xt7kd50fz294_26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_6/Multipage3502.pdf 2005-2006 2006 2005-2006 section false xt7kd50fz294_26 xt7kd50fz294  

Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
January 3, 2005

The Garden Club of Lexington’s Board met January 3rd at the home of Ginny May.
President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. There were twelve
members present: Wendy Bell, Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown, Ellen Chapman, Dottie
Cordray, Sarah Davis, Mo Ethington, Anne Gay, Ginny May, Jessica Nicholson, Judy
Philpot, and Barbara Young.

Mo Ethington read the minutes from the December Board meeting. The minutes
were approved as read.

Treasurer Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $14,897.97.

Ginny May reported a balance of $7,453.00 for assistant treasurer, Kim DeCamp.
Ginny read a letter of resignation from Anne Sayre Combs. A motion was made to
accept with regret the resignation of Mrs. Sydney Sarah Combs. Seconded by Libby
Brown. Unanimously approved.


ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown announced an orientation meeting with the new
members at her house on January 20th at 4:00 pm.

PROGRAM: Barbara Young reminded everyone our Jan 20th meeting would be held at
Broadway Christian Church at 10:30 am. There will be no meeting in February and the
Annual meeting will be on March 17‘“. Further details will be in the Blooming News.

PUBLICATIONS: Tuesday, January 4th at 5:00 pm will be the deadline for the
Blooming News.

NEW BUSINESS: Ellen Chapman, Visiting Garden Chair, announced a small group of
women from the Garden Club of Houston would be coming to Lexington in the spring.
They would like to visit gardens and see some of the Bluegrass.

President Ginny May appointed Brenda Barrett and Kathy Brooks to be on the
Horticulture Committee; Betsy Bulleit on the Flower Arrangement Committee and
Marcia Slabaugh on the Conservation Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 am.
Respectfully Submitted,

"tki 5111 ch <1\fi) H
Mo Ethington, Recording Secretary


 Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
January 20, 2005

Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, January 20th at Broadway Christian Church
Fellowship Hall. Ginny May, Kay Steffee and Janie Stilz served as hostesses. President
Ginny May called the meeting to order at 10:40 am.

The minutes of the December meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $15,420.58.


Conservation: Mott Nicol reported she would be going to the GCA conservation meeting
in a few weeks.

Horticulture: Chairman Dottie Cordray asked everyone who had a propagation box to
please let her know how the plants were doing for the Annual Meeting. A horticulture
meeting will be held at Dot Crutcher’s on Wednesday, March 2nd at 10:30 am.

Old Business: Ginny took a survey to see how many people use and enjoy the GCA site,
“Real Dirt”.
Ginny thanked Anne Campbell for the new microphone she donated to the Garden Club.

New Business: Dot Crutcher presented the motion from the Board to change the name of
Publicity to Public Relations and to add Public Relations to the Board Standing
Committees in the By-Laws. Unanimously approved.

As there was no further business, Ginny reminded everyone there would be no

February meeting. The next meeting will be at the Lexington Club on March 17 at
11:00 am. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.

Program Chairman, Barbara Young turned the program over to our own beekeeper,
Lucy Breathitt, who introduced Phil Craft, Kentucky State Apiarist. A wonderful
program was given on the life of honeybees and beekeeping, which was followed by a
delicious box lunch. All enjoyed the morning.

Respectfully submitted,

H19 EZUN M‘nr‘ it?“

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
March 7, 2005

The Board of Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Mimi Milward.
President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. The following 18 members
were present: Wendy Bell, Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Dottie Cordray, Dot Crutcher,
Sarah Davis, Kim DeCamp, Mo Ethington, Anne Gay, Melodye Kinkead, Ginny May,
Mimi Milward, Mott Nicol, Jessica Nicholson, Judy Philpot, Jane Stilz, Gay VanMeter
and Barbara Young.

The minutes from the January meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer, Gay VanMeter reported a bank balance of $15,596.78.

President Ginny May read a letter of resignation from the Garden Club from Bitsy
Ruch. Barbara Young made a motion, which was seconded by Nancy Bishop to accept
with deep, deep regret Bitsy Ruch resignation. Motion approved.


