xt7kh12v5d17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v5d17/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1994 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 3, Winter 1994 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 3, Winter 1994 1994 1994 2014 true xt7kh12v5d17 section xt7kh12v5d17 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
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 US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
Beyond the Mountains — Deanna Severance 1
Notes from the School - Kate McHugh 5
True Philanthropists - Barb Gibson 6
Field Notes — Susie Hudgins 7
Courier News - Barb Gibson 10
FNS Employees - Barb Gibson 12
Tidbits — Barb Gibson 14
Wendover Staff — Barb Gibson 18
Letter of Appeal 24
In Memoriam — Barb Gibson 25
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 26
In Memoriam Contribution Cards 27
Urgent Needs - Barb Gibson inside back cover
Cover: Kate Ireland and her sister, Louise Humphrey with their Labra-
dors during hunting season. Photo taken by: Phil Coale, Tallahassee
Democrat Newspaper.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Us ISSN 0016-2116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, lnc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $ 5.00 a Year for Donors
Subscription Price $10.00 a Year for Institutions
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
VOLUME 69 NUMBER 3 Winter 1994
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. .
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, lnc.l994/All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Mountains
The Board of Govemors met in Lexingon December 17
and 18. The decision was made to offer the position of CNEP
Director of the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
to Ms. Kate McHugh, CNM, MSN. The Board and I were de-
` lighted when Kate accepted the position.
In the fall of 1992 Kate began working full-time as
Academic Director of the School and has been the acting Co-
Director of the CNEP since June, 1993. Kate is a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania and St. Louis University.She taught at
Yale University for two years and then joined the nurse-midwifery
practice of The Birth Center of Bryn Mawr. She is active in
professional organizations and is the chairperson of the Pennsyl-
vania Chapter of the American College of Nurse—Midwives. She
has served on the Mayor's Public-Task Force on Infant Mortality
and was the principal investigator in a federally-funded project
t involving work with substance abuse.
Kate resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Other faculty
living in Pennsylvania are Penny Armstrong, Clinical Director,
1 Elizabeth Parr, Student Advisor, and Jane Huber, Quality Assur-
ance Consultant. Recently it became apparent that the CNEP
needs off site office space. This space has been leased in
. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, but the central office remains in
At the conclusion of the Board of Governors meeting, the
first strategic planning session was held by The Preston Group. A
search was conducted and the group has been asked to lead our
I strategic planning. This Lexington based firm was named one of
i the top twelve strategic consulting firms in the country by Inside
Q for 1993. Why strategic planning now? As Tom Preston
_ pointed out, Mary Breckinridge built FNS to meet a critical need,
1 and it is the challenge of the Board of Govemors to continue to
p reveal and meet needs existing today. Nancy Wiser, Senior Ac-
count Manager went on to say "Change is occurring rapidly in all

businesses today, but especially in the health care industry. Be- l
cause health and education, the primary components of FNS are
built on science and exacting procedures, change is often difficult
for people in these professions. However, in order to thrive, rather _
than just survive, organizations must create, communicate, man-
age and sustain change. Citing an old proverb, Peter Drucker said
‘Whom the gods want to destroy, they send 40 years of success. For .
a business theory is not a law of nature.' Now we must look toward
and beyond the year 2000." i
In the past, FNS has been a model of successful rural
health care and will continue to provide services in our Appala- t
chian setting although the environment is now very costly and  
competitive. The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nurs- i
ing began with the focus of educating nurse—midwives for FNS ~
service. Today approximately 18% of nurse—midwives in the U.S. Q
are FNS graduates. CNEP is the largest nurse-midwifery educa-  
tion program in the country. The Frontier School has eliminated S
geographic boundaries to serve the under—served in the area of
midwifery education. Given it's emphasis on midwifery education  
and health care administration, is FNS in a unique position to be i
a leader in the future of health care in ways we have not yet  
designed? That is what strategic planning is about. The results of {
this phase of planning will be presented in June. l
December 20, Dr. Anne Wasson, Barb Gibson and I i
attended the Keeneland Association's annual giving ceremony. i
Certainly the Keeneland name is analogous to the finest horse  
breeding and racing in the world. Yet, many people are unaware y
of their generosity. This year more than $400,000.00 was distrib- A
uted to agencies across Kentucky to enhance health care and  
social service programs for our most needy. The Frontier Nursing l
Service applauds the Keeneland Association and thanks them for  
their philanthropy. ln

