xt7kd50fz294_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_10/Multipage2518.pdf 1985-1988 1988 1985-1988 section false xt7kd50fz294_18 xt7kd50fz294 .1"

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I. J.



 General Meeting January 17, 1985


The Garden Cluh of Lexington met at 10:30 a.m.

on January 17th at the Idle Hour Country Club with
Mrs. Sarah Davis and Mrs. Sam Walton serving as

Approximately thirty (30) members were present.
Due to the bad weather, there was no meeting.
The excellent film, "Plants that Merit Attention?,
was shown. Representatives from Colonial Garflens,
Hillenmeyer Nurseries and Michlers were firesent.

Respectfully submitted

:} . \
74h Mvi/W (/C/
Diane Lovell
Recording Seceetary



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington
met at the home of Diane Lovell on March 4, 1985
at 2 p.m. Ten (10) members were present.

President, Patricia Green, called the
meeting to order. Diane Lovell, Secretary, read
the minutes from January 7th. They were approved
as read.

Treasurer, Helan Breckinridge, reported
that the finance committee had met and decided
to keep two sets of books for now plus the cook~
book account, which Lyda Givens will keep. It
was stressed that each committee chairman should
have a budget. Helan reported $14,243.63 cash
equivalent and $3,210.12 checking. there is
$1,180 that has been given in memory of Alice
Prewitt. Louise Morris reported $9,056.00
cash equivalent and $*7l.52 in checking. Dues
are due by April 30th.

Garden Chairman, Betty Tenney, stated
that Jenn will start work in March on the good
days and full time in April. The annuals have
been ordered. Patricia congratulated Betty on
being named go the Board of the Henry Clay
Foundation and to a committee of the Garden
Club of America, working on a slide library of
notable American Parks and Gardens.

Horticulture chairman, Virginia Hagan
reported our landscape design is in good shape
according to Sally Brown.

A letter from Sally Rinehart was read by
Patricia concerning preserving the Chesapeake
Bay.MOTION: Louise Morris moved that the
board give the President the authority to cast
our vote on the Virginia Beach proposal on
preserving the Chesapeake Bay Area. Seconded
and approved. Patricia will call Sally for
more information.

The by—law changes will go in the Bloomin
News to be voted on at the March meeting if

Irma Johnston needs any newspaprer clippings
for the scrapbook.

Admissions chairman, Betsy Hillenmeyer
will report at a called board meeting on March
let at Patricia Green's.


 £0.86; 4 LVldI'CII ti, .Lldi


Progra: chairman, Jessica Bell, announced
our next me ting would be held at the home of Ma.
Mary Andrews McVey on March let at 10: 30 a. m.
The program will be a Movie Pruning“ foll.owed
by a talk by expert Dave Leonard.

Patricia encouraged all board mthers
to read and eflucate themselves on the F0 ound»
ers Fund nominees in the Garden Club BULLFTIN.
Q VOte will be taken at the March me ct.ing.

Our next board meeting will be held at
the home of Jean Gaines at 2 p. m. on April lst.
There being no further busine gs tne meeting
was adjournefi.

hes peathLi submitted,

Diane E. Levell
Pecorfiinq Secretary


 Boarfl Mneiina

'flz, ‘ r‘ _ ‘ :3 H _ . '. * a ‘2,
l um 4:63.11"? u. \Jf . ~. '. L": 4 .LlJ-jti’rl

Met for lunch a1 '5 “’ ~ "w3 Country Club
witn Carolyn ‘*' " ‘ "v *

:11} v i


pror‘OSE‘d .f. “KL-:3 11.16-0113.”

Mach wav thL: discusseua MOLLLH.
IMTV’V mi’PV'e 0! that MC 128:? :1}; («11C (fmfiit 7 pé-‘A‘: C»
xcnndea by ;;lv“ Eillrn*v”ox. muLiQn ca arried.

ur were electea to mp mbership:

r ,,


There be.5nq no
was afijourned“



 General Mee‘ingi March 21, 1985

The Garden Club of Lexington met at the home
of Mary Andrews McVey, Thursday, March 21.3985
at 10:30 AmM. The

program was presented bv Jess fiwc Bell vho
ntroduced Dave Leonard. Mr. Leonard spo eke
3n pruning trees and shrubs and on the feed~
trees. A film was shown on "Pruninq
prepared by the Brooklyn Botanm

a brae k for coffee, President, Patricia
Green called tiIe meeting to order. Jane
Kelly read the minutes of the January meeting
and they were approved as read. She also
read the minutes of the March Board me etinq
and they were approved.

dzinridge reported: $14,243. 63 C“
3,183.22 CV

Louise Morris reportede$9,05fi.00 CF

871.26 CK.
To ate, is $1,200.00 given to the mem—
orial funu Alice Prewitt.
Ann Asbuzy reported on the cookbook sales,
which are GREAEE She states the potential is
unlimited. We have reordered 15;OOO more ci
copies. The trice will be going up shortly
Leo ause of increased printing costs

