xt7kh12v6014_100 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1947-1948 text 1947-1948 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_14/2008ms006_14_5/13258/13258.pdf 1947-1948 1948 1947-1948 section false xt7kh12v6014_100 xt7kh12v6014 COAL MIIES I
Qxgipip gi`_W1}1gs _CTuI0 opgrgtrog for gxontg of   41.; _A   yr/QI ./ __ l9f_.a;IL_
I ___ ___________ , INIITNT ORY AC COUNT __
` _____g\@_n_*g_lg_ __ ____ Season :I
_____;______I num T _______________________ ______ I ___ I
_____ _P_r_ev1 o;1_s_ y _ Invent my __ __ _ I _ / __ _I
-._.};1.1I..<>i2.*~=1¤1.......... ...1.-.... 1.......- ..1*.- I   7 ·‘‘”     I
_.__<;:;11_I21S&>.»1rs21@.111a--__._____-___- I -_.- I   `
___`Qg;v_1 1on U ¤n;11_q__g_1rvo 1 ces ___ __ __ ___   Z 5
__ jlgem ijggs fr_q_1g C om:11 s sary _ ____ _ I _Q . I   I
__ Trans 1`ers from Mer ket _ ___ __ A ’ _ I
_ rot Q1 orgy ge S for Mo my I_ I___  I "g E3 Q I I
Tot nl Aveileb le Merolumdi se _ I I " ~ T- A  I-I II I
I   I ,
I -
I__ Issue s__to Plant ___   "
I _ Sales — CNET). I _ ___ I Q ll;.   ` '
Sale s - __Qnsr;.e _ __  ‘I _ -
1-- TGI sk §2}ss»._._.. I   I A   I
Total Sales Ec   I   I I I, "
Balsnce I   IA I - T  
Inventory I I   I - I I
FBO   I.;   LI Zi _-I S VK I II A I`   I
-——...-.-.—.........—...-.._.._....-...;.>;'...J-....4........- `I......... -.............._
Barber   , ° · · A I ~—I
"fi*f“io*—"·‘_*··—··*···o·*··*··· I ····· I ·······I···I
n 1 1 l 1 eros I I ·
Bldg. RG nt al I AA ,.,. I   I I
Total Gross Pro fi iz I i T   ,I`I_ I f/*5 _- I "`   I
  -1__.....l2;1>;1;.e@r1<1<»;s;-,_.-_1l_ r.-___I_J,I-_- I
I 2591 — S_.lsr1es 5; iié of Berber Rgceigts It _ ’·· I , I
592 Repai rs é; Ijz11nte11&1z1<=e   J I
395 Miscelleneous   ‘ I -
3 94; Texe s   ' I
2595 Insur ance I _   _I I
:596 Deprecieti on __ W--   -I
........_.................-,...........-..................I .. ..
39 7 Tr ucki ng;   I
I 598 Lighiy 1 ng __ ~_“_ Q __—·-_.—_   j _-- _.  I I
I i—;;a"1*;;¢r"‘“"""‘"""‘""“"""‘""""”TI"__’I"_II   
I LES  1E5}SE5§?S—"` `"`I”"""""""*”"""""PI" ~ I .. I
Z61 Ge HSE?  ""`" " "` II "` I " "'
`—--—-__—__1—_—_—-`_‘-_·_-'_•`—~——'_*—_ U`-- ·——_-le-—_-_-·--—_— I I _ ;I
Tot al I I ‘ I I ’
    -;....;% -  I ............ I
-,....-,...._..,_,.,,.._.T_I...,......_.-_ _.;_.._.--...,._... ..........-......1.._..-.,...._.......--.... I ....
LE} fi S .ED{]"»F¥P.;’§G QI ·' I
I - .*.. .-,.--......,...,- ..-.._................. ..--.- ............-......... -.._.. ............_.... \......
