xt7kh12v6014_103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1947-1948 text 1947-1948 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_14/2008ms006_14_8/13312/13312.pdf 1947-1948 1948 1947-1948 section false xt7kh12v6014_103 xt7kh12v6014 A Jan. 22,1%+7-
Mr. Harry Thomas, Chi-af,
Dept. of Mines and Minerals,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
We are atm-aching Form AR-1, Mine Operatorw Annual
Report for the rear ending December 31, IQL6, covering our N0. 1
Ycurs truly,
1 e ncl, Auditor

 Foam AQ-!
r.ax1N@T0:~2, xaeewucmv ~ *T“"" "LL im °'°E
¢Lawm rem ;n;H qxw;
Ann 4ArL Bam; QAQK TO
;. 3;iI,...."._.".;T...‘ ,‘...‘._“ `.T,`.i.'.T;L'._.-`,.,;.1.` TH; g gppggg gy} QR
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Mnma ©P;¤AT0¤’s xavonr
ECR TH; YEAR irmrrsc §;c;:»,:3;‘;2 Vi], IQUQ;
MAKE s;w;RAT€ REPORT FOR {aca nxn;
‘ *.`?Y T¥I Ai, CHIEF
. ·   M , ax, T j . wg , ..   r ;* ‘‘T‘’ “““"T   '“‘;"i ""‘ *‘“*“"“ 
.;Q-_;_4";_;g~jMNjL;.; A_.. ;_;;.A§-.,E~_ Lix1v;T Y, AENTUCKY
(NAM; OF Compamv)
  /' J’·_,_".·‘¢: *
(NAM; cn N0. 0: Mrmz}
<3¤¤>¤Y OF  .;..;i;;;E_--
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s { V0} . {Tuced {   { {fusing { {By ‘!'h®m
iihisture 3 Hatter {Carbon {Ash { Sul phur{ Point { 5.T.U. { Anzilyzed
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Improvements and Equipment Pirchesed
3.   ee i:w—1·r~vemeni and ]APCL¤,`{§j.O!1 ef   vuine jccv Rave abqnriened riurizxnj the jvea1·,_____ ___
2. {,2ive 2·~_;n;;e :1*% Jecazien ci" any mine grew have opened during; the j,’e&1i_______ _________
3. Give 1t.:;::.‘~c am-ei lnicziiziin cf ren}; ;t2i.2iA;. you have ecqmzired by purchase or lease
drying the yxzmc, and the r·;1;z1c of the 2`c1·r.1:.1* rmzier ef the mine, else the nate of
<: Ex an   se ___ _,______{________ ____ _A ______ ____________ _ ___ ____________ __________ ____________________________________ _,,__e-
4. I? the name-{ cf €.`i1·t12, eperayter, or mine changed during; the j,rr~za1·, give Former
TIMFIVT ____________________________________ ___________4________________ ,,___ ___,__ ____,._.___,,,_._,___,_,__,.._____........ ....--..
Date ef change 194
fmcilfiettks and Cempensation
1. ?`iLlE?I{*G]‘ of non-_{`e;iw·;¤_] mzcidcnizc dwrizig {ine },’C?`·.`!`_______________________A_>{{’>`{Z&1 days 1cs’C___{_;___[___
2. I·Yu‘··r1{`·ex· of Dafa], ae<:i·i{e;‘·t‘;: ’riT,Tl`j]'}{Q jfemr________;____________________________,___,______._,.,_.,,.....,....-.....-..-.
Ii. J1; which basis is CYZ}i`¢{>(‘IELi{1'\Cj.'C‘ZE'CEzT`I'fL!E‘(iZ Ccmmcn Levr__________,______,__,_____,_,._.___.___-
Self ins·.u·er}{ under Act _w________4_______________{_____}u1*c:?1e$e·i under Act H__________________________
Carried by i1‘su1*m10e c©1‘nj~nnjj____________________,,_____,____________,_,._,..-....-_.,........,..-...._..._..._.-
3. ?{[!,YE'lC"? of ruilrcgici or z·r;1].1·m1r{s er; winch mine is lcc1ted____f ____ _; _ ____·
I‘u‘r;`r~e:·· cw? tens ef cna] :s;{·1ipg*e·i ever this line____________,_____m______...-.Q.-;j“,;.-i,.;;;.;__.,-....-
  T*w.1::.Ener 01} i;0z·s rvluii-pecl by rive1·___;_;;_ 'Ai_;;j_____Name of 1·iver,____ ___
C i {ne ri “._,______ ._..-,_,,-c-_. ......i.....i.......... 