Patricia called for a vote on the

jecte in the Founders‘ Fund. Each
cusser. The project from ZoneVII was ch
The ,1Vetead L4nésc:.pe North Carolina.

to be paid immediately.
Sin t.1m meeting

Besyectfully su"mitted,

dearest Sbmzflm
£04. mar Secretion/r]


 Board Meeting April 1, 1985

f-__L'«,.-3 ()1: 11":1}:

home of Joan Gaipen on

‘ . . x ‘

.):«3,. . :11'1‘53‘4)"'j‘l‘-

V-njrn n"! '4’ a — 3V " “I an: ' ‘c-Kg tt‘Y

A. a“

an Coate. Have 3C nted. The

-1 .

efi+ed w2th regrmt fun r::1vnatinn


uther Caldweii, Sr.
" lr\:'.' .—::J.1 Cald$rlstufi 1.:E3tt3’

-~-.L¢. L 1 u ,1, . . A r 7
.1 1.113 Jar.» 14691.! .3131 .11/11’1

. .,- —._ t , ‘. . 1 , .
gwfl “ijrzr ,aafimy Lger . :1:


the sugqes qtian of Mary Webb
has pric -u orna“z- ‘” far tae

tick . - \
2ams head nould cost 8250 00. . 1 said mem—

oridl funds are r 1.3a t9 r““1a"e the
:oncrete bencl with stone Oflf. i -,3G)
:415. Green die uaseci " LLttwr ifitroduce

to vounqer members. 1., ' C t? be done in the
garden, Perhaps alte ~ I v ' flakes 0m
wewne1muy1 woulfi be 1 ”

Eiortu iculture: - -~ renorted on an
uncom1nqwfieik§109 in 'U Gusto: 1+4 \rrr* ”five
Juoges. h’c hate no members 11ininq icr
judging at. this time.

Proa1du. ““s. [all was '. , . The next
meeting wil1 be h.eLd on Anril
hoxe sf Talitha Freeman in Win

The next board meeting '1 ,, '. bkiy 6th
at hazriet Shank11ns'.

fine1e beinc no further 1 ‘ was. the meetin
adjuurned .

Respectfully submitted

Kathy Erexer
Acting h.ecrrtnrv


 “'43 W” 75


.A . J. ... n
, y ‘ !’\ ‘
‘. (A -{ v '_r\”‘.-‘... I.



Diane h. MOVQLl

.. '-,,, . ‘.
Lj‘. -~‘L':L~u.z. ,

. *fi/5/0, pea/Haj, 4/45, 4/5 .5; f-A/J7

7/%€fi ,/ /(24/(


 hoard Meeting June 5, 1985


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington
met at the home of Louise Morris on Wed-
nesday, June 5 at 12:15 p,m. President,
‘atricia Green served lunch for the eight
members present.

Patricia gave a report on her trip to San
Fransisco for the National meeting. She,
Kathy Brewer and Ginny Adams represented

our club and were present when Mr. Earl
wallace received his award from the Garden
Club of America. Ginny sold 72 cookbooks

and took orders for many more. Patricia
brought home three plant awards: l.Japanese
Boxwood-Virginia Hagan, 2. Linden Rose—Missie
Parrish, 3. Blue Princess Holly-Louise Ray.

Treasurer, Louise Morris has moved $1,5000
from checking account into the cash equivilent
fund. There is $525.17 in the garden account,

Helen Ereckinridge reported to Patricia.
Patricia read a letter from the Kitchen Cabinet
thanking us for $5,000 loaned and returning

the same. We have sold all of the first

10,000 books and are into the second print-
ing. The cookbook is Operating in the black.
The 5,000 dollars will be put into Helen's

Alt that the club should pay some
5 the expenses retroactive to Jan~
'5 It was suggested that this money
grow the administrative account
‘fv money given to the club.
': ' ; to the full
‘ reviewed at
in the Clubs

V "‘. x
.. :‘s‘rw

41136; “('16: l

‘L tut/l

. t‘
i. K. '. ‘\


 “is fiswv an” Country Garden Club will visit

k~ ,

"Q1 fivetinq Page 2


wurfien on June 19th. Betty Tenney re~
hi that 1,200 plants have been plantefl
flenbers are needed to weed and trim.

“ha ngxt General Meeting will be held on

krdvesday. June 26, in the Garden at 13:30

,, . , C v . ‘
.wr. Pobert fixmms will uemoétrate ciouu~
“ and speak an the care of boxwood.

Respectfully submitted,

Harriet ghanklin
Acting Secretary


 pier: -¥:: ‘ June 26Cl985


The Garlen Club of Lexinqton met in
.Dshlano Garden at 10:30 a.m on
Forty (10) mezbers were present
Crew on the care of boxwood ano how to cloud
them was presented by Bob 81:11.

