xt7kh12v529d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v529d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-03-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 17, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 17, 1933 1933 1933-03-17 2013 true xt7kh12v529d section xt7kh12v529d L




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Do You Have a Grouch Against
Book Stores and an Opinion of

Vas You


Amount of Profit

way of Illustrating to
his marketing clam that the
mail order hmise of today
must direct a different type
of appeal to its market than
formerly. Prof. R. D. Mclntyre
said, "There Is a vast difference between the farmer's
daughter of today and the
farmer's, daughter 15 years
ago," when drew from a student, the pertinent query of
"What do you know about the
farmer's daughter, Professor?"

Louisville Male Whips Paints-- ,
ville (o Enter Second
Hazel Green Meets Corinth at
7:30 Tonight in

With only Paris missing,
the favorites in the State
basketball tournament advanced to the second round as COL. E. LOMBARD
a result of yesterdays eight
The Paris Greyhounds were waylaid by the
Hazel Green quintet who
staged the only first round
upset when they defeated
Coach Blanton Collier's team Speaker of Monday Assembly
Will Arrive Sunday
The eight teams to
play in the second games today are Ashland, Louisville
Male, Kavanaugh,
Corinth, Horse
Hazel Green,
Cave and Hazard.
Entertainments Are Planned
The first game tomorrow will
To Honor Attache During
see Ashland playing Louisville






Male in what should be one of
the tourney's best games. Immediately after this tussle Danville
and Kavanaugh will pair off;
these teams have played before
this year, are considered about
equal and should stage a great
battle. Hazel Green is expected
to defeat Corinth in the opening
night game, while the Hazard-Hors- e
Cave battle is rated as a


Ashland Works Smooth
Ashland High school's smooth-workin- g
basketball machine, after
a weak start, staged a comeback and
functioned almost prefectly to win
the opening game of the tournament from a fighting Tompklnsville
team, 45 to 28.
McCreary and Richardson played
great ball for the Western Kentucky team, but the fast passing and
tight Tomcat zone defense was too
much for them.
Ashland led at the half 27 to 11
and was on top 36 to 20 at the conclusion of the third period. "Red"
Craig, fleet Ashland guard, and
O'Mara, elongated center, paced the
Ashland scorers with 14 and seven
points respectively.
Male Smothers Tigers
Employing a, leisurely accurate
attack and an almost perfect defense, the Purples of Louisville Male
High school easily smothered the
Paintsville Tigers in a game that
was almost insipid, 31 to 13.
Only at very infrequent Intervals
did Paintsville threaten and their
threat passed away entirely when
Jenkins, tall center was banished
from the game on fouls late in the
second half. Roberts and Overly
were best for Male while Wells,
Paintsville forward led the losers'
attack with seven points.
Kavaliers Score at Will
Kavanaugh's Tigers inflicted the
worst defeat of the tournament upon the Guthrie team in the third
afternoon game, 47 to 8.
Kavanaugh scored almost at will
and two Tigers each scored more
points than the entire Outhrie
Ralph Carlisle hawk-eye- d
Kavaller center scored 27 points for
( Continued on page Five)

Senior invitations will be on sale
from 9 to 11 a.m. next Monday,
In the
Tuesday, and Wednesday
Campus book Btore. The committee In charge of sales are Chick
Kastner, chairman, Elise Bureau,

and Jack Strother.

Lamp and Cross, men's senior
honorary, will pledge on April 4,
and will hold their initiation and a
dinner dunce on April 21.
Members of The Kernel staff will
meet 7:30 p. m. Monday, in room
Students wishing
50, McVey hall.
to try out as reporters may do so
at this time.
Anyone wishing to apply for the position of assistant manager of the
football team see Lloyd Featherston
in the Alumni gym between the
hours of 2 and 4 p. n?. today.
All applicants for the stage crew
handling the Stroller Kevue are
to meet at the gym annex
on Limestone street at 3 p. m.

Monday, March 20.

