xt7kd50fz294_24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_31/Multipage3159.pdf 2001-2002 2002 2001-2002 section false xt7kd50fz294_24 xt7kd50fz294  

Th r nl foin n
B r M in
n r 2 1

The Board of The Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, January 8, 2001, at
the home of Jane Stilz. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:30 am. Sixteen members were present.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the December meeting. There being
no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $8,436.34.

Ginny May reminded the Board that copies of “Alphabet of the New Canaan
Garden Club” were still available at $5.50 each.

mmi R

Admissions: Alyce Hoskins is planning to invite the new members to lunch with
several other Board members to discuss the Garden Club and its projects.

Lionseflation: Ginny May reported that the GCA Conservation and National
Affairs Committee would meet in Washington, DC, from February 26th to the 28th.
The Secretary of the Interior will speak. She is unable to attend and asked for volunteers.

F lower Show: Janie Romaine said that she and Jessica Nicholson were making
good progress with the plans and the schedule.

Garden Projeet: Callie Keller said that Dave Leonard had fertilized the
Hombeams and the Ash tree. He is interested in donating a Blue Ash to Ashland for the

Speeial Projeets: Elise Boyd announced that Karen Clements from Wimmer
Publishing would address the January General Meeting. It will be held at Elise’s house.

Po blieation: Jane Stilz reported that the American Institute of Floral Designers,
Southern Region, will meet in March at Cross Gate Gallery. The designers will make
arrangements relating to the pictures in the gallery. The public may view the show on
March 24th.

121;! Business: Ellen Chapman has several boxes of old books on horticulture and
flower arranging which belong to the Garden Club. It was suggested that she bring them



to the March general meeting and sell them at $5.00 a piece, Any remaining will be taken
to Black Swan Bookstore for sale.

Libby Brown asked to change the May Board meeting to Monday, April 30th, as
May 7th conflicted with GCA Annual Meeting. All agreed.

New Business: Libby circulated a letter from Peachy Kohler regarding
“Abracadabra, A Transformation by a Club Project” for the GCA annual meeting. After
discussion, the Board decided to send a photograph of the topiary in Ashland Garden
with a written description of the project.

Libby reminded each committee chairman to have a report ready for our annual
meeting in March.

The next Board meeting will be March 5th, 9:30 am. at Cathy Dalton’s house.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan B. Gaines, Secretary




Th 1‘ H] foi

Board Meeting
Mareh 5, 20111

The Board of The Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, March 5, 2001, at
the home of Kathy Dalton. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:50 am. There were 14 members present.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the January meeting. There being no
corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $9,550.77.
glemmittee Repefls:

Flewer Shem Janie Romaine said that the schedule had been approved and the
judges had been selected. There will be 15 — 16 judges.

Garden Prejeet: Callie Keller reported that Scotty Walton had offered to bring
Mary Webb from Louisville to provide ideas for Ashland Garden. After a discussion
about the garden and particularly about the changes being made in the dipping pool area,
Barbara made a motion to accept Scotty’s offer to have Mary Webb meet with the Garden
Committee to suggest ideas for improving the garden. Linda Carey seconded the motion.
The motion was approved. Callie reminded the Board that Peony workday is March 28th
and the first day of work in the garden is April 11th. Also, the hombeams have been

Hem’eulture: Ellen Chapman reminded everyone to check the plants they are
propagating for the GCA Annual Meeting. The April 19th General Meeting will be hosted
by Ellen Chapman, Jessica Nicholson, and Janie Romaine. They will discuss plant
grooming, nomenclature, and filling out forms for the show. They will also distribute the
show schedule. The June General Meeting will be held at the flower show.

Monnie Long, Assistant Treasurer, announced that it was time once again for the
dues which are $100. The deadline is June lst.

N ew Business: Linda mentioned Historic Garden Week in Virginia beginning
April 21st.

