xt7kd50fz294_28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_13/Multipage3801.pdf 2009-2010 2010 2009-2010 section false xt7kd50fz294_28 xt7kd50fz294  


November 2, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, November 2, 2009 at
the home of Anne Kraus. President Jessica Nicholson presided and called the meeting to
order. There were 21 members present: Katie Alford, Leslie Baldwin, Kathy Brooks,
Betsy Bulleit, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Kim DeCamp, Edie Gess, Mary Louise
Fisher, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus, Martie Mayer, Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Mary
Montague, Jessica Nicholson, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen, and
Barbara Young.

Jessica thanked Anne Kraus for hosting the meeting.

The minutes of the October Board meeting which were circulated via email were
approved as emailed.

Treasurer Mimi Milward announced the Finance Committee met to propose
allocations for our annual contributions. There was discussion about including Raven
Run in the donations. Callie Keller then made a motion to amend the proposed
allocations to give Raven Run $200 and to lower McConnell Springs to $100. Ginny
May seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Donations will be as follows:

Arboretum $300
Ashland $200
Ashland Neighborhood Association $15

Bluegrass Conservancy $100
Fayette Alliance $200
GCA Scholarship Fund $200
McConnell Springs $100
Shakertown $200
Raven Run m
Total $1,515

Mimi announced that an additional $1,500 has been earmarked for our pending Zone VII
meeting to be held here in 2013.

Mimi reported a balance of $10,940.22. The Bluegrass Winners Account has a balance
of $18,498.46. The Assistant Treasurer’s Account has a balance of $1,244.07.

The Friends of the Garden Party made a profit of $6,635.42. Edie and the committee did
a great job of keeping expenses down and hosting a lovely party. Our donations were
down 44%, and the art was down 47%.

Mimi announced that the Sallie Johnston estate has bequeathed $1,000, which has been
put in the Endowment Fund.

There are six members who have not contributed to the Endowment Fund. We have met
the monetary requirement to receive matching funds, but we do not have the 100%



participation required. The three active members and three affiliate members have all
been notified about their lack of participation.

The $50,000 Perkins Scholarship money has not been received yet. Barbara Young and
Katie Alford are going to work to see if we can broaden the wording to include more than
botany. Barbara explained that for us to have a totally independent scholarship we need

Committee Reports:

Admissions: Ginny May read the following list of board members who are allowed to
vote for new members: Jessica Nicholson, Barbara Young, Ellen Chapman, Anne Arvin,
Callie Keller, Mimi Milward, Ginny May, Janie Pappas, Kim DeCamp, Leslie Baldwin,
Mary Montague, Brenda Barrett, Wende Bell, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen,
Betsy Bulleit and Benny Williams. A vote was taken by written ballet.

Conservation: Kim DeCamp reported that there is a Conservation Committee meeting
next Tuesday at 10:00 at her home. The purpose is to set goals for the next year’s
Conservation Committee.

Travel expenses for attending conservation, horticulture, zone and annual meetings were
discussed. Jessica suggested that some guidelines should be set for travel expenses.

Garden Project: Mary Montague and Mary Louise Fisher thanked everyone for working
two days planting bulbs. They suggested that anyone interested in changing parterres for
the next work season should let them know, and they will pass it along to the next

Program: Marcia Slabaugh announced that the next meeting will be on Thursday,
November 19th at 10:30 at the Rockcastle River Trading Company. Anyone wishing to
carpool should meet at 9:30 at Idle Hour. The hostesses are Kathy Courtney and Betsy
Bulleit. Please RSVP to Betsy at 266-1583 or bbulleit/{iihilliard.com.

Marcia announced that the Christmas Tea will be at Glenna Graves’ home on Winchester
Road on December 17th. The hostesses will be Glenna Graves, Lucy Foster and Martie
Mayer. Please RSVP to Martie at 509-4200 or marticmavcr’rt‘aol.com.



Special Projects: Betsy Bulleit reminded everyone what good gifts our cookbooks make.
She also reported that this year the Bluegrass Winners outsold Entertaining with

Bluegrass Winners.

