xt7kh12v524g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v524g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-03-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  8, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  8, 1940 1940 1940-03-08 2013 true xt7kh12v524g section xt7kh12v524g The ECentucky ECernel

The World
Whirls On
Planes va Ships
day last week newspaper
headlines told the story of a British
steamer being bombed by Nazi airplanes, with 109 of the steamer's
passengers killed or missing. Reading the story, certain persons who
have always argued the superiority
of aircraft over seacraft, claimed
that here was proof of their point
and submitted letters to their local
newspapers begging the government
to abolish its huge naval spending
and invest the public
money in aircraft, which is both better and cheaper, they claim.
Here was the old controversy
brought up again. Congressional investigations have been made about
it. Naval expert have argued the
issue pro and con for years. Committees and advisory boards have
debated the question every time a
naval appropriation bill comes
Congress Is it best to invest
in planes or battleships? Our government says battleships, and taking as evidence the engagements
which have taken place between
planes and ships in World War II,
it seems that it is absolutely right.
Before the war broke out, Nazi
Air Minister Goering boasted that
the new German air armada would
wipe the British off the seas, that
England's sa power would no longer
be the deciding factor in European
wars that it has been ever since
the defeat of the Spanish naval
forces in 1588.
Mistress of The Seas
In September war became a reality. England's Grand Fleet put to
sea to protect Allied shipping and
to blockade the Nazis. At any mo
ment they expected the appearance
of thousands of German bombers,
which were to sweep them off the
ocean. But nothing came.
Finally, on September 27, the
Nazis launched
their first raid.
Twenty German planes attacked a
unit of the British fleet, which included two battleships and an air-















8, 1940

animal sociETYlExhibition Of Pictures
'Our Town' Opening Set For Monday
With J.B. Faulconer In Leading Role TO HONOR GOOD By President To Open

Students Will Model 'Our Town's' Dick
March 15

Spring fashions will be the feature of the hour when the Student
Union holds its first style show at
8 p. m., Friday, March 15, in the
ballroom. Men's and women's apparel in the latest vogue will be
Women's spring fashions will be
modeled by University women. Dorothy Hillenmeyer, president of the
Union Board, will be in charge of
arrangements for the show. John
H. Morgan. Kernel business manager. Is in charge of the men's display.
In connection with the show. The
Kernel will publish a fashion issue,
displaying the best styles of the
Easter season and giving timely advice on selection of spring clothes.
the women's style
show, the ballroom will be cpen at
7:30 p. m. to permit the public to
study the displays. Immediately after the show music will be provided
for dancing and coffee will be


