xt7kd50fz294_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records The Bloomin' News text The Bloomin' News 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_16/Multipage4921.pdf 2012-2014 2014 2012-2014 section false xt7kd50fz294_40 xt7kd50fz294  

























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The Bloomin’ News

The(gardenChm°“--9X""an"March 2012KImDeCamp.EdItor H ' i i U '





From Barbara...

Oh my...how time flies. As I near the end of my tenure as president of the GCL, l am surprised to find that I am actually
getting a bit wistful about my departure. I know this is in no small part because of the wonderful support the entire club
has given me during the past two years. I could not have asked for a better group work with. When I called, you always
answered, volunteered, advised and cooperated in every way possible. You even indulged my indecision and rampant
tendency to change the dates of meetings. I really did not know exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to be your
leader, but i did find out pretty quickly that it was definitely more work than I had imagined but it also was far more fun
than l had anticipated. Thank you for everything. . ..lt has been a terrific two years.

Now, a little housekeeping committee chairs please email your committee report to me before our meeting on March
22nd and try to either meet with or talk to the incoming chair of your committee to review your committee’s duties and

- Barbara Young

March Board Meeting...

The March Board meeting will be on Thursday, March 22nd at 9:00am. at ldle Hour Country Club. This meeting will be
immediately before the March Annual Meeting. This takes the place of the Board Meeting previously scheduled for March

5‘“. If you are a Committee Chair, please submit your annual report to Barbara young by March 20‘“. You may send

this via email (barbarasvouno@omail.com). if you do not have access to email, please bring your report to the annual

April Board Meeting...

The April Board meeting will be on Monday, April 9th at 9. 30am. Mott Nicol will be hosting the meeting at her home, 1821

Delong Road. If you cannot attend please email or call Mott (W
or 321- 1987).

March General Meeting...ANNUAL MEETING

Date: Thursday, March 22th, 10:30am.
Location: Idle Hour Country Club
.tostesses: Amy Kessinger, Philippa Fogg and Mary Montague

RSVP. Amy (W) or 533- 0037 (cell) or 971 6-488 (home).


 - Kathy Brooks and Amy Kessinger

In the Garden at Ashland. ..

This photo is of our lovely lemon tree that is stored in our garden shed.

Sharpen your pruners and buy some new gloves! Opening Day in the Garden at Ashland is right around the comer, and
soon everyone will receive an email or letter with your garden assignment for 2012. Work in the Garden will begin at 9:30
on Wednesday, March 28, and resume after Spring Break on Wednesday, April 11.


On Wednesday, April 4 at 9:30 there will be a meeting for everyone who is in charge of a parterre or border. This will be
a very informative meeting so if you cannot come please send a representative from your assigned area. We will meet in
the Keeper‘s Cottage (the yellow brick building) near the garden. The meeting will be brief. We will spend most of our
time in the garden so come prepared to work.

We are appreciative of our Affiliate Members who provide refreshments after a hard mornings work. Refreshments will be
served at 10:45 (no sooner Please)! To sign-up for refreshments please call Philippa at 552-6040.

. -Brenda Barrett and Philippa Fogg

Membership dues... ~ ..
Annual Dues of $150 are due in March for both active and affiliate members. Please bring your checks to the
March meeting, or you may mail them to Betsy Bulleit,

-Betsy Bulleit

Founders Fund. .Please vote by March 10th

Please take a look at the amazing projects for this year’s Founders Fund Award. W
W You may put the name of the project you choose m

an email and I will tally the votes. Thank you in advance for your vote! Please have your votes to me by March 10.
(amy.kessinger@insightbb.com) or 533-0037 (cell).

- Amy Kessinger
To be voted on by each and every GCA clubs’ members. Club Presidents are to submit their clubs vote via the electronic
ballot no later than March 15, 2012. The award of $25,000 will be presented to the winner at the Annual Meeting in
‘avannah, GA. in April - runners—up will receive $7,500 each.

An Educational Landscape: A leing Classroom for Growing Minds & Spirits Washington, DC




In 2008, Perennial Garden Club launched a six-year partnership with Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys, a tuition—
free, inner-city elementary school, in underserved Anacostia, Washington, DC, to grow and sustain educational gardens.
Teacher training and hands—on, outdoor classrooms with planting beds, green-roofed supply shed, weather station, rain
barrels, in-ground easels, birdhouses, feeders, worm pit and compost bins will foster life-long learning about the rewards

.fi caring for nature.