CONSERVATION: Chair Mott Nicol reported on her meeting in Washington, DC. She
informed everyone of a report by Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation. Their
recommendation is to dismantle tax deductions for landowners who volunteer to conserve
their land and historic buildings. This program has been essential to private and public
conservation efforts. Mott asked all who were concerned to either call or fax our
Senators. Numbers will be in the Blooming News. Our conservation project will be to
help Ashland with their grounds by trying to rid the grounds of honeysuckle and to take
care of the Buffalo clover plants. We will work along side Gray Landscape Service.

This is a one-year commitment and will cost about $700.00.

GARDEN: Jessica Nicholson announced they have found a beautiful Lacebark Elm,
which will be purchased to replace the tree on the terrace. The cost will be
approximately $1500.00.

Jessica and Callie are getting bids on garden gates to replace the wooden gate on the
side. Aluminum gates are around $6100.00 and the steel are $2500.00. This does not
include installation. They will report later on their recommendation. Everyone should
report to the peony bed for clean up on march 30th. Our weekly garden work will begin
April 6t .

HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray reported on a brochure the horticulture committee
will be working on and asked for everyone help. A list of every plant in the boarder will
be identified and a timeline of when they bloom will be printed. Logistics will follow
soon. Dottie asked everyone who has propagation containers to please bring them to Dot



Assistant Treasurer, Kim DeCamp reported we have a balance of $9, 129.54

OLD BUSINESS: Ginny reminded all photographers to have their pictures ready for the
Zone Meeting. They have to be entered by May 2- 16. There can only be two entries
from each club. We will decide which pictures will be entered.

NEW BUSINESS: A vote will be taken on a new National Park. Captain John Smith
Chesapeake National Water Trail is being considered.

As there was no further business, Ginny thanked Dot Crutcher for the use of her home
even though she was unable to attend. The next meeting will be held at Sarah Davis’s
house on May 2'“. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20.

Respectfully submitted,
“lo 1 mufic‘ta‘o

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



February 25, 2005

To: Benny Williams
From: Jackie Duke

Re: Bluegrass Winners cookbook

Dear Benny:

Eclipse Press is pleased to propose the following
arrangement for printing the 20t edition of Bluegrass
Winners cookbook (or the first edition of The NEW
Bluegrass Winners cookbook):

Press run: 4,000 copies

Cover price: $24.95 (in line with other cookbooks and
anticipating an increase in paper costs by the 2006)

Specifications: as proposed by Garden Club of Lexington

Benefits to Garden Club: 3,000 copies at no cost,
representing revenue potential of nearly $75,000; Garden
Club to sell through its established channels and outlets;
editing, layout, and production at no cost to Garden Club.

Eclipse Press retains 1,000 copies to sell through
Exclusively Equine and through national distributor.

Subsequent printing: to be determined within first full
year Bluegrass Winners is available for sale.

Thank you in advance for the opportunity to present this



Cookbook progress Page 1 of1

Mo Ethington



From: Benny Williams [benny@bellgroupky.com]
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 9:22 AM

To: GHV211@aol.com

Subject: Cookbook progress

Hey Gay--

I left a message on your cell phone yesterday, but wanted you to have the scoop in writing, too. Heard back
from Stacy Bearse. The long and short of it is that if they cut the press run down by one—half, he can make
sense of the costs they incur. So, the proposal is that they do 4,000 books, Eclipse keeps 1,000, cover price
is $24.95. No cost to us up front, we keep all of our current “clients” and outlet to sell to, we have the rights,
etc. Then, when time to reprint, we can get a quote from them, which should be at a reasonable rate. If you
have any questions, Jackie said to give her a call. Or, if the timing is such that the board has more questions,
etc., by the time I get back, I’ll call Stacy and firm it up. I get back on March 10th (functioning hopefully by
the 14th). Let me know. Not a bad compromise, espcecially considering no up—front money for production.
Not exactly what we want, but should be OK ? Check you later, Benny