Following the program, Presiéent, Pat-

anked Jessica Bell for the informative
brooram. She then read a letter from.the
cookbook committee thanking us icr the money
loaned and returning the ee.re. We have
now sole 500 copies of the secon printing.
Patricia then unveiled a framed

scarf represents the cover 0:

Kathy Brewer gave a report on the Lnnnal
Meeting held in San Fransisco that she, Pat—
ricia and Ginny Adams attended. The winner
of the Founders Fund Award was,’Rotch~Jcnes~
Duff House of Garland”. fir. Larl
was one of nine receipients tC
historical P1es ervation Awe .

MreJ lennev were present for tnic an
Mrs. Naomi V’ance read the citation VLLSe1ted
to Mr. Wallace.

narriet Shanklin passed the new by~laws
to be entered in our books.

Jessica Bell stated teat Mr. Wallace
Les invited to take our members on a river

13mi? in Sentember. Arrangements will be made.

Sara Davis announce& that a flower show
15 rlnnned for Thursday, July 18, 3:00 p.m.
at 11xlmwuu Place. Judges have been obtained
Wrtr t1e zittle Garflen C.lub. Classes and
'. 1174107713? will 136* mailea CO

>¢ them en2wyt1 a wenderfiul pic. 11. hostet
" ‘3 ;f'aa,1:<="1, 7-1 1. ane Kelly

V' t': f



Kiri".- l l1rGL

n calle?

from June


Jj'k{ll'\ -—

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1 the cash equivalent fun5.
; gf pLaLrMa; “a

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tug se a]. new...

.fi a .K \
:_.;C1‘.. LO 9.4L) iiplkl.
., ,

LVLh. A Lox: LCU

.Lcal o: tux-

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M;Jard meat "

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I i». »_ -, _fi.
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' CL- ‘3.

”:7 .


will be no Qanegg nut-Linus
Our Foard meeting .';3 he 1:;-
Fl‘fz'h at tacit mom-.2 C); 19-1).”
' 9f our cruisu “ sauk91‘town
foliov at a laLu? 132?.

=rhers adjou“ned o a lovely t“1
.cstad 37 Louise Morris an& Lucy winchester

‘- §‘.—

‘35 .‘é 3 138‘]: S Slug-S CULntlJa. true :1 11’3“}. '»-‘ a 1
.lennjzyv 5f ' flower :unaw aim} in: "‘3uce '

2- , ' ‘ V v .. ,2 (”U ~- ' 1.1.“ - n
EJE . 1,, LIUQ ;;V LlLLi? Shrjeu

thanked the judges anl
one of DU: cookfiocks.
‘ see Whé lzgvcly
fiemb-L rs and th¢ir well

uec+fully submitted

M, " L,
L\\o' an.


 _ v wmv { ,3
;»1‘:§ Tfl1!}.(:r:. iii)“: :J ‘=:1;*:i.. far
wwjre<7. 11‘ U€wuie i, tn»:tlu;u*;a

Thfr3fii: than 1x=

'"W’QY‘W‘ to I"tretr»_'e‘u 3 “7:.-

. r!
y'l 1‘


A CheCK from
for $5.0UH has LEG?

Treasurer, Lov4y
$710.03 1n cnechinc a;
cagh equivalent flunk.
revortec $3,30£.é: 45
in the cash equivalemt.
gutraqeu to Couate Tu
(1517:5195 " 1;: 3.3113: Lg: '

,- '"nnr- I
‘ \;"s~

'-¢ vfl~ Inrltationg havc



 Hoard Meetinw

_ ..-----.....-.—....... H. .0- _;.._.

‘16}-‘11 93C: 211.; 1 K '

‘ 1.8 T.’ "f '1 V.’ t


[1‘ m 7“ ,..
1.,/.;.CA..A\. .

he; L4“, A, - A_ ,1 :1! ,_



Leptember 3,1fié:


Loard of the Garden Club of Lerw
~et at the hove of Harriet {h 1.“
‘.c*~~r 9 1985 at 2p.m. Eleven
"= were present.

.r1.\ satricia Green caller the
meetinv*u mrQe“ Liale Lovell, Secretary
reafi the :iuuvvs from August 5, 1985.
They were m= icuu‘ a" rea6.

Patricia rave an undate on the wee
Situation. Vrccuoeion followecL ' “‘
Sareh yeti: raved that we move nib. Carricl'e
pegriee nun 31n~> air (6) of tee $aeeeere
("(21 1 (-1"? “i {‘1'} erI" VY‘S _ ' ‘
,snm“ be "13%: bed . Vi rcx‘i n '

+~;»r -.11.' .. . I 1
xm- . uv 1:71. CIIIL It -uLLLCLI.

