xt7kd50fz294_36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records The Bloomin' News text The Bloomin' News 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_02/Folder_24/Multipage4265.pdf 1972-1988 1988 1972-1988 section false xt7kd50fz294_36 xt7kd50fz294   



"The Bloomin' News is an attempt
by your Garden Club of Lexington Con-
servation Committee to reach each
member of this branch of the Garden
Club of America with an emphasis on
facts relating to the field of Con—
servation only. The editorial staff
hopes to capture and reflect the
knowledge and attitudes of individuals
or organizations concerned with


”The purpose of the Conservation
Committee is to translate the princi-
ples of conservation into personal
action and thus encourage others to
recognize our responsibility for the
preservation of our natural resources
and the protection of the environ—


Mrs. W. L. Lyons Brown

lst Vice—Chairman:
Mrs. Robert L. Cummings, Jr.


VOL. I NO. 1

Edited By:
Conservation Committee
of the
Garden Club of Lexington
Mrs. John P. Barrow, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Schubert

Feature Writer
Miss Daisy Hume

Guest Writer
Joseph C. Graves, Jr.



Vice Chairmen:
Conservation Education
Mrs. R. Duncan Elder

Environmental Quality—Air, Water,
Soil Pollution
Mrs. Thomas H. Gsanell

Historic Preservation and Civic

Mrs. Richard Freeman

Land Use, National Parks, Wildlife
Sanctuaries, Wilderness Areas, Open

Mrs. James R. Miller

Mrs. A. Douglas Hall

Mrs. Douglas Carver

Roadsides—Billboards, Planning
and Zoning
Mrs. Marion Fuller Brown

Zone VII Representative

Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia,
North Carolina

Mrs. Ernest Hamill

French Broad River Garden Club


(Noticing that walls curve around trees in Mexico)


A place

Where they break the walls
To let the trees in

Is a place

Where there is room for man

William H. Cohen

The large trees which line the streets and parkways along
some entrances to Lexington are grace notes in a city where natural
beauty is being steadily ravished in the name of ”progress”.

Recently the Kentucky State Highway Department announced
two street improvement projects for Lexington. The proposal to four
lane Tates Creek Road from Lakewood Drive northeast to Euclid Avenue
would destroy a minimum of 60 trees. The proposal to widen North
Broadway from Loudon to a point near the railroad bridge south of the
New Circle Road would Spell the doom of the handsome pin oak trees
which grace that entrance.

At a public meeting of the City Commission on August 10 -
representatives of the Sierra Club, the Metro Environmental Commission,
and other organizations joined many citizens who were present to

express firm opposition to both proposals. Both state senators from
Fayette County - Gibson Downing and Mike Moloney expressed opposition as
did 1.

Suggestions which were made concerning the alleviation of
traffic congestion on Tates Creek included — creation of an alternating
traffic lane running toward town in the morning and out of town in the
evening, extension of University Drive from C00per Drive through the
University Farm to Tates Creek, left turn lights at specified intersections,
and a greatly improved bus system to reduce peak hour traffic congestion.
Those present at the meeting were assured by the Mayor of the commission's
interest in preserving the trees; however a public statement has not been
made indicating that the commission has agreed with the Highway Department
to cancel the Tates Creek street widening project and pursue less des-
tructive alternatives.

On September 7, the State Highway Department conducted a public
hearing in the K.U. Auditorium on their several proposals to widen North

Broadway. Many organizations and individuals were present to state
opposition to the proposal alternates that would destroy varying numbers
of trees. Mayor Foster Pettit speaking for the commission announced that

the city would only support the proposal to improve the North Broadway -
Loudon Avenue intersection and the entrance to Northland Shopping Center —
this alternative destroys no trees. Undoubtedly the Highway Department
will concur, although reluctantly, with the city's wishes for usually

the department gives some weight to the preference expressed by local




What can the Garden Clubs do - what can you do as an individual
to help insure that improvements planned for our city add to rather than
detract from its beauty and attractiveness?

A few suggestions.

Increase your support for local officials who have demonstrated
their concern for aesthetics. Thaflcthe mayor and commissioners for
their stands opposing the proposals to widen North Broadway and Tates

Encourage local elected officials to develOp a screening process
which will allow local citizens in each of the five Fayette County
legislative districts — working with local elected officials ~ to review
all plans for public improvements (street widenings, etc.) proposed in
their district to be certain that the proposed improvement is the least
destructive way of accomplishing the intended purpose.

