xt7kd50fz294_30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_20/Multipage4049.pdf 2014-2016 2016 2014-2016 section false xt7kd50fz294_30 xt7kd50fz294  


The Board of Garden Club of Lexington, Inc. met on Monday, January 6, 2014 at
the home of Margaret Cowgill. President Mott Nicol called the meeting to order at 9:30
am. Members present were: Mott Nicol, Philippa Fogg, Leslie Baldwin, Elizabeth
Schnabel, Barbara Young, Ellen Chapman, Anne Kraus, Margaret Cowgill, Jessica
Nicholson, Taylor Fister, Kathy Brooks, Luanne Milward and Jane Stilz. There were no
corrections or additions to the minutes as sent.


Corresponding Secretary Elizabeth Schnabel is in the process of compiling the
2014-2016 members information boolk. Please send any changes of contact information
to her immediately. Elizabeth also discussed the coffee tree project. She encouraged
us to volunteer to take coffee tree information kits to the various schools who will be
participating in the program. We are also encouraged to collect more seeds for the
packets. The projects will be taught on April 22, Earth Day in fourth grade classes.
There followed discussion regarding who should be in charge of this community
endeavour. It was recommended that beginning with the new GCL year in March, the
Horticulture Committee should be spearheading this project.

Treasurer Betsy Bulleit emailed the following account balances: Blue Grass
Winner’s account $3,800.59, Garden Operating account $2,188.06 and Zone Meeting
account $2,045.93. There are still some outstanding expenses from the Zone Meeting.
Members need to turn in receipts no later than February in order to be reimbursed.
Betsy is also in the process of mailing out statements for 2014 dues. Margaret Cowgill
informed the board that a gift of $3,000 has been sent to Garden Club of Lexington, Inc.
The donation is from The Mary Alice Caudle Ingram Charitable Lead Unitrust.


Admissions: There will be a welcome tea for new members on January 14, at 10
am. at the home of Taylor Fister.

Awards: Mary Louise Fisher is working on approval for one more award this
year. Mott Nicol read a thank you note from Benny Williams for honoring her with the
Club Appreciation Award.

Conservation: Betsy Bulleit will be our club representative to the NAL
conference, February 24-27 to be held in Washington, DC. Mott also discussed the
Red Wood Tree Fund. GCA is encouraging all members to contribute to this fund to help
retire the outstanding pledge.

Flower Show/Photography: Luanne Milward thanked members who brought tea
cup arrangements to the Christmas Tea. Among the members receiving an



arrangement were Talitha Freeman, Helen Breckinridge, Eileen Hillenmeyer, Kathy
Brewer and Joan Gaines. There was some discussion about making one of the
Wednesdays in the garden when Bouquets to brighten the day are made dedicated to
bouquets for our affiliate members.

Garden Project: Philippa Fogg reported that there is a problem with the boxwood
in the garden. Jamie Daugherty from the Fayette County extension service is studying
and assessing the problem. He has brought in a plant pathologist to evaluate the
boxwood. Philippa also informed us that the irrigation system in need major repair-
replacement and the yew hedge is scheduled to be severly trimmed this year. These,
along with the boxwood problem could be large financial committments for the club in
the near future.

Program: Kathy Brooks reminded us that the next general meeting will be held
on January 16, at 10:30 am. at Holly Hill Inn. Hostesses are: Mary Louise Fisher, Anne
Gay, Elizabeth Freeman and Mimi Milward. Please RSVP to Mimi Milward. There will
be no board or general meeting in February. The March board and general meeting will
be held on Thursday, March 20 at Idle Hour Country Club. The board meeting will begin
at 9:30am. This is a combined meeting of the outgoing and incoming boards. The
general meeting will follow at 10:30 am. Hostesses for the March meeting are: Mott
Nicol, Jessica Nicholson, Ellen Chapman and Philippa Fogg. Please RSVP to Jessica


Mott asked everyone to email their year end reports to her before the March
meeting. Please have a copy of the report in the folder/binder that you will had over to
your replacement.


Donna Cornish will be speaking at the March general meeting about her
experience at the Shirlee Meniece meeting she attended.