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i Mr. Stan Jones, Vice President, Finance, presenting Deanna
Severance with donation to FNS.
‘ Dr. Anne Wasson, my husband Carl, daughter Sarah and
I had the pleasure of being guests of Leigh Powell, Chairman ofthe
FNS Board, in South Carolina the third week of January. We had
2 received 15 inches of snow the week before, so this time with
  Leigh was a marvelous respite. We had two days of glorious
sunshine on Leigh's island and were able to explore the tidewater
» by motorboat. Thank you, Leighll

Wendover "old timers", Cassie Mosley, marvelous cook,
and J .G. Morgan, wise foreman, commented on the uniqueness of .
the Halloween snowfall.Little did any of us guess this would be the _
harbinger of things to come. Along with other mid—Atlantic and °
New England regions, Kentucky has been bitterly cold. As I sit ~
down to write these words, the Wendover compound has been A
without electricity for four days, a result of the devastating ice  
storm which has taken the lives of many across our state.I am  
happy to report that our couriers from beyond the mountains are  
surviving! Electricity operates the coal fumace in the Garden  
House where the female couriers live above our offices, the heat Q
pump in the Barn where the male couriers live above the account-  
ing office and the heat pump in the Big House where all meals are  
prepared. Thank goodness for the big fireplaces in the Garden  
House and the Big House. Everyone has been huddled around  
trying to keep warm. The couriers pulled through in a crisis and {
traveled to Lexington for emergency lab reports and medicines for  
the hospital. Some of you will remember the days before 1948  
when Wendover didn't have electricity. All in all, these are  
memories which keep you retuming to Wendover in spirit and in  
We are very excited that representatives from Habitat for [
Humanity is interested in making Leslie County a participant in i
their wonderful work! This is an organization that assists low E
income families in getting homes built on a very affordable plan. i
Barb Gibson has been asked to serve on the Governoring Board
which makes the decisions regarding eligibility for housing. This  
is a much needed organization in our county and Barb is looking '
forward to working with the community as a representative from I
Frontier Nursing Service. -Deanna Severance _p

Notes from the School
The cars are filling as the students prepare to head home.
_ Another Level III has ended for l l nurse—midwive students.
They've reached the halfway mark in CNEP and have just com-
I pleted their two week skills-building here in l-lyden. Their eager-
» ness to get home and start caring for mothers and babies fills the
air around Haggin Dorm. Starting next week they will join the
  students currently in the clinical half ofthe program. Behind them,
  heads burrowed in books, are the pre-clinical students in the first
  half of the program.
I During the past two weeks the Level III students have
i shared many of their thoughts about the CNEP and what it's like
  to be in the oldest, largest and (can I say?) most innovative nurse-
  midwifery education program in the country.
  "Make sure the new students leam the history (of FNS) -
  then they'll understand who we are."
E "It's so hard sometimes but coming here I feel totally
  energized from the faculty and my fellow students."
i "We know you're so receptive to our comments — things
  get fixed fast in this program."
  "I really believe in adult distance learning — my BSN
[ program was all lectures and was so boring."
  In January we held the faculty meeting here in Hyden.
[ Forty faculty members arrived from all over the country to begin
[ three days of skills—building, meetings and small group work. The
I regional clinical coordinators participated in a conflict resolution
i workshop. They now have enhanced skills in clinical problem-
solving. The academic faculty increased their proficiency on
E computers and the electronic bulletin board (the new electronic
"‘ bulletin board lets us send mail electronically and is our major
I connection to our large student body).
Our faculty has grown so much and so fast! We are spread
if all over the country, many of us with secondary jobs and many
r distractions in our lives. And yet, the identity of the faculty as a
. group — as the FSMFN faculty - is emerging. We are always trying
j to take time to touch base with each other, with the school and its
’ roots. - Kate McHugh

