xt7kh12v6014_108 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Coal Shipping text Coal Shipping 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_14/2008ms006_14_13/13694/13694.pdf 1938 1938 1938 section false xt7kh12v6014_108 xt7kh12v6014 TELEPHONE ANDOVER 2345
Zjéfrahning Qnarl Gnmpamg
231 Smxtly mu ,%£I.u.P ,`%}:wr1*
January 15, 1938
mI'• Rs E• GB.lbI°6B.th, Supt.
Wi sc ons in Stee 1 C ompany
Benham, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
Every once in a while we get a complaint on coal
you are shipping for our account which leads me to believe
that your coal mine is just like any other and once in a
while something goes wrong with the screens without anyone
discovering it until the coal gets into the customer's yard.
I am referring particularly to L&N 60752, furnace
coal, shipped Sherril Ice & Fuel Company, Valdese, North
Carolina on December 24th and L&N 28546, furnace coal, shipped
Mountain Ice & Coal Company, Morganton, North Carolina on
December 28th, both for the account of Old Dominion Coal Iron
and Coke Corporation. Both customers seem to think that some
serious mistake has been made as the coal is a mixture of 52:3
and everything else down and a lot of 5::2 and some straight
If you have any way of investigating the loading
at this late date I wish you would do so, but if you cannot
account for it say so. I am wondering if the change in the
size of the screens which you mde some months back in order
to make the same sizes as are produced at our mine #50 and #31
has made any marked difference in the preparation of the coal
for better or worsee
Very truly yours,
K   Q__   2   if/{/7e*/»»*{*~o"*e»eo“/<—$_
l , Division Manager
fn \V)/
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· - Jan. 18, 1938. " .- _ tjyi
Hr. F. G, Campbell, Pivieion Munagar, l . .*.$ ‘A‘.
Peabody Coal Comwany, _jx
251 So. LaSalle street, Chicago i __. . 1
` Boar Sir: l l _ · ij°
. we wish to ucknowlcdge your letter of Zan. l3 outlining }Q
complaint from two of your customers in North Caroline covering M' .V
shipment of two cern of EK3 egg from our tipple. V yl
Xe have investigated the loe0ing of these cars. There V j§#
was not anything wont wrong with the screens during the ureparo— V ji
tion of thin cool, and we nrc not able to account for the excessive V ,i
— amount of slack which theme two customers claim was in this coal. _ V t
I do not helieve that the change which we made in the Size _ n7  i· _
of our screens some months hack has wade any marked difference one _AV,‘ .j
way or the other io the size of our prepared egr. It is quite nossi- V i ` ii_ _.
ble, however, that tho near shaped openings in the egg Screen »ro- . _fr
duced e slightly larger Size of €g£ cool than is now being produced. · Q
V Yours very truly, . Y;
Bw.............--......-......._...... l i  
— £:3u‘;>o1·intez1de11t - · ·V V V V'.;-j
H§G:C ° eyf
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· 'jilzalrvhag Qhraxl Gumpang
231 §$¤1m1tlg$lat EMU2 $11:mek
January 26, 1958
My. R. E. Galbreath, Supt.
Wisconsin Steel Company
Benham, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
`We received a complaint today on L&N 74426,
5" block, shipped by you on January llth to Raabe Brothers,
Cloverdale, Dhio. Customer claims that in one end of the
car there were two tons of small coal approximately the size
of chestnut hard coal and they will have to dispose of it
as slack,
Will you please look into this and let me hear
from yous
VST)? lJl'L1l.y yO`L1I‘S _,
, »;jf_
. .   L f ° “ `i,7“V{`°"“ ‘x
l Mb
/ /9