Mott asked for volunteers to write and read at the March meeting, Memorials for
the three members we lost in 2013. Mott also reminded us that the March board
meeting is a combined meeting of old and new board members.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :15 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Stilz, Recording Secretary



The general meeting of Garden Club of Lexington, Inc. was held on Thursday,
January 16, 2014 at 10:30 AM. at Holly Hill lnn in Midway, Kentucky. Lisa Laufer, a
chef at the restaurant, gave an interesting and informative talk on uses and suggestions
for cooking with culinary herbs. Following Lisa’s program, President Mott Nicol called
the business meeting to order at 11A.M. Mott thanked Lisa for sharing her knowledge
and advice about cooking with herbs and also thanked the hostesses of the meeting,
Anne Gay, Elizabeth Freeman, Mary Louise Fisher and Mimi Milward.

Mott informed us of the upcoming Nashville Antique and Garden Show and
encouraged us to attend. Mott also encouraged us to answer the membership
questionaire from GCA on line. All members have been sent the questionaire via email.


First Vice President Kim DeCamp reported that she is in the process of
assembling a spread sheet of Garden Club of Lexington members and the offices they
have held. A sheet was passed around for members to record their information.
Members who need to check their records at home were encouraged to send Kim an
email with member name, offices and years held, etc.

Corresponding Secretary Elizabeth Schnabel has the coffee tree project ready to
go into the schools. She needs volunteers to take information and material packets to
various schools. Please email or call Elizabeth if you can help.

Treasurer Betsy Bulleit reminded us that yearly dues of $150.00 are due.
Statements are being mailed out soon. Betsy also reported the following account
balances: Bluegrass Winner’s Account $3,800.59, Garden Operating Account $2,188.06
and Zone Account $2,045.93. Betsy also reported that she has received thank you
notes from the various organizations we have donated to this year. She said we also
received a lovely noteof appreciation from Mary Warren.


Admissions: Kathy Courtney thanked Taylor Fister for hosting the new member’s
coffee on Tuesday, January 14.

Program: As a reminder there is no board or general meeting in February. The
next board and general meeting will be held on Thursday March 20, 2014 at ldle Hour
Country Club. The joint (old and new boards) board meeting will begin at 9:30 AM.
The general meeting will follow immediately afterwards at 10:30AM. There was
discussion about having a Daffodil Flower/Horticulture ln-club Show at the March
meeting. There will be more information later from Kathy Brooks and Amy Kessinger.
Hostesses for the March meeting are Jessica Nicholson, Mott Nicol, Ellen Chapman
and Philippa Fogg. Please RSVP to Jessica.

Garden History and Design: Dottie Cordray asked all members to please refrain
from wearing perfume of any kind to our garden meetings. She is highly allergic and


 sited information on chemicals used in various products (shampoos, lotions,
sunscreens, makeup,etc) we all use that can be harmful to us and to her.


The nominees for the upcoming 2014-2016 Garden Club of Lexington, lnc.
board were read to the membershiip, after which the slate was voted upon and passed.

There being no further business Mott adjourned the business meeting, thanked
the hostesses again and a delicious lunch incorporating many herbs we had earlier
discussed was served.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Stilz, Recording Secretary




The board of Garden Club of Lexington,|nc. met on Thursday March 20, 2014 at
9:30AM at Idle Hour Country Club. This was a combined meeting of both 2012-2014
and 2014 -2016 boards. President Martha Nicol thanked all new and old board
members for coming. Members present were Mott Nicol, Kim DeCamp, Barbara Young,
Jane Stilz, Elizabeth Schnabel, Betsy Bulleit,Mary Louise Fisher, Anne Kraus, Luanne
Milward, Philippa Fogg, Kathy Brooks, Taylor Fister, Leslie Baldwin, Dottie Cordray,
Katie Alford, Jessica Nicholson, Sheilagh Hammond, Ellen Chapman, Melodye Kinkead,
Lindy Brown, Elizabeth Freeman, Donna Cornish, Lolly Martin, Cathy Snowden and
Kathy Dalton. The minutes were approved as emailed.


