xt7kh12v4w94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v4w94/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1938 books Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky Historical Records Survey--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Kentucky--Archives Editor's manual for compiling inventories of county archives text Editor's manual for compiling inventories of county archives 1938 1938 2012 true xt7kh12v4w94 section xt7kh12v4w94     A   I CCCC     CIW   _ _    _ I     I Q TT T Q   if  
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  ' FFFC, C  
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This manual has been prepared for the use of editors working for the of  
Historical Records Survey in Kentucky, ..Q  
E The instructions contained herein cover the editorial information need- ;p  
  sd in compiling a complete inventory from the HR forms. These instructions are    
  ¤0¤dG¤S9d f`1‘<>¤1 Supplements 4, 5, and 7, issued by the ngtigngl office Of the _  
fl 1. .i`·,    
O` Historical Records Survey, from letters of criticism by the editors in the na- jj" 
tional office of inventories prepared by the Survey in Kentucky, and from sten-  
ographic notes made at editorial conferences with Dr. Luther H. Evans, Netienel  
Director, and Mr. Robert Slover, Field Supervisor of the Historical Records Sur-  
. . . . . . `  
This manual has been arranged in the same sequence in which inventories  
is .§*z;vé;T•Y
are published, with a table of contents to provide quick reference to the par-  
bioular subjects discussed and an indeii {30 f`\1I'Y1iSh il’1f`0I‘m&*Gi01'1 as to their im"  
mediate location. The annotations concerning the component parts of the inven-  
tory are clarified by references to the inventory ef` KHOX C¤\m’¤Y» KO¤*$u°1‘%’> and  
by the appendix. The entry numbers in the appendix correspond to the entry num-  
bers used in the Knox County Inventory, with the exception of entry 21, which is  
not found in the Knox County book,   .
Careful study and the continued use of this manual by the editorial and  
supervisory staff will expediate the publication of better and more complete in-  
**2*:,  _n
ventories than has heretofore been demonstrated. All information necessary for  *2* }
 Qs  `  ,
inventory compilation which is not included in this volume is covered in detail  
in the "Office Manual" and the "Manual for Field Workers".  
—> . / 4, , .  
T 4/ , - /éfyoé./'  
" Walter M. .oefelman  
~ · wi; ex!
a January gg, 1958 State director  
—_ Louisvillca Kgntugky The Historical Records Survey  
Has-i  at
34%)+,3 ._    
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lg   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P O I I I • | I I I I I O 0 1  
2. Preface .............................. 1  
5 | T       C     S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 U F 1  
4: O         U i O O I I I G I Q I I I I I I I n q I | 5 I I O I I 1- I  
5. page Numbering ........................... 2  
e. Section Headings .......................... 2 ‘  
Féection A   A.
7- Hiswricel Sketch ......................é . . . 2  
Creation of county. First settlements. First settlers.  
Government. Educational system and special features.  
Trails and roads. Natural resources and occupations.  
Population. Citations. Bibliography.  
8. Governmental Organization and Record System ............` 4  
Data on courts and offices. Chart of governmental organi-  
zation. Essay. .;,¢_ 
9. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of Records . . ......... . 5 F  
Files. Volumes. Lighting. Filing space. Ventilation.  
Arrangement of containers. Subdivided locations. In- `  
dexing of records in subdivided locations and plan.  
Type of records in container. Attitude of public offi-  
cials. Faults found. Generalization.  
lO, List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes . . . . . . . 6  
Abbreviations, Symbols. Explanatory Notes.  
  7*   V
secticn B  s
ll. Essays ..................... . . . . ...... 7  
Individual offices. Titles. Combining. Trustee of iury fund.  
  *' };..
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l W»‘.  
Table of Contents P&&C€ I  
ll, Essays (Cont.) . . . ....................... . . 7  
Creation of office. Name of first officer. Date of first  
record. Preceding office. Method of appointment or election. ·  
Term of office. Eligibility for re-election. Duties or ._ _a.·  
12, S`L1bjGC‘bHG&dlHgS•..·.•-·••••••·••••••••·_••• 8  
Preparation of HR Forms and Entries for Inventories  
U 15. Numbering of Entries . ........................ 8  
> “-;`<  
l¢l.Title..... .... . .»....... .............8  
Title changes. Vague or misleading title. Explanatory title.  
