xt7kd50fz294_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_01/Folder_11/Multipage343.pdf 1924-1928 1928 1924-1928 section false xt7kd50fz294_5 xt7kd50fz294 I}

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 The Garden Club met on April 16, at the
hmne of Mrs. Sterling Coke. Mrs. Prewitt
was in the chair. The minutes were read,
corrected and approved.

The Treasurer reported:

Expenses,- $16.35
Receipts,- 1.00

Balance on hand,- $926.44.

This report did not show the new mem-
bership dues.

In the absence of his. Haggin, Mrs.
McCorkle reported that 96 trees had been
planted in the country public school grounds.
And that there had been much enthusiasm,
appreciation and COOperation shown by pupils
and teachers. The committee hopes,through
the offer of trees from the State Forestry
Department, to do more planting in the Fall.

A motion was carried that at the next
meeting of the Ashland Memorial Committee,
our representative, Mrs. Henry Duncan, be
authorized to present our request to take
over the care of the garden at Ashland, as
an appr0priate undertaking for the Garden

The President reported that she and
Mrs. Averfitt were still trying to work out
satisfactory arrangements for some systematic
way of handling Garden Club literature.

The President announced the following
pregram for the Garden Club and Woman's Club
joint tea at the Lafayette on the 24th of

Edith Bailey of Versailles: solo dance
Miss Felsenthal: “ "
Group of children: interpretive dancing
Mrs. Donald Garrett of Versailles: sing
Miss Beulah Stillwell: Piano group

Mrs. A. B. Chandler, of Versailles: sing

All dancing, and music suggestive of Spring,
flovers and birds.

Miss qulin of Versailles: accompanisti


 For the Flower Show Committee Mrs.
Lawwill announced that milk bottles would
be used for containers instead of mason jars.
It was emphasized that the class for copies
of Garden Paintings was Open to the public.

A motion was carried.empowering the
Schedule Committee to decide on the kind of
table to be used for the "Table Decorations"

Motion was carried to the effect that
china be used.

A motion was carried authorizing Mrs.
Clarke to purchase 24 horses for tables on
which to display Iris.

Mrs. Prewitt paid a gracious tribute
to Mr..Burbank.

The program for the afternoon was an
interesting talk by Mrs. Lawwill on Florida

Ribbons were awarded:

Mrs. Sarah Elmore,- 4
Mrs. E. L. McDonald, 1
Mrs. W. C. Lawwill,- 4
Mrs. Ed Clarke,- 15
Mrs. Waller Herndon, 2
Mrs. Van Deren,- 4
Mrs. Graham Kerr,- 2
Mrs. John Scott 2

The committee gave honorable mention to
a beautiful bunch of named varieties of
jonquils sent by Mrs. John Scott. But they
came too late for all to be judged.

Honorable mention was also given to
Mrs. Morton for an entry which came too late.

A vote of thanks was given the judging
committee for their conscientious work.

After the President expressed our thanks
to the hostess, the meeting adjourned.


&Z;vt21f' Afiauwr/déertéeevg_


 regul9r meeting of the G9rden
ld Friday, April 50, at the home
' Hamilton.

. . Mrs. Pr eritt, presided.
minutes _ 1.. mee ting ”ere read and

the Tre9e ure r did
her report 9' so she me.de an in
eetim9te of :pendituies, and reporte

. a; «:97 of 51540.05 from the Plant Sale.

Mrs. Bullock reported that she had sent
to Washington the protest of the Garden Club
age nst doing anything to mar the beauty of Cum—
herl:9nd Falls. She 9130 reported that the Fay-
ette Telephone Comp9ny htd taken down the poles
on East Main reet and the Richm3nd Road and
put 911 ‘irin Lnuertround,Alnu that While some
of the trees L L9nted 9y the C-lub had had to be
t9ken up on 9eoount of eever9ge piping, these ha1
been used else$here; 9nd more trees had replaced
;he all with no further expense to the Garden




3-1033 CDC

eh9irman of the Flower Show Committee,

9nnounoed the date of the Show

M9y 19 to M9y 26. The t9blee for
9tion Classes" to be 30x70 and to be
e1zx people; Mise Mary Robinson to

of the class of Flower Pointines.

of 9ny informmtion about th9t

ootain it from her.

