xt7kd50fz294_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records The Bloomin' News text The Bloomin' News 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_8/Multipage4744.pdf 2006-2011 2011 2006-2011 section false xt7kd50fz294_39 xt7kd50fz294 The BLOOMIN’ NEWS

Cnarden (:lub of Lexington, lnc.







-libursdau, Januaru l9 at l0:f70 a.m.
(general Meeting
Frogram: Seed Fropagation witl'i Cindg Finnesetb

Bring your Gardening Gloves

Location: ldle HourCountru Club

RSVP — Hostesses: Saral‘i Davis 2694727
Mo Etliington 2254 i 19
Judy Fliilpott 268-1046

No February Meeting nor
Bloomin News

Monday, Marcb 6 anrd Meeting

New and Old
9:50 AM
Bring Notebooks to Fass on

fillbursdau, Marcb l o /\nnual Meeting

Details to tollow
Hostesses: Barbara Young 266—676]
Co~lAlostess needed

Editor: Mimi Milward msmilward©aol.com January 2006

a ‘ 9’” —' _ 1' - ', t*~‘ U s

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Nominating Garden Club Slate 2006—2008

i“t Vice President ~Jessica Nicbolson
2.”A Vice Fresident Ginny M35
Recording Seeretarg Anne Kraus
Corresponding Secretarfl Callie Keller
Treasurer Gag VanMeter
Admissions Nancy bishop
Awards Mott Nicol Conservation Mimi Milward
Finance 635 Van Meter
FlowerShow Mary Louise Fisher
Garden Froject Marti Mager and Libbg Brown
Horticulture Mara Montague
Program Janie hopes and Linda Caren
Fublication Sbeilaglfi Hammond
Special Frojeets Anne Arvin
Arel'iives Mrsséue Glover
Arcbives ot Amer Garden Wende be“
Assistant Treasurer Kim DeCamP
Founders Fund Luanne Milward
Public Relations Lauren Van Eaten

Scbolarsl‘iip barbaraYoung VisitingGardens Dottie



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Randomfilflhoughtstrom CEinnLj...

This is m9 Final opportunitg to spout torth some
random thoughts with gou betore I turn thisjob over
to Ellen. l have so many words bubbling in mg
head...but they’rejumbled and “gushg” and too
personal to share with the GCA clubs and
assorted individuals reading our blooming News.

So 1’” contine m5 musings to a quotation.

being a lover ot herbs, 1 discovered a description in
an old bool< 01C mine that I’d like to introduce to you.
Henrg beston, in Herbs and the Earth, says, “in
its essential spirit, in its propergarden meaning, an
herb is a garden plant which has been cherished tor
itseliC and tor a use and has not come down to us as

a purely decorative thing.”

based on this lovelg description, the members 0?
the Garden Club ot Lexington are all herbs!!!
Each ot us is vital to this group tor our talents, be
they weeding, arranging Flowers or meetings,
bringing tea and cookies to the garden, or trying out
recipes. Decorative we may be! But we go a “Fer

piece” begondjust being pretty!

I love that! l’m proud to be associated with such an
awesome group oi: “herbs.” And I thanl< you tor
sharing your wisdom and talents with me these two










March I 6th Annual Meeting

ldle HourCC at 10:50 AM
Luncheon Meeting.
Hostesses are Callie Keller,
barbara Young and bettg Kinhead.
Respond promptly to bettg @266~5770.

Fcony Dag - Wednesdag, March 29

Monday, April 5 - board Meeting
Wende bell, Z750 bowmans Mill

Garden Opening Day
Wednesday, Apnl 5

Thursday, April 20 Meeting and 50x Lunch
Ravens Run ~ details to Follow


Note to board members:

Flease be sure to prepare a briet report 0t your tenure as an
otticer or committee head these two gears. Some at you may
write only a sentence while others will have several paragraphs.
1 need two copies ol: these reports For our records. Please,
also, be prepared to share flour report at the Annual Meeting
March 16%. Any questions, call or e—mail me.

