xt7kh12v6014_201 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Correspondence and reports text Correspondence and reports 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_19/2008ms006_19_6/18405/18405.pdf 1939-1948 1948 1939-1948 section false xt7kh12v6014_201 xt7kh12v6014 EXPLOSIVES REPORT — NOVEMBER 1, 1937 T0 APRIL 30, 1938
Gross Gross Handling Net
Quantity Item Sales Cost Profit Charges Profit
78 Batteries 0 .45 35.10 18.72 16.38 1.64 14.74
38 Gap Boxes 0 .25 9.50 7.22 2.28 .23 2.05
20,028 Exploders 8* IW 0 .07 1401.96 1231.72 170.24 17.02 153.22
17,702 Hercoal "c" Powder 0 .065 1150.63 422.88 727.75 72.78 654.97
21,586 " ”0" " m .065 1403.09 552.60 850.49 85.05 765.44
63 " "C” " © .07 4.41 1.61 2.80 .28 2.52
2,344 Hercogel "A" " 0 .065 152.36 143.57 8.79 .88 7.91
6 " "A" " c .07 .42 .37 .05 - -- .05
6 100* Lead Wires @1.50 9.00 8.40 .60 .06 .54
20 125* " " @1.50 30.00 28.55 1.45 .15 1.30
16 125* ¤ " @1.50 24.00 22.40 1.60 .16 1.44
51 Powder Boxes @ .35 17.85 16.19 1.66 .17 1.49
19 Tamping Sticks @ .15 2.85 2.85 · -- - -- - -.
4241.17 2457.08 1784.09 178.42 1605.67
Note: Handling charges figured at approximately 10% of Gross Profit.
Quantity Item cost
2 Batteries .24 each
2 Cap Boxes .19 "
3,013 Exploders 8* IW .0615 "
1 150* Lead Wire 2.10 "
25,884 Hercogel ”A" Powder .06125 ”
2 Powder Boxes .3175 "
16,951 Elfploders 6* CW .06 "
1,555 " 8* GW .06 "
400 ** 8* CW - 1st Delay .0975 **
250 ” 8* CW - 2nd " .1005 ¤
100 " 8* GW · 3rd " .1035 "
Note: A11 prices f.o.b. Benham
M. F. vaugm - 5/4/as
Copies- REG
    @*7 .
5 aw?} jf  

Gross Cross Handling Net
guentity Item Sales Cost Profit Charges Profit
37 Batteries @· .45 16.65 8.88 7.77 .78 6.99
7 Cap Boxes 3 .25 1.75 1.33 .42 .04 .38
8,886 Explcders 8’ IW @ .07 622.02 546.49 75.53 7.55 67.98
16,020 Hercoal "C" Powder 9 .065 1041.30 410.11 631.19 63.12 568.07
209 Hercoal "C” " 0 .07 14.63 5.35 9.28 .93 8.35
2,622 Herccgcl "k” " 2 .065 170.43 160.60 9.83 .98 8.85
3 Hercogel "A“ " 7 .07 .21 .18 .03 -- .03
3 100* Lead ¥ires ® 1.50 4.50 4.20 .30 .03 .27
5 125' " " @ 1.50 7.50 7.00 .50 .05 .45
12 Powder Boxes Q .35 4.20 3.51 .69 .07 .62
6 ” ” 3 .35 2.10 1.91 .19 .02 .17
11 Tamplng Sticks @ .15 1.65 1.65 ·- ~- --
1886.94 1151.21 735.73 73.57 662.16
Note: Handling charges figured at approximately 10% of Gross Profit.
guentity Item Cost
1,106 Exploders 8* IW .0615 each `
11,041 Hercogel "A" Powder .06125 "
5,259 Exploders 6' CW .05 ”
1,295 " 8' CW .06 “
2,276 " 8' CN .065 "
Note: All prices f.o.b. Benhem.
M. F. Vaught — 11/7/38 _
Copies- REG .~-w““““’

@ E_;g10d¤1·s - B' IW
Sold 2891.4 0 .07 L/ 2023.98
C ost 2891.4 @ . 0615 ° 1778 .21 245 . 77
Horcoal "C" 1*,;* 7 - 225 Sticks EI Case {3.55 oz.)
Sold 55308 @ . 065 3595 .02
272 @ .07 19.04 3614.06
Coat 17702 62 .023889 422.88
37878 @ .0256 969 .68 1392 .56 2221 . 50
Hercogcl ”A" Ig? B · 100 Sticks gr Case QB oz.}
Sold 4966 @ .065 322 . 79
9 @ .07 .63 323.42
Coat 4975 Q2 .06125 304. 72 18 . 70
Harcogcl "A" 18462% Pounds (36,925 Sticks) 12.25 CWI;.
