xt7kh12v5m8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v5m8n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1993 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Kickoff Magazine, University of Kentucky vs. East Carolina State University, November 13, 1993 text Kickoff Magazine, University of Kentucky vs. East Carolina State University, November 13, 1993 1993 1993 2014 true xt7kh12v5m8n section xt7kh12v5m8n "’ ` A ‘'`‘ A ‘ A ""'‘     “’ `A AA ‘A“   ‘'V‘   •• '•* i  ‘ ‘ ~-       A     ’·  A -
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  EEE nrvnnrmmrs
  3       Game Statistics .......,................ 9 Meet The Newcomers ,.,........ 58
  Statistics and stories from the nation G toug/aestj%otbtzll conference Scommg I he OPPOUCM ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ IO Meet The WQIKOUS ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 59
l; it , Meet The Opponent ............. 11 Opponent Roster ...........,...... 60
  4   S   UK ln The News .................. 14 UK Managers ........................ 62
  The lwldeotr are in search of iz winning season and possible Opponent Seliedules ............. 16 UK Med. Sta{t`& Trainers .... 63
  postseason bowl b€7‘f}J wif]? fl victory 01/€’7‘ EMF Cllwliiill University Prohle .....,............ 18 Kentucky Network ................ 65
  ' ` ` 2 A ...,........... 2 ' ,,,,.....,....,,..........,........
it s ms nnmms cum! mnt     *[1t J [V jj EST; R H  
  S . nker   Calvert will be 5771alL   lt.; [lz b . -[. I UTI'}. .......... t ...... . ........... ..2. S OI`lOl' O ..................
  emmafbl y I up J/S lg Img Assistant Coaches .................. 26 Cheerleaders 8c Band .......,.l.. 70
  8       CM. Newton ....................... 52 Academic All-Americas .,..,..,. 72
  People are tzziking about senior linebacker Duce Fwliiezms Athletics Administration ....... 54 Football Traditions .,..,..,..,,.,. 74
        A   Football Support Staii ........... 36 All-Americas ....,..,..,............... 77
  U _ _ .K [ k t/I t I fh [ [/el; t [ Graduate & Strength Coaches.59 All-SEC Selections ................ 78
  ml WING] 0; {TH gc ty [Z 1 E gs wm Z wl Om M 0 Ensure UQ), Commonwealth Stadium .,.... 41 Football Records ................... 81
  Smiwel ludlémlul y UK indoor Fieldhouse .......... 42 UK Songs .............................. 86
        Nuttet Center ....................... 44 Coaches Records ...........,...... 88
 t ]}-[{,,%,-1},; Of,] xpggcb gjygu &y]%;·m€;· UKDj;~eC;0;· 0f`A[b[g;j€5 Meet The Wildcats ............... 46 Retired jerseys .,..............,....,, 90
 é and b{(_gkg{b{{[l [zl[.A;;Zg;·jgH][   (lt {Z ggygyylgyly yyzyyliylg AlL1l'HH1 Notes ............,..........     ll] Tl\€ Pros   ...............  
  the UK b,,Mb(I[[ Smljjym in bj; /,0,10,- UK Roster ...........................,. 52 Blue iii \Vhite Donors ........... 97
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" I  AIIIIEIITI E   S INDEX I-   I   I f    
qi g ·’;-·;=     KIIIKIIFE MAGAZINE
. . . . . . . ¥ t
F he University of Kentucky would like to thank the Following advertisers for their The 1993 Kentucky Football Program is published by
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         AROUND THE SEI}
i   ”       /,'rV   sms
Q                 Avv»    
iiiiiiriiamriii it      1Vhat{s up with the nations toughest conference
Compiled By David Kaplan
{Ames nosrcommumearioas IQQ3 SEG $`|`|\|||]||||'§$
hat a crazy year it’s been in the
m‘ le w Southeastern Conference! SEC OV€1'311
\X/ith three weeks remaining in the reg- EAST W L T Pct- W L T Pct-
ular season, it appears as though the see- Florida 5 1 0 833 7 1 0 875
ond SEC Championship game will be a Tennessee 4 1 1 750 7 1 I ·8§3
C‘ rematch of the inaugural game, Alabama Kemueky 4 5 O F7] 5 4 0 eee
F versus Florida. Alabama has already Geofgm _ 2 5 O J86 4 5 O 444
clinched the W/estern Division and a berth Swh Cemhne 2 5 O '286 4 5 0 A4?