Those who profit from the mindless growth of this community
contribute time and money in every local election. Those who stand for
a rational attractive approach to development and redevelopment must
become more active in local elections.

Select the candidates whose track record most nearly agrees with
your dreams for this community. Support these candidates with your time,
talents, and money.

Attractive, functional, handsome cities don't just happen. They
are created and cherished and maintained by their citizens who support
and select civic and political leaders capable of converting dreams into

Joe Graves
State Representative
79th Legislative District



BOCA = Bluegrass Organic WHERE to send support - $2.00

Consumers Association dues to:
Mrs. Elva Lee

WHAT can we do on the Environ— 349 Bob—O—Link Drive
mental, Organic and Lexington, Kentucky
Consumer front?

HOW to get started a Natural WHAT PRICE ECOLOGY?

Food Co—Op?
This newsletter is printed on

WHY to urge the citizens of ”Ecology Bond”.
Lexington to compost? ”Ecology Bond” — $2.10/100
See BOCA Leaf Compost Regular Bond - $1.60/1OO
Bulletin. The same bond of equal weight,

grade and quality is called
WHO is a membership of over 300 Regular Bond here for comparison.




Fall 1972
Dear Friendly Gardener,

September 1972 will long be remem—
bered for the result of years of work
of preservationists. A visit from
Secretary of the Interior, Rogers C. B.
Morton made history in giving awards
that reflect Kentucky Historic Land—
marks: at Pleasant Hill, Shakertown;
Liberty Hall, Frankfort; the Old State—
house in Frankfort; the Old Bank of
Louisville Building; and the Louisville
Water Company Pumping Station.

The Garden Club of Lexington should
add to their group of conservationists—
Martha Worth. Congratulations to Martha
and Bill Worth for buying and restoring
the McGarvey House, 362 South Mill St.

After four months of restoration the
house officially opened the last of
September. The removal of the front
porch changed the whole atmosphere and
the color scheme is a delight to see.
Most of all it seemed like a home to be
lived in and enjoyed.

To me the name McGarvey brings many
memories. When I knew President McGar—
vey (Brother McGarvey) he lived in
Fayette Park where he had later built

a house. I knew ”Miss Sara" (Mrs. Hig—
genbottom) and Sallie H. Cook while I
was at Hamilton and Transylvania. I

have recollections of a son and was
pleased to be introduced to a grandson
the other day.

All in all a grand addition to the
Urban Renewal plan without any cost to
us taxpayers. Many, many thanks to
Martha and Bill for many hours of hard









You have a new Zone VII Conservation
Representative. Mrs. Bruce C. Gunnell,
Garden Club of Alexandria is filling out
the unexpired term (till June) of Mrs.
Ernest Hamill, French Broad River Club,
Ashville, North Carolina, who has had to
resign because of illness. She has
wishes of our best and our gratitude for
being such a splendid representative.



(Thanks and apologies to ”Washington
Evening Star and News”)

There's been a rude awakening lately for
those who thought the long billboard
battle was almost over! The survival of
these blights is directly related to the
potency of the Billboard Lobby here in
Washington and that group has been able
to influence Congress in a way that is
incredible! Consider the procrastination
and vacillation Congress has shown on
this issue:

1. In 1965 it passed the Highway
Beautification Act requiring the elimi—



Edited By:
Conservation Committee
of the
Garden Club of Lexington
Mrs. John P. Barrow, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Schubert



nation of 800,000 signs along Federal-
aid highways. Federal funds were to be
appropriated to pay for 75% of the
compensation costs. (Most garden clubs
thought the battle was over!) BUT

2. Congress waited 5 years - till
1970 - to appropriate the funds and then
came through with too little! During
these 5 years the states had little zest
to take down billboards without Federal

3. All 50 states have now passed laws
complying with the 1965 Highway Act and
are now elgible for compensation. BUT

4. So far only 50,000 of the 800,000
billboards have come down. AND

5. Most threatening of all, the Bill-
board Lobby is making a mighty struggle
to get a device attached on to a new 1973
Highway Bill that almost worked in the
last Congress, namely: giving away to the
Billboard Industry a 2 year moratorium on
the removal of ”Directional Signs”, which
of course, would include any sign that
told how far it is to such and such
motel, filling station, cider stand, etc.,
etc., and hence would comprise almost all
the billboards left standing! THEREFORE

6. Congress should promptly reject the
”Directional Sign” mischief and approp-
riate enough money to get the billboard
cleanup really moving!

the Billboard Lobby is not being silent

on this subject!

