xt7kd50fz294_20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_21/Multipage2738.pdf 1993-1995 1995 1993-1995 section false xt7kd50fz294_20 xt7kd50fz294 nnwr? ”69‘3in? .TQHWIQW‘J 1033




The “oswd oi the “a“den Wluh o9 Rerincton met at the
home o“ Veppiet nhanklr'kn, fanuawr hth at 10:00 s,m.
T“eleven memVeWs wewe present. The minutes wewe head
approved. m4e tweasupew wepowted a halance of



Linda announced that IT T had expressed a need for help
fwom our Club in the planning and planting of the atri-
um of theip new building. fessica wecommended that we


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see how much is involved nnfl, if fnfinwestod, 0911 on

fiVG waste” qawdanews 0“ the club Pow thoiw n
”he expanse Cfiuld he maid fwom cookhook monGV. ”he

“wand aphwoved fihn “ecommendation.
; and



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 “onewal ”eetin”

”he Ce-den dlnh on flexinoton met at the lee Vono
donntnv Clo“ on Tenuonv lLth at 10:00 a. mhe host-
esses HO“6 ficottv ”elton end S oweh JoVis, efome the
weetinq hot chocolote and coffee wewe sewved to en-
an aging ‘38 1‘7 700‘”??? V‘KH’W‘ ‘9“9 o


wewe weed and eoowoved end the thersuwev

helonce o9 #6,}‘?. o0.

“nelithe vwflcomed (one new rmrfixrfisvfiinny Th3? end Tkwfivewe

do sewvetion: rzhv “eminded us to wecycle on“ old
strattafia“ttrks at desijno ed places. To" those nem—
hews who went to hein: old nooks to our next meetinz,
she will evennqe to take them to a vecycling centev.

slit he announced that the Atlanta filowew ;how would
we held Wenwuewy 7-let end all intewested members
should call her.

special oniects: Petty thanked Cevolrn Caldwell for
he” we? -eewc oh end statistics on cook)ook sales in 1902.
levy An ndwews Goff was the top sales person fov last
"e9“, mhe cookhook has hed sweet nuhlicity from KET,
Thewon mhompson, food editon o9 the Bexin ton Ueweld—
Reedew end Vlueqwess meqezifie. Wood tastings (which
included sole of books) et Toseph-Weth and liwoger
hooved to he most successtul with two move olenned
ewoonq ”othew's Dev. Petty will now hove books avail-
ehle Foo memhews at he” home fow élh.37. She sent '
sneciel thanks to dene ‘weemen foo setting up com-
mute» end owoowem at the office. Pwess kits which
will include a letter and vecipes will be needy soon
to send to food editohs around the count vv along with
a complimentary cooy of the book.


mennev announced that we had received two letteww
.nwecieti on fwom students who henticipeted in the
nt Consewvetion Association which we support.

”ith the announcement that the Woemd had voted to nay ‘
en Unr5Viduel memhewship few the cowwent consewve-E
ChQi”NQn as well as few those in the future in the
ecvcling ”ssocietion, Welithe tunned the

oven to (es sice, who intwodnced our Speaker,
”hi Evans.


r3 5

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fihewwi end her husband awe ownews of the shooting Stani
Nuwsewy in 7%enkfovt. They had wecently held a two ‘


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fic” ”DMRShbh on ”iiflolDHOWS H;
fsqbaiQfiion find fiber awe fihe o
999(‘38 ”7““ DH” Hilfiflouon “10+- V,‘ Tf‘oz



‘6 39w a fascinating Video on

”ilflflowow meadow nwoduced by the ”awwont
”Gmm "@50w which aha gave an enthusiastic
wwmnfl us fin pinnfi mmfiive Kenfiu “v

,HL lflplowews
awoke 0?


\Pevhevflsvilla, ienbucky as a Showple
Hildflnwew blrntings.

“asvecfifully submitted,

LAVEXQW‘E‘; 2?\£~ TLL3\ ".