First Vice President Kim DeCamp informed us that committee assignments for
horticulture, conservation and flower show will be emailed to members. Kim also
encouraged new board members to use the GCA web site as a resource for the various
board job descriptions. A sign up sheet was sent around to volunteer to hostess future
board meetings. The first board meeting for the new board will be held on April 7, 2014
at 9:30 AM at Kim DeCamp’s home.

Corresponding Secretary Elizabeth Schnabel distributed the new phone book
address inserts. She will mail a packet to those who were not at the meeting today.

Treasurer Betsy Bulleit will give her report during the general meeting to be held
after this meeting.


Garden Project: Philippa Fogg informed us that extensive testing has been done
on the boxwood in the garden. Much of the poor condition of the bushes is due to the
way the irrigation system is set up. We will have to re-do some of the irrigation this year
to alleviate this problem. She will also need to have some maintaince work done on the
brick work in the garden. The first work day in the garden for all members is April 9.

Special Projects:

Cookbook: Leslie Baldwin asked the board to consider re-ordering the
Blue Grass Winner’s cookbook this year. Discussion followed. Leslie said we have sold
approximately 800 books this year and have 1,200 in storage currently. Katie Alford
motioned and Kathy Brooks seconded to re-order 2,500 books at a price of $7.50 per
book. It was felt that we needed to study this further. Re-ordering books will be
addressed in a future board meeting.

Garden Party: Katie Alford reported that the letter informing former invitees of
the garden party why we were not having the party last September (because we were
hostessing the Zone Meeting) resulted in a great response from the invitees. Many sent
generous donations. Katie asked the board for suggestions on how to incorporate the
idea of an annual donation within the invitation. There was some discussion and it was



decided that Luanne, Marsha, Katie and Kim will research and discuss possibilities and
bring their suggestions back to the board.

Mott asked those who still have “end of year” reports outstanding to please send
a copy to her and send a copy to the person who is replacing you.


Mott then thanked all of the ladies who have served with her these last two years
on the board. She said in lieu of individual “gifts” for each board member a donation
has been made to the GCL Endowment Fund. Mott then turned the gavel over to Kim
DeCamp. Kim thanked Mott for her time and service to the garden club and presented
her with a lovely GCA scarf from the annual meeting to be held in New Orleans this

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Stilz, Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2014

The Garden Club of Lexington Board met Monday, April 7, 2014 at the home of
President, Kim DeCamp. The meeting was called to order at 9:38 by Kim. Members
present were; Kathy Brooks, Mimi Milward, Luanne Milward, Melodye Kinkead, Brenda
Barrett, Mott Nicol, Philippa Fogg, Betsy Bulleit, Kathy Dalton, Taylor Fister, Sheilagh
Hammond, Marcia Slabaugh, Lolly Martin, Cathy Snowden, Anne Kraus and Leslie

Kim stated that committee assignments and Board meeting hostesses have been e-mailed.
For those taking new jobs on the board, make contact with the person who held your job
before and also contact your Zone representative for your particular committee. Chairs
will call meetings as necessary.


Second Vice President/Administrator: Mott Nicol

Every member should go to the GCA website and check your personal information.
Make sure your e-mail, past jobs, awards etc.. are listed correctly.

Recording Secretary: Leslie Baldwin

Minutes from the March Board meeting were approved.

Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit

Bluegrass Winners Account: $1,952.09
Garden Account: $10,292.00

Still need dues from 8 members.

We received 25 lovely memorials in memory of Anne E. Campbell. Acknowledgements
have been written and the family has ben notified.


Admissions: Taylor Fister

The deadline for membership changes is June 1.

Conservation: Lendy Brown ( absent )

Kim stated that Tara Littlefield with Kentucky Plants and Wildlife Division will be at
Ashland on April 16 checking on the Buffalo Clover on the Grounds around around



Flower Show and Photography: Kathy Courtney and Amy Kessinger ( absent )

Kim stated that there was a plan to have a photography show in 2015. They are working
on a workshop and speaker prior to the show. There is the possibility of a GCA speaker,
Denise lppolito.

Garden Project: Philippa Fogg and Elizabeth Freeman

Work in the garden begins Wednesday, April 9. Irrigation in the garden is still a problem
and is being addressed. One of the garden benches was stolen recently. Discussion about
getting bids for a new brick wall on the North side of the garden. Philippa will pursue
this further.

