xt7kd50fz294_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_19/Multipage2632.pdf 1989-1992 1992 1989-1992 section false xt7kd50fz294_19 xt7kd50fz294 BOARD MEETING JANUARY 9. 1289

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Talitha Freeman on January 9, 1989 at 10:00 a.m.
There were thirteen members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the board meeting of December 5, 1988 were
read and approved. Joan Gaines, Assistant Treasurer,
reported a balance of $620.54.

Betty Kinkead, Admissions Chairman. announced the
committee report will be made at the March meeting.

Betty Tenney, Conservation ChAirman, received a
request from the Zone VII conservation representative
for a list of civic conservation projects of our group
for the past five years or more. There will be a meeting
in March of the GCA Conservation Committee. Members are
encouraged to give ideas to Betty Tenney. She reminded
members to read the December 1988 National Geographic
article on saving our earth.

Jessica Nicholson, Flower Show Chairman, reported
the small committee wil meet on Tuesday, January 10.

The program for the show will be reprinted. Jessica
discussed flower arrangements for monthly meetings.
Reminders will be put in the Blooming News to give more

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, announced that Sharon
Bale, U. K. Extension Service Agent, will show slides on
"Perennials and Annuals in Our Area" for the meeting on
January 12. There will be no meeting in February. The
following meeting will be on March 16 at Spindletop Hall
at 11:00 a .m. Replies are requested by Mond.ay, March
13 and the speaker is to be announced. The Blooming News
will be mailed the first of March.

Talitha Freeman, Garden Project Chairman, reported
plans for the annual beds will be made soon.

Helen Breckinridge, Horticulture Chairman, will attend
a meeting in Charlottesville in March on horticulture.

Carolyn Caldwell reported the Finance Committee
voted to invest $1500 from the cookbook account in a réf'COC)
certificate of deposit. '

There was no further business and the meeting was
adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the Idle Hour
Country Club on January 12, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. Sarah
Davis and Seotty walton were hostesses. There were 35
members present.

Frances Cox called the meeting to order in the absence
of Anne Gay. The minutes of the board meeting of January
9, 1989 were read and approved.

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$4,585.98 in the checking account and $5,194.06 in the
savings account.

Mary MbDowell Boone was recognized for bringing two
camellias, Swan Lake and Pink Perfection.

Talitha Freeman, Garden Project Chairman, asked that
members volunteer to be in charge of several borders in
the garden.

Sarah Davis, Flower Show Committee member, suggested
that arrangements be brought to meetings to practice fprjafl+5
the flower show. Betty Tenney announced that flowersdflfi
the container division must be in one's possession for
three months prior to the show, and these must be pur-
chased by march 9. Jessica Nicholson will report after
the Atlanta Flower Show to be held February 13-14.

Mrs. Richard Blackburn, Jr., GCA First Vice-President,
sent a memo inviting members to attend the Annual Meeting
in Palm Beach. Frances Cox has additional information.

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, announced the next
general meeting will be March 16 at Spindletop Hall with
Sallie Johnston as hostess. Replies must be made by
Monday, march 13.

Betty Mills was introduced to give information on
a garden tour of France. The trip for 20 people is
planned for May 11-23 and the total cost will be approxi-
mately $2400. A $200 deposit is required by February 10.

Celeste Crosby reminded members of the death of
Henry Kenney, landscape architect who designed our garden
at Ashland. She suggested a memorial to him and she
presented the first check. The newspaper clipping of his
death was given to the recording secretary.

Helen Breckinridge introduced the speaker, Sharon
Bale, who showed slides and discussed “Color and How To
Use It With Annuals and Perennials In Our Area."

The meeting was adjourned and a luncheon was served.

. Respectful . submitted ,
Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Betty Kinkead on March 6, 1989 at 1:00 p.m. There
were fifteen members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the board meeting of January 9, 1989 were read
and the following correction was made. The Finance Committee
voted to purchase a $15,000 certificate of deposit from
the cookbook account. The board meeting minutes were
approved as corrected. The minutes of the January 12, 1989
general meeting were read and approved.

