xt7kh12v523w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v523w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-12-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1940 1940 1940-12-13 2013 true xt7kh12v523w section xt7kh12v523w The Kentucky

100 Tel. Studeul
Owned & Operated








Annual Banquet
Will Be Held
In UK Union

Deadline Today
For Registration
Of Personnel


judging from the list of entrants.
bout 225 student vocalists will participate in the seventh annual DDK-C-




England's Chances
Of Winning War
Will Be Topic

Dr. Thomas Greenwood, professor
of philosophy at the University of
London, will speak on "Can England
Win the War?" at the first dinner
meeting of the season of the International Relations class at 6:30 pm.
Tuesday in the Football room of the
Union building.
46-3- 4
Dr. Greenwood, who is on leave
Kentucky's highly geared cage-me- n from London for the duration of
the war, is lecturing the United
conquered their first intercollegiate foe of the season with a States. He has taught at the Uni
versity of London and universities
46 to 34 victory over a scrappy West
newspaVirginia team last night in Alumni in France, and has been a
per correspondent for several Congymnasium.
tinental papers.
Ticco led the Wildcat xcorers with
Dr. Gieenwood has spoken at SO
six field coals. Huber. Kins and
"6mFarnlpv tiH fnr second honors American
among the locals, each scorching the university summer scnooi, lasi
summer, and at the University of
the nets for seven points.
After Farnsley opened the tally Southern California.
The class is a joint project under
ing on a gratis toss, the lead switch
ed frequently for the first fifteen tne sponsorship of the Women's
minutes of the game. Then Coach ciuo oi me university, ana me
Rudd sent In his first sub- - lng"n branch of the American As- Btitutes and. with Ticco sinking set sociation of University Women. It
open to men and women of the
shots from the side, the Kentucky
boys began to pull away to a com' i University staff and to adult towns
fortable margin. The score at half-tim- e people
An open meeting of the class will
was Kentucky 34. West Virin
De held at 4 p.m. Wednsday
ginia 20.
Hamilton, the Mountaineer's pud- Room 111 of McVey hall. "The so
gy forward, was a continuous threat cial value of philosophy" will be
vith his tricky passing and his un- - discussed at the meeting.
Dr. Greenwood will also speak at
canny shooting throughout the battle. His play closely resembled that a meeting of the Philosophy club
of Kentucky's Bernie Opper of a few at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Room 201 of
Frazee hall.
years back.
Rupp started the game with White
Reservations lor the dinner can
and Farnsley at the forward posts. be made at the office of the Dean
King at center, and Huber and of Women until noon Tuesday.
Stakcr at the guards. After midway
the first period. h substituted
freely with Ticco. Brewer. Jp.ers,
Ramsey, and Combs.


Ticco Leads Cats



Intercollegiate Press association will
open a two-da- y
meeting this afternoon with registration from 1:30
to 3:30 o'clock in Morrison hall on
the Transylvania campus.
Jim Caldwell, editor of The Kernel
and president of the association.
will preside over the convention,
which will be attended by delegates from ten Kentucky college
newspapers. Twenty Kernel staff
members will attend.
Speakers on the Friday afternoon
program which opens at 3:30 will
be Harry F. Cohen, editor of the
University of Louisville Cardinal.
who will discuss editorial policy;
George Kerler, sports writer of the
Lexington Leader and sports editor
who will
of The Kernel in 1937-3discuss sports; James Stevens, ad
vertising manager of the Murray
College News, advertising; Jim Tar- vin, editor of the Transylvania
Crimson Rambler, interpretative re
poling. Each of these speakers will
lead a roundtable on their respec
tive subjects immediately following
the general session.
Dr. Jasper P. Shannon of the po
litical science department will give
the principal address of the annual
banquet at 6:30 p. m. in the Football
room of the Union building on "The
Press and Politics." Jim Caldwell
will present the awards for the best
college newspaper, best feature story.
news story,
makeup, column, and editorial. Walter B. Greenwood, faculty advisor
of the Crimson Rambler, will be
toastmaster of the banquet.
Saturday morning, the delegates
will be Transylvania's guests at
breakfast from 8 to 10 a. m. in the
Student Center. A general business
meeting and adjournment will fol-

Initiation ceremonies for the five
students elected to Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary,
will be conducted at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, December 18. in
the staff room of the University library. Prof. T. M. Hahn. secretary,
has announced.
Students chosen for their high
scholastic standing were Constance
Garber. Greer Johnson, William N.
Lipscomb and Arthur L. Meader,


Others in charge of arrangements
for the initiation are Mrs. Daniel V
Hegcmen and Mr. Edward Kass.
graduate assistant in Bacteriology.

