xt7kd50fz294_21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_23/Multipage2836.pdf 1996-1997 1997 1996-1997 section false xt7kd50fz294_21 xt7kd50fz294 Board Meeting January ID, 1996

Due to an excessive amount of snow the board meeting
of the Garden Club of Lexington was rescheduled from
Jan. 8th ot Jan. 10th. It was held at the home of
Kathy Dalton and was called to order at 1:30 p.m.
Nine members were present. Callie Keller,president
handed out copies of a letter to several of us from
Rossie Fisher.

Treasurer: No report, but Callie assured us that we
had money in the bank.

Flower Show: Alyce Hoskins reported that four are
tied for this years Blue Ribbon. It was decided to
give all four silver shovel pins.

Program: Sarah Davis reminded us that there is no
meeting in Eeb. The March meeting on the let at
Idle Hour C.C. Hostesses: Betsy Hillenmeyer, Dot
Crutcher and Joan Gains.

Cookbook: Mo Ethington reports all is well.

Callie made mention of the recent death of Rebec—
ca Milward, a loved friend, neighbor and member of
our club. It was lovely that the family chose to
make our garden the recipient of memorial contri-

Callie gave us information about a lecture series
sponsored by the Arboretum at the Gluck Equine
Center on Jan. 11 and Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. She also
reminded us of the joint board meeting on Mar. 4th.
Yearly reports are to be given at the general meet—
ing in March.

Meeting Adjourned 1:50 p.m.

Respectfullg submitted,
'V/‘v‘s (‘4,

Kathy Dalton
Recording Secretary



 General Meeting January 18, 1996

The general meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington

met at Idle Hour C.C. on January 18, 1996. It was

called to order by Callie Keller, president at

10:35 A.M. Kay Steffee and Nancy Bishop were Host—


Treasurer: Judy Philpott reported a balance of$7,431,20

Educational Minute: Ginny May gave us a short but

informative talk on how to cut and handle branches

that are brought indoors prior to budding. This pro—

cess is known as forcing.

Conservation: Ginny Adams encouraged us to attend

the GCA Conservation Meeting. National was pleased

with our comments on the land use proposal.

Founders Fund: Kathy Brewer reminded us to read our

bullitins. She then passed out brochures to mail to

our friends in other Zones to inform them about our

nominee, McConnell Springs.

The officers and Committee Chairman elected for the

1996-98 period are:


President—Mrs. James Kenan, Betty

First Vice president— Mrs. George B. Carey,Linda

Second Vice President— Mrs. Frederick M. Keller,Callie

Recording Secretary— Mrs. Norman L. Brown, Libby

Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Scott Breckinridge,Helen

Treasurer- Mrs. James Philpott, Judy


Admissions— Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Ginny

Awards— Mrs. George A. Hoskins, Alyce

Conservation—Mrs. Joseph Brown Nicholson, Jessica

Flower Show— Mrs. William S. Chapman, Ellen

Garden Projects— Mrs. William T. Young, Jr.,Barbara

Horticulture- Mrs. Edgar Steffee, Kay

Program— Mrs. Robert Vernon May, Ginny

Publication— Mrs. James Gatewood Gay, Anne

Special Projects- Mrs. Louis L. Haggin, III, Bettie Bos

Archives— Mrs. Douglas Patterson Romaine, Janie

Asst. Treasurer—Mrs. William S. Ruch, Bitsy

Founders Fund—Mrs. Robert McAfee Brewer, Kathy

Publicity— Mrs. John Ryan Gains, Joan

Visiting Gardens- Mrs. W. Lisle Dalton, Kathy

Archives of American Garden—Garden History and Design—

Mrs. Shelby Carneal Kinkead,Jr., Melodye

Ginny Adams intoduced Julian Campbell, a local lecturer

and active member of The Land and Nature Conservancy.

He spoke to us about the unique vegetation here in the

inner bluegrass. And how importantit is preserve and

protect what we have and to plant indiginous species

when we can.

Next meetingzMarch let.