True Philanthropists K
"True Philanthropists", is how the Tallahassee Democrat 5
newspaper recently described Kate Ireland and her sister Louise ·*
Humphrey. The paper dated February 8, 1994 said "the sisters live r
lives of public service. Their volunteer work in land conservancy, i
wildlife and historic preservations, the arts, health—care and edu- C
cation have eamed them both respect and affection. And besides
all that, they're remarkable sportswomen."  
Almost everyone who knows Kate knows the history of I
her affiliation with FNS. Outside of her work with us, Kate  
recently completed a six-year term on the Federal Reserve Bank  
Board in District IV for Ohio and eastem Kentucky. She is  
chaimian of the Red Hills Conservation Association, chairman of I
Archbold Medical Center in Thomasville and a trustee for the l
Thomasville Cultural Arts Center.The Kate Ireland Parkway l
along State Road 319 to Thomasville commemorates her work in r
the late 1980s with the Florida Department of Transportation by {
her gift of a right-of—way to the state. Kate lives at Foshalee  
Plantation in Thomasville. She owns several horses and a number  
of pointers used for bird hunting.  
Louise Humphrey was the first woman to serve as the [
president of the world—acclaimed Metropolitan Opera Association l
in New York City. She is also the director of the Monticello Opera l
House Inc., in Jefferson County, Georgia, a trustee for the Wildlife
Conservation Fund of America and president of the Thomasville
Cultural Arts Center. Louise raises beagles in addition to pointers
and labradors at her Woodfield Plantation. _
Both Louise and Kate love to hunt and they both excel at
shooting. The Tallahassee newspaper report says that "men who  
hunt with them say that Kate and Louise shoot as well as any man  
they have known."  
Both Kate and Louise were couriers at FNS - Louise in ».
1938 and Kate in the early fifties. -Barb Gibson _

I Field Notes
é It would seem that life does equal out, if you wait long
_, enough. So far this winter has been as bitterly cold as the summer
y was boiling hot! Over the Christmas Holidays snow, ice and
I howling winds hit. Since the couriers had already decamped for
  home and we did not have any guests, Wendover slowed to a crawl
and most of the staff were unable to get in for a few days. Of course
j the seige of foul weather in January really got us, as it did so much
i of the country. About a foot of snow fell in these parts, and then the
I thermometer plunged to 22 below. For almost a week we never got
I much above lOdegrees. Some pipes inthe Big House froze, which,
l though no damage occurred, created a mess and took time to
i repair. The pipes upstairs in the Bam also froze and caused major
l damage to the apartment below. The ceiling was about to collaspe
{ so two metal supports were added, dry wall put up, ceiling
I replastered and a fresh coat of paint applied.
l Needless to say, the couriers were trapped for a number of
l days and got a real taste of what life must have been like when Mrs.
I Breckinridge came. At least there were horses then, and somehow
* horses tend to go a lot better in snow than carsll We're all more
l than ready for spring to come this year.
F In November, for the fourth year, I gave a presentation at
the Buckhom State Park for an Elderhostel group. These are
always a highlight for me, meeting folks from across the country
and enlightening them about our form of health care. They all have
. questions for me and leave shaking their heads after hearing about
what we do, how we do it and that we have a track record that
works and works well!
We also stayed busy with student nurses on tour until the
<‘ second week of December along with a couple of holiday dinners.
J One of the most heart warming events I have ever been
I involved in happened the second week of December. On a cold and
if windy Saturday, a church group from Ohio arrived in force at the
I Big Creek Fire Station to put on a Christmas party for the kids
at the Community Health Center. I have never seen anything like
it! First a huge semi-truck backed into the parking lot and started

unloading boxes and boxes of toys, household items, food and
clothing. Then the bus arrived with the rest of the church members
and they cracked into action. A sound system was set up and
Christmas songs were played while the puppet stage was con- _
structed and the clowns made balloon animals for the kids. While
the puppet show was on, other members were in the back organiz-
ing the canons of gifts for each child and other members were -~
outside loading up bags of food.
When all was said and done, every child received a gift
from Santa, chose a toy and the families left loaded down. Once
everything was packed away, the group arrived at Wendover, very
cold and hungry. A lot of coffee was consumed, Cassie produced
one of her wonderful "stick to the ribs" meal and we all warmed
with the glow of the true meaning of Christmas. The energy and
dedication of these people was truly amazing and something we
will always remember. Our many thanks go out to them all.
Early in December the Christmas tree was put up in the
Big House and the couriers had a decorating party. They did a
superb job and the house looked lovely for the season. Somehow
the Christmas feeling extended to dancing and the couriers were
given a lesson in how to waltz! By the end ofthe evening the whole
group was gracefully waltzing around the living room!
The Wendover staff Christmas party was a fun affair. A
wonderful lunch was served and then presents were exchanged
and we all went home very filled and with the happy feelings one
should have at Christmas. -Susie Hudgins