Assigned title. Abbreviated title. Punctuation,  
First and last dates. Same century. Different centuries. Cur—  
rent date. Record changes. Discontinued records. Missing  
records. Undated records. Extant records.  
 ._; . 
16. Quantity of Records . ....................... . lO   _
17. Numbering and Labelling on Containers . . ..... . ..... . . . lO  
when not used. When used. Different type labelling. Document  
numbers on containers. Last entry in record.  
 `€?§‘ {
18. Description of Contents . . . . ..... . .... . . . . . . . . . ll  
Example. Major headings by dates. Complete record. Original  
documents or record of. Nature of records. More than one type  
  pil  , .
record. Each type record. Artificial entry. Uniformity of  
symbols for maps.  
.  @5%
19. Arrangement of Contents of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · l2  
Chronologically. Numerically. Alphabetically. Complicated. 7?f,§;iff_
mis-112   i
L" V ,   V r _*f ' 

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111 1  
Table of Contents Page  
. U ,,‘__; a
I 20,   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   i  
Direct. Indirect. Direct and inverted. Individual index. __  
Entry. Absence of index. Separate index references.  
21. Nature of Recording ........................ 14 _1  
Character of writing. Forms used. Abbreviations. I  
22, Condition of Records . . ...... . .......... . . . . . 14  
25, Average Number of Pages . . . . , . ..... , , , ,,,,,,,, 14 j:. 
24, Size of Volume or File Boxes . . . . ........ . ..... . . 14  
25. Location of Records ...... . ....... . . . ....... 15  
26. Standard Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 15  
When used. Capitalization.  
_. _._»    
27. Destruction of Records . . ............ . .... . . . . 15  
28g     I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | I I I Q I I I I I I    
29. Cross Referencing . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . 16  
HR form. Title and date of new record.  
BO. Master and Artificial Entry Procedure . . . ..... . . . . . . . 16   _
Master entries. Artificial entries.  
51. Cross Referencing Records Kept Separately for a Period . . ..... 17  
 iii .
52. See Also References . . .......... . . . . . . . . .... 18  
- 55. Prior, Subsequent, and Additional Record References . . . ..... 18  1* ;%
54. References in Office Essays Concerning Entries . . . . . ...... 19  
35. General Index . . ......................... 19  
r.;-.  S { 
36. Appcndix................ .... ..........2O  
1 *QL:§—$
Index to Office Manual . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .... 21  
]-Q     I I I I I I I I I I I I Q I I | I Q q { | • Q | I I I 1-  
2g     I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2  
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Table of Contents Pagé .  
Appendix (Cont.)  
5. Last Paragraph of Ind1v1dua1 Office Essay . , . .... . . . . . . . 5  
. . ii? 
4. Abbrev1at1ons and Symbols . ...... . . . . . . . ...··· · · 4  
5. Inventory Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......· . · · · 5  
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  _Y»A  5 ;
1. Foreword Do not show number, but consider this sheet as page i, and the  
first page of the preface as page ii.  
2. Preface Include in the preface the plan of publishing county inventories. Q  
5. Table of Contents  
(a) Use a line of periods, every other space apart, from title to num- I  
(b) Include the "Chart of County Government" as a sub-heading under the  
essay on Governmental Organization and Records System.  
(c) Use a semi-colon between sub-headings.  
(d) Office sections should be in lower case,  
(e) Indent two spaces from the title of the office section for the be-  
ginning of we list of subjects and sub-headings,  
4. Page Headings  
(a) On left hand margin show name of office, followed by hyphen and last  
subject heading on page.  