There bedng no further business, the meeting adjourn—

ed to the card Fpom where a delicious lunch was serve
"flinging avkaJ.—p3 Respectfully submitted,




 Joint Board Meeting March 4,-1996

The joint board meeting of the Garden Club of
Lexington was called to order by president, Callie
Keller at her home at 9:45 a.m. The minutes were
approved as read by secretary, Kathy Dalton.
Treasurer: Judy Philpott reported a balance of$7,868—

Corresponding Sec.: Betty Kinkead read a note from
Harriett Shanklin asking for a change of status from
active to affiliate. After voting, her change ofsta-
tus was accepted with regret.

Membership: Mo Ethington remarked that presently we
now have two openings for membership.

Conservation: Jessica Nicholson, in Ginny Adams ab—
sense, reported that the“GCA Position Paper on Land
Usefldid not pass but is to be considered a guideline.
Flower Show: Alyce Hoskins reported that Ellen Chap—
man won the Horticulture Award With the highest num—
ber of blue ribbons for her arrangement entries. Her
silver shovel pin will be presented at the March An—
nual Meeting.

Garden:Ellen Chapman reported that Todd White will
start the brick borders soon and that Jim McFarland
has trimmed the hollies, taxus and lilacs this past
week. The capitol for sundial was made out of the
wrong material (granite). Russell Atchison will be
absorbing the cost of replacing it with marble.
PEONEY WORK DAYS: March 27th, April 3rd and 10th

lst GARDEN WORK DAY: April 17th

Prograszinny May reported April 18th (time and lo—
cation to be announced) speaker James Kenan— Reel.

of Strip Mines, May 16th Fieldtrip to Berea, walk to
Anglin Falls.

Bloom'in News: Anne Gay will be meeting in Louisville
with other Zone VII reps. led by Dale Henderson.
Cookbook: Mo Ethington reported a balance of $747.45
in account. Talitha reported steady sales —six this

Callie reminded us: to clean out our notebooks before
handing them over, those scheduled for reports—be pre—
pared! Bettie Bos siart taking dues at March meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Next board meeting: April lst 9:30, Bettie Bos Haggin's



Respectfully submitted,

“7-1,. ..-~- 4. r"
j” 131L914. y to : k~<

Kathy Dalton
Recording Secretary


L Lg/






APRIL 18, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Eleanor Milward at 10:30 AM. on April 18,
1996. The meeting was called to order by Betty Kenan, President. The minutes of the March
meeting were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported a balance of $6,754.05.

There were no reports from the following committees: Admissions, Awards, Conservation,
Garden, Flower Show, Bloomin News, Archives, Visiting Gardens, or Publicity.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee announced that we will have the six required plants. Alyce Hoskins
has agreed to serve as Kay’s co-chairman.

Program: Ginny May talked about the field trip to Anglin Falls for the next meeting. She noted
the date change to Tuesday, May 14th. All necessary information will appear in the newsletter.
Please respond promptly as box lunches need to be ordered, and buses will be reserved.

Special Proiects: Bettie Bos Haggin had no cookbook report but she is working on a McAdoo
rug showing for September.

Assistant Treasurer: Bitsy Ruch will receive dues until June 1“.

New Business: Betty announced the Finance Committee will meet to discuss the amount to be
budgeted for programs for the coming year. A lovely book, Gardens in the Heartlands. is now
available in the gift shop at Ashland; our garden is pictured. The Town & Country Garden tour
will be held June 1‘t and 2“d by the Glenview Garden Club. Betty thanked Eleanor for having us,
and turned the meeting over to Ginny who introduced our speaker, Jim Kenan. Jim is CEO of the
Breakers Hotel and Kentucky River Coal, and also Betty’s husband. His topic “Mineral and Land
Reclamation” addressed the environment and how it is being preserved from his perspective. He
presented facts, quotations and statistics to give us the rest of the story.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.
Respectfiilly submitted

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary








APRIL 18, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Eleanor Milward at 10:30 AM. on April 18,
1996. The meeting was called to order by Betty Kenan, President. The minutes of the March
meeting were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported a balance of $6,754.05.