Visiting Gardens: Kathy Brooks reported there are three upcoming trips for the Gardens
of St. Louis and Chicago, Gardens of Middlesburg, Charlottesville and Orange, Virginia,
and Alaska. Details will be in “The Bloomin’ News.”

Ginny reported the results of the voting for new members. Philippa Fogg and
Taylor Fister will be invited to join our club. Callie will write each of them a letter of



The next Board Meeting will be at Kathy Courtney’s home at 6 Deepwood Drive
on December 7th. Mary Montague will host the January meeting on January 4th.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Van Balen
Acting Recording Secretary




October 12, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, October 12, 2009 at the
home of Marcia Slabaugh. Vice President Barbara Young presided and called the
meeting to order. There were 15 members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin, Leslie
Baldwin, Brenda Barrett, Wende Bell, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Kim DeCamp,
Mary Louise Fisher, Ginny May, Mary Montague, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh,
Lauren Van Balen, and Barbara Young.

The minutes of the September Board meeting which were circulated via email
were approved as emailed.

Barbara thanked Marcia Slabaugh for hosting the meeting.

On behalf of the Finance Committee Barbara reported that the committee met to
consider the best way to administer the $50,000 bequeath from the Velma Perkins estate,
which was earmarked for a botany scholarship. It was decided to work with GCA in their
existing botany scholarships. Barbara will pursue the best avenue with GCA so that we
will be ready when the monies do come in. The gift will be invested in a CD, presumably
yielding over $2,000 annually. We can be active in directing local students to apply for
the scholarship.

The Friends of the Garden Party profit was $6,635.42. Edie Gess and her
committee did a wonderful job of keeping the cost minimal and hosting a lovely party.
Donations were down 44% and Art was down 47%.

Sallie Johnston’s estate gave the Garden Club of Lexington $1,000. The money
was added to the Endowment Fund, and a note of thanks has been written to Kathy

The Endowment lacks six members who have not participated. They will be
notified again and made aware of the loss of $25,000 if we do not have 100%

Our annual contributions totaling $1,415 were discussed at the committee meeting
and will be presented at the November Board Meeting. $1,500 was earmarked for the
pending Zone meeting.

Committee Reports:

Awards: The Board suggested possible candidates for the Elizabeth Abernathy Hull

Archives: Wende Bell will work with committee Chairman, Janie Pappas, to consider
putting old documents and pertinent information on microfilm.

Assistant Treasurer: The balance in the Assistant Treasurer’s account is $1,436.40.

Publications: Lauren Van Balen announced that our members received the following
awards at the Paducah Flower Show, which she attended with Jessica Nicholson:



Katie Alford Blue and Best of Show Magnolia

Betsy Hillenmeyer Blue Toad Lily
Blue Anemone
Red Endless Summer Hydrangea
Yellow Firetail
Mott Nicol White Winterberry Holly
Jessica Bell Yellow Beautyberry
Lauren Van Balen Red Photograph of Sensitive F ern
Judy Philpott Yellow Dahlia
Lauren Van Balen Red Challenge Flower Arrangement
&Jessica Nicholson

Admissions: Ginny May emphasized that Board Members must attend either the
September or October Board meeting in order to vote in November for the new

members. She reread the list of non—voting Board Members and noted that according to
the Bylaws, Board Members unable to attend the November meeting may vote by written
ballot, which she will mail if requested. Ginny then read the applications for membership
for the second reading.

Conservation: Kim DeCamp announced that the Committee will meet in November to
propose goals for next year.

Flower Show: Chairman Leslie Baldwin received hearty applause and congratulations
for a job well done. She commented that a good article in the Herald Leader helped to
promote good attendance at the Flower Show. Kathy Courtney kept a guest book to note
those who attended the show. Over 100 attended the first day. Kathy offered a special
thanks to Katie Alford for hosting a lovely dinner for the judges. Keene Place asked to
keep the displays created by Kim DeCamp and Brenda Barrett to use on other occasions.
A list of awards received by members will be in “The Bloomin’ News.”