(b) The words "First entry, p. " should be in right hand corner, in  
——— ;.e1“as- 
parentheses, on first page of the Historical Sketch and continued §;,;_ f·i
·/ nn?  T  .
on each page to that preceding first entry,  
(G) The words "Next entry , p. " (beginning with the county court  
clerk’s section) should appear in right hand corner on all pages,  
on which no entries are recorded, to the last entry preceding the  
(dl P&g;€ h€&diI1gS of the Index Section should carry references similar  
to those used in some of the dictionaries. For example: (Ab-Aw).  
This should appear in right hand corner,  
(e) Page headings are put on the next line after page numbers.  
HRS—25 yp  

 ~:;·`· ` I r rig;  
" if
. Preparation of Draft Inventory »  
5. Page Numbering ( _  
— Center page number 3g" from edge of sheet, preceded and followed by L  
a dash.  
6. Section Headings  
The title of the beginning essays, such as the Historical Sketch  
"`“'—"""`-""""""_` ‘  
should be preceded by Arabic numerals, as indicated in the Table    
of Contents.  
T sacr 1oN A  
7. Historical Sket 9.¤i.€eii~2  
(l) Physical aspects, including date of formation, origin of name,  
ge o gra phy .  
(2) Citation of statutes or other authority.  
(5) Boundaries, including changes and present boundaries, with  
citat i ons .  
(b) First Settlements  
(l) Early stations and forts, with brief history of their use and  
purp o s e .    -
(2) Other points of historical interest.  
(c) First Settlers  
. ’ »¢e;».· _  
Names and brief mention.  
f . ( J 
  NUM.  rr;  :4_|.»__ -.` - }" (,»_..g ;     {  —  . _  ··  V } r #1 _ _;_L_  _  I-  l i I   _ W V ·   7  ~ ‘ r  ..,. __  I   r , .     ' · ,   V -      ’

   P ~  . ,       V 4           .     _ _V b _     _  
Preparation of Draft Inventory  
‘ ‘ 7. lrI_i;storical Sketch (Cont.) A  
- (d) Goverment  
. Brief but comprehensive sketch giving set-up of first county govern-    
ment, location, data on first governmental building; institution  
of first courts; names of first county officials; any other matters  
U of interest concerning early judicial system. ~  
(e). Educational System and Special Features    
Brief reveiw of development of the educational system, including be-  
ginnings of any colleges, private or public instituticlls of HOJGG;  
beginnings of public schools, and other outstanding features Of  
_ public interest.  
(f) Trails and Roads  
(l) Brief mention of first trails, traces, or roads through county,  
(2) Present main highways, giving numbers, type, and present state  
of condition.  
(g) Natural Respprces and Occupation  
Brief discussion of gainful occupations, type of natural resources,  
and industries.   ’
(h) Population (U.S. Census of 1950)  
(l) County seat  
?;s<1,’ "
(2) Entire county, mentioning other important towns or hamlets,  
without reference to size 0I' P0P¤]·€1tiO¤•  
(i) Citations ,  
:2e=~ ·  V- 
cisaeiens sheuie be preceded by e period when the ¤i*¤a’¤i¤¤ Serves  
more than one sentence. A period should also be used before the  
last parentheses.  
(j) Bibliography  
The bibliography for the Historical Sketch should include name  
c   7 s  
    ·.·   ; ; . . ..    ’   ' 

   .` A     ··»·  2 .   it " i? ‘ *" —~ ~— ~,v,.. \ 
wr V " if      Tag;. V,  V   ·_»j»·»~ .· »-·- -_   - » gi.   ,
Preparation of Draft Inventory  
7. Histerieai sketch (cent.)  
(j) Bibliography  
~ of publisher, place of publication and date in parentheses.  
8. Governmental Organization and Record System  
This essay is to be a narrative sketch of the various governmental  
set-ups of the county substantiated by citations from statutes and  
constitutions. This information is secured in large part from the  j? _,
form entitled; "Data on courts and county officos".  
#~J:‘ T
·/. ·’*
(a) Courts and Offices  
The field worker will be supplied with HRS form entitled "Data on  
Courts and Offices" by the district office. This form should be  
filled out as the survey progresses und, when necessary, the county Tp  _I p   J 
officials should be consulted for such information necossaxjy to com-  
plete the form to assure its accuracy. ,5* 
. .  