Wilder's Prize Play
Will Run For
One Week


Portrait Will Be Hung

and Taylor

In Chicago
Prof. E. S. Good, head of the




ani-m- ay


McVey Display Slated

For Week's Showing
In Union

husbandry department, will
receive international honors from
the American Society of Animal
Our Town," Thornton Wilder's
In honor of Dr. Frank L. McVey s
Production for services to the livePulitzer prize play, will open for
last year as President of the Unistock industry, it was announced
a week's run at 8:30 p. m., Monday,
versity, 30 of his paintings will be
Wednesday. He is the first ever in
March 11, at Guignol theater.
placed on exhibit at 3 p. m,. Sunthe southeastern states o receive
day. March 10. in the Music room
Since the set is "sceneryless," the
this honor, and this year is the only
of the Union building. The display
color will be furnished entirely by
one in the United States to be so
will continue through March 30.
costumes which range in styles from
The exhibition conducted by the
1900 to 1915. Some of the dresses
Professor Good's portrait will be
Union art committee and arranged
with most
and hats are
paintedr.by an artist representing
by the art department, will show
of the hats having large crowns
the society and will be hung in the
five oils. 19 water colors, and six
to accommodate pompadors.
gallery of famous livestock men at
panels of sketches.
The sketches
Daisy Stirn is costume mistress,
the Saddle and Sirloin club in Chiare mostly preliminary ideas for the
assisted by Delores Thompson and
cago during the International Liveoil and water colors.
Mary Olive Davis.
stock exposition.
McVey was originally
manager, will
Bill Quirey, stage
Only one man from the United
scheduled to be present at the openhandle the sound effects which must
so honored
States and Canada is
ing but, since he will not have rebe realistic in order to make the
each year. The portrait will be hung
Pcpiot Photo
turned from the Louisiana State
imaginery props accepted. He will
with those of noted ranchers,
reorganization conferimitate a crowing rooster, clucking
packers, editors, research workers,
ence in Baton Rouge, he will not
chickens, a lawnmower; grinding
colbreeders, deans of agriculture
be present.
coffee, and numerous other things.
leges, and others who have contribThe works cover a period of about
Students cast in the play are J. B.
uted to the production and improve10 years, most of them having been
Adam Peptot Phuto Faulconer, Douglas Dick, Margaret
ment of livestock.
painted while Doctor McVey was on
. . . dancers at the SAE
Cohen, Claude Trapp, Grant Lewis,
Commenting on the honor, Dr.
vacations in Michigan. Maine, and
Bob Allphin, Wayne Howell, Keith
will hear her
Colorado. Several of the group were
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the agLewis, Bruce Shepherd, John Lynn,
warbling . . .
displayed last year at the unveilin?
riculture college, said that it is the
Howard Price, Clifford Thompson,
of Doctor McVey's plaque in the
highest tribute that can be given a
Hearin, and Bill Martin.
library. At that time they were not
livestock man. Dean Cooper also
The choir, which will.be directed
mounted and framed.
praised the service given by ProFederal Direction Seen As
by Jesse Mountjoy, will be composed
Since then, the art department,
fessor Good to the University and
of Betty Dunn, Harriet
Set Up To Stabilize
Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor- said that since he came here In
under supervision of Prof. Raymond
Taylor, Mary Mulligan,
Barnhart, has framed the pictures.
1906 the department of animal in
ary, will tap pledges at an
Tobacco Sales
1 The frames were designed by Proand Ada Perkins, with Nancye Moh-ne- y
assembly at 10 a. m. to- dustry has developed into one of
as the organist.
fessor Barnhart, made by the Uni
the largest in the agriculture colA meeting to establish the third
The production is under the direc- day in Memorial hall.
versity carpentry shops, and pol
sales agency since 1900
tion of Prof. Frank Fowler, with
Prof. George K. Brady of the
ished and finished by art students.
"His researches and teachings
by Kentucky burley tobacco growers,
Jean Cummins and Frances Bow-to- n English department will speak to
The most interesting of the paintCaach Adolph Rupp, Kentucky
have greatly influenced and aided
was held Wednesday tn the livestock
as assistants.
ings are those done in Maine about
the assembly, John Russell, presi- the effie'ent production and hand