Zravol expenses to meetinq ebv our
We ’errwwég then discussed. MOTION:
Carolyn Caldwell movel that in a*di tion to
reoistration fees, we a so rei pure he
,rcaiient (3h d'%h& fifioéeé‘figic Ste??? anew
tortation and lodging to national and
zone meetings, retro-active to January 1;
lBtE. Betty Tenney secondefi the motion
and it passed.

Treasurer, Louise Morris reported
$7369.00 in the cash equivelent account an?
$924.25 in the checking account. Sie had
moved $1500.00 from CE to checkino to oav
national dues. Louise had a report to fill
out concerning number of volunteer hours seen:
this east year. It was determined that

,553 be reported. T"-elen Ereckinri€ge
reported %J,wa 26 in (Beckie and $14$7Q2.€2
in the cash equivilent funu

fietsy Hillenmeyer. fidmiseione has
received one application so far. .wt re“
minded us that \ovemrcr is Hie sc\«_Ln

Betty Tenney reoorteo tie t all ies’
well in the garden. The fiate of the warty

tie river Lee been Chancefl to {fflfiir' “
”' fiorrie will rake irrancefi mt" for
“est at the oaroen for trir'“w3*“f1u‘.

;1,,1;l. Levon still is in n: ed of a

fixiniature gerannial tor tre vovr “citinc.

77M meal"? ALI/Abra 'ILIQ /c/m Graham Vigmn’u 5’0





P.1qe ? Veptegber 9, lSflu


LOUIW Nbv‘v;$
October 2? g; gu;7fl 3::«vinunm Bat

Patrici . ‘1 -.. 1r

"1% Car the

, Ln ?' to thank
TFer‘ 3h
Cur ITLt Lama * Will be 5915
' ; 1 14C“) rmay , C‘CtOEfjfikr'}? 2, 1921'“



Diane E. Lovel‘
Recording Secretary


reads ,.
Loni ’19": T1112 1
vi lex1t arni fi?‘“i ii. n ,5.
tlia: 1111:; 1;:1 531‘: “1 1:t (21.i, v» in
Breekinrifiae reportei fl; . i
inq and 54% 9% .13. ?riwn.
has $3
laey, Garden Cnairteg
for glantjnv have.
ordered. ' recormeneed this the :
vsien‘rni wcrf3e<;: on pllus th¢1 'Jate ‘ . -
She WOLlld like to plant three (I ) pine tréet.
Workers are needed to help in the gar en is:
the fall season.
Eetsy Hillenme; er remintce us of the
Adniseions deadline, Noxerl er}.
Southern Accents M3gez ne w; 11/ Jxoto
the warden in the sprincg. 7?}

Ct Crutcher re ported vcr1s in prev:
for moving the peonies. Virr;i inia Hagen
read a letter from Alice Ercwn atout Zone
meeting. She reported poor JurtlpllutLUD
in plant exchange. he took six plants z.
three awards. Louise Morris 9, Kathy
Dot: CrutcherA’ Lucy Crumt;
meetinu in Grange, Va.,

,Aauthrs? Langswill be gue
the Jovember meeting. Topic
judging fmower shows. Tne bot
will be at Mary McDowell Boone's
zra Laggard will speak and ShOw
local gardens. Each member is a:
bring a fall arranr; ement.
Sheila McQueen. will give a leetur:
Faltitu Georgia, October 18.
Next Board meetigg will be on
4 at Kathy Brewer's home, 2 p.m.

ResPectfiully ant 5«~

Xfim ei/ JAM {/‘m
‘46»! in? ertw


anert filth .

the 3663 For

tmrirrt€«2 (i3f. t”v?%

EEG ifioal consultazt

be contact d

‘ tm our
art fhafi
arothor v-
ovwr by a



have to nlloéa
Cle?nincm liflhu


flLYFfiflV been


 The Carfien CJU;

t’ v T“

ECU; 01 .9?W ';'9"9LL

Trirtj (??) 9C.99Y9 were
lovely coff9e. hathv grewel,
7.1;f: <..T.1€21 't y: zaefwtlxxn tc) arr _::2

7?? tphortefl on #79 PODVxnnv

:7 9-196: F1 '9. ">11 tire». Eixst j“:/‘;3“.';;i:‘. <1

7?. W9 naV9 34-:,c§4.§a r 4

9:9999t and 477.51 Ln

Wave T - ; Emmas lezt {run

‘ ‘ CZFED Cabinet

990U7‘ money from .L-O; k

'ififien. 1rm9. have hired ,art~
office to allow ”OWELI

37%. LE CL.

:3 5C 511 November
955559 rerort9€ Gthat _
729 the bulbs will 99

meey99 re90r+9d tha“
“Pnaics had 999m arcrbfn .
div.149 1M qive us half.
Poat holes doinq in
éuaqested that a ‘11m72
s lovelv Gift be plac9d
Fi1999 997999t98 that

...\;1.;.::I.3 .' -' : . L. 917?.‘r9C1atlQI1 LAC;

998 Rot Clutcbwr
fieetind in Oranqc. $015
.rxt99fw7r T7r€9<79f17979 ”
LL *3? .~ ‘ 91rnfi¢- (“TP9L11999
Keygr, C L.~ . zcica £19.61999. " .
Lett. TCIIUUJ. qafi"erU”'7Pn ii9h or
5:93.13“ :41; *-*:-.97 “M91197“ am ‘ ‘3



 ':'\v .