I Net Pyoilt or Loss     I I  
I ___ ________ _ ____ ____ _______________ _____ __, __,_r_____________ ___,.-,J...,........ · ;...,

II/I , -
`sjxgilgip gf_IJ1;liI_ge_Cl‘gp<_gr£1t;o1;1 for gxogtg gf ;#;I»‘     I , .,% » I ___ l9g(
» Month · Season :I
| --11 -·—·-··——· csc; ~>-:·•—--¤ -·-—-
....................IlE§;;.1l,.........._....._..._.;...-..I -_...-.. I .. I
_____ §_r_e_y_j__;g1_s__Q£cl:11;11’:; Iuventog _____ __ {..14 F-} I C ;-/ I
_____ l;w‘oi__o_e_s__ ___ __ —I·’JZ'_ " J .i1»·“’.$T{ jj! I
__C,sh 1§_sp_urser¤;e_g§_s_ ____ ___ _____ _ ____ / 4} B   I I £’ 'I S Q I
P;¤·ovi:;io11 Tlmpld Invoices I   y .4 I * /
_Tr;u1sj;g§__Qr£>_g__Co1m:usser_y__ ___ _   I *   I S 1 Z3
I_ Tramsfers from Market __ _____ _ I _I _
I_____ Total Cgeroes for Month __ I~_'_'T· LIQI O  
I Total Available Lierohzmdlse I " I I ' .IIIII I   =- I m
I Q.x»22z2- I I I
l -
I__ IssLgs£>;_to PL_ag_1t _____  
I....-.—`E ............-..._., ,_______ I I..-.   I I   5 II VL-
sales - qI_EgI~;€ _ 3I_ I I ___ {
Total Sales I   I I ‘ °   IL{g{ 1/In
II   T;’¢,2m:ST*"‘"*"‘"‘"‘”*“—" I "“#~ » ·_  TO O Ij
M--`   "-—_ —_*_——“ QI n-ii Ix -I-_ I we I.I£I;I
_- .--_.____.__-.; - ,.-,...-....... -.-.... -.---.- .-.----.-.. -... -.---s ,_.--_.- I. -2..;.] I-
Ifet l”;~o;lI; or Loss   I .   ,·I _I III I/.»_`_
I _________________ _____________________________ __I____ ___ ___ ____________________________________II______________ I ’ Z_f___

   COAL mm-DS
Exlgiyiy 9f_I’IEiE€-Cl¤iQP§T§tlOE Emi eealw ef M     —··· ·. .  ... ..-..-...1;*3%.i.
__ .__,___........-._...,.}£ELEl.iLIlEl'..*&C COW? ........._.......-
` ‘ lIIgp._g1l_____ ___ Season  
“‘“—“_—”“"""""`I""”""°"'°°'°""""°" I """7’"'" N   _ "7`T
_--- Eia€1>L.<2y.S..@¤;iM.=;.IA2¤¤’¤¤.1;.I; -.-..-_..  -- l- /   - I I
_____§;;;<2_i_¤5_;____________________,_____________,. I · IY_L_I   ~ ' - ·/I
.._....¤gaa>2;@.22a..........._.......--...- Ml.; I ’    
_,?_;@;ig;;>¤ Um;¢;i.@jzl2<;i-¤.¤S.-_...--..-_- ... * HI  
_______;lQg_ens igs i`i*_g1gI__§£nu:nsse1;y__ _____ __     ‘   I   »‘A% · ‘ ’
_________T1_;n_ns1`ers filom Market __ _____ __ _  
“"""‘“"_“"“*"”""“_"_”°—""°“""""""""""" TT" ITT , I “"`_`T?`I`*`T
Total   for Mo n’c_n_ __ _____ ;;L_  /V_;_v %·‘¢‘~7 I
Total Available Lierchnnrlise I _ I     IL Y   __I I   I I
I cn2Dg1;_ I I I I I
I · ·
Il ISSIy2;J><> Pi&;1>_............_..__-.....I,-;..I.. ._......
I_________ Sales — C..sh_ _ ___ __ II   I `   I I
I .__;%;i.l@-a.;_€Lh;e;s_...__l_I._...._-._.......-_iI__._...  
I _____I To*cel_   s _ _________   , " ‘ ,_;_ I —
TQ?-§I}—§-glgg _&·_T—I£E';§-f(}T$--_`—-_>__— __ _- _·~•I• I _-I-- · * ‘ _ ‘ .
Belsnoe I Li Q T gf .