craft carrier. For the raiders the exhibition building on the Experi- basketball fuehrer, has accepted an
two years ago. Prof. E. W. Rannells,
invitation to deliver the principal
ling of livestock in Kentucky," said
situation was perfect. Iarge patches ment station farm.
dent, announced.
art instructor, said. They are nearof clouds formed good protection;
The marketing department of the address Monday night In South
Formal initiation for the pledges Dean Cooper.
16 years of service to womAfter
ly all scenes of rocks and water,
Bend, Ind., at the annual Notre
a bright sun made visibility all that agriculture college has been
Contributions of Professor Good
will be held March 18, with C. H.
an's clubs throughout Kentucky, and present a feeling of sunlight,
could be asked for. No wind blew to
with the organization's Dame cage banquet honoring George
Spenser, national president, and R. to the livestock industry have been
Doctcr Mcdistort the bombers aim. Despite leaders to formulate the method for Keogan's 20th year as Irish coach.
the isolation of the organism which Mrs. Maude Ward Lafferty will re- Vey and so well.that
C. Matthews, national secretary atloves
Professor RanThe speech will mark the second
these ideal conditions, however, the stabilizing tobacco sales in the bur-le- y
abortion in tire from the position of secretary nells explained.
tending. The two national officials produces
time Rupp, whose 1940 Cats brought
Nazi planes failed to score a single
jwill also discuss with local mem-jbe- mares, naming of the bacillus, and of the University Woman's Club
A catalogue, designed by Jimmy
One hundred and ninety farmers, Kentucky Its fourth Southeastern
plans for the national Tau perfection of bacterin to Immunize Service July 1. at was learned Wed- Hale, has been prepared to accomconference championship in seven
A few smaller raids followed the representing 33 counties, gave unan
Pi convention to be held on mares against it. He has also con- nesday.
pany the display.
years, has been guest orator to the
ducted work on the etiology of the
i the campus next fall.
first one, and then on October 9, imous approval to a plan of Federal
She will be succeeded by Miss beAt the opening Sunday, tea will
disease in cows and sows.
staged his next big raid. This crop control to guard against the Irish
Requirements for membership in
served from 3 to 6 p. m. Emmy
Further information concerning
which destroyed the
Chloe Gifford, University alumna Lou Turck is
time there were 30 German planes,
the fraternity are standings in the
in charge of arrangeh
basketball relations was
other movements.
but there was a smaller number of
and head of the English depart- ments for the tea.
of the junior class
Barry Bingham, publisher of the released Wednesday when it was Directed by Charles Magurean, the
British ships. Again bombing conof the sen
the upper
ment at Sayre college.
Kentucky would be in- University Concert
band will make for class.
and the Louisvills announced
ditions were exce:ient. but the Nazis Courier-Journior
Dame in the
Mrs. Lafferty, widow of William
Times, and son of the sponsor of vited to meet Notre cage
seaseemed a little afraid of the Engclassic at its second appearance of this
Sugar Bowl
Officers of the local chapter are
Thornton Lafferty, organizer and
movement. annual
fire. They as- the 1920
New Orleans. The Cuts will be in- son at the Sunday Afternoon
president; Harry ALL-AGTOL'RJohn
first dean of the law college, was
cended to the height of 20.000 feet pledged
at 4 p. m., March 10, in Mem- Weaks,
L. M. Bal
vited to the game as champs of
to do their bombing it was said. As movement.
to have retired last July upon
conference, while It was un orial hall.
lard, recording secretary; D. K.
a result, their bombs missed the
reaching the retirement age of 70.
derstood the Irish are unanimous
One of the features of the pro- Blythe,
British as much as a half mile at
University officials requested that
choice of the committee to furnish gram will be the playing of the George Kurachek, cataloger; and E.
times. No hits were made.
she remain another year to give
the opposition.
"Roumanian Rhapsody, No. 1," by C. Railey, treasurer.
them time to select a successor.
Since Coach Rupp took up basket
Georges Enesco.
Mr. Enesco is
Tau Beta Pi's St. Patrick's day
Appointment of Miss Gifford was
ball reins at Kentucky in 1931 no considered one of the great violin- Engineer's ball, featuring the music
NEW VOKK The British liner