., £31530
r :‘fflih

var) r'w‘ :

_ ._ g ,



W? (,3 ‘f‘



\ a


(}. v



 General Meeting chvnher :1,


"he Gaeden Club of Lexington met at tnc
h ‘~ ” 7' ‘ Adams, at ten o'clock, on Kev”
ember 2 '” Jessica Nicholsen was com
hostess. é”?5,pnu '

Jinn; in '-1 gave a report that the pconies
are in tla;

There w‘;fl 3. no Board meeting in Decem~
her. The Cngii"gxp Tea will be held at Ann
Campbell's on v=“”3er 12. The January Board
meeting will L; -J‘ at Harriet Shanklin’s on
January 6, 13; 1‘ ? y.m. There will be no
Boarfi meeting in 'r ruary.

M s 1;”“xn uPW from Lookout Mountain, Tenn—
essee. flFpa7“ on flower arranging and on set-
ting un i‘:u;” snows, presented an excellent procra
She also not with Sarah Davis, Mary Dawson, and
Betsy Lillenrcyer concerning setting up a
flower fitnw in the Spring. This will be a Tri—

was served and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane H. Lovell
Recording Secretary


 79:11”8t fleeting January 6, 1986

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexindton
net at the home of Harriet Shanklin on Jan—
mery 6, 1986 at two 9. m. Thirteen (13) mem—
hers were present.

President, Patricia Green called the meet~
inc to order. SecretarV, Diane Lovell, read
*qut s from November 4 and 21. They were ap—

:oved as read.

Patricia reported we had received $150 .00
frew tie Yeeneland Foundation. She will write
a note thanking them and ask them to remove our
mane from their donation list at the present,
since our cookbook is doing so we 11. It was
ire consensus of the board that we continue
‘ Friends of the Garden"

Helen Breckinridqe reported $792.93 in
checking, $8,005.12 special fund and $15,161.63
ithoney Market Fund. Louise reported $900.00
1% checking and $7500.00 in cash equivelent.

A note will be written to Bob Hillenmeyer
iharking him for his help and expen nse with the
:tznies. Patricia will discuss with Mrs. Prewitt‘
Cc :ntti, the amount to give the men who helped
glen: the peonies.

Betsy nillenmeyer said her committee would
.hieet and voting would talqe place in March.(Ad-

She hoard discussed proposing Raven Run for

P‘Junders Fund Award. Carolyn Caldwell feels

1 interest is needed from club members. No

"' made at this time..They will be
. drive and it was felt that our club
C- ”out? 13;)! Jet .

Htrnn Nevin 598 me; with Martha Law at the
flower ShOs. Places,
i :ilscwzfsatu We xvill
;€_ inll retfxer than the
' ' ~3” en fieril


 wm_ January 6,
“.“D THE MOTION’ CARRIED. This money
out of Helen's account.
icia reported the cookbook is consfau
'UQ printing. Other publisher» are
nto. A simple set of books is being
char needs a black an! white photo
m the GCA :elanaer. Our zone
inle for January 1987.
no Fobru~rv :oaré roetwnr


Respectfully submittefi,

Diane E. Lovell
Recording Secretary


 The Garflen Clyb 3f lewir L?»
bOUT Fauntrv Club or Jantary 13. ;“
.- . .. .'~:«\, ”‘11-... . 1.. ., .- 2. 2
'ghixi_r \5v, Ltwjkpab “ELL.11A

anfi Ictty hinkcav serv'

.' . . .*:‘1_.
t.t.x(. . . . 't‘ (:1 —~<¢L\va|\.:l..
5' . K . ,.§ ' "
.. I")1“"L){;. 1.17.1-(13; XVLLJ.
v'« u. .2 7- \ ' .2 .. l‘ ( p
'a. ()JJ 21g“: .1... I .3. .1.L:\ .
’“txjn; £15-- antctr

,1 ‘ J- ..’
1:3: taxtL 2;.: ..L21

(“U 1.24.1;33/

'\ F?


:' "' 11397;: I
rq Secretary


Mi“ \@
hM/s. w): l I'wfiW


 Jafch 3, 1986


The Board of the Carden Club of Lex-
ington net at the home 0? Harriet Shanklin on
March 3, 1985 at two (2) p.m. Wleven
members were present.

President, Patricia Green, called the
meeting to order. Secretary, Diane Lovell
read the minutes from January 6, 1986.

They were approved as read.

Admissions chairman, Retoy Tillenneyer,
reafl the list of propoeed candidates for
membership, and their qualifications.