ginniimaq flooohishoorom. Thanks. Ginny



 Garden ('luh of Lexington. Inc.
.\pri| 2006

April 20 General Meeting
Wildflower Walk at Howard’s Creek.
Meet at Idle Hour 10am.Take Richmond
Rd. to Athens Boonesboro Rd. Take
right at crossroads and follow Athens
Boonesboro to Hall’s restaurant parking.
Claire Sipple will begin our moderately
strenuous hike along the creek and river
departing from Hall’s. Wear
comfortable clothing and hiking shoes.
The walk will last an hour followed by
picnic with Anne Arvin(885-3143) and
Anne Kraus (266-1446) as our hostesses.
Please RSVP
Claire is willing to lead a more strenuous
walk after lunch for the adventuresome.

May l-Board Meeting
Janie Pappas 1713 Clays Spring Lane

June 29-Garden Party

Sue Glover, Betsy Bulleit, Luanne
Milward - Sign-up sheets for hors

d’oeuvres, floral arrangements and
donations will be circulated.



Ellen’s News

How fortunate we are to have had Ginny
as our fearless leader for the past two
years. Her endless energy, gentle
reasoning and true love of gardening and
herbs are just a few of Ginny’s many
gifts. As I said at the March meeting,
“those small feet have left huge footsteps
to follow.”

Spring is always exciting in Kentucky!
We are riding the roller coaster of
temperatures. The peony clean—up on
Wednesday March 29 was the quickest
due to the huge turnout of workers.

Wednesday gardening at Ashland began
on April 5th and will last through
October. All of the members should
have received their gardening
assignments from Marty and Libby.

There is a wonderful article about Kousa
dogwoods in the April Horticulture
issue. It is written by Paul Cappiello of
Yew Dell Gardens in Louisville. We
have an allee of Cflorida x C. kousa
leading to the peony bed. With the help
of Jessica and Mott we are eradicating
the garden of euonymus and poison ivy.
Again, thank you for all our help. We
have a great year ahead of us! Ellen




Please remember to send your annual
Garden Club dues to Kim DeCamp.
Dues for Active and Affiliate members
is $100.00 per year. Dues must be
paid by June 1.

Please mail to Kim @ 228 Barrow Road


Thank you for the wonderful stone
plaque you gave me at the Annual
meeting in March. . .The message is
delightful to read and the plaque looks
fantastic hanging against the white brick
of our porch. .Thank you for your
kindness, enthusiasm, advice and
smiles. . .I truly enjoyed every moment
of serving as president and shall treasure
the memories of those two

years. . . Devotedly, Ginny

April 12- Mimi Milward, Anne Arvin,
Sue Glover and Ginny May

April 19- Mary Louise Fisher, Leslie
Baldwin, Mimi Milward and Ginny May

April 26- Anne Kraus, Mimi Milward,
Sue Glover

May 3 - Celeste Neuman, Kathy Brooks,
Mary Louise Fisher

May 10— Celeste Neuman, Kathy
Brewer,Anne Kraus

May 17- Celeste Newman, Kathy
Brewer, Kathy Courtney

May 24- Leslie Baldwin, Wende Bell,
Benny Williams

May 31- Katie Alford, Joy Hinkle,
Sheilagh Hammond

Garden Open
Wednesdays 9:30am
Bring trowel, clipper,gloves and be
ready to work

Re: Termites in New Orleans mulch
UK Cooperative Extension Service
reports in the April Issue in BY THE
YARD, “The bottom line is that termite-
infested mulch from New Orleans
should not be a significant concern in
Kentucky and other states.”

