xt7kd50fz294_22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_24/Multipage2962.pdf 1998 1998 1998 section false xt7kd50fz294_22 xt7kd50fz294  




JANUARY 15, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, January 15th at Idle Hour Country Club.
Hostesses were Helen Breckenridge and Jane Milward. Linda Carey, vice president, called the
meeting to order at 10:40. Ginny May introduced our speaker, Barbara Hanson, a member of the
Garden Club of Barrington. She is a remarkably talented and active lady having served as
president of the Barrington Club and vice president and treasurer of GCA. In addition she is
nationally recognized for her flower arranging and judging. Needless to say, it was an
outstanding program. Barbara talked first about arranging and then told us a little about the
Philadelphia Flower Show. We were then treated to beautiful slides from the show with her
narration. It was simply wonderful.

Linda thanked Barbara and Kay Steffe for hosting Barbara and inviting her. A very brief
business meeting followed. Anne Gay moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Ginny
Adams seconded and the motion passed. There were no committee reports. Linda distributed
the slate which will be voted on in March.

Mott Nicol gave a short update on Annual Meeting 1998. She asked for volunteers to make food
or donate money to purchase food for the Hospitality Suite. She passed around a sign up sheet.

Linda thanked Helen and Jane for being hostesses. The next meeting will be Thursday, March
19th at 11:00 at Idle Hour. Hostesses are Sarah Davis, Delia Kessinger and Scotty Walton.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12: 15.

Respectfully submitted

Libby Brown






JANUARY 15, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, January 15th at Idle Hour Country Club.
Hostesses were Helen Breckenridge and Jane Milward. Linda Carey, vice president, called the
meeting to order at 10:40. Ginny May introduced our speaker, Barbara Hanson, a member of the
Garden Club of Barrington. She is a remarkably talented and active lady having served as
president of the Barrington Club and vice president and treasurer of GCA. In addition she is
nationally recognized for her flower arranging and judging. Needless to say, it was an
outstanding program. Barbara talked first about arranging and then told us a little about the
Philadelphia Flower Show. We were then treated to beautiful slides from the show with her
narration. It was simply wonderful.

Linda thanked Barbara and Kay Steffe for hosting Barbara and inviting her. A very brief
business meeting followed. Anne Gay moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Ginny
Adams seconded and the motion passed. There were no committee reports. Linda distributed
the slate which will be voted on in March.


Mott Nicol gave a short update on Annual Meeting 1998. She asked for volunteers to make food
or donate money to purchase food for the Hospitality Suite. She passed around a sign up sheet.

Linda thanked Helen and Jane for being hostesses. The next meeting will be Thursday, March
19th at 11:00 at Idle Hour. Hostesses are Sarah Davis, Delia Kessinger and Scotty Walton.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15.

Respectfully submitted

Libby Brown,






APRIL 16, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, April 16, at Idle Hour Country Club. Hostesses were Betty
Kinkead and Jeannie Codell. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:15. Anne Gay,
Secretary, read the minutes of the March 19th Annual Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, reported a balance of $4004.24.

Garden: Barbara Young reminded members to sign up to work in the peony beds three times during the

Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked the seven ladies who brought arrangements of spring flowers fiom
their gardens. She identified the plant material in each arrangement for us.

Announcements: Linda distributed the article on alternatives for invasive species. She announced that Ann
Turner has accepted the responsibility of arranging refreshments for garden workers on Wednesdays.
Members who would like to help were asked to call her.

Linda thanked Betty Kinkead and Jeannie Codell for hosting the meeting, as well as Patricia Green for her
wonderfiil mantle decorations. They included the Bluegrass Winners Jockey Silks, which are the logo of
The Garden Club of Lexington.

Ginny May introduced our speaker, Ann Asbury, who gave a delightful, informative talk on the history of
our cookbook, Blue ass Winners. Following the talk, Mott Nicol, cookbook chairman, announced that our
new office worker, Miss; Lynch, is in the office Mondays from 8:15 to 11:15 A.M., and Wednesdays from
11:15 to 2:15. The office is located in the Kinkead building on North Mill Street. The telephone number is
255-8095. Members were urged to call Missy if they have any suggestions about stores that might carry the

Linda showed us a copy of Georgia O’Keeffe’s famous painting of the Red Poppy and read the following
quotation of the artist :

“ Nobody sees a flower, really — it is so small -. We haven’t time, and to see takes time, like to have a
friend takes time. ”

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon for a delicious light lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

C a
"754‘va l’ , J; U17

Anne Gay






APRIL 16, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, April 16, at Idle Hour Country Club. Hostesses were Betty
Kinkead and Jeannie Codell. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:15. Anne Gay,
Secretary, read the minutes of the March 19th Annual Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, reported a balance of $4004.24.