 6:04 AM Garden Club of Lexington

04/13/05 Balance Sheet
Accrual Basis ' As of December 31, 2004

. Dec 31, 04

Current Assets


Checking - BGW
Checking - DUES
Checking - GARDEN
Savings - BGW

Total Checking/Savings

Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable

Total Accounts Receivable

Other Current Assets
Certificates of Deposit

CD - Pacific Capital Bank 12/08
CD - GMAC Automotive Bank 10/09
CD - Flagstar Bank 08/08‘
CD - Net Bank 06/18/08
CD - Safra National Bank NY 13
CD - Merrill Lynch Bk USA 2007
CD - Bankatlantic F.S.B. 032706
CD - Provident BK Cinn OH 11/07
CD - Flagstar Bank 010207
CD - MBNA America Bk 10/05
CD - Capital One Bank 0506
CD - Providian N.B. 09/06
CD - Lehman Bros 08/05
CD - Provid NH FF Dep 12/05

Total Certificates of Deposit

Merrill Lynch Ready Asset
Undeposited Funds

Total Other Current Assets

Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets

Lighting for Garden
Accumulated Depreciation
Lighting for Garden - Other

Total Lighting for Garden

Irrigation System
Accumulated Depreciation

Total Irrigation System
























6:04 AM

Accrual Basis

Garden Club of Lexington

Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2004











Dec 31, 04
Cost 1,090.03
Accumulated Depreciation -1,028.00
Total Computer 62.03
Computer Software
Cost 353.86
Accumulated Depreciation -353.86
Total Computer Software 0.00
Garden Fountain
Cost 224.95
Accumulated Depreciation -225.00
Total Garden Fountain —0.05
Garden Furniture
Cost 4,149.75
Accumulated Depreciation -4,150.00
Total Garden Furniture -0.25
Office Equipment
Cost 1,491.83
Accumulated Depreciation -1,492.00
. Total Office Equipment -0.17
Total Fixed Assets 6,111.56
TOTAL ASSETS 356,885.40
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Payroll Liabilities
City Withholding 29.05
Federal Withholding -112.00
Company -20.55
Employee -294.96
Total FICA -315.51
Company -36.71
Employee 5.30
Total Medicare -31.41
School 1.83
State Withholding 10.47



Total Payroll Liabilities






Accrual Basis

Garden Club of Lexington

Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2004






Dec 31, 04

Sales Tax -345.42

Total Other Current Liabilities -762.99

Total Current Liabilities -762.99

Total Liabilities -762.99

Open Bal Equity 272,174.33

Retained Earnings 89,609.23

Net Income -4,135.17

Total Equity 357,648.39







 Garden Club of Lexington
P&L Previous Year Comparison
January through December 2004


Membership Dues
Membership Initiation Fees
Gifts Received

Memorial Gifts
Regular Gifts

Total Gifts Received

Interest Received

Certificates of Deposit
Checking Accounts
ML Ready Asset Interest Receive
Savings Accounts
Blue Grass Winners Account
Savings Accounts - Other

Total Savings Accounts

Total Interest Received
Cookbook Sales

Sales - Wholesale
Sales - Distributors
Sales - In Kentucky
Sales - Out of State
Sales - Members
Discounts Given

Total Discounts Given

Cost of Books Sold
Cookbook Sales - Other

Total Cookbook Sales
Money Making Projects

Flower Show

Total Flower Show

Art Sales
Cost of Art Sold
Art Sales - Other

Total Art Sales

Friends of Garden Party

Total Friends of Garden Party

Jan - Dec '04

Jan - Dec '03

$ Change

% Change


1 ,1 25.00





1 8,622.84
951 .87


~21 ,57650

-1 2,460.48




-1 ,936.86









21 ,121 .94


-1 2,145.57


-1 3,485.22











-1 3.28
















—30.1 %





1 ,024.74











-1 00.0%











Total Money Making Projects 11,972.34 15,287.63 -3,315.29 -21.7%


Total Income 46,628.64 56,162.06 -9,533.42 -17.0%


Gross Profit 46,628.64 56,162.06 -9,533.42 -17.0%

Employee Benefits 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.0%
Bank Charges 18.00 0.00 18.00 100.0%
Contributions 1,381.00 1,015.00 366.00 36.1%
Depreciation Expense 0.00 5,247.00 -5,247.00 400.0%

