xt7kh12v6014_130 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1948-1949 text 1948-1949 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_16/2008ms006_16_6/16284/16284.pdf 1948-1949 1949 1948-1949 section false xt7kh12v6014_130 xt7kh12v6014   . ' »
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G1·0ccr1_@s 81; 1r?I@I_____Q___I_>___t;___T;Tq_:_   I.
I ..Q--1Q.·   ..._......I
jotal Est . @3;*0;;: ;?;_01i§__1_________I____ _ I
E;I;p©1;s az  
SEI ·- g';¤·lg]]`@3 _ _________ I _ “j ; .. __I
  M1sc@ll;me2c>u;s   ’ ‘ _I
    I_ I I I _
  "   I ___ I
  I:1sur:m<§e__Q;gg;1·n __I - I
    Woyks _Ej;·:p*:1;;© _ ______ _ ` ·  
{SE1 Truck E;~;p¤21‘;:s Q; I `
` —_-_-""’_Ti__`>’—-__`°~—-—_- — 1 —~_*-A “—_ti—f ·
Zj52_ Pcwir Q; L1{_jht _ _________I_______ ___ ' ; I
W,     I I » I
QJC5 yucl   ___   ____________Ir?_ _,
————-——-—~———-·-——~·———— -· —-——— ~——- ""_EZ_"`_"' ,
P1;‘0visi©n for Bad Debts; I I __I
I -*--*-0 I
,_, I  I   I
M ‘¤ -   ..........I.W.I;.*~   ..4.......].....-..I.........-I

 May 3, 191.9
Mr. A. R. Peterson:
With reference to Mr. D. W. Vittum's letter
of April 28, asking for an estimated inventory of the
commissary, market, and club for the final four months
of this fiscal year, we submit the following estimate:
Commiss Market Club
July S 92,6250.% 1,675100 -700:00
August 90,000.00 1,675.00 700.00
September 96,000.00 1,675.00 700.00
October 100,000.00 1,675.00 700.00
M. F. Vaught

  · I
V/ . V , y V7 ·‘/A  
C Oi-un .155 l LHY _, r“
_ PUFCPBSQS Transfers Sales
Dept, l
No Month Season Month Season Month Season I
A  .J'U:¤n.a·; Lob. I   V-_; ,   jr_" o , ”:   V   {¥f»j__¢;‘ Q.;-/. ·/’ ;_=”:'   7 }   /
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DM: "`Qo*}r· ~ I- _ _ V . , , . V ,   _ · V · ·. ’» ,, ,_ ,
_ IJ "“`° 3   V       V J y  /:—V/  //4,-*,,,
Zerdwaxrré A , ,V.¢V n ,   ,__ _ .. _ _ _ V ,   _
___ _____ _ /   ` ’  / < 7/ ‘ -' M; »/t le ` V   ’   . iv' ,/,- , A . 9 .. ,'·’   ’;*
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*"* · ’·i..... ·. , -.1   . . ,.___, I- V!.,_ , V`.
-fL“lm”€ 5 /5/A     . x _____g Ja »w / »/   , » M ~ , , »/ ~
$ir V.  _. , V_ _A _] _ -   V. . ·»/4 »__
Fiews 7 .n ., , n .., - w ,, .. . .. 4 . .
-.5--   ¢ / . : /<»*;.- e n /’—‘ # 4 S ”/ —’,' - , “ ’      
Groceries 6; Feed 9 -   _ __ _, ,.  V   _   ,V VV _,  . .
rv. ;' · U"` _'vVz " iff V J _ V »/ Q _' ./ »~ T _; V1 ' V ·.’_ rl Q_ Q /· /1,‘//V Q_ »
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Dcpy SNES Est. % Est.G.P. Sales Est. % E:sI;.G.P. I
' ·~I _ Q » F,
Im. I/IOIIIZYI of G.P. Mmth »>¤¤¤<>¤ ¤f G-P- ~€~*~°¤
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jotal Bw. G;·0;;;: §;—_01‘1tI___ __I_ ___ °
Egqpc as @1 I
‘ F K1 · ; I J * 1 _' JI / '.I.
- J.;'3.I2L._-.._...I,...--..~-.- ...._I.. ._.; /;.·_L
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L29 Ge-am. II‘I01‘k;; E;·;przI.<:g_ _ ______ _ jf 4* · 4: _ _* · ‘  
Z53l Truck;  I;   _ _   Y'   _' T' I _ I I Z f' P’ I?
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` I
I _  
,_ _ T .’ . ,   xl .
Est. mt l·IqgIi,1I; <.>1· pcm;   I ‘ { I ~ · I · / '
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I I   _. ·,II/ ··   ··»h;*
4 JCI __;·I' I    I    ‘   ,  rg " /r‘ ” ' "
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* all _:"( ,.(v• I? \4; 'G}