Garden Project: Mary Montague announced that this week all the beds will be put to
rest for the winter, and she reminded that bulb planting day will be October 28.

Barbara encouraged everyone to participate. Mary reported that Tom Wilson has worked
in the garden to remove a hackberry from behind the back wall and to trim other plants.
The fate of the Lace Bark Elm will be discussed and determined in the spring. She noted
that Tom Wilson was very helpful and enthusiastic.

Horticulture: Brenda Barrett thanked the Board for sending her and Anne Kraus to
Chicago for the Shirley Meneice Workshop. Both felt the experience was extremely
rewarding, and she encouraged everyone to attend a future workshop. She commented
that others clubs frequently have small flower shows and proposed that we do the same.
Brenda congratulated Janie Pappas for her award for her Kentucky Coffeetrees, which
she grew and nurtured in a bathtub, and announced that she will nominate the Coffeetree
for a GCA Horticulture award. She encourage reading “The Real Dirt” on the GCA
website, which has exceptional, interesting articles.

Program: Wende Bell announced that the next meeting will be at 10:30 am. at Michler’s
Greenhouse. John Michler will speak on “Making Your Garden Ready for Spring.”



Public Relations: Kathy Courtney will send pictures from the Flower Show to GCA for
the “Bulletin.”

New Business:
Barbara announced that Mary Warren has an opportunity to rent a greenhouse to
winter plants and has asked if the club would be interested in housing our plants in it in

the future. Mary Montague will talk to her and get a proposal.

Barbara suggested that our membership email list should be used for Garden Club
purposes only and should not be shared.

The next Board Meeting will be Monday, November 2 at 9:30 am. at the home of
Anne Kraus, 1441 Lakewood Drive.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary


August 31, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, August 31, 2009 at the
home of Anne Arvin. President Jessica Nicholson presided and called the meeting to
order. There were 19 members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin, Leslie Baldwin,
Brenda Barrett, Wende Bell, Kathy Brooks, Margaret Cowgill, Kim DeCamp, Mary
Louise Fisher, Edie Gess, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus, Ginny May, Martie Mayer, Mary
Montague, Jessica Nicholson, Janie Pappas, Lauren Van Balen, and Barbara Young.

The minutes of the July Board meeting which were circulated via email were
approved as emailed.

Jessica thanked Anne Arvin for hosting the meeting.

Committee Reports:

Admissions: Chairman Ginny May reminded the members of the Board that, according
to the By-laws, no member may cast a vote for any prospective member unless she has
attended either the September or October Board meeting and that confidentiality is most
important. Jessica read the list of non-voting members of the Board. Ginny then read the
applications for membership.

Conservation: Kim DeCamp reported that she has spoken with Bill Campbell regarding
the conservation accomplishments that were a part of the restoration of Keene Place, and
the committee is working to complete the storyboard noting those features.

She proposed asking Congressman Ben Chandler to speak to the club on conservation
issues and legislation on the forefront in Washington.

Flower Show: Leslie Baldwin announced that the program for the next general meeting
will be a mock flower show. Martie Mayer shared brochures from a European style floral
market, The Cutting Garden, which can be an option for purchasing flowers for Flower
Show designs.

Katie Alford brought posters announcing the Flower Show and asked all Board members
to sign up to display them at designated places in the community.

Garden Project: Mary Montague requested that everyone take special care to put the
garden in tiptop shape before the Garden Party. The bulb planting day is scheduled for
October 28, and the rain date is November 4.

Horticulture: Brenda Barrett announced that she and Anne Kraus will be attending the
Shirley Meneice Workshop.

Program: Wende Bell announced that the next general meeting will be Thursday,
September 17 at Idle Hour Country Club. Nancy Bishop and Libby Brown will be the




Special Projects: Jessica reported that chairmen Betsy Bulleit and Benny Williams
concluded that having a booth at the Louisville Gift Show was successful because they
were able to introduce and promote our cookbooks. They had a lot of positive feedback
about the books.