Explodcrs B' IW 41.19 6.15 C
" G' CW 22210 6.00 C
" 8’ CW 2850 6.00 C
" 8** CW 2276 6.50 C
" S' OW lst Delay 400 9.75 C
°' B' CT? 2nd " 250 10.05 C
" 8’ CW 3rd " 100 10.35 C
M. F. vaugnt - 11/v/sa
Copies - REG -·~—¢·—··M**"·*" ‘

11*10*1.05mcs 1521202*1* - movmmmx 1, 1958 *1;*0 APRIL 29, 1959
1c>0>1.0s1tv25 001.5 *1*0 ::1115515:
Gross Gross Handling Het
g uantity Item Sales Cost Profit Charvp 5 Profit
50 15¤m;er1e¤ a1 **0** Powder r .055 209.54 510.57 490.77 55.44 454.55
187 Hercoal **0** Powder .. .07 15.09 4.79 5.50 .95 7.55
2,568 1151·c¤;;e1 **14** ·· iz .055 155.92 157.29 9.65 1.11 2.52
5 1~15x·¤o;;e1 **1** *•   .07 .42 .57 .05 -- .05
1 100* Lead tum 1.50 1.50 1.40 .10 -- .10
12 125* ·* ** 1 1.50 18.00 17.50 .50 .05 .44
11 Powder Boxes » .55 5.85 5.22 .63 .0*7 .50
8 '£5mp1n.e:5t1c1>ANY
  4.·,:.gi  ~   5. ; ul
?jE;§¤V” ‘~;‘ '_  .;»_’
KNOXVHlE.TENN. January 4, 1939 A y y ,
, i , N
a J y l
e i i` ,,?
I . { , . /
I ! V \/ `*
‘Nisccnsin Steel Company,
Benham, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: File #38
Please accept our thanks for your
courtesies extended our representatives at the time of
their recent visit when they showed a moving picture of
our Manasite Detonators.
Gaining the additional safety as
shown by the pictures, and accomplishing it without the
loss of detonating power, is a remarkable achievement of
our Laboratory, and really represents a great stride for-
ward in the Explosiveslndustry.
The nanasite Caps and Manasite
Electric Blasting Caps have now been on the market for
some months and millions have been used successfully in
the field.
Another important factor is that
they do not cost any more than ordinary Blasting Caps or
Electric Blasting Caps.
It is our hope that you will give our
Manasite Detonators a trial when you are next in the market,
and we know you will be pleased with them.
y Yours very truly,
— ,?° l·*. H ev xf
N \ 1},; V I, _/ _·
,. V V ,,,,4,-. Vg,   ;(_ `) pr ; A 0/ /
` E yl .1, Qjxkx     fe'. t A     * .   ,N“// *
i ,¤ A / / ~ V
,b_ I w m\ /
* V `wv f ‘
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J o Purcharinr U . `
° h i April 18, 1959
W. H. Lovoll ~
_ l I wish to ucknovslodgo yours: of Agmil 14 relative to
giving; emma of our explosive businozsss to tho Amoricnn Cyarmmid
Ghomicol Cotrporm; ion on u 1<=rooi17;,# basis with the understand- 4
. ing; that they wil" possibly buy sono trucks; from us,
h Our cxnlossivo busiwsasn for the yemr 19158 axmoimtod to
.;<'/,4?Z9.£;B, all of which wemt to tho Eim*cu1e»s Powder? Comwany. " ·
. _ ¢
I would not at all ba fBVOI‘flY>·LE to making mw chgsxigro
whaxtsoovor in our powder U\lI‘C2l8S€’·3 at the prossont tim? on
U acco int of the vorv soriruuq `Lmbov Sitxxsaiion which nor raxisizs
hezro mt the coed mimics.
_ im resell all tho oxjvlosivoea tlzrwi. No my to our rtinors _ -
hero zen:} wo mzako as `I"€€;}So¤.~:dm· sold to minors; pzmticulurljr at   time of
T;.·*bo2· disxputns: zxlwxys givma rise} to ssovimsa ct>:yt.m1ti*rrw on the
part of xscmo of Hm minozw; amd savsnc-ztixaoas all of them. In ot}xr>:·
words it zvulfi xezlm an opcuizxg; for an isszua azz; is zzlmoit alwujss
Wm cases in sit·zm'ci<»nss 0i' this kind; {md sa chsnmze of powder ovcm
  in normal times: Hm; ¤11·;¢ey:—; to bo handled with the srbrictost of
A cnro. .