Every member of every club can write a
simple message to her Congressman in 5
minutes: ”Get down the billboards, NOW!"
Handwritten letters are best — worded in
your own way. You represent a VOTE to

Address envelope:
The Honorable John B. Breckinridge
House of Representatives
Washington, D. C. 20013



LETTER FROM GCA -——- Thank you for your support on this


campaign. You will be helping to
January 22, 1973 Save on energy, Save on solid
Dear Club President and waste build-up and Save on trees.

Conservation Chairman;
The Conservation Committee of

The Garden Club of America has /Mrs. Thomas Gosnell
unanimously voted to mount a sub- Vice Chairman
stantial drive to encourage the use Air—Water—Soil Pollution

of recycled paper. It is the direct
result of our member's concern and


involvement with the energy crisis, FACT SHEET
the solid waste build—up and the IF YOU USE RECYCLED PAPER, WHAT DO
depletion of our forests. YOU ACCOMPLISH?
Our campaign project S.S.S. can
and will be successful if each of A. Less trees cut down
our 40,000 members across the B. Less energy used
nation feels her responsibility C. Less solid waste accumulated
and actively participates.
l. The base of our campaign TREES
will be letters which explain why 1, Many experts forsee that by
we feel using recycled paper is 1983—85, we will be using more
necessary. We urge you to read the trees than we can grow.
enclosed fact sheet and to have 2, Trees take from 15 to 40 years
copies made for each 0f your mem- to reach the size where they may be
bers. Then, compose your own used in paper production as a
letters (to your 0011886, your source of wood pulp. Seventeen
children's schools, the agencies such trees, roughly the yearly pro-
through which you do volunteer work, duct of a 3 2/3—acre forest, must
the companies in which you hold be cut down to make one ton of
stock) asking them to join in the virgin paper.
effort to use recycled paper. 3. At present, the United States
We hope each member will set for is importing primarily from Canada
herself a goal 0f at least five SUCh over 10% of its timber requirements
letters, and we further hOpe that for paper because our domestic
the Club Presidents will ask at the forests in the year 1972 were un-
next two or three meetings whether able to supply the demand,
your goal has been accomplished. 4. If we project to the year 1985
Just imagine the impact if from all the amount of wood fiber needed by
over the United States such letters the United States, one sees that
arrived at, say, the Eastman Kodak the demand by that year will exceed
Company. the supply available from North
2. A letter to your newspaper America. Therefore, the National
or to a local news program telling Academy of Engineering estimates
0f the drive Will give a further that the rate of recycling must be
opportunity to Spread the infor- raised from 20% to 35% by 1985 in
mation. order to keep the nation's wood
This mailing to you will cost resources in balance.
approximately $80. It will be
money well spent if from New York ENERGY
to Hawaii recycling 0f paper and l. The problem of exhaustion of
use Of recycled paper becomes energy sources is a national con-
apparent. cern.



2. The manufacture of recycled
paper requires less energy and can
result in less water and less air
polution than does the conversion
of wood pulp into virgin paper.

3. To make the stock for one ton
of paper requires 1—1/2 tons of
coal, thousands of gallons of water
and 17 trees.

4. To make completely white re—
cycled paper requires one—half the
energy required for virgin paper.
5. Recycled paper can be made
indistinguishable from virgin paper,
or it can have a recycled ”look”.
6. Those willing to use non de—
inked recycled paper can do far
more for the environment, since
de—inking does produce some water


1. Paper constitutes 50% of all
municipal waste. Figures for sub—
urban waste go as high as 80%

2. Americans use approximately 55
million tons of paper and paper
products a year.

3. At present, 20% of the above is
made from recycled paper. This
amount represents about 200 million
trees saved each year.

4. If both sides of the paper are
used, it is an obvious fact that by
that quick device alone we save 50%
of the paper used.

5. The increased demand for re-
cycled paper will also increase
interest in the recycling process
itself. As this occurs, the solid
waste generated will be decreased.


I. The lack of market is one big
problem confronting those who wish
to recycle. We must help to create
that market. Purchase of recycled
paper products will increase the
market demand and also lower prices.


2. One-half the paper manufactured
in the United States is paperboard
(cereal boxes, cartons, etc.). A

far greater variety of scrap paper
can be recycled for paperboard


than for office paper.

3. Present and happy users of re-
cycled paper include the City of
New York, the Bank of America and
the National Geographic Society.

”Purchasing Recycled Paper,” a
prospectus by the Council of New
York Law Associates, Room 510, 36
West 44th Street, New York, New
York 10036.