Living Learning Roof The Green Roof Educational Project Cedar Rapids, IA

The Cedar Rapids flood of 2008 was responsible for the worst library disaster in US. history. Out of horrific devastation
emerged the dream of a new library, located in a revitalized area with easy access to its facilities. Its Living Learning

Roof demonstrates unique environmental and sustainability practices, with an estimated 500,000 visitors per year. It is a
destination point in a business and cultural hub, a functioning space for all ages. Our project honors the donations of GCA
members and perpetuates the goals of its Founders.


Serenity Park at Gateway Community Services Jacksonville, FL

Gateway is a non-profit drug and alcohol rehabilitation residential/outpatient center housed in an old bleak former motel.
It is the only one in Jacksonville housing women with children, thereby necessitating both a healing oasis for mentoring
and a joyful safe playground for welcoming the children. The project has already been a catalyst for neighborhood
improvement. its maintenance will be provided by recovering clients in vocational training. The Founders Fund Award will
make this healing oasis become a reality.


The Bloomin’ News
Kim DeCamp, Editor








' ’ kl
mun -..,AMJo
I II I I V c VV 3
Garden Club of LexingTon * April 2012 * Taylor FisTer, Editor





Filo»? MoiZ‘. . .

For once in my life l am aT a loss forwards. l begin my "Tum" as presidenT following one of The mosT capable
women I know. Barbara dug in wiTh boTh hands and encouraged all of us To Take an acTive role in The Garden
Club of LexingTon. IT was a very producTive Two years wiTh many achievemenTs, accolades and laughTer.

in March, we recognized Two of our acTive members wiTh club awards. In The area of communicaTion, Kim
DeCa mp received a well deserved award, and Melodye Kinkead received an award for her inspiraTional idea
for weekly bouqueTs for nursing home paTienTs. May These ladies provide inspira‘lion To all of us To sTep-up and
dig in as gardeners and members of The Garden Club of LexingTon. I look forward To seeing each of you in The
garden each Wednesday!

” One of The mosT delighTful Things abouT a garden is The anTicipaTion iT provides.”

. ~W.E. Johns

- MoTT Nicol

47rd Genera/ Meet/’73...

DaTe: Thursday, April i9“, lO:3O a.m.

LocaTion: FirsT PresbyTerian Church. Parking is available in The loT on Mill STreeT, across from The main enTrance of
The church. Carpool if you can. EnTer The building Through The chapel enTrance.

Speaker: Barbie Tafel, of Glenview Garden, will be our speaker
HosTesses: Libby Brown and Elise Boyd. Please RSVP To Libby aT 266—37l0 or esbl 700@yahoo.com.

May Board Meez‘r n3...

The May Board meeTing will be on Monday, May 7Th aT 9:30 am. Luanne Milward will be hosTing The meeTing aT
her home, 3i 7 Holiday Road. if you cannoT aTTend, please email or call Luanne (lmmiéwara a aolcom

or 266—4910).

May Genera/ Magi/’75...

DaTe: Thursday, May l7Th, lO:3O a.m.

LocaTion: CoTTage in The Woods

HosTesses: TBA

DirecTions and deTails To follow in May Bloomin’ News

- Kathy Brooks and Amy Kessinger






flower S/zow Comm/{fee Meez‘ing...4pri/ 172%

.The Flower Show CommiTTee is having a meeTing on Tuesday, April 17*“, GT 10:00 am. aT Luanne Milward‘s
home, 31 7 Holiday Road. The commiTTee will be planning our ”In Club HorTiculTure Show”, which will be our
June 2isf general meeTing. Check your Garden Club Yearbook To see wheTher or noT you are on This
commiTTee. Luanne will e—mail or call all of The commiTTee members as well To remind Them of The meeTing.
There’s noT a loT of planning Time before The acTual show, so Luanne hopes everyone can make H To The

- Luanne Milward and Lauren Van Balen

In the Garden 622‘ 45/7/and...

Everyone on lasT year‘s ConservaTion CommiTTee adopTed a dogwood Tree. Don'T forgeT ThaT These adopTions
are for life. Please remember To mainTain and care for your Tree.

-Brenda Barrefl and Philippa Fogg


MeméerS/fip dues...

Annual Dues of $150 are due for boTh acTive and affiliaTe members. If you have noT paid, please mail
checks, payable To The Garden Club of LexingTon, To BeTsy BulleiT,

-Befsy Bulleif

Correct/0’75 Z‘o Z7742 Yearfioof...


