xt7kh12v6014_107 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Coal Shipping text Coal Shipping 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_14/2008ms006_14_12/13466/13466.pdf 1937 1937 1937 section false xt7kh12v6014_107 xt7kh12v6014 Form P_97
606 $0uTH M1cI—uc;AN AVENUE
CHICAGO January 6, 1937
Mr. R. E. Galbreath, Supt.
wisconsin Steel Co. Inc.
Benham, Kentucky ·
Dear Sir:
we are forwarding to you herewith Coal Pro 3089 covering
all-rail shipments of "C“ Seam Coal. We are also enclos-
ing a copy of our letter to Nr. H.F. Hughes of the Traffic
Department in regard to obtaining equipment so that you
will be able to ship this coal.
We have shown on this Pro the weekly shipping schedule of
”C" Seam Coal as contained in Mr. Eobertson's letter of
January 5, a copy of which we understand you received while
at the Steel works yesterday.
. This will be followed closely and should any changes be
necessary, you will be promptly advised.
Yours very truly,
/i »nI*\\
It \ QD p
P ,,j , W
il J if

. *‘~ I »; VQ V

MI`- Hb;/°`F·,-Hughea January 6, 1937
Traffic éepartment _
llth Floor
·’ 3
We list as follows the shipping schedule for January, February,
and the first week in March that we have forwarded to the Coal
Mines covering the a1l—re11 shipments for this winter:
Week Beginning January 3 - Ship 3,000 4,000 7,000 N.T.
” ” ” 10 - ” 3,000 4,000 7,000 ¤
f * ” ” 17 - ” 3,000 9,000 12,000 ”
* ¤ ” 24 — ” 3,000 9,000 12,000 ¤
” ” ” 31 ~ ” 3,000 5,600 8,600 ”
¤ ” February 7 — ” 3,000 9,500 12,500 ”
¤ ¤ ” 14 - ” 3,000 9,500 12,500 ”
¤, ¤ ¤ 21 - ” 3,000 9,500 12,500 ”
¤ ¤ F 28 — ” 3,000 9,500 12,500 *
W ¤ Merch 7 · ” - 12,500 12,500 *
In the right-hand column we show the total weekly shipments of coal. All
of this coal is to be shipped in Hopper Bottom equipment and we are anxlous
to use as many WSWX cars as can be arranged for. This was discussed with
Mr. Maloney this morning.
If there are any changes necessary in the above, we will advise you.
(AV 1
  U é\ p 9 J J mx s
“““r—cc Mr R E Gn1breath—~-~»~~m»¤M¤r ~·»

· W
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 Form P 97
» J/'   606 SOUTH M1cH1GAN Avenue
MN \ C}HCAGO Jamxuy ll, 1937
/ ,A
M u \’]/
Mr. H. E. Galbreath, Supt.
wisconsin bteel Company, Inc.
Bmmmg Kmmudq
Dear Sir:
The question as to what percentage of Egg and Block coal
can be obtained from “5" seam has been discussed.
inasmuch as you are now handling "B" seam coel separately
from “C" sean coal over the tipple and shigping all of the
NB" seam coel to the Steel ~orks, we desire that you give
consideration to screening ell of the "B“ seam coal for tne
purpose of determining what percentege of Egg, Block and
Screenings is contained in the “B" seam coal. This would
merely be for the purpose of a test to determine these per-
centages. You would, of course, continue to ship the entire
"B" seam vroduction to the Steel Works but after vou had
1 · 1 ) . v
run a screen test for a given numner of days, nelieve that
ou would have accurate figures es to 'ust what nercentewe
L. A. — .1. · Q
of ”B" seam coel would be Blocn, Egg and 2" Screenings.
will you please advise if this determination can be made,
and when end how long you would run such a test.
Yours very truly,
* - .,`¤