Thirteen students of the depart- Cat team has ever been able to de ists of our day and is the founder of Jack Spratt and his orchestra,
Queen Elizabeth, the biggest ship
Six teams are slated to participate approved recently by the Board of
year the of the Roumanian school of music. will be held Saturday night, March
of the
afloat, neared this city's harbor to- ment of civil engineering will leave feat Notre Dame. 52-- This
in the annual
men's Trustees. She is a memberAssociain a South
board of American
A group of numbers will be pres16, in the Union ballroom, Harry tournament starting
day alter a secret and audaciously Monday, March 11, for a one week Irish margin was
at 8:15 p. m. state of University Women, past Five cents means a coca-coto
Keogan ented by a woodwind quintet com- Weaks, chairman of the dance com
successful run from England across trip through Tennessee and Ala- Bend meeting. Rupp and
Tuesday in the Gym annex.
president of the Lexington branch a University student, but to a
bama, on which they will inspect will oppose each other once again posed of Grace Oliver, flute; Perry mittee announced.
Tickets for 75
the submarine and mine infested
Squads competing are Block and of AAUW, and has A.B. and LL.B Chinese student the same amount
year when Kentucky meets Adams, oboe; William Lipscomb, cents may now be obtained at the
28,000,000 engineering projects and attend the next
north Atlantic,
of money means one week's shelter.
coached by James Blue;
national convention of the Ameri- Notre Dame January 4 In the Jef clarinet; Harry Zimmerman, French Union information desk or from Bridle,club, by Russell Reynolds; degrees from the University. While That is the message behind a
Canard White Star vessel, will be
ferson County army, Louisville.
here she attended classes in the
horn; and James Trice, bassoon.
fraternity members.
can Society of Civil Engineers.
berthed in the special super-linChinese Student Relief campaign
Dairy club, by Stanley Howard; law college una-- Dean Lafferty.
The New Orleans bout will mark
The program follows:
Acompanied by Professors Wildork alongside her sister ship, the
being conducted this week by the
practice teachers, by Kelly Earl;
the third time that Kentucky has
Lafferty, who organized the YW-Yliam J. Carrol and Frank J. Cheek
Queen Mary, and the French super-linin conjunction with the
Poultry club, by Elmon Salyer; and Woman's club here, became secre
appeared in the Sugar Bowl. In The Vanished Army Poetic March Alford
of the department, the engineers
Danse Orientate
Alpha Zeta, by Al Straus.
1938 the Cats clawed Pitt by
Procession of the Sardar (Caucasian
tary of the service in 1924, succeed- Far Eastern Student Service Fund
The recent arrival left England will return Saturday, March 16.
and this year nipped Ohio State by Egmont
For the first time a women's ing Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Through project throughout the world.
While at the national ASCE conunder conditions of the utmost se
- Beethoven
According to campaign officials,
tournament will be held in con her guidance over 10.000 club women
crecy and would have ended her vention in Atlanta, March 14, HarBizet
Kentucky Epsilon of Sigma Alpha junction with the men's meet. Teams throughout the state have received, contributions may either be turned
Minuetto from L'Arleslenne Suite
voyage under the same conditions. ry Weaks wlil speak on soil consere
Tuthill Epsilon
is acting as host for a entered are
club, coached by without charge, use of books from in to the YM office or placed in an
had not word leaked out. Her radio vation and T. C. Finnie on aerial
three-da- y
convention of SAE chap- Helen Culton; Home Economics, by the library, charts, maps, phono- envelope and dropped in the post
Grace Oliver, flute; Perry Adams, oboe;
and wireless were kept silent all the photography.
William Lipscomb,
ters located in Province Iota. Regis- Mary Frank Wiley and Phi Upsilon, graph records and other materials office mail slot. Envelopes for this
Places to be visited by the engin
way across to avoid the detection of
Zimmerman, french horn; James Trice,
of recorded instru
A program
tration for the delegates from the by Helen Horlacher.
to carry out progams planned by purpose were distributed anions?
loving German submarines. It was eers will include Norris Dam, the mental music will be presented at
the student body earlier in the week.
seven schools in the district was
of the regular weekly Carnegie musienly when she reached a region of Volunteer
