xt7kd50fz294_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_4/Multipage3320.pdf 2003-2004 2004 2003-2004 section false xt7kd50fz294_25 xt7kd50fz294  

Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
December 16, 2004

The Garden Club of Lexington gathered at the home of Charlotte Turner for the
Annual Christmas Tea. President Ginny May welcomed and introduced our four new
members: Kathy Brooks, Betsy Bulleitt, Marcia Slabaugh, and Brenda Barrett who was
unable to attend. Charlotte’s house was beautifully decorated with lovely flower
arrangements and Christmas decorations. We all enjoyed the beautiful setting and the
elegant tea. We left with cute little bells and the wonderful feeling of Christmas and

Respectfully submitted,

W SURE-he‘ll?) f\

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary


 Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
December 6, 2004

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met December 6, 2004 at the home of
Barbara Young. President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:50 am. There
were fourteen members present: Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis,
Mo Ethington, Anne Gay, Callie Keller, Ginny May, Melody Kinkead, Mimi Milward,
Mott Nicol, Judy Philpot, Jane Stilz and Barbara Young. Ginny thanked Barbara for
hosting the meeting and called for the minutes of the November Board meeting. They
were approved.

Ginny May gave the treasurer report for Gay Van Meter. We have a balance of $13,


CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol, chairman, announced a meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 7”".
She has talked to Bluegrass Pride and found out their Federal Funding has been cancelled
for 2005. Mott will report to the Board what the committee decides our conservation
project will be.

FINANCE: President Ginny May reported for Gay Van Meter. The Finance Committee
discussed, and reviewed upcoming financial commitments and decided the following
contributions for 2004:

GCA Scholarship Fund $300.00

Bluegrass Conservancy 400.00

Nature Conservancy 100.00

Henry Clay Memorial Fund 150.00

UK Arboretum 150.00

Raven Run 150.00

Bemheim 100.00

Ashland Neighborhood Assn. 15.00

Long Branch Garden 100.00

(In honor of S. McQueen 90‘h


Henry Clay High school Centennial Garden 100.00

Total contributions were $1,515.00, which was 10% of our present general operation

GARDEN: Chair, Callie Keller, reported they were still looking at trees and getting
advice on the type of tree to purchase. Every professional has a different opinion;
therefore it makes the decision difficult. They will keep up their research.


 PROGRAM: Barbara reminded everyone the Christmas tea would be held at Charlotte
Tumer’s. She would love to have suggestions for the May program. Ginny May
announced Kay Steffe will Co-host, along with Jane Stilz, the January meeting. Kay will
not be here but wanted to be part of the program.

SPECIAL PROJECT: Chairman, Melody Kinkead asked everyone to make sure they saw
the ad for Bluegrass Winners in the GCA publications, So far it has not produced any
new accounts, however, there is still time. Credit card orders will be suggested to
Amazon.com, who gives our cookbook a five star rating, or Joseph Beth.

PUBLICITY: Chairman Anne Gay discussed the need of a change from the name of
Publicity to Public Relations. After a discussion, Mo Ethington made a motion to change
the name of Publicity to Public Relations and to add Public Relations to the Board
Standing Committees in the By—Laws. Seconded by Dot Crutcher. Unanimously
approved. The motion will be printed in the Blooming News and will be voted on by the
membership at the January meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

“P en mi Y0 0

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
November 18, 2004

The Garden Club of Lexington met at Idle Hour Country Club on November 18, 2004.
Hostesses were Kathy Brewer and Anne Kraus. President Ginny May called the meeting
to order at 10:40 am.

Treasurer Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $15,365.74. Gay announced the
Friends ofthe Garden Party cleared $7, 939.21 and the art made $3,722.00 for a total of


ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown reported the following new members: Mrs. Tony
Barrett (Brenda); Mrs. George Brooks (Kathy): Mrs. Tom Bulleitt (Betsy) and Mrs.
Steve Slabaugh (Marcia). Libby thanked the members who proposed the candidates. We
will look forward to welcoming them at the Christmas tea. We now have 58 active
members and 25 affiliates. In the past five years, we have taken in 16 new active
members. At the present time, we have openings for 2 members. Libby has applications
for the August 2005 deadline.

CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol, chairman, announced a committee meeting at Sue
Glover’s house on December 7th at 4:00 pm.

AWARDS: Chairman Dot Crutcher, asked for suggestion for names of people who could
be considered for an award in our club or in the community. Please let Dot know.

FLOWERS Sarah Davis, Chair asked for arrangements to be brought to the Christmas

GARDEN: Co-Chairman, Jessica Nicholson thanked everyone for their work in the
garden this year. The garden has been put to bed for the winter.

HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray asked members of her committee to call her if they
were not able to attend the last meeting in the garden. She would also like everyone to
call her about the propagation plants they have for the 2005 Annual meeting.

PROGRAM: Barbara Young announced the Christmas tea would be held at Charlotte
Turners. The January meeting will be about Bee Keeping and the Annual meeting will be
held in March followed by the April meeting at the Crutcher Preserve.

PUBLICATION: Chairman, Mimi Milward, reported she sent out the Blooming News
by e-mail and regular mail. She had a good response on the e—mail and will try again
next month.


 SPECIAL PROJECTS: Gay Van Meter announced she had brought boxes of Bluegrass
Winners, which could be purchased for $12.00 per book or by the case. The books make
wonderful Christmas gifts.

OLD BUSINESS: President, Ginny May, had a couple of Beautiful American Vegetables
books left and were for sale for $40.00.

NEW BUSINESS: The GCA Conservation meeting will be held in Washington, DC. on
February 15 — 17. Please call Ginny if you would like to attend.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am. and turned
over to Sarah Davis, Flower Chairman. Sarah showed and helped us make Christmas

wreaths. After a fun time, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

"TIE; 23m Wig i’Ofi

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
November 1, 2004

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met November 1St at the home of Elise
Boyd. President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:40 am. There were 18
members present: Wendy Bell, Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Libby Brown, Ellen
Chapman, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Kim DeCamp, Mo Ethington, Anne Gay, Melody
Kinkead, Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Mott Nicol, Jessica Nicholson, Judy Philpot, Janie
Stilz and Gay Van Meter. Ginny thanked Elise for hosting the meeting and called for the
reading of the minutes of the October meeting. They were approved as read except for
the change of Nancy Bishop seconding a motion instead of Anne Gay.

Treasurer Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $16,106.85.

ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown passed out the ballots to the voting board
members. She reminded everyone we had four openings but they did not have to be

CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol, Chair reported the committee was going forward with
the Ashland project. A grant would be possible in April from Bluegrass Pride. All
details are not worked out but it will probably be a one-year commitment with the

FINANCE: Chairman Gay Van Meter announced a Finance Committee would be called
for the purpose of charitable donations.

GARDEN: Jessica Nicholson and Callie Keller, Chairs announced we would try again to
plant the bulbs on the 10th of November. They are going to look at some trees in
Louisville for the garden.

HORTICULTURE: Chairman Dottie Cordray announced a committee meeting in the
garden following tulip planting.

PROGRAM: Barbara Young reminded us to bring our clippers and greens to the
November meeting. We will be making wreaths under the leadership of Sarah Davis.
She also reported a $50.00 gift certificate for Joseph Beth will be given to Dr. Tom
Barnes in appreciation of the wonderful program last month.

SPECIAL. PROJECTS: Melody Kinkead said she would have our cookbook, Bluegrass
Winners, at the November meeting. They are great gifts.

After counting the votes, Libby Brown announced we have four prospective new
members: They are: Brenda Barrett, Kathy Brooks, Betsy Bulleitt and Marcia Slabaugh.


 Everyone was delighted. If they accept, they will attend the Christmas tea with their
sponsor. Libby thanked all sponsors for their help.

NEW BUSINES: President Ginny May informed the Board she had been contacted by
Mary Diana Hannah about the possibilities of mentoring or helping in landscaping the
outdoor area at Henry Clay high school. After a discussion, it was decided to let the
finance committee review the possibilities and report back.