Two-da- y





E. E. Lombard,


tary attache at the French legation
in Washington, has been designated by Ambassador Claudel to represent him at the University convocation at 10 o'clock Monday morning, March

20, In Memorial


under the sponsorship of Pan
and Alliance Francais. He
will discuss the problems which confronted the Americans sent ' to
France during the World War, and
the understanding so created between the two countries.
At 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon
he will speak in French, at the
Training School auditorium. This
address, dealing with patriotic and
military influence on French literature during the past century, is
sponsored particularly by Alliance
Francais and is open to any person
understanding the French language.

Man and


To Be Selected

Co-e- d

By Popular Ballot of Students



Therefrom? BY DIRECTOR

Prizes Offered in Each Division; Style
Show and Carnival Will
Close Contest

Who is the best dressed man on the campus?
Who is the best dressed
on the campus?
With the coming of spring and the opening of the chrysaP.irls Should Report at 1 p. m.
formation to Those in
lis of feminine chic, and the presentation of l'):53 masculine
Saturday; Novelty Actors
charm in clothing comes the announcement that The Kernel
at 1 p. m. Monday
will stage a contest to find the best dressed ed and
Would you like to burn the cam EXTRA PARTS FOR P.OYS
..the campus. This contest has
you like to
pus book store? Would
First Convention Ever Held have the manager of the store tied
In Kentucky Scheduled
to a stake, and as he was scorching, throw his expensive books at All Who Desire To Perform
nel and LeJfinKto" merchants.
For April
Are Espcciallly Invited
him? Or, if you don't feel quite so
incensed, do you feel that, at one
jsxislo;:'111 be offm1 in
To Attend
time or another, you have been
WILLIAMS IS PRESIDENT treated unjustly by the book store?
For men, the prizes Will be:
Tryouts for the girls' chorus in Journalism
Instructor Is ApAll ye that have this said grudge the coming Stroller production will
First: Michael Stern suit, given
The first meeting of the Ameripointed N. C. P. A. Chair-maby Graves-Co- x
and see whether, be' held at 1 p. m. Saturday in
can Physical Education Association read this epistle, finished, you feel Patterson hall. At that time all
of Hoard of
when you have
Second: Twenty-flv- e
dollars in
ever held in Kentucky will take better or worse.
steps to be used in the production
merchandise, given by the KaufMr.

J. E. Morris Tenders

co-e- d



co-e- d





place In Louisville during the week
of April 26. This is also the first
time In recent years that the as
sociation has met In the Middle
This yearly convention results In
the most Important changes In
methods and curricula of physical
Last year's convention
was held in New York City and ap
proximately 3.000 delegates attend
ed, representing the physical educa
tion departments of high schools,
colleges, and universities throughout the country. The president of
the organisation Is Prof. Jeffe F.
Williams of Columbia.
The outstanding coaches and ath
letic directors In the country will
attend the convention In Louisville.
Those who will speak at this meeting are:
Mr. Alonzo Stagg. former football
coach at Chicago; "Hurry-up- "
head of the physical education department at the University of Michigan; Dan McGugin, football coach
of Vanderbilt; David K. Brace, director of physical education at the
Universtiy of Texas; Hugo Bezdek,
director of athletics at Penn State;
and Dr. Allen G. Ireland, state di
rector of health and education for
New Jersey.
James H. Richmond, state direc
tor of public Instruction in Kentucky also will speak. Pres. Frank
L. McVey of the University will ad
dress the meeting of the women's
division of the National American
federation which meets Wednesday,
April 26.
Mervin E. Potter, head of physi
cal Education at the University of
Kentucky, will have charge of the
meeting of the men's athletic group.
He also will meet a discussion
group on "Physical Education in
Institutions of Higher Learning."
director of
C. W. Hackensmith,
intramurailof the University,
read a paper before the same group.