Libby read a letter from Celia Banks asking to change from active to affiliate
membership. Ginny May made a motion to accept with regret Celia’s request for a change
in status. Linda seconded the motion. The motion was approved.



Ellen reminded the members of the Lexington Antique and Garden Show from
March15th tol7th.

Linda said that she was planning the art sale for the Friends of the Garden party.
She suggested a public showing of the art on Friday after the party and also a photography
component in the show. With the approval of the Board, she will research these ideas
considering the tax implications for the Garden Club and also insurance issues.

Mott Nichols said that Ashland was planning a program on May 2nd and 9th on
Floral Design Through History. She wondered if the Garden Club should be involved in
the tour.

121;! Business: Libby reminded all Committee Chairmen to be prepared to report
at the Annual Meeting. They are to give one copy of the report to Libby and put one copy
in their notebooks.

Libby announced several garden tours and events which she will post in the

Bloomin’ News”.

Libby thanked Judy Philpott for her timely mailing of the Board Meeting
announcements and thanked Kathy for hosting the meeting.

Libby announced that the Annual meeting will be at Idle Hour on March 15th at
11:00 am. The next Board meeting will be at Libby’s on April 2nd at 9:30 am, and the
May meeting will be on April 30th at Joan Gaines’.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan B. Gaines, Secretary




The Finance Committee of The Garden Club of Lexington met at 9:00 am. on Monday,
March 5, 2001, at the home of Kathy Dalton. Those present were: Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown,
Judy Philpott and Barbara Young.
Missy Lynch, secretary for Bluegrass Winnefi, is resigning and she has a recommendation
for a replacement. She has agreed to train the new person.
The Memorial Account and the Operating Account will be kept separate at Merrill-Lynch.
Scotty Walton has offered to arrange and pay for a landscape architect to provide ideas for
Ashland Garden. She suggests Mary Webb for the consultation. This idea was discussed. It would
be helpful to have a list of updated ideas for how money can best be spent because the
Memorial Fund continues to grow.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.


Nancy 1. Bishop
Acting Secretary



all t gr- H


in black bod<,paqes land 1;


Section 2. Classes of Membership. The Garden Club shall have two classes of membership:

(a) Active members and (b) Affiliate members. The deadline for a ehange of status in membership
is June 1.

(a) Aetive members shall be those persons who meet the eligibility requirements and are
approved for Active membership by the Board of Directors as provided in these bylaws. Active
members shall enjoy the full benefits of membership in the Garden Club and in the Garden Club of
America (“GCA”). Active members are required to (i) regularly attend meetings of the Garden Club;
(ii) participate in projects of the Garden Club including maintenance of Ashland Garden; and
(iii) take responsibility for hospitality at regular meetings of the Garden Club when called upon so
to do. Active members may vote, hold office, represent the Garden Club as a delegate to GCA Zone
and annual meetings, and serve on a national committee. A i °
for membership after being a member for at least two years. WW

sponsor must wait three years before she may sponsor another candidate for membership.

(b) Affiliate members shall be those persons who meet the eligibility requirements and
are approved for Affiliate membership by the Board of Directors as provided in these bylaws.
Affiliate members (i) may attend meetings of the Garden Club and serve as hostesses for meetings
of the Garden Club, (ii) may attend lectures sponsored by the Garden Club or by GCA, (iii) may
enjoy the use of the national headquarters of GCA, and (iv) shall be entitled to exercise the privileges
of visiting gardens under the program established by GCA for its affiliated organizations. Affiliate
members may not vote, hold office, n r n i f r m m r hi , represent the Garden Club
as a delegate to a GCA zone or annual meeting, or serve on a national committee.




Th r nl foin n
B r in
n r 2 1

The Board of The Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, January 8, 2001, at
the home of Jane Stilz. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:30 am. Sixteen members were present.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the December meeting. There being
no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $8,436.34.

Ginny May reminded the Board that copies of “Alphabet of the New Canaan
Garden Club” were still available at $5.50 each.