There were no reports from the following committees: Admissions, Awards, Conservation,
Garden, Flower Show, Bloomin News, Archives, Visiting Gardens, or Publicity.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee announced that we will have the six required plants. Alyce Hoskins
has agreed to serve as Kay’s co-chairman.

Program: Ginny May talked about the field trip to Anglin Falls for the next meeting. She noted
the date change to Tuesday, May 14th. All necessary information will appear in the newsletter.
Please respond promptly as box lunches need to be ordered, and buses will be reserved.

Sgecial Projects: Bettie Bos Haggin had no cookbook report but she is working on a McAdoo
rug showing for September.

Assistant Treasurer: Bitsy Ruch will receive dues until June 1“.

New Business: Betty announced the Finance Committee will meet to discuss the amount to be
budgeted for programs for the coming year. A lovely book, Gardens in the Heartlands, is now
available in the gifi shop at Ashland; our garden is pictured. The Town & Country Garden tour
will be held June lSt and 2nd by the Glenview Garden Club. Betty thanked Eleanor for having us,
and turned the meeting over to Ginny who introduced our speaker, Jim Kenan. Jim is CEO of the
Breakers Hotel and Kentucky River Coal, and also Betty’s husband. His topic “Mineral and Land
Reclamation” addressed the environment and how it is being preserved from his perspective. He
presented facts, quotations and statistics to give us the rest of the story.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.

Respectfiilly submitted
Xx 16* ’61."? 73A,(f~4...urvi

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary






MAY 14, 1996

Program Chairman Ginny May picked one of the few clear, sunny perfect spring days of 1996 for
the May 14th General meeting. We joined our guide, Dr Ralph Thompson from Berea College in
the Boone Tavern parking lot at 10:00, and proceeded over winding back roads to the John B
Stephens’Memorial Forest. Dr Thompson gave us a brief history of the area before we began our
hike to Anglin Falls

He and his student guide were well-versed and knowledgeable about everything that lived and

grew in the forest. It was a delightfiil treat. After the trail trip, hostesses Janie Romaine and
Bitsy Ruch served plentifiJl and delicious box lunches to a hungry group of hikers.

Respectfiilly submitted


Libby Brown
Recording Secretary








MAY 14, 1996

Program Chairman Ginny May picked one of the few clear, sunny perfect spring days of 1996 for
the May 14th General meeting. We joined our guide, Dr. Ralph Thompson from Berea College in
the Boone Tavern parking lot at 10:00, and proceeded over winding back roads to the John B
Stephens'lclemorial Forest. Dr. Thompson gave us a brief history of the area before we began our
hike to Anglin Falls.

He and his student guide were well-versed and knowledgeable about everything that lived and
grew in the forest. It was a delightfiil treat. After the trail trip, hostesses Janie Romaine and
Bitsy Ruch served plentiful and delicious box lunches to a hungry group of hikers.

Respectfully submitted

gJM/uf flAJy/Uw/

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary







JUNE 20, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, June 20, 1996, at the Fayette County Extension
Building at 10:30 AM. Betty Kenan, president, called the meeting to order. Libby Brown read
the minutes of the May 14th meeting which were approved. Treasurer Judy Philpott reported a
balance of $1872.39 in the Operating Account.

Admissions: Admissions forms need to be returned to Ginny Adams prior to 9:30 AM. on
August 26“.

Garden: Barbara Young reminded us to try to divide and share plants for our borders at Ashland
before we buy. She also suggested that we bring things from home when we have them.

Pragram: Ginny May announced the July 18th General Meeting will be the Picnic at Ashland.
Sara Davis will do the program, Arranging Summer Flowers.

New Business: Betty Kenan announced our McConnell Springs Project was a runner-up for the
Founder’s Fund. We received $5000.00. We have been encouraged to resubmit the project at a
later date. A McConell Springs Committee has been created to organize work days and volunteer
opportunities. Members are Jessica Nicolson, Ginny Adams, Kathy Brewer, and Kathy Dalton.

The Annual Meeting was held in Newport, R1 in May. Betty Kenan, Ellen Chapman, and Kay
Steffee attended. They will report in length at a later meeting although both Berry and Ellen
shared some of their wonderful experiences.