Mrs. Farra McRae Alford — change e-mail To read kaiiesaliordiglamalicom

2. Mrs. Caroline Cassidy Barrow — Change cell # To 4929322. This is also her home number. Add e-mail
address of Ashwoodiarmé mecom

3. Mrs. Philip Jackson Baugh — change e-mail To read ianekbaua‘nié‘mecom

4. Mrs. Thomas Ewing BulleiT, Jr. — change e—mail To read beisy.bulleiT.'I<:1‘an‘iaii.i::om

5. Mrs. Thomas Burks Kessinger lll ~ add Mobile: 533-0037 and add e—mail address of

army .kessinaerm insianlbbcom





6. Mrs. Shelby Carneal Kinkead, Jr. - move “RR. # i ” up one line so iT follows The sTreeT address
7. Mrs. Collins Romaine — change Colline To read Collins
8. On The In Memory page, Mrs. Thomas Burks Kessinger, Sr. — change Della To Delia


 MemfierS/Ii/a C/‘Idnjes...

‘une isl is The deadline for membership sTaTus changes. Please send changes in wriTing To KaThy CourTney.

g I / {s 7. fl I , ’7 34 mpb A
Ivfar/r’ ‘7 our calendaro...4.one [Tr/3311173 .2013

We are hosTing The 2013 Zone MeeTing, so mark your calendars and plan accordingly. The daTes for The
meeTing are OcTober lsi & 2nd, 20l3. We will need everyone's help for This To be a success!

I l Vv

91¢ 41- 9.44.751]; £9545
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it‘s—v‘ i vy' I ‘w‘ W'vv‘iiv‘v’i‘s—

.rf you are inTeresTed in purchasing a pair of Felco pruners, please see Lucy FosTer aT The garden on Wednesday.
he pruners are $45/pair. Please make checks payable To The Garden Club of LexingTon.

Cooééook afldafemneed new Vanda/‘6!

Does anyone have a vendor conTacT who would like To sell our cookbooks, especially before The Derby? If you
know of a new sTore in Town, or ouT of Town, who doesn’T already sell our cookbook, please send an e—mail To

Leslie Baldwin aT lesiiebb a usaneT.

— Leslie Baldwin

(7“ch echo/ars/w; (cope/7:5...

The GCA Scholarship Program will disTribuTe $263,700 To 74 scholars and award recipienTs for 20l2—20l3. These
recipienTs will be lisTed in The June/July GCA BulleTin, so be sure To read abouT all of These deserving scholars.






The Bloomin’ News

The Garden Club of Lexington * May 2012 * Taylor FisTer, EdiTor











flop? MOZ‘Z‘ . . .


May 20l2 marks The 99Th birThday of GCA, and The couanown To The CenTennial has begun. lam
receiving updaTes on a regular basis and will share Them wiTh you aT our meeTings. i hope everyone will read E—
news, The BulIeTin, and The GCA websiTe for more informaTion on The special evenTs for May and June 2013. if
There is enough inTeresT, we may wanT To plan a Trip To NYC To enjoy some of These opporTuniTies ThaT are being

The peonies came and wenT in a blaze of pinks and whiTe, and now H is Time for The garden To show iTs
own array of color. As The saying goes, “many hands make lighT work" and There have been many hands
digging, weeding, and planTing over The lasT few Wednesdays. IT really does noT seem like "work" when we are
all Talking, laughing and gardening TogeTher! The garden looks beauTiful, Thanks To all.

Luanne, Lauren, and The Flower Show CommiTTee are planning a Club HorTiculTure show for June 2i sT.
There is a class To enTer and a job To do for everyone. AT our meeTing aT BeTsy Hillenmeyer's house, There will be

.ime To have any quesTions answered ThaT you mighT have. Enjoy This beauTiful summer weaTherl



"i guess a good gardener sTarTs as a good weeder."
~Amos PeTTingill


- MoTT Nicol


May Genera/ Meet:‘n3...C/zan~9e off/anS

Due To our early spring, The peonies have come and gone, so we will noT be able To enjoy The peonies aT The
CoTTage in The Woods like we had planned for our May meeTing. We have rescheduled This Trip for April 20i3. in
place of This, we will be visiTing BeTsy and Louis Hillenmeyer's beauTiful garden. Louis will show us how To plan
and incorporaTe vegeTables inTo our gardens, and BeTsy will demonsTraTe how To puT TogeTher enTries for our
upcoming HorTiculTure Flower Show, specifically Class 8, which is a class for conTainer planTs.



DaTe: Thursday, May i7Th, l0230 a.m.
LocaTion: BeTsy and Louis Hillenmeyer’s house, 466 Woodlake Way

Speaker: BeTsy and Louis Hillenmeyer

HosTesses: MarTie Mayer and EIizabeTh Schnabel. Please RSVP To EIizabeTh aT 285—0856 or
elizabeTh schnabeligjvohoocom


Jane Board Meet/’73...