Program: Lolly Martin and Margaret Cowgill

They are thinking of planning a trip to Charleston, SC for the Historic Home and Garden
Tours in the Spring of 2015. Hostesses for our April 19 meeting at Lexington Country
Club at 10:30 are; Kathy Dalton, Donna Cornish, Margaret Cowgill and Caroline Barrow.

Publication: Anne Kraus

Please have your information for the Blooming News to her by noon this Wednesday
April 9.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden

Joseph Beth will have a display the Sunday before Mothers Day promoting the new
Pomegranate items and our two cookbooks. Cathy said she would like to have some of
the GCL brochures printed with the addition of our Pomegranate products promoted on
the back along with our cookbook ordering information. She will be at Joseph Beth that
day and could hand some of our brochures out.

An e-mail will be sent to our members with information regarding ordering any
Pomegranate items prior to Mothers Day, Derby, etc. The wholesale prices for GCL
members are:

Aprons $21 Tea Towels $12.00/ set of 2
Tablecloths $24 Oven Mitts $16.00 / set of 2

Napkins $4.50 each

Garden Party: Marcia Slabaugh and Luanne Milward

The garden party is scheduled for Thursday, September 11. The invitation list is being
updated, so please give them any names you would like to include. Still discussing a
possible auction.


 Public Relations: Mimi Milward

The Coffee Tree project is underway and Mimi is working to have an article in the Herald


Old Business/ New Business
Historic Garden Week in Virginia is April 27—28
May 5 will be our next board meeting at the home of Lendy Brown at l 14 E. Third.

Meeting adjourned 10:45

Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Baldwin



Garden Club of Lexington
April 17, 2014
General Meeting
Lexington Country Club

President, Kim DeCamp, called the meeting to order at 10:45. Many thanks to the
hostesses: Donna Cornish, Caroline Barrow, Kathy Dalton and Margaret Cowgill.

The committee assignments have been printed in the Bloom.


Recording Secretary: Leslie Baldwin
The March minutes were corrected and approved.

Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit

Cookbook Account: $2,736.00

Garden Account: $1 1,381.00

Twenty-five lovely memorials were given in memory of Anne E. Campbell.
Acknowledgements have been written and the family has been notified.


Admissions: Taylor Fister
Any membership changes need to be submitted by June 1.

Flower Show/Photography: Kathy Courtney and Amy Kessinger
There are plans for a photography workshop and speaker in the fall. We will then plan an
inner club Photography show in the summer of 2015.

Horticulture: Donna Cornish
The Shirley Meneice Conference will be held in Louisville, September 29— October 1.

Program: Lolly Martin and Margaret Cowgill

The May General Meeting will be “Our Very Own Visiting House and Garden Tour in
Louisville”. We will tour several gardens and homes, have lunch at 21C, then see the
Southern Living Garden at Churchill Downs. More details to follow. All have been
made possible by Jon Carloftis.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden
You may pick up your Pomegranate orders at the Bee Hive. To place an order, call
Cathy. Wholesale prices for GCA members only are:

Apron: $21 Napkins: $4.50 each

Tablecloth: $24 Tea Towels: $12 set of 2

Oven Mitts: $16 Set of 2



Garden Party: Marcia Slabaugh and Luanne Milward
. _ The Garden Party at Ashland is scheduled for Thursday, September 1 1

Public Relations: Mimi Milward
There will be an article about the Coffee Tree Project in the Herald Leader.



Historic week in Virginia is April 27 and 28.
Kim DeCamp nominated The Ashland Estate and Garden for the “Lexington in Bloom

Meeting adjourned 11:30



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Minutes
Monday, May 5, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:40 am at the home of Lendy Brown. Those
attending were; Leslie Baldwin, Kim DeCamp, Mott Nicol, Lendy Brown, Philippa Fogg,
Dottie Cordray, Donna Cornish, Elizabeth Freeman, Lolly Martin, Kathy Courtney, Katie
Alford, Luanne Milward, Melodye Kinkead, Anne Kraus, Betsy Bulleit, Brenda Barrett
and Cathy Snowden.