Garden: Barbara Young reminded members to sign up to work in the peony beds three times during the

Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked the seven ladies who brought arrangements of spring flowers from
their gardens. She identified the plant material in each arrangement for us.

Announcements: Linda distributed the article on alternatives for invasive species. She announced that Ann
Turner has accepted the responsibility of arranging refreshments for garden workers on Wednesdays.
Members who would like to help were asked to call her.

Linda thanked Betty Kinkead and Jeannie Codell for hosting the meeting, as well as Patricia Green for her
wonderful mantle decorations. They included the Bluegrass Winners Jockey Silks, which are the logo of
The Garden Club of Lexington.

Ginny May introduced our speaker, Ann Asbury, who gave a delightfiJl, informative talk on the history of
our cookbook, Bluegrass Winners. Following the talk, Mott Nicol, cookbook chairman, announced that our
new office worker, Missy Lynch, is in the office Mondays from 8:15 to 11:15 A.M., and Wednesdays from
11:15 to 2:15. The office is located in the Kinkead building on North Mill Street. The telephone number is
255-8095. Members were urged to call Missy if they have any suggestions about stores that might carry the

Linda showed us a copy of Georgia O’Keeffe’s famous painting of the Red Poppy and read the following
quotation of the artist :

“ Nobody sees a flower, really — it is so small —. We haven’t time, and to see takes time, like to have a
friend takes time. ”

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon for a delicious light lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

[/JL’LJ; « Bukx


Anne Gay





MAY 21, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, May 21, 1998 at the home of Linda Carey. Linda called the
meeting to order at 10:15. A motion was made by Bettie Bos Haggin and seconded by Callie Kellar to dispense
with the reading of the minutes. Motion passed.

Admissions: Callie Keller has forms. The deadline is August 31, prior to the board meeting.

Conservation: Joy Hinkle announced that Julian Campbell, with the new Land and Nature Trust, is leading a
two- day touring study group June 9th and 11th to the Kentucky Palisades. Interested members were asked to
call Joy.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee thanked Joan Gaines, Ellen Chapman, Bettie Bos Haggin, Callie Keller, and Ginny
May. They, along with Kay, sent plants to the Annual Meeting in Williamsburg. As an evaluator Kay was very

proud of our 5 awards. Joan received the highest award.

Special Events: Mott Nicol said our program on the history of the cookbook has inspired many calls to Missy
Lynch at the office. She urged members to call with suggestions for sales.

Assistant treasurer: Bitsy Ruch reminded everyone to pay her dues.
Visiting Gardens: Alyce Hoskins asked members who are willing to put their garden on tour to call her.

Program: Ginny May announced that the next meeting will be June 18th at the Arboretum at 10:30. Hostesses
will be Kathy Brewer and Frances Cox.

Announcements: The annual Town and Country Garden tour will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 6thand 7th,
rain or shine, in Louisville. Anyone wishing a ride may call Ginny May or Barbara Young.

Linda read a note from Evie Cranston, national Program Chairman, thanking us for providing such nice
hospitality at the Armual Meeting.

Melodye Kinkead announced that the Pisgah Annual Day in the Country will be held June 6th. Proceeds go to
conservation and the planting of trees.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 for a lovely walking tour of the gardens of
Betsy Bulleit, Joanne Hilliard and Nancy Bishop.

. Respectfully submitted,

\, 4/) ',
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MAY 21, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, May 21, 1998 at the home of Linda Carey. Linda called the
meeting to order at 10:15. A motion was made by Bettie Bos Haggin and seconded by Callie Kellar to dispense
with the reading of the minutes. Motion passed.

Admissions: Callie Keller has forms. The deadline is August 31, prior to the board meeting.

Conservation: Joy Hinkle announced that Julian Campbell, with the new Land and Nature Trust, is leading a
two- day touring study group June 9th and 11th to the Kentucky Palisades. Interested members were asked to
call Joy.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee thanked Joan Gaines, Ellen Chapman, Bettie Bos Haggin, Callie Keller, and Ginny
May. They, along with Kay, sent plants to the Annual Meeting in Williamsburg. As an evaluator Kay was very

proud of our 5 awards. Joan received the highest award.