Assistant Treasurer: Anne Kraus reported a balance of $5,871.90 in the Assistant
Treasurer’s Account.

Garden Party: Edie Gess announced that she has received 120 acceptances for the
Garden Party. Martie Mayer has ten artists who have agreed to contribute art to be
auctioned at the Party. Edie has sent reminder postcards to all who have signed up to
bring hors d’ouevres to the party.

New Business:

Jessica announced that she and Lauren Van Balen will go to the Paducah Flower
Show on September 26 and will take our entries. She encouraged everyone to send an
entry and noted that it is necessary to include the botanical and common name with
horticulture entries as well as personal information about growing the plant.

The next Board Meeting will be October 12 at Marcia Slabaugh’s home, 1904
Lakes Edge Drive.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary


July 6, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, July 6, 2009 at the
home of Callie Keller. President Jessica Nicholas presided and called the meeting to
order. There were 16 members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin, Brenda Barrett, Kathy
Brooks, Ellen Chapman, Margaret Cowgill, Kim DeCamp, Edie Gess, Callie Keller,
Martie Mayer, Mary Montague, Jessica Nicholson, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh, and
Lauren Van Balen.

The minutes of the June Board meeting which were circulated via email were
approved as emailed.

Jessica thanked Callie Keller for hosting the meeting.
Committee Reports:

Assistant Treasurer: On behalf of Anne Kraus, Jessica reported a balance of $5,502.40
in the Assistant Treasurer’s Account.

Garden Project: Mary Montague circulated a signup sheet for the peony beds as well as
a copy of the plants and materials which may be added to the compost pile. These

instructions will also be put in “The Bloomin’ News.”

Program: Marcia Slabaugh announced that the Annual Picnic will be July 16 at 10:30
am. at Ashland. The speaker, Susan Dumaine, will talk about preparing plants for the
Horticulture division of the Flower Show. The hostesses will be Melodye Kinkead and
Louise Parker.

There will be no August meeting.

Garden Party: Edie Gess circulated a signup sheet to contribute food for the Garden
Party, which will be held on Thursday, September 10th. Martie Mayer confirmed that art
will again be auctioned at the party and will not be confined to garden related art. She
will send out letters to the potential artists. It was suggested that the invitations note that
art will be available at the party.

New Business:

Jessica announced that Lauren Van Balen will be our representative for the Zone
VII Meeting, which will be September 27 — 29 in Paducah. There will also be a Flower
Show in conjunction with the Meeting, and we are responsible for submitting at least
three horticulture entries and one photography class. The deadline for entries is July 27.
Information on their schedule will be on the GCA Website.

Jessica reported that it has been determined that the $50,000.00 bequeath from
Velma Perkins was intended for our club. Our primary role will be to administer a
botany scholarship.


 Ellen Chapman announced that Ann Hagin Michel has presented our club with a
check for $500.00 from the proceeds of the Ashland Garden Party. The dinner in our
garden which was auctioned at the party brought $3,500.00, the highest price paid for any
of the donated dinners. Sam Sears will cater the dinner, which was bought by Ben

Ellen also reported that, adding memorials, we are only a few hundred dollars
from reaching our goal for matching the $25,000.00 donation that required 100%

The next Board Meeting will be August 24 at Anne Arvin’s home, 1752 Keene

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary


June 1, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, June 1, 2009 at the
home of Lauren Van Balen. President Jessica Nicholas presided and called the meeting
to order. There were 14 members present: Anne Arvin, Leslie Baldwin, Brenda Barrett,
Wende Bell, Margaret Cowgill, Mary Louise Fisher, Anne Kraus, Martie Mayer, Mimi
Milward, Jessica Nicholson, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen, and
Barbara Young.

The minutes of the May Board meeting, which were circulated via email, were
approved as emailed.

Jessica thanked Lauren Van Balen for hosting the meeting.