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$8,356.03 in checking and $5,218.54 in savings.

Betty Kinkead, Admissions Chairman, presented a list
of candidates proposed for membership. The board voted
to invite Betty Gess and Clay Hancock to become members.

Betty Tenney, Conservation Chairman, announced that
a picture and an article on the Burr Oak is being sent
to the GCA Bulletin.

Jessica Nicholson, Flower Show Chairman, announced
the deadline for entries is May 1.

Talitha Freeman, Garden Project Chairman, said that
annuals for the garden have been ordered.

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, reminded members to
reply for the March 16 meeting at 11:00 a.m. at Spindle-
top Hall to Sallie Johnston by March 13. The speaker will
be Dave Leonard and his topic will be "Trees In Our Area."
The April meeting will be at the home of Alyce Hoskins
on April 20, and the may meeting will be at the home of
Dot Crutcher.

Monnie Long, Cookbook Chairman, announced that
approximately 40,000 copies of Bluegrass Winners have been
sold in four years. Elegant Eguine will advertise the
book. Southwest Cookbook Distributors in Texas will
distribute the cookbook and another distributor in Cali-
fornia is considering the book.

Anne reminded members to read the information in the
GCA Bulletin on the Founders Fund Finalists for 1989.

A memo from GCA was read asking for a list of ac-
complishments Of our garden club. we are asked to include
contributions to creation, enhancement and protection of
national, state, and local parks and historical structures
and gardens. Suggestions may be given to Anne Gay.

The next board meeting will be held on April 10, 1989
at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Anne Gay. There was no further
business and the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Respectfujly submitted,

Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary




The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, March
16, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. at Spindletop Hall. Sallie Johnston
was hostess for the meeting and a luncheon which followed.
Thirty-nine members were present.

The meeting was called to order by President Anne Gay,
who expressed our thanks to Sallie and praised her African
violets which were centerpieces on the tables. Minutes
of the board meeting of March 6,1989 were read and approved.

Two members of the Flower Show Committee spoke briefly.
Mb Ethington urged all of us to sign up soon for one or more
classes. In order for our show to be official, one over
half of the entries in each class must be from G. C. A.
members. Jessica Nicholson said only one class requires
flowers grown by the exhibitor. For the remainder of the
classes, plant material may be obtained from other sources.

Mrs. Gay reminded us that G.C.A.'s National Affairs
and Legislation Committee needs information on past and
present participation and contributions made by our club
and any of its individual members to parks and historical
structures and gardens. When completed, this inventory
will become a permanent record.

After descriptions of the three finalists for the 1989
Founders Fund Award were read, those members present chose
the Little Garden Club Sensory Garden, located at the Memphis
Botanical Garden. Anne Gay will vote accordingly at the
G.C.A. Annual Meeting in April. Betty Kenan will also
attend as our delegate.

Virginia Hagan read a fine tribute to Hester Caldwell,
a 50-year member who died in December, 1988.

Program Chairman Frances Cox introduced arborist
Dave Leonard, who presented a slide show along with his
talk on "Trees: Problems and Solutions." He told us that
he will check on our adopted Burr Oak as soon as new leaves

Following Dave's very informative talk, we adjourned
for a delicious lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Caldwell
Acting Secretary



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Anne Gay on April 10, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. There
were twelve members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the board meeting of March 6, 1989 were read and
approved. Carolyn Caldwell reported that a $12,000 certifi-
cate of deposit was purchased from the cookbook account.

_ Anne Gay has sent a list of accomplishments made by our
club to parks and historical structures and gardens to GCA
as they requested.

Betty Kinkead, Admissions Chairman, reported that
Betty Gess and Clay Hancock accepted invitations to member-
ship. Admissions policies were discussed.