Every coach must register his Mrs. Lafferty.
Jose Franco held yesterday in the Lafayette ho- upon the local
complete safety near our coast that Knoxville, Klingman's Dome, Hlwas-s- e cale at 7:30 p. m., today, in the Mus
players with Dean L. J. Horlacher
The retiring secretary plans to drive. commenting
Doris Seward, YW secretary,
Dam, the Ducktown copper Mines, ic room of
Roumaman Rhapsody,
devote most of her time to historiTuesday, tournament offiher presence was made knawn.
the Union building.
No. 1
Georges Enesco
Delegates are expeted to attend cials said. Team members are re- cal research, a hobby which she has pointed out that a donation of 15
Protecting the big liner in Iter the Birmingham Steel mills,
The program will include J. S.
Dam and Chickamauga Bach's Suite No. 3 in D major, orcrossing
from Centre college. Southwestern, quired to have a last semester standfollowed for years. She also in- cents means a week's meals to a
a squadron of British
naval vessels. She left England, Darn. Overnight stops will be made chestra; Mozart's String Quartet in
Union university. University of Ten ing of 1.0 and must be active mem- tends to complete an art survey of Chinese schoolboy. She noted that
one dollar would furnish six stuuniversity,
it is said, to avoid being the target at Knoxville, Copper Hill, Atlanta, D major; waltz from the 2nd piano
bers in the clubs for which they Kentucky, which she began several
State and district supervisors of nessee, Cumberland and Sewanee.
Tuscaloosa, and Chattanooga.
years ago upon the suggestion of dents a year's medical care, and th&t
of German bombers.
are playing.
Suite by Arensky; Dvorak's Sym- adult and nursery education in the
$10 would support a student for an
Students who will make the trip phony No. 5 from "The New World."
Doctor McVey.
The thrilling flight of the ElizaWPA held a two day conference on
entire year.
beth recalled to observers the mys- are Robert Browning, Melvin
Wednesday and Thursdav at the
"When we realize." Mis SewarJ
terious voyage of the Bremen, which Downey. John Abbott, D. K. Blythe,
j College of Education.
added, "how much good such smaJ
left New York on a dash for free- T. C. Finnie, Louis Nelson, John
Lindsay E. Allen, state director,
"Highlighting the Sports," WHA3 sums can do for these fellow stuKentucky
dom 36 hours before the Nazi le- Orndorff, Joseph Rapier, Jimmy
DlSCUSSlOn and Roy O. Chumbler, assistant A "Sit Down Sing," at which The March Issue of the of
Viox, Harry Weaks, Dan Terrell,
program by George dents in China, we can sive to
gions marched into Poland.
student quarter-hou- r
participants will sit on the floor Law Journal, consisting
state supervisor led a dsicussion of
this fund without feeling that we
Adrian Combs and Weldon Coblin.
and sing, will be held for Y mem- notes and other articles, will be re Walsh will be broadcast from the are depriving our own neeciv stu
Robert Willkie, representative of plans for the improvement and
bers at 8 p. m. Tuesday, March 12, leased sometime next week, it was university studios at 10:13 p. m..
Seagram company of Louis- - velopment of this educational
of a source of support.'"
in the Y rooms.
announced by Prof. Roy Moreland, Friday, March 15, Elmer G. Sulzer, dents money
discussed employment prob- - gram.
raised will be sent
faculty adviser of the publication. director, said yesterday.
Arranged by.the Y fine arts group,
An invitation to participate in the
lems before the Commerce College
directly to the National Student
the sing will consist of choral sing
Employment association last night
annual play day Saturday, March
Relief committee in China. Mi.-ing, trio numbers, and solos. Orders
16, at the University of Cincinnati,
in White hall.
Seward said. The total fund conDr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey
This was one of a series of dishas been accepted by the UniversiMarvin Tincher, second year law for cokes, sodas, sandwiches and
tributed last year amounted to
were guests of honor at a banquet cussions on employment opportun- student, has been appointed Stu- sundaes will be taken from the Unty WAA.
$5,265.17, marking an increase of
given last night at the New Fac ities for Commerce seniors and eco- - dent Government lobbyist for the ion grill.
$527.09 over the previous year.
Helen White is chairman of the
ulty club of Louisiana State univer
nomics majors from the College of Independent association, Uhel Bar-ArA YM official announced
sity by UK alumni of Baton Rouge