P.O.Box 1996

Lexington, Ky.

February 1, 1973
Dear Friends,

The Environmental Projects
Committee of TKO, Inc. is planning
to Open a collection center for
recyclable materials in March.
Located in the area bound by Spring,
West High, Patterson, and Old Vine
Streets, this center will be
equipped to collect and tranSport
to recycling plants the following

Cans (both aluminum and bi-

metal) clean, with paper labels

removed and flattened;

Glass (clear, green and brown)
clean, with paper and metal

Corrugated paper,f1attened; and


There will also be facilities to
collect newspapers on behalf of the
current neWSpaper collection pro-
ject of the Volunteers of America.
At the inception of its operation,
the center expects to be open every
Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We feel that you and other mem-
bers of your church, club or
organization, either collectively
or individually, would like to
participate in making the collect-
ion center an Operating seccess.

To this end we would like to



suggest the following:

1. Watch for announcements of the
opening day of the center in the
news media and discuss it with
your friends.

2. Save as many recyclable items
as you can and bring them to the

3. Assist in staffing the center
on Saturdays. Those who are
interested should call me at

We shall look forward to hearing
from you and working with you.


/Alda M. Prosser

Projects Comm.


TKO Collection Center Opens March 31

Open Every Saturday Thereafter
8 to 5

(on Old Vine between Broadway and
Patterson Streets)


Auntie Pollution Says:

”Remember, your grandmother was the
original earth woman. She practiced
ecology by making use of things we
throw away today - only to her it
was known as economy. Make her
economy your ecology!"




Box 4144

Kentucky 40504




"You cannot teach a man any—
thing. You can only help him
discover it within himself."




The Senate Commerce Committee
will hold hearings on a bill for
a nationwide ban on selling pro—
ducts in non—returnable bottles
and cans. The bill will be heard
sometime in October or November,
and is known as S. 2062. It is
Sponsored by Senator Mark Hatfield
of Oregon.

Do YOU have a right to protest
without a solution?


is printed on


Vol. I No. 3

Edited By:
Conservation Committee
of the
Garden Club of Lexington
Mrs. John P. Barrow, Jr.


(Reprinted from the Buckley Hills
Audubon Society Newsletter of
September-October, 1973)

Following is the statement made by Mr.
Ralph Madison, president of the Kentucky
Audubon Council, at the hearing in Stant-
on, Ky., on July 14, on the proposed Red
River Dam and Lake. A follow—up letter
to Governor wendell H. Ford is also pre-

When the Red River project was first
discussed, the objective was flood con—
trol and it was authorized under the
Flood Control Act (Public Law 87—874,
87th Congress). Now general recreation
seems to be the main objective. In fact,
42.5% of the claimed benefits are from
recreation while only 41% are attributed
to flood control. This situation there—
fore casts doubt on the true objective of
the project. If the basic purpose is for
recreation, then the project is in viola—
tion of the real Water Resources objec—
tive of the Corps. If the basic purpose
is for flood control, it is inconceivable
that such a huge structural impouhdment
is required.

A true flood control dam would be one
designed to contain the ”so—called floods
of record” but Would be operated at a
minimal or no-pool stage. Thus when a
flood occurred, the dam would contain the

Continued on Page 2



water. In this Red River project, the pool would
be so high that little or no protection would be
obtained during a severe flood. But there would
be plenty of recreation!

Furthermore, severe damage would occur to
recreational facilities with such a high pool,
thus lessening the benefits by a very significant
amount. A lesson should be learned from the dif—
ficulties at Lake Barkley last Spring when

government operators were forced to further raise
the pool level on account of heavy rainfall. With
each proposed project being justified by includ—
ing huge recreational benefits, the per—unit ben—
efit becomes increasingly less valuable.

In addition, the environmental damage result—
ing from the construction of this huge impound—
ment will be tremendous and no amount of environ—
mental analysis will overcome the ”irretrievable
losses”which will be imposed on the Gorge area.

In conclusion, we believe that the purpose of
the Red River Flood Control and Water Supply Pro—
ject would be satisfied with a much smaller dam
operating in a realistic flood containment man—
ner. Better still would be no dam at C’ll!