Assistant Treasurer, Kim Decamp, reported a balance of $7,253.00.

Sue Glover, Chairman of the Garden Party, reported a profit of $7, 939.21. Ginny
thanked Sue for a wonderful job.

Ellen Chapman talked about the roll of the Publicity Committee. It is very important
because this is our way of communicating with GCA and GCA with us. At the present
time, the Publicity Chairman position is a non-voting member. After a discussion,
President Ginny May asked Ellen and Anne Gay to bring a recommendation to the Board
on the status of the Publicity Chairman.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.

Respectfully submitted,

W 2301 Witt Em)

Mo Ethington, Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
October 21, 2204

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Ellen Chapman on October 21,
2004. Celeste Neuman served as co—hostesses with Ellen.

Mo Ethington, Recording Secretary, read the minutes of the September meeting,
which were approved as read.

Treasurer, Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $14,332.90.

President Ginny May read a letter of resignation from Monnie Long and a change of
status request from Betty Bos Haggin from active to affiliate. Board Approved.

Ginny announced Ellen Chapman has been appointed to a one—year term as the Zone 7
Representative for Public Relations


Garden: Callie Keller asked all members to be present for Bulb Planting on Wednesday,
October 27””. Rain Date will be Nov. 7th. All borders need to be put to bed at this time.

Flower : Chairman, Sarah Davis, asked for volunteers to take flower to the shut-ins. She
reminded everyone to bring clippers and greens but not holly to the November general

Horticulture: Dottie Cordray, Chairman, thanked everyone who sent plant material to the
Zone VII meeting. The awards were announced in the Blooming News. Dottie reminded
everyone to check on their propagations boxes. If you have one not in use, please bring
return it to Dottie.

Program: Ginny May asked for Hostesses for the Annual Meeting, which will be
March17, 2005. Please call Barbara Young if you are interested.

New Business: Gay Van Meter and Benny Williams are gearing up for the new
Cookbook. Barbara Young will be working with the horse farms and a committee will be
calling on everyone to help.

Ginny May took a vote from the membership on reading the GCA Publication and the
special Annual Report. Suggestions were offered.



Page 2

Anne Arvin gave her report on the Zone 7 meeting she attended with Ginny in Orange,
Virginia. They enjoyed the beautiful historical homes, the lovely gardens, the great
group of women, the flower show, the wonderful food and the informative speakers and
workshops. Computers are definitely going to be a part of GCA. There was talk of the
possibilities of a joint conservation committee. They returned home with all sorts of
enthusiasm and pride in our membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am. Dr. Tom Barnes, Extension Professor &
Wildlife Specialist, at the University of Kentucky gave a wonderful slide show on

Respectfully Submitted,

#5“? Ekh “Salim“

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Board Meeting
October 4, 2004

The Board of Garden Club of Lexington met October 4th at the home of Janie Stilz.
President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Twenty members were
present: Anne Arvin, Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Libby Brown, Dottie Cordray, Dot
Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Mo Ethington, Anne Gay, Callie Keller, Betty Kenan, Melodye
Kinkead, Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Jessica Nicholson, Mott Nicol, Judy Philpot, Janie
Stilz, Gay Van Meter and Barbara Young.

Treasurer Gay Van Meter announced a balance of $23,451.90.

Ginny May, President, read a letter of resignation from Monnie Long. Sarah Davis
made a motion to accept Monnie’s resignation. Seconded by Mo Ethington. Motion

Ginny read a letter from Betty Bos Haggin requesting a change of membership. Libby
Brown made a motion to change Betty’s membership to affiliate. Seconded by Anne
Gay. Motion passed.


CONSERVATIONS: Mott Nicol brought a proposal from the Conservation Committee
to help Ashland in the areas of Conservation. With the approval from Ashland, we
could improve the grounds, work on the Savannah River plants, visual enhancement of
gardening etc. Education could be emphasized in many ways. An example could be on
invasive and endangered plants. Mott suggested a two-year commitment. Nancy Bishop
made a motion to adopt the Conservations Committees proposal and for the committee to
go ahead and firm up specific guidelines and grants. Seconded by Dot Crutcher.
Unanimously approved.