Sgecial Events: Mott Nicol said our program on the history of the cookbook has inspired many calls to Missy
Lynch at the office. She urged members to call with suggestions for sales.

Assistant treasurer: Bitsy Ruch reminded everyone to pay her dues.
Visiting Gardens: Alyce Hoskins asked members who are willing to put their garden on tour to call her.

Program: Ginny May announced that the next meeting will be June 18th at the Arboretum at 10:30. Hostesses
will be Kathy Brewer and Frances Cox.

Announcements: The annual Town and Country Garden tour will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 6thand 7th,
rain or shine, in Louisville. Anyone wishing a ride may call Ginny May or Barbara Young.

Linda read a note from Evie Cranston, national Program Chairman, thanking us for providing such nice
hospitality at the Annual Meeting.

Melodye Kinkead announced that the Pisgah Annual Day in the Country will be held June 6th. Proceeds go to
conservation and the planting of trees.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 for a lovely walking tour of the gardens of
Betsy Bulleit, Joanne Hilliard and Nancy Bishop.

Respectfully submitted,

/"i - ,3
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JUNE 18, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, June 18, at the Lexington Arboretum. Linda
Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:30. Ginny May, program chairman,
introduced our first speaker, Dorothea Oates, Secretary to the Friends of the Arbor$m,
who gave us a brief but very interesting history of the park. She in turn introduced Ralph
Derickson, from University of Kentucky Public Relations, who is the UK. liaison to the
Arboretum. He spoke briefly and distributed pamphlets describing the area. The next
speaker was Sue Lynch, an employee, who gave an overview before leading us on a
walking tour. We reconvened at 11:30 for a delicious box lunch. Anne Gay, Secretary,
read the minutes which were approved as read. Betty Kenan, reporting for Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, announced a balance of $4104.09 in the checking account.

Horticulture: Linda said that Kay Steffee has wonderful handouts of directions for
building a cold frame and hot bed. She also announced that the 1999 Zone Meeting will be
in Roanoke, Va. hosted by the Mill Mountain Garden Club.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded members of the necessity of secrecy when proposing
a candidate. She asked us to consider carefiilly whether or not the individual would work
in the garden, hostess a meeting and work on committees. There are currently three

Program: Ginny May reported that the annual picnic in the garden will be Thursday, July
16. Carolyn Caldwell, Lucy Breathitt and Betty Tenney will be hostesses, and the program
will be Mark Kidd, speaking on outdoor photography.

Announcements: Sue Lynch complimented us on our garden. She said she used to mow
the grass at Ashland and always enjoyed looking at the garden.

Melodye Kinkead reported that original works of art will be on sale at the Friends of the
Garden party September 3rd.

Linda thanked our speakers and our hostesses,Kathy Brewer and Frances Cox, and read a
quote sent by Alyce Hoskins: “To love what you do and feel tht it matters. How could

anything be more fun?” from Katherine Graham’s Personal History.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55.

Respectfiilly submitted,
‘ 41/.) ’ i
‘(}_,1‘..)l.x. l -. glut,

Anne Gay





JUNE 18, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, June 18, at the Lexington Arboretum. Linda
Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:30. Ginny May, program chairman,
introduced our first speaker, Dorothea Oates, Secretary to the Friends of the Arboreum,
who gave us a brief but very interesting history of the park. She in turn introduced Ralph
Derickson, fiom University of Kentucky Public Relations, who is the UK. liaison to the
Arboretum. He spoke briefly and distributed pamphlets describing the area. The next
speaker was Sue Lynch, an employee, who gave an overview before leading us on a
walking tour. We reconvened at 11:30 for a delicious box lunch. Anne Gay, Secretary,
read the minutes which were approved as read. Betty Kenan, reporting for Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, announced a balance of $4104.09 in the checking account.

Horticulture: Linda said that Kay Steffee has wonderfial handouts of directions for
building a cold frame and hot bed. She also announced that the 1999 Zone Meeting will be
in Roanoke, Va. hosted by the Mill Mountain Garden Club.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded members of the necessity of secrecy when proposing
a candidate. She asked us to consider carefully whether or not the individual would work
in the garden, hostess a meeting and work on committees. There are currently three

Program: Ginny May reported that the annual picnic in the garden will be Thursday, July
16. Carolyn Caldwell, Lucy Breathitt and Betty Tenney will be hostesses, and the program
will be Mark Kidd, speaking on outdoor photography.