Mrs. Thomas 9eked all members of the Clui
ple9ee to try to W9it to trim their hedges until
shortlv oefore the Plover Shov in order to 89ve
thei.1 trimminbs fresh for use in decoration.

The Pre e'd nt stated that a Garden Club

was being orgin e in Mt. Sterling, and that
they 99nte d our ,3 is enoe and cooper9tion which
she heped the merabers would give individu9lly if
the opportunity arose. As a Club, it has alreadx
been given through tr 9e corresponding seeretarv.

The President e: Wpres ed the thanks of
the Club to Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Duncan for

the be9utifdl decor9tions 9nd prOgram at the







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 The Garden Club met Friday, May
21, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Simfims
in the country. Mrs. Prewitt presided.

The minutes were read and approved.

In the absence of the Treasurer,
there was no Treasurer's report.

As chairman of the Cumberland Falls
Committee, Mrs. Bullock stated that she
had recently talked to Mr. Prather, who
expressed appreciation of the eftorts
of the Lexington organization to save
Cumberland Falls. And said that he
thought their efforts would produce
results. He hoped for the Falls to
come into control of the State, then
he felt sure it would be made into a
Public Park.

The President said an effort would
be made this week to have the plot of
ground in front of the station kept in
better condition and beautified.

A motion was carried that the Ways
and means of starting the library for
the club be left entirely to the Library

There was some discussion of the
protection of the wild flowers bytflhrk-
rs on the roadside.. By consent this
was left to the Wild Flower Committee.

The question of attempting to
prevent further marring of the landscape
by billboards was discussed and left to
Mrs. Bailey and her committee.

The President thanked Mr. Sax and
Miss Callihan and all who loaned pictures
and gave of their time and interest to
make the picture exhibit at Mr. Sax'
studio, a success.

The next meeting was announced for
June 4, with.Mrs. Minor Simpson.

There was much discussion of Flower
Show business.


 A motion was carried to authorize
Mrs. Farra as chairman of Luncheon Come
mittee, to order luncheon to be served
on the day of the Flower Show to our guests,
and club members who notified her in ample
time. The price of the luncheon: $1.25.

Mr . Robinson reported the follow-
ing juror secured for the Show:

Flowering Shrubs, Green Herbs, Vegetables
and Fruits:

Walter Hillenmeyer

George Karsner

Charles Michler
Roses, Potted Plaits‘

James Keller

David Honaker

Louis Michler

Perennials, Biennials and Annuals:

Thomas Claxton
Dr. J. W. Pryor

W. A. Robe

Living Room and Table Decorations:

Miss Anne Callihan
Miss Allen
KEller Norton


Prof. F. T. McFarland
Louis Hillenmeyer
Eugene Simpson

Flower Pictures:

Carol Sax
Allan Swisher
Mrs. J. W. Pryor

John Wister (President, American
Iris Society)

Franklin E. Mead (Regional

Mrs. J. Edgar Hinég (Chairman


 Executive Committee)
Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd (Director
American Iris Society.)

The President announced that through
a suggestion on the part of Mr. Karsner,
the Burpee Seed Company had donated $5.00
worth of their best seed for prizes.

The President read an invitation
to club members to the Rose Show at the
City High School in Winchester on June
10th: .50 admission. A cordial invitation
was extended to exhibit at this show, for
Wlich there is no fee. Those desirous
of exhibiting, please notify Mrs. Waller

It was moved t at the question of
exhibition by the club as a whole be left
to a future meeting for decision.

Through the President, Mrs. Haggin
cordially invited all visitors and club
members to her garden for tea on Tuesday
afternoon preceding the Flower Show. Many
of the members said their gardens would
be Open for visitors.