Photography Workshop June 12
Orange, Virginia

Sarah Salomon , avid photographer and
president of Perennial GC in Bethesda,
MD will lead the workshop. . .Get
information from Ellen if interested.

liditor: Sheilagh Hammond




(iarden ('Iuh of Lexington. Inc.
April 2006

April 20 General Meeting
Wildflower Walk at Howard’s Creek.
Meet at Idle Hour 10am.Take Richmond
Rd. to Athens Boonesboro Rd. Take
right at crossroads and follow Athens
Boonesboro to Hall’s restaurant parking.
Claire Sipple will begin our moderately
strenuous hike along the creek and river
departing from Hall’s. Wear
comfortable clothing and hiking shoes.
The walk will last an hour followed by
picnic with Anne Arvin(885-3143) and
Anne Kraus (266—1446) as our hostesses.
Please RSVP
Claire is willing to lead a more strenuous
walk afier lunch for the adventuresome.

May l-Board Meeting
Janie Pappas 1713 Clays Spring Lane

June 29-Garden Party

Sue Glover, Betsy Bulleit, Luanne
Milward - Sign-up sheets for hors

d’oeuvres, floral arrangements and
donations will be circulated.


Ellen’s News

How fortunate we are to have had Ginny
as our fearless leader for the past two
years. Her endless energy, gentle
reasoning and true love of gardening and
herbs are just a few of Ginny’s many
gifts. As I said at the March meeting,
“those small feet have left huge footsteps
to follow.”

Spring is always exciting in Kentucky!
We are riding the roller coaster of
temperatures. The peony clean-up on
Wednesday March 29 was the quickest
due to the huge turnout of workers.

Wednesday gardening at Ashland began
on April 5th and will last through
October. All of the members should
have received their gardening
assignments from Marty and Libby.

There is a wonderfiil article about Kousa
dogwoods in the April Horticulture
issue. It is written by Paul Cappiello of
Yew Dell Gardens in Louisville. We
have an allee of Cflorida x C. kousa
leading to the peony bed. With the help
of Jessica and Mott we are eradicating
the garden of euonymus and poison ivy.
Again, thank you for all our help. We
have a great year ahead of us! Ellen




Please remember to send your annual
Garden Club dues to Kim DeCamp.
Dues for Active and Affiliate members
is $100.00 per year. Dues must be
paid by June 1.

Please mail to Kim @ 228 Barrow Road


Thank you for the wonderfiil stone
plaque you gave me at the Annual
meeting in March. . . The message is
delightfial to read and the plaque looks
fantastic hanging against the white brick
of our porch. . .Thank you for your
kindness, enthusiasm, advice and
smiles. . .I truly enjoyed every moment
of serving as president and shall treasure
the memories of those two

years. . . Devotedly, Ginny

April 12- Mimi Milward, Anne Arvin,
Sue Glover and Ginny May

April 19- Mary Louise Fisher, Leslie
Baldwin, Mimi Milward and Ginny May

April 26— Anne Kraus, Mimi Milward,
Sue Glover

May 3 - Celeste Neuman, Kathy Brooks,
Mary Louise Fisher

May 10- Celeste Neuman, Kathy
Brewer,Anne Kraus

May 17- Celeste Newman, Kathy
Brewer, Kathy Courtney

May 24— Leslie Baldwin, Wende Bell,
Benny Williams

May 31- Katie Alford, Joy Hinkle,
Sheilagh Hammond

Garden Open
Wednesdays 9:30am
Bring trowel, clipper, gloves and be
ready to work

Re: Termites in New Orleans mulch
UK Cooperative Extension Service
reports in the April Issue in BY THE
YARD, “The bottom line is that termite—
infested mulch from New Orleans
should not be a significant concern in
Kentucky and other states.”

Photography Workshop June 12
Orange, Virginia

Sarah Salomon , avid photographer and
president of Perennial GC in Bethesda,
MD will lead the workshop. . .Get
information from Ellen if interested.

litlilor; Sheilagh Hammond
Slicham'u aolcom



Tthloomfi/L’ News

Garden Club of Lexington, Inc.