Helen 3. RwackinWidce

-—3 1. N (‘
acnwelnu Hecwetawy


 Board Meetinz March l, 1903


ic Qosrd of the Garden Club of LcVinzton met at the
hora of Talitha Frqomah March lst at l0230 a.m. Wine
members were nresent. The mjnutes Worn road and go—
ProVed ahd the treasurer renortcd a balance of

Conservation: Kathv announced that Fernita Wallace
would be our sneakor at a future meeting, sneakinz
about LeVinqton in general.

Garden: Bettv has taken tho statue of the little zirl
to Cincinnati for renairs and recommends severe brun-
inq of the lilac bushes now.

qorticflture: Alvce would like to ask Charles Klemm
from ST Barrina ton. Illinois to sneak at the May
meeting and the board aooroVed.

Publicitv: Ellen will pursue the reouest of Ashland
that the club participate in Historic ProsorVation
deck at Ashland in May; ”

Sogcial Prolects: Patty passed around cookbook bro“
chures which will be Sent to food editors all ovar
the country...most impressive. Tha cuib has been
asked to haVe a booth at the Home and Garden Uhow at
heritazo Hall Aoril iu-18th. There will be a Dict—


ure of Ashland garden on the nrozram cover. Cook-
books will be for sale and Phil Dunn has azreed to
hold cooking seminars usinz recines from our book.
Also. in connection with the cookbook. postrarns will
be sent to all those who have or who have had accounts
with us - léfl vendors - to remind them that the book
is still available.

Pattv brought no tha subject of the McAdoo runs as a
mcans of making moncv for the lQQU Zone VII meetinz
in Levinzton. Her recommendation was accentafl by the
Board - with more details to follow.

Palitha announced that Kav Steffee has been chosen
Zone V11 horticultural Chairman for GCA. Also, she
discussed tha GCA meetinz in l098 in Williamsburz.
Ehc eighteen clubs of Zone VII will bo hosts each
club being resoonsible for some ohase of tho event
as well as a monetary contribution. the March meet-
ing will be our annual business meeting, whon each
chairman will give a brief resume of what they have
been doing throughout the year. ihe meeting was ad-

journed at 12:15 o.m.
Resrcctfullv submitted

Helen B Breckihridse

Recording Secretarv




PINEAPPLES: given by the family in memory of
Edith Massie.

Warfield in memory of her mother.


METAL CHAIRS AND TABLE: given by Harriett
Holladay in memory of her mother.


SOUTH BRICK WALL: given by Daisy and Dudley
Hume in memory of their sister, Martha Lawill.


LEAD CONTAINERS: bought with monies given to
the memorial fund.


Plants and bulbs and maybe trees have been given
by many, such as Mrs. Louis L. Haggin, Mrs. Paul
Justice, Alice Prewitt, Virginia Hagan. These
were gifts not memorials.

3—28—79 Board Meeting— Board recommended to
Garden Committee that one special item be pur—

chased in memory of Mrs. Carrick

6—20—80 General Meeting— Mrs. Ida Moore Brown,
Memphis, Tenn., gave a lead figure in memory
of her mother, marthaiflithers Hodre.w1_ "

6-6-80 General Meeting Lead Planters, in mem—
ory of Mrs. Sterling Coke.


6-6—80 General Meeting Chippendale Planters,
in memory of Mary VanMeter.

Statue of the child, bought by Lou Simpson/



 Executive Commitee Meeting

April 5, 1993

The Executive Committee met before the board
meeting to discuss the recommendations made by
the Finance Committee on March 22, 1993. The
Executive Committee makes the following
recommendations to the Garden Club Board for

1. To regretfully accept the resignation of
Harriet Shanklin as Treasurer of the Garden
Club, and unanimously approve the appointment
of Mo Ethington as Treasurer for the
remainder of 1993

To change the by—laws to have the
reasurer’s term begin and end on the
ealendar year.

3. To have a uniform financial statement
designed by Lindy Carnes, our accountant,

to be used by each Treasurer for each bank
account. This will make our accountant’s

job much simpler in preparing our Tax Free
Status Report, and also would instruct each
Treasurer on the type of finanacial report

4. For the nominating committee to further study
the recommentation made by Harriet Shanklin to
have a professional person keep the books of the
Garden Club,or have a person available to advise
the Treasurer on government forms etc.