r into the championship game. Florida has Vanderbilt 1 5 O `167 3 5 O 37)
the upper hand in the East, with perhaps WEST
the SEC’s best team nipping at their heels Alabama 4 i i 750 7 i i 8%
in Tennessee. Auburn is the SEC’s only LSU 5 4 O i429 4 5 0  
undefeated team but is ineligible for the Oic Miss 3 4 0 .429 4 5 O Ayié
championship due to probation. Aiksiisss 2 4 i .357 5 5 i .389
1t’s been an up-and—down season for Mississippi Ss i 4 i 250 2 5 2 .278
many t€111TrS in {116; CO11f€I‘€I`rC€.   gO[ Off *Aubui.ii 6 0 O 1.000 c) 0 O l_O00
nc; to a 1-4 conference mark, but has bounced _ . , . . 1
_ _ _ _ Izzelzgzblefor (`hdi?1/IIIIIIJ/Jl/7
back with consecutive victories over Ole
Miss and Alabama. The latter broke the
Tide`s 31-game unbeaten streak. Georgia,
0-4 early, has regrouped and put itself in THIS          
jiiiihy POSWOD lm 3 i’0$$ibl€ b0Wl lm [1* Anfl East Carolina at Kentucky Tennessee at Kentucky
Ole Miss, which looked as though it . . . .
i i Cimiisii C Aisislims ibi thc W mi Mississippi St. at Alabama Alabama at Auburn
wou t g ( es i
Division title, has collapsed, losing four of Tulsa at AI`k3U$3$ V3i1d€Yb1l( HF F1OI`1d3
its PQSK live O¤¥1¤g$· _ _ Auburn at Georgia Tulane at LSU
Tim WMSCHSOH _hO.P€S (flour teams SUN Florida at South Carolina Clemson at South Carolina
remains to be determined. lxentucky needs
jgc one victory to reach the number required NOI`th€YI] H1iUO1$ 3Y O16 Miss
(6) to be eligible for a bowl. Georgia, LSU Navy at Vanderbilt
and South Carolina need to win their two
remaining games to be eligible}?
  rm s¤·=¤··S···~·=¤¤¤¤··$ a.,...T..,L”“3“°“‘°E!L'£F'°%i‘£‘?‘“¥D  
Ig1_ey€r’ Team _. Att' Yds° Avg`/G TD Brice Hunter. Georgia 58 799 8 13.8
mq Rhein Honda 175 1007 125.9 8 David Palmer, Alabama 46 747 6 16 2
gmiii?Eigiiiciuiiligmicsscs       2 Shannon Mitchell, Georgia 41 466 2 1 1.4
1 . . ` ` ` , Frank Sanders, Auburn 58 678 4 17.8
Moe \X/rlliams, Kentucky 129 768 85.5 D Ci _. D   i Fi sd, 3( 498 7 is 8
_ Sherman Williarns, Alabama 157 730 81.1 9 me mime, OH J ) "
i;;=gi=·;;;; nasa src vnssmc rtnntns Pi T lm sm $°“.i.‘iQ'“ “iQi']E“§G is
mmad. Player, Team Att. Comp. Int. Yds. TD iviiliicriii eam_ Ai_b_ I 0 2,% i7 7?
4 weeks tary nam, Florida 108 75 5 1008 no i<,‘“‘“€i, {iQ°‘$"* Cf TQ? ii is i ( is
lgleatg Shulgg Tennessee 252 151 6 2002 21   lBi;;d’;LOle`m 0 gs ig  
:· . ·  · 3 ‘ 9 ~ " ‘_ M 4
dii,.4,?K>°&Li€i-?·Zi?`EiOr»raa iii rl; S ig;. Xg W   “   O **5 8 ‘*"
Sum \X/him, Auburn 2i 7 B6 6 i774 i2 Scott Etheridge, Auburn 0 37 10 67
3 .