Anne Gay discussed the topics of membership and civic
projects which will be the focus of the President‘s Workshop
at the Annual Meeting in Palm Beach this month. She asked
that additions to the Annual Report be given to her soon.

Betty Tenney, Conservation Chairman, suggested that
plants of pioneer days be donated by our club for the log
house at Parker Place. Single holly hooks and an old-
fasioned rose will be planted.

Jessica Nicholson, Flower Show Chairman, read a list
of judges for our show to be held on June 8 and 9. May 1
is the deadline for entries and 51% GCA members must be
entered in each class for the show to be official.

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, reminded members to
reply to Alyce Hoskins by April 16 for the meeting at Alyce's
house on April 20 at 11:00 a.m. The May general meeting
will be at Dot Crutcher's home on May 18. No meeting is
planned for June. The July meeting will be in Gratz Park
gardens and Susan Coates will be the hostess.

The next board meeting will be on Any 1. 1989 at the
home of Katsy King at 1:00 p.m.

MOTION: Ginny Adams made a motion that $50 be allocated

for cards for awards at monthly meetings
for Jessica Nicholson to spend. Carolyn
Caldwell seconded and motion carried.

The ram's head has been stolen from Ashland Garden.

The memorial to Anne McClymonds can be replaced for $235.

MOTION: Mb Ethington made a motion to offer a $59

reward for the stolen ram's head and to
put an article in the paper. Talitha
Freeman seconded and the motion did not
pass. Talitha will contact Sue wahlgren
about an article but no reward will be
offered at this time.


 Page 2 April 10, 1989

MOTION: Ginny Adams made a motion that a bench
be purchased for the garden. Mo Ethington
seconded and the motion passed.
Garden work begins on Wednesday at Ashland Garden.
There was no further business and the meeting was
adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy 1. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Dot
Crutcher at 11:00 a.m. on May 18, 1989. There were forty-
two members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the General meeting of April 20, 1989 and the
minutes of the Board meeting of May 1, 1989 were read and

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$8,269.92 in checking and $5,297.04 in savings.

Dot Crutcher announced a sketch of the herb parterre
has been completed for the Ashland Neighborhood Association.
Frances Cox, Program Chairman, announced our July
meeting will be a picnic in the garden on the third Thursday
with hostesses Lida Givens and Delia Kessinger. The August
meeting with hostess Susan Coates will be a tour of Gratz
Park, including gardens and the Bodley House. It will be

on the third Thursday.

Our June Board Meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. at Parker
Place. Anyone willing to work to prepare for the Flower
Show should come with broom and garden tools. In case of
rain, do not come.

Eighteen Cincinnati ladies visited Clay Hancock's
garden and Ashland Garden.

Lucy Crump read a memorial for Virginia Morris which
was written by Lou Simpson.

Anne Gay read a letter from the Transportation Depart~
ment asking us to adopt two miles of highway to pick up
litter. Consensus was that we did not need to invOlve”
our members.

Jessica Nicholson, Flower Show Chairman, announced
the need for more entries in particular classes. Alyce
Hoskins and Nb Ethington reported on entries in their
particular categories.

Betty Kenan, Garden Project Chairman, announced Helen
Breckinridge will hold a Propagation Workshop in the garden
on wednesday, May 31 at 10:00 a.m.

Dot Crutcher, Carol Jackson and Betty Kenan gave reports
on their attendance at the GCA Annual Meeting in Palm Beach.
The theme was ”What Can GCA Do For You?“

The Meeting Was adjourned to a lovely luncheon.

Respectfully submitted,

Bettie Bos Haggin
Acting Secretary



The members of the Board of the Garden Club of Lex~
ington met at Parker Place at 10:00 a.m. on June 5, 1989,
to prepare for the Flower Show to be held there on June
8 and 9.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Delia
Kessinger on July 20, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. The hostesses
were Jessica Bell, Lida Givens and Delia Kessinger. The
location of the meeting was changed from a picnic at Ash-
land Garden because of rain. There were thirty-six mem~
bers present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the Board Meeting of July 10 and the General
Meeting of May 18 were read and approved.