Ti tale _____________________ __________,______________....,-_.._4....,..

 Form AR—1
This is the property of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and must not he destroyed.
This blank is te be filled out and returned to the State Department of Mines
and Efinerals, according; to Section ."55l.l'/O of the Kentucky Revised Statutes. We
will appreciate it if you will fill this out fully and accurately and return it to
us promptly.
Department of Mines and Minerals
Lexington, Kentucky
General Information
l• Name of firm or operator 
2. Yost office of general of‘€‘ice of Company__;__ I   ‘ · · -   4  
3, Post office address of operation  · ' I ____ _______ _
4, Name of mine (report each mine separately)_   ,  
5. County in which mine is locaized   E ;_________l”¢hen was mine opencd__ ` ‘i _
6. Name of President  yg—~’- s ___,_______________ Post office address _; —' ‘ * - ~ ___
7. Name of Secretary—I`r·easw1rer_ -... r   » _______Post office address _____ Q __
8., Name of Genera]. Manag;er__;- * rr » , Post office address _ A
Q. Name of General Superintendent i V —   Post office address   "  
l0. Name of Superintendent A , ______'Post office address_ .p _
ll. Name of Mine Foreman xi Z     __Post office addresso V ‘- · I ·  
l2. Name of' Mining; Engineer___j;____~L,;;__;___,_______ Post of`f`ioe address
l5. Acres of coal owned or leased __;_;__;_;______Acres worked out during year i Y " _
14. How many days mine operated during year ___     ___
15, Number of keggs of powder used
I6. Number oflpounds of permissible powder used__ "` y · ‘.-—— _______
17, Number of pounds of pellet powder used __________ ~— · 4___
18. Number of pounds of dynamite used_,______________________; e ·___ ______ _
19, Number of pounds of Cardox used ____, » _;_»__;
Mine and Equipment
'*'“""* **1* "‘*'*"'•"**'•‘**'·%¤‘
l. Name of seam __;_-___,_,______;_________ Shaf`t, slope or drii`t__‘ ~';_;;_AThicl?1` 'Uid t‘~’Z><¥ FT GP .`~'1~.d ing.; e2q·1.ipment _________;;__ ____ _________________ _r___ ______________ ___________________
Strir Y§j?1.i.?1S;
1 . jA.TJ.iF}}C?I` and type nf` S}’i'“"'»/`Gl s 1*2 Mac: __________ ___  ____ _____`______________________ ____ _________,_____ _____4
. . ..   -..  ..-_.C¥&wci‘cv..-     -_.-.._._-_.-_. . . .
2. f·Yx1;";?>nz· mul tjrpvqe cf ’c1·x.1c}·Ts 1:1 use___A__________________________,_____,____ ___> ___»_______ _____________________>___‘____
. ..... .   .,.A   . ,_ -....,_..,._-.-_..-.... ...-Capr>.cify.. ,4.. --..._.._Q..-._......_..__.____.__,.______,
5. T72'I¥“C]"   itjrrw ·i~%" ;%ri.l7i:‘ri grr? ` ?1:·“;i.~’;1i nmuipmmtb _.________.__..____. ___ _ __ ______
1. "?um`c>sr rtf :22·1c:E1j.11¤ :‘r,j.2i@1*; _ _______ ___;______;_________.TU`I}!O1` cf pick tiiiicrs__________________________________
2 . .`YLt$1`*;~;·1* r>;` m;‘t1‘Li.*¤.;.‘ rr.:.¤1.;E.t.e:.:x::1; ._ jg.-  _______________ __________..______.,.__,....-_.,.-____________._______,_.