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KENTUCKY i          
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unvrmrn I3, rss:   ` D7  A C C    A AAAA  p
By David Kaplan Florida.   A   ».==, A ,.V.     __A__A AA ;A_ A  (
Host Communications The Citrus Bowl,         A  A__AA   0
Played ¤¤ lem- I i¤     ;‘‘;f     E
t’s amazing how much the game of Orlando, will select its   li »   i  is   A E
I Football parallels the game of life. SEC participant next,          AAAAAAA ,V ,   Vi  
A Certain things can be learned only one taking either the SEC   -     (_$_Vt?   gi ··:=·   .   Ai Al E
way: through experience. T hat’s what Championship Game  ·   ,___   J     t       t·
happened to the Wilclcats last week in runner—up; a confer-         i ‘i`i       S
Nashville. ence team that has an   ·__aAV       if     .,.`V   l
lf you were sitting in the arctic-like equal or better record ·   ;_:V,,. A      
conditions ot Vanderbilt Stadium or lis- than the SEC Champi- "   il       VVSA   i
rening to the game on radio, you were onship Game runner-   VAAA      C ii‘'’‘ A     i
assuredly shaking your head in Clisheliel`. up; or Pl COI1i-€f€¤C€     ‘=-       , A' it ii  
How can a team that has competed on team ranked within A    `i````  A.   ../       AAAA   f
such a high level throughout most ot the five places in the USA      »     `iii      1
season play so poorly? T 0;/ay/ CNN Coaches        —  _:.,_   ,»,.             §
The answer is simple. As much as Poll oi` either partici-         ¤ ,i`i     ~ i   L?   l
tp head coach Bill Curry preached to his pant in the SBC   iiii A _A__....i          A_iA   Y   ·Vi»i it “  'A       l
  team that there was only one howl game Championship Game.   A  K ? A T     rA°‘ii   i iiii   l
  to concentrate on, the `iCotnmodo re ln simpler terms, this   A   Aiiii‘ {Z i A   ?
Bowl," many players  ust clidnit listen. would he either Alaba-  A      `
_ Or ii they did, they didn`t Follow orders. ma, Florida or Ten-   A   `  
.. A l-ltittret-·er·,AAjttst as sometimes happens The Gator Bowl,     J  
tn teal lite, ixentuclty may lust get a sec- played on lan. l tn   A AAAA A   AAA 
(mil Clllmcp wyllll [llc lmwl Hlllmlcc Of l;lCl(SOnVlll€A would    
college ivoothall and the zany season have the next SEC pick, which will most ll/loo Williams has been a big reason
which has unraveletl in the Southeastern likely he the team the Citrus passes on. why Kentucky is in a position to go to
(ltitiietettce, the \li/iltlcats still appear to Hereis where Kentucky Hts in. The its first bowl game since the Hall of
 · have it shot lor their first howl berth in Peach Bowl and Sunshine Classic are Fame Bowl in 1984.
Al nine years. lint only it they can get hy
i ih" i`lil"’" B""'l“ ll‘"“‘· H°"“i“ “'l‘Y’ TSS3 KENTUCKY SCNEIIULE IS93 EAST CANCLINA SCNEIIULE
This season, the Sl{(] has an agreement
  \\`llll ii\`C lU()SI}iL'1l$(\Il l7(l\Vl g2`lll`l€S to accept         SCPAA 9    
  "` '““'“l`““ ll.i"'“ "i ‘" ‘°*"““ ‘l“*‘lTiY‘ _l" Sept, tt n.otztt>A 20-24 Sept. is ctNrRAti=1.oatnA 41-17
é "'i°lF"i_“’ #l"j‘l'?Y‘A{‘ i°"‘“ "“"i_l“`”C i"_Y'“‘ Sept. is at tptiappa 8-24 Sept. 25 at Washington 0-55
it tll‘L` JS follows: Sllgtll`. (iliI”llS (iil[Ol' l7Ci1Cll OCR 2         Oct. 9 at Sou?] Clarolliia  
. . , S. V ` Oct 16 LSU 35-17 Oct. l6 LOUlSlANA"lECH 3]-28
tlllkl SllllSlllll\` ( .l.lSSlC. _ _ _ . . . .
_l.lAlA SAAAAAAAA BAAWIA AA[AAAACd (AAA AAAAAA A in Oct. 23 at(reo1Agta A 28-5pA Oct. 23 at Southern A/ltssisstppi l6-24
l  NUAAA OAAlCllAAQ` WAH AMAACAN AIN AAAAEAAAWAA (AA Oct. jll atlVliss1ss1pAp|St:1tc Zo-U Oct. 50 atVtrgtnta”lech l2-5l
the SHI (Zliatnpionsltip game, plavetl on NOV. 0 iii Kumiuiblh /-12 NOV.   FUPSA 2662
llet. ·-l in llirtnineliatn, tila. .·\~ it stands NOV. iii   QSSSUNA NOV. M mkimimky.
*` _ ` Nov. 20 lENNliSSl:,lj Nov. 20 atC1ncinnatt
that .tppe.trs to he etther ,~\l,tl».tma or

 next to take SEC teams which qualify for if A A A il A il il A A 1   1 V      
ostseason. Entering today°s action, no I 4 ·_ - » ( .   . ,, q I
}\ Srher conference team has qualified. 4 »       ’i C   ‘   @                  
(Auburn is a sparkling 9-0, but due to its ‘
  probation is ineligible for postseason.)       l
  Only four SEC teams which haven°t l
  done so already, can reach the IT`l3glC qual- THE SERIES 31 Damon Hood, FB (6-2, 230,   
* if pV.r ij ifying number of six wins. They are Geor- Series Record: Kentucky and East Car- 44 Terry Samuels, TE (6-2, 253, Sr.)  