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$5,3h8,49 in savings and $9,535.24 in checking.

Anne Gay read a note from Ann (Mrs. Sydney) Combs
complimenting the Flower Show. Many other notes have
been received, and the notes from the judges were very

Jessica Nicholson, Flower Show Chairman, brought
pictures of exhibits and workers at the show. She was
very pleased with the number of club members who partici—
pated in the show. The Small Flower Show Award was given
to our show. Eleanor Milward received the Catherine
Beatty Medal for excellence in horticulture for her
fushcia. Jessica read some of the notes that were received,

Mary Andrews Goff discussed the Friends of the Garden
Party to be held on Thursday, September 7 at 6:00 p.m.
in Ashland Garden. She asked for volunteers for specific
jobs. Members of the garden club are invited and not
expected to pay. Scotty walton will be calling to ask
members to bring food and members are encouraged to call
her if they would like to bring a favorite recipe.

GCA sent information about a new pamphlet called
"Fine Flowers By Phone" which lists contacts throughout
the United States for fine flowers. Ginny Adams is
taking orders.

President Anne Gay announced the by-law changes will
be voted on at the next General Meeting. Mrs. William
(Lucinda) Seale, Jn, from Alexandria, Virginia, is the
new Zone VII Chairman beginning July 1. Mrs. Charles ward,
GCA immediate past President, was among 25 leading environ-
mentalists chosen to meet with President Bush recently
concerning the Clean Air Act. Some ideas and suggestions
from New York meetings include the need for more Flower
Show Judges because so few participate and the need to
push horticulture exhibits and medals.

Helen Breckinridge has a pair of green~handled
shears that “was left at Parker Place.


 Page 2 July ZQL 1989

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, announced the next
General Meeting will be on Thursday, August I? at 10:30
a.m. in Gratz Park with our hostess Susan Coates. We
will visit the gardens at Hunt MOrgan House, Bodley House,
and the home of Lucy Crump. The September 21 meeting will
be at the Polo Club with Harriett Shanklin and Dot Wachs
as hostesses. A speaker will talk on ”Putting Gardens
to Sleep.” Frances introduced our program on the history
of our garden club with speakers Harriett Holladay and
Lou Simpson.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely lunch at 12:15

Respectfully submitted ,

Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Anne Gay on July 10, 1989 at 9:30 a.m. There were
ten members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the General Meeting of may 18, 1989 and the
Board Meeting of June 5, 1989 were read and approved.

President Anne Gay thanked Jessica Nicholson and all
the members of the Garden Club for the wonderful job that
was done on the Flower Show. Anne indicated the show was
a huge success, and she read a letter from Anne Combs (Mrs.
Sydney) which was very complimentary of the show.

Jessica Nicholson reported we are asked to bring one
flower arrangement and one squash plant for the Paducah
Flower Show. Linda Carey will do the flower arrangement
and use their material.

Helen Breckinridge, Horticulture Chairman, reported
the coffee tree plants are growing extremely well. The
plants may be too large by the April meeting in New York,
and she suggests that additional beans be planted later in
the year to acqire the appropriate size.

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, reported the next
Membership meeting will be on July 20 at 11:00 a.m. in
Ashland Garden. Harriett Holladay and Lou Simpson will
give a talk about the garden. A picnic lunch will be served
by hostesses Jessica Bell, Lida Givens and Delia Kessinger.
The August meeting will be in Gratz Park, and Susan Coates
will be our hostess.

The Friends of the Garden Party will be on September
7, and Mary Andrews Goff will be in charge.

Betty Tenney asked if it would be possible for a
master Gardener to work in Ashland Garden. A Master
Gardener is one who has taken a course at U. K. and is
required to do forty hours of work in the community. It
was decided that it might be possible in the fall.