(b) Chart of Governmental Organization   .»;p L, 
The field worker will also receive from the district office a chart  
of the county governmental organization. The offices and boards  
shown on the chart, not now in existence, should be indicated by  j_? Y}i§;
.. _ _rz`  
being stricken out with a large "X".  
(0) Essay  
(l) The original governing body as provided for in the act of cre-  
ation of the county.  
,   ri ,.‘  
(2) Consider each office or court separately from its creation in  
the county to the present time, showing; changes in method of  
appointment or election, changes in term of office, preceding {gg};.
s-‘;~-’ ` —·
YM! Y';    
courts or offices for those not created when the county was   3;
utf " ,'
formed, and principal or characteristic duty or jurisdiction.  
  " 2 8 %{$%gFi
   -   ·~-  . V '.. _, ,-_  V  ,_  ,` _ `_ Ll,. /' _ _¥_ ~ g ow   ’  » V V __   ·' r , ' '  n r` 4/in . I d ' '~· ’ r ' 7-  V ).3.*i 
___ , ___, ~  

   . ·-l a.;    ~-          -»   _-ee-it   r   or ·· Av-/—  *i ` *“ %` i ; s·<· ie   _ i - i. ··’ `   ;;.=»  .. _ · 3
  N J·~.qE '*_Yr;':'.1EL'T1,i? Z,“ii" $`  rv  ·;-. e  — - ·  if , > ·——=  ie     ;l·-*· ·~¢·;., e‘·»2’; -»=·.   s         »~ .  
. V -- Preparation of Draft Inventory _'  
e _ 8, Governmental Organization and Record System (Cont.)  
o   l
‘ (c) Essa _  
(5) Particular conditions or circumstances in the county which may  
have caused special offices to be created or abolished or  
otherwise affected the governmental set-up.  
(4) Particular legislation affecting the keeping of records in the ;j;g ·;; 
c ounty .  
9, Housing, Care, and Accessibility of__Records  
""'L" ‘Y
When a field worker completes the inventory of records for any  
office or storage room, he or she should prepare a memorandum giving  
the information requested in items "a—j" following. From this ad-  
. . . . . . . . rCf—"‘ —
ditional information, reveal in detail the data needed in preparing  s e
an essay on "Housing, Care, and Accessibility _of the RecordS"· Add  
to this write-up such suggestions for improvement of local conditions  
that will preserve the records more satisfactorily. Treat each  d i 
,5;-  .»¤·  ell
‘ e·  
office separately and in complete detail. _  
  ff {iii;
(a) Files  
Wood, fibre, 01* metal, and hOW S`i70I`9d• Shelves OT C€1bll'1@l7$ if  
shelves, give size and whether wood or metal; if cabinet, give Siw  
Mid Whether wood or metal,  
(b) Volumes  
E, ~3@r.°Z5='l
. y$T:·;;i. : 
How stored; shelves; tables; etc. Size and whether wood or metal-  
(c) Lighting. l   .,‘‘ ; aix,
1 +'. -`~ ./
(cl) Crowded or ample filing space; any room for expansion?    
`  .;—<
’€;··»§’, _
(Q) Proper ventilation? If not, is dampnesg present?  
(F) Are the containers for any particular series of records well ai"-  
zi?   ` {
ranged or are they scattered promiscuously over the room?  if
T ?=’? ,i-l ‘“’»#2i
__  A gui 

 ,   'V‘·  
Preparation of Draft Inventory  
9. Housing., Care, and Accessibility of Records (Cont.) A  
*“"‘ “""“ """""""_""""'1""""  . 1};,,5
. (g) Records not stored in courthouse, state location and in whose cus-  
(h) Information about the records stored for each separate location  
should indicate how those particular records are indexed, whether  
index is self-contained or in separate volumes, and whether direct g  
or indirect: if direct, state by what plan; if indirect, indicate  
· in either case by whose name. For example; Alph. direct index by  
name of claimant. Or alph. direct and inverted by names of plain-  
tiff and defendant.  