Recording Secretary: Leslie Baldwin
The April Board minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary: Melodye Kinkead
Any membership changes need to be submitted by June 1 in writing to Melodye Kinkead

Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit
Cookbook Account: $3,394.79
Garden Account: $9,481.35


Conservation: Lendy Brown
Tara Littlefleld has re—scheduled her tour of the Buffalo Clover to May 21 at 10:30 at

Flower Show: Kathy Courtney and Amy Kessinger

There was a motion made by Mott Nicol to have Denise Ippolito come put on a
photography workshop in either September or October this year. Dottie seconded the
motion. We would then have a club show in either June or July of 2015.

Garden Project: Philippa Fogg and Elizabeth Freeman
There will be a GCA Visiting Garden group touring Ashland and the garden on
Thursday, May 22. Volunteers will be needed.

Program: Lolly Martin and Margaret Cowgill

Our May General meeting will take place during our visit to several gardens in
Louisville, lunch at 21C and to see the Southern Living Garden at Churchill Downs. All
made possible by Jon Carloftis. There will be a bus providing transportation. More
information to follow.





Publication: Anne Kraus
Need information for the Bloom by May 6.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden

E-mail Cathy to order Pomegranate items.

There will be a display at Joseph Beth on Saturday May 10 from 10 to 2. volunteers

Historian: Dottie Cordray
The Little Garden Club of Woodford County will tour the garden at Ashland on May 15.

Scholarship: Brenda Barrett
The 2013 Scholarship recipient is Sarah Barney from the University of Kentucky. She
will be studying Agro Ecology and sustainability in Indonesia.

If you are a committee chair, you need to plan a meeting with your committee in the next
month to map out your plans for the year.

The next board meeting will be held at the home of Katie Alford on Monday June 2.

Meeting Adjourned 10:35

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Baldwin




Garden Club of Lexington
May 15, 2014
General Meeting
Road Trip to Louisville

President Kim DeCamp called the meeting to order on the bus to Louisville around 9:00


Corresponding Secretary: Melodye Kinkead

Membership changes need to be made in writing to Melodye by June 1. Melodye was
honored by Mayfair Manor for her founding of the Bouquets to Brighten the Day project.
This project will continue from June through September this year.

Recording Secretary: Minutes have been approved from our April meeting.

Tresurer: Betsy Bulleit
Cookbook Account: $3,394.79
Garden Account: $9,481.35


Conservation: Lendy Brown
Tara Littlefleld will be in the garden at Ashland on May 21 to help us locate buffalo

Flower Show/ Photography: Kathy Courtney and Amy Kessinger

The board approved to invite GCA widely known photographer, Denise Ippolito to come
to Lexington to present at our September 18th general meeting. Optional hands on
session to take place in the Ashland Garden that afternoon for those interested.

Horticulture: Donna Cornish

The Shirley Meneice conference will be September 29 - October 1 in Louisville. Donna
and one other club member will attend. They will be setting up a cookbook and
Pomegranate table during the conference.

Program: Margaret Cowgill and Lolly Martin

A donation was made to the Humane Society in honor of Jon Carloftis and Dale Fisher as
a thank you for hosting our May outing to Louisville gardens. The June general meeting
will be held at Three Toads Farm on June 19. We will have lunch at Grays. There is a
need for hostesses for both the June and July meetings.



Special Projects: Cathy Snowden

Cookbook: Need to re-order more Bluegrass Winners
Pomegranate: Working on an update to our brochure to include Pomegranate as well as
adding this to our website.

Garden Party: Marcia Slabaugh and Luanne Milward
The party in the garden at Ashland will be September 1 l. Contact Marcia or Luanne to
add new guests to our list.


Each member is on a committee (flower show/photography, horticulture or conservation).
Your committee chair will be planning a meeting in the next month.


Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Thank you for the privilege for Leslie and I to attend.
You will hear more in the June Bloom. Photos will also be posted on our website.

Thank you to Nancy Bishop who gave us 3 Voodoo rose bushes for the garden.

