s·ll)1( s 11 llll 1.1 lll ll11 1.ll)l)].l1()l} do not g11 1 oll o11 1.  
ing il request to any of thc Branch Ofhccs listctl below. ***1 *l*`l*’ll*lll*’ll~ ”ll*`ll¥lll el *l*`l"ll*ll*ll l*`*llll'*" ~ “*"¥ ll lilers ol ])ll$ gases lor <‘2l('ll ponnd and il 11:111 ol
*‘l ll U1. \ 5 ¤1