Inventory I ‘ i` _
""—`I""7"""""`""—`"`"'—"_""'7""T”""" I ""` I TI . I I
}l’Ol`iIC i' , I fg, V I 1 II *· ‘" I
_.__.._.-.................._.._......-...-;.ei.-I.l.---.._,..........I ...; ‘ -· ·· ,_______,__;I,__
Berber   Q   *I I:   I . I  
-—-;---—.-.-.-.--—-—— -......................ll.....—..;.._»  
Billiards   L_ I   I -e-I , .l -4 I-  
Bldg. Rental I . I I _ I II _ I
I _..._...Kl_ fEI3fEETf°}i.I“ _ .---. . ..   .-’g».'..~.s.,i;l?” Il”‘·’...II;.-- I e A
I @.j‘;.1..®.1...._...... I__.-__124;@@1_2 Iig>s»;?l-_.---l .- ___;_II __
I   ·— S.,ln1"i¤2s ii; $2 of Berber Rgceigis   .i_I   ._-·I /s I I
{592 Repairs: &·; I‘§;1ii.ntenenl¤k> OPQFQQOLI EO; w<>12*¤12 ef i ._ . . .. _ ...-...._.1..9é_...
___ ____ · __}j§_[TNTORY ACCOUNT Q __
V Al\@_nt_lg_   Seeson  
," . , " .`*, . , A .
ll, .12a@.v..l. @2.5. .l;2¤1¤.£;a.l;D;¢?.¤.*¤.¤;‘i.’ ..--_----.. ..-   _;   - » ¤
______lj;voices __ _______ ____ _   / J   A       'l }
_ Clan Disbursements I / of   *—‘ »’ % I / Z ` A i
___§r_cg[ision Um]g__ices_4____ __ ___  ._f]’/ I |
_______Tr;11msi'ers i"ip__x_n Commiissnis/___ ___ I   '.·    .i F ·  
______ Transfers from Market _______ _ ` __ I
  Tomi   my M¤¤m   { (gr;     H 4 . PQ 
Total Available Ivierchsndise g _ / ·   s ’i K  '°_     
s ¤P¤¤.¤>.@.- L '    
[__ Issues;_to PLant _   J
[....-.;.5£.]:§£".,.:....(;.;£i;.`;........,.. . . _ f ‘ `;»· `   L f   T l
Sales - Qzergze ___ _ _   __i'_ ____ -
Mu Total Sales Q -   3 ,· { i , ii y
Totiivlgeles & Transfers   3 ‘ A . 1 ‘ ‘   ’
‘ Belsnce i   f` »/ _:° , ,    
Inventory gl s   . i ·
no rm ·   · ( Y  il =| · — vl’‘ {
t ·—·——————~-—~—·——·———————-————————·—·———-—-—~—-——·——~—·#——— +—-—— · ——-———-———~4-—
Berber _-if   ‘ r ,   I  
Billiards   _ .   l i   __
Bldg. Rental * g / _
Total Gross Profit   rj   3 » }:  
T;'Z’:7. T§`Ii'Z.ZL`LZ... '.1`1'TL"II':   . 
·   --..,.....E’i$Q£i.TQ.é#Eilf.2, ,EQ~¤;§_l___;L ,___ ____
l 591 — Silaries   $2 of xiarber Rgceiyts   I,  · K ; I   ‘, -1/ A
392 Repairs é·; lQoi.;;tenenc=e i .  {J % f' A ‘ j' _' ;
$93 Miscelleneous   A ij     {  
594: Taxes S   l
2595 Insurance   MV; sit L .
596 Depreciation ——“__' L —'
...............................i-.......... ...........-..... ....; ... ..-
597 Trucking     .1, ·_ ·   _- Al {5
i   Linliting —-mwM-·—w—~`-—`l_—'*“•“~`~—$ r - I i % - , -  
£ ::7>········1·*·········"""""‘*·"* ‘*·’‘ """""“*"*•*‘**i"**"·?}··*‘····**"*‘"‘. L *"——"‘L‘""—*‘
I oai? bnel V,   ·' A {A A; ‘ ‘
}   llicponse __"-_“wm*“-.“* *—-_—T·_   ii, _.    
................................ ..,....--.,.......-......-...s......_-..........-....  ...-.........t...- ...{
401 General Works Eyqenrze jg | l
___ _T;>t#1l _____________________________ _ it / ·.li 7 ‘“  JY     ‘ i I
'”"`""i?§5§T{‘T§1{‘i§?7E§I§`§?`”""'"" '“"""“““_""`”""° is “"'i7·   !7`* "`“`"" . - {
"N"""`I]`é7§"`rE?E§TE?}~TTe%"`_”"""""*""`_“`—""`_`—`_"`$""`—T7"_TC ~ " 4 · _·   {
{ Pet Fyogit or Losgzs I?. ,/ i ‘? l·,_     I __
. ___________t_,_________________________ ___,_ _____,_ ___, ______,,_,7¥_________.__,,_._-.-;. .l_,.............1_..;.