Dues Paid to GCA 2,870.00 2,870.00 0.00 0.0%
Blue Grass Winners Expenses

Payroll Expense Medicare
Payroll Expense Fica

1 22.64
361 .50


- 14.68


Page 1




Office Supplies
Payroll Expenses
Gross Wages

Total Payroll Expenses



Total Promotions

Shipping & Handling
Delivery Charges
Paid Out

Total Shipping & Handling

Storage Fee
Blue Grass Winners Expenses - Other

Total Blue Grass Winners Expenses

Garden Expenses

Garden Furniture Insurance
GCA Club Insurance
Liability Insurance
Workman's Comp

Total Insurance


Garden Maintenance
Garden Building

Total Garden Maintenance

Garden Operating Expense
Irrigation System
Peony Garden
Plants Purchased
Rose Garden
Upkeep, Spraying, Etc.

Total Garden Operating Expense

Payroll Expenses
Gross Wages

Total Payroll Expenses

Payroll Taxes

Total Payroll Taxes



Total Utilities

Total Garden Expenses
General Expenses of GCL

Blooming News
Membership 8. Programs
Office Supplies


Garden Club of Lexington

P&L Previous Year Comparison

January through December 2004











Jan - Dec '04 Jan - Dec '03 $ Change % Change
30.46 152.52 —122.06 -80.0%
8,458.20 7,448.10 1,010.10 13.6%
8,458.20 7,448.10 1,010.10 13.6%
87.11 65.47 21.64 33.1%
569.58 170.80 398.78 233.5%
116.40 37.00 79.40 214.6%
32.46 30.50 1.96 6.4%
718.44 238.30 480.14 201.5%
145.33 127.59 17.74 13.9%
1,425.18 1,361.13 64.05 4.7%
-739.56 -656.20 —83.36 -12.7%
830.95 832.52 -1 .57 -0.2%
222.18 564.00 —341 .82 -60.6%
706.46 704.88 1.58 0.2%
0.00 -527.89 527.89 100.0%
12,062.35 10,359.98 1,702.37 164%
594.37 565.21 29.16 5.2%
0.00 82.00 —82.00 —100.0%
699.50 436.50 263.00 60.3%
836.25 836.25 0.00 0.0%
2,130.12 1,919.96 210.16 11.0%
122.04 43.00 79.04 183.8%
1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.0%
60.00 200.00 ~140.00 ~70.0%
1 ,060.00 200.00 860.00 430.0%
465.19 354.00 111.19 31.4%
5,676.00 5,915.00 -239.00 -4.0%
95.20 185.00 -89.80 -48.5%
3,229.26 396.25 2,833.01 715.0%
98.24 0.00 98.24 100.0%
4,018.96 2,876.32 1,142.64 39.7%
13,582.85 9,726.57 3,856.28 39.7%
4,831 .91 5,068.16 -236.25 -4.7%
4,831.91 5,068.16 -236.25 -4.7%
299.56 314.16 -14.60 -4.7%
70.06 73.49 -3.43 -4.7%
369.62 387.65 -18.03 -4.7%
235.86 63.58 172.28 271.0%
1,371.96 965.22 406.74 42.1%
1,607.82 1 ,028.80 579.02 56.3%
23,704.36 18,374.14 5,330.22 29.0%
266.05 374.99 -108.94 -29.1%
593.18 0.00 593.18 100.0%
105.00 261.74 -1 56.74 -59.9%
79.97 135.85 -55.88 -41.1%
581.27 26.00 555.27 2,1357%

Page 2



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
April 4, 2005

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Dot Crutcher.
President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. The following 10 members
were present: Nancy Bishop, Ellen Chapman, Kim Decamp, Mo Ethington, Callie
Keller, Ginny May, Mott Nicol, Judy Philpot, Jane Stilz and Barbara Young.

The minutes from the March board meeting were approved as read.
Ginny May reported a balance of $13, 873.19 for treasurer, Gay VanMeter.