I ‘·"*')I1—•..f} x~=>t}mr rIe>i`m• the (}'N7E51f]$BT'!%`t»'iOT\ o1` rz chfm ‘e‘ in
our oxmlozsivo huoiyzorwx *:—’r:;~·o>1no 1::Lm* <‘!:¤1,ee when ·i;‘;i·1;;s hovo Y
c;uieitor3 imm ?:m·e>. U _ `
, 3‘c~·z1·: < vcar; imziljr,
. .,I.sL3"" JT`. ;$'l`Y·I·JL  .; ·.‘*T¤'
UTK. -
aiumzrirxtondowxt ·
_ CL? to   Nona .
’¢&1G:C _

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 Form P 2501 A. 3M—2»4-37.
Continuation of Purchase Order N0. . A ,» _.
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Goal Mine
:*;A¤,2*;Ks Bmw, Ky. Ape 29- 1939 9
F°RMR` H. E. Gelbreeth, Supt.-
*°“*" LETER M-ie-59 §;:"·:i§TN,,_ memsivrs. -
Referring to your letter of April lgth to Mr. Lovell with
resnect to ex>l0sives I em interested in knowine how much nrofit
.L il i ..
we do make on the sele of explosives to employes. It hes been my ,
impression that we did not try to meke any profit, end I em wondering
if we should not ooerete on that basis i.e., of no nrofit sellin.
.. D ,, I g
the explosives to the miners et cost, plus handling cherges.
I presume thet inesmuch as the employes are the ultimate
reel b ers of the exnlosives thev heve e nerfect ritht to eh.ress
  s J - E
their rreference for the kind of exrlosives the· wish to use but I
I: - 1
would think thet thev would.heve no concern es to whpt Gomoenj the
V -, BI
ere purchased from, if they give eouel effective performence and also
are eouelly sefe in operetion. Therefore, it would seem to me that
if they might be willing to try some of the explosives from another
concern, end.if they find them entirely setisfectory and it would help
our Company dispose of some trucks, and therefore, be eble to use some
more coel,~ it would be to their benefit to use the kind thet would
he most helpful ell the wey eround.
  "{ <
- .;...4.......—. _.-.;-
/#,/ ; _` `
K V , »_!'_/sy ‘ ii -
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 -wr1I EC, YT6T
Dao? Q A. ·i;0, Prnxi€0nt
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winmx? ”u;* T). ··’1· ~: x P.
’“ in é;~» { ;]~< ~ r pvvm$;iz‘iv# rv VQi ¢# Salvo nf exw
»Zcsivn; i· T°z£t“ ;x e · ZIV _»·; ¢. `t *r`.y m* `Mn x‘i¢ ~ little
:n:>:·e> ‘_* »i.2T. _ .1, 1 2 :’ i ; `. H · `.i‘;·¢;i._, i' ? . Q-* " `.,_, a g` A_:; ==7;.`J ;::ii_xr<
rr-;¢:·i 1*;t i`» ;}i;#`* · A; *·n"·E.· ~ f l1\V; A r  jr:· 2 :-*r ·;= ·`~~ i*iL ·rf
2l¥3<'?¥·.:3'¥’, and ·LL ·»J~>_· av? · or    we nt, for     #:1;;   ~·:.’ns¤
O`? IT`];. i[Y*, “ "M` ‘* x~“"~ *#¤" ‘§¤
Siat¤xxn? ?k·i 4~.yi'k ’"  ;}  * ~ ~% ~~~~{q ¤. -.‘ » - y; .. L,wx
mc}. i*2 ·`‘‘ .‘ rf E Ni, ‘‘`’ _ ‘,   ‘ *:0 ·,     _ **.9,, H   =;:_w•, vwr ¤r€¤d
nr` t‘z¤ lp vi 1;* 1 ~:v·**= #w~ ¥**~*~ ‘€w—*‘ gviivxv i<> ez ?r T} ifrr 7*¤‘M*¤:·, QT ~T **, ¤
*0#m%0t··c E}; · 1wr* ~7 {iw w‘*’*‘, “ ic}: U·r¤ ratv Timed *¤ n ‘ i·€~·r r·€ic¥· c·¤¤¤t
‘~v Y0 T%x.. ‘¤” wvv w"*fi#" ~* nnwdur 7*vn *@n¤ i*cv¤v¢iw~ c0r*¤S¤¤¤d~
’¤~ 1¤ ‘h*n ¤f‘cx 2~ vm, n ici mx¤Xw§¤s ¤¤€ w*¤’·v?¤ Fwv RVO jr0mt~r
»»~P4• -:—- wr-,·.,·~.`+ »/x. .»—
`n gu evi #· tnw >r¤>csw1 vf ;v" Zc¢@lE éf vL¢ ·mrcla¤*¤·
,m ..·A rbxant LQ ·n over C: 0xJ;ws€vn: n¤uwTnuiu;»i ny L g w~vic=w
Gyprmtid J¢J*w“y, Nw **uK& in? h·vs uiy vbjactivw iQ §vi¤r i‘i" ui ull.