Ribbons were awarded to

Mrs. Vaughn: 4
Mrs. Bullock: 1
Mrs. SiM$fl$ 2

The program of the afternoon was
a most interesting and instructive talk
by Prof. McFarland on wild flowers.

The President graciously thanked
our hostess and speaker and the meeting
adjourned; Everyone enjoyed a stroll in
Mrs. Siren}: beautiful gardens, and her
gracious hospitality.

Respectfully submitted,
2 I“


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Wood G. Dunlap, for use of
Auditorium - - - ”“‘ v0

Southern Cleaning 00. - - - - - - 12.20
Mrs. Stofer, to pay for labor - - 8.00
H. D. Carter, lighting of pictures 8.31
Geo. Ramsey, 20 cards - - - - - - 12.00
Lexington Leader - - - - - - 5.80
Lexington Herald - - - - - - 3.90

Jae. M. Byrnes 00., Printing
schedules, etc., .-.- - - -- 68.30

Schlubach maid - - - - - - - - - - 5.00

Wolf Wile 00., Cheese Cloth - - - - 39.01

Gasket 00. - - - - - 4.30

TOTAL: $255.37
Premiums: 154.80
Green Tree: 70.00
Iris: 6.2Q
Expenses: $484.42
From.Mrs. Farra, for luncheon: __*51.25
Balance: 0455.17


 . ”,3
”11. m


 11 ‘3

d. l“



 The Garden Club met Friday, Octobér 8,
at Ashland, the home of MIS. Thomas Bullock.

The minutes were read, corrected and appro-
ved. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Pres-
ident reported a balance of $950.50 in the
treasury before the Flower Sale. The receipts
from the flower sale, including some orders tak-
en, amounted to $27.00. The President announced
that the Sale Committee still had a number of
bulbs for sale.

The President expressed thanks to Mrs.
Vaughan for her management of the sale, and to
hrs. Bush for her successful labor for the

For the Library Committee, the President
offered three suggestions for the housing of the
books to be purchased, (1) the use of the ref-
erence shelf at the Library, (2) the use of a
shelf at the Colony Court Book Shop, (3) the
use of a shelf at Ashland in the event of the
City's purchasing it for a public park. Sug-
gestions were asked for in regard to the choice
of books tOIJe purchased.

hrs. Lawwill reported interviewing Professo
Hathews to obtain outlines or suggestions, and
determine the possibility of holding a morning
class on gardening at the University.

The President discussed the possibility of
showing a moving picture before the regular
movie program, depicting the devastatidn wrought
by tourists on some of our highways.

The Board of Commerce sent a request for
the name of some young man interested in forestmg
and this was turned over to the Forestry Comp
mittee. ?

The Committee on improving the circle in
front of the station reported work, but no result
as yet. 3

The President reported. that Mrs. A;. LA.
Alexander had accepted the appointmentfof Special
bulletin correspondent for the National Com-
mittee, maE’he President had detailed ’ito in:

a , z . -~‘ '. 3 ,
.1 , .. : ‘ <’ ' V L ‘l .7 r ‘
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 the securing of advertisers for theffiulletin.
The Ashland Committee stated that Judge Wilson
suggested that Garden Club members encourage
pilgrimages to Ashland during October in the
interest of the city's purchasing the property.

The program consisted of informal talks
by garden members, and one guest on gardens they
had seen. Those speaking were:

Ere. James Todd

mrs. Howard MbCorkle
Mrs. Davis Buckner
Hrs. E. L. MhDonald
Hrs. Oliver

Ribbons were awarded,
Hrs. Gilbert Bailey 1

mrs. John Dasisllwwu
Mrs. J.F. Van Deren 5

The guests enjoyed a stroll around
the garden of this historic home.