B   gig, Kentucky, LSU and South Carolina. olina will meet today for the first time. 76 Mark Askin, RT (6-5, 295, jr,) 1
__j   To do so, Georgia must beat Auburn in 86 Alfonzo Brovming,\VB (6-3, 203, Sr.) l
  Athens and Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Sur- THE STORYLINE  
prising LSU must defeat Tulane and Kentucky (5-4) looks to rebound K€71fIlCk)lDQffZ'HS€ (
Arkansas in Baton Rouge. South Carolina from a lackluster performance last 2 Duce Williams, LB (6-0, 196, Sr,) I
must defeat Florida and Clemson in week against Vanderbilt. A victory 13 Marcus jenkins, SS (6-2, 195, Sr.) l
  Columbia. And Kentucky must win one today would qualify the Wildcats for 14 Steven Hall, CB (6-2, 205, So.) l
  of irs remaining two games, today versus a bowl game and assure them of a 45 Marty Moore, LB (6-1, 239, Sr.) (
  East Carolina or next week’s battle for the winning season for the first time 59 Zane Beehn, LE (6-4, 260, Sr.) 1
 _ Beer Barrel against Tennessee. since 1989. 92 ]on Collins, DT (5-10, 255, Sr.) l
  Of those teams that qualify, the Peach ECU (2-7) has had a rough sea-  
  if Bowl, played on Dec. 31 in Atlanta, gets son. Injuries have crippled the Erm Crzralimz Ojbzse n
    ro select its choice. Followed by the Sun- Pirates, who only two years ago fin- 2 Perez Mattison, QB (6-1, 185, Fr.) g
,r   shine Classic, played on lan. 1 in Ft. ished 9-1-1 and in the Top 10. A win 23 ]erris McPhai1, HB (6-0, 190, So.) l
  Laud€rql;,1e_ against UK would do wonders to 35 ]unior Smith, RB (5-6, 180, lr.)   V
  \Y/hat happens ifthe SEC fails to quali- stop the bleeding. 52 Ken Crawford, RG (6-5, 278, Sr.) ,
  fy five teams? The bowls would then be 87 Ronnie \1Vil1iarns, SE (6-0, 191, Sr.)  
 , free to look elsewhere for a participant. THE COACHES 88 C. Crumpler, TE (6-6. 245, Sr.)  
  For Kentucky to be one of the teams Kentucky: Bill Curry (Georgia Tech ’65) l
  eligible for a bowl, it must learn from past Career Record: 73-79-4 (14th year) East Crzra/ina Drj‘Z=nsc  
  mistakes. The Wildcats have to take each Record at UK: 16-26-0 (fourth year) 9 Travis Render, CB (5-9, 182, Sr.)  
  game one at a time and hope the things East Carolina: Steve Logan (Tulsa `83) 22 Daren Hart, SS (5-9, 181, Fr.) i
  they can°t control work out. But no matter Career Record: 7-13-0 (Second year) 41 Reggie Robinson, LB (5-1 1, 223, Sr.)  
  how disappointed you were following the Record at East Carolina: 7-13-0 80 Bernard Carter, DE (6-3, 248, Sr.) ¥
  Vanderbilt game, think back to September (Second year) 81 Mark Libiano, SLB (6-3, 225, So.)  
 i g, for a moment. Entering the season, if you 91 Willie Brookins, RE (6-2, 225, ]r.) `_
  were told today’s game with East Carolina PLAYERS TO WATCH l
  would be of great importance for Ken- Kentucky Offense NEXT WEEK i
  tucky°s postseason play opportunities, you 10 Moe Williams, TB (6-2, 205, Fr.) Kentucky: Tennessee in Lexington  
J  r may have been fitted for a straight-jacket. 16 Pookie ]ones, QB (6-1, 196, ]r.) East Carolina: at Cincinnati l I
  Bugtlpaes exactly whatdth? game means. l (I
    A“ tm l“ ml is WC"` el “l‘  
[son ln order to succeed in life and football, T
go to one must many time suffer setbacks first. . __
|| gf Everybody should be disappointed in last A `
week`s outcome, the players, the coaches .     ,,   ·' flag 
and the fans. But because the game was   ·· {  T; 
important enough to be so disappointing is Bil?   i` · . _,   >».
8 sign that the Kentucky football program is ‘        
22-41 undoubtedly heading inthe right direction.       ·
min b rllhere s no qtieistlgonmg ofltl1eI£rnpacE