@@191-2 2f_II£I1*2¤-Gl¤I2‘er2I’¤i¤aI EOE @02*2 af .I I .   - I   .. ._ -I ....1.9%-;;
____yonI;1l · Season :I
._..__.._....i>;‘Il¤;¤.¤;_..._.__ -I ‘ ‘ I ‘ -- II
_ Previoi1_s__g;o_rg_gf lnvenizory __ _   LJ I     A; A-- _/I
____ IJ1V<>i_C_@_5_ _______ _____ _ I ‘ I · ~·‘/` P 0; r' " I
· .   I »-.   L . · J "‘ rr V ‘? »‘
-...I§;I}..D}.SP.~’.¥E*.€i;§.Y£I?.&-......................__ I ...- ri — ’    
___?_]LC§1l_[2_lO1'l U;mg_¢l_}_zivoices____ _ __ -I ~· .7 J J
______;I;r:gs_};grs Qrjy Com.missarV__ ____ » · I I , ?   I   If °
___ Trarisfers fiimn Market _ I I '_
__ Tong Cgargg for Iviontli I FII _Q- '/I { "“’7I_;1;"Q  
. . ·   , _· _ I I ,
I Total Available Merchandise I . I 3 I */     5 I 5I
I cnanrr I I I I
I "‘—`*""”" I
I__ Issngijo Plant ____   I  
( _ Sales — Cash __   ‘    _; _,; . . _-jI~I
Sales — Charge   -
Total Sales     I   I ki (I I, _;  jj-
Total Sales Sc Transfers I i" _ _j g _.    
'_____I2¤;II5;¥@_@__________I_________________________________ I     /‘>·  Ii
Inventory _ I I   I- _ 'I r
Mfii I ’ I ;II—   I,·w··· ‘ *,I I -1 I · pI
-·-—-—..·..-..........--.................-._..;*...i........» _= ~’ I I .._....;.I_’“ ’
Bwbor I, · ”· I 72 ·  
———-—-·-·-·--—·--------.-.-—..;................._.._.--   .__.... I I  
Billiards I -I I     .   . I
Bldg. Rental I ~ -. I
' / _4L_ : JI
Total Gross Pro fit I _   : I~ ··~ * ~/
I   -.......- .....-  ...  
.w1¤.l2l&....._.-l. ---....l..l°l@+fQ;+I;I2I..1;Q»ia-,--..; II...__.l..II -.. I
I 59l -— S-laries 6;   of Barber Rgceipbs   ’ I 'I   I. ir   4
1592 Repairs he EQUlIaJC€IlEUl(T€   ` Q d,   T? if   I
I 595 II.I2iscellaneoL;s   .I r ‘ -     ( ·   _z‘
394 Taxes II I I I
.;.......j_.....,,....,.,._,_,,___,_______,,_________________ I ______________
I 595 Insurance     I —-   I —,I ·-In
.596 Depreciation II I I
- 597 Trucking   · I     I _, * I  
I $98 LiIg,hI1ix1I>;   . I = {I J;} ·~> gy 
I FEQ Fnal ___““_' M ~ nm _-+I“   I   II   I;   I J
I LES v;Z¤I£5I?.Z;qwIIIIg "“`"" "" ""T` s . I . I- _ I  
I ·_T__j_· _-____ -_.~>_._T·___“_*·___'*_•4`____‘_~•__~*____+I_____________;_;__I___ _____ ’»¤` ·   7*
I ·I¤IJl Genaral Works Eyqernise   I
I -.-..,___._,i_..,,..._.__.............--..._..-.-....--- -..._........... I ........_......l...
[ 1 ¤
I I I. I I II .,.‘
    | rj r_I I I I¥‘ I (/` // / (II '·{¥I {
  .'Z‘.?.`Z.TZ'1.T.’ZZL'.".L‘."ZZ`.Z' -2% ..."' ..."' ...""T"",...#.'   ' A
Pi‘O1.'it on Liwlos II ‘,   W, __Ij* v QI Q  
  Ii`§ET¥f?5I""..-[jf;.-Il-_-I---fl”.I--jI- Q   -I Ii;   .# I     e I
?.I‘e·t Pyoiiiz or Loss I I I   ',»·_r· 4 fx X %.