 CODJHQISSAHY I_ ,_  ”· % on   if
_ Purgheses Transfers Sales
Dept . TI I
NO Month Season Month Seeson month Season
ij.},   ...._..—.- ......-.- ........ .1.,......  
. l`\ *‘ ` »r " * r" r· ‘ I * · [ Y ' ’ /V I /  
  . ,piUl,@; Tob , 1. I; /   ‘/' I-  `I,/1, L A ,_> _;'·*_f" I- _IV I ’ I · Y .*/ _; 7 ., X · IN    4 ,’ ·/  1
i-V=;d1es' 2 /7x/f 4/J'   g ·“ ; I _:   ,/f   ‘ I,        /, `   /‘ fh. V. `
..>;·ye uoods 3 /,4/ /,   ./   `if I, I/·_;, wi`; M- .» A j {I: -I _, , , I _ '{ ‘· ·‘ _ j 1
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_ /’   - —‘ ~.- I 2* ·· '-·’ {   .- V- ‘ , V- r ‘   * . ~ .-
Fuyniturg 5   `S ~» Y ; V 2 Z '/ / ‘ , ·, ‘ Q `   ,//’   i? 7  '/¤  f 3* ‘ cj 9 ff
Shoes 6   V · ·· /   I I, r I     r i V f Q I.   T 4/_*' _I`.‘   S Z'
News 7 · - · -
____ ·1‘ ,- I'., f , o A / · / . , ·- r V x _ ..   /-· » ·,
Groceries R; Feed 9   I II I _ I I -I I I_ ,V_ _I ._ .,F I , , - Ir ,. _7 qn
‘--— ·· ·’ `I . If /V<" ·. Y r'   ’¥· / ./.' 5 JQ / /, I / r x #' ~. - Q 4/(» / / / '
F- ,. ‘ __ _   '¤ I . I- , ,, . —I ` I _ · V: · _· U . ., •» J ·' I »·— V T7 ’I'
mm I o iz ez l /{II,-I I   I   , __I/ I ,. /_- -, 1,-, _» V/_- IV I II? I· I I.   ,_ I, / -

._, ,7 ...._., _1..... -··----—··-—— _, I I  
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1Qgp·t, _ HUGS I dst .   1nzI/,.¤.k.. I 52.4705 Iusb ,;;   Esi, ,1;,P, I
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JLg;;3__g;_;L,_,g; __’1gl;7._   li   _;[;»77_; ·* 7717;.7-7.. i ..| /757 (* -7 .,1 A/FL :4.- J:. »·~ ·»~  
I_.. I » F1 2 -1   1,,* 1* ;- · I I ’ 5 /7// .~ / /2 YC  ·
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I  IT? .7_,7   7 77775-7 1>777717i;7»» ·   I, 7     ;._ ,;;;;;F    
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543 1-1_iLsg_qi}._g_1jI;Qg§_____ _ _______Ir7__;  _i_____  
7. __ ___ "` I {1 r·.·~I
  Taxes ______>____ ___ _______ __ I_______gQ_;;;iI,____7__  
32L1;1_ II Coumy Privilgge _____ ______ J_________, __________I, ‘  Izisuremcc RG SGFVG ________ ___ _7   7.I-77.;7~- ..--.—·—I-··L———#‘—I
···’—·····""""‘*"""""""'—"°""—-—" I ,1 I
5;;% ·· 1{;»7i_·;1 ________ ____ ____1r7,777_,1;7;ZI.i-,.7- -~-·»»—--»-—·—I-——-·-———i-—`>~p€HS€ I _ _____" ______7____;_i_zy.i_ 4--1 .-..7- -.......... ‘ ‘>~———»——I
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4. ii,/I wr   C5 /, L'] '//’.' I All II I.
Provision for Bad Debts M _ I I
IEsb, meat Pmfib or Logs ___ I; I I »/”//· J "'
I I J na? I Iv I I I V Il J I I     ,- --   V? I All   · ·_ 5,] _ { 'lf
' ’ cY. [ J -#
7 ` 7 . V · ' I " 4