The Friends of the Garden Party will be held September 5th. Scotty Walton graciously
volunteered her home as a rain location.

Betty thanked the hostesses Eileen Hillenmeyer, Ginny May, and Judy Philpott for the delicious
food and all the arrangements.

Ginny May introduced the speaker, Jon Carlofiis, a University of Kentucky graduate and
Rockcastle County native. He currently lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and works in New
York City. Among other things he designs and maintains rooftop gardens, is a contributing editor
to Garden Design magazine, and won best in show for his entry in the New York Flower Show
and Philadelphia Show. He has a retail shop here and in Bucks County. He takes a very personal
and individual approach to designing and creating. He shared a beautiful slide presentation of
some of his recent work, It was a great meeting and adjourned at l :00.

Respectfully submitted
Libby Brown







JUNE 20, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, June 20, 1996, at the Fayette County Extension
Building at 10:30 AM. Betty Kenan, president, called the meeting to order. Libby Brown read
the minutes of the May 14‘h meeting which were approved. Treasurer Judy Philpott reported a
balance of $1872.39 in the Operating Account.

Admissions: Admissions forms need to be returned to Ginny Adams prior to 9:30 AM. on
August 26".

Garden: Barbara Young reminded us to try to divide and share plants for our borders at Ashland
before we buy. She also suggested that we bring things from home when we have them.

Program: Ginny May announced the July 18‘11 General Meeting will be the Picnic at Ashland.
Sara Davis will do the program, Arranging Summer Flowers.

New Business: Betty Kenan announced our McConnell Springs Project was a runner-up for the
Founder’s Fund. We received $5000.00. We have been encouraged to resubmit the project at a
later date. A McConell Springs Committee has been created to organize work days and volunteer
opportunities. Members are Jessica Nicolson, Ginny Adams, Kathy Brewer, and Kathy Dalton.

The Annual Meeting was held in Newport, R1 in May. Betty Kenan, Ellen Chapman, and Kay
Stefl‘ee attended. They will report in length at a later meeting although both BeH'y and Ellen
shared some of their wonderful experiences.

The Friends of the Garden Party will be held September 5th. Scotty Walton graciously
volunteered her home as a rain location.

Betty thanked the hostesses Eileen Hillenmeyer, Ginny May, and Judy Philpott for the delicious
food and all the arrangements.

Ginny May introduced the speaker, Jon Carlofiis, a University of Kentucky graduate and
Rockcastle County native. He currently lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and works in New
York City. Among other things he designs and maintains roofiop gardens, is a contributing editor
to Garden Design magazine, and won best in show for his entry in the New York Flower Show
and Philadelphia Show. He has a retail shop here and in Bucks County. He takes a very personal
and individual approach to designing and creating. He shared a beautifiil slide presentation of
some of his recent work, It was a great meeting and adjourned at 1:00.

Respectfiilly submitted
Libby Brown






JULY 18, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 18th at Ashland Garden at 11:00. Beekyj
Kenan, President, call the meeting to order. Libby Brown, secretary, read the minutes of the
June 201‘ meeting which were approved. Ginny May gave the Treasurer’s report, in Judy
Philpottn’s absence; there is a balance of $1669.00 in the Operating Account.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee has submitted her report on the meeting in Upperville, VA, which
she attended. She announced the first meeting of the Horticulture Study Group, A
Propagation Workshop, will be held at 9:00 Wednesday, July 24th at Ashland Garden. The
cost of $10.00 will cover a booklet and supplies. Everyone is invited and Kay passed around a
sign up sheet.

Kathy Brewer introduced Elaine F aithfiil and presented her a check for $5000.00 for
McConnell Springs, which was our proposal that was runner-up for the Founder’s Fund
Award. Elaine was pleased to receive the check which will be used to purchase native
plantings for the spring. The Visitors Center is almost completed and education classes will
begin in the fall. They want to complete some initial landscaping before the ribbon cutting
ceremony. Elaine thanked us on behalf of everyone involved.

Anne Turner gave a thoughtfiil and moving memorial to Louise Moore Ray, who died May8,
1996. She was a member of our Garden Club.