Field Notes - Continued
Wendover remembers Sassafras
p A final, very sad note. Sassafras passed away December
` 14th. She was fine that morning but was gone when we went to
feed her in the aftemoon. We feel she must have had a sudden
., attack of some sort and that nothing would have saved her. She was
such a fun loving animal and kept us entertained in so many ways.
Sassafras was given to me for my 49th birthday by the
Wendover staff because I kept complaining about the kudzu
growing on the mountain. She had been aWendover resident since
Here are some of the fond memories of Sassafras that we
A recall: the day she found the apartment door open and no one at
home. First, she treated herself to the house plants then stretched
“ out in the middle of the living room and went to sleep. What a
shock to come home to! And all she could do was give me a look
to indicate she should be there too, after all, Trish, the dog was
, there; the day Barb gave her a tidbit and she decided that the inside
. of the Garden House was where she belonged! Barb had to request
the assistance of Junior, the maintenance man, to take Sassafras
back outside since she had decided the best way to keep from going
out was to sit down. Barb pulled while Junior got behind and
- pushed. After that, when she was untied she always followed
* someone upto the door and begged to come inside; the day Clark
Myers, CFO, got out of his truck
to go into his office and Sassafras
politely jumped right up on his ——
chest to say "good moming".   .·;f&,jr,\¥__; »= 
Sassafras left us with 21 lot » W i TT   Y Y ..     ` ·
4 of fond memories and we all miss   J. .i.'  
her. She is buried on the mountain gi _ .  
where she loved to mn and play        
’ with Trish. j?f;jfjj#,_ .`i_r _ ‘»“¤    
V -Susie Hudgins and Barb Gibson —   ·»er $2*#‘—‘F?*‘-:‘i?ei*e*»i    

Courier News
During December we said good-bye to the fall group of couriers
with the exception of Matthew Cushing and Allison Voehl who .
will be here until March. January brought us the following people: .`
Megan Delany from Palestine, Texas was here from January 7th Q,
until March llth. She attends Dartmouth College in Hanover, {
New Hampshire and was here on afellowship through their Tucker  
Foundation.She spent her time working in the clinics, elementary Q
school and tutoring.  
Christa Robertson, Placerville, Califomia arrived January 10th i
and left March 10th. Christa plans to become a midwife and she l
spent a lot of time with Betsy MacMillan at the Kate Ireland  
Women's Center. She also worked at the Wooton Clinic and went  
on home health visits. Christa attended Kenyan College in Gam- l
bier, Ohio.  
Claire McMamis, Sherbom, Massachusetts attended McGill Uni-  
versity, Montreal. Claire worked with the Leslie County Health S
Department's Nutritionalist, Community Health Center, home l
health and with Dr. Karan Baucom. She was here from January  
until the end of February. [
Katy Shanley, Gladston, New Jersey is the daughter of former E
courier Eleanor Canham of the early 1960s. Katy attended the {
University of Pennsylvania. She worked in the elementary school,  
Hyden Manor Nursing Home, physical therapy, Wooton Clinic  
and home health during her time here. She arrived January 15th  
and left early-March.  
Dan Eldridge,Toronto, arrived Febmary 3rd and plans to be here  
until May. He is working at the Hyden Manor Nursing Home, t`
physical therapy, elementary school and home health.His mother,
Betsy Palmer is also a former courier at FNS. He attended Bishop's .
University, Lennoxville, Quebec.

We have had a "full house" since September and it has
been a little hectic at times arranging everyone's schedule to best
suit their interest. I want to take this opportunity to thank some of
the staff for their support in the courier program. Thanks to Betsy
` MacMillan, nurse midwife, for allowing the couriers to observe
k her midwifery skills. Thanks to Dr. Varghese, Dr. Ortiz and Dr.
, Baucom for taking the time to explain things and allow the couriers
g to observe them. Thanks also to Lena Bishop in surgery, Barb
  Burkhart in home health and the district clinics personnel for their
l help. You have helped many couriers come to important decisions
  about their careers.
§ This has been a fantastic group of couriers. When they
  were snowed in for several days and had no electricity for four
  days they were still saying "we`re having such a great time Barb!"
  Most of this group will leave early March and we will look
l forward to another group arriving in March and April.
  -Barb Gibson
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l` Back Row: Dan Eldridge and Matthew Cushing. Front Row-
Left to Right: Megan Delany, Christa Robertson, Katy Shanley
; and Allison Voehl. (Claire McManus not pictured)