May 2006
Editor: Sheilagh Hammond


May 18 Meeting Liberty Hall
Frankfort 10:30 A.M.
Hostesses: Mary Montague 266-7979

Frances Cox 266-4418

We will tour the garden and have light
lunch. We will leave for carpooling at the
McDonalds parking lot Leestown Rd. across
from entrance to Meadowthorpe 9:45am.
If not carpooling take Leestown Rd. 421 to
Frankfort US 60W and exit to right. You will
be on US 60W and 421North. Continue to big
intersection. Follow 421 N to green sign to
Civic Center Complex. Go down hill and
Buffalo Trace Distillery on right. . .Holiday
Inn on left. Go under the train trestle and
Liberty Hall is two blocks up on the right
corner of Main and 218 Wilkinson Street.
Sounds complicated but you basically go to
Frankfort and turn right. One turn and you are

there. . don/L56 @332

Peony Bed Workers
May 17— Celeste Neuman,
Kathy Brewer, Kathy Courtney
May 24- Leslie Baldwin, Wende Bell,
Bennie Williams
May 31— Katie Alford, Joy Hinkle, Sheilagh
June 7- Katie Alford, Luanne Milward, Janie
June 14—Mary Louise Fisher, Nancy Bishop,
Benny Williams


Perennial Thoughts
Many, many thanks to all that helped in the
peony bed. Never has the weed population been
evicted so quickly! Although it is under control at the
moment the rains are bringing new weeds to the
surface as this goes to press.

The Garden Party on June 29th is in full
gear. Please don't forget to sign up or call Betsy
Bulleit or Sue Glover to help or bring food.

Bluegrass Winners T00 is also off and
running. The Cookbook Committee is meeting with
Thoroughbred Press and we hope to have our
format ready soon. Bluegrass Winners as well as
Bluegrass Winners Too had much of interest at the
Bluegrass Festival of Books on April 29‘“.

Our hike to Howard's Creek Nature
Preserve was not dampened despite the threat of
thunderstorms. Clare Sipple enthusiastically
informed us on wildflowers and the history of the
settlement at Howard's Creek. We all loved her
quote from John Venable on spring:

"If the Oak leafs before the Ash,
You'll have a year of Rain and Splash.
If the Ash leafs before the Oak,
You'll have a year of Fire and Smoke"

The Blue Grass lris Society is having its
39th Annual Iris Show at Turfland Mall on Sunday
May 14, 2006. 1:00 pm to 6:00pm no charge They
have a Rhizome Sale on Saturday, July 29,2006
from 10:00 until Sold Out. at the Turfland Mall. Any
questions call Mary Thurman (502) 695-1506.





21297119513105” (/wa Wad/k

We are once again troubled at Ashland by
vandals. A group ranging in age from 18 to 30 called
the "Taggers" have been leaving graffiti (tag) in
different areas on the property. We need your help
in catching them. If you see anyone suspicious
please call the police or Ashland 266-8681
ext.10. They strike during the day and night. We
hope that the garden will not be next!
Ann Hagen-Michel

Aflutter in the Garden
World Equestrian Games committee is
asking neighborhoods to spruce up their yards for
the games. Garden clubs, churches and other
organizations will be asked for donations to help in
low income neighborhoods with flowers, etc.


Friends of the Garden Party
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Mark your calendars for the wonderful,
up-and—coming event! Our Friends of the
Garden Party is now schedule for Thursday,
June 29‘h‘.We are so excited about our new date
because the garden will be at its peak. As
always, we will depend on your enthusiasm and

Sign—up sheets for hors d’oeuvres, floral
arrangements and donations will be passed
around at the meeting and garden work sessions.
May I thank you in advance for you making our
garden party once again a success.

With eager anticipation, Betsy cit} 511/6

Gala Goodies

The Friends of the Arboretum is hosting
its Gala in the Garden Sunday, May 21 at the
Arboretum on Alumni Drive. Enjoy the gardens,
hors d’oeuvres, music and a silent and live
auction. Tickets are $50. Call 859-257-6955.
Make reservations by May 15.

Auction items include a June 22 six—
person limousine tour of four area gardens by
nationally known designer Jon Carloftis and
local designers Stephen Hillenmeyer, Richard
Weber and Louise Hillenmeyer. The package
includes a picnic supper at Georgia
Rhodes’ garden gazebo.