This will be done when the Nominating Committee

is nominating the Board for the 1994—95 term

Respectfully submitted,

(7:633/0 '6‘ figeucq

Talitha R. Freeman
President, Garden Club of Lexington


 Board Meeting _ April 5, 1993



The board of the Garden Club of Lexington met a? the
home of Betty Kenan April 5, 1993 at 10:00 am. There
were 7 members present. The minutes were read and
corrected, the correction being that Kay Steffee had
been chosen as Zone VII Horticultural Representative
for GCA, not Chairman.

Talitha announced that the resignation of Harriet
Shanklin had been accepted with deep regret and that
Mo Ethington would take her place for the remainder
of 1993. See Executive Committee Meeting minutes,
copy attached.

Conservation: Kathy Dalton said that she would like
to prepare a manual on various aspects of conserva-
tion for each member. This met with Board approval.

Horticulture: Betty Kenan speaking for Alyce Hoskins
said that Mr. Klemm, who will speak at the May meeting
on Saunders hybrid peonies, will give his fee of ‘
$500.00 to the Lexington Arboretum. Also, there will
be a meeting at the peony beds on Wednesday, April
14th, for all garden workers.


Garden: The Garden Committee has appointed committees
to work in the garden borders and parterres and cards
have been sent to notify those members that April 14th
will be opening day, or the following Wednesday if bad
weather. The statue of the little girl has been re- ‘
paired and will be replaced in the garden.

Special Projects: Patty King announced that Bluegrass!
Magazine would like news items of the Club for their '
upcoming issues. Volunteers are needed for the Home .
& Garden Show April 14th - 18th. Instructions will be‘
sent to those volunteers, where to park, etc. Cook- '
books will be sold for $14.50, a 20% reduction, which ;
includes tax. The McAdoo rug project has been set for;
October with a preview party at Ann Gay's.


Talitha said that she has appointed Anne Gay, Mo .
Ethington, Callie Keller to join her as a committee of:
four to consider changes in the bylaws. The garden
will be on display for Historic Preservation Week at
Ashland May 10th - 16th. The meeting adjourned at
12:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary



General Meeting April 15, 1993


The Garden Club Of Lexington met at the home of Jane
Baugh April 15th at 11:00 am. The minutes were read
and approved and the treasurer reported a balance of
$9,862.60.\ '

Awards: Jessica Bell announced that GCA had approved.
the request of the Club to award the following Horti—i
culture Achievement Certificates to Louisiana Wood ;
Simpson ——"For her total dedication and ongoing ser—
vices to Ashland Garden, where still she creates fun 3
and tends the border she started 43 years ago." Also,
to Harriet McDonald Holladay -— "For her interest in
Ashland Garden that has not wavered for 43 years, and
for her cheerful willingness to share her horticulturd
knowledge with others."

Garden: The opening day of work at Ashland garden has
been postponed to April 21st due to rain and Betty
announced that much work has been done in the peony
beds. A committee has been formed to take charge of
the peony garden: Dot Crutcher, Alyce Hoskins, Joan
Gaines, Jessica Bell and Barbara Young.

Program: And speaking of peonies, Carol Jackson an—
nounced that Charles Klemm will be our speaker at the
May meeting, peonies being his subject. The June meet-
ing will be at Midway College when the Glenview Garden,
Club will join us. Dr. Whayne Davis will present a
program on bluebirds.

Special Projects: Patty passed around a program from
the Home & Garden Show which had an article about Ash—
land garden and gave special thanks to Kathy Dalton '
for organizing volunteers, etc., and to Jessica Nichol
son and Betsy Hillenmeyer for decorating our booth.
There has been a good response to the cookbook from
food editors around the country and new accounts have
been opened.