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  J _ V   ¤..‘ no   ._ ‘   `   ~- . V    _ *   · r· o ..   »     ‘`_, j ·Q . ‘’ . ·__-  
o Jan. 29, 1938 ‘ ` L}
V QQ  
Er. F. G. Campbell, Division Manager, ‘  ` 4 ‘
Pszabndyr UOB1 (}vu!r:¤>mxy, n oi Y
961 So. Looolln Street, ,V 
Clwiiczmjo, Ill. » o_  
Bon? §ir: _
owe have your latter of Jung 26 covering complaint on
L%N 74436, 5" block shipped Jan. ll to naobo brothers, Cloverdale, `
. Ohio. You State what cuntomor claims that in ono and of the car _,
there were two tons of small coal approximmtoly the size of chest- ` ·Y
4 nut horn con; and that ihoy will have to oisposo of these two tons ’
as slack.
Jo have investigated tha loading of this cor ono wo o n
A cannot account for those two tons of small coal. It is an utter A
iwnoosioility for any nmull cool to not into n cnr of 5" block.
The contomta of all of our block corn nrc tho over nizan of 2
. 5" r und hola soroon·~hich is novor crowded nt any time and · ‘ ·
always kogt clown. The only way that vm could account fov two A
tons of slack in u our of our 5" block ·.·,· onld bo tho possibility -
of soma of tho lumps Boing broken up in transit. _
V , Yours vary truly,
 = · i*!ISC10f»!:§Ki\¢ i3T2?b;L C€*m?i»J`R£ _ ‘—
H2r_________,_,,_,,___,_,_____________,, "` ' ` -
,V· Superintendent ·g
CG to Hr. Goo. E. Hono~ A `
REG:C l »

Qgrahuhg Qlnatl Clnmpzmg
231 Suutly In   §$1*rm·1*
January 29, 1938
Hr. R. E. Galbreath, Supt.
Wisconsin Steel Company
Benham, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
we quote from letter of Campbell Coal Company,
Atlanta, of the 25th concerning complaint by one of their
customers - Armstrong & Dobbs, Athens, Georgia, on L&N 86114,
Red Comet Egg shipped January 18th.
“l do not like to complain, but the car of egg you
shipped me had more slate in it than any coal we have had in a
long time. Not only did it have loose slate in it, but the coal
had slate adhered to it. The size of the coal was good but we
do not think we should be called upon to pay the present price and
present high freight rate on this excessive amount of slate.
"Me agree with our customer, that at the present
price, he is entitled to a better preparation of coal. we would
like to know how the mines and yourself feel about this matter."
This is a rather vigorous complaint and no doubt
your investigation will reveal that this was not a car of grade
A coal. At any rate wish you would check into the loading and
Very truly yours,
""‘”%c// -
Division Manager /
J V4] I, · \ / if
  i y V`)  
is I,         U .J ‘__‘ I L_._
gv. _ AQ:


 Shinments for month of January_l958
Peabody Coal Company (Com.) 5"Blook 8216.50
¤ N 7 " 525 Egg 4249.70
Steel Mill (All Re11) M1¤e Run 7219.00
Total l9685.2O
Production 52754.70
Avg. daily production 5007.00
Unoonsigned loads (Total Inventory) 618.05
stock @11e 74845.50

 ’ V " " »¢o `_o o T  C ui , ` ` 1 " 'o‘* ~"li * li‘_o Z?’Yl`l" o i" `i i k" i* ‘ Z ·,’  *l~ul‘- ‘’  A¤ilF*lTT, ¤}e$ieF2$iIy?§}${%
rr rl V ` >-V V .- { `,   }· ,` _ Q`; 7         x I rr. V V rr, lA T_ . , - { , .»T. _  v-of  
Feb. 2, 1958
Mr. F. G. Campbell,
Division Manager, ·
‘ Poavody Cool Comp~¤v, V
2Zl Vo. LaSalle Straot, ‘
G‘ic:ao, Illinois A
Dear Bir:
We have your lotto? of J¤n. P9 and have chockcd into the
loading of LWN 36114, had Comet Egg, Shipuod Ian. 18 to Armstrong 2*6
Dobbs, hphena, Go., for tho vcgc vt of the Gaxpholl Coal Comoany.
This complaint on an oxcosniva amount of slate iu this
particular car of ogg Seems to be out of the ordiuuyy; no have
checked into t%is with our tiumlo force and the olato oickaxs who
actually did tho work while the our was being loaded on Ian, IV. They
rooort that there was no abnormal amount of nlate in iho coal coming
from the mive on t‘io Gaia. mhev also reuort that ul? of the 0.v cool
.. . Kn.
as wall as all the olock cool was mivan the onum ourticular coro in i
` preparation.
in notice that tho cushomar is well soti fied with the Size V
of the coal, howovor we are not able to acwcunt for tho axca¤=iva
gmgunp gf glqmo iq this avr of og; ·hicb l·;i ibey aug claiming to have
been in t%o oar. i
Yours vory truly,
hI3GC35xT§i3T3EL COLJ*o€i i
By __ V
REG:C _`