ReSpectfully submitted,








 /f27 47" Arafat, 2545/

A called meeting of the Garden Club was held
Saturday, January 8, at the Lafayette Hotel.
Twenty-four members were present. Ehe President

The program of a Study Course for Garden hovers
was presented by the committee in charge of
arranging such a course, and was accepted. A vote
of thanks was given to Mrs. Lafferty for her co-
Operation with hrs. Lawwill, chairman of the com-
mittee. All Garden Clubs and Garden Depart-
ments of nearby towns were asked to join in the
presentati n of these lectures. A motion was
carried voting @100.00 to be used for this pur-
pose. It was understood that $100.00 would be
added by the Garden Department of the Woman‘s
Club of Lexington, and that various sums would
be contributed by clubs and departments of sur-
rounding towns. Meeting adjourned.

ReSpectfully submitted,

éflt; {f/‘wflga,g





 /7 M¢ //2/- 497‘ M, W (new

The Garden Club held its first Spring
meeting Friday, March 4, at the home of Mrs.
flaller Bullock. The President was in the chair.
She was greeted with applause by the club members,
who are so happy to have her again able to carry on
her Club work.

Mrs. Prewitt graoigusly thanked the club
for flowers sent to her. Thanks were also expressed
for the work of Mrs. Lafferty and hrs. Lawwfljn in
presenting so satisfactory a study~course.

The President called attention to the con-
tributions of Lexington members in the next bulletin
and said the Bulletin Editors were very grateful
to have the Leangton Club amongi the contributors.
It was asked that anyone planning to attend the
New York Flower Show should please notify hrs.
Prewitt. Anyone having plants for sale can make such
announcement on the new bulletin board recently in~
stalled in the room at Brewer's.

The President stated that there would be a
spring plant sale and a Spring bulb exnibit.

The book committee reported that books could
now be taken from the library by club members and
held one week only,- the member taking such book
to leave her name and book title on the pad p“ovided
for such purpose in the library room.

The Board recmmnended the following changes
in the Constitution to be voted on two weeks from

Annual dues be $8.00.

That there be a reinstatement fee
of $5.00.

written nominations for any office
signed and seconded may be sub-
mitted by any active member to the
nominating committee during the
first week in hay. The names of
the 3 candidates receiving the
highest number of endorsements
shall be placed on the final nom-
inating ballot.

That the Executive Secretary of
the Flower Show be a member of the


Ehe minutes of the/previous meetings
were read and agproved.

The “reaourer sent n

'3 r1,
balance of $640.20 in the trees

Ribbons were awarded:

\1 ’r -v a —
’f$§to are. Muller bullock
'l to Mrs. Jaltcr Vaughn

hrs. thheeney, of Frankfort, epole to
the club on the subject of Billboards, empha—
siz'ng how greatly they desecrate the beauty of the

landscape, and menace the safety of the roads.

meeting adjourned.

“ullv submitted,

,l- .—=-



 WM N #2] 44% M. %$&

The Garden Club met Friday, March 25,
at the home of Mrs. McCorkle, with the President

She welcomed Miss Van Meter back after
her long absence. And expressed figs sympathy
of the club members with.Mrs. Ave tt in her
great sorrow. The minutes were read and approved.
The treasurer reported a balance of $613.49 in
the treasury.

The club was glad to have firs. McCorkle
as one of the chairmen of the Better Homes'Week
movement, and this movement was given the club's

The President read Miss Clay's report
of the Lecture Course eXpenses. The total expenses
for the Woman's Club and the Garden Club together
will probably be $93.11. but it was decided to
consult with Mrs. Iafferty regarding some further
lectures before closing the account.

Plans for the Bulb Exhibit of Tuesday,
march 29, at the Phoenix hotel were discussed.
And a motion was carried to sell the flowers
after the sale, after giving a handsome bunch to
the Phoenix hotel for their courtesy in letting
the club have the exhibit at the hotel, and their
generous offering of the hotel‘s services to the
club on all occasions. -

There was some discussion but no decision
regarding the Flower Show date.

. The club accepted with much pleasure the
invitation from Mr. and mrs.Buckner to visit the
Bulb Gardens of Xalapa Farm on Friday, April 1st.