Ellen Chapman, who serves on the GCA Public Relations Committee, would like to
see us submit our Henry Clay project for the Public Relation Award. It was suggested
that we should educate our members about the work of the Public Relation Committee
and other GCA committees. Over the years, we have not participated in some of these


CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol, Chairman, reported Gray Eaton would donate his crew
to help us one day to clean around the trees on the Ashland grounds. We will try to get
rid of the honeysuckle and euonymus. We will have to pay a dump fee to haul away the
debris. We will have one man at $36.00 a day to cut out any growth coming back around
the trees. This will be for 3 months at an expense of $500.00. Barbara Young made a
motion to accept Mott’s recommendation subject to the finance committee approval.
Seconded by Mo Ethington. Mott will pick a Wednesday for us to work with the lawn
service. This will be after we complete out work in the garden.

GARDEN: Co- Chair, Callie Keller, reported the Lacebark Elm has been planted in the
garden. It is beautiful and everyone was delighted. A lovely woman, Dorothy Swope,
who has enjoyed Ashland over the years, will donate the tree. Barbara suggested having
her join us for refreshments in the garden after a work Wednesday. Callie and Jessica are
still researching the gates and will let us know their recommendations. A motion was
made by Ellen Chapman to finance the gates thru the Memorial Fund. Seconded by
Barbara Young. The motion was approved. Mott Nicol made a motion to replace the
two trees outside the gate from the memorial fund. This would have to be done thru the
Ashland Foundation. Seconded by Barbara Young. The motion was approved. Barbara
will donate some of the perennials that have been dug and potted from Mr. Young’s
garden for our borders.

PROGRAM: Our next general meeting will be held at the Crutcher Preserve reported
Chair Barbara Young. Details will be forthcoming in the Blooming News. Our hostess
will be Betsy Hillenmeyer and Sheilagh Hammond.



Crutcher’s garage by March 16th. The committee will repot them for the April Zone

PROGRAM: Barbara Young reported our April meeting will be held at the Crutcher
Preserve and our May meeting will be at Keeneland. Further details will be in the
Blooming News.

PUBLICATION: Chairman Mimi Milward reported a large print edition of the
Blooming News would be available soon.

FOUNDERS FUND: Wendy Bell, Chair reported a vote would be taken for the
Founders Fund Award at our March 17th meeting. She reminded everyone to read about
the candidates in the GCA Bulletin. Zone 7 has a wonderful project, Montpelier’s
Oriental Garden.

Treasurer Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $ 5,927.54. Annual dues are $100.00 and
are due by June 15‘.


Gay VanMeter gave the following cookbook update. Eclipse Press will print 4,000 books
and they will keep 1000 to sell through Exclusively Equine and other national distributor.
We would have 3,000 copies at no cost. The Garden Club retains the rights etc. and we
sell through our established channels and outlets. Editing, layout and production will be
no cost to us. At the time of reprinting, we can get a quote from them. Committees will
be announced soon.

President Ginny May told of the lovely note she received from the Scholarship
Committee thanking us for our donation to Interchange Fellowship. Zone 7

has been approved to have the Annual Meeting in 2014. They will remind us 5 years
ahead of time.


A nice note was received from the Shelia McQueen Foundation thanking us for our
donation. Martie Mayer will be joining Ginny to the Zone meeting in Louisville on May
22-24th. There will be now flower show, however, there will be a Photography Show.
Each club is required to submit two and only two entries. Further information will be in
the Blooming News.

The next Board meeting will be at Dot Crutchers on April 4th.

After thanking Mimi for her hospitality, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,
W iMK‘hfilO’D
Mo Ethington, Recording Secretary



April 21,2005

Garden Club of Lexington met at the Crutcher Preserve for a hike on April 21, 2005.
After a walk through the Blue—Eyed Marys on a glorious spring day, the hikers re-
treated to the home of Vickie Brooks, overlooking the preserve. Vickie welcomed
the group saying that since she was fortunate enough to live in paradise, she wanted
to share it with us.

President Ginny May called the meeting to order and thanked hostesses Sheilagh
Hammond and Betsy Hillenmeyer. She also thanked Chandra Grodon from the
Nature Conservancy and Vickie Brooks.

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as read.

