xt7kh12v4n1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kh12v4n1k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1991-01-jan22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-01-jan22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-01-jan22. 1991 1991-01-jan22. 2011 true xt7kh12v4n1k section xt7kh12v4n1k 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, January 22, 1991. .

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, January 22, 1991 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Foster Ockerman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1:00
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. William B. Sturgill.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll:

       Mr. Foster Ockerman (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates, Professor
Carolyn S. Bratt, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr., Governor Albert B.
Chandler, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Sean Lohman,
Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Professor Judith Rhoads, Mr. James L. Rose,
Judge Robert F. Stephens, Mr. Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B.
Sturgill, Judge Julia K. Tackett, Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr., Mr. Billy B.
Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting were
Professor Raymond F. Betts and Senator Walter D. Huddleston. The
University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth and Robert E. Hemenway,
Jr.; Acting Chancellor Ben W. Carr, Jr.; Vice Presidents Edward A. Carter
and Eugene Williams, Acting Vice President Leonard K. Peters; Mr. C. M.
Newton; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel.

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the Minutes of the December 11, 1990
Board of Trustees meeting had been distributed and asked for corrections
or additions. The Minutes were approved as distributed.

       C.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington reviewed briefly some of the items in his
monthly report to the Trustees, calling particular attention to the

       1.    UK's Center for Applied Energy Research has received grants
             totaling $10.5 million.

       2.    A new computer laboratory, made possible in part by a
             $200,000 gift of computers from Apple Computer Inc., will
             make computer access easier for faculty, staff and students
             on campus.


- 2 -

       3.   The Kentucky River Coal Corporation has pledged $250.000 to
             Hazard Community College for scholarships for nursing
             students in the area, and the Hazard Lions Club has given
             $10,000 to the Campaign for Hazard Community College to
             endow a scholarship fund.

       4.    A $100,000 endowment has been established to support
             no-interest loans for nursing students at Prestonsburg
             Community College.

       5.    The Carrollton campus of Jefferson Community College and the
             City of Carrollton were awarded the Kentucky Chamber of
             Commerce 1990 Innovation Award for Public and Private

       6.    L. Carl Brown, a Princeton professor, is a visiting
             professor in the Patterson School of Diplomacy and
             International Commerce for the Spring 1991 semester.
             Professor Brown is a Middle East specialist in American
             academic life. He holds a doctorate from Harvard.

       President Wethington commented on a recent news release that
reported 1990 as an all-time record year in raising funds for the
University. He said that $26.8 million was raised for the 1990 calendar
year and expressed pleasure that these figures had topped the previous

       He noted that the University had set a record last year for its
number of donors and fellows. He expressed appreciation on behalf of the
entire University to the Development Council and particularly its
chairman, William B. Sturgill, for their fundraising efforts. He asked
that the record note his personal thanks to those who have contributed to
the University.

       D.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Wethington so recommending, on motion made by Dr.
Meriwether, seconded by Mr. Stricker and passed, the routine personnel
actions in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       E.    Appointment of Special Assistant for Academic Affairs (PR 3A)

       President Wethington recommended that Dr. Juanita W. Fleming,
Professor (with tenure), College of Nursing, be named Special Assistant
for Academic Affairs, Central Administration, effective February 1,
1991. He reviewed briefly Dr. Fleming's credentials and expressed
pleasure in recommending the appointment. Mrs. Hayes so moved. Her
motion was seconded by Professor Bratt and unanimously carried.

       Judge Tackett noted that Dr. Fleming is an author and is very well
recognized throughout the Commonwealth. She said, "I think it is a
wonderful appointment." Dr. Fleming was asked to stand and be
recognized, following which she receive a round of applause.


- 3 -

       F.    Change in Name of an Educational Unit (PR 5A)

       Dr. Hemenway provided an explanation for changing the name of the
College of Home Economics. He said that the change is proposed to more
accurately represent the College's instruction and research and to insure
that the College's activities are in keeping with the practices elsewhere
in higher education. He cited examples of various land grant
institutions that have also changed the name.

       President Wethington, therefore, recommended that the name of the
College of Home Economics be changed to the College of Human
Environmental Sciences. Mr. Stricker so moved. The motion, seconded by
Mr. Sturgill, carried. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington recognized Dr. Peggy Meszaros, Dean of the
College, and the Dean's Ambassadors who were in the audience. They were
given a round of applause.