Committee Reports

Admissions: Alyce Hoskins is planning to invite the new members to lunch with
several other Board members to discuss the Garden Club and its projects.

Slonseflation: Ginny May reported that the GCA Conservation and National
Affairs Committee would meet in Washington, DC, from February 26th to the 28th.
The Secretary of the Interior will speak. She is unable to attend and asked for volunteers.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine said that she and Jessica Nicholson were making
good progress with the plans and the schedule.

Garden Project: Callie Keller said that Dave Leonard had fertilized the
Hornbeams and the Ash tree. He is interested in donating a Blue Ash to Ashland for the

Speeial Projeets: Elise Boyd announced that Karen Clements from Wimmer
Publishing would address the January General Meeting. It will be held at Elise’s house.

Enhlieation: Jane Stilz reported that the American Institute of Floral Designers,
Southern Region, will meet in March at Cross Gate Gallery. The designers will make
arrangements relating to the pictures in the gallery. The public may view the show on
March 24th.

Qld Business: Ellen Chapman has several boxes of old books on horticulture and
flower arranging which belong to the Garden Club. It was suggested that she bring them



to the March general meeting and sell them at $5.00 a piece. Any remaining will be taken
to Black Swan Bookstore for sale.

Libby Brown asked to change the May Board meeting to Monday, April 30th, as
May 7th conflicted with GCA Annual Meeting. All agreed.

Mum: Libby circulated a letter from Peachy Kohler regarding
“Abracadabra, A Transformation by a Club Project” for the GCA annual meeting. After
discussion, the Board decided to send a photograph of the topiary in Ashland Garden

with a written description of the project.

Libby reminded each committee chairman to have a report ready for our annual
meeting in March.

The next Board meeting will be March 5th, 9:30 am. at Cathy Dalton’s house.
There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfiilly submitted,
n w, .
47m 0 . 9W3
Joan B. Gaines, Secretary





General Meeting

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, January 18, 2001 at the home of
Elise Boyd. Mott Nicol was co-hostess. Libby Brown, President, presided. Libby
welcomed new members Benny Williams and Wende Bell and thanked Jessica Bell and
Jessica Nicholson for hosting the Christmas Tea.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the December meeting. There being
no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $8,3 12.00.
mmi R

Conservation: Ginny May reported that the GCA Conservation and National
Affairs Committee would meet in Washington, DC, from February 26th to the 28th. She
is unable to attend asked if anyone is interested to attend in her stead.

Flower Show: Jessica Nicholson distributed the tentative flower show schedule
and urged everyone to enter. The theme is “Take Me to the Fair”. There will be exhibits
on industrial hemp cultivation, the rock walls, quilts, hooked rugs and canning.

Iioflicultm: Ellen Chapman brought several boxes of old books on horticulture
and flower arranging. They will be for sale after the meeting for $5.00 each. Polly
Rowley, Zone VII Horticulture Representative, is asking for any tried and true organic
solutions for garden pests for an article in the GCA March newsletter. She would also like
to know of any plant or plants from Zone VII to nominate for a GCA award.

Program: Mott Nicol reminded the members that the next general meeting
would be the annual meeting in March.

Libby stated that the Friends of the Garden party would be September 6th. Gay
Van Meter and Jeanne Codell will co—chair the event and Linda Carey will help select
artists for the art sale.

Qld Business: A vote was taken to approve the by-law changes regarding
membership as outlined in the December Bloomin’ News. (See Exhibit A) The changes
were unanimously approved.



New Business: Libby reported that the following contributions had been
approved by the Board:

$250.00 Arboretum

$250.00 Raven Run

$ 15.00 Ashland Neighborhood Association
$250.00 Garden Club of America

$100.00 Friends of Ashland

Cissy Clay notified Libby of “Art in Bloom” which will be held at the University
of Kentucky Art Museum from March 22nd to the 25th as part of the 25th anniversary
celebration of the museum. Flower arrangements will be created to compliment selected

paintings. Cissy is seeking volunteers.