 A I    `”   
DEPARTMENT Wisconsin Steel Go. Inc.,  
ggswéks Benham, Kentucky C""°AG°· 'LL" F€`¤I’¤81'Y lt. 1958 1
MR Ms R. E, Galbreath, Supt.- .
Due to the fact that we have to clean up the eastern end of
our coal storage space at South Chicago on account of the front of
the dock pushing out slightly, i.e., about 2" beyond where it was
a year or so ago, we will be obliged to temporarily stop all rail
coal shipments to South Chicago.
In order to get the coal down on the dock so as to have a look
A at the mat under the coal stockpile, the boys at South Chicago have
been using heavily off the dock, and have not unloaded the storage
boats of coal, and now Mr. Hughes comes up and tells us that we have
got to get several of them unloaded as promptly as possible so as to
give their owners a chance to get them in shape for spring navigation.
These two things combined compel us to slacken off all rail shipments
from Benham for a while, at any rate, so please discontinue shipments
of all rail coal.
We will talk the matter over further when you are up here at the
Superintendents' meeting on the Sth and 9th of February.
_ cc to H. F. Hughes
‘ .,. Iv
.   V
I . /9 ,/7 ..2Z·  
U T . y I I at I I,»»   vvr.
E   `._‘ t   Et‘.‘  

g \
. . , ,4 , .,  ,. -     ..    *1  LA   `cfl ¥"*'r'*” ’ " ‘ ` `
.A 1   ._ -_   .7 A r»r ~~~ ·‘·*’ "
 ‘I,;j_” ~., ._   _, .. . é   ._ ;,,:,;·' , _ ;_. _. _    .- _ ~   ` _
 ‘ ·‘ *f »· ’ · J.-F .¤- ·\g_i‘.= - " "  ;,1:* "  -   5,.. .*. »· · ~··· = ·

 _ Feb. 7, 1958 , iii
Geo. E. Rose, President L N ltg
Dear Mr. Rose: i fil
We have your letter of Feb. 4 with advice to discontinue ltgo;
shipments of all rail coal to the steel plant. V jd
We are stopoing these shipments today. The lest shipment kd v`l 
going forward will be as of last Friday, Feb. 4. C L _
This arrangement will increase the amount of coal going into ‘ C lg
our stockpile, which will fill the pile up at an earlier date then we " I d1`
had anticipated. In addition to this coal going into the stockpile L
there will also be more egg coal going ioto the stockpile as we have V L _
filled all of our egg orders and now have eleven cars of egg standing U L, A
on track. I would like to go over this stockpiling program with you t
tomorrow or the next day in Chicago and get some idea of what our oper- A
ation is going to be like between the time when the stockpile is filled e `
and the beginning of lake shipnents. q`
Yours very truly, ‘ Q
‘ By Mm C  
Superintendent ;
nicczc   U {
e ’ 1 I L C — 4 CA C, J ·d it   °   `t;C ‘ .l·t         »;Ci       '·C.C‘'td»’d »       iii »j `dv‘ to -CC‘C Ttf f 
,C—e   »i·J    — d           

Egramhnfng (Eval Qinmpaxng
231 §xruH] {ar Sadlv gkrrrk A
February 14, 1938
Mr• R. E. Galbreath, Supt•
isisconsin Steal Company
Benham, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
He are still receiving complaints on slate
and rock in the Red Comet coal, especially the furnace size.
I wish you would check into this matter again and see if you
cannot develop what is causing the trouble. Under present
conditions, with the market such as it is, I am sure you will
realize that it is of vital importance that the coal be picked
as carefully as possible while being loaded into the car.
Very truly yours,
ij ,4
4, *17
K ,   al Zi ~ »'·- ‘--1; {lj ·'
De: r   L / it tk
ivision manager
  uy J r py T .r.m I      
y i,;H »:
’t/i ’r / I /V U   &"    

 ' `..