Mimi Milward, Treasurer, reported a balance of $1,487 in the Operating Account
and over $17,000 in the Cookbook Account. Seasonal pushes keep the cookbook sales
up to compensate for slower times between. Trip and meeting expenses are covered by
the Assistant Treasurer’s Account. It was suggested that we sell cookbooks at the Flower

Mimi noted that she has discussed the terms of the $50,000 bequeath to the Garden Club
from Velma Perkins with attorney Jim Philpot, who advised that the funds must be

invested and allocated for a botany scholarship. The Board discussed various means of
administering the funds. Mimi will continue to research the original intentions of the

Committee Reports:

Flower Show: Jessica announced that a story board, highlighting the restoration of
Keene Place and the geothermal heat and conservation issues they addressed, will be
featured at the Flower Show. The programs for the Flower Show have been printed and
were available at the meeting.

Horticulture: Brenda Barrett discussed plans to create a story board for the Flower Show
spotlighting the tree inventory at Keene Place using color photographs and perhaps in-
house printing and Photo Therapy.

Garden Project: Mary Louise Fisher reported that signups are needed for working in the
peony beds for later dates.

Assistant Treasurer: Anne Kraus reported an account balance of $7,234.77 and noted
that all dues have been paid. She sent reminder notices before the deadline to those who
had not paid.

Jessica shared a note from Maryjo Garre, GCA President, thanking the Garden Club for
our contribution to the Centennial Founder’s Fund.




Program: Wende Bell announced that the next meeting will be June 18th at 10:30 a.m. at
the home of Katie Alford. The guest speaker will be Martha McClellan from Knoxville,
who will talk about flower arranging. Hostesses are Margaret Cowgill and Carol

Garden Party: Jessica announced that the Garden Party is scheduled for Thursday,
September 10. Chairman Edie Gess would like to have a co—chairman. Martie Mayer
will help again with the Art Auction.

Corresponding Secretary: On behalf of Callie Keller, Jessica shared two notes of
resignation. A note from Sarah Carolyn Sanderlin was read. Anne Kraus made a motion
to accept her resignation. Brenda seconded the motion, which passed.

A note from Gay Van Meter was read. Mimi made a motion to accept her resignation
with regret. Margaret Cowgill seconded the motion, which passed.

The next Board Meeting will be July 6 at 9:30 a.m. at Callie Keller’s home, 2012
Hart Road.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary



May 4, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, May 4, 2009 at 9:30
am. at the home of Mimi Milward. First Vice President Barbara Young presided and
called the meeting to order. There were 19 members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin,
Leslie Baldwin, Brenda Barrett, Kathy Brooks, Betsy Bulleit, Margaret Cowgill, Kim
DeCamp, Mary Louise Fisher, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus, Ginny May, Mimi Milward,
Mary Montague, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen, Benny Williams,
and Barbara Young.

The minutes of the April Board meeting, which were circulated via email, were
approved as emailed.

Barbara thanked Mimi Milward for hosting the meeting.

Mimi Milward, Treasurer, reported that appropriate funds will be transferred into
the operating account for garden expenses. She announced that our accountant Lindy
Karns is a finalist for the Women Leading Kentucky Martha Layne Collins Leadership

Kim DeCamp announced that she is working with Callie Keller and Jessica
Nicholson to have the Club’s database accurately updated by June 1.

Committee Reports:
Admissions: Ginny May reminded everyone that the admissions deadline is August 1.

Conservation: Kim has been communicating with the Kentucky Buffalo Clover
specialist, who will come to Ashland to work with the clover there, perhaps transplanting
some of it.

On the national front the focus has been on evaluating conservation needs and
determining which programs should be reinforced and which should be changed.

Flower Show: Leslie Baldwin announced that our October garden show has been granted
permission to give awards. The title for the show will be “The Garden of Lexington
Presents the Winner’s Circle, Hoofbeats through Thyme.” It will be categorized as a
Small Flower Show.

Program: Marcia Slabaugh announced that the next meeting will be on May 21St at 10:30
am. at Ellen Chapman’s home. The hostesses are Katie Alford and Judy Philpot. The Iris
Society will present the program.

