xt7kh12v5k83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v5k83/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 journals 089 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.89 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.89 1960 1960 2014 true xt7kh12v5k83 section xt7kh12v5k83 ‘•
TRIALS »- 1959
J, F, Shane, F, A. Loeffel, and H. R. Richards
Progress Report 89
(Filing Code: l— 1)
February 1960
University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station
Department of Agronomy

J. F, Shane, Fi Ai, Loeffel, and H, R, Richards
Kentucky ranked fifth in popcorn acreage in 1959, following Indiana,
Illinois, Ohio, and Iowa. The value of the crop was $812, OOO compared with
$1, 414, OOO in 1958, Although yields per acre in 1959 were lower than in 1958,
a slight increase in the price received by growers resulted in about the same
return per acre.
Popcorn hybrids developed in the breeding programs at the Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, and Georgia agricultural experiments stations are included in
the evaluation studies in Kentucky Land is made available for these studies
by Orrin Hull, Murray State College and Murray Wall, Hopkinsville, Their
assistance and interest is appreciated and acknowledged
One-, two- and three-year summaries of these tests are presented in
tables 1-3,. The average yield per acre of the 30 hybrids grown at Hopkinsville
and Murray in 1959 was 2, 914 pounds of ear corn and 4, 633 pounds of ear corn,
On the basis of three—year data the newer hybrids are equal or superior
to P32. in yield or standing ability or both The hybrids P406A, Kansas KPl101,
and Purdue Exp. 6415 performed very well and merit further consideration
Experimental Procedures
Field Design
Each hybrid was planted in four plots at each of the two locations, with
individual plots being two hills wide and five hills long These plots were
located in different parts of the testing field to min.imize cultural and soil
The corn from eacl plot was harvested and weighed individually The
yield of the hybrids was determined and is reported on the basis of pounds of
ear corn per acre with a moisture content of 13 5 percent Adjustmerts were
made also for missing hills but not for other variation in stand Therefore,
the yields at each location reported in this report constitute an average yield
of the four plots after all adjustments were made

 4 .
The moisture content at harvest is the best measure of relative maturity
of hybrids. One hybrid may be considered to be earlier than a second hybrid
if its moisture content at harvest is consistently lower. Maturing thus deter- V
mined is not absolute but is relative to the hybrids being compared.,
The moisture in the grain of individual hybrids was determined at harvest
by removing two rows of kernels from each of eight ears selected at random
from each of the first three replications, The grain from the 24 ears was
thoroughly mixed, and the moisture content of a l50»-gram sample was deter-
mined with a Steinlite moisture meter.
Root Lodging
Plants which lean from the base of an angle of more than 30 degrees from
the vertical are considered to be root-lodged. This character is expressed as
a percentage which is obtained by counting the number of rootalodged plants
and dividing by the number of plants present.
Stalk Lodging _
A plant is considered to be stalk lodged when the stalk is broken between
the ear bearing node and ground level. This attribute is computed in a manner
similar to that indicated for root lodging
Ear Height
Ear height, distance from the base of the plant to the point of attachment
of the upper ear, was measured visually using a scale with one afoot intervals.
Visual ratings were made on four plots of each hybrid at each location.
All tests are planted at the rate of five kernels per hill and the resulting-
plants thinned to three per hill The stand percentage was computed on the
basis of the total plants present divided by the number of plants which would
have been present if all had survived
Disease ratings were niade visually on a plot basis. using a scale of l~ 5
with l being resistant This rating measures relative resistance to Southern
and Stewart's Leaf Blight diseases
Ear Appearance
Visual ratings of ear appearance were recorded at each location in 1957-
58. A five—class rating scale was used, with the lower numbers representing
the better appearing ears

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