       G.    Office for Int    tional Relations (PR 5B)

       President Wethington commented that PR 5B recommends the creation
of an Office for International Relations. He asked Mr. Carter to give a
brief report on the University's current international relations

       Mr. Carter reported that the Strategic Plan adopted by the Board
calls for the University to exert a leadership role in addressing the
issues and challenges facing the Commonwealth, the nation and the world.
The Plan advocates that the University serve as a bridge between state,
national and international communities.

       He stated that the University's objective in bringing more
institutional attention to the broad range of international activities is
to help businesses in Kentucky become more competitive in the worldwide
marketplace and to better prepare students as productive contributors to
this global environment. Kentucky's business people must become more
knowledgeable of the international opportunities and the mechanisms by
which they become more competitive.

       He reviewed some of the international instructional and research
objectives currently addressed by the Office of International Affairs and
indicated that it provides a wide array of services to students, scholars
and faculty. The services range from counseling for immigration
activities to study abroad opportunities for both students and faculty.

       He reported on the various University affiliations and elaborated
on international activities in the following areas: College of Business
and Economics, Center for Business and Economics, College of Agriculture,
Patterson School of Diplomacy, College of Arts and Sciences, College of
Education, College of Engineering, College of Architecture and colleges
in the Medical Center.


- 4 -

       In conclusion, Mr. Carter said that the proposed Office for
International Relations will assume the responsibility of serving as an
umbrella organization designed to provide campus-wide international
activities, to encourage cooperation, and to reduce duplication of effort.

       President Wethington stated that this office will give more
visibility to international program activities. It will be a repository
of information where everyone can access information about international
activities. He, therefore, recommended that the Board approve the
creation of the Office for International Relations.

       A discussion followed regarding the budget and staffing needs for
the new office. President Wethington stated that the current office of
international programs will staff the new office. There will be,
however, one position established. Mr. Ockerman noted that it would not
entail the expenditure of an appreciable amount of money.

       Mr. Sturgill moved that PR 5B be approved. His motion was
seconded by Judge Wilhoit and passed. (See PR 5B at the end of the

       H.   AppointmentsLgeappointments to University of Kentucky Equine
Research Foundation (PR 5C)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointments/reappointments of the following as members to the Board of
Directors of the University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation for
four-year terms beginning December 15, 1990:


       Mrs. Alice Headley Chandler                    Dr. Thomas P. Pirone
       Mr. Rick Nichols                               Dr. H. David Wilson


       Mr. John A. Bell, III                          Mr. Nick Nicholson
       Mr. Robert N. Clay                             Dr. David O'Neal
       Mrs. Alice Johnston                            Mr. Robert L. Warren

       On motion made by Mr. Bates, seconded by Judge Stephens and
passed, the recommended appointments/reappointments were approved. (See
PR 5C at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Proposed Gift from Marion Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company. Inc.
(FQR 5)

       Mr. Ockerman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Finance Committee had eight items on the agenda. He indicated that one
of the items was extraordinary and called upon Dr. Wethington to report
on FCR 5.


- 5 -

       President Wethington expressed pleasure in reporting on the
University's progress toward the acceptance of a significant gift to the
University for use by the Paducah Community College. He stated that
Paducah Community College serves the higher education needs of the
Paducah region, and the University has been working for sometime toward
the achievement of this goal. He asked Dr. Meriwether to comment on the

       Dr. Meriwether reported that Paducah is among the finalists in the
phases of the AVLIS laser uranium enrichment project, a $2 billion
federal project. However, the availability of higher education in the
postgraduate area, particularly in engineering, was needed in the area in
order to obtain the industrial project. A Paducah committee had
prevailed upon President Wethington and the Board to develop a graduate
center in the Paducah area. He noted that one of the problems, however,
was a place to put the postgraduate center. He stated that he called
upon the vice chairman of the AVLIS project, Mr. Harry Crisp, who is also
the owner and operator of one of the largest Pepsi-Cola bottling
companies in the United States. He reported that Mr. Crisp had no
hesitancy in joining the Paducah committee and coming forward with a $4
million building to donate to the Paducah Community College and the
University to house the graduate facility. Dr. Meriwether expressed
appreciation to Mr. Crisp for the generous donation for Paducah's
industrial development and for the furtherance of higher education.

       President Wethington recommended that the administration be
authorized to negotiate with Mr. Harry Crisp and officials of the Marion
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company with respect to the terms of a proposed gift
of property and buildings in Paducah, Kentucky. He personally thanked
Mr. Crisp for his willingness to make the gift. He stated that Mr. Crisp
was in attendance and asked him to stand and be recognized, following
which he was given a round of applause.