The Founders Fund Winner: Save the Elms, New Haven, CT received $30,000 from

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Kathy Brooks for Leslie Baldwin



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Minutes
Monday June 2, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:40 by Kim at the home of Katie Alford. Those
attending were: Kathy Brooks, Marcia Slabaugh, Kathy Courtney, Mott Nicol, Ellen
Chapman, Dottie Cordray, Donna Cornish, Mimi Milward, Elizabeth Freeman, Kathy
Dalton, Melodye Kinkead, Katie Alford, Margaret Cowgill, Amy Kessinger, Kim
DeCamp, Brenda Barrett and Sheilagh Hammond.


Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit
Cookbook Account: $2,318.33
Garden Account: $6,079.03


Flower Show/ Photography: Kathy Courtney/ Amy Kessinger
Denise Ippolito will present a photography workshop at our general meeting
September 18 with a hands on workshop in the garden at Ashland that afternoon.

Horticulture: Donna Cornish
The Coffee Tree project was a huge success with 10 schools participating and involving
740 fourth graders.
Any professional photographer coming to the garden at Ashland needs to check in at
the Office and pay a fee and wear a badge while in the garden.

Program: Lolly Martin/ Margaret Cowgill
Our June general meeting will take place on Thursday, June 19th at Three Toads Farm
with lunch to follow at Gra7e.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden
Cookbook: Still considering a re-order for Bluegrass Winners
Pomegranate: Photos have been taken and Brenda will update our brochure to include
these products. Benny will add these to our website.

Garden History and Design: Kathy Dalton
Would like to archive Ashland Garden for the Smithsonian (Archives of American
Gardens). A committee has been formed to work on this project: Nancy Bishop,
Jessica Nicholson, Jane Baugh, Shannon Totty, Ginny May and Anne Gay.


 Garden Party: Marcia Slabaugh/ Luanne Milward
Garden Party will be held September 1 1. Need a home in case of rain.

Historian: Dottie Cordray
2016 will be the GCL 100th anniversary

Visiting Gardens: Ellen Chapman
Thank you to those who helped with the Visiting Garden Tour to Lexington. Julie Peet,
the new Visiting Garden Chair has a list for those interested in an upcoming trip to
Ireland and a trip to China. You may go to the GCA website to sign up.


The Jessamine County Garden Club toured Ashland 2 weeks ago. Going forward we will
have a club member there to greet them and give them a tour of the garden. Kim is
forming a group of ladies interested in leading these tours. Brenda has packets from our
Zone meeting that potential tour guides could use for their training.

We would like to make a $500.00 contribution to “SAVE the REDWOODS”. Kim made
the motion and Ellen 2nd it. Passed.


Kathy Brooks will reside over the June 19 meeting.
Leslie Baldwin will give a short report on the annual meeting at the June 19 meeting.

Elise and Jim Boyd are chairs of the Summer party at Ashland on Saturday June 21. For
the auction we have offered a dinner for several couples to be held in the garden.

The next board meeting will be held prior to our general meeting on Thursday, July 17 at
9:30 in the cottage at Ashland.

Bouquets to “Brighten the Day” will commence on July 9.

Our next Zone meeting will be October 27-30 in Stouton. VA. Please review the
schedule and consider entering the Flower Show.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted for Leslie Baldwin by Kathy Brooks



Garden Club of Lexington
June 19, 2014
General Meeting

The June general meeting began with a wonderful tour of Three Toads Farm in
Winchester, with lunch following at Graze. Our meeting was called to order by Vice
President, Kathy Brooks at 1 1:50.

Thank you to our hostesses: Janie Pappas, Elise Boyd and Cathy Snowden.

Recording Secretary: Leslie Baldwin
The minutes were approved from our May meeting.

Corresponding Secretary: Melodye Kinkead
Any membership Changes need to be given to Melodye in writing.

Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit
Cookbook Account: $4,133.44
Garden Account: $2,940.00


Flower Show and Photography: Kathy Courtney/ Amy Kessinger
Denise Ippolito will give a workshop at our September 18 general meeting and then an
optional hands on workshop will take place in the garden at Ashland that afternoon.

Horticulture: Donna Cornish
The Coffee Tree Project was a huge success this year. We served 10 schools and 740
fourth graders!