Treasurer, Velen Breckinridee, reported
$u89.1u in checkinp, $9107.91 in the Wrivht
account and $15,25u.63 in cash equivilent.
Louise lorris reported $8,631.00 in cash
equivilent and $279,u3.

Patricia read information on the non-
inees for the Founders Fund Award. This
will be voted on at the April meeting.

Leonard Tharpe will present a grocram
on hay 15 at Shakertown. He will Furnish
between $H00-$1000 of material and a round
trip ticket for hémand his friend From
Houston. There will be a limit 0? 123 people.
A ticket for the 10 a.m. program and lunch
at l p.m. will be $20.00. Hembera may invite
guests. Any available space may be offered
to members of surrounding clubs. headline
for our members will be April lst.

Kathy Brewer cave inFormation aapro-
gram sponsored by the Speed Hiseum Alliance
called "Art in Bloom" to be Held on April
l7~19. Information For our members will be
in the Floomin fiews.

Petty Tenney reported that the boxwood
had been fertilized. John will reoort to
work the first pretty day in March. Kathv
stated that there will be a three person qw~¢hn
committee the next two years. One will
attend the Board meetinv.

Jim Rebman will be the speaker at the
Harch meeting, to be held at the Idle fiour.
The Annual meetino will be April 17th. The
location has not been decided yet.



V The cookboox is fioinfi into the third
printing. Je will use the same unfilisher.
15 030 covies have been ordered.

) The next board :3.::~.<'2’ci.rrT will be held
on Avril 7, 1986 at the home oF Patricia

Votinr was then held 5V secret ballot
for new membmrs. Io neg members Jill be
invited At this time.

Conservation chairman, Virfiinia “a133,
read information on Perennials that we need
for Pittsburi.

Txere heinw no further busine a, the
neeting adiournod.

Respect‘ully suzmitted


fiiane P. Lovell
Recordinc Secretary




The Garden Club of Lexington met on March
20, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. The neeting was held at th-
Idle hour Cpuntiy Club with Lot Crutcher and
Nonie Vance serving as hostesses. Thirty—
two (32) aembere were present.

Mr. James Rebvann, the Jenior Envircmen~
tal Planner for the Urban County Government,
presented a slide show on ‘Oil and Gas Oper-
ations and Brine Polution of our Surface Water."

Scottie Walton suggested some of our
Garden Club members attend the Philadelphia
Flower Show next year.

Dottie Kachs read a synoysis of the
Founders Fund Nomine 3. Winner will receiVe

The Speed Museum Alliance is sponsoring
a show "Art in Eloom" along with lectures and
workshops April l7~lS. Martha Stewart, Dr. ”arc
Cathey and Sheila McQueen are on the program.
Contact Kathy Brewer if interested.

Leonard Tharpa of Houston, Texas will
demonstrate the art of flower arranging at
Shakertown on May 15. Lecture will be at 10:00
A.M. followed by lunch at 1:00 P.M. Cost will be
$20.00. Guests are welcomed. Checks should he
sent to Sarah Davis by April 1.

New Program Chairmen, Susan Coates and
Betty Kinkead would like our input on ideas
for future programs.

Kathy Brewer presented the slate of
officers for 1986—1988. They were unanimously

Zone meeting will be October 21—23 in
Louisville. Two classes for flower show will be

The Annual meeting will be held on Agril
17 at 10:00 A.M. at the Walnut Hill Church.
Carolyn Caldwell, Harriet Shanklin and Dottie
Wachs will serve as hostesses.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane E. Lovell
Recording Secretary




The ;oa1d of the Gaiierx Club of Lexington

. at the home of Iatrici fresh on Apri17.l98€
2p.m. Lhirteen membeis Mal: rrfscnt/

Treasurer, Melon Titsiirridne, reported
$48F%.14 jII‘Qhetfliiflq, $9,2E37Lfi} irassaviruvs and
$15,254.63 in Lhe cash eqaiVeTHnt Funfi. Louise
Morris rerlacted $<57;.c; in -La? eorivelent and
$355.51 in LMHLL1L-. eMrJ‘Ya CaiJWell sgoqestm
ed combining savings and cash a tivclent. HELEN
will fiiscuss this wit; the inco in? troasvrer.


Vatricia suggeste? to
have her boarQ VGMLCIS

Kathy announc "

Patricia Green} Leco

Keller; Corres ending

Treasurer, alitha Z‘ie

Mary Dawson and Mo Lthinztor

on the board; Program, Latty

Coates Wlth hetty serving as
AwardS; Mary McDowell Boone;

Helen Breckiuridqe; Flower Show

Horticulture, Betty Tenney;

Ginny Adams. W¢Mfiklfiual

@- “Ix-WWW-

Memorials were the; Liifie19h*
Louise M rris moved that on the
her, $2'j.00 DE; SE}? aflg; Witi’li-l
bufogt—?6r memoriaI'fIOGtrs to
Ashtc.nd Garden in memorv of the
CorresoofiEEEE Secretary twouLB
soonsibility bf notiLying tha-
LEWS, Lnd the family..harriet

Motion. carrieo.


rfikdd mo


a mznruw quc
V Q15 2-

2) TL:
1 7") {L L3 I

i? <


. r“











‘I 1

(’\RDP*’: Betty' bimbo; KEITflfin—7i $31 hafl
fifiLllyn receiveo some 1LLorIar191 on the garden
project the (ECA is underta];inq. She asked
for suggestions on aptitrriote gardens. Ashlané
and i s. Paggins' were suggested afiovng others.