GARDEN: Co-Chair, Callie Keller, reported the tree had been taken down. A woman,
who visits the garden frequently, would like to donate a new tree. Callie and Jessica are
researching the type of tree to replace the Ash and what we should do if anything to help
its survival. A discussion took place on whither committee chairs should report to the
Board before major decisions are made. This has been a policy in the past. Callie
reported they had talked to Ian Hoffman concerning the Hornbeams. They are
considering cdutting them way back Bulbs will be planted on October 27th and if it rains,
November 3d .All members are asked to come and help plant and put the rest of the
Garden to bed.

HORTICULTURE: Chairman Dottie Cordray announce the committee would try to
meet in the Garden on Wednesday, October 20th. Dottie thanked all the member who
sent plants to the Zone Meeting. They did extremely well.




PROGRAMS: Barbara Young announced our next meeting with be held at Ellen
Chapman’s. The speaker will be Tom Barnes, who is an excellent photographer, author
and a Wildlife Specialist. The meeting will be at 10:30 am.

Assistant Treasurer, Kim DeCamp changed the Bank One account to National City
Bank. There is a balance of $7,253.00.

Art Chairman, Anne Arvin reported 38 pieces were sold for $8,030.00. The Garden
Club made a profit of $3659.00 from the art. The artist were thrilled and looking forward
to next year.

ADMISSIONS: Libby Brown read the applications for new members and reminded
everyone we will be voting November 1, 2004.

NEW BUSINESS: Ginny May passed around a brochure from The Enchanted Garden
gift shop. A photograph of the statue of the little girl and bird in the garden was used in
their advertisement. The statue was a memorial gift to the garden from Hart James
relatives. After a discussion, it was decided we could do nothing about it.

GCA will be asking for a $100.00 donation from members toward their Endowment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:12 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

W Ethxm’c‘l’on

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary




General Meeting
September 16, 2004

Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, September 16, 2004 at Equus Run Vineyard
in Midway at 10:45 am. Hostesses were Betty Gess and Monnie Long.

Our program began in a tobacco barn, which had been converted into a winery.
Cynthia Bohn, co—owner, explained the making of wine from the time the grapes were
picked until they were processed into wine. She explained the buying and planting of
grafts, the testing and treating of the soil, cultivation, spraying, pruning and the
harvesting of the grapes. Cynthia was very informative on all aspects of the business.
Following a wonderful program, we were treated to a delicious box lunch and wine.

Following lunch, President Ginny May called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary, Mo Ethington, read the minutes of the July General Meeting,
which were approved as read.

Ginny read a thank you note from Anne Hagan Michelle for the help and the plants
the Garden Club donated to their Lawn Party. She also expressed her appreciation for
Ashland Garden. Ginny had also received a lovely note from Harriett Holliday
expressing her appreciation of the Flower Arrangement she received after the Picnic.

Art Chairman, Anne Arvin, thanked everyone for their help. She read a nice note from
Sue Glover, Chairman of the Friends of the Garden party, thanking everyone for their
participation in making the event a very special evening for everyone. Ginny thanked the
two Chairs for a job well done.


HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray, Chairman, informed everyone of the upcoming
Zone meeting in Orange, Virginia. She explained the flower Show and told everyone
what Ginny May and Anne Arvin needed by 5:00 pm on Monday, the 20th at Nancy
Bishop’s house. Dottie showed everyone a book called Non Native Invasive Plants of the
Southern Forests. She has the address for anyone interested in the book.

CONSERVATION: Chairman, Mott Nicols, asked the membership to vote on the
motion from the Board to adopt the Voluntary Codes of Conduct for the Gardening
Public. Unanimously approved. A recommendation for a conservation project will be
presented soon.

FLOWER ARRANGEMENT: Sarah Davis, Chairman expressed the happiness and the
pleasure the flower arrangements gave to our shut-ins.