 evi o we Y-_A o»i,_ _;»i,.i » o=~:  , . ~—;eo~#io ;,i»·»o.¤»¤; V`·. AT; ». ;  »=:¢·=  ~  i;¤ ,»¤— e ·»· ·· ,~.»icego, Illinois _ A
Dear Sir:
“e have your letter of Teo. 14 addressed to Jr. Gelbreath.
“1oeee He advised that he is away on his vacation et this time. - i
ie are sorry to learn that you are mtiil having com»laints
on slate and rock in our furnace size coal as we do know that
or. Galbreeth has gone after this Leuvy both in the mime and at the e i
tipple and we hope you will not novo any furtxor complaints along it,
e this limo. I do know toot ouch and every Slate picker on our
tiooie has been personally instructed not to lot one piece of
elate got into any car. ‘
Yesterday your Kr. Know of your Cincinnati Office was hare ‘
and we watched a cor of HRK uno block coal being wicked and I think V · e
fr. Juow will agree with me ihet we were icing a reel gooo job of
orepnring clean coal, and you may rent ecourod that we will keep ‘
right after this. _ · »_
Yours very trw}y_ ¥
By________________________________ `
Ass't Superintemoent
i · -   ’· —· i. ;;..  ’ , ,,»i   ,- _·     .. , · -— ~ - _   *’ f· , ‘,·_o; ori   ·<’*_L?j _··.s;qi
o , e 1 , -.h- e ; _- o we . ;,· # Icy · c =~ i.~,~ ·; ;;:.o ;;~ »; l c» -~c o ,·» r·— f _o i e G »i » e · ~ i )4ir» » n ·;—» »e;~><·;a<,4 e;A» 1;.;,;v;yi4;»»
' · _ ~ · A V    _   ;' · 7*.,.. . ?,.._ ’.w·   , hi.   `yi/’v. ;.· » ,,   »   ».»- · · ,· _ »»; ·~ ;J;;»·-~». -·· é .·.»»·’* .¢·s.·’¤;¢—s*n».;· ·.*

 V Shipments for month of February 1958 A
Peabody Coal Co. (Com.) 5"Block 4555.55
" " " " 5x5 Egg 1518.90
” " " " 5"Screen1ngs 40.90
Steel Mill (All Rall ) Mine Run 1505.20
Total 7600.55
Production 50002.75
Avg. daily production 2941.00
Unconsigned loads (Total Inventory) 6054.90
Stock Pile 111097.20
f lrn
· J , r/`/
W   .76

 Wisconsin Steel Works,
South Chicago, Illinois Karch j, l9}8
L. B. Robertson, Gen.Snpt.—
Por: I. B. Brewster,
_ 2__28_3$ OOAL IDBI - RECEIPTS!
Referring to your letter of Iebmary 28th on coal dock receipts
relative to my letter of February 10, you are correct and I was in error
in my letter of February 10th in renarking that on the basis of starting
rail shipments to Toledo on the 'lth, that se might expect a cargo to
arrive in South Chicago the middle of Iarch. I should have said on the
basis of starting rail shipments to Toledo on the '[th of March, you might
expect a cargo arriving at South Chicago about the middle of April.
How referring to the second to the last paragraph of your letter of
the 26th relative to shipping stockpile coal separately, I have talked s
this over with Hr. Hughes, and he feels that it can be done quite readily
on the basis of shipping stockpile coal from Bonham styled and billing
it "HSOOHSIIW coal, and then when we are shipping freshly mined Bonham
coal, we should style it and bill it 'HAEYESTEW coal, and with it shipped
and billed out in this way from Bonham, the Traffic Department will take
care of having it shipped ln separate compartments from Toledo in accord-
ance with your instructions as to cargo shipnents,-· the same as you give
the Traffic Department instructions relative to shipping different ores in
separate compartments.
I presume that when we begin to get Peabody screenings, they will be
freshly mined and, no doubt, it will be all right with you at the By-Product V
Coke Plant to have Peabody freshly mined screenings fairly evenly mixed
with Bonham freshly mined coal, and if that is not true please take it up
with the Traffic Department, but if that is 0.K. then confirm to the Traffic
¤¤py ¤¤= w m_.,.,,..s,,,,_ . M
H. E. Galbreath ··-··""""“°`°*`°L*m M Mm
H. I'. Hughes
J. J. Fox
        »;{   07% it
Eg., . `\J' ,, .~· ` ,·`_ 2 1
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, ·’ -   { ' v
il   ’{'   i I.,)   _       Z
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  `»%·¤-  F ,.`_, , QV’§.'~~`F»,1%..%.7::-.Q¥·—· ` 
'_ . " ~, » 7... _
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·<’   " , - -- .v’. . . " 1 ·   M '
' 4 5, { f , · i. ° - . ’ 2 ~ » V . , - :» . ·` " \ ; V, ' _ '
_ ‘ _ _ Q _ . . . · ` ,, ‘ ‘ , ` , . Z , -