Ginny May reminded the members of the New Canaan garden club book at a
price of $5.50.

Libby thanked Elise and Mott for hosting the meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Mott introduced Karen Clements from Wimmer Publishing who gave an
informative talk on promoting Bluegrass Winners, our mature cookbook.

Res ectfully submitted,
(I ‘ ‘

Joan B. Gaines, Secretary




(a) Active members and (b) Affiliate members.


ln black booK, pages land 1;


Section 2. Classes of Membership The Garden Club shall have two classes of membership:




(a) Aetive members shall be those persons who meet the eligibility requirements and are
approved for Active membership by the Board of Directors as provided in these bylaws. Active
members shall enjoy the full benefits of membership in the Garden Club and in the Garden Club of
America (“GCA”). Active members are required to (i) regularly attend meetings of the Garden Club;
(ii) paiticipate in projects of the Garden Club including maintenance of Ashland Garden; and
(iii) take responsibility for hospitality at regular meetings of the Garden Club when called upon so
to do. Active members may vote, hold office, represent the Garden Club as a delegate to GCA Zone
and annual meetings, and serve on a national committee ’" ‘ "




‘42» "a“ *INK‘FN-rhhwu 1.111111191le

(b) Affiliate members shall be those persons who meet the eligibility requirements and
are approved for Affiliate membership by the Board of Directors as provided in these bylaws.
Affiliate members (i) may attend meetings of the Garden Club and serve as hostesses for meetings
of the Garden Club, (ii) may attend lectures sponsored by the Garden Club or by GCA, (iii) may
enjoy the use of the national headquarters of GCA, and (iv) shall be entitled to exercise the privileges
of visiting gardens under the program established by GCA foi its affihated organizations. Affiliate
members may not vote, hold office, 1: 1': :~ ~13. 1 ,represent the Gaiden Club
as a delegate to a GCA zone or annual meeting, or serve on a national committee.




January 18, 2001

R m rk Kar n l m n fWimmerP lishin

Bluegrass Winners is in its 7th printing

When the cookbook has sold 100,00 copies, it is eligible for the Tobasco Community
Cookbook Hall of Fame.

1. Gold sticker for the book

2. Marketing opportunity

For public relations, it is important for the Garden Club members to know the number of
pages and the number of recipes in the cookbook.

The new edition of Bluegrass Winners has a concealed wire binding.
1. New promotional opportunity
2. Send publicity about new binding to existing accounts

Bluegrass Winners is 16 years old. 3,000 copies are sold a year. NDERF L!

Promotion ideas:
1. Put book in bottom of suitcase when traveling
2. Give a box to church or school fundraiser
3. Tastings in book stores
4. When shopping, notice if store carries cookbook

The price of $19.95 is competitive with other books.

Wimmer markets the cookbooks it publishes at trade shows nationwide. Also publishes a
catalogue of its books.

Recommended distributor: Southwest Cookbook Distributors

Wimmer holds an annual 2 1/2 day seminar in Memphis the first weekend in April - also
4-hour regional marketing workshops.

1. Get new ideas and re-motivated

2. Get copy of Wimmer marketing manual

3. Go to trade and gift shows with Wimmer

Suggestions for a Press Kit:
1. Glue the 200 free cookbook covers that were sent with the last printing to the
front and back of plain folders.
2. Save all press notices and put them in the folders
3. Stress the new binding




The Finance Committee of The Garden Club of Lexington met at 9:00 am. on Monday,
March 5, 2001, at the home of Kathy Dalton. Those present were: Nancy Bishop, Libby Brown,
Judy Philpott and Barbara Young.

Missy Lynch, secretary for Bluegrass Winners, is resigning and she has a recommendation
for a replacement. She has agreed to train the new person.

The Memorial Account and the Operating Account will be kept separate at Merrill-Lynch.