Christmas Art
Now On Exhibition
Colored reproductions of European

nrtists' paintings of the birth of
Christ are now on exhibit in the
halls ol the art depart mcnt in the
Biological Sciences buiding.
These paintings of the Madonna
and Child were executed by Italian, German. French artists in the
15th. 16ih, and 17th centuries.
The originals were hung in Europe
subsequent to the outbreak of the
war and it is thought that many ol
them have been destroyed

Women Will Get
Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner will be served
residents of the three women's halls
at 6:15 p. m. Sunday in the Boyd
and Jewell hall dining rooms. A
string trio will play during dinner.
which will be formal.
After dinner coffee will be served
in Memorial hall for women and
tlirir dates who wish to hear the
University Choristers' program ol




game New Year's day at Birmingham, Alabama.
Hailing from Paducah, Bailey is
the only Wildcat performer to be
invited to participate in the classic
this year. Last year Luke Linden,
giant tackle, represented Kentucky
on the Southern squad.
Weighing over 200 pounds. Bailey
was also one of four Wildcats
drafted by professional grid teams.
Having first call on the big center's
services are the Green Bay Packers,
last year's National league champs.
Ishmael, Eibner. and Hardin were
also drafted. The Detroit Lions
picked Ishmael,
the Pittsburgh
Steelers got Eibner, and Hardin was
drafted by the Chicago Bears.

I.- -





To Accommodate
Expected Crowd

Christmas carols will be sung by
the University Choristers under the
direction of Miss Mildred Lewis at
the fifth Sunday Afternoon Musicale
of the season, in a special
program at 4 and 8 p. m.
Sunday, December 15.
The special evening performance
was scheduled to accomodate a number of persons Interested in the
Yulettde program. Last year 800
persons were turned away at the
afternoon performance.
Donald Allton will assist the chorn
isters at the organ. Mary Kapp
will be the violin soloist.
' The Choristers are made up of 36
select voices from the Men's and
Women's Glee clubs. The group,
which is appearing this season before the Pyramid club, the optimists' club, and the North Mid- dletown Women s club, also sings
for the two baccalaureate services
of the academic year.
One of the features of the carol
I rogram
is the singing of familiar
Christmas songs by the audience
and choristers.
The program to be presented is as




Greens To Be Hung
In Great Hall



mony and carol singing by the
Glee club, the traditional
Hanging of the Greens will be held
at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the northwest end of the Great hall in the
Union building.
Allen Johnston is to be the reader
and Virginia Smith is to light the
candles. The Glee Club, directed by
Mits Mildred Lewis, will sing three
Christmas songs, and will lead the
audience in singing carols.
Ushers Heath Tinley, Esther Pier-soJane Anne Evans. Mark Cochb
rane. Tom Jones, and Morry
will hang the greens as the
Glee club sings "Deck the Halls."
The Union will be decorated with a
lighted Christmas tree.
The annual YW ceremony was
planned by Doris Zenger. chairman,
Betty South, Anne Crutcher. Jeanne
Bowne, Virginia Callos, Dorothy
Paul, and Miss Mildred Lewis.



Applicants Sought
For Kyian Posts
Applicants for four sophomore

sistant editorships on the

asKentuck-ia- n
editor, be-

must see Sam Ewjng,
fore 5 p. m., today, it was announced.
The Kentuckian office also announced that all campus organirji-tion- s
must check their pictures and
lists of names by 5 p.m. Monday,
and that student snapshots will be
accepted after the Christmas holidays, provided the pictures are clear
and have, a glossy finish. Pictures
not used will be returned at the end
of the year if they are labeled by the

SGA Hears Neiv Loan Bill;