D@AmMEm_ Wisconsin Steel Co. Inc.,
g*;¤\·;g;_KS 'Benham, Ky. ¢H¤¢AG0· ILL--- March }-I, 1938  
F¤¤M¤- R. E. Galbreath, Supt.- ·
RRRR LTTER SSRJEERO. mm e am. 00.41. ssxpzmmsz
I believe you are aware that we have quite a sizeable repair Job at
our coal dock at the By~product Coke Plant at South Chicago, necessitating
the cleaning up of all coal on approximately one-half of the floor space
of the coal storage yard, and the driving of a lot of piles and a new
concrete mat over the top of the newly driven piles.
For this reason, and due to slackened operations of the Blast Furnace
and By~product Coke Departments, we are not in a hurry about getting the
first cargo of coal delivered at South Chicago this spring. Therefore,
if you can readily hold off shipments of coal to the lakes until approxi-
mately the l§th of March, it will likely work out to our advantage at
South Chicago as we may have a little difficulty in unloading the first
cargoes due to the length of the ayailable dock being perhaps somewhat
shorter than the distance between the forward and aft hatch on the boats.
Therefore, it would be better to not have too many boats arrive at the
very first of the season.
We expect to have this Job done, and the whole dock ready for the
reception of coal, not later than May lOth. We told the contractors that
will do the job they must have it finished by May lst, thereby allowing
ourselves ten days grace.
In view of this situation, we will likely be unable to take in any of
the stockpile coal, along with your current production, prior to about
the first part of May. In other words, we will not be in shape to unload
large quantities of coal until after about the middle of May. This, we
feel, will permit of shipping the Bonham stockpile by the middle of July
or at the latest the first of August, and we hope that none of it will have
serious firing by that time.
Messrs. Seidenbecker or Fox will give you a letter later telling you
more definitely when you can start shipments of coal to the lakes, and at
first we will not wish more than your current production shipped, and
later on we will tell you when you can begin shipping the stockpile with
the current production.
V __,/   Y  
pq   gf   Copy to!
  rv H. F. Hughes
xiii? O. F. Seidenbecker
\§ ' J. J. Fox
X L. B. Robertson
i ’ ’ ` I -

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Mr. GL E. Rose · lltmi
‘ ‘ Merch 7, 1938 A t    
  i J. J. rox _ - 5 .     »
‘ In confirmation of our telenhone conversation of this morning ri,jt
we are shipping 200 cars to the lake this week - l00 cars today, 50 cars i »
*ednesdey end 50 cars Thursday, in order to relieve the congestion _ij
;here et Benhem. — 1
”e expect to ship 36,000 tons es scheduled for the month of ‘ f
March. This ~iIl necessitate one two-day week and we are making it V`- 
this week, We will operate Monday and Thursday of this week. We expect [
to operate three days next week end ship the coal out as we mine it. This _._ ‘
_ will make ennroximatelv 9,000 tons for the week of March 14. This coal
is being styled and billed as "HARVESTER" coal indicating that it is _ J
freshlv mined coel. _
We estimate now that we will have about 100 loads left after
this week's operation, which we will carry in stock on No. 2 Mine track.
Yours very truly, V
1%v______________________________ f
  Superintendent _

 Form P 97 ’A I
March.7, 1938
Mr. H. E. balbreath, Superintendent
Wisconsin Steel °ompany, Inc.
Benham, Kentucky
Dear Sir:
Confirming our conversation with you today, we are enclos-
ing herewith Coal Pro 4086 which is the Pro to cover your
production tonnage mined at nenham.
You are to bill this "HAEV§STBR” which is in accordance
with Mr. Hose's letter to ir. Robertson dated March 3, of
which you have a copy.
he will send you another ?ro to cover shipments from stock-
pile, when you are to release your stockpile coal.
We understand that you wish »ir·r to release 200 cars at this
time, and that you till hold back all possible the release
of further production coal, writing us in detail as to
just hou it will be necessary for you to ship your daily
production of coal so as to keep your tracks sufficiently
clear to enable you to operate.
Yours very truly,