New Business: Nancy Bishop and Betty Kenhead will again be co-chairmen for the Friends of
the Garden cocktail party on September 5th at Ashland Garden.

Mott Nicol gave a brief report on our responsibilities for the Annual Meeting 1998. Mott and
Anne Gay attended an informational meeting in Williamsburg, VA. We will be in charge of the
registration and hospitality for non-member delegates.

Betty thanked the hostesses Dottie Cordray, Kathy Dalton and Dottie Wachs for the lovely
arrangements at the garden and lunch which will follow our meeting.



Ginny introduced Sarah Davis, a club member and our speaker. She first thanked her for all
the help and direction Sarah has given Ginny as Program Chairman, and then for sharing her
incredible knowledge of and talent and skill in arranging with us. Today Sarah was showing us
how she chooses textures, colors and shapes to create a beautifiil green arrangement that will
last several weeks, with care. She used materials from her yard, told us how to treat it and
then explained how she achieves her creation. She answered questions during and afierward.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.

Respectfiilly submitted

M W"

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary







JULY 18, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, July 18‘1‘ at Ashland Garden at 11:00. Belt}?
Kenan, President, call the meeting to order. Libby Brown, secretary, read the minutes of the
June 20th meeting which were approved. Ginny May gave the Treasurer’s report, in Judy
Philpottc’s absence; there is a balance of $1669.00 in the Operating Account.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee has submitted her report on the meeting in Upperville, VA, which
she attended. She announced the first meeting of the Horticulture Study Group, A
Propagation Workshop, will be held at 9:00 Wednesday, July 24th at Ashland Garden. The
cost of $10.00 will cover a booklet and supplies. Everyone is invited and Kay passed around a
sign up sheet.

Kathy Brewer introduced Elaine Faithful and presented her a check for $5000.00 for
McConnell Springs, which was our proposal that was runner-up for the Founder’s Fund
Award. Elaine was pleased to receive the check which will be used to purchase native
plantings for the spring. The Visitors Center is almost completed and education classes will
begin in the fall. They want to complete some initial landscaping beforefihe ribbon cutting
ceremony. Elaine thanked us on behalf of everyone involved.

Anne Turner gave a thoughtfiil and moving memorial to Louise Moore Ray, who died May8,
1996. She was a member of our Garden Club.

New Business: Nancy Bishop and Betty Ke’nhead will again be co-chairmen for the Friends of
the Garden cocktail party on September 5th at Ashland Garden.

Mott Nicol gave a brief report on our responsibilities for the Annual Meeting 1998. Mott and
Anne Gay attended an informational meeting in Williamsburg, VA. We will be in charge of the
registration and hospitality for non-member delegates.

Betty thanked the hostesses Dottie Cordray, Kathy Dalton and Dottie Wachs for the lovely
arrangements at the garden and lunch which will follow our meeting.




Ginny introduced Sarah Davis, a club member and our speaker. She first thanked her for all
the help and direction Sarah has given Ginny as Program Chairman, and then for sharing her
incredible knowledge of and talent and skill in arranging with us. Today Sarah was showing us
how she chooses textures, colors and shapes to create a beautiful green arrangement that will
last several weeks, with care. She used materials from her yard, told us how to treat it and
then explained how she achieves her creation. She answered questions during and afierward.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.

Respectfitlly submitted

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary







SEPTEMBER 11, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met jointly with the Glenview and Paducah clubs Wednesday,
September 1 1, 1996 in Louisville at Locust Grove. The speaker, Pat Haragan, was followed
by box lunches and optional garden tours.

Respectfiilly submitted

Libby Brown





SEPTEMBER 11, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met jointly with the Glenview and Paducah clubs Wednesday,
September 11, 1996 in Louisville at Locust Grove. The speaker, Pat Haragan, was followed
by box lunches and optional garden tours.

Respectfillly submitted

Libby Brown







OCTOBER 17, 1996

The October meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was canceled.

Respectfully submitted

Libby Brown







OCTOBER 17, 1996

The October meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was canceled.