 PROGRAMS: Chairman, Barbara Young, thanked all the people at Equus Run for a
delightful time. Our October meeting will be held at Ellen Chapman with Tom Barnes
leading the program. November, Sarah Davis, will teach us how to make Christmas
wreaths and Charlotte Turner will host our Christmas tea.


NEW BUSINESS: Ginny heard from Sue Ellen Johnson who is eager to have names of
members who would be interested in serving on GCA Committees. Let Ginny know as
soon as possible. The South Eastern Flower Show will be held in Atlanta on March 2-6,
2005. They would love to have Garden Clubs participation. The Philadelphia Flower
Show will be held March 7-11. Anyone interested in either, please let Ginny know.

They’re being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 12:45.
Respectfully submitted,
”Wk: ‘ZUH med?) ‘\

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
August 20, 2004

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met June 7, 2004 at the home of Libby
Brown. Second Vice President Nancy Bishop called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.
There were fifteen members present: Anne Arvin, Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Libby
Brown, Ellen Chapman, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Kim DeCamp, Mo Ethington, Anne
Gay, Sue Glover, Callie Keller, Mott, Nicol, Jessica Nicholson and Jane Stilz. Nancy
thanked Libby for hosting the meeting. The minutes of the July Board meeting were read
and approved.


CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol, Chairman, made a motion to adopt the Voluntary Codes
of Conduct for the Gardening Public. Seconded by Libby Brown. Unanimously
approved. Mott will take the motion to the General Meeting. The conservation
committee is working hard to find a conservation project for our club and will present
their suggestions soon.

GARDEN: The garden will be locked at 6:00 pm. on Labor Day. Jessica reminded
everyone to continue working in the garden every Wednesday until the bed are cut down
for the winter. Callie reported the White Ash in the garden would be taken down soon.

PROGRAM: Betty Gess and Monnie Long will host our next meeting at Equus
Run in Midway.

ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown read the forms of new perspective members.
Everyone was reminded to keep all names and information confidential. A Board
member must attend either the August or October Board meeting before they will be
eligible to vote in November. There are 4 spots available.

Assistant Treasurer, Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $10,289.00. She will send GCA
a check for $3,071.00, which will leave a balance of $7,218.00. At the present time we
have 27 affiliates.

Sue Glover and Anne Arvin reported everything was ready for the Friends of the Garden
party. Directions will be available for Charlotte Turners house in case of rain.


 NEW BUSINESS: Nancy Bishop announced Anne Arvin would accompany Ginny May
to the Zone Meeting in Orange, Virginia.

They’re being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.


Respectfully submitted,

W 2m mica?) n

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
July 15, 2004

Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 15th at Ashland Garden for the annual
garden picnic. Hostesses were Carolyn Caldwell, Louise Parker and Dottie Cordray.
President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 10:45 am.

Treasurer, Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $13,967.71.

President Ginny May read the resignation letters from Virginia Barrow and Missy
Parrish. The Board has accepted their resignation with regret.


CONSERVATION: Chairman, Mott Nicol, asked everyone to read the Volunteer Codes
of Conduct. Please be ready at the next meeting to vote if we want to make a
commitment to this proposal or not.

FLOWER ARRANGlN G COMMITTEE: Sarah Davis, Chairman, announced flower
arrangements would be made for our shut-ins on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and
the Garden Picnic. If given prior notice, the committee will provide a centerpiece for a
general meeting.

GARDEN: Callie thanked everyone who brought tools, equipment or money to the
Garden Shower. Gifts are welcome on Wednesday when we work in the garden.
The brickwork will be started soon which will be followed by replanting of small
boxwoods. The Ash tree is being watched carefully but it is dieing due to bores.

HORTICULTURE: The committee will start working on plant identification in the
garden in the fall. Chairman Dottie Cordray is open to suggestions on types of
identifications to be used.

PUBLICATION: There is no meeting in August therefore the next Blooming News will
be September. Please e-mail your news to Mimi Milward. Ginny thanked Mimi for a
wonderful job of getting the News out so quickly this month.