Immediate Action Expected
Burrus Named
New Chairman

Of Welfare Group

new student loan bill, intended to replace a similar measure recently defeated, was; introduced at
the meeting of the student legislature Tuesday night.
The 29lh annual Farm and Home
Reference of the bill to a special
convention will be held at the ag- committee composed of members of
riculture colloge January
Finance and Rules committees inIn addition to the general ses- dicated that immediate action on
the bill would be taken.
sions, there will be sectional meetings for discussions of stockraising,
Other action included a shakeup
pontry kcrping. fruit growing, bee- in the Student Welfare committee,
keeping, dairying, soils and crops, appointment of a student committee
marketing, agricultural conservation, to assist a faculty group in investrural community, and rural church. igation of cheating, and passing of
Organizations to meet during the minor
Bill A Compromise
convention include Kentucky Federation of Homemakers. Kentucky
Main Interest of the meeting cenJersey Cattle club, Kentucky Seed tered on the ne wstudent loan bill,
Improvement association, Kentucky which was seen as a compromise
Guernsey Cattle club. Kentucky
between the loan bill of Jack Lovett,
Cattle club. Kentucky Seed defeated two weeks ago, and the
Improvement association, Kentucky medical aid of Doniphan Burrus,
Turkey Growers' association. Ken- which is, tabled at present. Burrus
tucky Rural Church council, and and Lovett are
of the bill.
i '"I'' "f IOimi

4-- H


Featuring a

which loans up to $10 can be made
at no interest charge;
2) A "general fund" of $1700, from
which loans from $10 to $100 may
be made at 1 per cent interest per
Provision is made for extending
"specific fund" loans for six months
at 1 per cent interest and for extending "general fund" loans at an
additional 1 per cent interest.
Must Sign Note
An important change from the recently defeated loan bill is the promeavision of the Lovett-Burrsure that all petitioners for a loan
of over $100 "must sign a legally
enforceable note, endorsed as surety
by a male adult or unmarried female adult over 21" This would
make possible enforced repayment
through action of law.
Loans of under $10 may be obtained for purchase of text books,
board, room, ayd materials essential
for school work; of over $10 for
these needs and also for medical
attention not available at the University.
Technical details, which reportedly

Site Established
Located on the old Tatum Springs
hotel property, 12 miles from Spring-fiel- d
in Washington county, the
camp will Include 10 acres of land,
hotel, and several outa
buildings. Much improving and remodeling must be done before the
property can be occupied by spring
or early summer. Dr. Cooper said.
Prof. James B. Kelley, head of the
agriculture engineering department
will plan and supervise the necessary changes.
"The foresight Mr. Bingham has
shown in making this property available for
club and other activities, and the great Interest he has
shown In the University and its
work for the youth of the state, are
greatly appreciated," Dr. Cooper
said, in announcing the gift.
Home Ee House Planned
The board also approved a recommendation that the house formerly
occupied by the late Maury Crutcher, superintendent of buildings and
grounds, and his family, be transferred to the home economics department for use as a home management house.
to the Cooperative
House committee in charge, eight
women will be aided In obtaining
a college education at the least pos
sursible cost and In home-lik- e
roundings. Under present plans, the
house will be in operation by next
The eight students will be selected
by the committee from applications
sent to the office of the dean of women. At present, no rule has been
passed that the residents must be
home economics students or former
club members, but it 1? required
that they be qualified to undertake
the type of work necessitated in providing a
house at low
The Cooperative House committee
is composed of Mrs. Sarah B.
Holmes, assistant dean of women;
Dr. Statie Eriksson, head of the home
economics department; and Miss
Anita Burman, extension department.

Christmas Musicalc Program
To Be Presented Twice Suiula)'

The year's last meeting of the
Kentucky Archaeological society will
O Colni. AH Yf
be held at 7:30 p.m., today, in the I. Fnitliful
KcHilin- lecture hall of the Physics building.
A I'ltristmas Kolkxon);
Dr. William S. Webb, head of the The Three Kint's Vnur
Jesus. Jesus KeNt
anthropology department, state arHead
The March ol Hie
chaeologist and consultant archaeoHarvey t!. Haul
Wine Men
logist for the Tennessee Valley auMen's 'horus
Hmw Far is it tn
thority, will present an outline of
Geoffrey Shaw
the present status of man's know-leg- e
Women's ChoruH
Sunrise on I'hriMmas MoriiiiiK
of the Adena culture.
II. (Tn be muiik by the auilieliee anil
the choristers)
This mound building group of abll t'amr I'lmii A Mlilni'hl Clear. ..Willis
origines represents perhaps the most
The First Noel
widespread and highest advanced
Silent Nleht
Hark! The Herald Aels
found in
cultural manifestation
Kentucky. For several years a part I I I. 4'risfos se Kodi
Serliian-lJ;ui- l
(I'hrist is Liorn
of the University
Peitro Yon
program has been devoted to a
Mary Kapi Ailtoti, Violinist
A I'radie Hymn
study of this culture within the
Tlie Shepherd's
Clarence llickeltson