Scotty Walton has offered to arrange and pay for a landscape architect to provide ideas for
Ashland Garden. She suggests Mary Webb for the consultation. This idea was discussed. It would
be helpful to have a list of updated ideas for how money can best be spent because the
Memorial Fund continues to grow.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.

W0. Wrap

Nancy 1. Bishop
Acting Secretary



Th r n l f xin n
r in
M h 2 1

The Board of The Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, March 5, 2001, at
the home of Kathy Dalton. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:50 am. There were 14 members present.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the January meeting. There being no
corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $9,550.77.
mm' R

Flewer Shem Janie Romaine said that the schedule had been approved and the
judges had been selected. There will be 15 - 16 judges.

Garden Prejeet: Callie Keller reported that Scotty Walton had offered to bring
Mary Webb from Louisville to provide ideas for Ashland Garden. After a discussion
about the garden and particularly about the changes being made in the dipping pool area,
Barbara made a motion to accept Scotty’s offer to have Mary Webb meet with the Garden
Committee to suggest ideas for improving the garden. Linda Carey seconded the motion.
The motion was approved. Callie reminded the Board that Peony workday is March 28th
and the first day of work in the garden is April 11th. Also, the hornbeams have been

floflicultmx: Ellen Chapman reminded everyone to check the plants they are
propagating for the GCA Annual Meeting. The April 19th General Meeting will be hosted
by Ellen Chapman, Jessica Nicholson, and Janie Romaine. They will discuss plant
grooming, nomenclature, and filling out forms for the show. They will also distribute the
show schedule. The June General Meeting will be held at the flower show.

Monnie Long, Assistant Treasurer, announced that it was time once again for the
dues which are $100. The deadline is June lst.

New Business: Linda mentioned Historic Garden Week in Virginia beginning
April 2 1 st.

Libby read a letter from Celia Banks asking to change from active to affiliate
membership. Ginny May made a motion to accept with regret Celia’s request for a change
in status. Linda seconded the motion. The motion was approved.




Ellen reminded the members of the Lexington Antique and Garden Show from
March15th tol7th.

Linda said that she was planning the art sale for the Friends of the Garden party.
She suggested a public showing of the art on Friday afier the party and also a photography
component in the show. With the approval of the Board, she will research these ideas
considering the tax implications for the Garden Club and also insurance issues.

Mott Nichols said that Ashland was planning a program on May 2nd and 9th on
Floral Design Through History. She wondered if the Garden Club should be involved in
the tour.

121d Business: Libby reminded all Committee Chairmen to be prepared to report
at the Annual Meeting. They are to give one copy of the report to Libby and put one copy
in their notebooks.

Libby announced several garden tours and events which she will post in the
Bloomin’ News’.

Libby thanked Judy Philpott for her timely mailing of the Board Meeting
announcements and thanked Kathy for hosting the meeting.

Libby announced that the Annual meeting will be at Idle Hour on March 15th at
11:00 am. The next Board meeting will be at Libby’s on April 2nd at 9:30 am, and the
May meeting will be on April 30th at Joan Gaines’.
There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,

at. b aw

Joan B. Gaines, Secretary






Garden Club of Lexington
Board Meeting
April 1, 2002

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington held a meeting on Monday, April 1, 2002 at
the home of Nancy Bishop. Nancy Bishop, President presided.

Betty Kinkead, Secretary, read the minutes of the March Board meeting. The minutes
were corrected to read that Callie Keller would also be hostess with Linda Carey for the
Christmas tea. The minutes were then approved as read.

Gay VanMeter, Treasurer, reported a balance of $10,461.61. The Garden Club Finance
report is included in the Minutes. The Board accepted the Garden Club of Lexington Budget.

Committee Reports

Flower Show: Jeanne Codell commented that our Show was covered in the (H.714

Program: Anne Arvin announced that our May General meeting would be in Frankfort,
KY at the Kentucky History Museum. The meeting will be held with the Louisville Glenview,
and Paducah Garden Clubs. Judy Philpott moved that the Garden Club pay for our Club’s
lunches. Linda Carey seconded the motion and it passed.