Kathy Brewer read resumes of the three Founders Fund
finalists for 1993 and the Club voted unanimously for
Zone IX's Rooftop Therapy Park at the Patricia Neal
Rehabilitation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Talitha had various announcements to make: The May 3rd

‘plant exchange at the Northside Library; Michler's

garden symposiums and Historic Preservation Week at
Ashland May 10th—16th when the garden will be on dis—




General Meeting . April 15, 1993


Kathy Dalton introduced our speaker Fernita Wallace,
council person for the fifth district. .She spoke of
conservation, environmental problems and the beauti—
fication of Lexington in general. She suggested a
field trip to McConnell Spring, site of the first
settlement in Lexington. A regional recycling
center has been established off Old Frankfort Pike
and she spoke of the need of separating yard waste
from landfill areas. Friends of the Arboretum and
UK Cooperative Extension Service are sponsoring
Arboretum Adventure Day Saturday, April 24th, in—
viting the community to Visit the Arboretum. At the
conclusion of her talk the meeting adjourned at 12:1‘
and a delicious buffet lunch was served.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen B. Breckinridge

Recording Secretary


 Board Meeting May 3, 1993

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at
the home of Talitha Freeman May 3, 1993 at 10:30 am.
Twelve members were present. The minutes were read
and approved and the treasurer reported a balance
of $8,788.39. '

Membership: Anne Gay reported that Lou Simpson had
requested a change in membership from active to af—
filiate, but stated she wanted to continue her pre—
sent activities in the club.

Awards: Jessica is having the Horticultural
Achievement Certificates framed for presentation to
Harriet and Lou.

Conservation: Kathy Dalton has sent GCA a report
of her committee's activities.

Flower Show: Linda Carey said that members will be
asked to bring arrangements and horticultural ex-
hibits to meetings in order to accumulate points for‘
the silver trowel awards.

Program: June 24th meeting will be a joint meeting
with Glenview Garden Club at Midway College followed
by box lunches at the Farrish farm. Dr. Whayne
Davis will give a talk about bluebirds and bluebird
houses will be for sale. Cargl announced that with

the ZoneVII meeting planned here next Fall, she has
scheduled two flower show speakers for future meet—

Garden: Betty Kenan reported a great turnout of
members in the garden last week. The sprinkling
system is ready, the boxwoods sprayed and a new crab
apple tree planted. A hitching post outside the
garden for leashing dogs was discussed. Hostesses
are needed for the garden May 14th from twelve to
one o'clock during Historic Preservation Week.

Horticulture: Alyce Hoskins talked about the horti—
cultural exhibits for the upcoming GCA meeting in

§pecial Projects: Patty King announced that $675.00
had been taken in from cookbook sales at the Home &



 Page 2.

Board Meeting May 3, 1993


Garden Show and that orders were coming in from all
over Kentucky. Also, the press kit which was sent
to food editors all over the country has had tre-
mendous success —- wonderful publicity for the cook-
book. Now Patty wants names of shops in cities
where the book has been publicized.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen B. Breckinrid
Recording Secretary


 General Meeting May 20, 1993

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of
Eileen Hillenmeyer on Thursday, May 20th at 2:30.
Hostesses were Eileen and Dot Crutcher. There

were approximately fifty members and guests present.
The minutes were read and approved and the treas-
urer reported a balance of $7,350.87.

Awards: Jessica Bell presented framed Horticultural
Achievement Certificates to Lou Simpson and Harriet
Holladay. ‘

Garden: Betty Kenan said that all was going well in
the garden and Dot added that the peonies have been
spectacular as usual. Alyce and Barbara Young are
working on identification so the peonies may be

Horticulture: Alyce Hoskins announced that our club
had won 14 points out of a possible 18 in horti-
culture at the GCA meeting in Chicago. Plant awards
were given to Sally Johnston and Kay Steffee.

. Program: The June meeting will be the fourth Thurs—
day of the month and luncheon reservation checks
should be sent to Carol Jackson.

Special Projects: Martha Nicol handed out newspaper
articles about the cookbook which had appeared in
newspapers all over the country as a result of press
kits sent to food editors. Over 200 orders have been
received. The committee is now working on a new
press release which will include menu and recipes for
a garden party.