Farm, Home Meet
Set For January





all-st- ar



Jeanne, D'Arcy, Canadian "oomph" girl, and Johnny Mess- tier, versatile band leader, will show the campus dancers why
Broadwayiles have acclaimed them for four years, as they perform
at the Christmas formal Saturday night.






Joe Bailey, first string center of
Kentucky's Big Blue for the past
two years, was selected to play in



Webb Will Address

Pro Teams Draft
Four Cat Gridders
the annual

4-- H





Represented member papers of the
association will be The Kernel, the
Crimson Rambler of Transylvania,
the Cardinal of U. of L., College
News of Murray, the Progress of
Eastern, the Trail Blazer of More-heathe College Heights of Western, the Orange and Black of Union,
the Georgetonian of Georgetown,
and the Centro of Centre.
Officers of the association are
Jim Caldwell, president; Mary Agnes
Finneran, editor of the Eastern
Progress, vice president; and Carol
of the Morehead
Trail Blazer, secretary-treasure- r.



to be used in establishing a state
club camp has
been accepted by the board of
trustees. Dr. Thomas Poe Cooper,
acting president of the University,
has announced.
This camp which will be under
direct supervision of the University,
will be called the "Robert Worth
Bingham Memorial" In honor of
the late Robert W. Bingham, father
of the donor. It will provide a com
club headmunity center and
Courier-Journa- l,



Phi Beta Kappa
Will Initiate Five

gift of $10,o6q from Barry Bingham, publisher of the Louisville


bill, are said to be ironed out in
the current measure.
Welfare Group Censured
Surprise action of the meeting
was a censuring of the Welfare Committee for inaction this year. Student oody President Robert Allen
said that the committee, considered
one of the most impoitant of the
body, had not held a meeting this
year. Rollins Wood, chairman of
the group, protested that he had
not been informed of his appointment as chairman and therefore
had not called a meeting.
Doniphan Burrus, A. and S. senior
representative was named chairman
of the committee to replace Wood.
Other Action Listed
Other action taken by the legis-- !
latlire inriHH1
Appointment of Ben Sublette,
Kenneth Fugett, and Mildred Murray to serve in conjunction with a
faculty committee
to investigate
2) Unanimous passage of a bill
setting up a system of perserving
SGA records;
3i Introduction of a resolution
that all committee reports be

Haggin Donates
Jouett Portrait
Of Henry Clay


4-- H



nil pi Lryinpton, and Vincent

Bingham Donates
$10,000 For Camp

Featuring a banquet, roundtables,
and general meetings, the Kentucky

sing at 8 p. m.
Tuesday in Memorial Hall.
With the deadline for participants
in each group set for 4. p. m. today
in the Kernel business office, 12
organizations have already registert,
Each group will have from 12 to
24 participants, and will be allotted
Irmn the I' niveisit? of Lon10 minutes on the stage to sing not
don, he is aiming to the campus
more than three songs, one of which
to tell the International Held'
must be a Christinas song.
(lass of his country's
The University Choristers, led by lions
tltatKes vf winning this war.
Miss Mildred Lewis, will present one
Christmas carol and then lead the
Audience in singing three songs.
Pour trophies will be awarded:
one each to the men's and women's
organizations with the best singing
The present list of entrants includes Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha
XI Delta, Chi Omega. Delta Delta
Delta, Kappa Delta. Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Independent women, Alpha
Eigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon. Sigma Chi, and the
law school.