       Mr. Ockerman thanked Dr. Meriwether for his efforts in enticing
Mr. Crisp to do something good for the State of Kentucky. He also
expressed appreciation to Mr. Crisp for the extraordinary gift.

       Mr. Ockerman asked for a motion of approval. Dr. Meriwether so
moved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burnett and carried. (See FCR 5
at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Wilcoxson expressed appreciation to Dr. Meriwether for his
diligence and efforts in making this happen for the educational system.

       J.    Acceptane of Inter i nFinancial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Six Months Ended December 31. 1990 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Ockerman said that the report is on target and entertained a
motion for approval. Mr. Rose so moved. His motion, seconded by Mrs.
Hayes, passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 6 -

       K.    External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1990-91 (FCR 2)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Ockerman
recommended that the Board engage the firm of Coopers & Lybrand,
Certified Public Accountants, to perform an independent audit of the
University of Kentucky and Affiliated Corporations for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1991, for a fee, including expenses, of not more than
$107,700. Judge Stephens so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Burnett and passed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 3)

       On motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Mr. Stricker and
passed, the capital construction report for the three months ending
September 30, 1990 was accepted. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Approval of Lease (FCR 4)

       Mr. Ockerman reminded the members of the 1990 General Assembly
program that directed the University to establish a Center of Excellence
for Rural Health. He stated that FCR 4 is recommending approval of a
lease between the University and Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Inc.
for space in their facility in Hazard, Kentucky for the Center. He
entertained a motion for approval. Mr. Wilcoxson so moved. The motion,
seconded by Mr. Rose, carried. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Ward 0. Griffen Endowe-dChair in Surgerv (FCR 6)

       Mr. Ockerman recommended that the Board establish in the College
of Medicine, Department of Surgery, the Ward 0. Griffen Endowed Chair in
Surgery to honor Dr. Griffen, past Chairman of the Department of
Surgery. The motion, which was made by Professor Bratt and seconded by
Mr. Ulmer, was voted on and carried. (See FCR 6 at the end of the

       0.    Patent Assignment (FCR 7)

       With Mr. Ockerman so recommending, on motion made by Mr. Stricker,
seconded by Professor Rhoads and carried, approval was given to the
routine patent assignment. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.    Intellectual Property Rights Assignment (FCR 8)

       Mr. Ockerman recommended that the Board authorize the President to
execute an assignment on behalf of the Board to the University of
Kentucky Research Foundation of technical know-how and trade secret
Intellectual Property Rights in certain new and useful advances in the
development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, called ELISA tests
made by faculty members David S. Watt, Thomas (NMI) Tobin, and
Hsin-Hsiung Tai.  Mr. Bates so moved.   The motion. seconded by Mr.
Farmer, passed. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)



       Q.    Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Stricker, Chairman of the Investment Committee, moved that the
routine report of investments for the three months ending December 31,
1990 be adopted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lohman and passed
unanimously. (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.    Remarks by Mr. Ockerman

       Mr. Ockerman noted that this is the first meeting for the 1991
calendar year. He stated that the University is off to an excellent
start and expressed thanks to the Board members, the faculty, the
employees and others in the Commonwealth who have given of their time and
talents to the University. He asked that everyone continue to work
together to build the University.

       S.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman declared the meeting officially adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Edythe Jones Hayes
                                        Board of Trustees


(PR's 2, 3A, 5A, 5B, and 5C; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8; and ICR 1
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                                                Office of the President
                                                January 22, 1991

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved    2       Disapproved           Other

Date: January 22, 1991




                         CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



                 Office of the President

                 Sears, Paul G., Special Assistant to
                    the President, (part-time),
                    1/1/91 through 4/15/91.




                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Lexington Community College

              McAuley, John A., CC Business and Industry Liaison,
                    effective 1/7/91.


              Paducah Community College

              Kepner, Mary K., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), sick Leave with pay,
                    10/10/90 through 5/31/91.



               Hazard Community College

               Plummer, Cynthia S., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 12/10/90 through 6/30/91.

               Jefferson Community College

               Freier, Mark A., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
               Hanson, Richard, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
               Jones, Sylvia H., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
               Sabetta, Thomas J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.

               Lexington Community College

               Drake, Elizabeth, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/24/90 through 6/30;/93.
               Go, Robert J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/2/91 through 6/30/91.
               McManus, Sharon H., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/2/91 through 6/30/91.

               Madisonville Community College

               Vaughan, Cathy A., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 11/26/90 through 6/30/91.



         Owensboro Community College

         Sallan, Veena, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.