Callie Keller gave an interesting report on the GCA
meeting in Chicago which she and Talitha attended
last weekend. Pictures of Ashland Garden had been
shown as one of the projects of Zone VII.

Alyce introduced our speaker, Mr. Roy Klehm from
Barrington, Illinois, who has followed in the foot—
steps of his father and grandfather in the nursery
business. He spoke primarily of peonies and especial-
ly of the Saunders hybrid peony, our plant study
project. Professor Saunders started his hybridi—
zation in the 19205 with results in 1940 and l950.


 Page 2.

General Meeting May 20, 1993



A hybrid peony which is a cross between dissimilar
species produces clearer colors, lighter green
foliage and an earlier bloom period for the flower.
We all enjoyed his beautiful slides and his pre—
sentation even moreso, after which he had cata-
logues for those interested.

After adjournment of the meeting, a lovely and
delicious tea was served.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary



Board Meetingfi June 7, 1993

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Anne Gay, Monday June 7, 1993, at 10.30 am.

There were twelve members present. The minutes were
read and approved and the treasurer reported a bal-
ance of $6903.70.

Program: Carol talked about future meetings and the
possibility of having the new Zone VII chairman, Ann
Marie Harkin, present at our October meeting with
Lucinda Seale. $15.00 was decided a fair price for
the bluebird boxes at our June meeting.

Award: A Sally Johnston propagation award will be
discussed at the next meeting.

Garden: Betty said that the taxus and boxwood would
be trimmed and talked about the advisability of prun-
ing the hornbeams. The jockey for leashing dogs is
in place at garden entrance and will be painted like
the pineapple silks of the cookbook.

Special Projects: With the booming business of the
cookbook, Talitha feels that more professional help
(someone with computer knowledge) is needed at the
office. She will consult with Caroline Caldwell.


Talitha distributed copies of the proposed by—law
changes and following discussion, Linda Carey moved
that the Board accept them as presented, seconded
by Mo Ethington. The proposed changes will be dis—
cussed at the June general meeting and voted upon
at July meeting.

Horticulture: Alyce announced that Roy Klehm, our
speaker at the last meeting,was giving eight hybrid
peonies to the garden and also mentioned how much he
had enjoyed being here.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary

. 4.



 General Meeting June 24, 1993

The Garden Club of Lexington met at Midway College
on Thursday, June 24th at 10:30. There were thirty
members present. The minutes were approved as read.
The treasurer reported a balance of $4,804.91.

Garden: Betty Kenan reminded everyone tafiork in
the garden.

Betty Tenney announced that the Interchange Fellow-
ship recipient is a graduate student from Northern
England. He will be attending the University of
Kentucky on a $10,000.00 scholarship from GCA and
arrives in August. What a wonderful opportunity
for us.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee is the Zone VII Horti—
culture representative.

Special Projects: Patty King brought a copy of
Bluegrass Magazine that contained an article on
Bluegrass Winners including menus and recipes.
New press kits have been mailed.




Garden Party: Talitha announced the following garden
party heads: Chairman, Eleanor Milward; Food, Lida
Givens; Decorations, Sarah Davis and Betsy Hillen—
meyer, and Treasurer, Carolyn Caldwell. The party
will be on the second Thursday, September 9th.

Admissions: The club has two openings and appli-
cations are due to Anne Gay by September lst.

Kathy Brewer, Louise Wile and Betty Kinkead cannot
propose a candidate until 1994. Secrecy is a must.

Anne Gay announced that the By—law'Committee
recommended that the club change the term of the
treasurer to coincide with the calendar year for

tax purposes and that the nominating committee nom—
inate officers and all committee chairmen to be
elected by the membership. (The nominating com—
mittee will be the past president, the present
president, the president-elect and two other
members, so the incoming president will have a voice)
The Board voted to approve this by-law change.

Program: Lucinda Seale and Ann Marie Harkins will
be at the October general meeting. Suzanne Mallory
from the Memphis Garden Club will speak on their
flower shows at the November 18th general meeting.


 Page 2.