. . . . . T·"F,,'éljZ
(1) State if records are confined to a single type of record for series <  
or if the various types of records are consolidated in a series  
often not applicable. ‘  
(j) Officials' attitude as regards supplying the public with informa-  
tion concerning location of records sought.  
?7;$ "¢-" 
(k) Bring out faults found in each office.  
_ _ (l) Generalize on ventilation, lighting, etc.  
‘ ‘ lO. List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes   _
-....- •-•·.--·-··•·-•—•·-·•· ·—-•—-··-·—·  gra  
(a) Divide this section into three parts using the following sub-titles:  giga- 
(l) Abbreviations  
"""—""‘—*"‘ ·  *=#·€:;· +é
  ?—  Q t 
Abbreviations for singular and plural words should be written  
 "}.~.!Z:: *
on the same line, as p., pp. for page, pages, For a standard _  
. . . . .   '‘‘‘ ¢*
V list of abbreviations see article 4 of Appendix.  
` (2) Symbols  
(3) Explanatory Notes  1.Q_f,;g
Explain manner of arranging the volume and why so arranged.  
E ··i-Q¤,;%€i’
. . . . . . I    
Explain titles, cross referencing, physical condition of the  
='» ·   
_ V  
records, labeling and measurements.  
, . .7 I 'v'_;?“? j : 
  A   A ...»       I AA .` A         A   A. A    A, 

 ’-isi ,_;<·;‘£‘.a». V _=,¤-me .3-~-:..a-·--4 ;   e;:"'&··¤· “;Y~::;J?¢?\-*‘—
q..  Q ;   ‘ i  "‘‘    
-· —  
— . Preparation of Draft Inventory 1*}; 
10, List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Ex lanatory Notes (Cont.)  
—" """*‘*"""‘“ if 
(b) Separate discussion of each heading into paragraphs.  
ll. Es sa s  
The data for the individual oifice essays will be secured from the  
form entitled "Data on Courts and County Offices". Each office  
essay is to be abrief narrative sketch, without legal citations,  
containing information mentioned in "d" to "f" following:  
(a) Titles of office essays are preceded by Roman numerals.  
(b) Combine essays on circuit court and circuit judge, deleting sub-  
headings, and give commonwealth attorney a separate section in the  
inve nt cry .  
(c) Explain in the circuit court clerk essay that he is the trustee  
of the jury fund  
  _? *1 ii
(d) Date of creation of office in county. Information given in "Data   ji
  _ if
on Courts and Offices" also Order Books of count .   ei
} y   {,»»h_“
(e) Name of first officer, if known, also circuit court order books and   `'i{‘ 7% ·
county court order books, date of first entry recorded, as for exam-  
ple; First entry, April 17, 1792, Order Book, A, entry 117. In-  
formation given in Historical Sketch.   Q 
(f) Preceding office or court, if any.      
(g) Various methods of appointment or election since time of creation   ·‘
under successive constitution or laws, including: term of office;   ‘C1l Y
eligibility for re—election or re-appointment.   .`
(h) Principal jurisdiction or duties characteristic of the court or   .
_   Q
office. This data, however, must be checked in the county for V&I`1·   ~··
Has-31   1.
Mfr V · C
,   I A "‘» ‘   ·· ·— ' ·>   ‘ "‘· · ` ' · ` 4 `   " 'V ·~·· · _y_,.`·_,.., 

 -U»—..  » -»   Y V ~>·-¤»· .- V *;-2 r . 4:;.. "-eu ;,.,.._ ;,:.,.. ..__,, gn. ge,   ,   .;L:<»;,.—,*  ~;~£’· ?..,,
-.  ,       ·=~.         :3
. ·— ~   ··>   _   ~,*s.»;—;·¤·i¤       »,;:a$;2·»>=;`Z$¤*g$<` ·   ie}-·   · ‘7·s···.· _; *· ·*g  =, ,42:*;  :*,,¤€=;¤i-·;·e-,a- a;¤2r¢~ ·~:   ··~:;*·:E!.·1—`> ”··  . ,   ·   _ c, ” ?’=·    t;:—-.» _ F
; ,» —   i ’  c           
  ,_ —» _ V ( 7 - - · » -» -» 4 — _.r -, · » . ~.- · -- _`_,, .·-·.t..· —- ,_ . V __ —  
8 li*    l.  ; 4
Preparation of Dra nven .ory g  
. , ll. Essays (Cont.)  
ations that frequent ly exist. it  
-=i ‘
A (i) lf no records are kept, state this fact in last paragraph of com-  
 i n 
ments on the particular office under cons ideration.  