Kim DeCamp reported all dues have been paid and the checking balance was around

Sue Glover and Anne Arvin passed around the sign up sheets for the Friends of the
Garden Party and Art Auction. Reminders will be sent out in August.

OLD BUSINESS: Jessica Nicholson asked for silent bids on the Armillary. The
beginning bid was to start at $1500.00.



NEW BUSWESS: President Ginny May showed a terrific Garden Calendar with a lot of
local gardening tips, which was done by the Birmingham Garden Club. It has been a
super success for them.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am. and turned
over to our Horticulture Chair, Dottie Cordray. Dottie gave excellent handouts for
Internet resources, and tips and products to use for specific gardening problems. She
explained how helpful and useful it is to learn botanical names and how the plant
exchange works at the annual and zone meetings. We will be propagating plants for both
dry and moist places for the 2005 Annual Meeting.

At this time Dottie introduced Kris McNeil from Highland Moor Nursery. Kris led us
through a wonderful propagation workshop, which was followed by a delightful lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
July 12, 2004

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met July 12, 2004 at the home of Nancy
Bishop. President Ginny May called the meeting to order at 9:45 am. There were 18
members present: Wendy Bell, Nancy Bishop, Elise Boyd, Libby Brown, Ellen
Chapman, Dot Crutcher, Sarah Davis, Mo Ethington, Callie Keller, Melodye Kinkead,
Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Celeste Newman, Jessica Nicholson, Judy Philpot, Janie
Stilz, Barbara Young, and Sue Glover.

Ginny May reported for Treasurer, Gay VanMeter. We have a balance of $15,122.77.
The finance committee recommended allocation of $2,500.00 for brick work in the
garden. Unanimously approved by the Board.


ADMISSION: Chairman Libby Brown reminded everyone she had applications for
membership and the deadline is August 27”].

FLOWER SHOW COMMITTEE: Sarah Davis, Chairman announced the flower
arrangements for the July picnic will be judged. The arrangements will be taken to the
shut-ins. The committee will do arrangements for our shut—ins for Easter, Garden Picnic,
Thanksgiving and Christmas. They will also volunteer to do one arrangement for any
hostesses meeting.

GARDEN PROJECT: Chairman Callie Keller and Jessica Nicholson announced a
“Garden Shower” would be held at the garden picnic. A “wish” list will be in the
Blooming News. Of course, money is always welcome. Callie informed the Board that
Bill Chapman is donating the bricks for the garden. A bricklayer has been hired and
hopefully it will be complete by the Friends of the Garden Party.

PROGRAMS: Barbara Young, Chairman, informed the Board of upcoming meetings.
Monnie Long and Betty Gess will host our September meeting at Equs Run. It will be a
tour followed by lunch.

SPECIAL PROJECT: Melodye Kinkead is researching advertising in the GCA Bulletin.

Assistant Treasurer, Kim DeCamp announced all dues have been received. We have
56 Active and 26 Affiliate members. The balance is $7,687.09.

OLD BUSINESS: President Ginny May said Mott Nicol will be the head of the Derby
party in Norfolk, Virginia for the GCA 2008 Annual Meeting.



NEW BUSINESS: Ginny May read a letter of resignation from Missie Parrish. A motion
was made by Sarah Davis to accept Missy’s resignation with regret. Seconded by Dot
Crutcher. Unanimously approved.

Ginny read a letter of resignation from Virginia (Murray) Barrow, Jr.
A motion was made by Nancy Bishop and seconded by Judy Philpot to accept Murray’s
resignation with regret. Unanimously approved.

Jessica Nicholson informed the board of the photography class for the
Zone 7 Flower Show. Information is posted on the GCA website.

There being no further business, Ginny thanked Nancy for hostessing
the meeting and reminded everyone that the next meeting will be August 30th at Libby
Brown’s house. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.

Respectfully submitted,
“1:; {ET-KY} \i H (\T&‘ A

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



General Meeting
June 17, 2004

Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday June 17, 2004 at Griffith
Woods, Silver Lake Farm for our Conservation meeting. Hostesses were
Betty Kenan and Mott Nicol.