Also, a four-person tour of Carlofiis’
own gardens in Livingston. This includes
dinner and accommodations.

If you choose to change your membership
status, you are encouraged to do so by June 1 so
that you are not responsible for 2006 dues.

Name Update
Patty King - Mrs. Ronald Hadley Rennick.


 The Bloomin’ News

June 2006
Ed/tor; Sheilagh Hammond


June 15th General Meeting

Thursday 11:00 AM

Yew Dell Gardens with Dr. Paul Cappiello
Directions: l-64W to Louisville - Gene Snyder N to
71N - exit 14 - turn right - bypass 329 — two to three
miles to Center of Crestwood - thru traffic light
under 3 RR overpass - be prepared to make
immediate left between two rock walls onto Old
LaGrange Rd. Pass fire station and row of
buildings - sign for Yew Dell and driveway on right.

Attendance is important because Glenview is
nominating Yew Dell for Founders Fund and we
are seconders. Carpool from McDonalds
Leestown Road 9:30am Janie

Hostesses: Mott Nicol 272-1987

Mary Louise Fisher 269-8463 RSVP

July 10th Board Meeting 9:30 am
Callie Keller

July 20th General Meeting
Ashland Garden 10:30 am

I need hostesses for this meeting.
Thank you. Janie

Aflutter in the Garden

At the July general meeting the members are
asked to bring flower arrangements to be judged
and then taken to our shut-ins.

Mary Louise Fisher- Flower Comm.

Perennial Thoughts

Barbara Young, Wende Bell and I thank all of you
for giving us the opportunity to travel to Denver for
the Annual Garden Club Meeting. We came home
with an appreciation of what the Garden Club of
America provides nationally and within each
individual club. The topic of the meeting was
National Parks-Natural Treasures with
unforgettable speakers highlighted by Tom
Kieman, President of the National Parks
Conservation Association and Horticulturalists,
Landscape Designers, and Authors Panetta and
Gwen Kelaidis.The GCA is a respected force both
in conservation and preservation!

In May we unanimously passed to second the
Proposal of Yew Dell for the Founders Fund
Award. Glenview Garden Club will be

the Proposer. I hope everyone will try and attend
our next meeting when we travel to Yew Dell
Gardens in Louisville. Dr. Capielli will meet with us
and give us a better understanding of their plans
for the future. This will be our last "field trip" for a
few months and well worth the trip to Louisville.

lf you have not had time to stop, smell and

VIEW the Roses you are missing out. The roses in
the garden meticulously tended by the team

of Nancy Bishop, Luanne Milward, Brenda Barrett,
Leslie Baldwin and Sheilagh Hammond

would impress any Rosaria. The recipe for
success is a rotating weekly deadheading, feeding
and spraying that have been passed down from
Betty Tenney and Alyce Hoskins. How fortunate to
have members past and present with

the commitment to keeping the Garden so
beautiful. Stop by the rose parterre and they

will explain the secrets to beautiful roses!

It is the month of June,
The month of leaves and roses
When pleasant sights salute the eyes,
And pleasant scents the roses.
Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867)

With the end of Plant Exchange the GCA
Horticulture Committee is encouraging
members to make use of the GCA SEED
EXCHANGE posted on the GCA website under
renowned plants of the GCA are posted and, best
of all, are FREE forthe asking! To participate in
the exchange, please contact the donor directly.
To submit a seed, please email





Cookbook Update

We are currently working very hard on the
cookbook. We are meeting to set up menus and
are still testing recipes. If anyone is interested we
need volunteers to test farm recipes. Let Martie or
Jane know if you are interested. We are

still looking for any new recipes that you may run
across that you think would be great for the
cookbook. Our deadline to have everything
together to give to Eclipse Press is August
15th...We have much to do...Martie and Jane