Dear Governor Ford:
Re: Red River Lake

This letter will supplement my Statement made
for the Kentucky Audubon Council at the Public
Hearing on Red River Lake at Stanton, on July 14,

An analysis of the data found in the Draft En—
vironmental Impact Statement reveals how mislead-
ing the entire proposal is. For instance, the
volume containment for flood control is 138,000
acre feet while the maximum flood of record (50
years) is 55,480 acre feet. In other words, the
provision for flood control is 2-1/2 times great-
er than required. When the unwanted water sup-
ply is deducted (including the volume provided
for silt) the dam is actually 3 times larger then
required for flood control!


(By permission of Buckley Hills
Audubon Society Newsletter

Pipelines. It seems that my summer
has had its fill of them. The
Alaska oil line. The Ashland oil

Congress has passed the Alaska
digging without any further re—
course, and the example it has
set on a problem such as this, is
that you get enough power and you
do what you want to regardless

of other ways.

The Ashland oil line. Nobody
could touch it. Ashland said it
had decided to put it through
here and that was that. It
would take a law to undo the
right of eminent domain before
anybody could get any leverage.

And now, I suppose even if you
got a law, the legislature could
override it if it wanted to
following the example of the

There's got to be a way. A
conscience, maybe?

Which brings us to the topic of
solar energy. I'm all for it.
And so are a lot of other people,
including the government.

However, the government isn't
backing the research as heavily
as it is the nuclear plants.
The University of Arizona has a

The Corps of Engineers is aware of this, of
course. They also know that if they recommended

a dam suitable only for flood control, the pool
or lake would be so small as to be unsuitable for
”recreation”. They consequently artificially

build up the ”water—supply" and the flood control
volume so that the lake would be large enough to
enable them to ”crank in" more recreational bene—
fits. This would presumable make a muchmmore pa—
latable package for the public to swallow. We
believe this action is deceptive to the highest

In addition, their attempt to show a benefit in
Social Well—being is biased and without any human
feeling. We do not believe that Social Well-being
is achieved through disruption of the homes and
lives of the citizens living above the dam, so
that the owners of the land below the dam benefit
from the unfortunate circumstances of the former.
This is especially so when it is translated into
development profit and marina fees. (Incidentally,
we disagree vehemently with your Premise that
Progress means that Somebody Has To Get Hurt).

The attached Statement has already spoken to
the idea of constructing a true flood control dam.
Such a structure would cost a great deal less mon—
ey and be non—disruptive to human life. Another
alternative is a flood wall which, contrary to
certain beliefs, has not been fully investigated
and therefore has not been proved to be economi—
cally infeasible.

In View of the foregoing and without even com—
menting on the environmental which would definite-
ly occur, we respecfully urge you to take the
necessary steps to prevent the construction of
this dam.

Sincerely yours,
(8) Ralph Madison, Pres.
Kentucky Addubon Council

sun machine atop one of its
buildings financed by four power
companies. Honeywell Corporation
and the U. of Minnesota are
working on heat collection under
a National Science Foundation

Some feel that a several hundred—
megawatt plant could be in opera-
tion by the 1980's. The sun
deposits every 15 minutes, on

the illuminated side of the Earth
energy equivalent to all energy
consumed by people on Earth in an
entire year. Or say it this way:
average solar energy that falls
on Lake Erie alone every day is
more than all the energy consumed
in the U.S. in a 24 hour period.
Sounds great doesn't it? But
there are a lot of bugs in the
process that have to be knocked
out to make the sun power avail-
able to your electric outlets.

Mrs. Alex Bower

”For our life, though it is full
of things, is empty of the kind
of purpose and effort that gives
life its flavor and its meaning.”
James Reston
May 6, 1973


by David N. Poinsett

(Preservation News-July1973)

Historic preservation has existed. in its traditional
sense. for three purposes. The first is education. His-
toric preservation supplements the written word. In a
properly interpreted historic house museum. a person
gains insight into the life and times of previous indi-
viduals and groups. It is. in effect. a three-dimensional
learning experience.

Secondly. historic preservation exists for the purpose
of recreation. It is fun to visit historic sites. to see the
unusual. quaint and often difficult ways in which peo-
ple lived in an earlier age.

Thirdly. historic preservation exists for inspiration.
Patriotism. in its truest sense. is instilled and strength-
ened by gaining a better insight into who we are as a
people and nation. whence we came. and where we are
headed. Historic preservation can help instill and

There is today a fourth reason for historic preserva-
non.'Thisisthe putnng of hbtoncaHy and archnec-
turally valuable sites and buildings to economically
viable uses. Such uses are often different from. and yet
compatible with. the original function of the structure.
This is perhaps the greatest challenge and most im-
portant work of the historic preservationist. It requires
careful planning. creativeness, extra effort and. most
important of all. a state of mind that will seek alterna-
tives to the obvious one of demolition.