The President expressed her hOpe that some
day the club might entertain the National Club in
Lexington. After considerable discussion of the
possibility of the elubVS undertaking to hold such
meeting here, a straw vote was taken to learn the
sentiment of the club members in this matter. it
waS‘unanimously passed.

The changes in the By-Laws were then dis-

. Under Article 3 (Elections), See. A
it was voted to add that "written nominations for


 any office signed and seconded may be submitted

by any active member to the nominating committee
during the first week in May. The names of the
candidates receiving the highest number of en-
dorsements shall be placed on the final nominating


Under Duties of Ufficers, Article 2,
Sec. A, it was voted to add "the Executive Sec-
retary of the Flower Show to be a member of the

Under Article 8, Sec. B, a motion
"that the annual dues be $8.00" was lost.

Under the same Article, a motion was
carried that there should be a reinstaIment fee

The CorresPonding Secretary was
instructed to have the Constitution and By-haws
as revised printed and distributed. ’

mrs. Alexander sent a message asking the
same committee who worked with her last year in
the Flower Show please to do so again this year.

The action of the Board voting $200.00
for premiums for the Flower Show was ratified.

Ribbons were awarded:

Mrs. w. G. Lawwill
Miss Sharpe
miss van Meter

Meeting adjourned.

Keepectfully submitted,
2/ — / , ,/~
“ f‘rv‘ flfiux/ 5‘64“ x19.“

"“:"7 Secretary.


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 //' /?27 Mfl/w- /M(‘

The Garden Club met Friday, June 17,
with the President, Mrs. Prewitt, in the
country. The President presided.

The minutes were read and approved.

The treasurer read her annual report.


The President asked for all Flower Show
Schedules for the year to be turned in to
Miss Hume. These can be used another
year and save considerable expense.

It was announced that six members of
the club were trying to attmnd the annual

meeting, Mrs. Alexander and hrs. lvufig
being the delegates from the club.

Mrs. Haggin invited the club to
visit her garden the morning of June 18th.

Mrs. Thomas of Frankfort sent an invi-
tation for the club to come to Frankfort
on June 24th, and visit a number of the
Frankfort gardens, and a motion was passed
that the club accept with pleasure this
invitation and meet in Frankfort at 5 P.m.

Election of officers followed.

Mrs. Khvanaugh read the names as
presented by the Nominating Committee.

President: Mrs. waller Hunt
Vice-President: Mrs. David Prewitt
2nd Vice-President: Mrs. W. R. Thomas
Treasurers: HissDudley Hume and mrs.

John dkain.
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Thomas Marks
CorreSponding Secretary: Mrs. Sam walton

A ballot was taken for treasurer resulting
in the election of Miss Hume. And then a

motion was unanimously carried that a vote
by acclamation be taken making a unanimous
vote for all the officers nominated.

A motion was carried that we send a
telegram to Mrs. Waller Hunt notifying her

of her electicn, and the club memberfi’joy
over it. “



 Hrs. Harrison then graciously thanked
the retiring officers, and eSpecially the
President, and moved that a vote of thanks
be extended to her for her untiring and
devoted and successflul labors for the club.
The motion was greeted with unanimous

The President then read her annual
report (appggded).

Ribbons were awarded:

Mrs. Lawwill

Mrs. W. Bullock

Mrs. 8. Marks

Mrs. van Deren

Miss Daisy Hume

Mrs. W. Herndon 1,

Mentinn should be made of a beautiful
display of Japanese Iris brought by Mrs.

The chairman of the ribbon committee
read the annual report for the six months
awarding the prize to Mrs. W. C. Iawwill

with 56 ribbons./37pu~b¥—Ifisa)

A motion was carried that we give a
prize INN? thus making the awarding of the
ribbon prizes coincide 'with the close
of the club's fiscal year.