Garden Project: Sarah Davis and Kathy Dalton reported that the Garden is moving
along. The shed is being repainted. The pansies are planted. Mary Warren has been hired to
assist in the garden. Barbara Huguelet will receive a thank you note for her Boxwood donation.

Publication: Mott Nicol will only accept information for the (L'apz’ta/ 3100mm News in
writing to her by 5:00 pm. the day of the Monthly Board Meeting. Peony Bed day workers are to
be printed in the Capital Bloomm News also.

Cookbook: Lou Ann Milward, Chairman, will take any suggestions to promote sales.
Old Business

Friends of the Garden Party: Jeanne Codell made a motion to keep the art and Linda
Carey as Chairman of that Committee. Betty Kinkead seconded and the motion passed.

Glenna Graves will be asked to do a memorial letter for Virginia Clark Hagan.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Betty B. Kinkead, Secretary




Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
April 18, 2002

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, April '18, 2002, at the home of Dottie
Cordray. Nancy Bishop, President, presided. The hostesses were Dottie Cordray and Kay

Betty Kinkead, Secretary, read the minutes of the March Annual Meeting. The minutes
were approved.

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report: Gay VanMeter, Treasurer, reports there is a balance of $9,031 .25.
The deadline for a membership Status Change is June 1, 2002.


Garden Project: Nancy urged members to come to the Garden on Wednesdays. Sarah
and Kathy want as many workers as possible.

Patricia Green donated her fee — $200 — for painting of the jockey to the memorial fund.

Horticulture: Barbara Young suggested we have quarterly workshops to propagate and
learn more about the overall process.

Jane Stilz reported on the Plant Exchange from the April GCA Annual Meeting in
Dallas. Sarah Davis, Gay VanMeter, Barbara Young, and Ellen Chapman won awards.

Publication: Mott Nicol want any items for the Bloomin News to her in writing by the
first Monday of the month by 5:00 pm.

Friends of the Garden party will be Thursday, September 5, 2002.

Melodye Kinkead has turned her project in to the Smithsonian Museum. The Lilac is
thriving at her house

Kay Steffee has been appointed Vice-President of the Judging Committee for Zones 7, 8,
and 9.

Nancy Bishop reported on the trip to the GCA Annual Meeting in Dallas. Jessica
Nicholson was chosen to do an arrangement in Dallas at the Art Museum.



Nancy thanked our hostesses for having the meeting and turned over to Dottie Cordray,
our speaker. She gave a very informative and interesting talk on the subject of orchids. All of us
learned a lot and were most impressed with Dottie’s knowledge on the subject.

A delicious lunch followed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Betty B. Kinkead, Secretary





T r n l fL i
B r in
A ril 2 1

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, April 2, 2001, at the
home of Libby Brown. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:40 am. There were 15 members present.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the March meeting. Callie Keller
amended the minutes to note that Scotty Walton had offered to bring Mary Webb from
Louisville to provide ideas for Ashland Garden. The minutes were approved as amended.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $9,335.07. She announced that
Missy Lynch is leaving the cookbook office and Susie Hanks will replace her. Susie will
be paid the same salary with the club assuming the taxes. Barbara discussed adding the
topiary group to the garden insurance. She will explore this further.

mmi R

Admissions: Alyce Hoskins read a letter from Lucy Breathitt announcing the
resignation of her mother, Lucy Alexander. Callie Keller moved to accept the resignation
of Lucy Alexander with regret, Elise Boyd seconded, and the motion passed. There are
currently four vacancies for membership.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine said that the program was being printed.

Garden Project: Callie thanked the members who had helped weed the peony
beds, and on Bonnie Reid’s request, urged members to work a week early on their
borders. Callie and Jessica Nicholson met with Mary Webb and discussed the dipping
pool area and the taxus hedge. She thought the hedge would be all right for a few more

Homiooltoro: In the absence of Ellen Chapman, Libby said that Ellen was
planning a repotting workshop for those who had plants for the GCA Annual Meeting.