         Lexington Community College

         Webb, Carol T., Professor in the Community College
               System (with tenure), Acting Dean of Academic
               Affairs, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.

          Somerset Community College

          Whitehead, Sharon F., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), Acting
               Dean of Academic Affairs. 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.


          Jefferson Community College

          Edgar, Donna W., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
          Hall, Jill W., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
          Kamel, Eman A., Instructor in the Coiminity College
               System, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
          Oligee, Jennifer, Instructor in the Community College
               System 1/1/91 through 5/31/91.

          Lexington Community College

          Howard, Debra A., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/2/91 through 5/31/91.


          Lexington Community College

          Pagan, Bonnie S., Professor in the Community College
               System (with tenure), extension of leave of absence
               without pay, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
          Philpot, Mary K., Associate Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), leave of absence
               without pay for the 1991 Spring Semester.

          Maysville Community College

          Malone, Catherine W., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), sabbatical
               leave at full salary for the 1991 Spring Semester.



Somerset Community College

Blevins, Jo, Associate Professor in the Community
     College System (with tenure), leave of absence
     without pay, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Southeast Community College

Noe, Roger, Professor in the Community College System
     (with tenure), leave of absence without pay,
     1/8/91 through 1/31/91.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



           College of Agriculture

           Chambers, Thomas M., Assistant Professor, Veterinary Science,
               12/l/90 through 6/30/91.
           Kurzynske, Janet S., Assistant Extension Professor, Home Economics
              Extension, 1/1/91 through 6/30/92.
           Weckman, Randy, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Communications,
               1/1/91 through 6/30/92.

           College of Arts and Sciences

           Castle, Samuel Q., Professor (without tenure), Military Science,
               12/1/90 through 11/30/94.

            Cl ege of Business and Economics

            Keep, William W., Instructor, Marketing, 8/16/91 through 6/30/92.

            Col  ge of Engineering

            Donohue, Kevin D., Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering,
               7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
           McGinley, Paul M., Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, 12/1/90
               through 6/30/92.


            College of Arts and Sciences

            Nietzel, Michael T., Professor (with tenure), Psychology, appointed
               Chairman, Psychology, 1/1/91 through 6/30/94.


            Collge of Arts and Sciences

            Rowles, Graham D., Professor (with tenure), Geography, joint
               appointment as Professor (without tenure), Behavioral Science,
               College of Medicine, effective 11/1/90.

*Special Title Series




       College of Agriculture

       Ringe, James M., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
          Forestry, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Forestry,
          effective 12/1/90.


       College of Arts and Sciences

       Kennedy, Michael D., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
          College of Architecture, to Associate Professor (with tenure)*,
          Geography, effective 1/1/91.


       College of Arts and Sciences

       Hanshaw, Lorene E., Staff Assistant V, English, after 8.5
          consecutive years of service, under Section III.B of AR
          II-1.6-1, effective 1/31/91.
       Zolondek, Leon, Professor (with tenure), Russian and Eastern
          Studies, after 32.5 consecutive years of service, under Section
          III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/90.

       Virze Chancellor for AdminIs-tr-a-tio

       Pinkston, Sanford, Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits and Risk
          Management, after 9 consecutive years of service, under Section
          III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 1/31/91.
       Winkle, Bessie M., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits and Risk
          Management, after 16 consecutive years of service, under
          Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 1/31/91.


       CQllege of Agriculture

       Bramley, Clara B., Program Assistant, Area Extension Programs,
          after 19 consecutive years of service, under Section III.A of
          AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/28/90.

       College of Arts and Scines

       Davenport, Guy M., Professor (with tenure), English, after 27.5
          consecutive years of service, under Section III.A of AR
          II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/90.

*Special Title Series




           College of Arts and Sciences

           Gabbard, Fletcher, Professor, Physics and Astronomy, 1/1/91
               through 5/15/91.
            Roland, Charles P., Professor, History, 8/16/91 through 5/15/92.

            College of Engineering

            Dearinger, John A., Professor, Civil Engineering, 1/1/91 through

            College of Social Work

            Moreloek, Maryrhea, Associate Professor (part-time), 1/1/91 through



            College of Agriculture

          ..Reid, William M., Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
               Landscape Architecture, 1/1/91 through 5/30/91.

            CQllege of Arts an fd ieneg

            Daunert, Sylvia, Assistant Research Professor, Chemistry, 10/5/90
               through 6/30/91.
            Harmon, Roger Trent, Instructor (temporary), Computer Science,
               1/1/91 through 5/15/91.