\ -

 — c o p y ·
Toledo, Ohio
January 15, l937
Wisconsin Steel Company
606 South michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
Gentlemen: Att: Mr. J. J. Fox
Our consignee at Minden City, Michc, advises that he is very much
put out over the last shipment of Block made to him, in that it
ran very small and what he termed a ”car of Egg coal with a few
block on the top". He said it looked like you made a mistake and
filled the car with Egg coal and at the very last dropped a few
blocks on top and billed it out for a car of Block instead of Egg.
We also lost a customer, the Farmers Co—op. Elevator_CoE, Ligonier,
Ind., who complained very seriously about his shipment Nova 4
which was supposed to be Block. This was s trial order and he
said he did not want any more of it. lt was so full of small coal,
he could not afford to pay block price for egg coal and that full
of very small pieces,
Our Indiana salesman called this week on the Farver Lumber Co,,
V Shipshewana, Ind., and he also complained about his shipment of
Dec, 2, stating that he could only say it was nothing more than a
car of Egg coal and tar from Block sizet he have sold this cus—
tomer a couple of cars of Block previously and have worked hard on
him to get him to continue with us, but he said if he could not
depend upon all cars coming out ss they should, he could not go
along with usr
Just can’t understand why we should have so much cause for come
plaint on the preparation and it seems that we have made it clear
that these causes for complaint should not be, and to say the
least are very expensive in that we cannot hold customers unless
we serve them as they should he served, lt costs considerable
selling expense and effort to establish a new account and when
the coal is not prepared as it should be and we lose the customer,
it is both expensive to us and most discouraging. Our salesmen
are met constantly with the resistance that other shippers of
this grade of coal ”prepare their coal better" and constantly
tell them about the uniform preparation of "Little Joe", "Great
Heart", "Marne", "Hi»Lo", etc. Sincerely we wish we could remove
` this cause for complaintc
Very truly yours,
Copy to Benham ‘

 Mr. C. F. Biggert Jon. 15, l95?
Hr. J. J. Fox
“e *pve our let*e? o? Jin. ll relwtive to the uuentior ec to what
eervertago r? tlock, eer, and screevivcc cer be obtained from "G" Seém coal.
Giwce re are new loafiwr ned shiooing lb" Seem cowl Repqr Rely at
the tipple I believe that tnir detorxinmtiou could We rede to edvertege et ·
this ynrticulvr tire, V@"O"?T it will be uwderetood ttet at the eeme time
we are loading and 1§ip"ivj block vn? eg" ZH R`°GF$V`?VlGTS w determination
of this Bird rill of ooceeiitr couve further delaye and interruotions to the
tioole oootetitn. Tlie will be uoderstood wher it i¤ eovvidereo that it
will he necessary to drop out niece load: ot block, egg, wid screenings of
"C" Seem e?ter one cHnixe ere? is dede ~t the tiwnle free "C" Serr dumoinp to
"B" Beet ”vmoing. iftor oiece loide of “C" Seem teve been droined out on
three tracks it fill be vnxeszerv to Switch iw "B" Beer omwty core or piece 1
loedn for u partial londiwg and then Saitek t ew out evain after the chance
over is made beck from "B" Seem to "C" Seem, at which time it will be recesse-
rr to Stitch beck "“" Qevw piece leeds Vvr """ Seam loading on all three
tracks. A che: o over of thio kind will We neceseorw €our times e dny on
the iz" ehi7t ond ‘ill require e ·re2t emodut o? Switchirg ~ith our switch
crew, rnd it ‘ill be reedilr uepreciuied toet thi? will require considerable
time and interruptior to tiwole operation. ~
Eowever, we helieve thwt ’»»‘ e com ec‘omoliSh l?iS *ithout too much
trouble rnd we dill grcceed to do it next week at the time ~hen our shipments
Of 9000 toni q ycwk of "C" eewm so forward to ite Steel plant as at t·is
norticular tire there will not Fe so much coal repuired for stockoile end
the switch crew »i1l be relieved of part of ite switotiny time for that
ourpoee. `e till endeavor to mick out three days next week, at which time
we Rove tPe least number of Roberts' orders. I believe tret e procedure
of tlie Hind for three duye next week will give ue 2 pretty good idea of
jUSt what the oercentepee of "B" Seem $i2e¤ vill be. Poeribly et Home
TUTUTH tire, WMF be *a I rétor rext, wc ·.‘· ill be able to nick out days wten
we ore Short on Roberte' orders and wake further deterwinetiors. I believe
that A tive or six days' operation should rivo we o verr cloee deterwinmtion
of theee percentages. 0 till keeo an accurate count of·weirhte and cnr
numbers of the various miwes, but the coal r*l' he shioped to the Steel plant
ao ron of wine.
Yours very truly,
Z.`Ii5GOT‘ *2 SI TE :5'1?tGi:ZL C Ohh} AN Y
V *277 : C .1iUZPl·lRIF3'I‘ENi`=|nI T