Colonel Lombard will arrive Sunday morning on the "George Washington" and plans have been made
for his entertainment during his
visit. Sunday afternoon he will be
conducted on a tour through the
local Bluegrass section, and at 5:30
p. m. he will be the guest of honor
at a tea given by Mrs. Frank L.
McVey at Maxwell place. After his
speech in French, Monday afternoon, at which time he will read
extracts from Vigy, d'Esparbes,
Flaubert, Daudet, Farre and Caudel,
a tea will be given for him in the
When you land gracefully on
Training school library by the Alyour neck, can you do a "forward
liance Francais.
roll," and noniihalantly come to
rest in an upright position with
both feet planted firmly on the
floor? Of course, you may not be
interested, but Just In case you
would like to learn to take a
Speaker Is Connected With "tumble" with poise and assurance,
and if you are a girl, you may come
Reconstruction Finance
to the Women's gymnasium at 4 p.
m., each and any afternoon and let
Cassius M. Clay, native Kentuc-kla- n a fair damsel Instruct yougirls this
All University
and a graduate of the Yale eligible art. participate in practices
Law school, was the convocation
Dod-sospeaker In the law school Thursday which are conducted by Mary
morning at 10 a. m. Mr. Clay was
The W. A. A. hike will be held
procured through the courtesy of
Mrs. W. T. Lafferty, a friend of this week in connection with the
hike sponsored by the Civic League
many years standing.
Mr. Clay published of Lexington, under the direction
"Regulation of Public Utilities," a of Miss Anne Pherigo. Hikers will
profound work on public utilities assemble at 1:45 p. m., Saturday,
regulation. At the present time he March 18, in Gratz Park (behind
the City library.)
Is connected with the legal departAll members of W. A. A. have
ment of the Reconstruction Finance
been requested to cast votes for or
Corporation In Washington, D. C.
Mr. Clay devoted most of his against the adoption of the revised
address to explaining, in a clear constitution, between 10 a. m. and
detailed manner, the organization 5 p. m.. on Monday and Tuesday,a
March 20 and 21, according to
and policies of this emergency corporation.
He further suggested a statement by Clara Margaret Fort,
change in the policy of the Recon- president of W. A. A.
struction Finance Corporation In
Its method
of lending
Whereas, in the past, the procedure
of the corporation
In providing
money to failing banks and railLaura K. Johnson, department of
roads has failed to prevent the
nation from reaching an economic Physical Education, will address the
meeting of
low level, the organization now regular
should adopt a changed policy of the Home Economics club to be held
lending money only to solvent banks at 7:15 p. m. Monday, March 20,
or railroads on adequate security in Room 205 in the Agriculture
building. Miss Johnson's talk will
with good prospect of repayme nt.
According to some members of concern personality from a health
the law faculty. Mr. Clay is one of standpoint.
Tills semester the club Is conductthe best speakers to appear before
ing a study of personality; that is,
the Law college.
what this elusive but desirable
quality is, and how it can be developed. It is the aim pi the club
Maury JK Crut-he- r, to ask members of the faculty of
The condition of
head of the department of different departments to speak on
Buildings and Grounds, who under personality in relation to their line
went an operation for apiendicitls of work.
several days ago, is reported by the
At the last meeting, held March
Good Samaritan hospital authori 6. Mrs. Frank L. McVey defined
ties as fair and showing signs of personality and the qualities that
go to muke up a pleasing one.

rumbling Class

Long, loud, and many have been will be taught.
the students' and faculty's com- acts meetingprogram will the novelty
be held at
plaints against the; book store. 4 p. of the
m. Monday in Patterson hall
These complaints vary greatly In
for those desiring to perform in
their degree, ranging from the specialty
numbers. The routine of
charge that some books are actualthe program will be mapped out
ly sold above list price, to the doleful statement, "Every time the and each act. having been reviewed,
store has candy bars that sell two will be placed In its proper position
for a nickle, they are all gone before In the show. The meeting is of
such importance that the director
I find it out."
wishes that anyone not being
Practically all complaints are dif- to attend to call Ashland 2691 able
ficult to trace to their origin, and a give satisfactory reasons for not and
begreat many persons have no actual ing able to do so.
complaint at all, but Just have a
Girls who can dance and wish to
general feeling of dislike for the tryout for the chorus are urged to
store. There are various causes for attend the meeting Saturday,
this attitude, but the principal one any student who can render some
Is that the books sell so "terrificalnovelty skit is invited to the meetly" high. However, it will be found ing Monday afternoon.
that this is not the fault of the
Along with these groups, anyone
book store but, rather, of the pub- desiring to play the part of an old
lady is asked to report. There will
Some of the student charges that also be needed about six boys for
the writer was able to ferret out extra parts in the show. There is
are these: that entirely too much another need for six girls, who will
profit is made on second hand not have much to do in
the way of
books; that some books that have acting, but will be selected entirely
been used by four or Ave persons upon their looks.
still sell for
of the list
The director states that there
price; that a great many of the should be plenty of material for
books used by' law students may show that he has not been able the
be bought cheaper, both new and discover, and expresses his appresecond hand, at
book ciation if those having such talent
stores; that most supplies can be will report at the tryouts.
bought cheaper at downtown stores: dates mentioned above are the last
that many books with the same text chances that participants will be
(in different editions, however) may allowed to apply for places in the
be bought at a great saving at other show.
book stores, and that, sometimes,
Following are the names of the