L5. ?E\17Vl`*C1` rx? rum;  qmrci mi ‘·¢;~::}~s~.:*1ir:e>.7 1.<.v¢zrii.r;,j cqr1i;*z·;e¤>;’;t ____ .T· _________   ______4
Q. "'urii-er of   rim; lr.s;i:i=<. ._______.__·_;f__________________,_____V____________ 'Tfczxl_______§—g__;Q`____T_____,__________
5. i;T.lTH`O&?I` of rizzyr mm 0uts5.¤;?.cr __ __ _;`__j4Q___._____._______________.._______ ____ ____________________¢_______.____.___
6 . N¤.¤i1E>·:n2· of s1z;_i»rie1· v5.z.‘vrj,/‘   cciil.-; wif? @f`;§."i¢c 21:2 TS ___,_j _Y_______Tcta}. ________* Q. ?_____ ________
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I . Tama; C10 coal} Exazvi lmricd flpirwic :i:i;‘1ir.,>i)___._______4_.________ ____________________. __r  .   . .____ __ .;;.` .__Q_.__
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€.L..::—e>< TIGR @.1;%+ *41*:;
ARD ;.c:‘r1. spam; 2,;;+< T5
  Trigg Qppggg gm QR S?
y 5:;;;/R; J.;r»4u,¤.Rx· ij, I{3i+°§
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(NAM; OF CO:·.:RA:\1v)
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(Mmm; cn N0. or {uma)
COUNTY OF `>.Qk.i" ,` `   ...V ; -_ - ; ·_AA-.--_
Uma, PRODUCED Q * Q   `E (—-
R ’_”*—‘f“"—* ’_,, "i;‘R*;·"R“‘ ‘—,
(¥:.IVE TOTAL Tomg, ;,·_¤;'_; L_5;;;./.

 Ane1y;; 1 s`
,_§jl _L`I.$Z.’I.f LII;     ;'Q.LYIT IJ'T‘.;'  ILT:   T?IT ‘ZT;LT. .
6 g V0}. g Pued 1 1 1 Fusnmg [ dy xhem
. - · ‘ ·- * ~— . M ,
glrusture ; .:;¤_1·’cer ;Cer1,0n !Ash { Sulphur; !“OlH'1$ ! ;¤.T.U. I Analyzeca
K, ,___,__,____.,._....,,_._.....1..i.-.__._,1_,.-__. ,... ,.4,, .,._ .-. ...,-;-.,-..1, -..-..i-...*..,._..,_,,.- ..+..._..-..-.-._.T-.--..-,-.. -...-
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1 1my>1*©vcmer;ts and Equipment Purchased
I. "Fmi iii2rr¤ve1r1ez1*bs Exuve Yeen   during; the }’€7€l1”,_____ ___e____ ________ _ _
af /  
  ami ,»',T¤a;2~i*>1i·d Xiaies, Change   Heine
1. ·'?i.vu Jirwnar ;an··1 1f¤c;r‘;ic·1 if ’,;Yl,'~' v1;i,21e jsmi 1*mve a`e1m<1©;1e<1 C1`.1I`j.1`.f{ the yeer____,W*Z » a;__e
2. Give ?W21l1Z·'¥ rrr? 1w:»c:_1111 SF eu/1;; uiuc: jroa; have   eurirzgc the yee1j________ ______
‘¥ ’_,/ . , V I .
3. Give 1;:;;:2v; ani 1¤r;eftiT·:; G? any :15.1i·;· yvu have z;cq*.1i1·ed by purchase OI` lease
C1U.I’j.DQ` iwhr ye;&2·, ew? the 2e~a.r=e <>;` `the 1UOI`}'.1.<`il" mmer of the mine, :»a1s0 the date ef
011¤11fT<€ ._-   -..,,__ ,-._ .-,_-.. e__._-.-,.._  .;.;_;.;,_,__,____________,____ _________,,___,____, ___,_,____________,.._.-
4,. If Rho n¤_;·u; of i`i;·:1, epa rgdter, er :1121:;; cha12ge;‘;r_ - -..---—.........._..-,._--..-- -.e_._.......-
Date ef` ciésmgtaz 194
_»`·.cci.r1e:‘1:s mid Ccmpenscation
1. 1`§1.1T?l1*G1‘ of n0n~:£`erf<;¤1 eccidemz: d·»r.1:1_; +he year______;';__1___________,1‘0‘m1 days 10sb__? g;_;—
  Vu iber 05 fatal zxccidertzs dr.r1·i.mg; j¢em·_____________________j_ ___________,,_,______e__e..____,__,.,_.