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 Form P 97
606 S0u·rH Mrcr-IIGAN Avnzmurz
CHICAGO January 18, 1957
Mr. L. E. Ga1brcath»
Supt. Wisconsin Stccl Co., Inc.
bsnham, Ksntucky
Door Sir:
We attach cooy of lcttcr from The Roocrts Cosl &
Cokc Co. of January 15th conolsining rslstivc to prsosrs—
tion of our cool. Tho lcttsr is sclf-sxolsnstory, and wc
would spofoci sto 1'*<2c€1v11‘Ig‘ you? comment s on ·;a1LI€ .
Yours vsry truly
J.;/’ gziivyf}
'A;?' 2 » · .-· ·` r _ ~- ’ " - .. ‘ ·*‘ · . ’ • ,.
  ¢ T L ·’/{· ,»!` .· ~

 a A `P ¤   n
\t, ,”`1
Mr. L}-B. Robertson Januar. 20 1937
Generel\§uper1ntendent V J ’
steel Aéills y y
Referring to our ’conversetion of yesterday regarding
Benhem coel, the records show that as of Jenuery 13 we
have in stock, including ccel ln boats 168,965 tons
te have in transit 4,970 "
based on the schedule contained in your
letter of Jenuery 5, we will ship from
Jenusry 13 to February 28 70,l00 ”
In addition to this we will also ship
the 100 cars 5,000 ”
which C,w.P.&S. will eld us in finding
storage for. Some of the cers will be
stored.on our refuse track. W
Referring to your other letter of December 29, we have
estimated thet you will use between January 15 and Merch l
approximately Bl,000 tons
leaving e totel in stock considering the
tonnage in transit on xercn l of 167,935 ”
based on your requiring the 2,356 “
per dey es shown in your letter of
December 29. This orotects a 70 dey
supply from Merch 1, or until tay 10.
what in eddltlon to the tonnage now scheduled cen you
teke ln prior to Merch l?
Copy to
" H. E. Galbreeth — Denham · ··-·‘·=e r
Q. ,’2 M;;] ‘ /
éMéE?#' ig'T Q)/Zgzzx
x " ’ i
wl/U if

 *5%:* `·
' ·.~
‘ '
. » _¤‘ !·•*·. .

 Jan. 20,1957
T&P 17558 loaded and shipped Jan. 5,1957 with Block coal
to "Farmers Elevator Co. Minden City, Mich." weight 52.70 tons
L&N 72967 loaded and shipped Nov. 4,1956 with Block coal to
"Farmers Co-Op. Elevator Co. Ligonier,Ind." weight 48.80 tons
C&0 42508 loaded and shipped Dec. 2,1956 with Block coal to
"Farver Lumber Co. Shipshewana,ind." weight 55.10 tons
All records we have and those kept at the tipple show this to
be Block coal.

CHICAGO January 22, l93’7
dr. L. L. Galbreath
wisconsin oteel Company, Inc.
Benham, nentuchy
Deer Sir:
In an earlier letter today we advised you that
the éteel porks can take in an additional ten
cars of Benham coal a day, provided it is loaded
in flat—botton gondola cars.
Since writing you me received Hr. Robertson'e
letter on thie subject, and he states that we can
take in eight to ten cars per day, 7 days per week;
that would mein 56 to 70 cars additional per week.
You, of course, would ship this in equal daily
averages on a 5-dey a week basis.
As we advised in our letter, the Traffic Department
recuest that you place an order for this class of
equipment with your local agent at Benham, and should
you be unable to obtain same, please advise.
y Yours very truly
, l ; / /\,0’ \
, / V u / /i?§3//
l I 2/7/ /  
J  U ‘