General Meeting June 24L 1993

Talitha announced that our club would be the Hospi—
tality Chairmen for non—delegates when Zone VII
hosts the Annual Meeting in Williamsburg in 1998.

Carol Jackson welcomed members from Glenview Garden
Club, then introduced Dr. Whayne Davis, who gave a
very interesting talk and slide show on bluebirds.
After adjournment of the meeting, we drove to the
Farish's Lanes End Farm for a delicious box lunch

on the patio. Sara's gardener, Doug, toured us
through the beautiful gardens, greenhouse and stallion
barn. What a wonderful treat for everyone!

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Keller
Acting Secretary


 goard Meeting July 5, 1993


The Board of the Garden Club of Léxington met

at the home of Talitha Freeman July 5th at 10:00
am. There were 5 members present. The minutes
were read and approved and the treasurer reported
a balance of $6,187.17.

Talitha announced that Janet Scarborough has
been hired to work at the cookbook office and
hopes to put all garden club accounts on computer.

Program: Dick Decamp will be our speaker at the
July 15th meeting at the garden.

Admissions: Anne Gay read a letter which will
appear in the Bloomin' News, concerning the two
vacancies in membership.

Flower Show: Members will be asked to bring
arrangements in small baskets to the July meeting.

Special Projects: The McAdoo rug project will
take place October 3rd, 4th and 5th.


Respectfully submitted,


Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary


 eneral Meeting July 15, 1993

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of
Libby Brown Thursday, July 15th at 11:00 am.
There were approximately forty members present.
Hostesses were Libby, Betty Kinkead and Callie
Keller, who presided in the absence of Talitha.
The minutes were read and approved.

Garden: Betty Kenan said that workers are always
needed in the garden and that pruning of shrubs
will take place next week.

Program: It was announced that Scotty Walton will
continue contacting hostesses for meetings for the
next two years. Eleanor Milward, chairman of the
Friends of the Garden partiin September, urged
members to sign up to bring cocktail food and also
flowers for Sarah to arrange. There were 164

guests at the party last year. There is also always
a need for new names to add to our guest list.

Patty would like to invite those who have helped

so much with the cookbook.

Special Projects: Patty King said that the cookbook
office has had a great response from the press kits,
especially in Kentucky. She read a letter from

KET expressing their appreciation and also telling
of the wide coverage of publicity for the cookbook.
Betty Kinkead will be chairman of the McAdoo rug
project in October. Omar, the rug dealer, will be
assisted by the rug rats, Betty Boz, Anne Gay and
Patty King. There will be a cocktail party at Anne
Gay's for special guests on October 3rd.


Ellen Chapman announced that the September meeting
would be the 17th, a Friday, at Delia's at 10:30.

Anne Gan chairman of the by-laws committee, brought
up the changes as read in the minutes. The Board
had previously approved of the changes and Betty
Kenan seconded for the membership.

With the death of Celeste Crosby, a garden club
member of long standing, Kathy Brewer recdhized
her for her many years of devoted service to the

Betty Tenney introduced our speaker, Dick Decamp,
who has spent 25 years working to preserve Lexing—
ton's past. He spoke of the restoration of Ashland


 Page 2.

General Meeting July 15, 1993


and the transition of Ashland, "home of Henry
Clay”, to Ashland, Henry Clay's estate, as it is
now known. It was a most interesting and informa-
tive talk, after which delicious box lunches were
served. A tour of Ashland followed.

Respectfully submitted,


Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary


 Board Meeting a ._ August 30, 1993

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Callie Keller on Monday, August 30, 1993 at
10:00 a.m. There were 9 members present.

The meeting was called to order by President Talitha
Freeman. She informed the Board on the progress of

the new computer program which will help consolidate
all of the various accounts of the Garden Club.

Treasurer, Mo Ethington, reported a balance of $7339.52

Anne Gay, Admissions Chairman, read the names and in-
formation of the candidates for membership. At the
present time, there are vacancies for two people. It
was decided that for a board member to be eligible to
vote she must attend either the August 30th meeting
or the October board meeting. If she is unable to
attend the November Board meeting, she may vote by
proxy. Anne reminded the board of the importance of

Kathy Dalton, Conservation chairman, informed the
board that we have joined the Kentucky Recycling

Linda Carey, Flower Show Chairman, will find six
members to do flower arrangements for the October mem—
bership meeting which will be hosted by Noni Vance and
Kathy Dalton at the Hunt Club. Lucinda Seale will
critique the arrangements.