Appetizers- Judy Philpott & Nancy Bishop
Soups- Sue Glover & Anne Gay

Meats- Betty Kenan & Bettie Bos Haggin

Fish and Shellfish - Ellen Chapman & Meloyde

Vegetables- Mott Nicol

Eggs, Cheese, Pasta- Luanne Milward 8. Kathy

Salads- Lauren Van Balen &

Kathy Brooks

Breads- Barbara Young

Desserts- Betty Kinkead & Ginny May

Peony Bed Workers

June 7 - Katie Alford, Luanne Milward, Janie

June 14— Mary Louise Fisher, Nancy Bishop,
Benny Williams

June 21- Betsy Bulleit, Kathy Courtney, Betsy

June 28- Betsy Bulleit, Kim DeCamp, Frances Cox
July 5- Nancy Bishop, Wende Bell, Betsy Bulleit
July 12- Ann Arvin, Wende Bell, Betsy Hillenmeyer
July 19- Brenda Barrett, Edie Gess, Kathy

July 26- Kim DeCamp, Frances Cox, Joy Hinkle

Friends of the Garden Party
Thursday, June 29, 2006


The deadline for proposals for new members is
Sunday, August 27. Admissions forms are
available from Nancy Bishop. Please be thinking
of good candidates for membership. Call Nancy
with any questions.

60 Seconds with GCA
Lauren Van Balen, PR Chair

What exactly is the GCA? A non-profit national
organization comprised of over 17,000 members of
GCA clubs who dedicate their energies and
expertise to projects in the communities around the
country. Founded in 1913, The Garden Club of
America is a recognized national leader in the
fields of horticulture, conservation and civic

Garden Help Online

The University of Kentucky has created the Web
site www.GardenData.org to be the electronic
answer hub for gardening questions in the
Bluegrass State. More than 1,200 questions and
answers are posted. The site can be browsed or a
specific question can be asked. lnfonnation
provided on this site is reviewed by the extension
specialists for accuracy.


There are some easels that were left in the garden
after the Garden Party last summer...lf they belong
to you they are located in the shed in the garden...



The Bloomin’ News


September 2006
Emma: Sheliagh Hammond


September 21St Meeting
Warwick @ 10:30am
Speakers: Bettye Lee Mastin

Jim Birchfield
Hostesses: Linda Carey 266-7162

Betty Gess 263-4542
Carpool from Lexington Mall parking lot
In front of Dillards @ 9:45 am

Directions to Warwick

From Versailles Road, take the Blue Grass
Parkway. After you cross the Kentucky River, look
for the first exit, which is for Harrodsburg &
Lawrenceburg. You will want to go left, toward
Harrodsburg (go under the bridge and coil up to the

You will soon enter Mercer County; pass through
the village of Salvisa. Beyond Salvisa, be alert for
the tall white North Mercer water tower on your
left. Next, immediately watch for a left turn lane
and turn onto McAfee Lane (with sign "Deaf Child
Zone"). Go to the end of McAfee Lane.

Turn left at the dead end and straight ahead you
will see a "Bridge Out" sign at the cemetery. This
is the beginning of Oregon Road. Go about two
miles on Oregon Road. At this point, there should
be a black barn on your right, the trees will come
together overhead, and you will be going downhill.
You will pass the driveway for 1565 Oregon Road
(Landing Run Farm). Immediately, the next drive is
for Warwick (no mailbox). There will probably be a
Styrofoam Tower on a tree at the entrance.

Enter, drive through the tiny creek, and you are at
Clay Lancaster's house.

In case you need to call, the number at the house
is: (859) 865-4225.

October 2 - Board Meeting Kim Decamp

Aflutter in the Garden

Ashland has asked our Garden Club and others to
decorate a tree and mantle for their Christmas
Holiday. The Flower Committee will meet on Wed.
Sept. 13th at 11 am. to decide our theme and help
put this event together. We set up on Nov. |3th
and it stays up through December. Be thinking of
cute ideas that would represent

"A Neighborhood Holiday at Ashland"!!!