 Form P 97
606 S0u·rH M|c1—uc;AN Avenue
Jr- T/Ill il _r_aT   ,3 —‘ 19A ,7 ALL AGREEMENTS ARE CONTINGENT li `—,"
"’·s-" l `.
__,;;,t[/Lf];  <,·;,\_
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Tir .   Is. Gelvoreeth __ ?’   j
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>Q...·1111.I.·:..-.1111--(..1111.;.1.;-1;.1111I..:1.1..-.Itr.-rz.:-yU1.-}--:1-:;.-111;;. 11j1I..11‘;.I11_;-'1( #,11-1.f1·.11.1 .1.-11..-1.-   11.1.1-. 1:1 ---1 ;_ - 1 *1- 1-.11 - -1-   -
L' f` 11¤|--1.-.I. }.I:111:11111=1.f"--1 l.`.r--.·..1I.I—.`..1_.--I1 1.
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1\.·11.1r.I11111-17*1*1/1.‘.1.I..1 ¤I»II-SP1-‘-11 111-1--.-11:;-:.1-11% 1--1:i-1 $.111-1-~ -
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 Shipments for month of January 1957
Outside (Katherine Legge Memorial ) 41.55
The Roberts Coal & Coke Co. 5188.10
Steel Mill {All Rail} "B”Seam Mine Run 8870.75
" ” " ” ”C” " ” ” 21645.25
Total 55745.65
Production 70267.70
Avg. daily production 5546.00
Unconsigned Loads (Total Inventory) 2857.75
Stock Pile 78885.20

 a ~· ‘ ` . ` *
Nr. C. F. Biggiert ' Feb. 1, 1957
Deer kr, Bigyertz
In reference to our telephone conversation bile afternoon relative
to loaded roilroad euro nov standing on our truck ready for shipnent, we ·=.· sleh
to conf*rm thaL we hwve 59 loads ready for shipment. This includes the 20
foreign aondolao of block loaded with "C" seam coel without stickers end not
wicked. ‘Phie coal was loaded before we had any Hoherts’ ordere une due to the
fact that we Hove not hue uni mail Yrov worth of the Vhio River for over e
week this noel wai wade tith the ldee of mhipwinr it to Lie eteel wlnnt and _
the reanltnut elwcm was loaded on the stock pile.
=; owl od u» Ly. hurke of Lee Aooorte Gonl ? Co¥e Cowweuy imredi¤tel· ·,··
after talkin: to ;wu ane me aoviuoo Lnni me Noni? ncceot ihie cowl Lo ¤»oly _
on his wreiont crfers. o nre, therefore, 1 enacting ani; cowl and nill make
applicnilxo to exioriwg ¤#worzo' nrzore, oi .Lich me nov have L9 for block ond
‘ egg. Phi? .ill leave le care of "Q“ seam coal to e@;l~ on wheel will shipments
in addition is Roe lo curb of Ԥ" zewx.
‘lne roilroci camwnny, no you know, took army all of our foreign
equipment tod y for use if ropeirw to their railroad tracks an account of
flood dumape, can we myc oooratinr ~n ako Folio iu; bovii. e are outving
"C" Sear ru< of Vive on stock pile wai Screening "&’ sewn cial, nwtbing "B“
Seam bloci i; `. Lo `. X. Lopwor< Tw? Stool ell" Jlipooub ¤;o nuttin; the S"
rewultant into ihe eioo% vile. `e mrc loniiu; w>>roximuLol‘ three core of
"B" sexi block vcr ¥~y, Cjch Vill cun1·Ll ;w1 vwwoly if . l. `. X. cure to
this extent for uzl in stock ello eerrice. 40 »iderst~ud fr#u one local
l”Y ofjicieli thai wwr‘eoror L*u?w zoxviue C]:¤ yl *’y¤lnu Li is in he
TBFMNFGG toJ1w·le1W L¥=i, f1·rL‘k£ crrr &¥}TVlU » A A ’     ‘ .  »··’ y ‘ -i A ·
·-·   » _ ’     V ~. 4,;/ f ,,  4, g /..,.·`e An =*   -{/if-?   *   —»~· »'¢·< -¢-M /(4-$4-·<..»{£A,
' _     .4·¢ ~ r r er   `
` . ,v*· _·' ,f‘ » A-
T     c;v`   ‘4~··'}"(~__,  •.   -{ \.·.,."/
v     ``¢‘¥ I 4*
O 3.   !Q£J Hf
· '_,»’/¥.q_•Z, ¢·2 •..¢. '   " fl { K ; V
w I,   ` E-   ! ;_ ".- I