.The June Board meeTing will be on Monday, June 4ih aT 9:30 am. KaThy Brooks will be hosTing The meeTing aT
her home, If you cannoT aTTend, please email or call KaThy
(kaThvcarbenTerbrooks:d'amailcom or 268—i055).


 Jane Genera/ Meeting...
. For 2773 Beauty of (/76: fart/7" in—C/aé W/ower 6/70w

Date: Thursday, June 2ist
Location: Christ Church Cathedral
Hostesses: Betty Kenan and Anne Kraus. Please RSVP to Anne at 266—1446 or aptkra use amailcom

Flower Show information:
Deadline for entries is Monday, June 11‘“. Entries will be accepted by Katie Alford, Entry Chairman, of 272-O2i8
or rggtiesalford t2 amailcom. Provide Katie with your name, and a first and second choice of class.


-Kathy Brooks 8. Amy Kessinger


CUT SPECIMENS (Classes i-5)
One stem, not to exceed 24 inches in length, from your garden. Foliage allowed only if it is attached to the

All specimens must have been in your possession since May 213*, one month before the show.

.Class l. Beauty of each Hour
Annuals — one flowering stem

Class 2. To thee we raise
Perennials — one flowering stem

Class 3. Hill and Vale
Hosta — one leaf, no flower

Class 4. Tree and Flower
Woody and herbaceous shrubs — single flowering bloom

Class 5. Joy of Human Love
Roses — one single stem or spray


All plant material must have been in your possession since May 215*, one month before the show.

Class 6. Perfect Gifts of Thyme
Collection of 36 herbs, each a different species or cultivars, grown in one container (any
shape), but must not exceed 14 inches in diameter or 14 inches in length or width.
Accompanying key card/diagram required.

.Class 7. Love from which our Birth
Single specimen grown from seed in a terra cotta pot 4 inches in diameter.


 Class 8. Flowers of EarTh and Buds of Heaven
A collecTion of flowering planTs and/or foliage planTs growing in a single coniainer of any shape,
noT To exceed 18 inches in diameler or l8 inches in lenglh or widTh. Accessories allowed.

. Accompanying lrfw:f:ulfure Exhzbliars:
l. Proper proporTion of planT To conTainer is imporTanT.
2. ConTainer should be clean and in good condiTion wiTh no cracks, mass, or sign of salT. You can wash
wiTh Murphy's Oil Soap.
. 3. ConTainer is measured from The inside of The rim.
4. STakes and Ties should be unobTrusive.
5. Labeling for EnTry Cards musT be correcT. Classes 6 and 8 musT include a Key Card diagram in
waTerproof ink.
6. Grooming involves The care Taken To have The specimen presenT The besT possible appearance:
a. Foliage should be free of dusT, soil, and residue
b. All dead leaves and spenT floreTs, as well as dead branches, should be removed daily.
c. Pollen dusT should be removed from cuT flower peTals.
d. PlanT should be free of insecTs and disease.
e. No leaf polishing agenTs should be used.
f. Soil surface should be clean. You may Top dress your soil wiTh gravel, moss, fine black aquarium
sand from The peT sTore, eTc. To presenT a more aTTracTive appearance.

Ja/y gears! Meet/273....p/ec25ez mafia (77¢: change/.1

The July Board meeTing will be on Tuesday, July 3rd at 8:30 am. in The yellow coTTage aT Ashland. if you cannoT
aTTend, please email or call MoTT (marThagnicol@gmail.com or 2724987).

Jew/y (genera/ Magez‘infi...

DaTe: Thursday, July l9”T aT l0230 a.m.
ocaTion: Ashland Garden
Speaker: Joseph Hillenmeyer will be Talking abouT hydrangeas

-Kalhy Brooks 8. Amy Kessinger



In 6/76: garden at 46/7/c2nc2’... ge/raS/letanfé

Thank you in advance for bringing refreshments to the hard working ladies of the garden. On your assigned

date, please bring refreshments to the patio at 10:45 (no sooner please), and please keep it simple. We still
ave a few openings in September and October. Please let Philippa Fogg know if you can

help! Thanks! Soutl’ternfoqg.g‘amailcon't or 552—6040



-Brenda Barrett and Philippa Fogg




June 6 July l l
Edie Gess Ellen Chapman
Katie Alford Caroline Barrow




June l3 July 18
Anne Kraus Anne Arvin
Leslie Baldwin Joan Gaines



June 20 July 25
Martie Mayer Anne Gay
Lauren Van Balen Kathy Dalton



June 27
Cathy Snowden
Mott Nicol

Workday Change]!!!
.Sincoe Ja/y 4“ is on a WedneSclay, we 5017/ 5e


working in Z‘/7e garden on Tuesday, Ja/y 3”!!! Mar?


your ca/em/ars now .