In Gay’s absence, Ginny passed out the annual balance sheets. There was no
Treasurer’s report.


HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray presented the charts she has created to track
the garden’s bloom time. Each parterre will be responsible for marking down
what is in bloom each week of the year. This information will then be gathered
and put on a master sheet to be made available to the public as people view the
garden. Dottie also reported that we have six plants that will make the trip to the
Armual Meeting in Kansas City. Gay VanMeter and Mary Montague were
commended for their groups’ boxes of cuttings.


Mimi Milward will collect the photos which are eligible to go to Lousiville for
the Zone Meeting in May. Since we can only send two photos from the club, a
group will go over the class criteria and choose those two photographs.

Ginny announced that there was an article about the garden in the Chevy Chaser



She also announced that Hylah Boyd, Zone VII Conservation Representative, is
seeking support from Zones VI and VII to endorse a new national park, the
Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Water Trail. A motion to endorse

this legislation was made by Carol Jackson and was seconded by Anne Gay. The
motion carried.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfullly submitted,

fiégflé (A, QAHSVN

ssica Nicholson,
Acting Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
May 2, 2005

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Sarah
Davis. President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. The
following 15 members were present: Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown, Ellen
Chapman, Dottie Cordray, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Kim Decamp, Mo
Ethington, Callie Keller, Ginny May, Jessica Nicholson, Judy Philpot, Jane
Stilz, Gay Van Meter, and Barbara Young.

President Ginny May read a nice note from Ashland thanking the club for
the wonderful job we do in the garden.

Gay Van Meter, treasurer reported a balance of $12,921.01

ADMISSION: Libby Brown reminded everyone June 1St was the deadline
for a change in membership status. At the moment, we have openings for 5
new members. All applications must be in no later than August 28th. Kay
Steffee has requested to change her membership from active to affiliate.
Callie Keller made a motion to change Kay’s membership status. Seconded
by Nancy Bishop. Motion carried.

GARDEN: Callie Keller reported they had received two bids for the garden
gates. Lucas Equine bid $6,620.00. Mark Mulligan bid $4,850.00 for steel
gates with a powdered coating. Steel post will be installed for the gates to
hang. Finance committee will decide. Jessica Nicholson announced Talitha
Freeman would be the head of the garden refreshment committee.

HORTICULTURE: Chairman Dottie Cordray announced Ginny May, Gay
VanMeter, Mary Montague, Sue Glover, Mimi Milward and Nancy Bishop
sent plants to the plant exchange and received 4 merit awards. Dottie
announced that after 2006 there would be no more Annual meeting plant
exchange. The exchange is being stopped because of spreading diseases
from one part of the country to another and the difficulty of transporting



PROGRAMS: Barbara Young announced our next meeting would be held
May 19th at 10:30 in the Keeneland Clubhouse. On June 16th, our meeting
will be held at Clara Dupree’s garden in Rockcastle County. A bus will be
provided for transportation.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Gay Van Meter announced the steering committee
had met twice. Jane Stilz and Martie Mayer will be the Chairs of the recipe
committee. There will be a maximum of five hundred recipes. A few of the
old recipes will be used. There will be 50 horse farms asked to sponsor our
cookbook. We will be receiving the final contract from Eclipse soon.

Assistant Treasurer, Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $9,929.54. The
deadline for dues is June 1“.

OLD BUSINESS: Mimi Milward signed the club up for the photography
classes at the Zone Meeting in Louisville. Her first choices were granted.

NEW BUSINESS: Gay Van Meter informed the board that Ashland
charged $100.00 for prom pictures to be taken in the garden.

President Ginny May announced the death of long time member Mary
Andrews Goff who will be truly missed.

As there was no further business, Ginny thanked Sarah Davis for the use
of her home. The next meeting will be held a Mott Nicol’s house on June

6th. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40.

Respectfully submitted,

W 8% Irv-\c‘lo n

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary


 Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
May 19, 2005

The Garden Club of Lexington met at Keeneland on May 19th. Mary
Louise Fisher and Edie Gess were the hostesses.

President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 10:45 am. She
thanked our hostesses and Nick Nicholson and Louis Haggin. Ginny
announced a group from the River Oak Club of Houston would be joining us
later for the program.