Trustees Plan Management
Of Cafeteria, Vote To Enlarge
Alumni Hall, Accept Donations




ienii-eekJ- y

13. 1910





Guignol Tryouts
Set For Sunday


Dr. Lee Kirkpatrick. Paris. and
Robert P. Hobson. Louisville. who
were appointed by the Board of
Trustees to formulate plans by which
the University will assume direct
control of the Student Union cafeteria, win meet to discuss proposals
at 10 a.m., today, on the campus.
Acting President Thomas P. Cooper,
The first charity Christmas carni- announced yesterday.
Although plans have been pro- val triven hv thA TTntvritv stiiHentji
is to be held Monday from 4 to 8
J""""?1"? 'he ma"ement
and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in theland l.ne method. to whlch
may be obtained
purchase the
Union Bluegrass room, under the
sponsorship of the Union music cafeteria equipment. Doctor
said that no definite arrangements
have been made.
Ann Kirk, chairman, has apApprored
pointed Elizabeth Jones to have Purchase
At the Tuesday meeting
charge of the carnival.
Board of Trustees approved the
charged to purchase of the equipment from the
No admission will be
the ballroom, where A. B. Morris College Catering company. The
and his orchestra will play. Ping present value of the eqrfipment.
pong, an auction of articles found which originally cost about 130.000.
in the building and not claimed, has not been determined. Doctor
games of chance, and various booths Cooper said. D. H. Peak, business
will provide other entertainment.
agent. James S. Shropshire. Union
The Lexington YMCA and four- director, and Prof. E. B. Farris. enteen campus organizations will op- gineering college, have been taking
erate booths. ODK will give a do- inventory of the cafeteria to evalnation instead of planning a booth. uate the equipment.
The highest charge at any booth
The board also approved a prowill be five cents.
posal to enlarge the facilities of the
Alpha Lambda
Delta. Cwens. military department by building a
addition to Alumni hall.
YWCA. Cosmopolitan Club. WAA.
A grant of $50,000 will be sought
The Kernel, Panhellenic. Student
Union board. Keys. Photography from W.P.A. funds as soon as plans
Club. Lamp and Cross, Mortar and specifications are completed.
y New Rooms Planned
Board, Alma Magna Mater, and
Under the proposal, recommended
are the campus organizations in
charge of booths. Their entertain- - by CoL James H. Graham, dean
ment includes a live duck, dressed of the engineering college, the new
in top hat and tails, to be raffled addition will have four class rooms,
off at the YWCA booth, and a small a map room, and a work shop for
press to print any headline desired, ordnance repair work.
Alumni hall will be completely
in The Kernel booth.
The committee assisting Miss reconditioned and painted, if the
Otho Shadwick. grant is. received. A floor ia to be
Tommy Walker. Ben Lamason, Jes put down in the drill hall over the
and new gun
sica Gay. Pat Doyle, Lloyd Waddell. present
Ben Johnson, Sonny Hall. Peggy racks will be installed.
Maj. John E. Brannan of the
Shumate. Donald Lail, Ann Cowgill,
military department said classes
and Walter Leet.
were meeting in three different
buildings at the present time, and
the new structure would adequately
take care of the 1295 students enrolled in military science.
Application for the annual junior Federal Grant Sought
"Recently the government appropresented by Lances,
junior men's honorary, will be re- priated a sum of money to improve
ceived until January 13. Bob Spra-gen- s. ROTC facilities," Major Brannan
Lances president, announced said, "and it is hoped that the University will be granted the amount
The scholarship, which pays tui- to construct the building from this
tion for the second seemster to the appropriation."
The addition, which will be 45 x 47
junior who is judged most deserving on the basis of scholastic, char- feet, will be built on the southacter, and financial need, will be east corner of Alumni hall next to
awarded before the first semester the botanical garrens.
Tne application for tunas win
final examinations begin.
Anniii-atinshould ho hv a. letter probably go to W. P. A. officials
in which the junior states his qua- - around January 1. and. if accepted,
ifications and includes a brief lif e work on the structure will
Letters must be addressed mence in the early part of March.
to Lances, in care of the union Dean uranam said.
C A Approved
Other business transacted at the
meeting included approval of Civil
Leslie Betz. critic teacher at the here and authorization of Doctor
Continued on Page Three)
University training school, will speak
to the recently formed Business
Education club at 7:30 Monday night
at the home of Prof. A. J. Lawrence.
Members of the arts and sciences
232 Queensway drive.
faculty will meet at 4 p.m. Monday
in room 111. McVey hall, it was announced yesterday.

Charity Bazaar
Will Be Held
In Ballroom





Juniors May Apply
For Scholarship



Tryouts for the third major Guignol production. Edward Chodorob's
"King Lady" will be held at 3 p.m.
Sunday in the theater auditorium
on Euclid avenue, Frank Fowler,
Guignol production director, announced yesterday.
"Kind Lady" is being substituted
for the originally scheduled play.
"Double Door."