  ""— AUG 3949
D€.pI;_ _ 1 Est, 75 Est.G.P. ' Sales I Est,% Est..G,P.I
NQ hguig Of G_P_I Month NI Season of G.P. _ Season
"°""‘""“"" `”””"`" `*"""°’"f` T"_'T"*` `"7”" `”"7"*   ,I
D;gs_.C_a.1L,,&_TiDQL-___.];”--   -. 4.;-------.-  Q--·-..- -- .-4---.--;:-----------—-I--“--L·l»—·—I
{+5*%}-?$,'-.._-...--_.-._ ._g..-_,_;.;.;-- is- _.-Q.-_-_--.-;-il 1  ,’,--;LQ   , ,i.-..,.-- ....   `
..2.ElY.E?.dS_s,,,.--4 2. i----; --.Q-“.--i-,-WI- Q---e_;‘ ___;,_--i -------..Is._.....I
éQ;;@w@3Te____ me ___}+    .-.--i;   " I I *--I
$1¤;@&;@.--i.- 5..- V----j$---———-I——+%>-4~— i M I I I
  _______ ___ _ _ _____ __ _ __é_   ·___, ;_L___`,___I,___j,_,__,_.._.-I -.Q.Q..i.~.-.--- ..---   I--...-·-~ ~»·--——I—·J—;—--—--4}
_§§§1_L§_V_______________ __3_, M   'I     ..».,._. ,.-_,.---I.- _..,   -. ---,   Y Q   ..----I---p;w..I
_sl;e;ei~iesi Fei  iii;,-;-i‘-I-----.._iI-i..i.--   sl------ W--. · - I I
I I I - -
.- I I " ‘
10.,31. Est. Gross Profit _I I MMI ___I __ _ I
_§2l ·· Salsr;es__ ___________   ___Ir;;___.__'  
322 Repairs S; Maintenance _ I r I
323 Misc ellsgie ous_ ' - . I I `
3 2L Tsxe s _   ___e  _ ,_......_I.;...-...1
QEMI .;L___Qp¤r¢y-iaixile »‘I· 9 .....__ __i.._ . I
325 ____Insursnce Reserve __ I __; ° ________I___,_..;
gggi ·;___ pm _________I___;_ ---  
_}g>___ Degreciation   ___ _____..;I.....;..T
Q28 _ Weiner _ _______ ____ I ‘ `  
22 G€¤;,}QE}1¥‘Ei@;T2E.E$-?.-.-.....--- -..--.--.. -.-4. I -.2.I-..2-I
_§3_L_T.¤1l;>L§?;.¤>.<;I2;=¤.<2..,i..---.. ·------.-W -is-N-i -----..--- -.---. ' I I
2.2%.--...?1<;@©;i¤_-L2shL__.--...,-,_. I _._.-   I ___- _“ I ’-
gz} Fuel _____ I e   ______
Provision for Bed Debts
Y_Est, net_Profi‘c. or Loss __ ' 2 I

   M _ AUG $349
_ Purchases Transfers Sales ‘
Dept, 1
Ng Month Season Month Season Month Season i
.. L ;._.;.. ________ _________ _____  ________  ______i
· ;s.,Ui‘·n.r·,; Tob, l   ;~/_, ; Ag __rY   A s     _' 1_» , J ‘ , 1 _ A- 1  
:¤‘:`=· U 1···— . _/ ,1,...   , ·· ,, I  
__ _ 1
lss]; Goods 3 ¤- I I , , A   _ _ _ A I · I1
¤avdwsr»; L1 ,,, , , _ »» - , » _
.t°wU.l`I'].j.iQ`xl`f`€ 5 yl rf ‘ / · ——· · . ' L , _ · I I · - " ' · 1 Q _· · j ·
Shces 6    .   V V .. _ s 1 . A - . , I . .
}§en's 7 [V / _ l I I _ _ A , , _ , A _ I
______;___ 7 ;_;h_ . — ‘ - - · · 1. ·
iiroceyies 8; Feed 9 s _ 1 . _ _  
.-*:1.   .7; » - ,  I __—` V ` , r i V, 1» ( » ` '   V, ,A I    
r__ I 1
L ot al 1;    · 1 -  -— · - · y- _: · ·   