 _ Mr. L. B. Robertson March 9, 1938
General Superintendent
FROM §gRCH 10th T0 MgY 10th
In reply to your letter of March 7th requesting a review of the schedule
for delivery of coal from Benbam and the plan for the fitting of coal
consumption and receipts into the dock construction program, I give below
a statement of the dock situation as I predict it will be at different
periods during the next two months:
Coal on Dock March lst. 62,942 N.T. A
Coal on 3 boats to be unloaded March 12th to 19th. 21,511 ”
Total Stock of coal March lst. 84,453 N.T.
Coal used to March 20th (19 days at 1470 N.T.) 37,230 N.T.
Coal on dock March 20th at 7:00 A.M. 56,523 N.T.
Repair bridge wall March 20th to April 2nd.
(Two weeks time allowed)
Coal used March 20th to April 15th, Incl. 32,6QQ H.T.
Estimated coal on dock April 16th. 16,833 N.T.
We will have room for 52,800 N.T. on dock at 7:00 A.H.
may llth. (320 Ft. x 165 N.T. / Ft.)
Coal receipts by boat to increase stock
to 52,800 N.T. (52,800 - 16,833) 35,967 B.T.
Coal required for operation 36,250 H.T.
Apr. 16 to Hay 10th, incl. (25 X 1470)
Coal that can be received by boat between
Apr. 16th and May llth. 72,717 H.T.
In my letter to Mr. W. E. Brewster dated February 8, 1938, concerning the
plan of receipts of Benham coal at South Chicago for the year beginning
December 1, 1937, as requested by Hr. Rose, I show the following figures:
To be received in April 34,500 N.T.
To be Received in May (87,300 N.T. Total),
For 10 days, 1/3 of 87,300 29,100 N.T.
Total tc be received April 16th to May 10th, Incl. 63,600 N.T.


 Since we can take in during this period 72,700 N.T. there will be no
trouble in handling the coal receipts based on the shipping schedule that _
I have set up.
ln order to leave room to repair 500 ft. of dock, all shipments received
until the dock is completed must be made in 28 hatch boats or less, or
it will be necessary to turn the boat around to complete unloading.
In following out the above program, we will remove the coal from the east
end of the pile and maintain a full size pile at the west end until we are
in the clear of any construction work being done on the dock.
It appears to me from the plans we have layed out above that the handling
of the repairs both to the shear wall and to the dock floor will fit
into the shipping and construction program very well.
Yours truly,
B. a. Stagderlige


 I · C 0 P Y ·
V Chicago, Ill., March ll, 1938
Mr. Geo. E. Rose
Wisconsin Steel Company
FROM MARCH l0 to MAY ll, l9§8
We expect to commence the coal dock repair job on March 17, and
according to our best estimate, complete it by Hay l0.
In order that we may be assured that the completion of this work
will not interfere with the ienham Coal shipping program, Mr.
Standerline got up a statexent of the coal situation at various
periods based cn the shipping schedule dated February 8, and we
attach a copy of his letter of March R containing this information.
You will note that there will be no interference with this program.
Summed up, the situation will be about as follows:
Estimated capacity in available stocking space May ll 52,800 NT
Residual stock on dock April 16 after all boats are
unloaded lé,8§§ ”
Amount of coal receipts that may he stocked to May ll 35,967 "
Coal required for operation April lo to May ll _}é,750 "
Total coal that may be received by boat between
April lo and May ll 72,717 "
According to the schedule we expect delivery of 34,500 N.T. in
April, and proratin; the hay scheduled delivery of 87,300 N.T. as
29,100 N.T. gives us a total scheduled delivery of coal during
April and up to may l0 of (34,500 + 29,100) 62,eoo N.T.
.This indicates the scheduled delivery of coal up to May l0 to be
approximately 9,000 N.T. less than our capacity to receive, and
means that the dock repair job will not interfere with the Benham
coal schedule of February 8. In other words, you may come along
with the boat shipments as scheduled including the Benham stockpile
coal shipments. This schedule contemplates shipments of 40,000 N.T.
from stock during May. We do not expect that the whole 40,000 N.T.
will be shipped in the first ten days of hay, but possibly one or
two cargoes. If it is handled about in that way, we should not
get into a "jam” here at the dock. We don*t want to crowd in all
the coal we can, for the contractor may run into something that
will prevent completion of the job by may l0 and we had better keep
Bhli little leeway of about 9,000 N.T.
Yours truly,
International Harvester Company
By L. B. Robertson — Gen. Supt.

FOR Mr. H. F. Hughes - Traffic Department Dm Merch 18, 1938
--....-»=).Ir. Ii. E. Galbreeth, Supt.7··——-
DEPARTMENT s»‘j.scons.1n Steel Company
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