Betz Will Speak

Faculty To Meet

Greeks, Italians Side By Side
In Library Doll Exhibition
Nineteen Countries
Are Represented
In Martin Display

Eighty-thre- e
dolls representing 19
different countries are on display
on the first floor of the library.
Ranging in size from a half-inc- h
RusMexican stickpin to a two-fosian princess, the dolls are from a
collection of Miss Laura Martin,
associate professor of library sci- ence.
Miss Martin, who has been collecting dolls for ten years, obtained
part of them as gifts from friends
and some she bought during her
travels in Canada, Mexico, and the
United States.
Along with these dolls. Miss Margaret Tuttle, librarian in charge of
exhibits, has placed some odd pieces
of clothing, such as Mexican serapes
and hats, books on costumes, and
pictures representative of life in
the various countries.-ManMaterials I'sed
Many kinds of material were
used in making these dolls wood,
china, metal, clay, cotton, corn
shucks, and straw. Some of them
were made here, while others were
imported from France, China. Rus- By SAM


The Hindu dolls show good workg
manship but they are
creatures, possibly expressing
the feelings of their makers the


widows in
The Dutch Lunch Christmas proIndian missions, who are forced to gram will te held at noon Friday
work for their living. The Hindu at Maxwell Presbyterian church.
Business Education club win meet
dolls have rings in their ears and
noses and beads around their necks. at 730 p.m. Monday at the home

One is a Hindu scTiool girl with a of Prof. A. J. Lawrence, 232 Queens-wa- y
satchel under her arm. in which
is found a notbook. pencil, and some
Members and those interested in
paper with bible verses written on the A S.U. are urged to be present
at a meeting tonight at 7:30 pm.
Many Nationalities Pictured
in room 205 of the Student Union
women, as building.
The Mohammedan
shown by the exhibit, wore long
hooded capes with veiled faces when Today
A.S.U.. 7:15 to 9: TO p.m. Room '."
in public.
Then there are the smiling faces Saturday
Chinese, the
of the
Suky. 9 to 11 a.m.. Room 2
American Indians wrapped in col- Monday
p in .
orful blankets, the Mexican broom
Christmas Carnival. 4 to
lady from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.. Ballroom.
pedder, the
Tennessee, the
Campus club party. 6 p.m., F"i
waiian girl the oldest one of the ball room.
group bought in 1905, the French
Sports committee. 5 to 6 p.m. Room
peasants tilling the soil, and Pancho 206.
Villa, the famous Mexican bandit,
Junior and Senior YWCA, 7 to
and his horse, both woven with 8 p.m.. Room 206.
Other countries represented in Catholic club. 7 to 10 p.m.. Ballthe exhibit
are Czechoslovakia, room.
Greece. Italy. Sweden. Holland.
Baptist Student union. 5 to 6 p.
England. Poland. Switzerland, Ger- m. Room 205.
many, Japan. Alaska, and the Phil- Business Education club. 7 30



� Published

bemi-weekl- y




during tjik school yeah Jim


UH- -

B.ttfr ui.d n. Art ui



M.ni, j.


Bubrd of Commerce


fill! IKy
UI OHF SruirUrr
tit UU One

.,. r






K.tnu ma.ni a,


Managing Editor
News Editor




j.ns. lull





ret t ill h

Slit-rim'- s

;n ,ni


the nii j i ui
mi ilu- i.mi

lot ul
viis.ii lie join n.ilisi
itnii .is in his wake and
onlv wav
j. .. i
i.j li.iiulli- up one at a lime.
in is lake llit-i.ii i ulai MieeananiaiP lias in tin
villi i ! it- mallei of campus "a li ilies." wliiili
mm lied
laiher font lullv, il ji i lis.
in i he- i.isi suites of The Kik.vii.s aliei skii Ii
inieiview wild liim llie oilier nielli. It will Initialled lli.il l lit- - famed oi iesioiidenl il.iimed
tiiloiied jiai lit ial ion in (olleiaie atlitiiits
"tines i ml iit-- t
produce and uilliiattin I he real sense.' lie
in tils leadership
leadership is an iiilnielil Hail, mil an
aViiieil i if.
We lliink Mi . Slii an is alivilult-loiiel
- lielicviitiiesenl tonili-lioi- i
in liis iieniise, anil
nl "at liv it its" nn iht- - IK t a
ii is will prove