I ___I________I.Il.,____,_,-,,-.._.......-,....-...--..-...--.._-..-.......~............—.—--v¢ · ' " 4 " ` ’¢—·

Qzclgipit gf_Wgi_tc_Club opgrgtlog fog gogtp of   cl _   ____ l9g_¢i_
___ _____________ ’ _ ___ INVTETORY ACCOUNT __
I _____jvpntlL  ____ Season  
  .... .. ll.; _`- ` ‘ "`  ...I
______ Qxiavloy_s__l;o_z;c_yi;__I11·V*sntogy _____ ____ I__; aj x g   , " , __I
_____}gvC>i_;c__qs;_ ____ *_______ __ I I / 4 4 Q   ‘ ” ` I
--.@;¤.._h ]2Lal>.Iy;;@;r;;a__ _____ ___ _ I ____ /     4   ; ,/  1 I ri
· ___li{_qLi ion LTIm_§Lj;_  Ixxvol cos___ ____ ______ 'Q»»·__’   I; I. . I
W.,  ...-....._.-....II,....;.; I V  
‘__ __i;1_;gIs1`s1·s fxjom Msrkst _ _ I _____`____; II ___ I
Total CL-s1*e;¤g_2__i;o]: Mo nth _ _ If #/1 I ZL / I
. , _ , I ,   , ’ ~ .
Total Avoilsb ls II·;s1·ch:md1ss I 1 G ~_   ·, I! II - I
I   II ' ,
' l
I__ IssIyg_s;_to PLQQ: _____   · I
It--lv   S   I ii I --1 I ` rl lr, . U l_"I { I;. "‘ , I}   _/rj}
.__$&_~2_.:_<£sg1;s·->._.__._..._..__.....-.___..___l,__jI_l I   I ·· -
Total Sale s II I ·   II ‘   I I
Total Sales éic Txwmsfsrs   g'—e>,> gt   J j_ J 5* I, y
Bslsncs I Y Q, Q 'I 7II   `If /     I
Inventory I I   W ¤· It _ _! 5 .-I ·
Psofit   I I ··       .~ It I I I  I . I
·-----—-—..........—..........-........._...._-...;..L...;;....................II..._-....’ I ~ ~ V “' -..._,...._;-   I
B¢1`b<91` II / g 2 y rI —/ ] .-’‘ “—y  
;-;-·—··--—-»----.~-......._......................_.._... ' _.._.....;..,.Zl *‘ ....__4.....,_ ,__I.__,{___,I,
- . . , I I
¤1ll1s1‘os . ; I, I· K _'   =   · I
____________t __________1_______ -·_ _ "— I __ 5 7. ;/ ;.¤ Ip .~   I. -_
Bldg. Rental I ,. __ f   { _ A
`_`—-`_I"—'~~__"_`“~"——_"`°"”""`_`*_"°"“"— "" I V Q I —`"""" l I
_.-_._.ll_.o_l..ll- to--.,____I I  -   I
. so . I I
_ T;>t&l Crwss 1*1*0 1‘1t II -I ;> ··I Q7,   r I I y
._._-.....i.....,;._,.,,,.,.-.,__._,____________________________   ____ | _______2;;_ · ` ‘ I
I §JZ;.LE;...._.-... .--..__,-..._.]i’;$Q§l§.»“-.§sl2_.LQ§>§___,,____i , _____I___II ___I___I
I o9l - ¤..lsr1ss I-Q $0 oi Barber Rgoslyts I   :·_tII. I-·I _I _   I g_-
592 Repairs at I;ui.IItonzm<=s I ‘ Q —/    . _—    
5595 Iiiscollfgojis I N I- I  II V      
594 Taxes   I I I
I 2595 Insta? amos   I /,. _   [I I~·, r   I. I
.5% DspI*sc1at10n II I I
............._............---.............-.,...........1I.....- -- ·
$597 Tyuckingg     .~ .\ I · ¤   ,
:398 Liuhtllw I 'lxr -7   · JI
I ~# "’ 2 /   ·   { , ` ·