Announcements: Sue Lynch complimented us on our garden. She said she used to mow
the grass at Ashland and always enjoyed looking at the garden.

Melodye Kinkead reported that original works of art will be on sale at the Friends of the
Garden party September 3rd.

Linda thanked our speakers and our hostesses,Kathy Brewer and Frances Cox, and read a
quote sent by Alyce Hoskins: “To love what you do and feel tht it matters. How could
anything be more fun?” from Katherine Graham’s Personal History.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55.

Respectfully submitted,

/{ u
145-2110; 7, - Jag,

Anne Gay



JULY 16, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 16 at the home of Scotty Walton. Libby Brown,
Vice—President, called the meeting to order at 10:40. Callie Keller, on behalf of Anne Gay, Secretary,
read the minutes of the June 18 General Meeting. They were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, announced a balance of $2,996.57 in the checking account.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded us of the Admissions deadline: August 30. She has forms.
Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked those who brought the beautiful arrangements today.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that John Rotter would be spreading mulch on the peony beds on
Monday, July 20.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee passed around a sign up sheet for a propagation workshop to be held at
Michler’s at 10:00 AM. on Thursday, July 23. She reminded us to bring our old ice chest with fresh
soil or to contact Kay for a new one at $4.00.

Prog [any Ginny May announced that she would have forms to become a Friend of the Arboretum at
the next meeting. She also has forms for the Master Gardener program. The September 17h meeting
will be aplant exchange Everyone 18 to dig two perennials from her garden and bring them to the
meeting where they will be critiqued. You must have both the botanical and the common names for
each plant. You will be able to take home two different plants. Jessica Nicolson will speak on “Flower
Arranging Phobias.”

Friends of theGarden Party: Melodye Kinkead passed a sign—up sheet for volunteers for food and
donations to the Friends’ party on Thursday, September 3rd.

Anfiollncements: There is no August General meeting. The September Board meeting
will be Monday August 315‘, at Libby Brown’s. Libby thanked our hostesses, Lucy
Breathitt and Betty Tenney, and Scotty Walton, who graciously invited us to her home
due to the inclement weather. There being no further business, Libby turned the meeting
over to Ginny May, who introduced our speaker, Mark Kidd.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 to a delicious lunch.

Respectfiilly submitted,

Callie Keller




JULY 16, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 16 at the home of Scotty Walton. Libby Brown,
Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 10:40. Callie Keller, on behalf of Anne Gay, Secretary,
read the minutes of the June 18 General Meeting. They were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, announced a balance of $2,996.57 in the checking account.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded us of the Admissions deadline: August 30. She has forms.
Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked those who brought the beautiful arrangements today.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that John Rotter would be spreading mulch on the peony beds on
Monday, July 20.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee passed around a sign up sheet for a propagation workshop to be held at
Michler’s at 10:00 AM. on Thursday, July 23. She reminded us to bring our old ice chest with fresh
soil or to contact Kay for a new one at $4.00.

Program: Ginny May announced that she would have forms to become a Friend of the Arboretum at
the next meeting. She also has forms for the Master Gardener program. The September 17th meeting
will be a plant exchange. Everyone is to dig two perennials from her garden and bring them to the
meeting where they will be critiqued. You must have both the botanical and the common names for
each plant. You will be able to take home two different plants. Jessica Nicolson will speak on “Flower
Arranging Phobias.”

Friends of theGarden Party: Melodye Kinkead passed a sign—up sheet for volunteers for food and
donations to the Friends’ party on Thursday, September 3rd.

Announcements: There is no August General meeting. The September Board meeting
will be Monday August 31“, at Libby Brown’s. Libby thanked our hostesses, Lucy
Breathitt and Betty Tenney, and Scotty Walton, who graciously invited us to her home
due to the inclement weather. There being no further business, Libby turned the meeting
over to Ginny May, who introduced our speaker, Mark Kidd.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 to a delicious lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Keller



JULY 16, 1998

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 16 at the home of Scotty Walton. Libby Brown,
Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 10:40. Callie Keller, on behalf of Anne Gay, Secretary,
read the minutes of the June 18 General Meeting. They were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, announced a balance of $2,996.57 in the checking account.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded us of the Admissions deadline: August 30. She has forms.
Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked those who brought the beautiful arrangements today.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that John Rotter would be spreading mulch on the peony beds on
Monday, July 20.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee passed around a sign up sheet for a propagation workshop to be held at
Michler’s at 10:00 AM. on Thursday, July 23. She reminded us to bring our old ice chest with fresh
soil or to contact Kay for a new one at $4.00.