Carolyn Caldwell announced the cookbook office has
moved to 181 North Mill Street. The rent is $200 monthly
and the parking is $20. The location is perfect and the
committee is extremely happy to be there.

President Anne Gay announced that Lucy Young (Mrs.
William T.) has requested to have her membership status
changed from active to affiliate. The Board voted to
make this change in status.

Caroline Hunt (Mrs. Nelson Bunker) wrote a letter
of resignation because she is not spending much time in
Lexington. The Board accepted her resignation with


 Page 2 July 10. 1989

Betty Kinkead, Admissions Chairman, asked about
membership forms. After a lengthy discussion, it was
decided to bring the following proposed by-law changes
to the membership.

ARTICLE III, Section 3 (b) Sponsoring of Members reads:
”Neither the Chairman nor members of her
committee may sponsor a candidate."

The proposed change would read:

"The Chairman may not sponsor a candidate."

ARTICLE VI, Section 1. Standing Committees (a) reads:
"Admissions-The Admissions Chairman shall appoint
a secret committee of three to consider the
qualifications of all candidates sponsored for
membership. She shall meet with the committee
but shall not take part in the final decision
on the candidates' qualifications. The Chair-
man shall then present to the Board for a vote
in March the names of those who meet the require-
ments for membership."

The proposed change would read:

"Admissions-The Admissions Committee shall consist
of the Board ofDirectors of the Garden Club of
Lexington and the Admissions Chairman. They will
consider the qualifications of all candidates
sponsored for membership, and they will make the
final decision. A vote will be taken in March
on the names of those who meet the requirements
for membership."
It was suggested that each proposer come to the first meeting.
A letter may be sent if the proposer is out of town, but
this is the only time a letter for a candidate would be
appropriate- The by~law change proposals will be put in
the July Bloomin' News.

The next Board Meeting will be at the home of Carolyn
Caldwell on Monday, July 31 at 10:00 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Mo Ethington



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Carolyn Caldwell on Monday, July 31, 1989 at 10:00
a.m. There were eleven members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the Board Meeting of July 10, 1989 were read
and approved. Bettie Bos Haggin was advised not to pay
the sewer bill.

Betty Tenney, Conservation Chairman, reported she has
received material from the new Zone VII Conservation Chair-
man. The theme is “Celebration of the Outdoors," and each
club is encouraged to adopt a project. Two scholarships
in Tropical Botany are available.

Helen Breckinridge, Horticulture Chairman, discussed
the Paducah Flower Show which will be held in October.
Linda Carey will be in charge of two arrangements.

Anne Gay will check with Lucinda Seals, Zone VII
Chairman, on the date our garden club will have the Zone
Meeting. Betty Kinkead and Monnie Long volunteered to
work on planning the meeting.

Frances Cox, Program Chairman, announced the next
meeting will be on Thursday, August 17 at 10:30 a.m. at
240 Market Street, home of Susan Coates. No reply is
necessary for this particular meeting. Parking is available
in the lot of the Women's Club. The September meeting is
September 21 with Debbie Prewitt speaking on "Putting
Gardens to Sleep" at 11:00 a.m. at the Polo Club. Harriett
Shanklin and Dot wachs are the hostesses.

The next Board Meeting is on Monday, August 28 at
10:00 a.m. at the home of Talitha Freeman.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted ,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Susan
Coates on August 17, 1989 at 10:30 a.m. There were seven-
teen members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the General meeting of July 20, 1989 and the
Board Meeting of July 31, 1989 were read and approved.

Mary Andrews Goff, Friends of the Garden Party Chair-
man, reminded members of the party on Thursday, September
7, from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. All members are urged to
reply to Betty Kinkead. Members are not required to pay
$25, but they are encouraged to make the tax~deductible
contribution if they choose. Sue wahlgren has been noti-
fied that the invitations have been mailed.