‘ 12 , Subject Headings  
  :_·;  {If
v · · . . tr F   L
Nhen there is only one entry for an o ffi ce or subject heading, do T;  
iir sl gi 
not use a subject heading unles s the entry is an important one . In  
this case it is pe rmis s ib le to use a subgect heading.  
_ ,___ ,4 _.,.»··-·—»,,_,_,,.,....l  =·~,`,______..,.__ __r_,__ ;'· _:,£=·g
,._z\2'\ ,-»-—\-v.» ~·‘‘ “~ ~--.·— ~‘ " "`> "   ""W   to k t U M www H T _-_'_-~M_vv—v"‘.·§`”"'*"""`  
"""""°"'—"""""""""’“""""'_""` """_"""""""""""""“"' L"- ti ? Z";
Field workers, as well as district office staff, should familiarize  
themselves with the following instruct ions . Great care should be  
exercised in enumc rating all the various subje cts cover ed in a vol-  
ume or filo box, The district office staff wi ll then be able to  
.    ?’i??§5;i
· » prepare more intelligently a condensed entry covering the re cord or  
records .  
_»  :1;
13. Numbering of Entries  
_ _ p , _ . _ , 4 _ . $@9*  .
Al l enories are oonse cut ive ly numoored followed by o. period; two   c o
. spaces , and the title of the entry.   _  
wiz? {   l
lil. Title   ,;,_l ‘ c-dd <·
""' ’¥,A;€,§» F
(o) The full tit lc must ‘s iv given, but if t here is none , then the as-  .  =
si ned title capitalized must be enclosed in narenthoses .   i Ta
5   J i ,i._L , V
5;*5.   L
(b lf the record has been changed at any time and is s o dis s imilur File ’ A
L) I. viii? I. .
F;3] l  
that ident ificaxt ion would `o e; difficult , then such tit le or tit les   o" ft
Y? . dw
' should b e shown with their corresponding year dates . However, if ff; V v
it is deemed advisable to put such records under one t it le , then   F
» sr . r — .
'I 1 i
the current tit le should be used .   ;f "'
1} V
F . .Q_. g
EWS-52   ’  
!·‘·=%¢· _ · ’
"&·‘   ' " " »   —   _ r_  , ’~, ' _ r __ . e .,~; »r  _   -. __ 4 _ .     “·—·~i _ _ ` A v_ -{·';'_‘v` 

 V- .. ‘ ,  ·· - pl- ,3, _. ___ . _ .·l,-.; _ ________—;__ jtgiii;   rn I _J_ :.._; `5·é\` j g{§;§@,__,4$;;i,:,_,._;_,, - ,;_;_>     ~  : - — :_i:é? Egvnl g
        r r»::    .  —      N  
           ` . i       V=A* ¥  *
Preparation of Draft Inventory _  
“ Qi 
14, Title (Cont.)  
(c) If a title is vague or misleading, then an explanatory title in  
. or 
lower case should follow, enclosed in parentheses.  
(d) An assigned title is one given a record when the container bears  
   b e
no official title. The assigned title is always upper case, and  
424é·r · ?‘ 
enclosed in parentheses.  
(e) An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words in  
upper ease and enclosed in parentheses.  
. ,, L .  
(f) Only a comma is used alter the full title, followed by the dates,  A 
a period, and the quantity. L: 
15. Dating  
(a) The first and last date should be separated by a hyphen and fol-  
lowed by a period.  
(b) Dates in the same century: the last date may be abbreviated by using  
the two terminating figures. However, when an ending dat