The Henry Clay Fountaticn Toarf Will be


 .AEIEJ; 7 -' 1986



meefih: an April 16, .‘ .~" write
a la: “gfi‘r\3} ‘ I a . r . u for
. .-ies cmmL
wv+ +her. Fissy Parris
wotified. Betty' also
trrn ”ad "" "

.r . . - ’ .
a "‘ L ’ 4 _‘: — " '- » . ., pex‘imi S

nux CCA dues are goinc
fufiul‘Ar-(i. IRFGfiEOTsz "i1‘ci.n j!-
yuus T '.50 flaking the

‘1 "Eif‘fi‘: 1: i: ,‘7‘3'. (111633 E24 5 0 0C a




TWCDii}..?' Ceii‘l“i&*‘}-

..' "

1 hnmrch.

1: >rcpriate for

‘ -V. 1‘ .-
{A ..‘.1 1.x:

3'3} ‘- '*, } gm a110f::_g‘

- v ,.. .
“?I‘-(7"3‘l )_,11¢

mirangemen s .


Bidne h. Lova‘
Recording Secretary


 30in; arerlui le 5, 1986

Bhe floard of the iarden Club of Lexington
set at the hose of Louise :orris on Jay 5. 1936
at 1:30p.s. Eleven renters were present.

fireasurer. Jalitha Freeman. reported
759.73 in checking. ; ,200.00 in savings and
.523.63 in the cash equivelent fund.

10:10wa Louise uorris moved that oarah Javis
be reimbursed for her expenditures for art in
bloom at the Speed luseum. anne jay seconded.
fiction carried.

She salaries of John Carter and Carol Gerwin
were discussed. John's salary has been raised
from p#.00 an hour to 94.80. Carol's raise is
from g3.50 an hour to $3.75.

QOEION: hELdI esscnlnmlo;a moved that
John Sarter's salary be increased to g5.00 an
hour. flat wage. Louise worris seconded and
notion carried.



éafiafid: we have applied to the nenry Clay
Foundation for 95,000.00 to install a sprinkler
syster and fence around the peonies.

fihere is still weeding to be done in the
peonies. Lou oimpson has names of three garden—
ers who might work in the peony beds. After
much discussion it was decided to use the
jarden Club members first, then secondly. to
talk to dohn deter to see if he would be interest-

to othington said that more workers were
needed in the garden. Even if you are not
signed up to work, pleas come.

fiery undress ve¥ey§£510ng with Inez
Johnston, is in charge of the garden refresh-
ments each lednesday.

PRogkns: Betty hinkead reported that all
tickets 1120) have been sold for Leonard Eharp.
on may 15, 1986 at Shakertown. Shere is a waiting

jhere will be no eeneral Meeting in august
due to so nany members being out of town. She
friends of the Jarden party will be held in
early $epteaber. Co-chairaam need to be chosen.



prewar announced the gone VII meeting
id in Lauisville uctober 21-23, 19d6.

:ue June guard meeting will meet at the
haue 3? so ethington an June 2, lead at 1:309.m.

:here being no further business the weeting

gespectfully submitted

[2425222 f {1/4

Sallie C. geller
necordinfi jecretary


 :5, 5‘ 7. '_ '1’“ K
.J I._-J.€l1-.$4.§L.1J .. p.12,i.l.~,f




, . ,4 -\ '1 .j 97% “ . ' .,. ,_ .,.
3.. ¢ :8 43121.92] 2.; .Lu 1,; 2 J. “EAL: Lg, b’.‘ 1 1
tawz 01 .ay 15, lyau as 1Q:UU&.L.

beautiful progra: 9f flawer arranging MRS

prea nted by uednara fiharp of nouarmn, gexas.
after the prograu. the pegberg and guests
afijourned to lunch.
despeccfully submitted

Val/" 4 \Ȣ ,a
(:11 ten i \ ,xécaéé’m
Sallie C. Leller
decoraing Jecretary


 u . f“ . Z
,1 '1 LIN: ; U Ji\-..;« 4. 1g); 1

she fioard of the warden Slub of Lexington met
at the home of no Lthinaton on June 2, 1966 at
1:309.w. Ewelve members Aere pres ent.