Upon arrival, Jim Aldrich of the Nature Conservancy met us. Jim
explained the joint venture with the Conservancy and the University of
Kentucky. Julian Campbell, a botanist for the Conservancy, took us on a
walk through a small section of the farm, which had beautiful old trees like
burr and yellow oaks. He showed us different grasses and explained how
they are going to try and bring back a lot of the native vegetations thru burns
and selected herbicidal use. After a very informative walk, we returned to a
lovely picnic in the woods, which was enjoyed by all.

Following lunch, President Ginny May called the meeting to order.

Mo Ethington, Recording Secretary, read the minutes of the May General
Meeting, which were approved as corrected.

Corresponding Secretary, Jane Stilz, announced the resignation of Mary
McDowell Boone with regret.


ADMISSION: Libby Brown stated she has admission forms and they had
to be returned to her no later than Friday, August 27th.

CONSERVATION: The conservation committee met in the garden
Wednesday, June 16 to discuss ideas for a new conservation project.
Chairman Mott Nicol felt the meeting went very well with great ideas.

HORTICULTURE: Dottie Cordray reported the horticulture committee met
Wednesday, June 16 in the garden. A lot of good suggestions were made
and the committee decided to pursue a way of identifying plants and trees in
the garden. Dottie announced the topiaries have been repaired and are in
perfect shape.




GARDEN PROJECT: Chairman Jessica Nicholson reported garden plants
were divided and given to Ashland for their plant sale.

OLD BUSINESS: President Ginny May announced the armillary would be
auctioned at the Garden Party general meeting in July. The value is

There being no further business, Ginny thanked the hostesses for a
wonderful meeting and lunch. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Mo Ethington
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
June 7, 2004

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met June 7, 2004 at the
home of Callie Keller. Second Vice President Nancy Bishop called the
meeting to order at 9:40 am. There were seventeen members present:
Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown, Ellen Chapman, Dottie Cordray, Dot Crutcher,
Sarah Davis, Kim DeCamp, Mo Ethington, Ann Gay, Melodye Kinkead,
Mimi Milward, Jessica Nicholson, Mott Nicol, Jane Stilz, Sue Glover and
Benny Williams. Nancy thanked Callie for hosting the meeting. The
minutes of the May Board meeting were read. They were approved as

Nancy read a note from Mary McDowell Boone requesting her
resignation from the Garden Club. A motion was made by Callie Keller and
seconded by Libby Brown to accept her resignation. The motion carried.

Treasurer, Gay VanMeter reported a balance of $13,779.06.

Benny Williams gave a report on the proposal from Eclipse Press on the
printing of the Second Edition of Bluegrass Winners. 10,000 copies would
be printed with 7,000 copies coming to the Garden Club. The remaining
3,000 would be retained by Eclipse Press to sell. There would be no printing
charges to the Garden Club and a 5% royalty based on net proceeds of the
sale of the 3,000 books would be paid to us. We would be reaching a new
audience through advertisement in The Blood Horse, Keeneland Magazine
and the Kentucky Derby Magazine. The Garden Club retains the copyright
to Bluegrass Winners. The quality and the style of the book would be about
the same. Benny will check on a few questions that need to be answered.
Callie Keller made a motion for Gay VanMeter and Benny Williams to Co-
Chair the New Cookbook. Seconded by Dot Crutcher. Motion carried.
They will investigate the proposal further and go forward with the New
Book. Nancy thanked Benny for an excellent report, which is attached to the


ADMISSION: Libby Brown has the applications for New Members. There
is an opening for four members and all forms must be to Libby by Friday,



August 27th. The following members are not eligible to nominate: Libby
Brown, Kathy Dalton, Mo Ethington, Betty Gess, Callie Keller, Janie
Pappas, Gay VanMeter and Barbara Young.

CONSERVATION: Mott Nicol reported on various conservation projects
for our club to become involved. The committee will decide on one and

bring their recommendation back to the Board. There first meeting will be
Wed. June 16 at 11:30 in the