Historic preservation means building new Structures
that reflect our time yet blend with the old. In districts
of architecturally important buildings, the new should
complement the old. not copy it. As Ada Louise Hux-
Timer last October, "The best of the past deserves the
best ofthe present. not make-believe muck."



International Book Project,
Inc., 17 Mentelle Park, Lexington,
Kentucky, 40502 IS! For less than
$1.00 you can send 4 pounds of
used magazines or 8 pounds of used
books overseas. If you would like
to share your used books and
magazines with someone abroad,
write to IBP. Include your name
and address, and they will send
you the name of someone in need of
the material.

The 1973 lBP Christmas card
is postcard size with a postcard
back. These cards are available
25 for a tax deductible gift of

For orders notify the IBP




Box 4144


Kentucky 40504





How do you prefer the news? The Lex-
ington Herald-Leader headlined the demise
of the Bottle Bill with Litter Problem
Study Gets senate Group OK. The Kentucky
Kernel stated flatly Senate Kills All
Hope of Bottle Bill Passage.

The Bottle Bill was introduced in the
House by Representative Vic Hellard of
Versailles. It was a copy of the work-
ing Oregon State Bill. Senator John
Berry, Jr. introduced the bill, 8865, in
the senate, calling it one of the more
important pieces of legislation of the

Opposition was swift and sure, even
saying it would take more energy to wash
bottles than make them. The resolution
to "study" the litter problem was also
opposed but it passed. So now Kentucky
get to spend $15,000 to study litter
rather than preventing litter until the
next sessionoof the Lesislature.

Reprinted from "Buckley Hills Audubon
Society Newsletter" March - April


On Energy Charles Callison, Direc-
tor of the National Audubon Society,
said: "Americans are not ready to
scuttle environmental protection for
unlimited access to gasoline, for the
continued questionable privilege of
living in overheated houses, stores
and offices, in order to live in a
plastic world with a plethora of non-
essential gadgets to be purchased and
thrown away--adding nothing to the
real value to the human condition...
We must not let the crisis be used
for maximizing profits at the expense
of public health and welfare."

(Mr. Callison was on of an Advisory
Committee whose advice was sought by
William E. Simon of the Federal Ener-
gy Administration. It is encouraging
that the unbiased opinions of men not
involved in politics or the selling of
energy are being heard.)

Reprinted from the National Affairs
and Legislation Committee Report
G.C.A. February 1974.

VOL. I NO. 4

Edited By:
Conservation Committee
of the
Garden Club of Lexington
Mrs. John P. Barrow, Jr.

Guest Writer
Robert Van Meter

Robert Van Meter

Last Saturday, I joined a group at
Hazard for a tour of the Lott's Creek
section of Knott County.

This expedition was organized by
Senator Tom Ward for members of the
General Assembly. It was an effort
to discover the truth in certain seri-
ous charges made in the Legislature
about strip mine reclamation. It was
led by Senator Ward and by Senator
Joe Graves.

Our first stop was the Lott's Creek
Community School. The school director,
Miss Alice Slone, pointed out the dam-
age done by silt and overburden from
mining operations further up the hollow,
which wiped out the small spot of bot-
tom land that had been their source of
food. The school was her life's work.

Later we went to a large bench near
the top of the.mountain, where a thick
seam of coal had been removed by strip,
augur and deep mining. This area was
supposed to have been reclaimed several
years ago, but there was little sign of
vegetation. The overburden, pushed
over the mountain side below the bench
was a menace to the homesteads down the
valley. It was silt and rock from this
massive pile that caused the damage to
the Community School, and deposited so
much debris in and around neighboring
homes that they were abondoned.

In its natural state this section
once supported hardwood forests, clean
streams and abundant wildlife. The
native population was poor in worldly
goods but enjoyed freedom and inde-
pendence. Now much is changed. In
the name of progress many of the
people have been pushed aside along
with the overburden from the mines.
Also the forests, waterways and wold-
life are casualties.

Eastern Kentucky is an area of tre-
mendous natural wealth and no one can
dispute the economic value of the coal
industry to this state. Profits in
the past and those expected in the
future are proof.

My conclusion is that human and
environmental values should not be
overlooked bytthe people who exploit
Kentucky's coal. They have an obli-
gation to the people of this state to
be reSponsible for the damage they do.

(Reprinted from "Buckley Hills Audubon
Society Newsletter" March - April 1974
by permission of Robert Van Meter)
























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