Horticulture: Brenda Barrett reported that the Hort Committee will put together a
brochure documenting the tree inventory at Ashland. Barbara agreed to photograph some
of the important trees in various stages during the summer. The Kentucky Coffeetree
seedlings will be exhibited at the Flower Show. When they are ready to be transplanted,
some will be placed in appropriate places throughout the community.



Brenda recommended the Shirley McNeice Workshop, which will be September 19th -
21St and is sponsored by the Glenco Garden Club, Chicago.

Special Projects: Benny Williams asked the Board to remember the two cases of books
available from the cookbook swap with the Annapolis Junior League. Betsy Bulleit asked
everyone to take our cookbook with them when shopping to show potential vendors. Kim
Lake at the Cookbook Office can follow up. It was suggested that we market the books at
the Woodland Park Arts Fair. We will be allowed to exhibit and promote our books at the
Farmers Market for $10 three times a year.

Archives: Janie Pappas noted that a memorial article for Harriet Holladay will be added
to the Archives.

Assistant Treasurer: Anne Kraus reported an account balance of $6,634.77. To date
eight actives and five affiliates have not paid dues.

Scholarship: Katie Alford announced that from March 2008 to March 2009 GCA has
received 184 donations totaling $135,470. This year’s Martin—McLaren Interchange
Fellow is Jason Lattier from our zone. Katie asked for recommendations for the E. A.
Hull Award which recognizes individuals who work in horticulture with children under
sixteen years of age.

Barbara noted that as a result of the exchange program with England, we will have a
student in England and one from England will be here. The June/July issue of the
“Bulletin” highlights the GCA scholarships.

Visiting Gardens: Kathy Brooks announced that the 2009 GCA garden trips are full. It is
possible to sign up on the “interested list” for 2010 trips. She circulated brochures for the
2009 Kilgore Garden Tour in Anchorage and Pewee Valley.

Garden Project: Mary Louise Fisher noted that workers are needed in the peony beds
later in the summer. For reference there is a documented list with pictures of the
Saunders peonies which are in the garden.

New Business:

Anne Kraus suggested asking the Pomegranate Company to make aprons with
derby silks to sell and to wear when touting our cookbooks. Margaret Cowgill will pursue
possibilities for aprons and other items.

Margaret suggested asking Harriett Dupree to offer menus using recipes from the
cookbooks at her Entre’e Vous shop.

On behalf of President Jessica Nicholson, Barbara noted that it has become
difficult to find affiliates to serve refreshments in the garden. Suggestions included
asking actives who are not able to work in the garden to contribute, keeping beverages in
a refrigerator in the shed, asking affiliates to be in charge of the signups, circulating a
signup at meetings for both actives and affiliates to contribute, and inviting affiliates to
have refreshments with us.



The next Board Meeting will be June 1 at 9:30 am. at Lauren Van Balen’s home,
3860 Lemons Mill Pike.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary



April 6, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, April 6, 2009 at the
home of Kathy Brooks. Ellen Chapman, Past President, called the meeting to order.
There were 15 members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin, Leslie Baldwin, Wende Bell,
Betsy Bulleit, Kathy Brooks, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Edie Gess, Anne Kraus,
Martie Mayer, Mary Montague, Lauren Van Balen, Benny Williams, and Barbara Young.
The minutes of the March Board meeting which were circulated via email were approved
as emailed.

Committee Reports:

Conservation: Martie Mayer reported that the Conservation Committee will meet in the
garden on April 22 at 10:30 a.m. with a rain date of April 27.

Flower Show: Leslie Baldwin announced that the schedule for the Flower Show, which
is to be held October 5th and 6th in the Keene Mansion, will be printed and suggested that
entries for the container division should be started six months ahead. A guideline book,
GCA Flower Show and Judging Guide, is available online. “The Bloomin’ News” will
have more details. Katie Alford showed a copy of the GCA quarterly magazine, “GCA
by Design” and suggested that this would be an excellent source for Flower Show
guidance and inspiration.