Program: Ginny May announced that she would have forms to become a Friend of the Arboretum at
the next meeting. She also has forms for the Master Gardener program. The September 17th meeting
will be a plant exchange. Everyone is to dig two perennials from her garden and bring them to the
meeting where they will be critiqued. You must have both the botanical and the common names for
each plant. You will be able to take home two different plants. Jessica Nicolson will speak on “Flower
Arranging Phobias.”

Friends of theGarden Party: Melodye Kinkead passed a sign-up sheet for volunteers for food and
donations to the Friends’ party on Thursday, September 3“.

Announcements: There is no August General meeting. The September Board meeting
will be Monday August 315‘, at Libby Brown’s. Libby thanked our hostesses, Lucy
Breathitt and Betty Tenney, and Scotty Walton, who graciously invited us to her home
due to the inclement weather. There being no further business, Libby turned the meeting
over to Ginny May, who introduced our speaker, Mark Kidd.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 to a delicious lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Keller




SEPTEMBER 17, 1998


The Garden Club of Lexington met September 17, at the Idle Hour Country Club. There
were 31 members present. President Linda Carey called the meeting to order at 2:50. On
behalf of Secretary Anne Gay, Callie Keller read the minutes of the July 17 General
Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, announced $2,741.86 in

Conservation: Joy Hinkle will attend the Conservation meeting October 26 and 27 at
The University of Virginia. If anyone else is interested in going, please contact Joy or

Flower Show: Janie Romaine announced that no arrangements are to be taken to the
October meeting because of the library location.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that bulb—planting day is Wednesday, October 28
with rain date on November 4.

Special Projects: Martha Nicol updated us on Bluegrass Winners. Bookmarks with
recipes are being produced for promotional purposes and sent to distributors and
“friends.” Two new area stores, Garden Ridge and William Sonoma will carry the
cookbook. Mott hopes to attend Gifi Marts in Dallas or Atlanta in January.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee gave us an enlightening talk on the Plant Exchange at Annual
Meeting: “Do It, Know It, Show It, Share It.”

Program: Mary Dorra will speak at our general meeting on October 15 at the WT Young
Library at 10:30. No refreshments may be served so RSVPS are not necessary. Directions
to parking lots will be in our next Bloomin’ News. This meeting is open to the public.

Friends of the Garden Party: The profits will be announced at the October Board
meeting. Gay Van Meter and Jeanne Codell will chair next year’s party.

Linda Carey turned the meeting over to Jessica Nicolson who gave an interesting talk on
Fearless Flower Arranging in Flower Shows.

Linda thanked hostess Betty Kinkead and we adjourned for tea. Afterwards, those who
brought perennials were allowed to choose one or two plants to take home.

Respectfiilly submitted,

Callie Keller




SEPTEMBER 17, 1998


The Garden Club of Lexington met September 17, at the Idle Hour Country Club. There
were 31 members present. President Linda Carey called the meeting to order at 2:50. On
behalf of Secretary Anne Gay, Callie Keller read the minutes of the July 17 General
Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, announced $2,741.86 in

Conservation: Joy Hinkle will attend the Conservation meeting October 26 and 27 at
The University of Virginia. If anyone else is interested in going, please contact Joy or

Flower Show: Janie Romaine announced that no arrangements are to be taken to the
October meeting because of the library location.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that bulb—planting day is Wednesday, October 28
with rain date on November 4.

Special Projects: Martha Nicol updated us on Bluegrass Winners. Bookmarks with
recipes are being produced for promotional purposes and sent to distributors and
“fiiends.” Two new area stores, Garden Ridge and William Sonoma will carry the
cookbook. Mott hopes to attend Gifi Marts in Dallas or Atlanta in January.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee gave us an enlightening talk on the Plant Exchange at Annual
Meeting: “Do It, Know It, Show It, Share It.”

Program: Mary Dorra will speak at our general meeting on October 15 at the WT Young
Library at 10:30. No refreshments may be served so RSVPS are not necessary. Directions

to parking lots will be in our next Bloomin’ News. This meeting is open to the public.