Home Ec Group
To Hold Meeting
semi-month- ly



books actually sell for more
than they did


second-hande- d.

Both privately and In investigations, all of these complaints, and
others, often have been brought to
Mr. J. E. Morris, who has been
manager of the book store for the
last three years. Every time they
have been answered satisfactorily.
Since the second-han- d
seems to be the one most complained about, we will consider it first:
Before Mr. Morris was appointed
(Continued on Page Two)


Program by David Farbman
Has Been Postponed
Until Sunday,
April 2

The University Glee clubs, the
University String quartet and Samuel Adams, tenor, will present the
Sunday afternoon musicale in Memorial auditorium on March 19.
This program has been arranged to
take the place of the recital by
Harry Fafbmaa ,Violinif, whose
appearance has been postponed until April 2.
Prof. Carl A. Lampert and Mildred Lewis will direct the Glee
clubs. Assisting artists will be Louis
Friedman, David Young, and Lee
Crooks, violinists, Robert Allen,
cellist and Elizabeth Hardin. Eileen
Lewis and Mildred Lewis, pianists.
The program Is as follows:
1. Now the Day Is Over, Barnbv;
Lift Thine Eyes from Elijah, Mendelssohn: Girls Glee club.
2. Recitative:
My Arms I Against
This Gorgias Will I Go; Aria:
Sound an Alarm, Judas Maccabae-u- s.
Handel; Samuel Adams.
3. By the Beautiful Blue Danube,
Strauss: Mens' Glee club.
4. Interlude in the Ancient Mode.
Audantino Grazioso,
Louis Friedman,
Lee Crooks, violin; Carl Lampert,
Viola: Robert Allen, cello.
5. Song of the Jolly Roger. Can-disI Passed by Your Window.
Braho; My Love Is Like a Red, Red
Rose, Protheroe: Soldiers Chorus:
Faust. Gounod: Mens' Glee club.
6. Balloons in the Snow. Boyd:
Moon Marketing. Weaver; Let All
Mv Life Be Music, Spross; Gills'
Glee club.
7. Sing Not. Oh Fair Circassian
Maid. Rachmaninoff;
David Young, violin and Robert
Allen, cello: The Crving of Water.
Campbell-TiptoLife, Pearl Cur- ran; Samuel Adams.
8 Barcarolle from Tales of
Offenbach: Unfold Ye Portals,
Gounod: Mixed chorus




girls who have signed for positions
in the chorus, and who will be expected at the tryouts:
Opal Hubble, Martha Cleveland,
Helen Congleton, Jane Allen Webb,
Virginia Hatcher, Betsy Frye, Kath-erin- e
Calloway, Bonnie Hutchinson,
Dot Curtis, Susan Herrington, Rissa
Hieronymous, Eloise Neal, Virginia
Duiguid, Mary Templin Faulkner,
Lillian Holmes, Mary Gillig, Mary
Marshall, and Mildred Hobart.
Those who have been selected for
nevelty acts by the director and
who are to report for final instruction Monday are
Ruby Dunn,
Howard Baxter,
"Windy" Aldridge, Marjory Powell,
Simpson. Phil Ardery. Scotty Hobart, Dot Carrol, Billy Baldwin,
Bob Hess. Tommy Thomas, Edna
Mae Kirk, Bill Luther, Bill Bushong,
Kitty Cooke, Elizabeth Barbieux,
Anita Murphy, and Florence Kelly.