M s. Prewitt then read the History of
the Club,. written by Mrs. Healy. A vote
of thanks was voted to Mrs. Healy for her
great labor writing this history. And much
interest and pleasure were shown in it.

hrs. Bailey, as chairman of Conserva-
tion Committee, distributed some leaflets
on this sUbject.

The business meeting was adjourned and
delicious refreshments were served.

Then Dr. John Scott talked informally
and delightfully on his recent trip East.
He talked of the gradens he had seen, and
the two Iris Shows at which he was one of the


 meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

g, {Dar/741,1 gféem x'Qio-réimr



 W W» Mk]

Owing to the ch nge in ur fiscal year and
depending on checkbook stubs and pass book
for our book-keeping,- a method that I in-
herited but which I do not recommend, since
we have become more active and more business
is transacted, as it makes a detailed
accounting difficult,- checking on a savings
account also adds to the difficulties-, I
took my troubles to an expert accountant and
he has put it in form and shows that all

I purchased a cash book that will make
a simple method of book-keeping easy and con—
venient and recommend that the club have
two accounts,- a savings and a checking

The figures given in the report have to
go back of the last annual meeting because
of checks not checked up. On asking for a
balance it is frequently incorrect on that

The check for $150.00 for prizes at the

Flower Show and the two prizes awarded by

the club, of $6.00 and $4.00 for 1926 and the
check for $70.00 for the luncheon and one
for $4.95 to Mrs. Hillenmeyer for ribbon that
had been placed to her private account, must
be deducted from the total listed to get a
correct year's expense account: but had to be
dealt with.in a complete financial statement,
Making this deduction leaves a surplus for
the year of $56.14 tho you understand there
is a bank balance of $769.49 with which to
begin the next year. Then certain ex-
penditures for this yean's Flower Show is
equivalent to cash as they are still availabee
for next year. Making our year from July

to July, using a checking account and a cash
book will simplify things very much for

the treasurer.

€;f9U%/ >Z: Afiioééfii /&u 4%212;



Bank Reconciliation
November 1, 1926 to June 17, 1927.


Bank Balance: _
November 1, 1926 6 950.30

November 1, 1926
to June 17, 1927 _§60.89
$1, 811.19

Less checks issued
July 1926 to June
1?, 1927 1L,§l°VO
Bank Balance June 17, 1927 $769.49

Security Trust Companylaalance
June 17, 1927 6769.49

{Aflufévum‘ é , _
5%M f/I'éo M


Nov. 1, 1926 to June 17, 1927.



Interest 19.24
Sale of Plants and
Flowers 73.55
August, 1926 - Dues 570.00
July, 1927 - Dues 500.00
Guest Fees and His-
cellaneous 98.19_ 860.89


D 1:33;! rsmsm s 2


1927 Flower Show Expenses 102.30
1926 Flower Show Expenses 72.00
1926 Prizes 160.00
1926 Ribbon 4.95
Flowers 34.90
Advertising 50.50
1927 Miscellaneous ExPenses 28.95
Refund of Dues 5.00
Printing 57.25
Lectures 169.97
American Garden Club Dues 296.00
Library Books 79.88 1041.70


Deficit ' 180.81

flufiZAOQZEZ?’ /:%



2 ,2,” I / .—
/%///7,/,L WM ("z/VQV


 E‘iE’SE' 395 1927 norm ems-I

American Iris Society for Supplies

J. H. Byrnes & Co. for supplies
(Both good for another year)

Michler, Florist
(Huckleberry, Express and two tele-

Printing schedules and ribbons

Stenographic work and postage

4p; " Wflx‘fzfig/f


 LIST OF MEMBERS 1926-1927

A. J. A. Alexander,"Woodburn,"Spring Station,Ky.

. W. W. Anderson, 58 Hentelle Park, Lexington, Ky.

W. P. Averett, 218 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington, Ky.

Gilbert L. Bailey, “Bailiwick,” Newtown Pike,
Lexington, Ky.