 C 0 P Y
bebruary l, l937
Mr. 0. F. Biggert, President
wisconsin oteel Company gttention_@gL_JL_J. Eg;
Referring to Mr. Fox's letter of January 26, listing car numbers
of sized "B" Seam Coal, and recuesting report on the condition of the
coal as received, and also Mr. Bose's telephoned suggestions regarding
this coal on January 27, will say that nearly all of the loads shown in
Hr. Galbreath's list have been received and unloaded; however, we
caught a few cars of each size and inspected them and unloaded enough of
each size in a separate pile by itself on the doc; where it still may be
inspected by anyone wishing to do so.
Bhotographs of block coal and egg coal in cars are enclosed herewith.
The screenings were omitted for in general appearance they were just
about the same as any other screened coal, being too fine to snow any
special characteristics in a picture.
analyses of samples of the block and egg sizes as reported by dr. Stander—
line, indicate almost no difference in anlyses of the two sizes, but are
somewhat higher than the average of "C“ seam. The average of analyses
of quite a number of cargoes indicate an average volatile of 36.58$,
but the Ash of the "c” seam averages on the analyses of the above men-
tioned cargoes, 4.4Q. analyses of samples of the Bloch and egg Coal
sizes of the "B" Beam coal, in comparison with the average of analyses
of the “C" Seam Loal received by boat during the l936 season, are as
$'4 il 1, —;;r·•
l :).1. .. UL J .
.....V · Wl.; ..b ...· Hz isha 5.;  
Block coal Gar H293) 37.ll 60.02 2.87 ,59 .003
ogg boal var #478) 37.52 59.9l 2.57 .61 .003
l936 Boat Season
average "C” wear 36.68 59.lJ 4.4l .64 .003
By the attached copy of mr. ¤tanderline's letter of January 3l, he
states that, judging from his inspection, the appearance of this coal
indicates a good, cl an coal. free from impurities. lo me, both the
. ogg and Bloch coal looked unusually good compared to coal of these
grades that you generally see around coal dealers' yards. It has the
characteristic luster of Benham Coal, but is possibly a little brighter
than the regular run of “t“ seam.
Both from the ash and Sulphur content, this coal should be a very
nerchantable product where high volatile coal can be used.
Yours truly
· International Harvester wompany
General Superintendent
cc: Mr. G. b. nose

 Q Q B X
Mr. L. B. Robertson Jsnuery 3l, l937
General Superintendent
In your letter of Jsnusry Q7, l937, and Mr. Fox's letter of
Jenuery 26, l937, reference is msde to shipping e number of
cers of "B" seem coal in Block, Lgg, and Screening sizes,
with the request that we examine them end get some idee es
to the quality of each.
We have msde seperate piles on the coal dock of Block and Egg
size coal which cen be seen at any time and which we will
hold until e~vised that it is no longer needed.
Ne ere enclosing six photographs of eech which show the
appearance of the Block znd hgg sizes as loaded in cars.
The lsborstory enelyses oi the two cars shown in the enclosed
photographs are given below:
LE; LQ;   Qi BQ
Block Coal Cer No. 293 37.ll é0.02 2.87 .59 .003
Egg " H ” 478 37.5Q 59.9l 2.57 .6l .003
The eppearanco of this coal on the cars is very good. The coel
looks clean end free from impurities.
Yours truly
B.A. Stsnderline

MT. C. E. Big;9?t Feba 2, 1957
, Fmt Nv. I. T. Fwx
YPM? *ct+¤r wf Ian,