Program: Margaret Cowgill/ Lolly Martin
Our July general meeting will be in the garden at Ashland starting at 10:30.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden

Cookbook: Cookbook sales are going well especially for Bluegrass Winners. We will
review inventory in the fall and consider re-ordering then.

Pomegranate: Photos of our items have been taken and will be featured in the updated
brochure. We will sell these items at the Shirley Meneice meeting in September.

Garden Party: Marcia Slabaugh / Luanne Milward
Please sing up to help with food for the garden party on September 11. No auction this




A contribution of $500.00 was approved by the board to donate to the “Save the
Redwoods” project.

The Jessamine County Garden Club toured Ashland and the garden recently and will be
making a contribution. All tours of the garden will go through our club by contacting our
club president. We will form a group of club members to give a guided tour of the
garden when there are groups touring.


The Summer Party at Ashland will be held June 21. The GCL has donated a dinner in the
garden for one of the auction items.

Kentucky Homes and Gardens will feature Ashland Garden in the July issue.

The board will meet at 9:30 prior to our July 17 general meeting at Ashland.

The Zone VII meeting will be in Staunton, VA on October 28-29. Please consider
registering for the flower show. We will be required to enter one floral design and three
horticulture entries.

Meeting adjourned 12:10

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Baldwin



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Minutes
. Thursday, July 19, 2014

The Garden Club of Lexington July Board meeting was held in the cottage at Ashland on
Thursday, the 191h at 9:30. The meeting was called to order by Kim DeCamp at 9:40.


Recording Secretary: Leslie Baldwin
The minutes from the June Board meeting were approved.

Corresponding Secretary: Meloyde Kinkead
We have no slots open for new members this year.

Treasurer: Betsy Bulleit
Cookbook Account: $1,734.00
Garden Account: $2,725.00


. Awards: Katie Alford

We will be presenting our club Horticulture Accommodation Award to Jon Carloftis
during our general meeting.

Flower Show/ Photography: Kathy Courtney and Amy Kessinger

Denise Ippolito will speak at our September 18th general meeting. It is important to
RSVP for this meeting and for the workshop to follow at Ashland in the afternoon. Cost
for the workshop is $50. Glenview Garden Club will be invited, space permitting. They
can attend the lecture and lunch for $25, and $50 if they stay for the workshop. There
will be only 20 spaces available for the workshop.

There will be a meeting July 21 at Kim DeCamp’s home. Topic: “How to enter a
photography show”

There will be an in house Photography Show in January 2016.

The Zone VII Meeting and Flower Show will be held in Staunton, VA the October 27—28.
Please consider entering in the Flower Show. You may sign up on the GCA website.

Garden Project: Philippa Fogg and Elizabeth Freeman
We are getting bids and ideas on the brick wall project. Much more discussion on this
before a decision is made. There will be a vote by the board at an appropriate time.


 Program: Margaret Cowgill and Lolly Martin

There will be no meetings in August. Our September general meeting will be
“Photography with Dencie Ippolito”. Our October meeting will be “Tabletop
Decorations”. All members will be divided into groups ahead of time and will decorate a
table for either Thanksgiving or Christmas in various styles and creative ideas.

Special Projects: Cathy Snowden

Cookbook: We will not be placing an order for Bluegrass Winners at this time.
Pomegranate: Brenda will be updating our brochure to include these items. Benny will
be adding these products to our website in the next month so we are ready for Fall. After
the Shirley Meneice Conference in Louisville, ladies are coming to Midway to view
Dottie’s garden. There will be a table set up there to sell cookbooks and Pomegranate.

Garden History and Design: Kathy Dalton

Ashland denied approval for the Smithsonian Archives.

Garden Party: Luanne Milward and Marcia Slabaugh
The Garden Party will be held Thursday, September 11.

Visiting Gardens: Ellen Chapman
There will be 30 women from the Nashville garden club visiting October 8.


We received a very nice thank you from Stanya Owen and Wickie Plant (Visiting
Gardens) with a check for $1,000 for our garden and $1,000 for Ashland Garden.

The next Board meeting will be Monday August 25th at the home of Lolly Martin
beginning at 9:30. This will be a joint Board meeting for August and September.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:25.

Respectfully submitte