I. D. Best, 295 S. Ashland Ave. Lexington, Ky.

Henry H. Bosworth, Versailles Pike, Lexington,Ky.

s Miriam Botts, 425 Fayette Park, Lexington,Ky.

Alfred Brent, 262 North.Broadway, Lexington, Ky.
Hy Spencer Brooker, S. Ashland Ave.,Lexington,Ky.
. W. J. Brown, 241 South Hanover Ave.,Lexington, Ky.
. G. Davis Buckner, 461 S.Limestone,St.,Lexington,K
Waller O. Bullock,200 Market St.,Lexington, Ky.

W. L. Carter, 430 West Sixth St.,Lexingfion, Ky.
Edward Clark, 515 S. Ashland Ave.,Lexington, Ky.
Isabel Clay, 644 North.Broadnay, Lexington, Ky.
John W} Coleman, 211 North Broadway,Lexington,Ky.
Sterling Coke, 250 8. Hanover Ave.,Lexington, Ky.

"~ massie Denny, 118 Park Ave., Lexington, Ky.

Sarah Elmore, 257 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington,Ky.
Julian Estill, 471 W. Second St.,Lexington,Ky.
James Farra, 644 North Broadway, Lexington, Ky.
W. S. Glore, 111 Maple Street, Danville, Ky.
Arch Hamilton, "Kirklevington", Tates Creek
Pike, Lexington, Ky.
. D. J. Healy, 158 E. maxwell St.,Lexington, Ky.
Walter'W. Hillenmeyer, Georgetown Pike,
Lexington, Ky.
L. L. Haggin, "Mt. Brilliant," Russell Cave
Pike, Lexington, Ky.
Amelia.Hamilton, 225 S. Ashland Ave.,Lex., Ky.
I. W. Harrison, 524 Elm Tree Lane, Lexington,Ky.
Clinton Harbison, 703 Bullock Place,Lexington, Ky.
Mary P. Haydon, E. Main & Ashland Ave.,Lex., Ky.
Kate Helm, Bowman's Mill Pike, Lexington, Ky.
J. Tandy Hughes, 421 West Fourth St.,Lexington,Ky.
Daisy Hume, Winchester Pike, Lexington, Ky.
Dudley Hume, Winchester Pike, Lexington,Ky.
Heller B. Hunt, "Rose Hill," Eastin Road,
Lexington, Ky.
Waller Herndon, Russell Cave Pike,Lexington, Ky.
J. T. Jackson, 451 W. Sixth St., Lexington, Ky.
Marius E. Johnston, Bryan Sta. Pike,Lexington,Ky.
Charles Kevanaugh, 227 S. Ashland Ave.,Lex,, Ky.
Joseph Garrett, Versailles, Ky.
W. Case.Lawwill, 448 West Third St.,Lexington,Ky.
John C. Lewis, 450 N. Limestone St.,Lexington, Ky.
waller Lewis, Bowman's Mill Pike, Lexington, Ky.


 LIST cg MEMBERS 1926-1927 (Continued)

. Mrs .
Mrs .


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Sanford Lyme, R.F.D. #4, Nicholasville, Ky.

Thomas E. Marks, 109 Victory Ave.,LeXington,Ky.

Sam Marks, 245 South Hanover Ave., Lexington, Ky.

C. R. Melcher, Nicholasville Road, Lexington, Ky.

Charles w. Moore, a. F. D. #7, Lexington,Ky.

Jere R. Morton, 231 North.Mill St., Lexington, Ky.

W. H. McCorkle, Second & Market Sts.,LeXington,Ky.

E. L. MdDonald, 41 Mentelle Park, Lexington,Ky.

Frank L. McVey, Maxwell Place, University Campus,
Lexington, Ky.

Margaret Payne, 644 North Broadway,Lexington,Ky.

David Prewitt, "Dunrcath," Winchester Pike,
Lexington, Ky.

J. W. Pryor, 225 North Broadway, Lexington, Ky.

Carol Robinson, 254 South Ashland Ave.,Lexington

Mary E. Robinson, 481 E. Main St.,Lexington, Ky.