Ik- -






List for Library










over-'liKikin- g



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nnseilil anion;.; (hose who
an- - iinenilv living to lioltl tojjeiliei an :t
pan in l tlet.n ini svsleni of cMi.ii un it nl.ns llial
I Inlaiiijiiis is sadlv tlevoitl ol iialinal leatleis.
l'lesitlenls ol I he xaiiutis lioimrai its Hie Im in;
li aid laint-n- l ii.i the start ilv of jKilenlial
and applit ai ions lor a uuinliei of tain-.u- s
msi I ions -- vii ne ol iheni rather highlv paid
ji.hs have never Iki-i- i so lew as tliiiini; llie pasl

il is



ai ol so.
Val ions



ait- -

offered lor (his plitnomf-Ik ing thai woi Id

tliitl anions tht'in



iiiiMist-- l


ton-iliiion- s




damn" attitude on the minds of most
is that stut iii explanation olleretl
indav siniplv are laier than thev used to
Le. W hile iht re mav Ik- a jreai tleal ol trnili
in (In- lot nit i In lief and
rh.iis a link- ti tiih
in llie l ull i (allliongli (eslinionies h various
l.niillv memlxrs tend lo tlisjirove somewhat the
l.iiness t hare). we tloix-- Iielieve eilhei ol iheni




ijiiile gnl lo llie tort- ol llie mallei .
I hen is. il seems to us, still another explanationone wliiili is hased on several plain.
tails r.uliei than on sut h nehiilous. w isilul
as I hose ineniiout-t- l ahove. It entails
pifinist-Viiufiil Shetan"s (onlention that the Iraitiiii-lieiimi olien insist ilieir newer memlM is p.ulit-ipaiin "at liv ities" vmit- - ol iheni even having
t ouiplit aleil "(Kiini" sv stems lo aliide lv.
I his
(Nplaiition involves llie lialein.il
vioiips. we think il is a mailer lor llie liilerlra-leiuii(oinitils to tonsitlei lor litem, and no







Without tloulit.







li.is vi

1st-- .

the siipxnl given liv llie
lo exirat ui it ular atliviiies is tine ol ihe
imjioiianl (oiilriliutioiis whith ihe

an univtr-.iiv- .
svsteni makes lo llie Ami-liWiihoui il. ihe wnid "atliviiies" would Ikt


Render Approves Suestion
To Reinstate Strollers al UK

dignity of



to sanction

any move toward the presentation of
student talent.
If by reestablishing Strollers the
University will effect an annual student musical comedy, then I heartstudents interested in the drama. It ily reccommend such action be taken
To tlie Editor ol The Kernel:
A recent editoral in The Kernel is true that the Guignol renders an immediately.
For reasons, previously
uiyi-- d
the reestablishment of Strol-li-r- undeniaole service to both students mentioned, any movement which
dramatic organization which and citizens of Lexington but its furthers the status of the musical
formerly produced an annual stu- work is limited to the formal and comedy is a commenducie
dent musical comedy. Such a sug- highly dramatic play. An opportunSigned)
gestion is excellent and deserving of ity to present original music, dancmine than mere comment by the ing, and creative dramatic ability
Jay Wilson
is to be found on the campus only
.indents of the University.
a part of in the collegiate musical.
Collegiate musicals are
The musical comedy serves a pur- Snodgrass Speaks
llie tradition of Eastern universities.
pose other than that of developing
They do not compare with the
Discussing the place of the modproductions of Broadway; they latent dramatic talent. It affords an
spirit ern woman in the world today.
it- not expected to, but like a college outlet to tha gay, optimistic
loiball team, the student comedy of American youth. When compar- Miss Grace Snodgrass, experiment
Tiiiiy occasionally serve as a stepping ed with the serious occupation
European youths, one might inter- station librarian, was the princit '.uiif .o protessional
Withir. a student body such as pret any thought given a student pal speaker at the Ellen H. Richards
banquet of the home economics
that of the University's there exists musical as being shallow.
ii group of young men and women
It must be lemembered, however, club last night in the
who aspire to connect themselves that every period of national con- room of the Union building.
vinh the theater or one of the allied