Program: Mott Nicol announced the May General Meeting at Gay Van Meter’s
with co-hostesses Bettie Bos Haggin and Judy Philpott. The program will relate to the
flower show. She needs hostesses for the picnic in the garden July 19th. The June
meeting will be at the flower show.

Special Projoots: Elise Boyd will organize the sale of cookbooks at the flower
show and will need volunteers.



. Monnie Long said she was accepting dues.
Libby asked Linda Carey for an update on the silent auction of art at the Friends
of the Garden Party. Linda has contacted past participants and the Lexington Art League.
The Alexandria (VA) Garden Club is having a flower show on May 20th to 23rd.
Glenview Garden Club is hosting their garden tour on June 2nd and 3rd.
The next Board meeting will be on April 30th at the home of Joan Gaines.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfiilly submitted,
'(W Lu

Joan B. Gaines, Secretary





T r n l f L xin 11
General Meeting
April 19, 21!!!!

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, April 19, 2001 at the home of
Carol Jackson. Celia Banks was co-hostess. Libby Brown, President, presided. The
meeting was called to order at 9:50 am.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the March meeting. There being no
additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of $9,523.67.
mmi R

Admissions: In Alyce Hoskins’ absence, Libby announced four openings for
membership. Admissions forms must be completed and returned to Alyce by August 27th.

garden: Callie Keller said the garden was in good shape and survived the cold
spell. She thanked those who came to work braving the cold.

Barbara announced that House and Garden Television will film the garden on
May 7th. Jessica Nicholson will be the hostess.

MM: Ellen Chapman announced that the plants for the plant exchange
at GCA Annual Meeting will have to be potted in special pots and delivered to Nancy
Bishop by May 3rd. The accompanying cards must be properly prepared.

Programs: Libby thanked Mott Nicol and Luanne Milward for the excellent
programs. She reminded the members of their responsibility to host general meetings and
asked them to volunteer willingly.

Speciaiflojflztsz Libby said that Elise Boyd would have cookbooks for sale at
the flower show and asked members to sign up to assist her.

Libby announced that Monnie is collecting dues. The deadline is June lst.

Bubflcityi Gay Van Meter urged the members to read the GCA Bulletin each

W5: Helen Breckinridge read a memorial in honor of Katsy King.

Linda Carey announced the Louisville Garden Club tour on June 2nd and 3rd.



She said that 34 artists had been contacted to display their work for sale at the Friends of
the Garden Party and that 23 were interested.

Libby mentioned that Eileen Hillenmeyer had informed her that the oak tree at
Loudon House which the Garden Club had helped maintain had been cut down. Eileen
also hoped the members would View the landscaping plans for the courthouse plaza which
are on display in the LFUCG ballroom.

The May General Meeting with be at Gay Van Meter’s on May 17th at 10:30
am. Bettie Bos Haggin and Judy Philpott will be co-hostesses.

The June General Meeting will be on June let at the Flower Show.

Libby and Nancy Bishop will attend GCA Annual Meeting from May 6th to 9th at
Disney World.

Libby thanked Carol and Celia for hosting the meeting and mentioned particularly
the beautiful flower arrangements.

There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned.

Janie Romaine and Jessica Nicholson distributed the schedule book for the Flower
Show. Mo Ethington reviewed the entries, Ellen spoke on nomenclature, and Mott
discussed publicity for the Show.

Respectfully submitted,


J an B. Gaines, Secretary




Garden Club of Lexington
B r M in


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, April 30, 2001, at
the home of Joan Gaines. Libby Brown, President, presided. The meeting was called to
order at 9:40 am.

Joan Gaines, Secretary, read the minutes of the April 2nd meeting. There being
no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read.

Barbara Young, Treasurer, reported a balance of