FNS Employees
Juanita Johnson has worked in several different depart-
ments beginning in 1956 when she began at Wendover as a U
secretary with Peggy Elmore, Agnes Lewis and Eileen Morgan.
She resigned in 1958 when she left to get married. She came back
to work at the Hyden Hospital from 1968 until 1970 as cashier and 1
registration clerk.
In 1970 she resigned and went to work in the Hyden Post
Office and then at LKLP healthcare service until 1971 at which .
time she again retumed to work for FNS at Wendover. This time  
she worked as a secretary with J uanetta Morgan for six years, and  
then transferred to the accounting department and worked there  
until May, 1992. In 1992 she again transferred, this time to a  
position as an administrative secretary/librarian at Mary  
Breckinridge Healthcare.  
Juanita is a native of Leslie County and lives near Hyden.  
She has two children, Donald and Melissa. Donald is an electrician ,
at Leeco Coal Company and Melissa teaches chemistry part-time  
at the Hazard Community College and is going to school to  
become a medical technologist. Juanita has one grandson.  
Juanita says it is because of the care and respect that FNS 1
shows their employees that she has kept retuming to work for us.  
Thank you Juanita for your years of service to this organization! {

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  Juanita Johnson Della Mae Sizemore
  Della Mae Sizemore was bom in Breathitt County Ken-
  tucky and moved to Leslie County 30 years ago. She began
, working at the old hospital in 1971 in housekeeping and assisted
  with preparing meals for the nurses who lived in FNS housing.
  When the new Marry Breckinridge Hospital was built, Della Mae
[ transferred to the dietary department. What she enjoys most about
  her `ob is bein able to re are food for the atients, ensurin that
1 J S P P P S
g they are fed a proper diet.
; Della Mae lives at Owl`s Nestjust outside of Hyden, She
  is a widow and has three children and two step children. Azee
  works at the state prison in Florida, Marinis also lives in Florida,
  Abigail works for a local lawyer here in Leslie County, Martin
l . .
  works at Shamrock Coal Company and Helen lives in Dayton,
l Ohio. We appreciate your dedication to patient care Della Mae!
F —Barb Gibson

Norma Jean Johnson and June Kohl, couriers during
spring 1989, recently spent two months in Guatemala volunteer- $
ing at the San Lucas Mission. They took care of malnourished
babies and helped out at the orphanage.
We received a letter from Louisa (Chappy) Whitlock, a
midwife during 1944-1948. In October Louisa received an invita-
tion from ACNM to participate in a Citizen Ambassador Delega-
tion going to Russia and Romania. Louisa requested from FNS a A
copy of the old "blue book" (Medical Directives) to take to Russia
to show them how the FNS midwives coped with emergencies
during home births 45 years ago. The group planned to meet with
specialists in maternal and child health with emphasis on pregnant
women and newbom infants.
In her letter, Louisa was reminiscing about FNS, the first I
army jeep for use at the Beechfork Clinic after World War II and
the many trips she made riding the dappled gray horse "Bobbin". _
We received a contribution from Emily Booth Hamilton  
in memory of her friend Lilly Middleton Hampton Brittain who  
died October, 1993 after a long battle with cancer. She said that L
Lilly served at FNS as a courier during 1946. They first met when  
Emily was ten years old at the Northway Lodge Camp in Ontario. I
Emily’s husband, Alex Booth served as a courier at FNS and her
father-in-law Percy W. Booth, was present at the dedication of the
old Hyden Hospital. Emily’s niece, Ann Wigglesworth Clemmitt
was also a courier.
We received a note from Nancy Oseasohn saying she is i
working for the state agency in Texas responsible for the protec- {
tion of abused and neglected children as well as disabled adults. K,
Her office is in San Antonio but she works mostly in small rural  
communities. Her father Robert is in a nursing home and is doing l
well. §