- I  "“¥T'“-"""""""`_"_"I""`*""""""""""`°"""""""' I """"""""”`•   ,_
ov.} 1.*..*3]. ~~   A I I./I sl
I N__~k__________________•_____—·--i.-— —-—m—~_*———__v__•‘i___•____ _I‘_ X ,7 ‘·· ‘ / f- ·‘ I"
· ad}? Watsr Expoxmso _· ·       I_ _
I _..r....._....,....,_T, ___*_____________________,__.,.............--..-.gI....I....-...;.;.IL;.4  
I 40l Gsnsyu]. Iiorlzos Exgougzs I I I
`"”""`fI"""‘*""*"‘o‘“""""’“ ”—""""" I I , II I   I   , I I I
lotzéxl II I , LL " 1     f   _  
""“"""IP?F6E?I7:'75El?5Ti}$?""""‘ `““""`““"`"""“ I  I   "—T?   R I»
W m“—le:¢¤? lC¤cIE}TE§"""”" "`"` ·_* I   j   E   jf Ig? s . I j,
.... ... .....,,..,.,.,..-,...........,.., ..,I.. .5. .—;.—.¤......·-.. ·..·...—·- ·-·· ·-·-.·-·-~r··-· ··-—-·l -···-•·—·-·——·-—-—— ·-·
Not lyollt or Loss   I I. · I ·— II _I _, _   ~  

I Exhibit of White CluI.pera1t:Lon for month of _; 4 I ~= · l94g“
--_._.--. -.--._-_-. --_£IH§lliLI&-4C (EES"`;-..-..-.....-.-..._..-
I -..%.11*212- --.- _-.§-e-¤S¤¤ _l;I
_-_-----_--¤x¤-@;¤‘ --_----_-_-_ -- I _-I
__ Previ-i.¤.<=.S. -- .-------.-...-  <*> -..-_· 'I f·#    
___ _g£rs from__Com-miesarv__ ____ _ / I · `\ ' `· "YI I Ip
‘ I_I Transfers from Market I v_  
· -I
__ Totg Ggergg for Mom‘:_g __ rfc} 0   I rz, I I II .3  
. . . . I ,; » »; II , , _. . _
Total Avelleble Bplerohendlse ' ,/OI/·{, I ,I I: ~~-   { >·’
I or-EDIT I »
I ‘····f"‘··* _I I
!-.--@@»;@LI—iJ-é·;@.....-.--.-._--.-.-.-. · -.-..-. ._.-..
‘____ gms -   I _ __ I   _    -- I~   - I I; I Q
  I- .- -
Total Sales   4   - j_»,iI II I ’I ' _
Total Sellers & Transfers II ,;Iq~ . I_ ,· =, I ·_I ¤ -j  
-.-I¥&&a@2_-------_--------------------_ = I I J .I`» —§‘ .____-4; 
I33*€¤*»¤fv ____ ____, ______   ‘ __ of ;/-_; 7 a I ; -;/·; I ~  
Frofit —\.     I-_ II ~I,- ,,, i» .,·~I
—·-—~------—..-.-.-.·-—.- *.—— -...... ..-.....................4I......... - ’    
Bwber II l. » - -- I I (- .-,· V In ·I
I ¤J;ll1¤ros _ I I I;   _,   I_-_I IV 7 II I:}   /1
Bldg;. Routel I   I   . ·   _
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I O9}. — S.-.l€1I‘1&2s ce 75 of 13:;;*ber Rg;CGlI‘ 3;;   _»/( y G /,· I glp   ··   ·
592 Repai rg; 5; l;ni1dt;e11e1n<·e I J   ·- -   .·, --·Is
$93 I.»Ej,soell;meoI,;s I_ II I I' I   . II _ _ I I     I I, ;_ ¤ _ I} 7,4
-,___...._..j.._.,...t-...-....,..-.....-..-..,-____.__    I ‘ * ’ -‘·
594 Taxes I I I
_ _1___t______’___1___t_______t___`i_i"`_-_·____`_—______r I _____"-___·__ ;___ — I