Betty Kenan, Garden Chairman, expressed concern over
the silks of the jockey at the entrance to the garden.
A motion was made by Linda Carey to have Carolyn
McDowell paint Henry Clay‘s silk on the jockey and to
have Joan Gaines inform the Henry Clay Foundation of
our decision. It was seconded by Alyce Hoskins, un-
animously approved.

Alyce Hoskins, Horticulture Chairman, expressed her
concern over the "celosia" which are being grown for
the Zone Meeting.

, Talitha announced the following will serve on the Nom—
\\ inating Committee: Scotty Walton, Delia Kessinger,


 Page 2.
Board Meeting August 30, 1993
Talitha Freeman, Callie Keller and Mo Ethington.

As there was no further business, the meeting was“

Respectfully submitted,

Mo Ethington
Acting Recording Secretary


 General Meeting September 17, 1993

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of
Delia Kessinger Friday, September 17th at 10:30 am.
There were 38 members present. Before our meeting
coffee was served and then Louis Hillenmeyer spoke
to us about gardening in the shade, mentioning
plants which will tolerate little sunshine. He then
took us on a tour of Delia's beautiful garden,

which has both sun and shade, and then to Carol's
gfirgen, where she had done the utmost with dense

s a e. ~

The minutes were read and corrected and the treas-
urer reported a balance of $7025.72.

A thank—you letter from the University of Kentucky
Arboretum was read. Roy Klehm, our speaker at the
May meeting, had given his honorarium to the uni-

Talitha thanked Elinor, Lida, Sara, Betsy and
Carolyn, all those who had helped make the garden
party such a success.

Virginia Hagan read a memorial to Celeste Crosby
which is attached.

Admissions: Anne Gay has received several applica-
tions for membership, which we will vote upon at a
later meeting.

Conservation: Kathy distributed copies of a news-
letter of practical action for the environment to
help preserve Mother Earth. She asked that each
member read it and then pass it on to others.

Flower Show: Linda asked for six volunteers to bring
arrangements to be judged at the October meeting

and others to bring plant material which Lucinda
Seale will use in making an arrangement at the
meeting. GCA is stressing abstract arrangements.


Garden: Betty Kenan needs workers to put the garden
to bed for the winter, also for planting bulbs next

Program: Carol announced that Lucinda Seale will

be the speaker at the October 20th meeting. Her
topic will be what judges look for at flower shows.
The November meeting will also concentrate on flower


 Page 2.
General Meeting September 17, 1993
Anne Gay said that there has been a good response

to the wine and cheese party on October 3rd, when
the McAdoo rugs will be shown.

Mot, speaking for Patty King, gave thanks to
Carolyn Caldwell_in getting out the letter to food
editors with the tailgate menu; also, thank you

to Elinor and Lida. There will be

pictures of the garden party in Southern Living.

There being no further business, the meeting was

Respectfully submitted,

Helen B. Breckinridge
Recording Secretary


 In Memorium
Celeste Thompson Crosby

Celeste Thompson Crosby joined the Garden Club of
Lexington in the nineteen thirties according to the
best information available.

She graduated from the University of Kentucky and
studied Landscape Gardening at Cornell University.

She continued this study with Mary Louise Speed,
an established landscape gardener in Louisville,
before coming back to Lexington to become a con—

Celeste was active in all the Garden Club projects
and when the Ashland Garden was begun she and Sally
Johnston had charge of the first border extending on
each side of the first border extending on each

side of the front gate. They worked regularly every
Wednesday and did a splendid job. After about 15
years Sally had to drop out but Celeste continued

to work for some time afterwards.

The Federated Garden Club held a special interest
for her. After completing courses in flower show
judging, she became an accredited judge. FUI-'