 ~ C 0 A L M I N E S
BY i)I¥AR'I§~*  
MAY 1,1949, THRU OCT.31,1949
· Dept. 1 Dept. 2 Dept.? Dgpt .9
Drugs Ladias' Dept. 3 Dept. 4 Dept. 5 Gems' thwar-
Cundy Hee1dy·—t0 Dry Hdw. & Fu1·ni— Dept. 6 furnish- ies &
Tobacco Wea: Goods Powder ture Shoes ing Feed T o t a 1
Sales $27,665.35 $20,599.81 $4,798.35 §]3,862..50 $2.1,230.70 $10,816.52 $17,628.46 $17,647.74 $134,349.53
Cost of Sales:
Inventory 4-30-49 6,940.05 13,884.81 5,799..51 11,468.;:4 19,706.70 10,2:13.33 18,847.71 10,460.98 97,321.13
Purchases 26,844.69 15,094.71 3,392..96 10,598.45 18,699.40 6,8211.34 16,585.86 17,647.36 115,684.77
Available Merchandise 33,784 .74 28,979.52 9,192.27 22,066.69 38,406.10 17,034.67 35,433.57 28,108.34 213,005.90
Inventory 10-31-•49 · 9,311.32 15,189.27 5,603 .72 10,030.32 22,511.07 8,951.29 22,696.47 12,330.77 106,624.23
Jt of S&1;¢s & T1'ar•.sf¢21·s 44,473.42 13,790.25 3,588.55 12,036.37 15,895.03 8,083.38 12,737.10 15,777.57 106,381.67
'Pransfers 21610.48 446 .63 297.78 1,908.35 2,164.49 68.16 493.81 1,668.67 9,658.37
00st of Sales 21,862.94 13,343.62 3,290.77 10,128.02 13,730.54 8,015.22 12,2343.29 14,108.90 96,723.30
Gross Pz‘0f1t $3 5,8023.41 9 7,356.19 *31,507.58 3 3,734.58 $3 7,500.16 $2,801.30 9 5,385.17 gg 3,538.84 $57,62;6.23
Percent of Gross Profit 20.97 $55.54 31.42 26.94 35.33 225.90 30.55 20.05 28.01

 C O A L M I N E S
MAY l,l9L9, IEHU QLl.3l,l9b9
Sales $l3b,3L9.53
InvenL0ry L—50—L9 97,321.13
Purchases ll5,08h.77
Available Merchandise ¢l3,F05.90
Less Invenncry 10-gl-A9 l0QI6;A.23
Cwst ef Seles and Yrlnsiers 106,381,07
Less Transrers 9,653.37
Cest Of Sales 96,723.30
Gross 1¤m1·1+. 37,e2é.23 — 28.©l%
Salaries $ 2e,74q,A2
Repairs K Maintenarwe 018.18
Hiscellanec s l,09C.58
Taxes L23.00
" Privilehe L8,00
Insurarce Reserve Bh.00
" Paid 01.00
` Depreciabiun 2,028.00
WaLer 100.85
General Works Expense 900.00
Truck Expense 1,729.99
Power & Li_ht 709.Jl
Fuel 863.08
kmdDdms EHLM
Total Expenses 3 3©,5L1.04 · 27,20%
Net Profit e l,08$•l9 — .81%

 C O A L M I N E S
Sales $291,h39.97
Inventory 10-31-L8 112,670,70
Purchases 227,233.63
Available Merchandise 339,90b.33
Inventory 10—31·L9 106,62L.23
Cost of Sales & Transfers 233,280.10
Less Transfers 21,271.75
Cost of Sales 212,008.35
Gross Profit 79,A51.62 - 27.25% »
Expenses; I-
Smshes é53g@3Jl
Repairs & Maintenance 1,235.90
Miscelleneous 3,620.82
Taxes 8h5.00
" County Privile;e A8,00
Insurance Reserve 168.00
Insurance Paid 190.00
Depreciation L,057.91
water 160.85
General Norks 1,800.00
_ Truck Enpense 3,389.36
1 Power & Liuht 1,1A5,21
? Fuel 3,577.39
Bad Debts 1,060.83
Total Expenses 5 7h,762,58 - 25.65%
met Profit $ L,669.0L — 1.60%