Respectfully submitted


Libby Brown






NOVEMBER 21, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, November 21, 1996 in the Auditorium at
Shriner’s Hospital. Callie Keller called the meeting to order at 10:45. Libby Brown, secretary,
read the minutes of the September 11th ,and October 17th meetings which were approved as
read. Judy Philpott, treasurer, reported a balance of $588.83. The Finance Committee
recommends the following contributions be made for 1996: Ashland Neighborhood
Association - $15.00; GCA Interchange Fellowship - $250.00; McConnell Springs — $250.00.
Callie asked for discussion or questions; the motion was voted on and passed.

Admissions: Callie announced for Ginny Adams our two new members: Jeanne Codell and
Gay Van Meter. They will be invited to the Christmas Tea.

Flower Show: Ellen Chapman asked for volunteers to bring arrangements to the tea. She said
after the tea they will be given away. She passed around a sign up sheet.

Horticulture: Kay Stefi‘ee was very pleased with the propagation workshop at Michler’s,
twelve people attended. She thanked the club for the opportunity to attend the Zone meeting,

she said it was wonderful. Jessica Nicholson is a new candidate to be a judge; our club will
now have two.

Program: Ginny May thanked Sarah Davis for again sharing her talents and leading a
workshop today on making wreathes and garlands.

Sgecial Events: Bettie Bos Haggin has some cookbooks that are the old printing she would
like to sell; if any member needs cookbooks, please get these from her.

Harriett Holiday read a lovely memorial for Susie Hamilton who died July 9, 1996.

New Business: Callie presented a recommendation from the Board to raise dues for active
and affiliates to $100.00. The motion carried.

Callie thanked Patti King for serving as hostess and Sarah for sharing her skills. The meeting
was adjourned at 11:15 and Sarah began the workshop.

Respectfiilly submitted

Libby Brown






NOVEMBER 21, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met Thursday, November 21, 1996 in the Auditorium at
Shriner’s Hospital. Callie Keller called the meeting to order at 10:45. Libby Brown, secretary,
read the minutes of the September 11th ,and October 17‘h meetings which were approved as
read. Judy Philpott, treasurer, reported a balance of $588.83. The Finance Committee
recommends the following contributions be made for 1996: Ashland Neighborhood
Association - $15.00; GCA Interchange Fellowship - $250.00; McConnell Springs - $250.00.
Callie asked for discussion or questions; the motion was voted on and passed.

Admissions: Callie announced for Ginny Adams our two new members: Jeanne Codell and
Gay Van Meter. They will be invited to the Christmas Tea.

Flower Show: Ellen Chapman asked for volunteers to bring arrangements to the tea. She said
afier the tea they will be given away. She passed around a sign up sheet.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee was very pleased with the propagation workshop at Michler’s,
twelve people attended. She thanked the club for the opportunity to attend the Zone meeting,

she said it was wonderfiil. Jessica Nicholson is a new candidate to be a judge; our club will
now have two.

Program: Ginny May thanked Sarah Davis for again sharing her talents and leading a
workshop today on making wreathes and garlands.

Special Events: Bettie Bos Haggin has some cookbooks that are the old printing she would
like to sell; if any member needs cookbooks, please get these from her.

Harriett Holiday read a lovely memorial for Susie Hamilton who died July 9, 1996.

New Business: Callie presented a recommendation from the Board to raise dues for active
and affiliates to $100.00. The motion carried.

Callie thanked Patti King for serving as hostess and Sarah for sharing her skills. The meeting
was adjourned at 11:15 and Sarah began the workshop.

Respectfiilly submitted


Libby Brown






DECEMBER 19, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, December 19th at 3:30 for their annual
Christmas Tea. It was held at the lovely home of Jane Baugh and was a very festive occasion.
There were about fifty members present to welcome our new members.

Respectfully submitted


Libby Brown
Recording Secretary






DECEMBER 19, 1996

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, December 19th at 3 :30 for their annual
Christmas Tea. It was held at the lovely home of Jane Baugh and was a very festive occasion.
There were about fifty members present to welcome our new members.