T3. Oh vhich basis is 0<>s¤xr>e:¤_s:;“ci»v;x C*TJG’,117Z1.f)]2
1. T,Y<‘¤.Y¤¤ 0i` railreaci or rr1i.1r0;1r1s ¤:.1w1‘~ich mine is lccated,     — _/‘ __e___>_____    
— . , . . . . ,- T , V` '
1·1u‘·r#—»:::· 0.:7 tame of em;} »;1w;ppe~1 c».¤<—z· thm 11ue_   _____________i___;v__4_ _____ _;___·- LQ ______
Q. T"11.11>ex‘ ei? texts :—=11i¥"E"#2rI bjf 1*:1ve;‘_______,__;'.......... ~... ______N&me of r;1ver____ ‘e___._- _--..-
S i gmc c1 ,. ______ __._._-,.-W.1_ ....__....._-.......... 
T?. `11 1   ____ ____,,_-___________ ________________________________________,____...._.

\/ .
Tlschzxnical Xiiraing
1. 3Yurr·¥`»cr and type cf wading machines_____._________._______  _____________________ __
2. i;UT’!U€`I` and type ¤f" cr— .vey¤r·s ____ ____________;_____,;_;_;g__;;; i   ________;________.___J; ·¤___________ _
3. T_L1`E`E>f` .s}1¤.¤tt10 cars4_.__________.___,_,_________._____,__,___ ,___ _ ____  ___,___________________________
 ____ ____ ____ ______________.____________________ ____ ___.____A,_.Czzpaxci’cy of car__,________________,,___,_._____________
Li. Othe? 1* t;1@chsm.icul l·;#»adi:‘1g.; e=q*.1ipme12’c ______________,______________________ ____ ____ __ ___________ *______
Styip 1.ii_nj.*1g
1. Z'u:nbm* and tyxpc nf s}·;’¤ve3s in u:;·________ ________.___‘ __4___ ___ ___________
. . 7
_  ,,  __.___,__.______._...,,__,_-.--_.   - ,,.v -.-- ...,. _,_.©&mc1ty ._-..._.._._..,_.-.__€,4--,__,___.__,___,_,
2, E`:ll`€"lhF}1" and tjrysc G1" trunks izi nsw______4__________________________________}__>___4_ ·‘ ’ ___________ _____________
..--._-,._-_..___ ..1.W -__.__,.,__,,..-_,.. .._. _,_.,.._.,---,.....,..~ Cap¤1ci'¤y’.-...___._,L_.__.__ _________._______,_____
5. ZYufn`r>©r and iximn rc" ¢ir}.1”i;;rj cmd ”’]21¢JC1*‘.§§ equipment ________________.___ __ __ _;_______
 mrs mmal
1. "Yum`¤@x· of mrxclginrw zrniziezvw   _`;__`___;_____4_____jY¤_1t`1ii>ar of pic}; :ii1·1©r;;___________ j __ __ ________ ____
2. \`FL\YE1iUi3I` wi"' cu.t‘bi.mg r:»:w`ni:.c1wm1   ‘ . _______ _____,,________________,,__ ,__________ __ __   _,___
5. Nut¤J;¤cr <‘>f‘ mm; ¤·2v}¢»j·;·ad   t:e:c:}es.nicez,}. lcmiirzg cquipmzx/;t_____l_Z_,__ r__K   _{_  _. ,&_r _ __
4. ` 'ur;.l____ L_____j»,` ______________.___ 
5. $Eu¤t1`c·c>r 0i` day when outs;  _____________m_________,________________,_g;__,______,______.,___A ___________ __ _____ _
6. Nx.=*1?>@:· of s;upc1*v§.s~nry @f‘f'ici.r21;2 mix? ¤f‘17i¤0 rataaff_____._,_;___Tc*m1 _ _, __     _, N
T`. T~i¤“ci1l ml} @::·;;#-lr»w»g;;_ __ __   _____> ____ _ _>__ __r___;°     __
i·`;·   g0‘L.€.i‘ra >·;r;··i T}i.;*;;r1?·¤..‘r;i5-:1
U`i;iu.r<>s; #0 ]"f¢iZI'i`r[§€‘?Zt #0%; i;0;.s--2,GOO lbs.)