Art Exhibition Is
Showing at Center

6-- 1,

DI.-Y.- W.

Committee Releases
Y.W.C.A. Candidates



6-- 4.


Paintings and etchings which are
on display at the Art center from
March 14 until 24 reveal that the
students whose work they represent
have acquired a technique and quality of execution which favorable
compares with work done by professional artists whose works have
been hung in exhibitions at the
which include etchings, acquatints,
and soft grounds, are lovely for the
clarity of tone, and their carefulness of execution. One of his most
interesting works is "Little Caesar,"
an aquatint of the head of a young
men. Mr. Frazer's works Include
several heads and still life compositions, as well as graphical representation of Individual characters.

Shows Progress


Detailed explanation and rules
for the contest are published on

Paintings by Joy Pride, Etchings by William Frazer
Feature Exhibit

Competitive Play
In Tennis Ranking

Competitive play for the varsity
ennis ranking has progressed to
some extent during the past week,
but is being temporarily held up by
the absence of K. P. Smith due to
the death of his mother. Smith's
home is in Schenectady, New York,
and probably he will be absent for
another week.
Braden rema'.is in first place and
Wilson took second position by defeating Howard
Klein was
supposed to play Smith, but instead he will play Howard and the
winner will play Smith when he
returns. George Yost took sixth
place by handily handling Bishop,
Johnson defeated House
to take ninth place, and
Brown and Kee remain In the
tenth and eleventh respectively.
If inclement weather does not intervene, the squad will get out on
lilt; Ull I luui is luuiiuajr. i, la ncv- essury that they get some clay
court practice soon since they stait
on their southern trip before E'aa- -

26-2- 8

November at Madison, Wisconsin. ,Re-te- x
cleaning, given by Becker's,
Eighth: Six tubes of McKesson
This was the seventh convention
of the association,
shaving cream, given by Hutchinand it has to
date 84 student papers as members. son's Drug store.
Resolutions were adopted
at the For women, the prizes will be:
meeting condemning three things:
First: Knitted suit, given by Em-jbthe censorship of student publica
and company.
tions, the practice of graduate stu
Second: "Carlyon Mode" dress,
dents working on the paper for 'given by B. B. Smith company,
nothing, and the use of syndicated j' Third: One dress, given by Shipp
College and company.
publisher's representatives were givFourth: Pair Jacqueline shoes,
en a vote of confidence.
It was 'given by Mitchell, Baker, and
.vote of confidence.
It was voted iSmith.
that each N. C. P. A. paper exFifth: Hat, given by the Fair
change with each other member store.
Sixth: Five dollars worth of LinThe officers elected at the con gerie, given by Purcell's.
vention , were: president, editor of i Seventh:
Five dollars worth of
Wisconsin Daily Cardinal; vice- - "Re-tecleaning, given by Becker.
president, editor of Ohio Green and
.ighth: "Seventeen
White; executive secretary, William given by Permenter's Drug store.
S. Maulsby, head of the department
Ballots will be distributed to all
of journalism at the University of undergraduate students of the
Pittsburgh: trustees,
I'niversity through the facilities
tives of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal, of the post office boxes on April
Minnesota Daily, Ohio Green and 4. The contest will close at 5 p.m.
White, and Miami Student (Oxford, April 6. The election will be by
Ohio). Four faculty trustees, Propopular vote, and the method of
fessor Portmann, Prof. Kenneth E. selecting candidates will be anOlson, University of Minnesota;
nounced in the next issue of the
Prof. George E. Simmons. Tulane Kernel.
U. S. Vance, . All undergraduates of the Uniuniversity, and Prof.
University of Akron. These officers versity will be eligible in the con
test except members of The Kernel
are elected for two years.
Approximately 65 delegates were editorial and business staffs.
present at the convention, which The contest will close with a gala
was ranked as one of the best at- carnival and style show in the
tended conventions ever held. Pro Alumni gym on Friday night, April
fessor Portmann represented The 7. Exhibits by all the participating
Kentucky Kernel, which is a mem- merchants, a floor show outdoing
any preceding attempt, the showing
ber of the association.
of new spring styles by winning
contestants, and music for dancing
will be provided by a local orches-