’w fqqn rwr ]»—L c>¤gy¤ vn; rm§e from the duP0wt Coynmny tx the Larcuins
Com uni artm¤nt,
h¤w0var I do uwt fool, nur do the other fellows down horn feel, tint
thi" is the yropwr tirm tu make u 0 aura in powdvv from Gwa c¤m·¤·y to

 · Mr. Hono*#2 — April 26, 1959 ` ‘ ` l j‘
another. I do boliovo that wo could shodo our profits considerably and i
cut down tho prico of powéar por otgqk to tho ninor, but I do not think
wo should do it now, particularly an this time whon there oro so many
labor disputon and so mmch labor strife going on down horo at éouhom
V _ and in ouriromm·L:24: tsrritoxw. ‘
i Tho local roorosontmtivo from tho Gyonumid Company cull: on
us at royuior intervals ofqwory month or two as wail as roprosoutniivosi
of all the other powdor companies who oro continually trying to got ‘
· this husinooo. Hm holiovo that mhia chonvo in vowdor should ho Lot off
‘ until we pot hack to operating tho miho again and all our labor dio—
r outoo have moon omoothod oui, at loast until that oro in hotter shops
t?an they oro now. TEE procoduro to ho ?ol?ouod in Lho change of
i powder wili involvo tho domoushrnhion of possibly two or Chron "fferwnt
i kinds of powder monufociuvod oy tho Amwrioou Gyonorud Common; in order
to dotorwino mhich of their prooucio oro hoot suited for our hoods in _
producing tho largest amount possible of block coal. Jdior this Gator-
mination has moon mooo wo would thou buy thai particular brand of their
powder, and it woild ho moro dosirublo to givo thom all tho powder
_. businoso ui tout time as wal) an tix oxpiodor huoiuosx Loo. Possibly
that would ho tho right time to muko 2 chemgo in tho prico of powder
to the minors. To do not fool that tho orooont timo is the right time
to So into t$is domonobrotiou and change in powdor, ali as axoloinod
in our lotkor to Nr. Lovoll, ooov of which wo oooh you.
Yours very iruly,
- sTF:»o>i§ é ¤I`* i$1’£Z?,5; £)f¤i;T`e.;`;‘ I
By ’
 """""""` i `

W , " Trf 1
$'3"3$%*éKs »’s¤he1¤. K:»*·— °"'° · ·‘ April 28. 1939
me MR— R.   Gnloreeth, Supt.-  
I have your letter of April 26 on explosives, end I dere sey
that under the present non—opersting conditions the miners are buying
no explosives, therefore, n chenge could not be mode et this time.
I presume thet your thought is O.K. thet matters in general
should be ellowed to remein in ststus quo, so to speek, during e period
such ss you nre now passing tnru in Benhem. However, if sn when we
get beck to more or less normsl operating conditions, I think we should
feirly promptly take some ection reletive to the charges made to employes
for explosives. I haven't env desire to increese the cost of mining coal,
but I em afraid we ere out of line with good prectice in the way we ere
charging exylosives out to employes, end therefore, I would like to get
more nearly in line et as eerly 2 date as we cen conveniently errenge it.
Now as to whether we buy from Hercules or Gysnemid mekes no
difference to me, but if the Gyeneuid people cen furnish just es good
powder at es low or lower cost, end if it will do our Company some good
in the sale of trucks, let us give their stuff r trial end see what the
men and your ;`ore;Imnship report es to its pe rformenoe,
I think your thought in the lest part of your letter is e good
one, quoting—~— "Possibly thet would rz the right time to make s.chenge
in the price of powder to the miners." However, if the Gyensmid product
did not prove to be eccepteble, I think we should still go shesd with
,getting in line with our prices of explosives es cherged to miners.
Please keep this matter in mind to the end of getting it streigntened
out es eerly es we cen conveniently do so, end let me have e report on it
when you have adjusted the metter properly.
..- .. - - ;,   ...-...
Q2 lf},
de)   6
/I_ W
cc to J.F. Nelson
T V f y
0 1,T .