1. Twxs m coal Y·;:mH. legion lxpxcy : r11r1111g), ___4_ ,_______._____________,__________________..____.____{.i____,__,_,_,~,_
H. 'Pfvxiss cf cm.] Yqgyd ]~~;>,·ie·j (;m<:}.i2·1@ =.j.¤i14;)______ _____ __________ ______ _ · »;__jj_; Ig__L§;. ~
3. 'E»¤r‘2:; 0x` wml ]r>:L.·{@d {Strip m_iv1i:;g;]___ ______V__ _____ _ ___ _ — ·· · . _K___ _
é. '7<`·?w;; of c<‘··; ¤,l lr·zidevi ~,~.:i*;h ]_O&’Ei1E»` ‘m;r¤.c};i11©3 ____.__________________________;·___________.____
  YWIIS cf' canal loqdea/i_ v·j_i}·; sel ¤"—}-#»as* .1:;;; comreyors_______________________,__________;_;_;_______.______
6. 7;:1;: of con,] h;e_;·1:= W0;>r2 :i 0;, c::>nv¤j—,r01*s__,_________________________________________________Q;f§__yj_L;__E
 TQ} ",.. ?`·l}LFS {3** CVMHI. L09-.DFD__   @.j.FZ.Q;`Q.gf....,”  
.·¤ , A _   . »._ ._. . ,_.,/
7. rms ci oval '·.,¤1*r1;1;} 1c>·i lax·¢i1’¥ir¤rs_ mx:} Hquipmnztt
I /
1. `fihrh; m·c=pa.n*a‘¥;i*>;1 ©quiy‘·mc¤# u®&¤<% _________,_ ____,_»,,__ ;_;_,_______-;__ ..._ A .... ..--..iQ;......* -;.-....· ...;  ' ..,...........
  · * »"·' Mi Sixers shipzw? H -.-.;...-...---..--.-..j,.-....·_-.-_-._,i;.-.;;;.;;.:;;...-..,j;.Q..;.;....._
*..¥lQS€ *:0‘tals z:;u:;’|; r.a{gr¢e=
/ ‘»

 -/·¢ ‘. /f, 4}_· _
Form All-·1
This is the prnperty cf the Commonwealth of Kentuchz and must not be destroyed.
This blank is to be filled out and returned to the State Department of Eiiines
and fliixerrzls, sccordinyg to Section 551.].70 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes. We
will epg>reci;ue it if you will fill this cut Fully and accurately and return it to
us prcnptlir.
· HARRY T1iGl}.»';S, Chief
Department of Mines and I~.li22erals
Lexington, Kderrtucky
General Inftwmatirvn
l. Hume oi? firm or ooerater--.-,,1r.-..-.-.-.-..---Q-W-M.;-.--..;.;.---4-I-;,..‘-_—;:-;-i--;-.;-_
2. lost o?""i·:e cf gicoeral office of Co2i1pany___;j* ‘ Z __;,;__;  4   ___;__·- ___‘__;__-;_;__.
Z, Q·;·5,’5 ~f`§ ‘1_{;e; gdqrggg 0; .')lT>@1"&1ZFf7]”,_____;;___;_;______;__;___;_;__ ___;_;_e ____________________________________
Q. ?`§9'i·l·lC gf mjjqri (I-·C;j.·:_)1·t (,;;·_Ch j‘j4j_pg g{)ETQ_y‘g;'brg]_;,’)_ /{/`lr Ai,   A U, ' _
5, County in which mine is l®c2:‘.·..>d __;__·_____;__.___r____VD1en was mine opened __ ¤   — 'e _
6. Fame of }`resi.de:‘tt ____;,e____;;j______,;4;;L__·__: , _____;___ _____s__1‘ost o{’i`ice address ;_‘       ~- ~  
7, llqme of fleeretery-Treasurer_,»`1,,1   __ __ _F<>st r`»i`.Tice a1d<"ress_______ "   ____
B. Name of General :”J<1ne¤·or » __;__;__;,-·, .___E”<>st ¤i"”`icc address _____E ,
€~. Name of' General. $'lll?*Q¢l`1Tl1G;`¢]’}·1C=T,1J _‘ r »._ ~7·;»E`0st Office address ,1;,     __
1C>, Eigmge cf' xl]]'T·QT]'j}l1§i`;YQd€;';`b _____________________________________1`°$t Uf?1CG &C1fiI‘G$S  
ll. Tame O? Slime; ?Y`~;.>re;:1:1r. ~» Y . · Post of"j_co address ,4. ..,»¤.Y.¢ l-  
' ` ' •~•t_.....— - .. ...-_..-.-..;..tl..T,..._...—......,.. ...  ·····¢-—- ·
12, Efqrri; ·;·` `?`ijr~,j_y;_;: f`y3·3f3;@r;;·_:i_.__;;__;_;_____;L;;__;_;;-;_____________?*“JS1» C‘{`.`1CG 3.~1<1l"GSS   _ \\' _
15. Peres o" cssl owned er leased _;;i_;fj______];cres werlxed ent d1u·inii j~,rear_ ·, .. ‘   J __
l4. liow many days mine imerated durinyt Year _________________g_  ~7 ____ ____
15. E‘»?i;t17r,:er of keggs of powder used _____ ____ f; __”_______
16. Number of pounds of permissible pewéfer used___ ___> _ { .):·‘__;_;· j
17. ?~Eu1:z`E·;er ef pc‘»un<,is of pellet powder used ______ ____________ » __
18, I-lumber of pounds ef dynarite used_*______________________s_________;___________________________________.