For Girls Opens
In Women's Gym

Law School Students
Hear Cassius M. Clay

man Clothing company.
Third: Six Arrow Tab shirts,
given by Angellucci and Ringo.
Prof. Victor R. Portmann, of the
Journalism department of the Uni byFourth: Silk lounging robe, given
versity, was elected chairman of the
Fifth: One pair of Florsheim
board of directors of the National
College Press association at a re 'shoes, given by the Bayham Shoe
cent convention of the association company.
Slxc Stetson hat, given by R. S.
held February 26, 27, and 28 in New
The ner.t convention of iThorpe & Sons.
the association will be held next Seventh: Five dollars worth of



The nominating committee of the

Y. W. C. A. announces





of today's issue of The Ker-


Visit of Dr. W. A.
Hooft Occasions
Meet ; Y. Workers from Entire State Expected




Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of
the University will be hosts at the
state Y. M.-W. student conference Sunday, March 19, at the

Stock Judging pavilion. The conference is occasioned by the one-da- y
visit of Dr. W. A. Visser't
Hooft. secretary of the World Student Christian federation, to Kentucky.
Dr. Visser't Hooft is in America
for a series of conferences with
student groups for a period of five
weeks. As secretary of the W. S.
C. F. and editor of the Student
World, official magazine of that organization. Dr. Visser't Hooft will
be the first representative from the
Federation to bring to this campus
the fact that the Y. M. C. A. and
Y. W. C. A. in the United States is
an actual member of the international student movements.
Since Dr. Visser't Hooft must
make his stay in Kentucky so brief,
the University organizations have
invited delegations from other state
colleges and schools to the confi

dates for officers in anticipation of
annual elections to be held March
30. Nominations of the committee
are Sarah Whittinghill, president;
Alice Lang and Mary Carolyn Ter-re- l,
Sue Ann Irvine
and Mildred Holmes, secretary; and
Clara Margaret Fort, treasurer.
The committee will consider petiFKtM'll ( I I B UK AltS
HAB11I LAWKKNO: KA1IN tions for additional nominees, winch
must be signed by not less than 25
The French club met at 3:30 p. m. members of the Y. W. C. A., and
presented to the secretary of the Font auk i'i.t:n;n
Wednesday, at the home of Professor Zenibrod, 436 W. Fourth street. organization in the "Y" rooms in
After tlte business 'meeting, Rabbi the basement of the Administration
Harry Walker. Grant Witchers,
Lawrence Earl Bioh Kulin of the building on or before noon WednesAdulh Israel congregation gave a day, March 22.
Robert Cooke, and C. 11. Mahler, are
pledges to Omega Beta Pi. profeslecture which included the reading of several selections from the l K. 1NSTKITTUK Ktt OVtKS
fraternity. Inicustoms and manners of the French
tiation is scheduled for the middle
Miss Anna Dodd, instructor in the of April. A smoker for members
Alter the talk by Rabbi Kalin, department of Romance Languages, of the organization
and pledges
Professor Zenibrod, accompanied by will return to her home today af- will be held before that date
Mrs. Zenibrod, sang several French ter several days of treatment at the
Olliceis of the organization are
were then St. Joseph's hospital where she un- O. B. Murphy, president; Turner
served. Florence Kelley had charge derwent an operation for
Ray Stark,
and John Hull, secretary.
of the program.