The date of the Zone Meeting that our garden club
will hostess will be 1990 or 1995.

Anne Gay introduced our speakers, Elizabeth wagner of
the Junior League Garden Club that maintains the Bodley
Bullock House garden and Betty Mainous of the Town and
Country Garden Club that maintains the Hunt Morgan House

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Elizabeth
Wagner and Betty Mainous talked about their groups'
gardens and a walking tour followed. Lucy Crump also
showed her garden to the group.

Respectfully submitted,

Lin/my U. W

Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Talitha
Freeman on August 28, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. There were twelve
members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the Board Meeting of July 31, 1989 and the
General meeting of August 17, 1989 were read and approved.

Betty Kinkead indicated she has received approximately
sixty checks for the Friends of the Garden Party. She
urged all members to reply to her.

Carolyn Caldwell announced the Cookbook Committee
voted to give a 20% discount on Bluegrass Winners to
members of our garden club. The price of the book with
the discount is $13.86. Books may be picked up at the
cookbook office at 181 North Mill Street, Room 2, on
Mbndays and Thursdays between 9:30 and 12:30. The office
phone number is 255-8095.

Anne Gay read a letter from Scotty walton dated August
18. Scotty reminded members of a decision of the Admissions
Committee when she was chairman to admit members not under
35 years of age and not over 55 years of age.

Anne Gay read a letter from David Speedie, Program
Director of W. Alton Jones Foundation, Inc. He asked for
suggestions of outstanding state and local groups working
in environmental concerns for possible grants.

Jessica Nicholson suggested reprinting I Take Your Hand
as a method of raising money for Ashland. She gave the
estimates from a printer and discussion followed. She
will report back.

The next board meeting will be on Monday, October 2,
1989 at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Betty Kinkead.

The next General Meeting is Thursday, September 21,
1989 at the Polo Club at 11:00 a.m. Be sure to reply to
Harriett Shanklin or Dottie wachs.

There was no further business and the meeting was

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met at the Polo Club on
September 21, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. The hostesses were Harriett
Shanklin and Dot Wachs. There were thirty-one members

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order. The
minutes of the General Meeting of August 17, 1989 and the
Board Nesting of August 28, 1989 were read and each was

Anne Gay thanked Nary Andrews Goff for the wonderful
job she did as chairman of the Friends of the Garden Party.
A total of $4,070 in contributions has been received to

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$10,967.93 in checking and $5,403.60 in savings.

Ann Asbury introduced the members of the Cookbook
Committee. She asked club members to take one local
account to contact for reorders of Bluegrass Winners.

This can be done by phone or personal visit.

Talitha Freeman, Garden Project Chairman, brought the
chart for garden workers to sign up for October and

. The following by-law change proposals were presented
as recommendations from the Board:

ARTICLE III, Section 3 (b) Sponsoring of Members reads:
”Neither the Chairman nor members of her
committee may sponsor a candidate.”

The proposed change would read:

"The Chairman may not sponsor a candidate.”

ARTICLE VI, Section 1. Standing Committees (a) reads:
"Admissions-The Admissions Chairman shall appoint
a secret committee of three to consider the
qualifications of all cadidates sponsored for
membership. She shall meet with the committee
but shall not take part in the final decision
on the candidates' qualifications. The Chair-
man shall then present to the Board for a vote
in March the names of those who meet the require-
ments for membership."

The proposed change would read:

"Admissions-The Admissions Committee shall consist
of the Board of Directors of the Garden Club of
Lexington and—tha—Adméeeéens=€hairman. They will
consider the qualifications of all candidates
sponsored for membershipl and they will make the
final decision. A vote will be taken inlflanfir r3b~‘
on the names of those who meet the requirements

for membership.”



 Page 2 September 21, 1989

The by—law changes passed unanimously.

The Blue Grass Trust is having a Holiday Exhibition
in Heritage Hall on November 17-19. Each garden club is
asked to have one entry. The classes include mantels,
doorways and tea tables.