19. Elumlrer of Tvounds of Csrdogc used ·~*
Mice and Equipment
2. T‘¤_:~=.e of serum  ;;______?c___j _ee_- g____V ____ .3l~iaf‘t, slojie cr drif`*t,i;_;_;_jf;___Thickness cf seam __? ;__
2. i~‘;sF?1£'1l1§7__L_;__i£_ .-4;; is ·;_E\~1GC1'1£’.Ilj.C9\1 or hand loading     ;_____
Z3. Ii>‘1]'il1C1'31" <>€` 1C¢C$'V\C'1J.1\’f2 s it u:se__ Q'; _ Live stoc:l·:__···‘ ‘ __}r·»ining machines ‘}*j;_
4. 2·5u:rh-;z· ci` ruin`; cars ________;{_;jZ________ ____  _____Cepacity L”2;;;/_QQ;AL`rac}: gauze ______»j;;_____
b. bathed of ~r•t~r;ul.u*:1:;_j uno ·;=qu1;m.=nt_______ ___V__;_, . __ w .1 ,» __ __  
6. lfurmber of permJ.::r;:`Lbln: cleotric cap lewps in use ____ ____________ Q    
7. Perceuizzge ef e¤*p3ej»‘r  vrezwirzgg }z·2rd—t<>ed shoes ____ _   5   Zig ______
E?. .1'\¤;3I'C!·3Ti`b{LE;F:‘ of e!Tp1C·j·fn·cs V."·'Jf.·.I‘j.1'3,Q hard Caps ___ _ _ hi i`   _ ____
9. A;:;o=:n_t of rock dust used ,____ _________ _______ 4 {L5 o   ~ .2 _

-...;..! _/_~_ _
/»~H‘·Q ` v•1.·. "

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 7, DRILLING, MECHANICAL LOADING, AND PREPARATION: UNDERGROUND MINE I STRIP MINE royyn<=-i4;»;e y 1,11,1L,11,111. ,,.11 1,13 ,1L_.11,_
(b) Mechanical loading unde·rground: MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER OF MECHANICALLY O
(List each make of machine separately) OF MACHINE MACHINES (Exclude refuse) Name Of FG MLA I
(1) Mobile loaders loading direct into mine cars ........ - ..........   ............ L ......................_ L ............................_.. po 1 g Company `‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘"‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘l‘’‘’’‘l‘l‘‘`‘‘‘ T ‘l‘‘‘‘o’‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘llT‘T‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘"‘’‘`‘`‘‘‘*‘‘‘’‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘l‘``‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘`‘`’‘‘‘‘l’ll‘`‘‘`’`‘Dl‘`lTTT`‘`‘‘‘‘`'``‘`‘
(2) Mobile loaders loading on to conveyors ....l.rl....r....... L ............ L .............. - ....._................. L ......................_r....... L . 0 (/_, Ae H] O,./g/T, C ;_*_,· A Lg; lg 7//
Im Moiliiek Olcedere ioecune into ··rubi>er-uree O Mailing addmt Of p’°d“°“[i *se· 4 ··»·   §{§e;‘i;gy;:’~·~‘ ·e e·‘eL·*eC"·Ia,1,e, eee······*·»ee·e~ee L e·e’e r"‘ (QM, eaii e iiiis`·  
ruc s .............................................................................. L ......... LLL ......_.....r.. L r....................., L .l........_ LL ,........r......... .   L I L L ’
(4) Scmpgr         Name of mine ..,.l.....__._.______,,,_____,_________,_,_____ L __,l________________________,_____________________ Coal Act district _r,l....l     LL LL rl....r.r.