Garden Project: Mary Montague thanked those who helped to open the peony beds.
They are asking advice regarding the removal and replacement of the Lace Bark Elm
which was damaged during the ice storm. Different varieties of replacement trees were
considered. Covering the peonies with cloth to protect them from freezing was also

Program: Martie announced that the next meeting will be a Wildflower Walk on April 6
at Kathy and Butch Ellingsen’s home. Everyone is asked to meet at 10:30 a.m. at St.
Hubert’s Episcopal Church on Grimes Mill Road. Frances Cox and Meg Sprow are the
hostesses, and box lunches will be provided. In case of rain the Wildflower Walk will be
cancelled, and meeting arrangements will be announced in “The Bloomin’ News.”

Special Projects: Benny Williams reported that as a result of a Cookbook Swap with the
Junior League of Annapolis, we have one case each of their two cookbooks, and they
have one case of each of our cookbooks. Our books with the jockey silks, which they
will market prior to the Derby, were appealing to them.

Following a connection made at the Kentucky Crafted Show, we have an opportunity to
market our cookbooks at the 49th Annual Louisville Gift Show. The fee for the booth is
$595.00. Benny noted that participating in the earlier show was valuable in marketing our
books, and we have had several follow up sales. Betsy Bulleit added that the sell of
cookbooks is on the rise, and it is especially helpful to keep our books in front of the
vendors. Barbara Young made a motion to obtain a booth at the Louisville Gift Show.
Lauren Van Balen seconded. The motion passed.



Assistant Treasurer: Anne Kraus reported an account balance of $4,134.77 and noted
that dues should be paid by May 15.

Founder’s Fund: Martie announced that at the Annual Meeting our club chose the
French Broad River Project, Imagine. . .tuming a junkyard into a park, and she has mailed
in our preference.

Scholarship: Katie Alford reported that she received a letter from Sue Thompson
thanking the club for our gift to the GCA Scholarship Fund.

Barbara announced that one GCA scholarship recipient is from UK and one is from
Louisville. She suggested that both might be interesting speakers for our meetings and
noted that a Power Point presentation, which she has put together, is available for
programs as well.

Visiting Gardens: Kathy Brooks announced that the Cincinnati Flower Show will be
April 16th -26th at the Symmes Township Park. Speakers will include Helen Dillon,
known as Ireland’s Most Famous Green Thumb, and Melinda Myers, a noted garden
author. The Historic Garden Week in Virginia will be April 18th -25m.

New Business:

Ellen reported that Jessica has received a request from Dick DeCamp, President of the
Ashland Foundation Board, to make the garden available for a catered dinner for eight to
be auctioned at their fund raising garden party. Benny made a motion to comply with
their request and allow the dinner for a maximum of eight people to be served in the
garden with John Martin, who knows the garden well, as the recommended caterer.
Wende Bell seconded. The motion passed.

It was also decided to offer one each of our cookbooks and one each of the Annapolis
Junior League cookbooks as items for the auction.

Ellen announced with regret that Scotty Walton has died and noted that she has been a
very special garden club member and will be missed.

Ellen thanked Martie for hosting the meeting.

The next Board Meeting will be May 4 at the home of Mimi Milward, 1640 Ashwood

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Arvin
Recording Secretary



January 5, 2009

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, January 5, 2009 at the
home of Mary Montague. President Jessica Nicholas presided and called the meeting to
order. There were 17 members present: Anne Arvin, Brenda Barrett, Kathy Brooks,
Betsy Bulleit, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Margaret Cowgill, Kim DeCamp, Mary
Louise Fisher, Callie Keller, Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Mary Montague, Jessica
Nicholson, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen, and Benny Williams.

Jessica thanked Mary Montague for hosting the meeting.

The minutes of the December Board meeting which were circulated via email
were approved as emailed.

Treasurer Mimi Milward reported a balance of $8,912.50 in the Operating
Account and a balance of $792.77 in the Assistant Treasurer’s account. She reported that
the Finance Committee has allocated the follow