 C 0 A L M I N E S
MAY 1. 1949. THRU SEl’I’.30.194__9
D°1>1?• l D°P‘b• 2 Dept. 7 Dépt . 9
· Drugs Led1<»e' Dept. 5 Dept. 4 Dept. 5 Gt-!1'1t°8 Grocer-
Cendy Heudy·t0- Dry Hdw. &. Fumi- Dept. 6 1*\11·n1sh— ies 6:.
Tobacco wear Goo de fmmr ture Shoe s 1 g Feed Total
same $$25,157.94 $17,145.69 ;;4,0o4.;s9 $12,2111.10 $*16,955.27 $8,679.99 $14,505.80 $14,701.78 $111,417.96
Cost of Sales: ~
Inventory 4-50-49   6,940.05 {313,884.81 $5,799.31 @311,468.24 $19,706.70 $$10,215.33 $18,847.71 $10,460.98 $97,2521.13
¤‘ rcheses 11.4230.68 12.998.45 5.041.50 8.512;.44 13.794.559 5.074.92 10.364.23 15.238.77 90.245.38
Available B».5e1·oho¤dise §3Z8,.360.75 $$26,885.236 $$8,840.81 $319,780.68 955,501.09 $,315,288.2;5 $29,211.94 $25,699.75 $187,566.51
Inventory 9-250-49 Q ·j;’%15.45;5.29 $5.771.62   9.111.29   '0.76B.3l   8.799.74 $18.909.09 @12 .558.81 § 99.194.10
*0st of Sales E1. Transfers $$220,512.78 $11,42.9.97 $3,069.19 $10,669.39 $312,758.78 2 6,488.51 $10,502.85 $15,160.94 9 88,372..41
T'·;•m¤ ““‘··cs 2.21122.05 578.62 268.05 1.747.96 1.787.59 56.46 828.225 1.407.54 8.086.12
C<>s=t·5&1es $18,300.73 qp11,051..35 {.5,801.14 $ 8,92:1.4.3 $10,951.39 .§ 6,41732.05 $10,074.60 11,753.60 5 80,2& .29
Grose Profit 5 4,857.21 23 6,092..54 31,285.2:5 3 .5,289.67 9 5,981.88 .9 21,247 .94 · 3 4,451.20 $ 2,948.18 3 251,].251.67
 ercent of Gross Profit 20.97 35.54 51.42 26.94 55.35 25.90 30.55 20.05 27.94

 C O A L M I N E S
MAY l,l9b9, THRU SETT.30, l9h9
Sales $lll,hl7.96
Inventory A—30—L9 97,321.13
Purchases 90,2A5,38
Available Merchandise l87,5cC.5l
Inventory 9-30-A9 99,l9A.lO
Cost of Sales & Transfers 88,372,hl
Transfers 8,080.12
Cost of Sales 80,286.29
Gross Profit $31,131.67 - 27.9LZ
Salaries $ 22,l22,n7
Repairs & Maintenance 5A0.6l
Miscellaneous 1,362,69
Taxes 352.50
County Privilege Tax A8.00
Insurance Reserve 70.00
" Paid I0.00
Hepreciation l,c9P,¤0
Water 76.9h
General Works Expense 750,00
Truck Expense l, hlb.96
Power & Light 597.92
Fuel L88.ll
Total Expense $29,523.80 — 26.50%
Net Profit $ 1,607.87 - 1.Lh%

 C O A L he I N 13 S
Cb¤c cc %&B&1•   ds Hardware tum Shoes 1 E Feud Tma 1
Sales $30,647.62 ?32¢5,140.l9   4,997.615 ;‘§10,9&:E.53 $2.2,942.99 911,627.67  $31,4I51.l54 §19,510.47 157,090.44
Goat cf Salas
Iuvcmtcry 11-1-48 7,469.44 19,185.87 6,752.244 10,2568.62 18,440.615 8,450.03 249,554.58 12,439 .29 112,670.70
Purchases 25,474.97 121,780.48 24,950.251 ____10,636.40 2;B,2