Friends of the Garden Party: The profits will be announced at the October Board
meeting. Gay Van Meter and Jeanne Codell will chair next year’s party.

Linda Carey turned the meeting over to Jessica Nicolson who gave an interesting talk on
Fearless Flower Arranging in Flower Shows.

Linda thanked hostess Betty Kinkead and we adjourned for tea. Afierwards, those who
brought perennials were allowed to choose one or two plants to take home.

Respectfiilly submitted,

Callie Keller



OCTOBER 15, 1998


The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, October 15, 1998, at
10:00 in the auditorium of the W.T. Young Library.

Ginny May welcomed members and other guests from the
community, and then introduced our speaker, Mary Tonetti Dorra. Mrs.
Dorra gave a delightful, informative talk on The Great American Adventure,
showing fabulous slides from her book on Beautiful American Vegetable
Gardens. After the lecture, she graciously autographed copies of the book,
the proceeds of which she donated to The Ashland Garden.

Respectfully submitted,

. Anne Gay





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The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, October 15, 1998, at

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NOVEMBER 19, 1998


The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, November 19 at the home of Elise Boyd.
President, Linda Carey, called the meeting to order at 2:15. Anne Gay, Secretary, read the
minutes of the October 15 General Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, reported a balance of $4,152.45.

Admissions: Linda reported for Chairman, Callie Keller, that invitations for membership
have been extended to Anne Arvin and Louanne Milward.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that all of the bulbs have been planted and that the
garden has been winterized.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee reminded those ladies who are propagating for the GCA plant
exchange to check their coolers.

Program: Linda announced that the Christmas Tea will be held at the home of Anne
Campbell on Thursday, December 17th, at 3:30. Members were urged to reply promptly.

Cookbook: Mott Nicol showed an apron which she has had made for promotional events.
Members were encouraged to purchase raffle tickets for the apron, the proceeds of which
will go to the garden. Mott also thanked Kathy Dalton for selling cookbooks at the
Rolling Pin on Breeders’ Cup day. She then distributed adorable bookmarks used for
promotion. She and Judy Philpott are going to the Gift Mart in Atlanta January 10.
Members were asked to sign up to prepare food to be taken to the show. 300-500 bites of
cookies, spreads, cheese straws, etc. are needed.

Announcements: The burr oak seedling that Mo Ethington took to New York Annual
Meeting in 1989 is now ten feet tall. Mo would like to donate it to Ashland in honor of
Sallie Johnston, who was active in distributing the burr oak acorns. A motion was made
by Jessica Bell and seconded by Kathy Dalton to donate the tree to Ashland. Motion

Mott announced that the apron raffle was won by Betty Kinkead.

Linda thanked Elise for having us and then introduced Melodye Kinkead, our
representative to the Archives of American Gardens Committee, who told us about
Melodye Park, the beautiful garden created by her father in Frankfort. After this
delightful, moving slide show and talk, we adjourned to a lovely tea.

Respectfully submitted,

(yaw 70. XL?

Anne Gay





NOVEMBER 19, 1998


The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, November 19 at the home of Elise Boyd.
President, Linda Carey, called the meeting to order at 2:15. Anne Gay, Secretary, read the
minutes of the October 15 General Meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott,
Treasurer, reported a balance of $4,152.45.

Admissions: Linda reported for Chairman, Callie Keller, that invitations for membership
have been extended to Anne Arvin and Louanne Milward.

Garden: Barbara Young announced that all of the bulbs have been planted and that the
garden has been winterized.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee reminded those ladies who are propagating for the GCA plant
exchange to check their coolers.

Program: Linda announced that the Christmas Tea will be held at the home of Anne
Campbell on Thursday, December 17th, at 3:30. Members were urged to reply promptly.

Cookbook: Mott Nicol showed an apron which she has had made for promotional events.
Members were encouraged to purchase raffle tickets for the apron, the proceeds of which
will go to the garden. Mott also thanked Kathy Dalton for selling cookbooks at the
Rolling Pin on Breeders’ Cup day. She then distributed adorable bookmarks used for
promotion. She and Judy Philpott are going to the Gift Mart in Atlanta January 10.
Members were asked to sign up to prepare food to be taken to the show. 300-500 bites of
cookies, spreads, cheese straws, etc. are needed.

Announcements: The burr oak seedling that Mo Ethington took to New York Annual
Meeting in 1989 is now ten feet tall. Mo would like to donate