Anne read a note from Betty Mainous. She thanked
our group for the gift and she emphasized the pleasure
that Ashland Garden gives to its visitors.

David Smith of White Flower Farm will speak in
Louisville on November 14 at 11:00 a.m. Anne has the
additional information.

President Anne Gay adjourned the meeting. Frances
Cox, Program Chairman, introduced our speaker, Debbie
Prewitt of Woodford Feed Company. She presented a pro-
gram on "Putting Your Garden To Bed."

A lovely luncheon was served following the program.

Respectfully submitted ,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the
home of Betty Kinkead on October 2, 1989 at 10:00 a.m.
There were twelve members present.

President Anne Gay called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the Board meeting of August 28, 1989 were
read and approved.

Betty Kinkead gave the Treasurer's report. The
balance in checking is $11,104.36 and the savings balance
is $5,403.60. Contributions to the Friends of the Garden
Party total $4,320.00.

MOTION: Carolyn Caldwell moved that_$250 be given

to the Student Conservation Association.
Helen Breckinridge seconded and the motion

Patty King presented information on hand-dyed, hand-
hooked rugs for a money-making project. She will meet with
the rug maker, and report back later.

Betty Kinkead, Admissions Chairman, discussed the date
for the vote on new members. The Board will plan to meet
on Monday, February 26, 1990.

MOTION: Carolyn Caldwell moved that agguideline

be established stating candidates prcgaosed
for membership not be under 35_years of age
or over 55 years of age. Lida Givens
seconded. The motion did not pass and there
was much discussion. This suggestion will
be put in the AdmissionsChairman's notebook.

FDTION: Carolyn Caldwell made a motion that former

members who wish to rejoin mgy write a letter
to the Admissions Chairman to request
reinstatement and the Board must vote on the
reguest. Mbnnie Long seconded and the motion
A committee will study by-laws and guidelines. Carolyn
Caldwell volunteered to work on this committee.

Talitha Freeman, Garden Project Chairman, reported
the iron bench in memory of Virginia Morris has arrived.
Bulbs will be planted on October 25 and workers are needed.
Katsy King and Betty Tenney will meet with other master
gardeners on October 9 in Ashland Garden to discuss its
history. Katsy King will speak on Perennials on October
17 at the North Branch of the Public Library.

Helen Breckinridge, Horticulture Chairman, reported
preparations are being made for the Paducah Zone meeting
and Flower Show on October 16-19.



 Page 2 October 2, 1989

Jesica Nicholson reported that copies of I Take Your
Hand would be $6 each for an order of 1,000 copies. These
books would be ready to be water-colored or could be sold
for a coloring book. Discussion followed.
MOTION: Katsy King made a motion that 500 copies of
The Cat Who Lived At Ashland and 500 copies
of The Colonel's Lady be printed as soon as
possible. Betty Kinkead seconded and the
motion passed. The cost of printing each
book is $1.80.
The next General meeting is October 19, 1989 at 10:30
a.m. at the Idle Hour Country Club with Scotty Baesler as
the speaker. The hostesses are Patricia DeCamp and Eartha
The next Board Nesting will be at the home of Ronnie
Long on November 13, 1989 at 10:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy I. Bishop
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday, October
19, 1989 at 10:30 a.m. at the Idle Hour Country Club. The
hostesses were Patricia DeCamp and Martha Storey. There
were thirty—five members present.

Kathy Brewer presided for Anne Gay who was attending
the Paducah Zone Meeting and Flower Show. Kathy called
the meeting to order. The minutes of the General Meeting
of September 21, 1989 and the Board Fbeting of October 2,
1989 were read and they were approved.

Bettie Bos Haggin, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$5,430.23 in savings and $10,994.57 in checking.

Betty Tenney, Conservation Chairman, urged members
to write to congressmen concerning Senate Bill #346 to
express disapproval of timber com