Respectfiilly submitted

Libby Brown
Recording Secretary



Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
January 16, 1997

The General Meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held Thursday, January 16, 1997
at the home of Ginny Adams. Betty Kenan, president, called the meeting to order at 10:40 am.
Libby Brown, secretary, read the minutes of the November let General Meeting and December 19th
Christmas Tea which were approved as read. Treasurer, Judy Philpott reported a balance of

Awards: Alyce Hoskins would like suggestions for possible award recipients either club
members or people in the community.

Flower Show: Ellen Chapman said to bring either forced branches or bulbs to the March

Horticulture: Kay Steffee gave the date of the Cincinnati Flower Show, April 23rd. She
would like six entries from our club; she is going and will take the entries and bring them back. She
will have a Grooming Workshop the first of April for anyone who is interested.

Annual Meeting: Mott Nicol, who with Anne Gay, is working on the Annual Meeting 1998
said there will be a fiill committee meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia on February 13th. Neither she
nor Anne is able to go and she asked for a volunteer to attend; Joy Hinkle said she might be able to
go. If no one from here goes, the Paducah delegate will take notes and update Mott and Anne.

Betty received a letter from Beverly Bagley regarding the advance sale of bags for the Annual
Meeting. They are $11.00 each at this time and must be ordered by March lst; send Betty your
checks as it will be a club order and not individually done. She kindly reminded all club members of
the necessity and importance of responding to hostesses for general meetings. She received a thank
you note for our contribution to the Interchange Fellowship Fund. Betty thanked Ginny for having
everyone for the meeting and lunch. The next Board Meeting will be at 9:30 am. Monday, March
3rd at Alyce Hoskins’ house and the Annual Meeting will be Thursday, March 20th at Idle Hour.

Ginny May introduced our speaker, Dr. Tom Barnes, from the Forestry Department at the
University of Kentucky. As the snow fell in Ginny's lovely backyard, he spoke about bringing
wildlife, birds, and butterflies into our yards. He pointed out that habitat is the key to attracting and
keeping birds; one must have high quality plants and food. He was so enthusiastic and knowledgeable
about his field and topic. He opened his talk with birds and ran out of time well before he had
exhausted his store of information. He was very entertaining and informative and answered questions
before leaving. A wonderful luncheon followed, it was a delightfiil winter meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Libby Brown




Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
January 16, 1997

The General Meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held Thursday, January 16, 1997
at the home of Ginny Adams. Betty Kenan, president, called the meeting to order at 10:40 am.
Libby Brown, secretary, read the minutes of the November 2lst General Meeting and December 19th
Christmas Tea which were approved as read. Treasurer, Judy Philpott reported a balance of

Awards: Alyce Hoskins would like suggestions for possible award recipients either club
members or people in the community.

Flower Show: Ellen Chapman said to bring either forced branches or bulbs to the March

Horticulture: Kay Stefi‘ee gave the date of the Cincinnati Flower Show, April 23rd. She
would like six entries from our club; she is going and will take the entries and bring them back. She
will have a Grooming Workshop the first of April for anyone who is interested.

Annual Meeting: Mott Nicol, who with Anne Gay, is working on the Annual Meeting 1998
said there will be a fiill committee meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia on February 13th. Neither she
nor Anne is able to go and she asked for a volunteer to attend; Joy Hinkle said she might be able to
go. If no one from here goes, the Paducah delegate will take notes and update Mott and Anne.

Betty received a letter from Beverly Bagley regarding the advance sale of bags for the Annual
Meeting. They are $11.00 each at this time and must be ordered by March lst; send Betty your
checks as it will be a club order and not individually done. She kindly reminded all club members of
the necessity and importance of responding to hostesses for general meetings. She received a thank
you note for our contribution to the Interchange Fellowship Fund. Betty thanked Ginny for having
everyone for the meeting and lunch. The next Board Meeting will be at 9:30 am. Monday, March
3rd at Alyce Hoskins' house and the Annual Meeting will be Thursday, March 20th at Idle Hour.

Ginny May introduced our speaker, Dr. Tom Barnes, from the Forestry Department at the
University of Kentucky. As the snow fell in Ginny's lovely backyard, he spoke about bringing
wildlife, birds, and butte