Perennial Thoughts

As we wind down from summer and finally smell
and feel autumn approaching I thank all you for the
hard work that makes the garden at Ashland so
special. We especially appreciate the enthusiasm
from those who come on Wednesday mornings.
Thank you also to the" Refreshment Ladies" made
up of Lida Givens, Delia Kessinger, Ann Turner,
Helen Breckinridge, Anne Campbell,

Talitha Freeman, Betty Kinkead, Ginny Adams and
Dottie Wachs.

The Zone meeting is in Alexandria Va. on October
11-13th. Please read the schedule and i hope you
will find a class to enter. Don't forget about

the photography section! You can learn more
about each class from the GCA website
(wwwgcamericaorg password compost). Contact
Mary Montague with your entries and please

Hope to see everyone at Warwick on the 21st!

Yew Dell Gardens Events

September 8th 7:30am-5:30pm

Adrian Bloom, Internationally renowned British
plantsman and garden designer, will lead
gardeners in an effort to plant a new mixed border
garden below Yew Dell’s castle terrace. The event
will include a sale of unusual plants and fall
blooming bulbs.

September 9th 10:30am

We will follow garden planting project with a garden
lecture by Mr. Bloom regarding ideas for your own
gardens as well as views of his garden in
Bressingham, England.

Lecture followed by a catered lunch and tour of the
Yew Dell gardens.

Tickets: $75 members/ $85 non-members
Contact Lynne Fears: Mnefaiyewdellqardensorq

Conservation Committee

Ashland is home to the federally endangered, rare
plant specie, trifo/ium sto/oniferum, and “running
buffalo" clover. This plant is so rare globally, a
concerted effort has been made to conserve and
recover this species in the Bluegrass. At the time of
settlement, the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky was
called the 'land of cane and clover'. -from
Conserving Kentucky, summer 2006. Our Garden
Club has been working with the Kentucky State
Nature Preserves Commission to help protect and
encourage this rare plant and will continue to do



Horticulture Committee Meeting
September 20th 11am @ Ashland Garden
Mary Montague

Fall Gardening
As fall approaches the garden will still require
attention. In addition to regular maintenance the
leaves are now an issue. There are several beds
that need mulching. Mulch will be available mid-
September. Thanks to the dedication of many
faithful members and Mother Nature the garden is
We have all enjoyed the delicious sandwiches,
sweets and teas as we have worked. Many thanks
to Lida for giving the mornings an added dimension
and to everyone who fed and visited on
There are several dates scheduled for fall:
Garden Cleanup: Wednesday October 18th
Bulb Day: Wednesday November 1

Rain date: November 8th
Again thank you to everyone who works to make
Ashland Garden so special.
Martie and Libby

New Patio Tree at Ashland Garden
Chinese Elm or Lacebark Elm
U/mus parvifo/ia


Native to northern China, Japan, and Korea, the
Chinese or Lacebark elm generally has a broad,
vase-like shape with pendulous branches. in
warmer regions, it may be evergreen. The bark is
usually smooth. It grows fairly quickly and is
resistant to Dutch elm disease making it a popular
choice for landscaping.

Missing Book

I am missing my D&K Horticulture book titled fl.
It is a large, heavy blue book. If I loaned it to
anyone or if someone found it, please let me know.
Thank you.

Gay VanMeter 299-9390

Garden Club of America 2006

Zone Vll meeting

Wednesday, October 11th- Friday October 13th
Host: The Garden Club of Alexandria

As a member of GCA each club in Zone Vll is
required to enter three Horticulture Division

Each member of GCL needs to study the
descriptions of the classes and look at your garden
carefully for entry material. The classes and a brief
description are listed on the following page.

Mary Montague 266-7979

Office space neededll

We are looking for an inexpensive space for the
Bluegrass Winners cookbook office. We must
move in December. Two rooms will do with
parking available for Susie and access for
transporting boxes of books. Any ideas?

Call Anne Arvin, 333-4889 or 885-3143.