I received a card from Julia Henning, Louisville, Ken-
tucky who is 93 years old and unable to participate in FNS
; functions but is still very interested and supportive of us in other
ways. She especially values her family connections with FNS and
sent me a list of their participation with us. Her mother, Mrs. S. C.
‘ Henning assisted Mrs. Breckinridge with a survey in the begin-
ning of the history of FNS and supported her in promotional
activities in Louisville in the 1920s; Mr. James W. Henning was
a committee member of the FNS Louisville committee; Ms.
J Josephine Yandell married James W. Henning in 1932 and was a
courier at FNS in the late 1920s; Ms. Joan Henning Todd was a
courier in 1952 and Ms. Charlotte Ray assisted with the promotion
of FNS in Washington.
On a Sunday during October, 1993, Mrs. Joan Nix and
I her husband stopped by Wendover looking for information on her
aunt, Eva Marie Gilbert, who was a nurse at FNS during the 30s
and early 40s. Eva worked at the Frontier Nursing Service for 17
Q years. She was at the FNS Bowlingtown Clinic for a number of
t those years and in 1935 took time out to study midwifery in
  Scotland.After she left FNS she worked in Harrisburg, PA at a
J hospital and later moved to Kansas City, MO. In 1952 she joined
  Stonecraft Ministry in Kansas City and spent the remaining 27
" years of her life serving as a hostess at the Manor House inspiring
many with her faithfulness to the Lord. She died April, 1979.
Deanna has been corresponding with Jill Nichols of
Somerset, England who was a nurse at FNS during the 1960s. She
and her husband plan to come visit in 1995 and says that she has
` lots of old FNS slides to show everyone. She talks about her times
; at Wolf Creek and about "Trigger", the horse she rode while she
L_ was here.

Rachel Garber, courier of January, 1993, wrote to say
that she has been working as the Education Coordinator for the
USS Constitution Museum in Boston, Massachusetts. Future
plans are to go to New Mexico as a "trip" guide for a group of young .
Sarah Bacon, courier of September, 1993 wrote to say ·
that she has been resting through the holiday season and will be
going to Venice, Italy for two months.
Heard from Nikki Douglas, courier of July, 1993, over
the holidays. She is attending Hampshire College and said she was
going to spend the month of January in Chiapas, Mexico with a
friend to learn Spanish and check out some health services for
midwives since she plans to become a midwife.
Megan Bushnell, courier in 1992 graduated from Tho-
mas Jefferson University with high honors. She is currently
working as a labor and delivery nurse at the University of New
Mexico with the eventual goal of becoming a midwife.
Amanda Olivo, courier during September, 1993 is volun-
teering at a children's hospital and misses Kentucky so much that
she's coming back in April for another six weeks.
Kathleen Wilson Henderson, courier of 1934 and 1935
wrote to say that she is glad the couriers are still on the job today,
adjusting to new times and to new needs in Kentucky. She recalls
being at FNS with Mary Willeford, Pebble Stone and Agnes
Lewis. She says she can still feel a thrill down her spine when she
remembers "Pebble" Stone meeting her with a horse at the "Head ’
of Hurricane" and holding the lard can while the mother spat out
her tobacco juice as she gave birth to her baby. She remembers _
serving tea to Mrs. Breckinridge and fording the river on the way A
to Hyden.

Mr. Rudolph Hamblin, Tampico Christian Church in Sellersburg,
Indiana wrote to me regarding his experience with FNS when he
was a small boy. I have included some of his comments.
I was born in Clay County February, 1934 and delivered
by Miss Harris, nurse-midwife. I asked my dad what kind of a day
‘ it was when I was bom. He said the weather was cold and the sun
was shining.He said on this particular day, he walked from the
Crane Branch up Bullskin to get the nurse, Miss Harris, as my
mother was in labor. We lived about one mile off of 1482 up the
branch. He said the nurses wanted to do their work and not be
bothered by the older ladies in the community. He walked up the
road and stopped to talk to no one on the way. He passed the home
of Aunt Teasy Barger, my grandmother's sister. Aunt Teasy spoke
to him as he went up the road to the Bullskin Center. He said he
definitely did not tell anyone where he was going.He wanted Miss
Harris to be able to make the delivery and not be hampered by
outside help. Alas, when he got back home with Miss Harris, guess
who was at his house? Aunt Teasy and her sister Mary Elizabeth
Hignite who lived at the very head of the holler on Long Branch!
We had no telephones in those days! How did they know???'?
I admire the work that has been done and the work you are
presently doing. I am thankful for the Frontier Nursing Service and
what they have done for the families of the folk who used to live
there and the folk that are still living there. I remember many
Christmas' when we would have had nothing, if it hadn't been for
the FNS. I still have a bag of marbles that was given to me at
Christmas-time at the Bullskin Center in Clay County in the early
40s. My mother, w