L595 Insure-noe II I .. I ·   I ·‘· -
-_.-.__.._.f-.-...-.t----.--..---_.-.----_.-,-.-_._.-II-_-..-_--.   C ·* O    
596 Deprecieti on I I
 ___________________ _________________;___ _____i______________ ____l i`~;____· ___ I
397 Trucking   jg .1-   II   gw?
I 1598 Ligytimg   / { y ·», IIKI vI I I I
I ¢:»i*···-"‘··"""""*"""" *‘‘‘ ""‘""‘""""‘"‘“ ‘*""*I‘—‘-"*"‘  
o¤9 Fgel I I, G   y »-,· c \ gw
I ~..T..-..;......`..__-...;.........- ..._-...1...-._.......;..;1...........;..,1............ " `I " ’“
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____ I;1voic_e;s;____________ _______ _ I Z ` I >’.I” I / 4% ¤ I7 *// I
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_ Ifigcgeggs ng Commiese1·v__ __ ___ V I `   I C · e I $-3
 iers from Mar ket _____________ __ I__
TO'CC_Q.__£)J-&IIl‘§,€S_iLQI Mont_1g_ v_ I _ I ,   s'/5 ?'V  
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new I - I I I   . , I,¢¤
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Berber   "· ‘ I ; ; Q cz IO4/I
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.#l¥..I¤ ·....II¤;..N.__... _.....,.-...-...P.i$@i;2.»¥J2...I;Q§§-.~.--_;I_  ·   -..
391 — S.,lnries 6.; $7; of B:a1*bo1· Rgceigte   I‘ I 4//    6;
592 Repaj re é; D;n*L1.te11sanc· e _ -,1** __ I J 1 / gy; I
O v_ F   .,»__-  , I  ,» IE-I", ;L.\L;Q{_I I
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V T "I , , . xv IJ — . · .
  T3`,.?2_•__’,   ' I   A JV   V { · -_-L —/ I , I _ {I 1;*;; { 0 O I
2595 Insurance I     · · .·   II V __ (I
396 Depreciation II.-, -I
Z59'? Trcucliing   _ »   g LI
I iIf?E;;E*;;I;F.;EE.&Ҥ.....-._.---_.-.c...,.._-..-..o---o...;I......._- I ._ v I II M
I 399 FQG].   I ry 3*;* II_I
I ,__,__,.,4_,,_...__tT_..._......- -..............................-.......I...  
IICD Meter Lxpcnee I .. .  L IOC
I .__-__.._.-..-- ..-..----._--....-...,..............-...-;;......-.....I... ..-.
I 40l General Works  cnse ·I I I
,___________________,_.,__.__....-- .... _,_.-._.--- _.,..._...........I.· ........._I..
I A l l I l * I I
______,jI`_$>_@_@____.-, *_*_ ....._.._..-_.--....---._n..:II.:.....;-II:II " II ..g.L:Zi LQ
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Tet Pyox I t our Loss   I       _ gx- I

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I    ___SGE1SOH ___2I
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Total Ci-arI¤2·¤¥:_i_E>riI_e_rLth   I   7 ?§ QMLZLI B?
IW-__£I‘0I;al Available   __ __ I I' *7   / VII _ [,/740/, L
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_ Total. SaIes II   is ; g_   ,4 I
TQ@2_I_§_&I€S &   __,______ ______ I _ 72 i/I K   * was Q
Balsnce _     J "   _/   . T,/_g
Inventory I `   _ -· ; ·· """"Ti'*Tf?Q7I
...- I`~OiI._ W- ._ 4,.; ,_ I * _- _II___   MI _- I       
Barber II I.»   · ~··I · I .
______________;________;________________________________________ __ II A/;,¥+_v /4 :» I __ /   O  
.`. .__ ,C_ I U} ‘ I I  
___jf_i&3_il_`;___________e______________________ II cI     I4! as 5 I: 2; UV} I
Bl`;. Re vn. I   7 · _ f ` a
________Cf_____ii_;_,_,________________ ____ _____II ~       —»¤» 0 33.
—————-————-—»-————-—--~————————---——·--~——————-——————II»—§ -—-———-—   ·~—— .  
r A ww CQ —;_ _.. I _ / il 4 I
I £%1¤.£2a.._..-_. `-_....__.._.}i&Q£YI2   *----1..  -....
I 591 — S..laries 64   Of Barber Rgceig*ie   ,i/ `»·I‘     FI ·’/ XI · O
1592 Repairs &;Ij;1iJIte11EI11<¤e       ·w ,5 (OI
*T""""‘*"‘—‘*"‘—‘*""""""""*‘_"_——‘—‘ I I +****I"“""`   _ T 
595 I.fiscell>;me0I.zs I     · I I   I`     `
$94 Taxes   /   I   _   I I I LI g O/O
——_-——·-r I » ff I I I·   II/.r I . I i-—-L" —v I 4 I
. gg · I   ` II _, _, I ,
_,_$§__{’j?_¥§‘§*jE§"____________ _______ II   I ¤·~I I as'? ' 0 0
596 Depreciation   ·
...................-.........---............-.................I ..