The Bloomin’ News


October 2006
Editor: Sheilagh Hammond


October 10

Horticulture Notice Anyone with material to send
to the zone meeting, please bring it between 10am
and 2prn,Tuesday October 10 to Mary Montague
241 South Hanover Ave. 266-7979

Please bring all necessary information: name of
plant. scientific name. growing conditions (ie. side
of house, sun, shade, moist/dry soil etc). if you
need help with identification and information i have
reference n'raterials. Mary

General Meeting October 19
Joint meeting with Glenview Garden Club from

idle Hour Country Club 10:30 am
Hostesses: Carol Jackson 335—5711
Betty Kenan 269—6165 Lucy Breathitt 269—5081

Dry Stone Conservancy speakers: Carolyn
“v’ooley, Jane Wooley, Jean Ann Tulloch

Bluegrass Conservancy speaker: McKensie Royce

November 6th Board Meeting
Ellen Chapman 9:30am

Perennial Thoughts

Our commitment to the Garden Club of America
has kept us busy. Lu Ann Milward as Founder’s
Fund chairman has completed the letterto second
the Founders Fund proposal. Glenview Garden
Club has proposed Yew Deli Gardens “Children in
the Dell” for the 2007 award, We feel fortunate to
have the opportunity to support such a great
teaching facility.

Barbara Young is the Zone Vll Scholarship
representative. Together with the Paducah Garden
Club and Glenview Garden Club in Louisville a
$2000.00 summer intern scholarship was created
in honor ofthe admired and beloved Sallie Brown.
Our support is for one year and Barbara will keep
us up to date on the honoree. Barbara is now
attending the GOA scholarship meeting in New

The Zone Vll meeting is in Alexandria, Virginia
Oct 11- 13”. Joy Hinkle will be traveling as my
delegate. Gratefully. Joy has entered one of the
flower arranging classes. We look forward to

entering our clubls horticulture specimens.

Jessica Nicholson will be attending the meeting as
a GC-A. perspective flower showjudge. This is
another difficult honor to achieve. We are
fortunate to have these members in our club.
Congratulations! Ellen

As it becomes time to think about “putting the
garden at Ashland to bed” there are a few
reminders we would like to repeat. October 18th
and October 25th are clean up days at the garden
with bulb day November 15‘. November 8t is a
rain date.

we were at the garden several days and were
amazed and pleased by the number of people who
use and enjoy the garden: artists, photographers,
families, friends, and other gardeners. it is a
pleasure to see the garden so busy.

in briefly looking forward to March, Martie and i will
send out garden assignments. We would like input
from our members if you would like a change of
border, need more or fewer workers in an area, or
have a borderthat you would like to work.

Again. thanks to all of you who work so regularly in

the garden and make thisiob so rewarding and a

place for many to enjoy. Libby and Martie



GCA Minute

Did you know The Garden Club of America
established the Founder’s Fund in 1934? The
award is to help restore, improve and protect
the quality of the environment through
educational programs and action in the fields
of conservation and civic improvement. The
first award was announced in 1936 and the
winner received $700. Today, the first place
winner receives $25,000, and each runner-up
receives $7,500! l! Good luck to Yew Dell

Lauren Van Balen, Public Relations

Aflutter in the Garden

Ashland has asked our garden club to decorate a
room during the holidays. Edie Gess, Leslie
Baldwin and Brenda Barrett are decorating the
drawing room with a bird theme.

At our November meeting we will be working on a
Thanksgiving arrangement. I ask all members to
bring a Thanksgiving container with oasis, berries,
and branches from our gardens. I will supply fresh
fall flowers.

Mary Louise Flower committee chairman


The Fall 2006 issue of The Real Dirt is now on the
GCA website. You may find it on the Members
Only Page under Real Dirt (on tan bar) or under
the Horticulture Committee listing. The back issues
are only available online.

1. Go to the Garden Club of America website -

2. Click on Members Only

3. User Name: gcamember

4. Password: compost

5. At the top of the page click on Real Dirt forthe
current issue.

6. Or click on Committees and go to the
Horticulture Committee listing for the new issue
and back issues. An index of articles in the back
issues is posted as well.

Please feel free to contact a member of the
Horticulture Committee or ou