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K. { ‘ 'vv}

 Form P 163. 10M——10-5-36. i
August 7, 1959
Lr. R. M. Ge1¥reeth:
Xith reference to the amount of powder and explodere
used for the yeer 1958. Phe fo11owim; figures were taken
from mor month1y reports and e11 prices ere et coet:
44,930 Sticks Hereoel "C" Powder Q .0256 1147.65
55,166 Sticks Uercogel "A" Powder @1.06125 2155.92
Eotel 5501.57
26,144 8 ft. Iron Hire &xo1odere F .0615 1626.51
18,250 6 ft. Copper éire Exploders Q .06 1095.00
2,015 6 ft. Cooper &ireoJxp10dere E .45 122.70
4,179 8 ft. Copper Qire jxpiodere 2 .065 271.64
250 first De1ey Exploders 6..0975 24.38
250 Second Delay Bxploders L .1005 25.15
100‘?hird Delay Axploierx Q·.1055 10.55
‘£ot&1 5175.51
1Uhe above list of explodere and powder ie the totel
amount eold to the miners SW1 charred to the Mime on requi-
. ?ZT??fT""""`““"`“` `"

 wxsusafg 9, QCTELS.;
`&2·tJtr·j¤; ii, r‘e;‘e—/e. L .``’ ·. ‘·—>e*‘i%_.£¤:2tQ:
.2*. ;‘»:;].3_¢;1·‘iE1c2“ . ,¤‘. r not .:e>   ci :"·<=a¤i1;c¢:·f ‘ agp
>l0riiv<;:` ‘*:·:·   r·:i*%cs:`1;. f< = M:-v@1z=;>¤, wie: rz I?‘f?¥%`&3€Z".i·"Y1 i·· ;:··ic:‘2;= in Q4: ~
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83.1.., m“°“‘   ~··~·=·· M- mv
Hr. H. Il. Hctlulloch,
Purchasing, 5th
I quote the following from e letter Just received under date of
August 9 from Hr. Galbreeth, Superintendent of the Coal Hines. Thin with
reference to the purchase of blasting powder for sale to our ooel miners.
*1 em wondering at this time whether or not the Purchasing Department
would like for ue to neke e change in our purchases of powder and exploders.
The lent thing I hed from Ir. Lovell of the Purchasing Depertnent on this
subject wee to the effect that he wee endenvoring to get information from
the American Oynnnmld Chenlcel Corp. in order to determine the number of
trunks that they contemplated purchasing and elec how many International
trucke their Trucking Company operates. I do not know whether he has re-
ceived this information. At any rate, I wish to advise that we would be
favorable to trying out and purchasing any explosives which the Purcheeing
Department might request ue to buy ne all of these explosives nre manu,
fnctured in practically the same manner, being nltogether permissible explo-
eivee pneeed on by the Bureau of linen, and they are in verioue epeeds end
tt strengths suitable for the mining and blasting of almost any kind of n vein
of coal. If we went to Gyennnid explosives, however, we would have to heve
e demonstration by the Cyenenid people of their various grades which would .
be most suitable for blasting our coal at Benham. This would require some
time to make these denonetretions in the nine, possibly e month.
A ealee repreeentntlve from the Gyennmld Company was here about two
` weeks ago and asked me if we had heard anything from our Purchasing Depart-
ment in Chicago in regard to buying their explosives. I told him that we had
not. He also enld duet he hed not heard anything from his Chicago Office in
regard to this business. He etnted, however, that it wee his underetendlng
that in ceee we would purchase eone explosives fron his company that they
would be favorable to purchasing eome International trucks from our company.
He suggested that possibly if the Oynnnmid Conpany could get our exploder
business, that ie, our electric bloating cnp bueineee, that his company night
purchase some International trucks. I gathered from his conversation that up
to date they hed not purchased any International trucks and em passing this
information on for you end the Purchasing Department.
We nre still purchaeing both powder end explodere from the Hercules
Company no we were requested to do several years ago by the Purchasing Depart-
ment. It would be entirely agreeable to ue here nt Benhem to epllt up the
powder business and the explodor bueineee, 1n fact, we might buy explodere
{ from enybbdy ee they ere generally purcheeed in ennll qunntltiee, however it
Ҥ yd] would not be to our ndvnntng to eplit up the powder bueinees due to the fact
fx;,{{L( that we alweye buy powder in cnrloed lots in order to receive the loweet
'}jy!¤ gyéi price. Further, our magazine is large enough to hold only e emnll amount over
;Af§:u r·3' one carloed at a time, and the bulky powder which te being used nowadays doee
'h Ef j g not keep for more than six to nine months at n time. In