rickman, president, announced.
and Sciences.
over 300 letters have been received
and New Orleans.
from Chinese students requesting
Doctor McVey, who has been at
corrspondence with American stuBy BOB AMMONS
tending a conference on the reordents. Anyone desiring, he said
ganization of LSU since Monday,
According to members of the arts
to exchange letters may write u
was the principal speaker. He is
and science committee for the imthe Fund office at 347 Madison
expected to return with Mrs. Mcprovement of teaching, the college's
Ave., New York City for a name.
' Why did you come to college?"
Vey at the conclusion of the connew policy plan is not based upon
The sex and age of the proposed
ference, at the end of the week.
a program employed for the past
correspondent should be stated.
Recognized as an outstanding
Lmilee Aldridge, A & S freshman
several years by Oberlin College,
Responsibility for Japan's destruc- American citizens can take de- - Oberlin. Ohio, as was erroneously authority on scientific methods in
'"To lead a full life."
tion of China was placed on the Uni- - cisive steps to rectify the situation
Bob Miles, A & S sophomore "To
reported in Tuesday's issue of The criminal detection, Dr. J. H.
attempt to grasp the essential feaThe Kentucky Archaeological so- tea oiaies Dy ur. waiier n. ouaa, bv bo- - cottine Japanese goods. de- - Kernel.
The project, committee Mathews, head of
to manding enactment of proper polit
the department
me and ciety will meet at 7:30 p. m. today American medical missionary
tures of subjects valuable to
China, in the final address of his ical measures, and by lending moral members point out, originated for of chemistry at the University of
applicable to my
in the physics lecture room. W. G. two-da- y
the most part with members of that
visit to the campus Wed- and financial support to China, Doc group.
Skid Garret, Commerce junior
Haag will give an illustrated lecture
Wisconsin, will address Alpha Chi
nesday night in Memorial hall.
tor Judd declared.
"There just wasn't anything else to on "The Fort Ancient Culture."
Sigma, national professional chemFirst, the United States betrayed
Following the address a
istry fraternity at 7:30 p. m.,
signing the discussion was held, at which the
China's faith in her by
Geneva House, A &S freshman
March 13, Room 201, Kas-tl- e
pact of 1922, which audience adopted a resolution to ask
"Have fun, get a man, and learn a
Women interested in assistcaused China to cease defense meas- the federal government to ban suphall.
little on the side."
ing with housework and care of
ures, and now she supplies Japan plying munitions to Japan.
Wain Scott, Commerce senior
One of the few scientists of the
children for room and board
with 85 per cent of her materials
Doctor Judd told Pitkin club mem"I had a chance for a job with a
United States to take up crime deare asked to apply al the dean
to wage an undeclared war, Doctor bers Wednesday at a luncheon that
tobacco company after I completed
tection from a scientific point of
of women's office immediately.
An ag dance under the aus"amazing
Judd said.
internal cohesion is
four years of work."
view. Doctor Mathews has been inA square and folk dance will
pices of Alpha Zeta and the
Speaking on "The Chinese War China's chief asset in this most
Emily Johnson, A & S senior
strumental in solving a number of
be held at 8 p. m., today in
Dairy club will be given in the
Situation as Seen by an American crucial hour of her history." He
"Everyone else in my family went
murder mysteries.
the Bluegrass room of the Unjudging pavilion from 8:00 to
Doctor." the speaker cited personal also pointed out that the greatest
to college, so I just took it for
Civic leaders in the vicinity of
Folk and square dancing.
ion. Music will be furnished
10:30 o'clock tonight. Admisexperiences as examples of the "hor- hazard of the missionary today is
granted that I was coming."
Lexington, Federal Bureau of Inra.. Bluegrass room.
by a local band and no adsion will be 25c per couple
rible, debauching, demoralizing, and to overcome antagonistic opinions
Albert Pogue, Ag freshman "You
vestigation officers of Louisville, and
Carnegie Musicale recorded music.
or stag.
mission will be charged
disintegrating" military strategy of which the natives have of "the lands
. . . crime detection from
have to have a sheepskin to get a
general public have been ln- j the
m.. Music room.
the Japanese.
from which we come."
decent job."
the scientific angle . . .
tContinued on. Page