John W. Scott, 328 N. Limestone St.,Lexington, Ky.

Wm. E. Simms, "Airdrie" Versailles, Ky.

Minor Simpson, 203 E. Fourth St.,Lexington, Ky.

Lillie D. Sharpe, 151 E.Maxwell St.,Lexington,Ky.

G. Norton Sharpe, 174 E. Maxwell St.,Lexington,Ky.

John Skain, 157 Forest Ave., Lexington, Ky.

Samuel Stofer, East Main & Ashland Ave.,LeKington,

W. R. Thomas, 475 E. Main St., Lexington,Ky.

James A. Todd, 541 Madison Place, Lexington, Ky.

Walter L. Vaughan, Newtown Pike, Lexington, Ky.

J. F. van Deren, 124 S. Ashland Ave.,Lexington,Ky.

Mabelle Van Meter, 225 S.Ashland Ave.,LeXington,Y

Samuel B.‘Walton, Eastin Road, Lexington, Ky.

wm. M. Wright, Calunet Farm, VersaillesPike,
Lexington;, Ky.

F. 0. Young, 141 Forest Ave., Lexington,Ky.


gear/4 The first regular meeting of the Board of
1/ Directors of the Garden Club of Lexington was
. held Saturday, January fifteenth, at eleven
o‘clock in the Library Room at C. F. Brower &

President presided.

Directors present: Mesdames Averitt, Cole-

man, Lewis, Lawwill, Bailey and moors and

miss Clay. hrs. Haggin,representing a
special committee, and hrs. Edward Clark rep-
resenting the Woman's Club were also present.

Following a discussion concerning the ad-
visability of leaving the newly purchased books
in the delightful room furnished the Garden Club
by Brewer & Company, it was decided not to cir-
cularize these books during the six weeks of the
Garden Study Course but to permit the public to
use them for that period.

Mrs. Haggin offered to bring in her lovely
pictures of “Wild Flowers” put out by the Shith-
sonian Institute. rhe offer was accepted.

Board members were asked to bring seed
catalogues and magazines and leave them on the
table. -

it is hoped that everybody will register
in the book which has been placed in the room
for that purpose.

hrs. Clark, hrs. Stofer, mrs. Garrett, are.
Lawwiit and Presidents of contributing clubs
were asked to Open and preside at the meetings
of the ”Study Course."

the President requested hrs. Haggin, hrs.
Johnstone, Mrs. Bailey, firs. Young and mrs. Clark
to protest against the indiscriminate cutting
of the trees along the streets and highways, by
the Utilities Companies and to take this matter
up with other clubs and the State Highway Com-

Mrs. Clark was authorized to write to the
wayside Gardens for their slidesand a lecturer
for a joint meeting with the Womanfis Club during
Kational Garden'Week.i ,


 A note of appreciation is to be written to
Brewer and Company from the first Board meeting
for the use of this delightful room which they
have so beautifully and comfortably fitted up
for the Garden Club Library.

Also notes are to be written from'both clubs
to the Phoenix Hotel, to Guy Johnson Printing
Co» and to the newspapers for their splendid
assistance in presenting the Garden Study Course


Respectfully submitted
Martha E. Lawwill

Sec. Pro. Tem.





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 The second regular monthly board meeting
of the Garden Club was held at Brewer’s on
Friday, February 4, with ten members present,-
Mesdames Hunt, Lawwiii, Moore, Clay, Hillenmeyer,
Bailey, Lewis, Thomas, Harbison and Vaughn.

Mrs. Lawwill presided.

The minutes were read and approved. in the
absence of a treasurers report, the presiding
officer suggested that the Board hold in mind
an existing rumor that the balance in the
treasury is only about $200.00.

Mrs. Hunt presented a bill of $15.00 for.‘
'stationery. She also stated that nearly all-

of the books for the Library had arrived. And
the Board voted to pay the stationery and

library bills promptl