� Best

Page Two

Have You A Grouch
Against Book Store?
(Continued from Page One)
manager of the store, there
employed a different method In
dealing in used books. Under the
old system transactions were not
handled, as now, directly between
the student and the book store. Instead, used books purchased by the
store were taken by the publisher In
lieu of a shipment of new books.
In turn, these new books were sold
to students at the list price. The
new plan, Introduced by Mr. Morris,
previously had been used by several other schools. It had proved
profitable both to students and to
the bookstore.
There really Is little difference In
the rate of profit of one book store
and that of another; for more than
80 per cent of the money paid by
students goes directly to the publisher. Although some book stores
buy second-han- d
Jbooks for half
price and sell them for
their volume of sales warants
the success of this procedure. Mr.
Morris plans to adopt this method
If students will cooperate with him
in letting the store handle their
used books. The resultant increase
in sales volume would make it possible.
Mr. Morris does not blame students for selling their used books
directly to each other whenever it
Is possible. By this they gain; for
the middle man's profit is eliminat
ed. When the book store handles
the books, a large per cent of the
profit goes to pay overhead expenses; the student salesman has
no such expenses. However, he asks
students to remember that personal
sales, in most cases, take more time
and effort. Generally, It is easier
for students to let the store handle
their used books.
It does seem to be true that books
often are resold sev?ral times for
the same prices and a good per
cent of profit gained. However, if



the book Is kept In good condition,
this Is not to the student's disad-

for example, if a book
listed at $3 passed through the store
five times, 3 Is made on the book.
Nevertheless, if the student can buy
the book for $2 and sell It for one,
he is paving only a dollar for a
semester's use of the book.
As to the charge that some books
have been sold for more
than they cost second-handethere are two explanations.
Either the book was rejuvenated
and necessitated a raise in price or
a grievous error was made. Any
the store makes, if
pointed out to the management,
will be remedied immediately.
Though It is true that many
books can be purchased cheaper
second hand at the College book
store, Columbus, than at the Campus book store, the reason for this
is that a chain store can sell its
goods cheaper than an independent
merchant. However, new books, especially law books, unless bought in
large numbers, cannot be purchased
cheaper because only 10 per cent
profit is made here.
Mr. Morris la forced to sell all
books at list prices because 10 per
cent of the gross 20 per cent allow-o- n
all books, except law, must be
paid to the University. The reason for this 10 per cent return to
the University is specified in the
book store contract. Origlnolly, the
store owed the University (40.000,
which was covered by the inventory
at cost price. This debt plus the
interest is being paid by profit returns to the school.
It was computed that se'en years
would be required to pay the debt
at the rate of return estimated on
the first year's receipts. At the
end of this period, the store can be
run on its own capital. Then it
will be possible to sell books below
list price. At the present time, out
of the 10 per cent gross left to the
manager must come employees' salaries, freight, express, telegraphic
charges, advertising, printing, bond.

nulhern Association Library
Standards Will He Enforced
Strictly, Is Edict of
That the library standards of the
Southern association must be en
forced with the beginning of the
1933 fall semester was the edict issued at the annual meeting of the
Association at New Orleans, Decem


The department of library science
at the University will offer suffi- clent courses this summer to meet
the requirements for librarians in
the varluos high schools. In schools
with enrollment of less than 100,
librarians must have at least six
hours of library science work: in
schools with enrollments of between
100 and 200, a minimum of 12 hours
of library science is required; while
in schools of more than 200 enroll
ment, 24 hours is necessary to meet
the minimum requirement.
Former students, who will be
completing the
ments, will be Interested In know
ing that this summer the courses in

cataloging, reference, book selec
tlon, and administration, whicn
courses, will
were formerly
courses. Library records
and methods, a new course Inaugurated last summer, will again be
The following is a complete
schedule of courses to be offered
this summer:
First Term: Administration, RefMethods
erence and Bibliography,
of Teaching the Use of the Library,
Field Work. Library Records and
Methods, Cataloging an declassification, Book Selection, and Seminar.
Second Term: Cataloging
Classification, Library Work with
Children, and Teaching Literature
to Children.

Mortar Board, senior women's
leadership fraternity, met at 4:30

1 II if






U. K. Terrors Claw
Teachers 1G to
Style Shows Will
Begin Thursday-TwBy FRANK BORRIES



Friday, March 17. 1933.


spring stvle shows and teas,
sponsored by the University Y. W.
C. A., will be presented from 4 to
5 30 p. m. Thursday, March 23, In
Patterson hall. The first show In
the afternoon will be presented
from 4 to 4:45 o'clork and the second from 4:45 to 5:30 oclock.
An admission of 15 cents will be
charged which will be used for decorating and equipping the Y. W. C.
A. room in the women's building.
The following students will act as
models: Marjorle