Treasurer, Gay Van Meter announced a balance of $12,226.57.


FLOWER SHOW: Chairman Sarah Davis circulated a sign up sheet for the
Friends of the Garden party. She also announced a flower arrangement
committee meeting in the garden on Wednesday, May 25th.

GARDEN: Jessica Nicholson asked for anyone who had a garden bushel
basket to please return it.

HORTICULTURE: Chairman Dottie Cordray announced Nancy Bishop,
Mimi Milward, Mary Montague and Gay Van Meter won merit awards at
the Annual Meeting plant exchange. Dottie informed everyone, the plant
exchange would be stopped after the 2006 Annual Meeting because of the
problems of diseases and transporting the plants to meetings.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Jane Stilz and Martie Mayer distributed Recipe
Forms for our new Cookbook. It will be a lot of fun compiling a new
cookbook and everyone’s full participation will make the new book a huge
success. They would like to have all recipes by August 31st. Gay Van
Meter and Benny Williams reported they have received the final contract
from Eclipse Press, which will be signed today. There is no set date for
going to Press.

OLD BUSINESS: President Ginny May announced Perry Street Children’s
Garden in Trenton, New Jersey won the 2005 Founders Fund Award.



NEW BUSINESS: Ginny announced Sue Glover will Chair the Friends of
the Garden Party and Sarah Davis will Chair the Art Auction.

President Ginny May showed the trophy the Garden Club
of Lexington was awarded by the Lexington Fayette Urban County
Government Historic Preservation Commission for more than 50 years of
excellent stewardship in the Ashland garden.

As there was no further business, Ginny adjourned the meeting at 11:05
am. She turned the meeting over to Louis Haggin and Nick Nicholson who
gave us a lovely history of Keeneland and the grounds. We were treated to a
wonderful tour of the library, which was followed, by a delicious box lunch
and a talk by Louis on the horticulture history of Keeneland.

Respectfully submitted,

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Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary





Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
June 6, 2005

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Mott
Nicol. President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. The
following 1 1 members were present: Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown, Dottie
Cordray, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Mo Ethington, Sue Glover (Chair of
Garden Party), Callie Keller, Jessica Nicholson, Mott Nicol and Barbara

President Ginny May read a nice letter of resignation from Eileen
Hillenmeyer. Libby Brown made a motion to accept Eileen’s resignation
with deep regret. Seconded by Callie Keller. Unanimously approved.

Treasurer, Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $10,541.46.


ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown announced there were 5 places for
new members. Anyone who is eligible and needs an application should
contact Libby.

CONSERVATION: Mott thanked everyone for her work on the grounds of
Ashland. Gray Eaton graciously donated his men and equipment for the day
of clean up. Everyone appreciated his generosity. Betty Kenan had
suggested an adopt—a-tree program to make sure the areas are kept clean.
Everyone thanked Mott for the excellent job she has done on this project.

FLOWER COMMITTEE: The committee will meet in the garden on
Wednesday, June 15th.

GARDEN: Co-Chairman, Callie Keller informed the Board of the
vandalism that took place in the garden over Memorial Day weekend. The
herb garden has been replanted and the lead birdbath straightened. All felt

HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray asked everyone to leave their new plant
labels with her for identification purposes. If we remove something from
our borders, we are to let Dottie know. A plant propagation meeting will be
announced in the Blooming News. All members of the committee should




. PROGRAM: Barbara Young announced Anne Gay and Kim Decamp would
host the Garden Picnic on Thursday, July 21“. Bill Fountain will take us on
a tree identification trip around the grounds.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Bluegrass
Winners”, the garden club will honor everyone who worked on the book.
Everyone is asked to bring comments, suggestions or anything that would be
helpful to the committee who is undertaking Bluegrass Winners Too. A
website is being discussed for the cookbook. Everyone’s participation is

Ginny May reported a balance of $12,092.07 for Assistant Treasurer, Kim

Anne Gay, Chair for Public Relations announced she had sent picture of the
Garden Club’s award from the city to GCA.

Barbara Young, who is the Zone Representive to the Scholarship