Co-operati- ve

Plans Crop Control













Tau Beta Pi To Hold
Ceremonies Today



Net Mentor Will Open
Cage Banquet



Has Filled Position







To Be Featured


one-eigh- th



one-four- th






Trip Is Planned




Cage Meet To Open

il Engineers

Push Drive
For Asian Students






Local SAE Chapter
Is Convention Host





36-3- 0.

Weekly Musicale


4-- H


Gun-tersvil- le

Van-derb- ilt

'Sit Down Sing'


Law Journal Coming


McVeys Honored


At Louisiana State


Authority On Crime Detection
To Address Alpha Chi Sigma


What They Think

Chemists To Hear
Scientist Speak

Judd Says U.S. Is Responsible

For Disintegration Of China

Sleuth Mathews


Square Dance
Set For Tonight
In Union



Ag Dance
To Be Held

Wed-nesdat- y,

3-- p.



Page Two

YM: "Even The Smallest



bfmt-weekl- v



ornma thb school tear

Entered at the Pnrt- - Off1e at Lexington. Kertocry, a arennd
ihm mmw under the Act of March , 1S7.

Kentorry IntrreoUef lat Pmi AnooeHtlOB
Lexington Board of Commerce




( allege Pmklitbert Representative
MftDltON Ave.
New YOaK. N.







! .00 One Teat


.oris T.


Editor-in-Chie- f

The American Form

Hara-Ki- ri

Thi KiRvn. wishes to apologize (or not running in Tuesday's issue a front-pagbanner
headline relevant to the appearance of Dr. Walter udd on the campus Tuesday and Wednesday Hi talks deserved some such recognition.
with clipped words and machine-gurapidity, this world traveler and medical
missionary to China made inadequate audiences
in Memorial hall "take it" while he bombarded
uiih facts and figures - concerning the suicidal
and determining part this country is playing in
the disintegration of China. Whether you agreed
uith him or not and it's difficult to justify any
disagreement with his basic principles his force
( deliver
and masterv of subject gave word-wea- r
convocation, habitues a new lease on life.
In stressing the necessity for knowing what's
a point stressed so heart-i- h
going on in the world
bv manv of our better speakers that it may
penetrate Doctor Judd touched a
tulncrable spot in the American's armor. Sensational exposes of World War atrocity stories
and propaganda have led the present generation
10 place tongue in cheek when told any story of
unsavorv action. "It must be propaganda," they
sav. "It was in the last war." It's a safer attitude
than blind gullibility, but it's not an intelligent
attitude when the truth of the unsavory is substantiated bv government documents and eyewitnesses.
has this incredulity been apparent
in our treatment of savage atrocities committed
bv the Japanese. Even more important and at
the same time subject to remedy has been our
ignorance as to the part we play in the slaughter
of China and in darkening our own future. It
is the ignorance which. Doctor Judd says, sends
him home as a missionary to his own peof)le.
In the last six months of the Chino-Japaneswar. 70 to 80 percent of all Japanese imports
have (lowed from the I'nited States. One of the
greatest of these import items is raw cotton, a
staple which Japan hopes to develop in China
when it is "beaten to its knees." In simple language. f)i. country is helping Japan defeat
China so Japan can heenme somewhat selfsuf-ftent and eliminate her imports from us. We
stand to lose eventually noi only Japanese trade
but also that of China as long as we continue to
aid the island people.
I he missionary liclieves that Japan is so
upon this country, especially since the
outbreak of the European war, that only a firm
threat of cessation of trade is needed to bring
the apanese military clique to a halt. Certainly,
he adds, we need fear no war because if Japan
with our aid cannot defeat China, she would find
it even more difficult to defeat China and the
I'nited States without our raw materials.
The recent abrogation of our trade treaty
with apan now leaves the way open to possible
action. If the people so will it. Congress and the
president will act.







the secretary of his
school. Now Sunday morning about noon he
was called to the telephone, told that the officers of the Sundav school were going to meet
that afternoon.
Reing a conscientious chap, he struggled into
his clothes and managed to arrive at the meet-

lor several ears now, students have been
aware of certain petty jealousies existing among
colleges and departments of the University. But,
of thr somewhat comforting opinion that
"alter all, professors are onlv human," the large
majority of undergraduates simply let the matter
go at thai. T hese rivalries, though amusing, have
never Uen regarded by undergraduates as presenting anv serious obsiades to academic progress. I hev were regarded merely as something
which "existed" in every faculty of every university in the laud.
However, recent statements by eduiaiioual
leaders give one the impression that such conditions represent something more than surface pettiness; in many cases they are symptoms of
which go even deeper into our present collegiate system. Dr. Paul P. Boyd, dean
ol the University's arts and sciences college, writing in the Southern Fducational Association's
Ouarierly for August. 1939. summed up the situation thus:
"Our conservatism, the inertia that so often
si t tiis to go with the burning of the midnight
let tri it v. our interest in subject matter to the
ot jcople. our reluctance to apply the
i vliisioi
method to educational problems,
i iiiK utal
to departmental partisanship and logrolling,
when ii ionics to revising the curriculum, our
innocence of any intelligent philosophy of education, and our ignorance of the compelling philosophy ol education, and o