            College of Engineering

            Boulos, Paul F., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering,
               1/1/91 through 5/15/91.
            Srinivansan, Ramachandra, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Materials
               Science and Engineering, 1/1/91 through 5/15/91.

            College of Home Economics

            Young, Kitty, Instructor (voluntary), Nutrition and Food Science,
               8/16/90 through 5/15/91.

            College of Law

            Perlman, Peter, Professor (part-time), 1/8/91 through 5/4/91.

*Special Title Series




       College of Arts and Sciences

       McKnight, Phillip S., Associate Professor (with tenure), German,
          appointed Acting Chairman, German, 12/11/90 through 6/30/91.
       Raitz, Karl B., Professor (with tenure), Geography, appointed
          Acting Chairman, Geography, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.


       College of Architecture

       Asaro, Steven M., Instructor (part-time), 1/1/91 through 5/15/91.

       College of Arts and Sciences

       Finch, Patricia S., Instructor (part-time), Spanish and Italian,
          1/1/91 through 5/15/91.
       Higginbotham, Jerome C., Instructor (part-time), Philosophy,
          1/1/91 through 5/15/91.
       Wilkinson, James H., Instructor (part-time), Philosophy, 1/1/91
          through 5/15/91.


       Co. ?eg.& f Arts and Sciences

       Han, Yijie, Assistant Professor (without tenure), Computer Science,
          7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
       Schloss, Jeffery A., Assistant Professor (without tenure),
          Biological Sciences, 1/1/91 through 12/31/91.


       College of Architecture

       Spaeth, David A., Professor (with tenure), Sabbatical leave with
          full salary, Fall Semester 1991.

       College of Agriculture

       Baugh, Jean, County Extension Agent, Cooperative Extension Service,
          to change from Study leave with full salary, 1/1/91 through
          6/30/91 to Study leave with full salary, 2/1/91 through 7/31/91.
       Bogardus, Mary Ellen, County Extension Agent, Cooperative
          Extension Service, Study leave with full salary, 6/6/91 through
       Worms, Allan J., Associate Extension Professor (with tenure)*,
          Forestry, Sabbatical leave with full salary, 3/1/91 through

*Special Title Series



College of Arts and Sciences

Bhapkar, Vasant P., Professor (with tenure), Statistics, Sabbatical
   leave with half salary, Fall Semester 1991 and Spring Semester
Hamilton, David E., Associate Professor (with tenure), History,
   Scholarly Fellowship leave with partial pay, Fall Semester 1991
   and Spring Semester 1992.
Herring, George C., Professor (with tenure), History, Scholarly
   Fellowship leave with partial pay, Fall Semester 1991 and
   Sabbatical leave with full salary, Spring Semester 1992.

College of Business and Economics

Fulks, Daniel L., Associate Professor (with tenure), Accountancy,
   Sabbatical leave with full salary, Fall Semester 1991.

College of Communications

Orndorff, Robert L., Associate Professor (with tenure)*,
   Journalism, to change from Sabbatical leave with half salary,
   Fall Semester 1990 and Spring Semester 1991, to Sabbatical
   leave with full salary, Fall Semester 1991.

College of Fine Arts

Ferstman, Gerald, Associate Professor (with tenure), Art,
   Sabbatical leave with full salary, Spring Semester 1991.
Gron, Jack F., Associate Professor (with tenure), Art, Sabbatical
   leave with full salary, Spring Semester 1991.

College of Home Economics

Crum, Ruth Ann, Associate Professor (with tenure)*, Family Studies,
   Sabbatical leave with full salary, Fall Semester 1991.
Forgue, Raymond E., Associate Professor (with tenure), Family
   Studies, Sabbatical leave with full salary, Fall Semester 1991.

*Special Title Series



                              MEDICAL CENTER



             College of Medicine

             Carlson, Sonia L., Assistant Professor, Anatomy and
                  Neurobiology, 1/1/91 through 6/30/91.
             Karounos, Dennis G., Assistant Professor, Medicine, 12/17/90
                   through 6/30/91.
             Maurer, Anne R., Instructor (part-time), Anesthesiology,
                   12/1/90 through 6/30/91.
             Turner, H. Spencer, Professor (without tenure), Preventive
                  Medicine, 2/1/91 through 6/30/91, also named Director,
                  University Student Health Service, effective 2/1/91.

             College of Nursing

             Brown, Lynda N., Associate Professor* (without tenure),
                   1/1/91 through 6/30/91.


             College of Medicine

             Christman, Norma J., Associate Professor (with tenure),
                   joint appointment as Associate