397 Trucking,   - · I _   QI
I  iw Lim  ___V__________ ___ ___ II Zi M  I *1/5 Z
I 599 Feel `I / , v_ ,.I L` 5-*I
________________________________________ ____________I______________________________ _ / < "’"
I aC'J• Water Expcuee _   /je7I/,g ey · if IO
,........._..... ..._.... .....-.....-..... .,......._............_.-—..............-—.   ..-.
40]. General Works Exgense II I I
""°`—“"’*°"“""""""‘°‘°""`°"""`"`"`“ I , I I   ; I y < I I
-...._.T§1@._,....-.r...........-..-_..-...-.._----.._JII_?2~.r.;:I;’¤" "' 'I IG @.1
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  I·“3W=¤»€   4 1. 1 Ig!  gI      . I
I }I<¤eI; Pyejit er Leszw II / __   I »_ -/   5    _:

lixgigit gf_Wgite_CluilgpgrgtioI;1 {Tor gogtb of LQ   · ~# ___ l9j¥_§__
V _ __ INV-TIITOllY·_[ECCOUlIi! __
____lQlrIt_b;_   _Season  
l ;—-T-_ . I ._-_. i- ji-.- · #· I ‘7 * x' * ‘
______ Previqu__s__go_gt_g:: Inventog_____ _____ __   - X   x I / C; .»»/ I
____ I;1voi_c __e_ sl _ ___________ ________ ___ / 4 ‘?7 [   1/         I
____.¤.l;s22;€¤,¤2I;€l-l.....-..l--.....-... I -... ~     5 I       ‘  
_______}§‘_£@iiiion Um;g_i_ 74 ;,._; _%`·‘»,i
Belsnoe { ;‘//I I/ I;I 7.; rQ, {  
v-~·-•·•>-—••¢· ~··-··——·-—¢-——··>—·•·———-·—-·——— —·-———--·¢—-·•——-—·-—·——~v — -———— -—··~ -—··· 1
_ Inventory     IQ It I _     L Ia
__ Profit I- __-__   _ ~     _/   / 5,. N /4/ ;__IV—;_  I, I
BcQ;I`b€I` A- II I I,     Ig /'d__»’ /1  ,4;  
' I
Billiards I e ~; , /I - : w, I   ,l~· I
__ __ __________ __________ 1_ I J .»<» J w ». ,= ~-  .. ,· I
Bldg. Rental I , I__ _ _  _— _,. [_ [_ I ·
i________1_1____~___V______________________‘_______i_‘____________ I _______ .> k- ~·/ _;__;_ -—' ~-
Total Gross Profit I   ; {é' # I e   » I
  L:   I
Iyiv iw-. .. -.l...-. . Pi2Q£I.?L.»>—lQ..@§.¤.2-_-o-l;I_,-.--  
i _ I , M _ I I
I L59l — Sllaries et ii; of i3¢iI‘bCI‘ Rgoeigrs I — I I { q I· \_(‘ yV;JIVV_V A /4 5, O VI
40l General Works E>:;ons.—:e    
M-~—m_—___——____—_*—1__‘--I.--_-—'—_.-_`--_—~·—_———-- I   , I . , , I
PiI*C>iQ'it on Sailizs ‘ I. *7       I
-——~—————-—·——¤-. —·—~—~~—-—-—-·——·-—--»·———-—-··———-—··——-——-·e·-·-···¤7·<—,···· ···· , » I   ,
Lows f»7Q’»€?Tll$G JI .··’ I-4 A/Lqf/_II / { .I . 1 I I, I
Net I‘y<>li·t or Low   K f ,~   gw I` I      
I _______,_____M_____,,_,,_-,,,__.,....-- ..,..-..........-l..........................----·--;-L I —¢-—·

 z COAL mms
ljxlgioit of__Wgite_Club operation Qor gogtlg of ,445  ‘? T ,V'_V A J __ like {
____ ___ Q IIWYTNT ORY _AC COUN! ___
` ______l@_1·_gitL_  ___ Season zi
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__ I-‘reviou_s__l\.io