Speafa/ PrQ/'ecf6...3¢a?aef5 do (Brig/wen {he .Day

Dates are: June i3ih, July iii“, and August 8ih


This month we will be taking arrangements to Mayfair Manor. The ladies who have already signed up to help
this month are Ellen Chapman, Kim DeCamp, Betsy Hillenmeyer, Amy Kessinger, and Elizabeth Schnabel.
Anyone else who would like to help is certainly welcome.



Please bring flowers, greenery, scissors, clippers and scotch tape with you to the garden. After our work in the
garden, we will make 35 arrangements in the shed, then around l:OO we will deliver them to local nursing
homes. Even if you can't stay to assemble or deliver flowers, feel free to participate by bringing flowers and

.greenery from your gardens, jars with ribbons, or containers (like milk jugs) for water.


Bouquets to Brighten the Day will occur through August, on the second Wednesday of each month. if you have
any questions, please call Melodye Kinkead at 873—i 734.


 . , - far I /
{Carrefifirmmfi f0 Effie. lecitut’ywmé‘m

1. Mrs. Shelby Corneol Kin keod, Jr. — odd e—moil address of nigiinkegggyghog:._:_:_o‘r13_.

fla’IW/SSIQflé Cwmmfz‘zfees...

The deodline for proposing new members is Sunday, Augusl 261“. if you need 0 proposol form, pleose conlocl
Kolhy Courlney dl licorlrlnewo insightbbconi.

-Kalhy Courtney

If: Kind fiomafifmnfi Z4623? ”ff/M2. flair-dam”.

If you moke in kind purchoses for lhe gorden, you ore oble lo deducl Those from your ioxes. In order To receive
0 receipl for your records, pleose e-moil Kim Loke (laénwbeg—rrlybe;_[l;_;lgi;e a drrz«;1il.<:a:u_~n) To make her aware of your
dono’rion. Our Garden Club needs These donolions, becouse lhey help us moinidin our non-profil slolus, so
pleose keep lrock of your dono’rions, ond lei Kim know obou’r Them.


i ‘3: f.
The Bloomjn‘ News
Taylor Hitler, Edilm







The Bloomin’ News

The Garden Club of Lexington * July 2012 * Taylor Fister, Editor






flom MOZ‘Z‘...

My first thought for this message is to express how wonderful the Horticulture show was in June! it took
quick thinking, many helping hands and everyone's attention to detail. To "pull off" a show in such a short time
frame takes team effort. I commend the entire Flower Show committee, all who participated, and the show's
devoted leader, Luanne! it was an enjoyable day and a learning experience for us all.

My second thought focuses on this time of year when we celebrate our country‘s Declaration of
Independence. I am in Idaho and have talked to some of you who are in Michigan, South Carolina, and
several other places throughout the country. The freedom to travel is something we often take for granted but
something we would dearty miss it we were unable to go and come at will. As you travel about this summer,
stop and take a close look at the trees, flowers, mountains/desert/beach, and all the other natural wonders
that make each place so special, then come back home and enjoy the beauty of our state, city and gardens.
We sometimes fail to appreciate the beauty around us until we are away from it.

Finally, when I connect these two thoughts, I realize I have linked together the theme of our show, "For
the Beauty of the Earth", and one of my favorite patriotic songs, "America the Beautiful". Happy 4th of July to
each of you, wherever you might be!

- Mott Nicol

Ja/y Genera/ Magi/’75...

Date: Thursday, July 19th at 10:30 am.

Location: Ashland Garden

Speaker: Joseph Hillenmeyer will be talking about hydrangeas

Hostesses: Brenda Barrett, Pattie Broadbent, Kathy Courtney, Kim DeCamp. Please RSVP to Brenda at 269—1307
or brenda@barrettpartnersinc.com

On Wednesday, July 18th, please come work in the garden to help get it ready for Thursday’s meeting.

A/eXZ‘ Board MeeZ‘:‘n3...Mona’ay, 44(34ASZ‘ 227M aZ‘ 9:30
62.07. 777/5 [6 in ”ea 0/, 277a SepteMAer magi/173.

Location: Home o