:alitha “reeman, freasurer, reported for
ileanor ilward the fo llowine: ;Z.501.16 in check-
ing and 60,712.00 in cash equivelent fund.

Salitha also reported: 12,615.35 in checking
(includes a check frou caokhoda' trea6urer note of
11,625. 00). 36, 250. 09 in savinws and 115,523.63
in tile cash e1uivelent iund.

Lalitna gave the lollouin financial lijuree
on Leonard Enarp' s prowram:

Jeoosit of g2,637.50 132 reservations J 120.00
L / .1
66. 0 sale of flowers and props
fi3-202-OO total

Disbursement § 760.10 117 lunches s;6.35+17.94tay
62.50 éarah Javis
920.00 Lexington firavel Cen.. fare
36.23 ticket printing
11,616.83 total

iargin 11.363.17 4n.1164iu

we still owe Leonard Sharp and Jessica Lell.

116661: gary uawson spent 11,050.00 on box-
wood for the garden.

10 ethington stated that tiere were many wbrk-
ers in the garden eacn Wednesday. «ulch has keen
put on the peoniee.

fine nenry Clay Roundation voted on 1pril 16,

to give the iarden Club 65.000-00-

Jot Jrutcher suggested that we research the

of the fence that we want to enclose the
ebecca Van eter or Eat JeCafip might help
- She sprinkler system '3 being in- I

1 Kathy Jérewer stated that nine
16 tow, gone VII Chairnall, "ould like t) attend
our 1eneral Jeeting on Friday, October 24, 19 66.
getty Rinkead will work this out with the noeteee.
Shere will be ten eeneral meetings this year.
an net and .e oruarv.

3065;6V12106: Lathy xrvwer spoke of "Jarland


 £339 2 June 2, 1953

of :enerations", 3 c

L nservaticn -3rientati3r filh,
that the £33 has pr

ducefi. Luthy will n;31f/ w

Lelen firech inrid ;e 31 thee 111 VWV
.xfter much dis cussion, it «as agreed that the
}arden Slum should take a stand on Joyota. Lathy
will find out what we can do immediately and with
fihe wast impact.

Lathv prewar, Jo: Jrutc her and wary woJowell
Loone attended the 3J3 -1nnual eetinr in rittsburg,
Lay 19-21. 1953. fihe :a; den Slub of Leylnmcun re-
ceived two plant awards 3n perennials grown by
firfiinia Hagan.

fihe *uunderl's fund award was Won by Jone V's
naminatian, the '1egtorr tion of John Larzran's
garden in Lhil? déL hia.

opened a "hot line”, t ty— ~four hours
gleals «1th current yzent
SUGS. . S 21 7/:Uu-7a L.
Jhe next Daard fleeting will
Uary :0 93.911 hnone on Qulj 7,
ghere being no further businesr

¢espectfully Bdbrittefi
,' )'/ , I

Sallie 3. neller
mecordin; gecretard


 JUAA 19.1956

:he Jarfien Slub of Lexington met at shland
larden on June 19, 1966 at 11:QO a.u. J5'h00t60g69
were Janey Liehap and betty Aenan. fihi rty—eix
(36} Herbere were present.

Areesurer :alitne Ere man reported a 5612.07
prafit to the jarden Slut an Leonard Eharp's
greeentatiez anfi luncreon.

metty Lenney, ”urticulture, announced that the
Qarden Jlub will enter four of the five claeeee At
the sine “eet1n5 Octaber 21—23. 1986. She five
elaeeee ere:

*1. Challenge class

2. 11;;CLjrephic class
“#3. Aeneecewe 4-51) Glee
A. Challenge class

5. rer class

1 required

rreeieent.Aathy AreAer announced that he
Aarden Jluwras seconded the neeination 9f :re.
Albert Heutlinger of the Alenview garden Slub for
tie jone V11 Aorticulture .Aard.

:etty lerr. uirectar the the Lenry Clay
Leunéation, slaoke briefly. 5he thanked us fer the
anA oin3 Aork in the lovely55 garden and to notify her
on epeci fie dates Amen Ae Llfin to ue e the garden.

Saran gavis. 5erden. g1rted that the
sprinkler e75 ten in the arden is etill not
functioning p10perly.5erah will 15,0k into fixin5‘
updet ingo nd/or replacing the pres sent eyste2. A
new sprinkler systez has been installed in the
peon1ee. '

Aatf my Yrewer announCed the Friends 91 the
Aarden g9 .rtu will be held Flureday, deptenber A.
1986. gets“ King and all1e Keller will be 00-

aiffy alton 5r1,n+ 5cotty Aalton's daughter.
has been named Outetend 1mg Apprentice 53rdener of
the Four Jounties Garden Glue. Congratulations
tn her!

Anne Jurnex re.d the resolution to salitha
Ghenault 5tell.

Kathy Erewer will attend the board of Ad~
justment'e meeting an OCAa e treaty ent in Leorge-
tDAn. Aentucky on June